In a private house      01/25/2021

At what month can a girl's ears be pierced? At what age is it better to pierce a girl's ears? Care after a piercing

Earrings on the tiny earlobes of small children look especially touching and cute. However, the question of at what age it is possible and when is the best time to pierce a girl’s ears is not only an aesthetic, but also a medical problem.

Some mothers are sure that the ideal time for this procedure is 6-8 months, others wait up to a year, and others go to specialists no earlier than five years.

And yet, when is it better to pierce a child’s ears? It is important to find out the recommendations of pediatricians and dermatologists, as well as choose the right salon to carry out the piercing as safely as possible and without consequences.

Many parents of girls are concerned about whether to insert earrings into the ears of children under one year old or wait until they are 5-7 years old. It is extremely difficult to give a definite answer, since the opinions of both mothers themselves and specialists differ.

People who oppose this hygienic procedure at an early age express the following arguments in favor of their point of view:

Supporters of infant ear piercing present their arguments, which also seem quite weighty to them:

  1. Beauty and tenderness - many parents like tiny girls with earrings.
  2. Due to their physiological characteristics, small children (up to one year old) tend to be easier to tolerate painful sensations. If a child of 5-6 years old can be psychologically traumatized by this procedure, then a baby of 6-8 months will simply cry a little and forget.
  3. After 10-12 years of age, children have an increased risk of developing keloid scars at puncture sites.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you must decide whether it is worth inserting earrings into children’s ears or whether you can wait a little so that the girl makes the choice herself.

The main contraindication to such a procedure is the reluctance of the girl herself. Naturally, this applies to children over 6-7 years old, since at the age of one year no one will be interested in the baby’s opinion.

If a girl refuses to have her ears pierced, she should not insist.

The following may also be grounds for refusing this procedure:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • eczema skin lesions;
  • reduced immunity due to a recent viral or bacterial disease (you need to wait a few weeks);
  • children's fear of various medical procedures;
  • child's allergies;
  • inclination skin to scarring.

Some of these restrictions are absolute, others are relative - after some time you can return to the discussion of this issue.

So, the question of at what age this procedure is performed is considered quite controversial. For example, the advice of psychologists is as follows - it is best to pierce your ears before the age of one and a half years.

The younger the child, the less negative emotions will remain in his memory.

  1. On the earlobes there are active points responsible for the functioning of various internal organs. At an early age, the earlobes are very small, the points are as close as possible to each other, so there is a risk of damaging them, which can affect the functioning of all organs.
  2. At three years of age, immunity is already more developed, so the threat of contracting an infection is significantly reduced. In addition, you can explain to the girl why she shouldn’t touch the earrings in her ears too often.

But the widely known and often quoted Dr. Komarovsky assures that in medicine there are no strictly defined deadlines regarding the start of this procedure.

Although the doctor does not approve of ear piercing before a year, he advises not to delay this procedure, since the risk of skin scarring increases in adolescence. If piercing is performed correctly, Dr. Komarovsky believes, the procedure will not affect the health of children in any way.

What time of year should the procedure be performed?

Why does the time of year matter? It seems that the earrings look equally beautiful both in summer and in cold weather. However, when it comes to children's health, it is important to take into account all sorts of factors, including the time of year.

  • Winter is not suitable for ear piercing. Just imagine - cold weather, turtlenecks and sweaters, hats. You or your child may catch your earring on a knitted item and injure your ears.
  • For the same reason, the transition periods - March and October-November - are not suitable for ear piercing.
  • The summer months are also not the best time for piercing. Hot weather will increase the risk of infection and slow healing.
  • The ideal time period is May and early autumn. During these months, the heat subsides or has not yet begun, and knitted clothes are not yet worn. And all wounds heal much faster.

It's interesting that folk signs also approve of the last option, considering best time For ear piercing, the blossoming period of apple trees is May.

If you have decided at what age you will perform this procedure, all that remains is to decide where it will take place. Only a specialized salon or medical center is suitable for this. Of course, you can pierce your ears with a needle at home, but you cannot save on children's health.

Piercing is carried out with a special gun - disposable or reusable. Puncture with a disposable pistol is more expensive, but you will be convinced of its sterility.

The “gun” is loaded with an earring made of special low-allergenic steel. Then a neat hole is made with a gun in the central part of the earlobe.

Unfortunately, not a single salon can yet boast of a completely silent pistol, so it is worth warning the child before the procedure so that he is not afraid of loud clicks.

Despite this drawback, piercing the ears with a gun is the safest and most painless option for this type of “piercing,” so feel free to take your baby to the salon.

When contacting a salon or center, be sure to inquire about the qualifications of the master; do not hesitate to ask for certification documents and a license. A doctor or piercer must have a special medical education.

Another important question is how much does this cosmetic procedure cost? A look at the websites of salons and medical centers shows that the average price is 550 rubles for one ear. How much you have to pay largely depends on the materials and qualifications of the craftsman.

The first week after the piercing, you need to carefully monitor your ears. You should examine the earlobes and monitor the secretion.

If a lot of ichor or blood comes out of the puncture, it is necessary to treat the hole with Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. You should also wipe the earlobe with alcohol.

To prevent the hole from becoming overgrown, and to prevent the earring and the edges of the wound from sticking together, you must move the nail or twist the ring up to five times a day.

Simultaneously with the development of the earring, it should be treated with peroxide or an alcohol-containing liquid.

Care tips look like this:

  • Move the earring with light movements to prevent sticking to the skin;
  • remove dried ichor from your earlobe;
  • treat the earring and piercing with the above-mentioned products.

Usually after seven days the wounds heal and the hole is finally formed. If the wound continues to bleed, you can and should consult a doctor. In such situations, examination and treatment is carried out by a dermatologist or otolaryngologist.

Earrings issued at the salon are usually changed after a couple of months. However, in the case of rapid healing and no complications in children, the first carnations are sent to the box, and pre-prepared earrings are hung on the girls’ ears.

Choosing earrings

If you still have a question about replacing earrings, be sure to pay attention to the following important points:

  1. Earrings for girls at least one year old and at least 5 years old should only be gold or silver. You should absolutely not exchange medical steel for regular jewelry.
  2. Children have different reactions to jewelry materials: some do not care what metal the earrings are made of, others prefer silver, and others prefer gold.
  3. Girls need to buy earrings that are as simple as possible. Let them be without patterns, small parts and pebbles. This will help protect children from accidental injuries.
  4. Make sure the fasteners are secure. It is important that the earrings open under certain forces so that you can remove them and the child cannot lose them.

