Well      28.02.2019

Artesian water: the quality of artesian water in the Moscow region. Well water analysis and treatment methods

What are the features of artesian water in the Moscow region. That allows you to identify the analysis of the quality of the aquatic environment. Features of groundwater layers in the Moscow region. What is the composition of the artesian waters of our region. Analysis of water components from artesian reservoirs, assessment of their impact on humans. What factors influence the quality of artesian waters in the Moscow region. Artesian water in the Moscow region is characterized by a high content small particles sand and clay. The analysis for quality often shows the excess of the permissible concentration of ammonia, fluorine, hydrogen sulfide and manganese.

Features of groundwater in the Moscow region

In our region, consumers have access to several varieties of groundwater occurring at different depths:

  • Groundwater environments. These are the layers closest to the earth's surface.
  • At a greater distance from the earth's surface are the ancient aquifers of the Jurassic-Cretaceous period.
  • Below are the aquifers. carboniferous period. They are the purest, because they differ in isolation from external factors. These layers contain the best artesian water, since the level is located at a considerable distance from the lower overly mineralized horizon.
  • The deepest aquifers, characterized by a high degree of saturation with minerals.

The purity and quality of the water of the first two layers are very dependent on external technogenic factors. Often they are polluted by sewage and surface water. This is especially noticeable during the flood period and during the autumn rainy season.

Artesian water: quality

Artesian water in the Moscow region is characterized by a high iron content and high hardness. Many are familiar with such a situation when the crystal pure water, just taken from the well, becomes brown and cloudy right before our eyes. This is due to the oxidation reaction of iron dissolved in water when interacting with oxygen.

Current regulations for drinking water limit the iron content in this aquatic environment to 0.3 mg/l. The artesian waters of the Moscow region are characterized by an increased concentration of this element ranging from 0.5 to 20 mg/l.

As for the hardness of water, according to regulatory documents, this indicator should not exceed 7 mol / m³. Artesian water in the Moscow region is characterized by a hardness index of 3-10 mol / m³. This suggests that in the aquatic environment there is an increased content of sulfates, dissolved calcium and magnesium salts.

In addition, water from an artesian well in this region is characterized by a high content of impurity particles. In this case, these are small particles of clay and sand. Also, the analysis of artesian water in certain regions of the Moscow region revealed an excess of the concentration of some chemical substances, namely:

  • particles of fluorine;
  • ammonia elements;
  • manganese;
  • hydrogen sulfide.

Features of the artesian water basin of the Moscow region

The artesian waters of this region are more often carbonate. The water environment is usually fresh with a degree of mineralization equal to 0.4-0.6 g/l. The quality of these waters is usually very good, especially for the waters of the hydrocarbonate and magnesium-calcium groups.

However, some layers of artesian waters are polluted from the upper aquifers (groundwater). Their water environment is the same, fresh. The environment of these polluted horizons is distinguished by the presence of chlorides and hydrocarbonates, as well as increased rigidity due to the high concentration of sodium, magnesium, and calcium. The composition of such artesian water is not very good, so it needs to be thoroughly cleaned before drinking.

Analysis of underground artesian waters

Artesian water of the highest category must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents. The main MPCs of substances for such waters are standardized in GOST On chemical composition artesian waters are influenced by the following factors:

  1. Features of the nutrition of the aquatic horizon.
  2. Components of the surrounding rock layers.
  3. Degree of protection against pollution sewage, water environment from other layers.

An analysis of the artesian waters of the Moscow region showed the following features of the aquatic environment:

  • The concentration of dissolved mineral components is exceeded and is 20 mg/l.
  • The concentration of bicarbonates is also higher than the norm, which creates an aquatic environment with increased alkalinity.
  • Due to an excess of calcium and magnesium salt compounds, the aquatic environment is characterized by increased rigidity. Normally, this indicator should be equal to 2.5-3 mg/l, and in the studied aquatic environment it is equal to 4.3-5.6 mg/l.
  • During the analysis, a low concentration of chloride particles and sulfate elements was found.
  • Due to the fact that these aquifers are surrounded by rock with a certain content of celestine, strontium is found in the water. Usually its concentration is 2-5 mg/l. This number increases as the aquifer sinks.
  • According to SanPiN, artesian drinking water must have an iron concentration of no more than 0.3, and magnesium particles no more than 0.1 mg / l. In the analyzed aquatic environment, these indicators significantly exceeded the norm. In principle, these water components, even in large quantities, are not harmful to humans, but they contribute to the development of glandular bacteria, which cause increased corrosion of pipelines. To clean artesian waters from these components, the aeration method is used.
  • An increased concentration of fluoride particles in artesian water can lead to problems with bone tissue; therefore, such an aqueous medium is purified by filtration through sorbents.
  • Exceeding the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the artesian aquatic environment leads not only to a deterioration in the organoleptic properties of water, but is also harmful to humans. The concentration of this substance is limited by regulatory documents and should not exceed 0.003 mg/l.

