Mixer      06/16/2019

What is better slate or metal roofing. Slate or metal tile - a conscious choice. Scopes of slate and profiled sheet

Alexey Yakovlevich, Moscow asks a question:

Hello! The construction of the house started by me is coming to an end. It remains to build truss system and cover it with a roof. I haven't decided yet what material to choose. While considering 2 options - slate and metal. In my opinion, slate - roofing material proven over the years. The houses under it have been standing for decades. Plus, it's cheaper than the others. Friends convince me to abandon it and make a roof of metal tiles. They assure that the roof from it will be more durable, and this is much more important than low cost. Please tell us which is better: slate or metal tile? What is best for roofing? Thanks for the consultation.

The expert answers:

The choice of roofing material must be made on the basis of a clear comparison of all the pros and cons of materials.

Slate until recently was one of the most common roofing materials. for a long time regularly performed its functions, and its characteristics exceeded those soft roofs that needed frequent repairs. It is worth saying that there were few options for overlapping buildings before. In addition to slate and roofing felt, burnt tiles and sheet steel were used, but their installation was difficult.

Today, the variety of roofing materials does not surprise anyone. Among the best of them is metal tile. It is a kind of synthesis that combines the external attractiveness that a tile has and the reliability of a metal roof. True, there are other metal roofs. For example, corrugated board also serves as a reliable shelter from rain and snow, but the metal tile looks much more elegant.

Asbestos cement slate cannot boast of a presentable appearance. But limited funds developers choose it. It should be noted that painting improves the design characteristics of a slate roof. In addition, the colorful layer makes it a little stronger, but the slate will often have to be repainted. The slate sheet covers about 2 m², but it also weighs decently. The slate coating can withstand an impressive mass, but at the same time it is quite fragile. It can be damaged by laying it on an insufficiently even crate or awkwardly hitting it with a hammer. It cannot do without a hammer, since the sheets are attached to the crate with slate nails, moisture will certainly get into the holes under which.

On the other hand, asbestos cement is a good sound absorber, and in the house the sound of drops on the roof is almost inaudible. Slate roofing does not snow as fast as a smooth metal roof, but slate requires a stronger base structure than lighter materials. Based on the totality of indicators, slate could be considered a good roof, but it is very afraid of large hail, which ceases to be a rare natural phenomenon.

Metal tiles, unlike asbestos-cement building materials, can withstand the elements. Of course, it will be crumpled, but the house will be protected. Its “noisiness” can be attributed to it, since when it rains on a metal roof, “peppy drumming” will beat off. A metal roof is also prone to condensation on inner surface. Damage protective coating metal tiles will accelerate its corrosion, therefore, strict requirements are imposed on the cutting and installation of the roof.

At the same time, the high sound permeability factor is negated by the installation of thermal insulation under the metal roof, which will absorb noise. In addition, metal tile is much lighter than slate. The rafter system under it can be lighter, although this will not affect the consumption of wood, since a lot of it will be required to install the battens and counter battens.

The metal tile compares favorably with slate in that it can cover roofs of complex configurations. Slate sheets can be placed without problems only on 2-pitch bases or in last resort on 4-pitched. It can be added that today much attention is paid to the environmental component of materials. According to many, slate, in which there seems to be no free asbestos, remains a strong carcinogen.

Perhaps, as a result, you will decide that there are other materials better than slate or metal tiles, but there are simply no ideal building materials in nature.

The modern building materials market is able to offer the consumer a fairly rich assortment of both goods and services. To a greater or lesser extent, any roofing material is able to satisfy the basic needs of the consumer. To solve the problem with the choice, the buyer will be offered more than one attractive option. At the same time, even sales leaders made on special orders have not only a number of advantages, but also their drawbacks. Each of them has its own weak and strong features.
But after all, every buyer wants to have the most profitable purchase, to make the most optimal choice coverings for the roof of your premises.

The article will help to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the two most commonly used roofing materials: slate and metal tiles. For the consumer to solve the dilemma of what is better to choose: a traditional slate roof, or an innovative version of metal tiles, such information is valuable.

General information about slate

This is the most common roofing material of the last century. It is made from asbestos cement.
Slate performed its functions more regularly than other coatings of that time:

  • roofing material,
  • burnt tiles,
  • sheet steel.

