Well      30.04.2021

Interesting questions for guys to think about. What questions can you ask a pen pal to get to know him better. You are not bored with me

You just met and you don't know how to dilute a boring conversation at all? Every girl in her arsenal should have interesting and funny questions, to some extent with a trick, in order to test his ingenuity as best as possible, which will not let a single guy get bored (perhaps even vulgar ones). We present a whole list of questions, for all occasions, with which you can 100% forget about uncomfortable silent pauses in communication with guys.

This block of questions will allow not only to hook the interlocutor for further communication, but also to find out all his sides, which of course will give rise to certain conclusions. As a rule, these are questions of a general nature that are very flattering to a guy, because at the ready of the stereotype about the talkativeness of all women, men simply love to talk about themselves. First of all, ask the guy about his hobbies and preferences. These questions will be relevant to everyone, without exception, both men and women. Think about what question you would be happy to answer and ask it without any hesitation. For example:

  • What music can you imagine your life without?
  • What is the most recent movie you watched?
  • Do you like camping?
  • What food do you hate?
  • How do you feel about religion? Do you believe in God?
  • What is your favorite dessert?
  • Are you afraid of spiders?
  • Do you like to go to discos? Have you been to costume parties?
  • What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in horoscope?
  • Did they tell you by hand?
  • Do you have best friend? How did you meet?
  • What do you like more - receiving or giving gifts?
  • What fears did you have as a child?
  • What can throw you off balance?
  • What can't you forgive?
  • What can not be done at the first communication?
  • What is the funniest incident in your life?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Tell me about your first love. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What is the first memory in your life?
  • Imagine that you won a million dollars, what will you spend them on?
  • Have you ever fought?
  • What words did you say incorrectly as a child?
  • What thing do you use every day and consider indispensable?
  • Did you have prophetic dreams?

Looking for first date questions?


These unpretentious topics will allow not only to find a common interest and discuss joint taste preferences, but also to discover new styles of music, movie genres and more. useful information. But, in any case, you should not criticize him. As they say, how many people have so many opinions. Try to initially tune in to listen, let the interlocutor open up and do not impose. At such moments, it is important to feel whether the given topic appeals to the young person. Ask more clarifying questions on the topics given, thereby showing genuine interest in the conversation.

cool questions

This block of questions will be useful to you if you decide to defuse the situation after some serious conversation, or you don’t want to talk about serious topics at all. Particularly interesting and funny are the answers to questions like “what would you do if…” or “what would you do…”:

  • If you were sent to desert island for a whole year and you could take 2 people with you, who would you invite with you?
  • If you were to stay overnight in a hypermarket, what would you do?
  • Would you like to act in a porn film and what genre will this film be?
  • How would you react if all of a sudden everyone's clothes were gone?
  • Would you like to be a woman for one day and what would you do first?
  • Have you ever wanted to change your appearance forever with someone and what would you never change?
  • What superpower would you like to have and why?
  • Who do you think you were in a past life?
  • Ever woke up in an unfamiliar place?
  • Imagine that you were given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, would you commit it and what kind?
  • What is better, a fat girl, but with big breasts, or a thin girl, but with a ugly neckline?
  • When will we submit an application to the registry office?
  • Would you take your future wife's last name?
  • Let's do it right now, ready?
  • You have the opportunity to make any wish within 30 seconds. Tell me quickly!
  • If you knew that the world would end tomorrow, how would you live your last day?
  • Did you go on a blind date and did you like the girl? What would you do if she wasn't your type at all?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine, what time will you go?

It is very important not to cross the line of flirtatious humor. It is such a simple dialogue that will help him relax and open up as much as possible. Try to make jokes about branching topics, without touching on family, friendship, religion, or his salary, so as not to embarrass the person.

Trick questions

Each girl tries to find out as much as possible all the "skeletons in the closet" from the opposite sex. But how to do it so that the guy does not even suspect about it? Very easy too! It is worth asking a couple of tricky questions, and he will give himself up.

  • Can you openly tell a person about his shortcomings?
  • Were there cases of theft on your part?
  • Should a wife report to her husband about her purchases?
  • Would you lend money to someone you barely know?
  • How do you feel about cheating? How many times did you change?
  • Slept with ex-girlfriends?
  • Able to trust your email or social media password to your girlfriend?
  • Are you a jealous person?
  • What would you say if a girl approached you on the street and offered to have sex?
  • What incident in your life would you like to forget?
  • Imagine the situation, you were invited to the wedding of an ex-girlfriend, will you take your current one with you?
  • How do you cut loved ones out of your life?
  • Have you ever felt like you love two girls at the same time? How did you do?
  • What are the three things you can't imagine the perfect girl without?
  • What parts of the body are the first things men pay attention to?
  • What was the most expensive gift you gave to your loved one?
  • What would be your reaction if your best friend confessed that he was gay?

These topics are quite delicate, especially for males. Some moments in life people prefer not to discuss, the main thing is not to make a mistake and not step on this “mine”. Be vigilant, learn to feel the subtle threads of the dialogue so as not to accidentally cut them off. Don't push for answers unless the person is obviously in the mood to discuss them. Also, you should not expect 100% truth, the answers of men on such topics very rarely coincide with reality. Avoid personal questions (related specifically to you) - they are useless. You run the risk of hearing unpleasant things or obvious lies. Be content with the fact that he communicates with you, and this is obviously a good sign!

vulgar questions

What to do when you have known each other for a long time and it's time to move on to "spicy topics"? Then these questions will definitely come in handy for you.