To draw conclusions about the purity and quality of artesian water, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory analysis. You can order such a test from our independent laboratory. To do this, you need to contact us at the phone number listed on the site. The price of the test depends on the number of analyzed components and is specified when ordering.

Water from the Abyssinian well is, as a rule, pure and high-quality water. The recharge zone of this water is located on a vast territory. That is, precipitation can feed it many kilometers away from you, underground it gradually migrates - and you pump it out on your site.

According to the mineral composition, this water is distinguished by a low content of hardness salts, manganese and other elements.

Bacterial contamination is also extremely low, since sand is an excellent bacterial filter, sand adsorbs a huge amount of organic matter. Sand is also used in backfill water clarifier filters. Unlike an ordinary well, the water from the Abyssinian well is taken from the depths, so it does not get the perched water inherent in some wells made of concrete rings.

the only headache water from the driven well of the needle in some regions is iron. IRON IN WATER IS NOT PRESENT EVERYWHERE, IN EACH LOCATION DIFFERENTLY. According to the content of iron, water from different aquifers may differ!

For example, the 1st water is good, but is too close to the surface, the 2nd water is red, the 3rd is good.

Unfortunately, it also happens that in a given area there is only one aquifer - and in it the water is red, or turns brown over time. In our practice, each well is individual!

This is the situation, for example, in the Moscow region - in one village the water from the Abyssinian wells is clean, in another it is ferruginous.

And in Stavropol, for example, all the water is good, but in order to pierce it with a spear from an Abyssinian well, you need to pierce a significant layer of brown clay.

Water quality from an artesian well

Water from deep artesian wells, on the contrary, contains a large number of hardness salts, iron in dissolved 2-valent form, manganese and other elements that dissolve in water. 2-valent iron is soluble iron, while in air in such water, iron passes into a 3-valent form and precipitates. This is manifested by rusty flakes, the water turns brown, a precipitate appears. But this is again not everywhere!

In practice, there are such cases:

  1. They blocked the Abyssinian well - the water in it is clean, good. Neighbors drilled an artesian well - the water in it is ferruginous.
  2. They blocked the Abyssinian well - the water in it is ferruginous. They drilled an artesian well - the water is the purest. And it doesn't turn brown in the air.

In general, there are many situations.

But in general, the water from the Abyssinian wells has proven itself perfectly! And if the soil on your site allows you to make an Abyssinian well, then it’s definitely better to do it!

Well water is not always clean, healthy and tasty. It can contain impurities, pathogenic bacteria and even toxic substances. Only a detailed analysis of the water from the well will help to find out whether the “extracted” liquid is suitable for drinking and household needs. If the results of the study are unsatisfactory, this is an occasion to come to grips with the issue of its purification and filtration.

A person is 70% water, so its impact on our health is enormous. Consumption of low-quality liquid leads to a decrease in immunity, greatly increases the risk of various viral, bacterial and allergic diseases.

In addition, the use of contaminated water in everyday life is fraught with damage to expensive equipment (dishwashers and washing machines, boilers, kettles), clogging of pipes, the occurrence of an unpleasant hard-to-remove plaque on plumbing. Therefore, in order to preserve your own health and the contents of your wallet, it is very important to understand what kind of water flows from the taps in the house.

Even the cleanest, at first glance, water can contain a lot of harmful impurities. The absence of cloudiness, odor or off-flavour does not guarantee the safety of the liquid.

Water research: when and how

Laboratory methods for the study of water from a well are carried out to determine its drinking suitability. In some cases, experts strongly recommend their implementation. Significant reasons include:

  1. Sale of suburban real estate. The conclusion of experts about the high quality of water on the site greatly increases its attractiveness in the eyes of buyers during the sale.
  2. Purchase of land. Having bought land plot, it is necessary to analyze the water to be sure of its safety.
  3. The occurrence of health problems. The increase in the number of colds and gastrointestinal disorders can be directly related to the presence of harmful impurities in drinking water.
  4. Desire to purchase a water purification system. To select the optimal filtration plant, it is imperative to find out the degree of contamination of the liquid.