And although the rating of slate today is significantly reduced by metal tiles, soft bituminous coatings, etc., many still prefer this coating, given its low cost and durability of operation when organizing simple maintenance.

Advantages of a slate roof

  1. Working with slate is easy. A slate sheet that has become unusable is easy to replace with a new one.
  2. Asbestos cement does not corrode, does not rot.
  3. Having provided the necessary humidity, this building material can be stored for a long time without any damage to its quality.
  4. The heat resistance of slate attracts many building owners in areas with high building density, providing fire safety.
  5. The roof of slate heats up slightly from the sun, in the heat the house is cool.
  6. Asbestos cement - absorbs sounds well, during rain in the house under slate roof Almost no "drum roll" is heard.
  7. Painting increases the design qualities of slate, its strength and waterproofing.
  8. It is able to withstand an impressive weight, so roofers can move freely along the roof without fear of damage to building materials.
  9. The surface of the slate sheet is porous, which helps to prevent spontaneous cleaning of the roof from snow; if snow deposits slide off the roof, then not as fast as from smooth decking.
  10. Given these advantages, slate has a relatively low price.

Slate Disadvantages:

  1. The material is unpresentable appearance, which can be fixed by painting, but this will have to be done regularly and often enough.
  2. The fragility of asbestos cement makes slate vulnerable.
  3. Installation of such a roof is carried out with the help of nails. It is rather embarrassing to hit the sheet with a hammer, or lay it on an uneven crate, to damage the material.
  4. The slate sheet has an impressive weight (more than 20 kg).
  5. Precipitation gets into the nail holes, causing rotting of the timber frame of the crate.
  6. Sheets of slate can be overgrown with moss.
  7. Large hail - a frequent natural phenomenon - can permanently damage the slate on the roofs of buildings.
  8. Asbestos cement, from which slate is made, is recognized as a carcinogen.

Ways to neutralize some of the negative properties of slate

  1. Painting slate sheets enhances waterproofing and improves the aesthetics of the appearance.
  2. Install a strong crate for attaching the slate.
  3. Roofs overgrown with moss can and should be cleaned.
  4. Do not be careless with construction waste.

In case of improper disposal, for example, by pouring them out onto the road, it is likely that slate fragments will be crushed under the wheels of cars to a powdery state, and this will become a clear threat of carcinogenic asbestos with dust entering the respiratory organs of people. To neutralize the negative effect of asbestos dust, which contributes to the development of lung cancer, construction debris containing slate or its fragments should be securely buried.

All about metal tiles

Metal tile is a modern roofing material – an attractive, original, reliable and elegant synthesis of tiles and polymer-coated steel. This confident sales leader today(about 70%), left far behind all competitors, thanks to its unique qualities. It is made from profiled thin steel, covered with a thin layer of polymer.

What is famous for metal tile

1. It originally combines reliability metal coating and visual appeal of the tiles.
2. An innovative product has an advantage over other competitors due to the following features:

  • aesthetic appearance,
  • durability,
  • easy installation,
  • no need for meticulous care.

3. The starting push of popularity is the light weight of this product.
4. A less powerful rafter system is needed, as for a slate roof, which automatically reduces the load on the walls and foundation of the building.
5. Moss does not settle on such roofs.
6. This type of roofing allows the perfect installation of roofs of complex configurations.
7. Properly installed metal roof covering is not afraid of leaks.
8. Metal tile, due to its superior qualities and properties, can withstand the blows of the elements, hurricane, hail, the house will be protected by it.
9. It has protection against fading in the sun, a polymer coating long time retains its original color.

Characteristic disadvantages:

  1. The high level of sound transmission factor turns even light rain under this coating into a roar of "cannonade".
  2. A metal roof tends to form condensate under it from the inside, which ambiguously causes premature corrosion.
  3. Strict requirements are imposed on the cutting and installation of metal tiles, which prohibit damage to the polymer coating of this material.
  4. The construction of a lighter truss system, but with more frequent sheathing required for this type of roof, also requires a large consumption of wooden building materials.
  5. When installing a roof made of metal tiles with a metal component, the installation of lightning rods is a must.