However, regardless of whether you resort to this procedure at one year old, three years old or five years old, it is important to follow all the principles of personal hygiene, carefully monitor the condition of the ears and treat punctures with special means.

In addition, girls of preschool age already need to be interested in the desire to wear earrings, because not all little princesses want to have jewelry in their ears.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

One of the jewelry that women love so much is earrings. For this reason, many mothers of babies begin to think about piercing their little fashionistas’ ears immediately after their birth. Moreover, if for one parent favorable time The age of puncture is considered to be from 8 months, while others take their daughters to this procedure only at the age of five.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears? This issue is of considerable importance, because the problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical in nature. In order for the procedure to be carried out in a timely manner, it is better to ask for advice from a pediatrician and dermatologist.

Is it possible to pierce the ears of small children?

In some cultures, wearing earrings is considered mandatory for women. In this case, ear piercing can be performed on the baby immediately after birth.

Is it worth getting a baby's ears pierced in the modern world? Or is it better to wait until she grows up? This question is not easy to answer. Much depends on the girl’s parents and their preferences.

There are opinions for and against early ear piercing. The arguments against are as follows:

The arguments for early ear piercing are as follows:

  • beauty and attractiveness of a girl with earrings in her ears;
  • higher pain threshold in children compared to adults;
  • there is a risk of keloid scar formation in girls after 10 years of age.

Contraindications to the procedure

In some conditions and illnesses in a child, ear piercing may have to be avoided. Sometimes it is enough to simply postpone the event.

Experts have identified the following contraindications to ear piercing:

At what age is the best time to get your ears pierced?

What age can be considered the most suitable for ear piercing? At what age can you do it?

Psychologists support early needling between the ages of 9 months and 2 years. At this time, the baby does not realize what is happening and will quickly forget about the painful procedure, but the girl will already have real jewelry in her arsenal, which is important for many mothers.

The disadvantages of carrying out the procedure at this age include the fact that the earlobe is in the growth stage, and subsequently the piercing may move, the earrings will be crooked.

According to doctors, age from 3 years is the most optimal. The growth and formation of the ears is suspended at this time, which makes ear piercing safer. It is easier to explain to a three-year-old child that they should not touch their ears after the procedure so that they heal faster and there are no hygiene problems. The disadvantage of performing the procedure at this age is that severe painful sensations are possible, which will lead to tears and hysteria after piercing one ear and resistance when piercing the second. In this case, it is important to properly set up the baby psychologically.

Preschool and school age(from 5 to 10 years) is the period when a child can ask for his ears to be pierced. Girls want to be beautiful and imitate their peers at school. At this age, the girl will already be responsible for treating wounds, will endure unpleasant sensations, and will choose the decoration herself. The downside to having your ears pierced after the age of ten is the risk of an unsightly keloid scar forming at the piercing site.

What time of year is best to get your ears pierced?

Each season has positive and negative aspects regarding ear piercing. Parents themselves should determine the period that would be better suited for their child:

  1. In winter, children need to be dressed warmly, which means that the puncture site will come into contact with the hat and sweater, in addition, the earring can get caught on clothing, which will increase the wound. In this case, healing will take longer. The puncture site may sweat and become cold. All this suggests that you shouldn’t pierce your daughters’ ears unless necessary during the winter.
  2. Summer is a hot and dusty time of year. The child is often outside, playing with sand and a ball. touches with dirty hands your face and ears, sweating. For this reason, there is a high probability of dirt particles getting into the wound, which will lead to an inflammatory process. That is, summer, like winter, cannot be called a favorable period for ear piercing for children. However, many parents, especially those whose children are going to go to school or kindergarten in the fall, strive to pierce their little ones’ ears just in the summer, so that the wounds will heal over the summer, and the little fashionista will already go to school with earrings. In this case, careful adherence to hygiene standards and proper care for wounds.
  3. Spring and autumn are considered the most optimal for children's ear piercings. However, at this time, when the climate changes, the body’s protective functions decrease, and the immune system often weakens. Colds are common in spring and autumn. For this reason, you should choose a moment when the child is not sick and behaves actively and cheerfully. It is recommended to get the piercing done in late spring or early fall.

Possible ear piercing options

There are three ways to pierce a child's ear:

  1. Using a special catheter needle, which is selected to the size of the earlobe. With this piercing it is possible to wear any earrings, in addition to standard studs. In this case, the auricle is disinfected on both sides, the piercing site is marked with a marker, the earlobe is pierced with a disposable needle, an earring is inserted and the earlobe is treated with a healing cream. This method is best used for adult girls, due to the sufficient duration of the procedure, pain and fear of the needle.
  2. Using a reusable gun, the ear is pierced after preliminary disinfection. The device is charged with the selected stud earrings. The earlobe is placed in a special section of the device, after which it fires. The ear is pierced with the earring itself, after which it is treated with a healing cream. In this case, the wound turns out not to be torn, as in the case of a needle, but punctured. The pain is practically not felt, the procedure is carried out very quickly. The disadvantages include the loud sound when punctured, which can frighten the child, the limited choice of special earrings and the incomplete sterility of the device, which poses a small risk of infection.
  3. The safest way to pierce a child's ears is with a disposable sterile pistol (System 75). This is a painless method. This involves using a completely sterile instrument that looks like a stapler into which a disposable cartridge is inserted. The specialist does not touch the jewelry while performing the procedure. The earrings for System 75 are sharpened in a special way, so there is virtually no risk of tissue tearing. The ear is carefully pierced with a pistol, so the wound heals quickly and without complications. There is no noise or pain during the procedure. The disadvantage of this piercing is the significant cost of the procedure. You can see more details about how the procedure is carried out in the video below.

Where to go?

Be sure to contact experienced specialists for ear piercing, because the earlobe contains points responsible for the activity of internal organs. It is very convenient that today a child’s ears are pierced in almost every beauty salon or medical center, regardless of how old the girl is.

You need to choose a trusted establishment (salon or medical center), which employs professional specialists who provide the service in question quickly and with little pain. If you do the procedure in a beauty salon, do not forget to ask whether the cosmetologist has a medical education. Without a special document, he does not have the right to have his ears pierced.

Never try to pierce your baby's ears at home! You may do it unevenly and incorrectly. The photo below shows a variant of an incorrect puncture.

Choosing earrings

Girls should not wear jewelry, heavy large earrings, or jewelry with loose stones. At first, the baby wears earrings provided by the salon, which can be replaced with others after 1-2 months. There are cases when mothers put pre-prepared earrings on their children earlier if the wounds heal quickly.