It is mandatory to conduct a water analysis in case of deterioration of its organoleptic indicators - color, taste, smell, transparency. If the color changes upon contact with air: it turns yellow or even turns brown, stains remain on clothes and plumbing, it is likely that the concentration of iron is increased.

High-quality water contains up to 25% of the daily dose of magnesium, up to 20% calcium, up to 70% fluorine, up to 50% iodine. It is impossible to neglect the purity of such a valuable source of useful elements.

The smell of rotten eggs emanating from the liquid indicates an excess of hydrogen sulfide. In no case should you drink such water, as it can be toxic. Increased mineralization gives the liquid a salty taste. The constant use of water with a large amount of sodium ions can aggravate the course of hypertension, and, in general, is not good for health.

The appearance of muddy water in the well - this may indicate both mechanical contamination of the fluid, and chemical and biological "problems" of the source.

Assessment of the quality of drinking well water should be carried out regularly - at least once every 1-2 years. The composition of water changes periodically - both due to natural climatic causes (flood, drought), and through human fault. Chemical wastes and toxic substances seeping into the soil can penetrate into aquifers, and these changes, unfortunately, are not noticeable to the naked eye. Therefore, it is always necessary to “keep a finger on the pulse”, periodically checking the composition of the water consumed.

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As for the assessment of water quality in a new well, there is definitely no need to rush here. It is recommended to carry out a thorough flushing of the working and wait 3-4 weeks, when the pollution caused by the installation work is leveled by itself.

Where is the best place to do the analysis?

There are many laboratories that carry out water research. But preference should be given exclusively to proven companies that have licensed confirmation of the right to conduct analyzes. Experts recommend contacting only large companies with years of experience in this service area. Do not be tempted by the low price; focus on the quality of work and real reviews clients.

You can also assess the quality of water from a well at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special kit for express analysis. However, it is possible to study a very small number of indicators

When dealing with small companies, it is worth considering the fact that they are often intermediaries and do not have their own laboratories, i.e. “Redirect” samples for analysis to other offices. In this case, you can not count on quick results. Therefore, when choosing a laboratory, always ask if the firm has in-house resources to perform necessary analyzes, as well as a license with the right to conduct research.

Stages and cost of testing

The first stage of the study is competent water sampling. This process can be either entrusted to the laboratory staff, or performed independently. In the second case, it is very important to pay attention to such points:

  • It is advisable to take water containers in the laboratory. where the analysis will be performed. These containers have passed special treatment, they have added preservatives that ensure the stability of the chemical composition of the liquid. The use of glassware prepared by the laboratory is the key to obtaining the most reliable test results.
  • Laboratory containers must not be rinsed. You should also not drain water from them and refill them.
  • Use a clean container. If it is not possible to take vials in the laboratory, then you can use a clean glass or plastic container from drinking water.

Please note that sweetened beverage containers that have not been heavily processed running water absolutely do not fit! Sampling for the content of oil products, fats and other organic indicators should be carried out in dark glass containers.

Self-sampling of water significantly reduces the final cost of the study, but carries the risk of distorting objective data if the process is neglected. So be sure to follow following rules sampling:

  1. All manipulations should be carried out with clean, thoroughly washed hands with soap.
  2. Own dishes for delivering water to the laboratory must be absolutely clean and free of foreign odors (the optimal container capacity is 1.5-2 liters). Before filling it should be rinsed three times with the water to be analyzed.
  3. Water drain time autonomous water supply before sampling should be at least 5 minutes.
  4. Filling the container must be carried out in a thin stream along the wall of the container. Do not change the water pressure by opening or closing the tap.
  5. The container should be filled with water to the top (under the very lid): air in the container can affect the test results.
  6. Bottles with water must be signed - indicate the time, place and date of sampling.
  7. It is very important that the samples reach the laboratory without delay - no later than 2 hours after collection. If prompt delivery is not possible, the sample should be refrigerated. This will increase the "shelf life" of the selected water up to 12 hours.

To assess the quality of well water, Various types analyzes - chemical, organoleptic, microbiological, advanced. The cost of the study depends on the number of indicators determined and the set of additional services. On average, a standard analysis will cost 1500-2000 rubles, a complete one - 4000-5000 rubles.

There is no doubt about the results of water analyzes from a well, carried out in accordance with all the rules by an accredited laboratory. The study will be carried out clearly and promptly.

All standards that water must comply with private system water supply, are established in section 4 of SanPiN Among the mandatory indicators for assessing the quality of a liquid:

  • smell;
  • chromaticity;
  • turbidity;
  • smack;
  • pH value (pH);
  • nitrates;
  • general rigidity;
  • permanganate oxidizability;
  • general mineralization;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates.