How to smooth out the imperfections of a metal tile

For someone, it may be a discovery that a metal tile is just decorative coating. The insulating layer solves problems not only with the insulation of the attic space, but also saves the building from sound persecution of the elements, absorbs sounds, and protects from excessive noise from rain, wind, snow. The outer part of the roof - the metal tile - is designed to perform the main function of protecting the inner layer. To avoid damage to the top layer of a fashionable roof, it is necessary
1. follow certain rules when conducting installation work skillfully use tools and devices:
a) the protective layer burns out at the cut point when working with a grinder saw, and sparks are likely to damage the entire surface of the sheet, so you can only cut metal tiles with cut scissors, or use a special nozzle on a drill;
b) when attaching the roof deck to the battens, it is imperative to use, without substitution, the essential components:
self-tapping screws with a protective color, specially designed for such fastening,
EPDM gaskets for corrosion prevention.
2. Installation should be entrusted to conscientious and qualified specialists.
3. Ignoring the prohibitions and requirements of instructions from manufacturers is fraught with negative consequences:

  • shortening the life of the roof
  • extra financial expenses.

The result of a conscious choice

In nature, there is not and has not yet been created an ideal material for roofing. Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed roofing options, everyone is able to compare their capabilities, understanding what will happen in the future and what should be avoided. And make your choice as the only rational decision.

When choosing a material for a roof, you have to take into account many different factors: both the weight of the product and its physical characteristics, and the possible angle of inclination of the roof, and docking restrictions - not everything depends on the price.

  • laying MCH sheets is not so difficult even with a large length. But it is very difficult to cover a complex-shaped roof with them: a third of the material easily goes into the remains that cannot be used. In addition, numerous additional elements will be needed, which will also significantly increase costs;
  • flexible tiles are literally created to cover the most complex design: domes, valleys, ribs with kinks and so on will not become an obstacle.

However, installation shingles possible only at temperatures above zero - it becomes brittle. Metal can be laid in any weather.


  • MCH warranty from the manufacturer is 5–20 years, although in practice the material lasts up to 50 years. The term noticeably depends on the quality of the polymer coating and weather conditions;
  • the stated service life of shingles is 30–50 years, since the ingredients that make them up are not susceptible to corrosion. However, the material does not tolerate cold well, which limits its application.


  • steel is the basis of the MCH, so we are not talking about any heat and sound insulation here. If the roof is not insulated, the sound of rain and snow can turn into a real disaster;
  • shingles absorb noise. However, it is still necessary to insulate the roof in cold regions.


  • on average sq. m. coverage of MCH will cost 200-480 p. per sq.m. If material is used elite class, then the price will increase to 1200 per sq. m;
  • flexible tiles cost from 230 to 570 r, and in the elite category - up to 2000 r.

However, these indicators should be compared taking into account the complexity of the roof: with a complex configuration, the MP consumption will be much higher, which eliminates this advantage.

MCH or keramoplast

Keramoplast is an unusual combination of polyvinyl chloride and. This combination forms a series interesting properties. Keramoplast is also produced in the form of a wave sheet material, and in the form of a tile.

  • Weight - mass of 1 sq. m. does not exceed 9 kg, which is quite comparable with the weight of the MCH.
  • Strength - of course, inferior to MCH, but the weight of an adult can withstand without deformation. They have good wind resistance.
  • Installation - keramoplast is much more flexible. In addition, under the influence of very slight heating, it can take any form and retain after cooling. When laying on the most complex roofs, unlike metal tiles, keramoplast does not create difficulties.

On the other hand, like any plastic, it has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, and therefore, during installation, it is necessary to follow all the rules inherent in plastic: gaps, non-rigid fastening, and so on.

  • Sound insulation - keramoplast dampens the sound of rain and snow. However, as a sound insulator, it is ineffective, so that at a constant high level noise - Railway, for example, soundproofing will have to be done.
  • Keramoplast does not accumulate electricity, unlike MP. It does not require a lightning rod device.
  • Despite the organic origin, the material is non-combustible. However, to temperature, of course, it is much more sensitive than MCH and deforms faster. In cold regions, such a coating is quickly covered with cracks, since when sub-zero temperature the plastic becomes too brittle.
  • In the manufacture of coloring pigments are added to the feedstock. The roof does not fade and is not inferior to the metal tile in this indicator.
  • Durability - expected up to 30 years. However, there is no way to check the possibilities: keramoplast began to be produced only 10-12 years ago.

