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Ophiuchus zodiac sign description. NASA has discovered the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. Characteristics of the Ophiuchus woman: a magical fairy or an unapproachable queen

IN Lately Often, when drawing up horoscopes, the constellation Ophiuchus is mentioned. Sometimes he is called the Serpent Holder, because translated from Latin the word Ophiuchus literally means: “a man carrying (in his hands) snakes” or “a man holding (in his hands) snakes.”

The sign, shrouded in mystery, raises many questions and curiosity. Where did it come from and why was it not mentioned before? Is everything really that mysterious or is there a simple explanation for this phenomenon?

How did this thirteenth horoscope sign come into being? The 13th constellation of the zodiac has been known to people since time immemorial. The zodiac sign Ophiuchus was mentioned in the works of scientists BC. e. On ancient maps of the starry sky it was designated by the word Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). According to legend, a man entwined with a snake, Ophiuchus, is the healing god Asclepius himself. According to legend, his mother, Princess Koronida, was chosen as her beloved by the god of the sun, Apollo.

Coronis failed to remain faithful to Apollo. The sun god was angry with his beloved and killed her with lightning. According to another version, Koronida was killed by the goddess Artemis, striking the traitor with a cloud of arrows. The child, who miraculously survived, was abandoned by his father to the mercy of fate. The newborn was found and taken home by the shepherd Arestan. The boy was named Aesculapius (Asclepius).

He was taught by the wise Chiron (centaur). So, the young man learned the secrets medicinal herbs and learned to use it. The training included communication with snakes, who passed on their wisdom to the future doctor. The student has surpassed the teacher.

Asclepius learned to heal people. He found a means by which living people could gain immortality, and dead people could be resurrected. The god of death Thanatos found out about this and complained to Zeus. Thanatos could not allow people to live forever, because then he would lose income.

Zeus had his own reason in this matter. He was furious that people, having received immortality, would become like gods. Therefore, the Thunderer killed the healer with a lightning strike.

Apollo took this loss seriously. Then Zeus, wanting to make amends to the sun god, turned Asclepius and the snake into a constellation. And so it appeared, according to legend , the new 13th horoscope sign is Ophiuchus.

On the star map, Ophiuchus is adjacent to the constellations:

  • Snake;
  • Eagle;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Scorpion;
  • Scales;
  • Hercules.

The creation of the traditional zodiac circle, divided into twelve sectors, dates back to the times of ancient Babylon. Since then, a lot has changed on the star map. The period of passage of the Sun through the constellations gradually shifts from year to year. As a result of this phenomenon, some astrologers insist that there are 13 signs of the zodiac.

The symbol of Ophiuchus and its designation is an image of a man with a snake. Considering that the constellation Ophiuchus seems to personify the healer Asclepius, the symbol of medicine is his staff entwined with a snake.

Some astrologers, taking into account the constellation Ophiuchus, believe that there are thirteen horoscope signs. What characteristics does astrology give to people born under this zodiac sign, and how does it influence fate and relationships in society?

People born under the constellation Ophiuchus are endowed with contradictory character traits. Their ability to move from one state to another often confuses others. They know how to transform themselves both externally and internally. But, despite their unusualness and seeming contradiction in character, people of this sign also have positive qualities.

Ophiuchus people are smart and ironic. From the outside it may seem that it is easy for them to walk through life. In fact, bearers of the sign know how to endure difficulties, and if necessary, then adapt to circumstances. Although it would be more natural for them to go against everything.

Some people may consider bearers of the sign to be selfish and arrogant, pushing themselves out everywhere. Ophiuchus, as always, has their own view on this. They soberly assess their strengths and weaknesses. And, even if it seems to everyone around him that the bearer is behaving provocatively, he himself does not mind this at all.

Representatives of this zodiac have the following qualities:

  1. Extraordinary.
  2. Talent.
  3. Strength of will.
  4. Physical endurance.
  5. Straightforwardness.
  6. Fearlessness.
  7. Adventurism.

These are strong and resilient people with a strong character. They are used to achieving their goals, regardless of the methods of achieving them. The mental strength that Ophiuchus possesses strengthens with age. These people absolutely know the value of themselves and their capabilities.


It is not easy for women born under the constellation Ophiuchus to live in society. Men who prefer to see a weak, “white and fluffy” woman next to them are faced with a firm and unyielding character. Bearers of the sign do not bother themselves with purely feminine tricks and antics.