If you donate water for research on a regular basis, you can limit yourself to an analysis according to the basic list of indicators, which includes only those “points” for which exceedances of permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bare most often recorded (pH, hardness, smell, iron, manganese, permanganate oxidizability, total mineralization).

Such an analysis will make it possible to draw general conclusions about the quality of well water, but will not make it possible to assess its overall compliance with established standards.

The deviation of the pH level up or down from the norm affects the visual state, taste and smell of water. The effectiveness of water treatment measures also largely depends on the pH level.

Microbiological examination of the liquid is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • total microbial count;
  • common colimorphic bacteria;
  • coliphages;
  • thermotolerant colimorphic bacteria.

You can get test results in most large laboratories in 2-5 days. Small firms are a little slower, taking 7-14 days to prepare a study protocol.

Well water treatment methods

The test results that fit into all the norms are excellent. In this case, you don’t have to worry about special additional filtration of the liquid. But if foreign impurities or dangerous concentrations of elements were detected in the water, it is necessary to take care of its high-quality purification.

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Usually water is purified in several stages. Their number is determined by the degree and types of pollution. A complete well water treatment scheme consists of the following elements:

  • "coarse" cleaning module, consisting of one or more filters;
  • iron remover filter;
  • softener;
  • carbon filter;
  • disinfectant;
  • installation for fine purification (preparation of drinking water).

The more levels the water treatment system has, the best quality water comes out. However, you should not “overload” your wallet with the purchase of the entire arsenal of cleaning devices - you need to solve real problems, confirmed by the results of the analyzes, and not “fight with windmills”.

Coarse cleaning features

This stage of water treatment is necessary to remove mechanical suspension from the liquid (large particles of clay and sand, rust, silt, scale). Properly selected coarse filters ensure the smooth operation of finer filters (they are installed at the beginning of the water treatment system). The liquid is cleaned from large impurities by passing through a system of grids.

Periodically, mechanical filters become very dirty and require washing. To get rid of the need to dismantle the elements and stop the water supply at the same time, it is recommended to install self-cleaning filters - they are cleaned by a jet stream. A reliable choice would be devices from Honeywell (USA) or Drufi (Germany).

Softeners to solve the problem of hardness

A high concentration of magnesium and calcium salts makes the water hard. Such water adversely affects the operation of plumbing equipment, as well as electrical appliances that use water. Deposits on heating elements (scale), limescale on the pipes shutoff valves, shower head nozzles, etc. are just a few of the possible consequences.

Too hard water in the well can damage household and kitchen appliances. Installing a softener filter will save you from unexpected expenses

Well water softening is a task that can be solved in several ways. It is cheaper to do this with equipment that uses the method of proportional dosing of a special reagent that neutralizes hardness salts. Such devices (for example, Quantomat from BWT) are a flask with a dispenser filled with a reagent.

The portions of the reagent measured by the dispenser depend on the volume of water that has passed through the neutralizer. Unfortunately, this method does not allow us to talk about full-fledged softening of water, since magnesium and calcium salts are not removed from the liquid, but are only “deactivated”.

Only complex installations can provide full-fledged softening, the principle of operation of which is based on ion exchange - the replacement of calcium ions with sodium ions. To do this, the liquid comes into contact with the ion exchange resin. The source of sodium ions is a solution of common salt. Such equipment is quite expensive, but its use in country house for drinking preparation of well water is quite justified.

Sometimes softening filters can also be used to remove dissolved iron from water, but it is still better to use a special iron removal unit for these purposes.

The importance of using iron removers

Iron is often not associated with ordinary person with a poisonous substance. Therefore, many simply ignore the need for deferrization of well water. But in vain. An excess of this element in drinking water can provoke whole line internal diseases and general debility.

Iron removal of water is carried out by special filters, the principle of operation of which is based on the transformation of iron from a soluble form into an insoluble precipitate by oxidizing it. Oxidation of iron dissolved in a liquid can be carried out without reagents (artificial or natural aeration) and reagents (using "powerful chemistry").

The principle of operation of pressure reagentless installations is as follows: forced saturation of water with oxygen occurs in a special column for aeration, located directly in front of the filter. The compressor pumps air there, the iron is oxidized and it precipitates. Sediment lingers in the thickness of the filter loading.

During the aeration of water, in addition to the oxidation of iron, a number of useful processes take place. In particular, the removal of hydrogen sulfide, a dangerous and poisonous substance having the smell of rotten eggs. The removal of hydrogen sulfide occurs through an electromagnetic discharge valve located in the upper part of the column.