Comparison with ondulin

These materials are very far from each other in terms of indicators. The cost of MCH and ondulin is quite affordable. However, the scope is somewhat different.

The weight of both products is quite comparable: for different sizes it does not exceed 6–6.5 kg, so they do not create a load, but if the MCH fits only on the frame, then there are nuances when installing ondulin:

  • ondulin can be used to cover at an angle of inclination of 5-10 degrees. This is where a solid crate is set up. MCH is allowed to be laid at minimum angle inclination of 12 degrees;
  • at an angle of 15 degrees, both ondulin and MCH are mounted on a lattice crate.


  • according to this parameter, the MCH is certainly much higher: a steel sheet with a small thickness can withstand a load of up to 270 kg per square meter. m;
  • ondulin - a composite based on cellulose impregnated with bitumen, has sufficient strength not to sag under its own weight, but does not differ in high resistance to stress.

Installation of the coating - the principle is the same. Ondulin is somewhat more flexible, which facilitates docking, but there is no fundamental difference here.

  • Soundproofing - MCH, of course, loses: metal perfectly conducts sound. Ondulin dampens the noise.
  • Aesthetics:
    • MCH reproduces tiles, such a coating, especially since they offer many colors and different profiles, looks impressive and elegant;
    • Ondulin - a copy of slate, with the richest color scheme, it looks much simpler.
  • Durability:
    • the average duration of MCH is up to 50 years;
    • Ondulin service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 15 years. The material rarely exceeds it.

The cost of ondulin is noticeably lower, and its consumption during installation is low. But if the goal is a durable, durable coating, the choice should be made in favor of metal tiles.

About what is better, a metal tile or ondulin, a specialist will tell in this video:

Metal tile and slate

Slate - asbestos-cement sheets of a wavy shape. Contrary to a sudden conviction, slate is perfect, safe: asbestos poses a threat only in the form of a mineral powder, and not as a component of the feedstock. This material has been known for a long time and all its properties have passed the test of time.

However, according to statistics, today 70% of the sale of roofing material falls on MCH. The reason, of course, is in the properties.

  • The weight of a slate sheet reaches 21 kg, which, compared to 4–5 kg for MCH, creates a large load on the truss system, walls and foundation. Get around here lightweight design fail.
  • Installation of slate is more difficult: the material does not differ in flexibility, but what is much more inconvenient - slate is fragile with sufficient hardness. It is difficult to transport and stow safely and securely. As a result, the cost of installation due to the inevitable battle will be higher than that of the MCH.
  • Slate also has no advantages in terms of ease of installation - neither slate nor metal tiles are suitable for a complex roof.
  • The strength of MCH and slate is incomparable: the first option will withstand any hail and the strongest wind. Slate, at best, can withstand the weight of an adult, but, without having the slightest elasticity, even a simple mechanical shock will not endure. Cover sheets torn out by strong winds are also a common thing.
  • Where slate is superior to MCH is in soundproofing: the material dampens noise, so rain or snow will not disturb the inhabitants of the house.
  • Both materials are fireproof, both perfectly tolerate the direct rays of the sun. Moreover, in buildings under slate it will be cooler, since the thermal conductivity of the material is lower than that of metal.
  • The metal tile does not rust thanks to the protective layers, while asbestos cement sheet itself is not prone to corrosion. However, slate loses its waterproofing properties over time, which cannot be said about MCH.
  • The service life of slate is not limited to 30 years, as is usually indicated. Another thing is that over time it loses all attractiveness, unlike the MCH, which remains aesthetic until the last day.
  • The cost of slate is much lower. It is one of the cheapest roofing materials on the market.

About what is better to cover the roof with corrugated board (metal profile) or metal tiles, read below.

MCH and profiled sheet

So, professional sheet or metal tile - which is better for the roof? These materials are very close, so the choice is more difficult to make. MCH is more attractive, but some nuances can make this advantage insignificant.