Life situations, no matter what it concerns, are resolved by Ophiuchus women with a purely masculine approach. It’s not easy for men to feel like superman next to such a “weaker sex.” Bearers of the sign always achieve their goals. Sober calculation and rigidity in decision-making help them in this.

Ophiuchus women are more interested in their own affairs and outlook on life than in the opinions of others. They do not need other people's advice or approval, because their own opinions rarely coincide with those of others.

Men who were born under the constellation Ophiuchus are marked by intelligence. Excellent conversationalists and joke tellers. An innate sense of humor and natural sociability allows them to establish the necessary contacts. For bearers of the sign who have their own business, this quality helps in their work.

Too active and energetic to sit still, they constantly generate new ideas and bring them to life. For them, life without movement is like a swamp with stagnant water. These people find something they like and devote themselves to their favorite activity without reserve.

Ophiuchus, which takes over part of the period from Scorpio and Sagittarius, has in its characteristics the characteristics of these signs.

Compatibility of Ophiuchus with other zodiac signs, brief horoscope

The description of the compatibility of sign carriers with other representatives of the zodiac depends on the date and year of their birth. The sign of Ophiuchus suggests dates of birth: from November 29 to December 17. Due to its peculiarity, there is no need to talk about complete compatibility with other representatives of the zodiac.

Considering the element corresponding to the sign, the following zodiac signs are suitable for compatibility with it:

  • Aries – parity is possible based on mutual efforts and collaboration. A strong and fruitful alliance for both sides;
  • Gemini - the union is overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions, both positive and negative. Despite this, there is a chance for duration;
  • Cancer - relationships will develop in terms of physiological attraction of signs, the duration of the relationship is unpredictable;
  • Leo – good mutual understanding gives a chance to develop relationships;
  • Virgo is a favorable union if you do not contradict Ophiuchus and accept him as he is;
  • Libra is an ideal combination where both signs will complement and support each other;
  • Scorpio - a healthy spirit of competition between two strong and talented people will not prevent you from being happy;
  • Aquarius – common interests contribute to the longevity of the relationship;
  • Pisces - compliance and subordination of one sign to another will allow you to be close.

The zodiac signs Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius are not compatible with Ophiuchus. Even if on initial stage they will be connected by friendship or romantic relationships, they will not receive development.

The constellation Ophiuchus, the astrological horoscope of which excites the bearers of the sign, is calculated taking into account the date and exact time of birth. It is believed that it is influenced by nearby constellations: Scorpio, Sagittarius and Serpent, in which Ophiuchus is located.

Astrologer P.P. Globa believes that each Ophiuchus has a horoscope, the individuality of which is influenced by the stars located in the constellation. The individuality of the horoscope depends on the presence of stars included in the constellation.

All horoscopes are summarized by the presence of Ophiuchus abilities for extrasensory perception and healing the sick. Perhaps this is why the constellation sign was chosen to symbolize medicine.

The thirteenth zodiac sign is significantly different from the rest. And people born under it are also extraordinary and unique. Among the bearers of this sign there are many famous people Stars: Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Indira Gandhi, Maya Plisetskaya. Who knows, perhaps a mysterious and unusual constellation thus influenced their fate, and it was this that brought them worldwide fame.

In the thirties of the last century, 88 constellations were approved. They formed 12, then 13 signs included in the horoscope. It was during those times that astrologers began to use the 13th sign in their work. This is explained by the fact that it is the mysterious new Ophiuchus that is surrounded by an aura of mystery.


The date of birth was determined by the location of the constellation in the firmament. If a person’s date of birth falls on the period from November 30 to December 17, then he should be classified as a new sign. It is not officially included in the horoscope, but has a huge influence on it.

Characteristics of the sign

Ophiuchus is an exceptional person and has an amazing horoscope. They can easily disappear from the life of any person and burn all bridges behind them. Ophiuchus is afraid to look back and think about the past, to a place where he will encounter misunderstanding and condemnation.

The insidious 13th sign does not forgive insults and will go to the end until it carries out its plan of revenge. You shouldn't harm him. Ophiuchus is a dangerous symbol. He is a kind of energy vampire who can take energy. After communicating with him, a person feels tired, depressed, and empty.

Ophiuchus is calculating and has a sharp mind. This sign can bring failures and troubles into another person's life.