The cost of pressure iron removers is quite high, but this is fully justified by low operating costs and ease of maintenance.

Modern filters for deferrization of water from a well in a country house are designed for efficient and uninterrupted operation for many years.

In reagentless type devices with natural aeration, the oxidation of iron occurs in a storage tank. This process takes much longer than with artificial air saturation. There is no compressor here. After oxidation, the pump pumps water directly to the iron remover.

Reagent type filters remove iron by a catalytic method. The oxidation of the element occurs on the surface of the granules of a special medium with filtering abilities, the retention of the formed compounds occurs in its thickness. Such systems are highly productive and compact; they are cheaper than reagent-free analogues, but require regular expenses for the purchase of reagents.

Disinfection of water from a well

Disinfectants are usually used at the final stage of water treatment. The main task of this equipment is the destruction of bacteria and other microorganisms. The most common are ultraviolet sterilizers. The disinfecting effect is achieved through a series of photochemical reactions. UV filters do not require any complex maintenance, they only need to periodically change the lamp.

It is important to note that the chemical composition of water does not change during the “sterilization” process.

Self-compilation of the “configuration” of the cleaning system is possible only if you have special knowledge in the field of hydrochemistry. Otherwise, it is better to entrust this issue to professionals.

Reverse osmosis plants: drinking water treatment

Most effective method obtaining water with drinking parameters - its purification by reverse osmosis plants. In this case, the liquid is passed through a special membrane that retains absolutely all foreign impurities. The quality of water at the outlet of reverse osmosis systems is the highest possible, meeting the most stringent requirements.

The only drawback of reverse osmosis treatment is the absence of mineral composition. Special salt cartridges solve the problem. This equipment is quite compact, it easily fits under the kitchen sink.

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It is quite obvious that it is by no means impossible to neglect the periodic study of the chemical and microbiological composition of water. Contaminated liquid poses a very real threat to health, and it is very naive to believe that Borjomi is “flowing” from your well. The vast majority of sources require water treatment to one degree or another.

Properly selected filters will help to cope with any pollution and make the water truly clean and healthy.

Artesian wells draw water from limestone aquifers. But, despite good natural filtration, although its water is the cleanest compared to other sources, it still has some pollution.

Where do foreign impurities come from in well water? Let's try to figure out what exactly affects the quality of artesian water.

The main factor of groundwater pollution is its contact with a mixture of sand and clay, the so-called Quaternary deposits. The layer of these deposits is located directly above the limestone aquifer. Limestone has small cracks through which the waters of Quaternary deposits penetrate into the horizon, introducing iron (up to 10 mg/l) into its water.

The next thing that can cause pollution of artesian water is the disruption of well drilling technology. One of the errors in drilling is the pairing of horizons - when between the upper aquifer and the limestone horizon lacks tightness.

Requirements and standards for water quality

There are special regulations that specify the requirements for the quality of water from underground sources. So, iron in such water should contain no more than 1 mg per 1 liter, sulfates - no more than 500 mg / l, total hardness - no more than 7 meq / l. There are such requirements for many chemical elements, compounds, and even for the number of microorganisms in 1 liter of water there are rules. Compliance with the drilling technology and hydrogeology of the area largely contributes to the reduction of impurities in well water.

For example, knowing that the content of minerals and fluorine in water increases as the horizon "falls" deeper, one should drill wells for water in the area under which the aquifer lies closer to the surface, unless, of course, this violates sanitary norms(location of cesspools, garbage dumps, etc.). But on the other hand, it is believed that Jurassic clays bring iron, and in order to reduce the iron content in water, the water intake part of the well is located deeper.

Water quality in the Moscow region

The underground waters of the Moscow region are rich in iron. It is also contained in groundwater, and in the water aquifer formed by the Carboniferous deposits. It is impossible to allow mixing of waters of different horizons with waters of limestone deposits, and secondly, the upper layers of limestone (1–3 m) must be thoroughly planted with pipes.

Also, iron can be found between water horizons in clays that separate them (horizons). Such clays, for example, are located between the Kasimov and Gzhel limestone horizons. When drilling artesian wells, such a layer should be isolated with blind sections of casing pipes. At all, sealed connections pipes in the casing will avoid the ingress of other waters, and hence various impurities, into the well.

In order to find out the chemical composition of water from your well, it is necessary to perform a water analysis in a specialized laboratory or an organization that has such a laboratory. Based on the data of such a water analysis, it will be possible to proceed with the selection of a water treatment system. making water consumption safe for household appliances and your health.