  • The main material is a sheet of steel, and for corrugated board a sheet of greater thickness is used - up to 1.2 mm. The same zinc or aluminum zinc is used as a protective layer, so the materials do not differ in corrosion resistance. Besides, the professional flooring and with a polymeric covering is issued. True, in this case, its price is comparable to MCH.
  • The materials are the same in terms of strength and weight. But the installation differs in features: on the one hand, it is easier to lay corrugated board, since it is easier to choose the dimensions and do without vertical overlaps - a big plus for waterproofing. On the other hand, it is very inconvenient to work with such long sheets; three people have to carry them.
  • Both materials are not very suitable for covering a complex roof.
  • The soundproofing qualities of corrugated board are even worse than MCH: it literally amplifies the sound, and not just conducts it.
  • The aesthetic qualities, of course, are much higher for MCH: the geometry of the corrugated board is hardly compatible with the concept of design.
  • The cost of a profiled sheet is lower even with a polymer coating.

Knowing which is better, a metal tile or a corrugated board, let's compare the materials with a seam roof.

Comparison of metal tiles and profiled sheets is presented in the video below:

Comparison with seam roofing

Seam roof - not so much special construction material how much way to use galvanized steel sheet, titanium zinc, copper and so on. A feature in the joining of sheets: if the MCH is laid with overlaps and fastened with self-tapping screws, which reduces the quality of the structure, then the folded laying is carried out in a different way.

Roofing sheets are supplied with special connecting seams - folds. This not only ensures ease of docking, but also creates a completely sealed seam. There are no holes here. Seaming is carried out by a roofing machine, so moisture is excluded.

  • This is where the main advantage of the seam roof comes from - complete tightness and water resistance. According to this parameter, MCH is inferior to the material.
  • The disadvantage of this solution is the complexity of installation: installation can only be carried out by specialists and with the help of equipment.

The rest of the advantages and disadvantages of materials are the same.

Metal and ceramic roofing

- its traditional version. The list of pros and cons of materials is very different.

  • Ceramic tiles are allowed to be laid on roofs with an angle of inclination from 22 to 44 degrees. The MCH is mounted on a slope with an inclination angle of 12 degrees.
  • The mass of ceramics is huge: 1 sq. m. coating weighs from 40 to 70 kg, which is more than a significant load. Such a coating will require strengthening both the foundation and the roof. Suddenly making a decision about laying tiles at the stage of roof construction will not work.
  • Installation of ceramic tiles is a much more laborious process, because here you need to lay every small element, and in some cases also fix it. Laying work is highly valued - from 600 rubles. per sq. m. If the roof structure is complex, the cost increases to 900 r.
  • Water absorption and frost resistance of materials are quite comparable: it can be used in any region.
  • Ceramics is noticeably superior to MCH in sound insulation: the material dampens sound and does not conduct heat.
  • It does not accumulate electricity at all, so a lightning rod is not necessary.
  • Durability - ceramic tiles are designed for 100-150 years of operation against 50-70 for MCH. She does not lose her external attractiveness.
  • The cost of the material is noticeably higher - from 800 r.

MCH and composite tiles

Composite tiles can be considered as an improved version of metal tiles. Its basis is a sheet of steel, with a layer of aluzinc applied to it, and this material better protects against corrosion. The front surface of the sheet is not just covered with acrylic glaze, but also with granulate from basalt chips. It is the latter material that gives the composite version somewhat different properties.

  • Sound insulation - composite tiles conduct sound much worse, since the crumb layer dampens it. For the same reason, the material also conducts heat worse, and therefore such a roof heats up and cools less.
  • The granulate also increases the wear resistance of the top layer. The surface does not lose color.
  • The dimensions of a sheet of composite tiles are smaller: length - 1.4 m. width - 0.4 m. Lay it on complex roofs much easier. In addition, installation is allowed at an angle of inclination from 12 to 90 degrees.
  • The composite sheet is fixed at the end, which improves the overall tightness of the coating.
  • The material is more flexible so composite shingles can be used for dome roofs.
  • The cost of the product is higher, but the price of laying is practically the same.

The metal tile in comparison with other roofing options has certain advantages and disadvantages. Which material to choose depends on many different factors. And which particular metal tile is better to choose for the roof, it's up to you to decide.