Basic rules for selecting earrings:

  1. Earrings for children should be gold or silver. The use of medical steel and ordinary jewelry is unacceptable.
  2. Different children may react differently to particular material. It is important to monitor the body's reaction to metal.
  3. Earrings for a girl should be as simple as possible and not contain small details. This way the girls will be insured against accidental injuries.
  4. Decoration clasps must be reliable and open when subjected to certain forces so that the child does not lose the decoration.

Ear care after the procedure

After earlobes are pierced, no matter what age the child is, the recommended wound care should not be neglected. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur.

Proper care is as follows:

  • 2-3 weeks after ear piercing, you need to treat your ears with an antiseptic (diluted alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or another drug recommended by a specialist will do);
  • sometimes treatment with special creams and ointments is recommended;
  • when inflammation occurs, wipe the earlobes with a weak solution of manganese, but in this case it is better to consult a doctor;
  • strict adherence to all the rules given by the master in the salon;
  • during the first week the wound should not be wetted;
  • the child will have to refuse the pool and full baths;
  • The child's hair should be tied up in a braid or ponytail to prevent it from getting caught in the earrings.

When such happiness happened in the house - a little princess was born, the parents strive in every possible way to emphasize her beauty with the help of various decorations. Many mothers, in their irrepressible concern for the external attractiveness of their baby, try to introduce them to fashion trends from the first months. And this is expressed by piercing the girl’s ears to wear earrings, which are associated in modern secular society with the concept of an elegant and successful woman.

Earrings in a little girl's ears

Small neat earrings in children's ears look touching and cute. Therefore, I would like to support the opinion of those mothers who believe that ears should be pierced as early as possible, so that the stress of an injection in the earlobes and the unpleasant healing process are not so clearly imprinted in the baby’s memory. But they don’t know exactly at how many months a child’s ears can be pierced. Another part of the mothers says that it is better to carry out this procedure later, when the child is already older and stronger. In addition, at an older age, it is already possible to explain to the girl that it is impossible to touch the ears, as well as tug at the earrings during the period of wound healing, because the baby will not understand this and will constantly injure the healing holes. And at what age can a girl be considered ready for the ear piercing procedure?

But there is a third category of parents who doubt whether it is possible to pierce a child’s ears at all. Isn't it better to wait until adolescence so that the daughter can make her own? conscious choice Should she wear earrings or not? What is the situation from a medical point of view? Is it possible for small children to have their ears pierced and what is the optimal age for such a procedure?

We pierce our ears every year

Earrings have long been considered the most common of women's jewelry. In ancient times, women, girls and even girls wore them with pleasure. But in the modern world, you can often see elegant children's products in the small ears of 2-3-year-old babies, and some caring mothers pierce their babies' ears almost immediately after their birth. So at what age can children have their ears pierced and is it worth doing it at such an early age?

The parents' argument boils down to the fact that this is very beautiful and distinguishes a girl with earrings from just a girl. But, besides beauty, there is also health. It can be seriously damaged by early ear piercings. Let’s study the opinions of experts on how harmless this procedure is and at what age it is easier to tolerate. For example, is it possible to pierce a child’s ears at one year of age?

Let's start with the fact that babies at such a foolish age do not even think about beauty. They don’t need it yet and it may even turn out to be harmful when, during the healing process, and even after it, the earrings will cling to hair, clothes, bedding and bring pain to the baby. Wearing earrings early is more popular with parents who enjoy admiring their child with jewelry and showing it off to other parents. They have an additional topic for discussion: who put on the earrings and when and how much they paid for this beauty in children’s ears.

The child’s opinion should always be taken into account!

Maybe you shouldn’t impose your own decisions on your beloved daughters? Maybe it’s not up to the parents to decide whether to pierce their child’s ears or not, but to inquire about his attitude to this issue after he is old enough for this? When your daughter is ready to correctly perceive jewelry, and this will not happen earlier than 5-6 years, then return to solving this issue. In addition, not all children can have their ears pierced, and a qualified specialist must decide how safe it is.

Consequences of early ear piercing

So, at what time can you get your child’s ears pierced? But first you need to figure out whether this needs to be done at all. After all, it’s no secret that the human earlobe is rich in nerve endings. Injuring them can lead to the most unexpected consequences. If, for example, you squeeze your earlobe tightly, the pain that was felt before will significantly weaken or even subside. In a state of near fainting, first aid can be provided by an intense massage of the earlobe, which will quickly return the person to reality.

When trying to understand at what age a child’s ears can be pierced, you should clearly understand that all these nerve endings are constantly affected by earrings while they are worn. In every baby, the nervous system, as well as the organs of sensory perception, are still in the most rudimentary state, developing intensively over time. Any rough and inept intervention in such a complex process can lead to its incorrect course and very unpleasant consequences. If you accidentally touch the nerves associated with the functioning of the organs of vision, this can significantly reduce it, and the nerve endings affected during ear piercing, which are directly connected to the cardiovascular system, will worsen the functioning of the child’s heart. At the same time, the baby’s ear is not yet well formed.

For this reason, even if it is possible to pierce a child’s ears in a year, what the consequences will be will only be seen after some time. Perhaps everything will turn out well and the struggle for the girl’s beauty will not harm her. But there is always a certain amount of risk when, in an effort to decorate the baby, irreparable harm will be caused to the body. Therefore, if the parents value the child’s health more than winning the competition, who managed to put earrings on the girl first, it is better to postpone this. In principle, you can pierce a child’s ears at 1 year of age. But at the same time, you need to think about his well-being and monitor hygiene after the procedure.

Can a baby's ears be pierced?

It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this important question, at what age can a child’s ears be pierced. For medical reasons, it is preferable to do this at the age of six years, but certainly not younger than three years of age. There is no need, except at the whim of the parents, to show off earrings at six months, which can not only injure the baby, but also choke if the jewelry accidentally comes off. The child doesn’t understand that you need to be extremely careful with this thing and puts everything he sees or touches into his mouth. Not to mention the fact that a thin and delicate baby lobe can easily be torn or seriously injured while changing clothes, bathing, or playing with the baby.

Visit your doctor before getting your ears pierced!

We have already found out at what age a child’s ears can be pierced. If you still decide to ignore the warnings of experts and want to put this jewelry on your girl, then you should first contact a qualified pediatrician. He will help make sure that there are no medical obstacles to the child undergoing such a procedure. After all, not every little one can have their ears pierced. It is strictly forbidden to do this if you have blood or skin diseases, especially if you may have an allergic reaction to any medications or have skin problems in the ear area. Also, ear piercings should not be performed while the child is ill.