The other side of the 13th sign is a trail of mystery and inexplicable phenomena. It can also become the center of everyone's joy and happiness. It is these traits that attract people to him, who want to be around him and are drawn to him.


Ophiuchus is located between and Sagittarius. He can find his purpose in any field of activity that is suitable for each of these signs. Ophiuchus people easily master any profession. But they have one peculiarity: from birth they have a natural gift for healing and extrasensory perception. And it is the 13th sign, more than others, that exhibits the unique gift of telepathy.


Ophiuchus is very freedom-loving; representatives of this sign do not like to obey anyone. They strive for the unknown and love to travel; this is the way and meaning of life for them.

Ophiuchus is a chameleon; he achieves his goal by any means. They find it easily mutual language with others, at the right moment they become who they want to see in them. All this is done for the sake of yourself, your loved one. It is difficult for him to refuse, and he takes advantage of it.

And does it exist? You will find the answer to this astrological question in the materials of the presented article.

general information

At the end of the 20s of the last century, the International Astronomical Union reconsidered the concept of “constellation”. It was defined as a separate section of the celestial sphere, which has its own specific boundaries drawn along meridians and parallels.

All currently existing 88 constellations, as well as their exact diagram, were approved back in 1931. It was then that it was discovered that the ecliptic line, crossing a small area of ​​​​the heavens, forms the 13th sign of the zodiac. There were no serious reasons to take this constellation into account in astrology at that time. After all, the already existing signs were connected with the celestial sphere only conditionally. But since then, some astrologers began to actively use it in their practice. This is due to the fact that such a mysterious, unusual and attention-grabbing detail acted as a kind of advertising for them.

13th zodiac sign - what constellation?

Few people know that, in addition to the usual 12 constellations, there is also a 13th sign in the celestial sphere - Ophiuchus. In astrology, many secrets are attributed to this symbol. Although in fact the presented constellation is the same as, for example, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, etc. But to understand why the 13th zodiac sign is not listed in the horoscope, you should turn to history.

What does Ophiuchus mean?

In Latin, the constellation Ophiuchus sounds like “Apheuhus”, which in literally means “one who has snakes” (literal translation - “a person carrying snakes” or “a person who has snakes”).

As mentioned above, this constellation has become known to the world for quite a long time. The 13th zodiac sign includes the karmic wheel of our planet. It is on it that the rings of fate unite and diverge. So for what reason was this constellation not included in the traditional horoscope?

Ophiuchus consists of 2 different halves: gold and silver (white and black). One of them is located in the first seven degrees of Sagittarius, and the other is associated with the last degrees of Scorpio. For the reason that such a constellation is literally intertwined with the two named ones, they decided not to include it in the horoscope already known to us.

Legend of the constellation

Surely many are interested in how the symbol of the 13th sign, which was never included in the traditional horoscope, looks like. Ophiuchus is quite often depicted as a man (that is, Asclepius) entwined with a large snake. Why did they begin to use it as a symbol of this mysterious sign?

According to legend, Apollo himself fell in love with a beautiful young maiden named Coronis. But she was not faithful to him. While pregnant, she fell in love with a simple man. For this, Apollo cruelly punished Coronis, striking her with lightning. The beautiful maiden died, but her child was saved, although he was left to the mercy of fate. The boy was found by an ordinary shepherd, Arestan, who later became the child’s father. He named him Asclepius. Many years later, the boy matured and began to study with the wise centaur Chiron. He taught him to communicate with snakes and use medicinal herbs. As a result, Asclepius became a healer. But one day, by order of Zeus, he was killed. Watching Apollo grieve for his dead son, the sky god decided to place Asclepius among the stars.

Features of the sign

Now you know the legend about the emergence of such a constellation as Ophiuchus. We explained above which signs it is located between. But for those who are passionate about astrology, such information may seem scant. After all, to draw up a horoscope, you should find out other nuances of this constellation. For example, what dates of the month correspond to it?

So, let's find out together what the zodiac sign Ophiuchus represents.

The date, or rather the number of months that corresponds to this constellation, were determined based on its location on the celestial sphere. Thus, if a person was born between November 30 and December 17, then we can safely say that he belongs not only to Scorpio or Sagittarius, but also to such a mysterious sign as Ophiuchus. What does this mean for ordinary person who always follows horoscopes? Such people can retain the basic qualities and It should also be noted that an incredible fate awaits a person born under this symbol. According to astrologers, all Ophiuchus are endowed with a special task in their lives.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: characteristics of people

People born under this symbol are extraordinary individuals. They can easily disappear from your life, be reborn and become completely different, building everything anew.