Cement, sand, bricks and so on - these building materials are so expensive that when it comes to roofing works, a homeowner wants to invest on the budget and still get a roof that will last for decades. What material to choose so that the roof lasts more than 30 years and the cost does not hit hard? In this article we will compare corrugated board and slate, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both materials and give recommendations. The material will be useful for builders of residential buildings, garages, gazebos and other non-residential structures.

Advantages of Slate

Thousands of old houses in Ukraine are covered with slate, and novice builders conclude that this material can be used for roofing today. Its advantages include: hardness and the ability to hold a lot of weight, low heat in the sun, sound absorption and ease of repair. The main advantage is considered cheap. This is the most cheap material among those that are used in construction for the arrangement of the roof. Used slate is sold even cheaper, which is also plentiful on the secondary market. This made him popular 50 years ago. However, even if you are on a budget, let's look at a number of slate disadvantages that you need to consider when buying.

Slate Disadvantages:

Also, in order to save money, homeowners install solar collectors on the roofs of their houses or solar panels to thanks solar energy receive warm water. Due to the fragility of slate, this is also more difficult to implement.

Why is a metal profile better than slate?

Profiled roofing material close to slate at a cost. It is made of steel, and on the surface of galvanized sheet metal apply a layer of polymer coating that protects against impact environment. The profiled sheet has more advantages and fewer disadvantages.

Comparative table of the advantages of corrugated board and the disadvantages of slate

More about the advantages of a profiled sheet:

It is very difficult to answer unambiguously. metal tile And slate- two excellent, time-tested roofing materials. Each of them has both its own advantages and a number of disadvantages, which, however, with the right approach, can be eliminated and they will not bother.

Let's start with slate. It is produced in four versions:

  • classical corrugated slate- the most common, familiar to everyone. It is made with 5th, 7th or 8th waves, but most often you can find options for 7 and 8 waves. They differ in width, but the length is 1 meter 75 centimeters;
  • corrugated slate with a reinforced profile - such a slate differs much larger sizes and is usually used for roofing industrial enterprises or warehouses. They do not cover residential buildings, as it is inconvenient to work with such large sheets;
  • unified wavy slate - a cross between the two previous counterparts. Such a slate is used if they want to get a neater appearance (it just comes out almost half as many joints);
  • flat slate - all the same slate, only absolutely flat. Happens different sizes and different thicknesses.

On this moment it is not a problem to find dyed slate if someone does not like the classic gray color. If there is no desired shade, you can paint the slate, and at the same time, in this way, extend its service life and protect yourself from harmful asbestos.

By the way, about harm. Slate contains hazardous asbestos. However, this is why they often argue about whether it is harmful or not. Asbestos itself is, of course, harmful. But after all, you do not install slate in your room. It is better to use it for non-residential premises. Covering the roof with slate will not cause you anything bad. However, safety precautions must be observed during installation, dust occurs during cutting, so the slate must be watered abundantly and a respirator must be worn.

Without special processing, in darkened areas, slate eventually overgrows with moss and loses its waterproofing properties. Also, slate has an impressive weight, for example, a seven-wave ordinary slate sheet weighs about 21 kg.

metal tile- a very beautiful roofing material, maybe not the best, but it looks spectacular. It is durable and reliable material- profiled sheets of thin steel, covered with the thinnest layer of polymers. The reliability of a metal tile, by the way, largely depends on the protective layer, so it is important to choose optimal thickness. Moss does not grow on metal tiles. This roofing material is not afraid of either cold or heat, it can withstand quite significant mechanical stress - a metal tile can be bent, but not broken, unlike slate. However, damage to the protective layer, depending on the degree of damage, can lead to corrosion. The metal tile does not need to be painted, it is already sold in various colors.

Perhaps the most significant disadvantage of metal tiles is the lack of soundproofing properties. Therefore, in order to not disturb the roar during precipitation, it is necessary to take additional steps for heat and sound insulation.

According to statistics taken from the Internet (although I don’t know where such data comes from), metal tiles account for about 70 percent of roofing sales, the remaining 30 percent are divided mainly between soft types of roofing and tiles.

After all of the above, as a conclusion, I can say the following: both materials are good and the final choice is yours, take the roofing material that you consider the most attractive for yourself.