Who is prohibited from piercing?

In principle, the procedure for piercing ears is not that complicated, however, you should still pay attention to the time at which a child’s ears can be pierced. This procedure does not have too serious side effects, but it does have some contraindications, most of which are temporary. As we have already understood, ear piercings should not be done when the child is unwell or has serious problems in the functioning of the body, which can increase when the earlobes are pierced. Such serious ailments include diabetes, blood diseases and ear inflammation, as well as neurological problems and severe allergic reactions.

When should you wait?

Do not rush to put jewelry on your girl if at this moment you are scheduled for vaccination or are actively cutting teeth, or if the baby has a cold and has a fever. You should not take risks when getting ready to travel, because your ears will require careful care, and while traveling, the conditions are unsuitable for this, and the healing process will be very slow. Refrain from getting ear piercings even if you have recently sent your child to kindergarten. In any doubtful case, it is better to consult a pediatrician so as not to harm the child.

So at what age can a child’s ears be pierced? In each specific case it is decided strictly individually. There is no definitive recommendation on what age girls should have their ears pierced. But whether it’s worth doing this will have to be decided together with a specialist who has all the information about your baby’s health condition and will help you make the best decision.

When can children's ears be pierced and what time of year is best for this?

If we have sorted out the question of what time a child’s ears can be pierced, now another, also very important question has arisen - which time of year is best to do this. There are many nuances in this matter, but if you are still hesitant about the question “when?”, then know that this can be done at any age, as long as there are no contraindications for health reasons. Now, in some maternity hospitals, such a service has been introduced, when, in agreement with the parents, the baby’s ears are pierced right on the first day of her birth, because it is believed that the pain received at such an early age is not stored in the baby’s memory and will not affect the psyche. According to psychologists, ear piercing should be done before the age of 1-1.5 years, so that memories of pain and fear instantly disappear from the baby’s memory.

Is it possible to pierce children’s ears in the summer or is it better to do it in cooler times, when the likelihood of bacteria multiplying in the wound will decrease? There is an opinion that it is better to pierce the ears in late spring or early autumn, when the baby will not be wearing so many hats that injure the wounds during healing, as in winter, but they will not be completely open and exposed to sweat and dust, as in hot summer. Official medicine I completely agree with this, but I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that not only the age of the baby and the time of year play a role in the healing of punctures. A big role here is played by who will do the ear piercings and what care will be provided afterwards.

How to pierce a child's ears correctly?

We have already found out what time a child’s ears can be pierced. If you decide to undertake this event, you need to find a good specialist to whom you can entrust your treasure. This must be a highly qualified specialist who can not only make beautiful holes on your daughter’s ears, but also carry out the entire procedure painlessly and as safely as possible for the nerve endings concentrated in your daughter’s small earlobes. To find yourself in experienced and reliable hands, you need to go not to the nearest hairdresser that provides ear piercing services, but to a specialized beauty salon or even a cosmetology clinic that has all the licenses and certificates necessary for this type of activity.

In the old days, ears were pierced by non-specialists with an ordinary needle dipped in cologne or alcohol, and earrings were inserted with the simplest spacious ear so that it could be moved along the hole without allowing it to become overgrown. Today this procedure is carried out by specialists completely painlessly and safely even for babies.

Punctures are performed with a special sterilized gun - single or reusable. A disposable pistol is more expensive, but the risk of contracting any infection is much lower. It is loaded with a special earring made of hypoallergenic medical steel, which can be used both as a safe means for healing wounds and as decoration. The whole procedure takes place in a split second and goes easily, securing an elegant stud in the earlobe in one movement. On the day when the puncture was performed, you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo, this will reduce the risk of infection.

How to care for pierced ears?

Immediately after the procedure and the next 5-7 days, the wounds should be thoroughly treated with antiseptic solutions - hydrogen peroxide or diluted alcohol. During this time, the baby’s ears should not be wet. If swelling and suppuration appear, rinse them with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate until the inflammation goes away. Do not remove for the first month. If you want to change them, you need to do this with clean, washed hands and very carefully. For one and a half to two months, until the ears heal completely, do not go to the pool or the beach. Put your hair in a bun or ponytail so that it does not cling to the earrings.

Now you are ready to decorate your beloved daughter with beautiful and stylish earrings, and you can do it easily and without unpleasant consequences. Choose earrings and rejoice in your beautiful heiress!

Is it worth getting your ears pierced?

When a boy is born, no one thinks about earrings or piercing his earlobes, although today there are quite a lot of teenagers and adult men who wear earrings or earrings. It's another matter if you have a girl...

In some cultures, wearing earrings is mandatory for females. In this case, the ears are pierced on the first day after birth. There are modern maternity hospitals abroad that offer this procedure in the first days of the baby’s birth.

Opponents of ear piercing for children at an early age indicate the following reasons for refusing it:

risk of infection; nickel, which is contained in piercing earrings, can cause allergies; the risk of touching important points on the earlobe that are responsible for vision, hearing and other important organs; the likelihood of ear injury due to the earring if the child gets caught in it during active play; not everyone agrees that tiny earrings are beautiful; a baby may lose an expensive earring if precious jewelry is worn; The child may swallow the earring if it falls out.

Contraindications for ear piercing

ear diseases (including chronic ones); other serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, skin diseases and etc.); illness (wait at least 2 weeks after the baby’s final recovery); poor blood clotting and wound healing; other blood diseases; weakened immunity (how to strengthen the immune system); low pain threshold; allergy; bad feeling; tendency to keloid scars.

At what age should ears be pierced?

Psychologists recommend ear piercing until children are 1-1.5 years old. Some call a more specific age - 8-10 months. This is explained by the fact that at this age the child has a higher pain threshold and the painful trauma suffered will be forgotten more quickly.

Pediatricians do not recommend having your ears pierced before the baby reaches the three-year mark. This is due to the possible risks of contracting an infection. By the age of three, the baby will have a more developed immune system and it will be easier to treat her. In addition, after 3, it is easier to explain to a child the procedure and why you can’t touch such interesting new earrings in her ears.

At the same time, doctors advise ear piercing before the age of 11, because later there is a higher likelihood of unsightly keloid scars at the site of wound healing. Since this place is often visible, such a cosmetic defect will upset any girl and her parents.

Most mothers and grandmothers decide to pierce their baby’s ears when “she asks.” This can happen in a year, or three, or ten. Whether or not to pierce a daughter's ears at an early age is still at the discretion of the parents.

Answers from mommies from forums

I will pierce my daughter’s ears at a conscious age so that she herself can tell what hurts and what is wrong.