Almost all Ophiuchus burn bridges behind them without any regret. This is partly because they are very afraid of going back to the past, where they might be judged. It should be especially noted that they can be extremely dangerous. That is why you should not harm them or cruelly betray them. After all, Ophiuchus will never forgive or forget an insult. He will bring you big trouble and will take revenge until he calms down.

This is an extremely dangerous symbol. He can unknowingly take energy from his interlocutor, after which people begin to feel significant fatigue, irritation, etc. Such a person has special prudence and intelligence than other zodiac signs. The 13th sign can easily bring complete failures into the lives of people around you. But often Ophiuchus becomes the center of all-encompassing joy and happiness. It is almost always followed by a trail of mysterious and inexplicable events. It is this fact that attracts many people who are literally drawn to such a representative.

Field of activity

What can Ophiuchus do? We found out which signs this symbol is located between. Based on this information, we can safely note that such representatives realize themselves in life as both Scorpios and Sagittarius. In other words, it is quite easy for Ophiuchus to master any professions that are inherent to the signs represented. However, they have one feature. According to astrologers, such people are born with a natural gift. In this regard, from a young age they may show a special interest in extrasensory perception and healing. Moreover, it is precisely representatives of the 13th sign who very often discover that they have such a rare gift as telepathy.

Communication with people around you

How does Ophiuchus (zodiac sign) behave in a company of people? The horoscope of such representatives says that they are very freedom-loving and will never miss the opportunity to travel around the world. The road is the meaning of life for them.

It should be especially noted that such people will always find a common language with a complete stranger. Ophiuchus people have a unique gift of living several lives at the same time. Representatives of this sign are like chameleons. At the right moment for them, they always become those whom others want to see.

The essence of representatives

From early childhood, Ophiuchus really likes to take risks. With age, this quality entails a complete absence of fear, as well as a passion for various adventures and scams. Such representatives are surprisingly tenacious. They know how and love to have fun. Their position is to enjoy life.

Ophiuchus will always walk in a straight line, without turning and without any stops. His personality is dual. And if you think you know him like the back of your hand, you don’t. After all, such a person can at any moment come from a completely different angle.

Ophiuchus is the only zodiac sign for which any stops, conservatism and inaction are extremely contraindicated. If he stops wandering, then complete collapse and collapse will immediately occur, which will force him to move again.

Men and women born under this symbol are accustomed to living in difficult and inhumane conditions. And, it should be noted that such a field of incessant war and eternal battles suits them quite well.

Love relationship

The compatibility of Ophiuchus with other signs is very doubtful. After all, such representatives are freedom-loving and never stay in one place. But, despite this, Ophiuchus also dreams of love and a good family. So let's look at who the 13th sign can build a love relationship with and create a strong marriage.

Who are we compatible with?

Not long ago, information appeared on the Internet about changes in the structure of the zodiac horoscope. This was connected with the appearance of the new thirteenth sign of the zodiac -. This created a real sensation among astrologers; the opinions of scientists were divided.

Some advocated that the zodiac structure be completely changed, while others, on the contrary, did not want to take the new sign into account. Now the controversy has subsided, but information about the mysterious thirteenth zodiac sign appears on the Internet every now and then. Let's consider the characteristics of the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus.

How did it appear, dates of action?

In the sky, Ophiuchus is considered an equatorial constellation, which can only be seen with the naked eye from Earth in June.

After numerous debates, astrologers agreed not to officially include this sign in the zodiac, deciding that this constellation has nothing to do with astrology. However, some are still wary of Ophiuchus, calling him the thirteenth sign of the zodiac. The time when Ophiuchus comes into force is from November 26 to December 17.

There are several legends about how this constellation appeared. The most famous of them claims that the name of this zodiac is directly related to the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing, Asclepius, son of Apollo.

From a young age, the celestial being was taught the art of healing by the wise and old as the world, the centaur Chiron. He showed him how to treat mortals through various medicines and animal poisons and plant origin. Young Asclepius mastered knowledge perfectly and was so talented that after some time people on earth simply stopped dying.