A child’s ears should be pierced when the child consciously knows that if he pulls the earring it will hurt or, God forbid, he will pull it off and swallow it. Plus, at the age of 2-3 years, the girl herself will ask you to do this, then it will be possible.

It should be pierced when the girl herself asks. My daughter came to me at the age of 5 and asked to have her ears pierced. I took her to the salon, I thought she would change her mind. And she sat down with the master and didn’t even make a sound when they pierced her.

I would like to advise the girls. By training, I am a paramedic. Before maternity leave, I first worked as a cosmetologist in a beauty salon. I injected children’s ears. Then I worked in a clinic and went on maternity leave. As a knowledgeable person, I think that it is necessary to inject until the child is a year old when the child does not understand. When they brought me children from 3 years old and the taller girls cannot be expressed in words how they screamed. They themselves ask their mothers what earrings they want. You all talk about those of conscious age, usually then they are afraid to get pierced. My aunt is 45 years old, she always dreamed of getting pierced but was afraid. And she never decided. She pierced her daughter when she was 1 , 2 was easily tolerated. I read that it is necessary to prick correctly when the cherry blossoms, so I did so and they healed very quickly

Whether and when to get your ears pierced is a personal matter. I am on the side of those who believe that the sooner the better. My daughter’s ears were pierced at 8 months, in the spring, so that it wouldn’t be too hot and it would heal faster. The cosmetologist was very good, the child didn’t even feel anything. But I don’t recommend wearing hoop earrings; the child often clings to them with his fingers; simple, small, neat earrings are the best option.

What time of year is best to pierce a child's ears?

There is a belief that ears should be pierced during the flowering period of the apple tree, that is, in May. They say that then everything will quickly heal and there will be no problems with suppuration. This belief appeared among the people for a reason. It is late spring and early autumn that doctors recommend for piercing earlobes. This is due to the lack of intense summer heat and dust, as well as the need to wear warm turtleneck sweaters and hats in the cold winter.

Piercing options

There are two main ways to pierce the earlobes - with a needle and a special gun.

Ear piercing gun

The process of piercing the ears with a needle is quite lengthy and more painful (you must first make a puncture, and then insert an earring or thread) than in the case of a special gun. On the other hand, after piercing with a needle, you can immediately put in permanent gold or silver earrings. This option is still not recommended for little girls.

Piercing your ears with a gun is now a virtually painless procedure. Therefore, now mothers can safely take even the smallest children to the salon.

The ears are pierced with a special sterile pistol. They are disposable and reusable. Puncture with a disposable gun costs a little more, but you will be sure that your baby will not get infected. The gun is loaded with an earring made of medical hypoallergenic steel, which can later be worn as jewelry. The puncture procedure takes a fraction of seconds. The gun, like a stapler, secures the stud to the eye with one click.

Where to pierce

This must be done by specialists, since on the earlobe there are many points responsible for the activity of the internal organs of a person.

Now in almost every beauty salon you can quickly, safely and almost painlessly pierce the earlobes of a child of any age. This procedure is quite accessible. Immediately put on the selected earrings - studs, or earrings with a bow (everything is sterile, stored in special containers).

You can also contact specialized piercing salons (since ear piercing and earlobe piercing are identical concepts), where qualified craftsmen will perform the procedure using disposable needles.

The choice should fall on a trusted salon or medical center, where this procedure will be carried out by professionals - cosmetologists who know where to make the correct and beautiful puncture, how to do it quickly and without pain.

Be sure to ask if the master has a medical education. Cosmetologists without the appropriate “crust” do not have the right to pierce ears.

And under no circumstances allow those who do not do this professionally, but have “experimented” only on themselves and their friends, to do punctures!

If you decide to pierce your child’s ears at the age of 8-9 months, then be sure to explain where and why you are going. Don’t scare the baby, try to hold this event in a relaxed atmosphere of the game. Let me choose earrings, touch the gun, meet the cosmetologist or doctor who will perform the piercing. If it was not possible to reach mutual understanding with the child and the situation makes the baby nervous, then postpone the procedure for several days, months or even years.

The procedure for piercing the ears with a gun is very simple and the same for any age:

Equipment and earlobes are disinfected. Select and insert earrings into the gun. Punctures are made in the center of the earlobe. It is very important to make a puncture exactly in the center - any deviation threatens to hit the area of ​​important points associated with speech, hearing, vision, and teeth.

However, the most important thing about ear piercing begins immediately after the piercing is performed - care during healing.

How and at what time to pierce a girl’s child’s ears with a PISTOL

Caring for pierced ears

Even though you get your baby’s ears pierced at the best cosmetology clinic, wound healing may not be as fast as you might think. This depends on many factors - on the child’s immunity, on some inflammatory processes in the body, as well as on caring for pierced ears. Typically the healing process takes from 1 to 3 months.

Explain to your child that touching earrings during this period is undesirable. Especially with dirty hands. During the entire healing period, it is not advisable to exchange stud earrings for other earrings. During the entire healing period of the piercings, the child’s hair should be pulled back into a ponytail or braided. Otherwise, they may cling to the earrings, which will cause discomfort. At least 2 times a day it is necessary to wipe the puncture sites with antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution or other antiseptic on the advice of a doctor. 4-5 days after the piercing, during the treatment procedure, twist the earrings so that the product gets inside the puncture. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the earlobes for 3-5 days.

If you notice yellow discharge from the puncture site (pus), then you need to additionally treat it with a manganese solution. If the pus does not go away within 2-3 days or the suppuration is quite serious, then you need to consult a doctor. The ears are a very important organ, so pus in the earlobe after piercing should not be treated with disdain!

In the first 5 days after piercing, do not wash your child’s hair and avoid swimming pools or natural bodies of water. Contacts with water and detergents must be seriously limited, so it is advisable to wash your baby’s hair before the procedure.

The duration of the healing process depends on many factors - from the child’s immunity to his level of activity.

The main thing is to follow the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and treat your earlobes every day until they are completely healed.

Some tips on how to choose the right first earrings for your child:

When choosing earrings, preference should be given to gold or silver models. Products made from these materials practically do not cause allergic reactions; Earrings should not be heavy, have sharp corners, large stones; Models with an English lock are preferred, which is quite reliable - the child will not lose the decoration and will not be able to unfasten it on his own.

READ ALSO: when to baptize a child

Doctor Komarovsky

At what age can children have their ears pierced and how can this affect the child’s health, in particular, their vision? Let's ask Dr. Komarovsky about ear piercing.