The god of the underworld, Hades, who had ceased receiving the souls of sinners, complained about the young Asclepius to his brother, the Supreme Olympian Zeus, who unconditionally supported him.

According to this legend, Zeus struck Asclepius in the heart with lightning, after which he placed him in the firmament along with the serpent, with whose poison he healed people.

Element and stone

In order to better understand the traits of the thirteenth zodiac sign, Let's give a brief description:

  • element
  • planet— Vulcan
  • color- purple
  • mascot— Phoenix
  • stone- turquoise, serpentine, sapphire

People of this sign should be more attentive than others to their talisman stones. This is because their lives are connected with the mysterious other world, and they should always have with them reliable protection.

Each stone from this three will enhance certain traits and character traits of Ophiuchus:

  • Turquoise. This precious mineral will make a person a full master of his own life. In other words, it will help you avoid accidents and accept right decisions. In addition, turquoise is a talisman for easily achieving your goals. This is a stone for entrepreneurs and leaders; it will help you quickly climb the ladder. career ladder and secure their existing position and status in society.
  • Coil. In former times this stone was called serpentine. It was believed that it provides its owner with reliable protection from the machinations of ill-wishers, attempts to interfere with the energy balance, and protects against curses, damage and the evil eye. In addition, the coil helps a person avoid evil fate. With the help of an amulet with this mineral, Ophiuchus can change their lives without any consequences.
  • Sapphire. It has long been considered the stone of the sages. This mineral will make a person more restrained, teach him to control the emotions raging inside, and help him abstract from them when making important decisions. Another of its powerful properties is considered to be its ability to relieve Ophiuchus from anxiety, obsessions and fears. In former times, sapphire talismans were given to people suffering from nightmares and insomnia.



This zodiac gives a rather complex and unpredictable character. Its representative, in addition to the characteristics of his zodiac, often incorporates some of the characteristics of Scorpio and Sagittarius. The first thing to note is that the Ophiuchus man truly has iron willpower. Once he has made a decision, he will never back down from it.

In communication, Ophiuchus will never embellish or somehow soften his words so as not to offend his interlocutor. He always speaks specifically and to the point, which is why he is often unpleasant to others. Very picky in relationships with the opposite sex. He wants to see a real ideal next to him.

In love, he plunges headlong into his feelings and emotions. Jealous. He will look for a modest and inconspicuous girl as his wife. However, in reality, he will always look at bright, spectacular beauties with model appearance.


If the Ophiuchus man has a difficult character, then for women everything is much worse. This zodiac does not endow the fair sex with the best traits. Their behavior will clearly show callousness, cynicism, rudeness and even cruelty. They will approach any question with coldness and prudence, which are not inherent in every man.

Much in their behavior and character will depend on how their personal. If they find a worthy, reasonable partner who will support and protect them in everything, this woman will glow with inner peace and warmth.

However, a relationship with her is very dangerous, because due to the variability inherent in Ophiuchus, any scandal or even a small quarrel can end in a complete break in the relationship. One of the most striking character traits of such women is that they know perfectly well how they want to live. They will never compromise if they understand that without a partner they will be no worse off, if not better, than with him.

Compatibility with other signs


The Ophiuchus man will find happiness in his personal life with representatives of the zodiac signs Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.

  • Virgos will conquer Ophiuchus with their perseverance and strength of character. There will be many clashes and conflicts in this couple, and both sides will defend their opinion to the last. Ophiuchus will be amused by the stubbornness of the chosen one. Virgo’s sharp mind and prudence will make her a full-fledged partner and a reliable shoulder in any scrape, which Ophiuchus gets into quite often due to his inability to sit in one place.
  • It will not be easy for a Capricorn woman with Ophiuchus, but these two zodiacs also have good astrological compatibility. It will be difficult for a calm and relaxed Capricorn to understand the insatiable thirst for movement of Ophiuchus. As a rule, in such relationships the woman devotes herself to household chores, and the man becomes the full-fledged breadwinner of the family. Ophiuchus will be attracted by care and attention from his partner.

    Her ability to turn an ordinary apartment into a real one home, where you want to return again and again - this is exactly what the Ophiuchus bachelor lacked.

  • With Aquarius the situation is somewhat simpler. The Aquarius woman perfectly knows how to adapt to almost any partner, no matter how unpleasant and intolerable his character may be. They will not pay attention to the quirks and quirks of Ophiuchus, which will make them excellent partners. The only negative is that their relationship may turn out to be somewhat mundane, causing both zodiacs to get bogged down in small everyday problems.

The Taurus woman is completely unsuitable for the Ophiuchus man. Their union rests only on intimate relationships. Otherwise, they are completely different. He wants to develop in the spiritual sphere, but it is more mundane and material. But this couple has very good compatibility in business relations and business.


For her personal life, the Ophiuchus woman should pay attention to such signs as, Sagittarius or Pisces.

  • The Pisces man and the Ophiuchus woman are a wonderful example of a relationship in which both partners love and appreciate each other very much. It won't be easy for them to be together in the beginning. The Pisces man may be repulsed and frightened by the coldness and restraint of the Ophiuchus woman. However, when partners fully open up to each other, they will be able to form a strong and stable relationship.
  • Ophiuchus will be drawn to Sagittarius like moths to a flame. They will be fascinated by the power of this zodiac. Love and harmony will reign in these relationships, as the partners will feel equal to each other. Often they are brought together by common ideas and interests. Before starting a love relationship, a Sagittarius man and an Ophiuchus woman become close friends with each other.
  • Scorpios and Ophiuchus will be related by the similarity of characters. They have many common traits that are rarely found in other zodiac signs. They can be brought together by the desire for self-realization. They will begin to admire each other. Physical attraction will play an important role. Sparks will truly fly between these two.
  • The relationship between the Ophiuchus woman and the Ophiuchus man is very bright at the beginning and sad at the end. Two freedom-loving signs may be interested in each other, but their relationship most likely will not last long. In order to tie their fate with each other, they need to color the gray everyday life, add variety to their lives and make sure that the new day is different from the previous ones.

Controversial relationships can develop between the Ophiuchus woman and the Ophiuchus man.. They feel bad both together and apart, although if they find an approach to each other, a happy marriage between them is possible.

Planets in the constellation

  • Moon in Ophiuchus it is weakened, but this is a good indicator, especially for women. He talks about great strength human spirit and energy. In addition, this situation may indicate a penchant for mysticism and occult teachings.
  • Mercury in Ophiuchus will be responsible for a sharp mind, memory and insight. The more pronounced the influence of this planet, the faster a person will begin to understand the essence of things. Mercury is also responsible for the thrift and thriftiness of Ophiuchus.
  • Venus in this sign is practically not expressed, and its positive traits weakened. This suggests that the zodiac is characterized by such traits as jealousy, shamelessness, excessive passion, and sexual liberation.
  • But at Mars excellent position in this zodiac. He will make Ophiuchus more careful in their actions, more powerful and patient. The position of the planet indicates that a person is not afraid of physical labor.
  • Jupiter in Ophiuchus it is energy and an insatiable thirst for life. The planet will be responsible for a person’s love of travel, for a sense of freedom and self-confidence.
  • Position Saturn speaks of the hard work and diligence of Ophiuchus. It makes representatives of this zodiac more disciplined. The downside may be sometimes pride and arrogance.
  • Uranus in Ophiuchus speaks of the bright psychic abilities of people born in this sign. The planet indicates developed intuition, the ability to persuade and influence the consciousness of other people.
  • Prominently expressed in Ophiuchus Neptune. This indicates the strengthening of the psychological qualities of the zodiac. Neptune is responsible for Ophiuchus’s ability to understand the feelings and emotions of those around him, and to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others.
  • Pluto in this sign it is business acumen and professional qualities. The position of the planet speaks of practicality and the ability to feel one’s own benefit in everything. Retrograde Pluto in Ophiuchus makes a person cruel and unprincipled.