Tanya gets her ears pierced

And we got our ears pierced!!! Hooray!!! In the post when to pierce a little princess’s ears, I wrote that I want to pierce my daughter’s ears when she herself wants it, when putting on earrings will be an event for her, a real holiday. So, at the end of winter, my three-year-old princess began to ask me to put earrings on her, but alas, I could not satisfy her desire.

Then, the daughter put something on her ears herself - imagining that she had real earrings and pierced ears. Over time, the baby’s desire did not disappear and I decided that it was time for us to go to a cosmetologist and make the long-awaited holes in the ears, and of course, put on real earrings.

Some important points

So, I know a few things for sure about ear piercing:

it doesn't hurt and it's fast; this needs to be done by professionals; First, it is better to wear earrings made of medical steel - this way the wounds will heal faster, and then wear gold and other metals.

I had no idea how to choose a salon and cosmetologist.

The first thing that came to mind was: medical cosmetology center, or beauty salons, of which there are many - they all provide the services I need, but I have not heard reviews about any of them. I decided to use the services of one lady, who was strongly recommended to me by almost all the mothers I knew, and separately. They praised the same cosmetologist, his professionalism and ability to work with children, in short they sang odes. There was also the opportunity to order the services of this cosmetologist at home - in a home environment the child is calmer and he is not so scared.

So I decided to use the service of calling a cosmetologist at home. We tried several times to arrange a meeting at our home, but it didn’t work out. And yesterday it didn’t work out again, but we weren’t too upset, and we went to her salon ourselves. This turned out to be the right decision.

In the cabin

Also read:

The daughter behaved very confidently in the presence of beautiful aunts, she was interested in everything. Her aunts told her that getting her ears pierced doesn’t hurt at all, and then she can wear beautiful earrings.

And here we must give credit to the cosmetologist - she really spoke to her daughter in such a way that she didn’t understand when they pierced her first ear, when they pierced the second - she squeaked a little and immediately ran to the mirror to spin around and show off the earrings in her ears.

She was very encouraged by the compliments from the women present, I think at home she would have been less delighted - after all, there are no beautiful women there with compliments?

How does the procedure work?

Now let's get down to business. Some mothers will be interested How does the procedure of pinning the ears of a small child work?

First, we were given the choice of future earrings - there were so many of them, we couldn’t decide on the choice. We decided - we took it with the “pearl”. The cosmetologist assessed the child’s earlobe, measured something with a ruler and placed dots at the site of the future puncture. I disinfected my ears. The child sits down next to the mother, the mother holds her hands and head - at this time one and then the other ear is pierced. The earrings are put on immediately - at the moment of puncture, immediately after that the latch is put on. The puncture sites are lubricated with some kind of gel.

A silent gun was used during the ear piercing procedure - this is really important. A click can scare a child, he can jerk sharply, etc. - there is no need for extra noise here. At the moment of the puncture, the beautician spoke to the girl and said that a mosquito had flown in and bit her in the ear. ?

My daughter was very positive about this procedure, so she did not cry, did not twitch or scream. She really wanted earrings! I advise you not to set up your child for the fact that it will hurt - say that it will sting a little and that’s all, but there will be earrings in the ears.

After piercing

Do not remove earrings for one month under any circumstances. Wash your ears with chlorhexidine digluconate solution twice a day. More precisely, drop this solution on one side and the other of the puncture, and twist the earring a little from behind. Do not wash your hair for two days after the puncture procedure.

I will convert the cost of the procedure into euros - from 6 to 8 euros
The cost of the rinsing solution is 0.50 euros

Not expensive - I think everyone can afford it. I am truly satisfied with the services provided and am glad that I listened to the mothers I know.

I'll report back in a month about how our ears are healing.

Many mothers will be interested in reading your story of “ear piercing” - share with us!

Dr. Komarovsky's advice on when to pierce a child's ears

Earrings are perhaps the most common female jewelry, so the question of when to pierce a child’s ears arises sooner or later for almost all parents who raise girls.

There are several opinions about the most optimal age. Some parents advocate early ear piercing, because they are convinced that the baby will sooner forget about the unpleasant sensations. Others, on the contrary, postpone this procedure until the child reaches a conscious age.

As you can see, there is no clear opinion, and moms and dads have multiple related questions. Answers to them and recommendations from specialists will help solve the problem in each individual case.

When to pierce a child's ears?

The question of at what age is it preferable to pierce a child’s ears causes controversy among experts in various fields and parents.

It is necessary to consider the arguments of followers of early accustoming girls to earrings and supporters of late ear piercing.

Pros for early piercing

The opinion that piercing is necessary for children under one year of age is held primarily by psychologists. They are convinced that if this procedure is carried out at the age of 6-10 months, the child will experience fewer negative emotions.

With early piercing, negative memories disappear almost instantly, but three-year-old children can return to a stressful situation for a long time and, as a result, may refuse to wear earrings altogether.

Mothers also agree with this opinion, but they mostly pursue aesthetic goals. Their main desire is for those around them to perceive the little princess as a girl, and not confuse her with a boy.

In addition, some parents are convinced that piercing the ears of girls under one year old will help avoid infection of the holes in the ears.

The cons of early needling

And yet, many experts oppose ear piercing before the age of three, citing quite reasonable and well-founded arguments. Let's look at them in more detail:

The ear can take quite a long time to heal, which causes prolonged unpleasant sensations that are not always well tolerated by younger children three years. The situation is further complicated by the fact that not all medications are approved at such an early age. Piercing the ears of a child under three years old often results in the girl trying to pull off the uncomfortable earring. In addition, babies often catch earrings (even if they are very small) on clothes, and this is fraught with pain and bleeding from the wounds. Situations are also possible when the lock comes unfastened and the earring falls out of the earlobe. A girl, interested in a small shiny piece of jewelry, can put it in her mouth and, accordingly, swallow it. It is also possible that the baby will have an allergic reaction to nickel, which is contained in almost all ear jewelry. Another reason not to pierce ears early age - the threat of touching the nerve endings, which are compactly located in the tiny lobe. A similar problem sometimes provokes a delay in the psychological development of girls.

The popular doctor E. O. Komarovsky, when asked at what age it is better to pierce ears, answers that medicine does not impose strict age restrictions. However, carrying out the procedure under the age of one year is practically an extremist action.

A well-known pediatrician also points out the fact that ear piercing at 11 years of age and older increases the risk of skin scarring. But there is no need to worry about infection, since the procedure is carried out under sterile conditions.

When is it better to pierce a child’s ears: in winter or summer?

Some parents do not pay attention to the time of year, believing that earrings will look attractive on both summer and winter days.

However, if we are talking about a child and his well-being, then all possible factors and conditions should be taken into account. In this case, parents will be able to prevent possible negative consequences.

So, what time of year is best to carry out this procedure? Let's consider the arguments of experts:

It is not recommended to pierce children's ears in winter. Firstly, they can inadvertently catch a cold. Secondly, the child wears sweaters, turtlenecks, and knitted hats. There is a risk that the baby may catch the earring with threads and damage the ears. The first spring and late autumn months are not the best option. The reasons for the undesirability of the procedure in this case are similar to those presented above. In the summer, you should also not pierce a girl’s ears, because heat And polluted air increase the likelihood of wound infection and help prolong the healing period. The best option is May or September. During these periods, temperatures are not as high as in the summer months, and knitted sweaters are not worn. The ears will heal quickly and without any negative consequences.

Thus, in addition to age parameters, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal factor when piercing children's ears. This will avoid negative effects.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the desire of parents to pierce the ears of their beloved children, there are a number of conditions and diseases in which it is necessary to either forget about the event for a while or abandon it altogether.

Experts highlight the following contraindications (temporary or permanent) to ear piercing:

some ophthalmological diseases; eczematous rashes in the area of ​​the ears, dermatitis; intolerance to nickel alloys; blood clotting disorders; predisposition to keloid scars; diabetes mellitus; low immunity; teething period; reduced pain threshold; skin damage in the area of ​​the future puncture; moles on the ears lobes.

It is better not to pierce the ears at all if the child, who is already at a relatively conscious age, is categorically against this procedure.

Probably the refusal is due to fear of the process itself or simply a dislike of earrings. Parents should not insist and use peers as examples. Girls have the right to decide for themselves whether they need such jewelry.

Where to pierce a child's ears?

The procedure itself is quite simple, but you need to prepare for it. This is necessary in order to avoid all sorts of undesirable consequences.

First stage– medical consultations. A must visit with a child several specialists:

First of all, you should make an appointment with a pediatrician, who will conduct a general examination and prescribe several diagnostic procedures: a blood test and measuring sugar levels. You should also visit an ophthalmologist. The earlobe is closely connected with the organs of vision through a system of nerve fibers. If you have problems with your eyes, it is better to postpone the procedure or refuse it. A visit to an allergist is also recommended. Many earrings contain nickel compounds, which can cause hypersensitivity reactions in the body.

Second phase– choosing a medical institution or salon. If there are no contraindications to the procedure, then you need to move on to choosing a salon or clinic.

Is it possible to pierce a child’s ears at a regular hairdresser located nearby? It’s better not to take risks, but to turn to professionals who have documents confirming their qualifications.

An experienced specialist will determine safe places for piercing, carry out the procedure itself as painlessly as possible and guarantee the absence of complications. Parents need to make sure that the instruments and earrings that end up in their children’s ears are sterile.

Third stage– purchasing earrings. Initially, girls are inserted into ears made of a special alloy, which, in fact, pierce the lobes. Then, when the wounds heal, mom will be able to insert other earrings.

About what Jewelry prefer, we will tell you in more detail later. It is only important to understand that the hearts should be light, without sharp corners and with a strong clasp that will not open during child manipulation.

Ear piercing: main types of procedures, their pros and cons

Another common question that concerns many parents concerns how to properly pierce a child’s ears. There are several options for the procedure: piercing with a special reusable or disposable gun and a special needle.

A specialist decides how to pierce your ears correctly. Parents need to choose the hygiene procedure that is most appropriate for their age and personal characteristics.

Using a special needle

You can pierce a child's ears manually using a special disposable catheter needle. A big plus of such a procedure is the selection of a needle taking into account the size of the earlobe. Also, after piercing, you can put in any earrings, and not just standard “studs” or “rings”.

The procedure itself is quite simple and consists of from several steps:

preliminary disinfection of the auricle on both sides; determining the piercing site and marking it with a marker; piercing with a disposable needle; inserting earrings; treating the earlobe with a special healing cream.

Often, the mere sight of a needle causes horror in children; moreover, the procedure itself lasts quite a long time and is somewhat painful. So this method can be recommended to adult girls who are not afraid of medical manipulations.

Using a reusable gun

Before piercing the ears with a gun, the auricle is again disinfected and the piercing site is marked. Then the device is charged with the stud earrings that the parents chose.

The specialist places the earlobe into a special section at the end of the device and shoots. As a result of these actions, piercing is carried out not with a needle, but directly with the earring itself, which is simultaneously threaded into the auricle. Then the earlobe is treated with a special healing preparation.

Piercing with a gun is different from piercing with a needle. In the first case, the wound turns out to be torn (which is fraught with keloid scars), and in the case of a needle, it becomes punctured. But piercing with a gun does not require time, and therefore is less painful.

Main advantages:

painlessness; use of sterile earrings; speed of the procedure.

Main disadvantages:

the gun itself is not completely sterile, so there is a small risk of infection; a small selection of earrings; a loud sound when piercing, which often frightens children.

Using System 75 disposable tool

How does this method of carrying out the procedure differ from the previous version? The standard ear gun is a reusable instrument with sterile piercing earrings. In this case, the tissues are torn and a loud sound is heard. In addition, infection cannot be ruled out.

System 75 is a special disposable device that is completely sterile. Outwardly, it looks like a classic stapler, into which a disposable cartridge is inserted. During the procedure, the specialist does not touch the jewelry at all.

And thanks to the special sharpening of the earrings, the fabrics do not tear. It is the puncture that occurs, so wounds heal much faster and the risk of all kinds of complications and undesirable consequences is reduced. In addition, the puncture is painless and silent.

How much will such a procedure cost? Using a disposable gun is quite expensive - at least twice as expensive as a standard reusable gun.

The final price will depend on the quality of the selected earrings. Thus, not many parents can afford to pierce with a disposable instrument.

Which earrings to choose for a child?

It should be remembered that children are prohibited from wearing cheap jewelry, large and heavy earrings, as well as jewelry with poorly set stones.

A detailed description of the characteristics of earrings that should be taken into account when choosing jewelry during a piercing and after the hole has healed is presented in the table.