Ophiuchus and year of birth

  • Rat- people with a pronounced aspect of the fire element of Ophiuchus. This makes them prone to power and leadership.
  • Bull- people born this year have a passionate nature. There is a real flame raging inside them because of unexpressed passions, and only a truly close person can see it.
  • Tiger- never get attached to one place, love to travel and move often. They are impulsive, but are good at hiding their feelings and emotions.
  • Rabbit- despite external restraint and patience, they easily break off relationships with others, no matter what connects them.
  • The Dragon— throughout their entire life, they are followed by a trail of mysterious and inexplicable events. It is not uncommon that even they themselves cannot understand why at one moment they made a decision.
  • Snake- people with developed intuition, and often with extrasensory abilities. They perfectly sense the mental state of others, easily grasp other people’s moods, and can foresee important events in your own life.
  • Horse- excellent healers. Their healing abilities are inherent in them at an intuitive level.
  • Goat- lucky financially. For the most part, this is due to their ability to save and keep track of their earnings.
  • Monkey- almost always rely on intuition and never regret the choice they make. Any loss or defeat is perceived as a new beginning.
  • Rooster- often neglect the norms of public morality. Their behavior and actions may shock others. However, rest assured, every step is calculated.
  • Dog- They are extremely skeptical about the world around them. With age, they can become harsh and cynical in their statements. They are used to achieving everything thanks to their own diligence and talent.
  • Pig— critics. Don’t feed these Ophiuchus bread - let someone discuss it. They criticize absolutely everyone, including their loved ones. People who have this combination of signs in their horoscope become excellent leaders and entrepreneurs.

Nata Karlin

Over the past few years, the mysterious phrase “the new 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus” has begun to be heard more and more often from astrologers and people close to astrology. Who is this mysterious man? What month of the year does it belong to and what people are born under this constellation?

Ophiuchus - the thirteenth zodiac sign of the eastern calendar: history and facts

In fact, the thirteenth zodiac sign became news only to those who have never been interested in astrology. This constellation has been known since ancient times. However, why people started talking about him today can be explained very simply. At the time when the zodiac circle was being formed, astronomers could only see the largest, clearly visible constellations. They were given names. Therefore we can say What zodiac signs are only conditionally tied to their names.

In 1931, the question arose about the existence of the thirteenth sign of the zodiac

At the beginning of the 19th century, the International Astronomical Union changed the concept of “constellation”, giving it a new definition. Since that time, the sector corresponding to the parallels and meridians of the sky began to be called a constellation.

In 1931, it was determined that there are a total of 88 officially registered constellations with clear boundary lines. In the same year, it was determined that the circle along which the sun moves (the ecliptic line) intersects the constellation Ophiuchus. Since then, the question arose about how many zodiac signs are there - 12 or 13 in the eastern horoscope?

As a result new eastern horoscope now looks like this:

  • from 19.01. until 15.02. – zodiac sign Capricorn,
  • from 16.02 to 11.03. – zodiac sign Aquarius,
  • from 12.03. until April 18 – zodiac sign Pisces,
  • from 19.04. until 13.05 – zodiac sign Aries,
  • from 14.05. to 19.06. – zodiac sign Taurus,
  • from 20.06. to 20.07. - Gemini,
  • from 21.07. to 09.08. – zodiac sign Cancer,
  • from 10.08. until 15.09. – zodiac sign Leo,
  • from 16.09. by 10/30 – zodiac sign Virgo,
  • from 31.10. to 22.11. - Libra,
  • from 23.11 to 29.11. – zodiac sign Scorpio,
  • from 30.11. to 17.12. – zodiac sign Ophiuchus,
  • from 18.12. to 18.01. – zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Now it becomes clear between which signs the constellation Ophiuchus is located - Scorpio and Sagittarius. If in the old eastern calendar The period of time allotted to each constellation was approximately 30 days, now there has been a significant shift in the signs of the zodiac. Accordingly, some signs have a greater influence on a person’s character, while others reduce their effect.

General characteristics of Ophiuchus

If previously the most mystical and mysterious sign zodiac eastern horoscope Scorpio was considered, but now Ophiuchus has taken the palm. Astrologers are sure that anyone whose date of birth is during the reign of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus, there may be several fates. These people are able to be reborn and rise from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix bird. They are not afraid to radically change their lives, and with it their worldview and hobbies. They are attracted to everything mysterious, inexplicable and mystical.

In Ophiuchus, the character traits of neighboring zodiac signs – Scorpio and Sagittarius – are intertwined. These people are practically incapable of feeling fear, maintain composure and equanimity even in the most dangerous life situations. They are romantics, adventurers and travelers. They love the company of strangers and everything that excites the blood and gives additional adrenaline. The concept of a quiet family haven is unfamiliar and unacceptable to them.

The main characteristics of Ophiuchus are as follows:

  • The sign belongs to the element of water.
  • The symbol is a man with a snake on his shoulder.
  • The lucky number of the sign is 12.
  • Primary colors are red, purple, scarlet.
  • Talisman stone – minerals of the apatite group.

Characteristics of the Ophiuchus man: a knight in shining armor or a sad figure?

Ophiuchus Man called to bring goodness and justice to this world. They are born with a special purpose - they try to give happiness to others and be useful to them. It is common for men born under this constellation to sacrifice themselves for an important goal. Even if this is not their desire, but the one who asked for help. For many people, such behavior causes surprise and condemnation, while for others it is respectful.

The main feature of Ophiuchus men is that very often, by radically changing their lives, they destroy everything that was built before and to which they made every effort

However, after a short period of time, at the site of the “ruins” past life new shoots of success and prosperity appear. Next to these people everything is always simple and easy. They are not fixated on problems, and especially do not like to impose their difficulties on others.

Extremes are the basic principle of life, which guides the representatives of this zodiac sign. An Ophiuchus man in love can be the most charming person in the world. However, if you hurt his pride, you will see how he changes before your eyes, becoming a merciless and cunning enemy.

A woman who meets an Ophiuchus man on her life’s path will be crazy about such a gentleman, partner and spouse. This romantic hero is easy will rush for the lady of his heart into the embrasure, which will finally conquer your partner. Most of the daring heroes, ardent lovers and desperate warriors, created by the imagination of writers and poets, completely copy the behavior and views on life of the Ophiuchus man. Therefore, any girl can fall in love with a man with such a big and generous heart.

In terms of courting a lady, the Ophiuchus man simply has no equal. Most women cannot even imagine the methods that men of this constellation use to conquer the girl they like.

If it is really necessary, they will take the stars from the sky and lay it at the feet of their beloved

For them there are no barriers to the lady's favor. Every whim and whim loved ones will be executed exactly.

The only thing is What upsets the Ophiuchus man is his inconstancy. He is incapable of long-term relationships, the monotony of which is simply depressing. As soon as he realizes that the girl has already read a book for him and can’t give him anything new, he will definitely leave the lady who is hopelessly in love with him. Women for the Ophiuchus man are an object of conquest, and he is no longer interested in trophies.

The same can be said about marriage relationships. If a woman managed to lure the Ophiuchus man down the aisle, then she will definitely not receive an obedient and attentive husband. Marriage for a man of this zodiac sign is bondage. And you need to escape from captivity. Therefore, there can be no talk of any romantic relationships in marriage or mutual understanding.

Characteristics of the Ophiuchus woman: a magical fairy or an unapproachable queen?

Being born under the zodiac sign Ophiuchus can already be considered lucky. The Ophiuchus girl never follows the principles of society, the laws of fashion and style. She always has something for everything own point view and opinion. However, she is a born altruist who always puts the problems and needs of others first. The more inaccessible the mountain of problems in front of her, the more she tries to overcome it.

The fate of the lady of this constellation is simply impossible to predict. It can change several times in a lifetime

The man next to her can, with equal probability, become both the happiest in the world and the most unhappy. This woman's behavior is equally unpredictable. Just now you were talking with a sweet, friendly young lady and now she’s sitting in front of you a lady with a cold, absent look and harsh judgments.

In love, the Ophiuchus woman is passionate, but fickle. She is not attracted by the prospect of staying with one partner for a long time. Simply because over time she gets to know the person and he becomes uninteresting to her. However, at the time of falling in love she is ready to give her life for her beloved. She can have several lovers at the same time and this fact does not bother her at all.

Even with zodiac signs that match the horoscope, the Ophiuchus woman can hardly create a cozy family nest. And if peace and prosperity already reign in the family, there is no point in rejoicing, the lady will destroy the relationship with the same zeal, leaving no stone unturned where she previously made every effort to create. Very often this happens when family problems stand in the way of an active and passionate Ophiuchus woman’s career.

To avoid this result, a man needs to pay more attention to his partner. For example, take her out more often or devote free time to playing sports, art, or another common hobby together.

Rather, it's wise and prudent mother snake, giving the offspring protection, support, attention, care and all possible warmth.

The compatibility of Ophiuchus with other zodiac signs is determined solely at the level of feelings and emotions. If an Ophiuchus man experiences a strong emotional and physical attraction to a partner, he burns with passion, completely forgetting that people are different, each has their own character qualities, which ordinary life may not become very attractive to a person of this zodiac sign.

The main problem of Ophiuchus is that they consider themselves ideal people who, for some unknown reason, ended up in this imperfect world.

31 March 2018, 13:05