Choosing earrings for a child

Material Initially, it is better to put earrings made of special medical steel, titanium compounds or bioflex into children’s ears. All these materials are hypoallergenic. Once the wounds have healed, you can purchase silver or gold earrings.
You should not wear them at the time of piercing, since gold contains allergic impurities, and silver oxidizes.
Form There are many varieties of earrings for babies. But for the first time it is better to stick to standard small carnations. But the shape of their “head” can be varied: hearts, triangles, balls, etc.
Surface Features Earrings must be absolutely smooth, the surface without various protrusions, burrs and sharp parts that could scratch the child's skin.
Presence of stones Small, neat stones (not diamonds, of course, for the safety of the baby) are quite acceptable, especially when it comes to older children. Earrings without stones are also suitable for infants.
Lock type The ideal option is the same nails with a convenient clasp that a child cannot open on his own or damage. After healing, you can put on earrings with an English lock that does not squeeze the earlobe. It is also difficult to open with children's hands.
Weight The earrings should be light, otherwise the baby will feel heavy and uncomfortable on her own ears. Naturally, we are not talking about comfortable wearing.

Caring for pierced ears

Piercing the ears of a small child is only the beginning of a hygiene procedure, since parents will have to regularly treat the ears and monitor possible negative consequences.

The rules of care are quite simple:

Until the wound hole is completely healed, it is necessary to wipe the ear lobe with antiseptics every day. Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin are suitable for this procedure. The usual frequency is three times a day. Before treatment, the mother should thoroughly wash her hands with antibacterial soap and treat them again with an antiseptic. This will prevent the infectious agent from entering the hole. When processing, you must ensure that the antiseptic gets not only onto the skin surface, but also inside the hole itself. For this purpose, the drug is dripped onto the earring and rolled 2-3 times in the earlobe. The wounds are also treated with medical glue. In this case, there is no need to twist the earrings; on the contrary, you should touch the wound surface and the earlobes as little as possible. If the ears begin to become inflamed, the earlobes should be treated at least 9 times a day. It is not necessary to remove the earring if the child does not feel pain. If pus has formed in the ear, it hurts, the child scratches the auricle, you need to see a doctor and remove the earrings. The doctor will prescribe special creams with antibiotics. Emergency medical attention may be required if the child gets his earring caught on something and the earlobe is torn. The doctor will probably need stitches.

The wound usually heals within 30 days. After this period, the earrings are removed and treated with an antiseptic. If desired, the jewelry can be changed (they are also treated with peroxide). The earlobe is also lubricated with the drug, and at the end of the procedure the earrings are put back in.

When can a child's ears be pierced? This issue is decided by parents after weighing everything in advance. Some mothers bring their daughter to the salon in the first year of life, while others decide to leave the last word to the girl.

Another question is the choice of the type of procedure. Some specialists pierce the ears with special needles, others with a reusable or disposable “shooting” earring instrument. It's up to you to decide!

Agree that small earrings look very cute in the ears of little princesses. Many mothers want to pierce their babies’ ears, so at some point they are faced with the question: “When is the best time to pierce their daughter’s ears?”

There are parents who believe that the sooner their child’s ears are pierced, the better, because the baby has no fear immediately before the procedure itself, and even after it, the painful sensations are quickly forgotten. And this is understandable, since being pricked with a pistol certainly does not bring pleasure. One child will be able to endure it, another will experience pain.

There are mothers who believe, on the contrary, that ears should be pierced as late as possible so that the child does not have stress. Both parents are right in their own way. But when do you actually need to pierce your ears, is it necessary at all, and how to care for your ears after the procedure. Let's figure this out.

Many experts unanimously believe that ears can be pierced starting from the age of 3, that is, from the age when the child already understands that the ears after a piercing cannot be pulled or scratched, and that they need to be looked after. Also, the earring can come unfastened and painfully prick the child’s skin. There is a high probability that when unfastened, the girl may swallow the earring. In short, there are plenty of reasons not to get your ears pierced before age 3.

But there is also the opinion of other experts who believe that it is best to pierce the ears before the age of one year, so that the child will quickly erase this painful procedure from his memory. Thus, if someone has not yet decided when to take a girl to get her ears pierced, keep in mind that this procedure can be done at any age. You will be surprised, but in some maternity hospitals there is such a special service - at the request of the mother, the ears of newborn children are pierced.

What time of year is best for ear piercing?

Many parents, and even professionals, believe that the ideal time for ear piercing is early autumn and late spring. Why? It's simple. In winter, the punctures will heal poorly due to the fact that the hat will constantly touch the ears, and in the summer, in hot, dusty weather, it is quite easy to pick up some kind of infection.

Where to pierce a child's ears

If you have already firmly decided that you will pierce your child’s ears, you need to find a good specialist who will make symmetrical, beautiful piercings and protect the health of your baby. To get your ears pierced, you can go to a regular hairdresser, but experts do not advise doing this. The best option- go with your child to a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic that has all the necessary certificates and licenses.

Our mothers, and we ourselves, once had our ears pierced with an ordinary needle. And this is not surprising, because in those days there was no alternative. It was necessary to disinfect the earlobe, pierce it with a needle and thread it. The process was incredibly painful. But technology does not stand still. Ear piercing is almost painless. And this is done by professionals who undergo special training.

Salon and clinic specialists pierce the ear with a sterile pistol. The piercing lasts a few moments. The device is already loaded with a stud earring made of medical steel. When pierced, the earring immediately ends up in the ear. You can leave it on and wear it constantly. Before the procedure, you may be offered a whole catalog of medical steel earrings. My eyes widen because all the decorations are very beautiful.

How to treat pierced ears

Your princess can have her ears pierced at the most expensive cosmetology clinic, but the cost of the procedure does not affect the healing time of the wounds. Each child's healing process is different. Firstly, it depends on the girl’s immunity, and secondly, on compliance with hygiene rules.

After the puncture, you need to treat the wounds with boric alcohol, calendula tincture or a regular diluted alcohol solution. You need to take care of your ears this way for a week. During this time, you should try not to get your ears wet, which means that you need to stop washing your hair for 7-10 days. Do not scratch the wounds and carefully comb your hair without touching the lobe with the comb. There are cases when, even with regular treatment with alcohol, the ears begin to fester. Then you need to start washing the wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and do this procedure until the ear heals.

It is not recommended to remove medical steel earrings for three weeks after the piercing. If you decide to wear other earrings, remove the first ones as carefully as possible, first treating your ear and hands with alcohol. It is advisable to wear earrings made of gold or silver. Although children are allergic to these metals. Therefore it is necessary to observe.

Complete healing of the ears occurs on average 1.5 months after the piercing. Until this time, your child should not visit swimming pools or open water bodies.

Ear piercing is not considered a complicated procedure. The healing process itself plays a leading role here. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and treat your earlobes with care.

Get your ears pierced and wear beautiful jewelry and let your princesses be irresistible!