  • Do you like to watch 18+ films and what kind?
  • What size is your penis?
  • What was your first sex like? Describe your first sexual partner.
  • Funniest incident during lovemaking
  • Have you ever been caught by your parents for self-satisfaction?
  • How often do you satisfy yourself?
  • Kissed a man?
  • Tell me about your most extreme sexual experience.
  • Did you have a threesome, and if not, did you want to try?
  • Did you use the services of a prostitute?
  • Have you tried phone sex?
  • What is your favorite position?
  • Do you give girls oral sex in the bikini area?
  • Had sex with a complete stranger?
  • What was the longest break in sexual terms?
  • Have you ever had nocturnal dreams?

Do not even try to ask these questions at the first communication! In any case, this is a sign of bad upbringing. Communicating in this spirit, you can safely forget about the search for a gentleman who with valor will seek his hand and heart. And remember that not all guys are equally liberated in matters of this nature. Try to find everyone individual approach. Good luck!

In the relationship between a guy and a girl, misunderstanding sometimes arises, even if young people have been dating for a long time. One of the most complex facets, which has a lot of nuances, peculiarities and subtleties, is the topic of intimacy.

Girls are sometimes embarrassed to ask something, young people are afraid to offend the chosen one, as a result, both puzzle over, not knowing anything about their partner.

To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking provocative and uncomfortable questions, thanks to the answers you can get to know each other better, understand the preferences of your soul mate.

The fair sex takes a long time to decide on such conversations, after carefully considering their questions. What questions you can ask a guy, how to delicately clarify his preferences in bed, whether it is worth discussing sexual activity with him - and this is not all that worries a girl, but only a small part.

It is best to start with the main thing - to clarify about the previous relationship, their duration and the reason for the breakup. Perhaps if you have not been together for so long, the young man may refuse to answer such questions.

In this case, do not push, he needs time to prepare for such reasoning, or the experiences left over from the previous experience are still disturbing.

Many girlfriends advise to “squeeze” the guy, look for an ex-girlfriend on his VK page and contact her on her own or threaten to write to her lover in order to squeeze the truth out of him.

What do girls usually ask their chosen ones? There is no exact formula that will help you find out the necessary information and make sure that the guy answers honestly and sincerely. You will have to compose it yourself.

There are topics that are the safest and most general, allowing you to get widespread information about a person, and there are more acute and intimate ones that give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal life. There are usually no problems with the first type of questions, and such information is clarified during the first stage of the relationship. The second one has some difficulties.

If you definitely decide to ask tricky questions to a guy, then think them over in advance. They should not sound offensive or with a sneer. For example, if you are asking why your lover has not had sexual intercourse before, you should not scoff at his inexperience. And, on the contrary, if he had many girls, you should not expose him as a womanizer and extremely promiscuous in terms of sexual contacts.

The safest way to start a conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, talk about his favorite fantasies or share his innermost desires that could not be realized before. This will help you get to know your man better, as well as further make his erotic dreams come true.

To help indecisive girls start a tough conversation, we recommend browsing TOP 15 acceptable provocative questions that you can ask your chosen one.

  1. At what age did you have your first sexual contact?
  2. How do you like to make love?
  3. Do you prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary items (toys, costumes)
  4. What do you think of role playing games?
  5. What part female body the most erotic for you?
  6. How do you feel about variety in bed?
  7. Is there a difference for you between making love and having sex?
  8. Do you consider yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  9. What intimate topics bother you?
  10. What do you absolutely dislike about sex?
  11. What things do you consider acceptable in an intimate way, and what things you strictly do not accept?
  12. What things do you find the sexiest?
  13. What kind of girls make you excited?
  14. Can you describe your latest erotic fantasy?
  15. Tell me about the first girl who made you want to have sex?

You can make up 100 questions that interest you and invite your lover to choose the 20-30 you like the most and answer them. When drafting, remember that the main goal is to get to know each other better, and not to quarrel during the discussion.

A great way to talk and have fun at the same time is the game Truth or Dare?, most likely you have already heard about it or even played with friends.

If it is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet, fortunately, they are quite simple even for beginners. During the game, you can safely ask interesting questions on the topic of relationships, sex and personal preferences, while not forcing the guy to be very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation.

In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will find out the most intimate thoughts and get an honest answer to the most uncomfortable and vulgar questions. After all, it's just a game.

Dirty questions for a pen pal

If you are at a distance from each other or are in a relationship by correspondence, you can ask your questions on various social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or Skype when communicating. This will save you unnecessary embarrassment and allow you to bring up topics of interest without a bit of awkwardness during the discussion.

Questions for you

What if the young man decided to start the conversation first and find out all the delicate nuances of the relationship himself? First, answer honestly. This will help you get to know each other better, as well as save you from misunderstandings in the future.

Second, don't be afraid. No matter how difficult questions (maybe even with a trick) he asks, remember that this is not an interrogation with passion, but a confidential conversation between two close people. Your answers will influence future relationships, but should not be a reason for avoidance and ridicule.

Third, share positive things without focusing on past failures. If in a previous relationship a young man left you without even leaving a letter of apology, expressing some claims, do not rush to accuse the entire male population of infidelity and callousness.

Better specify that the past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full-fledged relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions to a guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at studying each other. They are needed to smooth out all the roughness in the relationship, find common ground and build further actions based on preferences, avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

So, are you dating or not, you just started talking, you really like him and you think “how not to scare him away?”

Men, by nature, are not particularly talkative, or rather, he may be talkative, but to speak does not mean to open the soul.

So, let's figure out what questions you can ask a guy?

  1. Your questions should be far from the stereotyped phrases “How are you?”, “How is the weather?”. Such typical questions can only push him away, and in principle, the answer to such a question is implied in one word: “Normal”, “Good”, and so on. Our task is to start a dialogue that will be of interest to both and one question will flow smoothly from the other.
  2. Ask a guy about his hobby, for example, if you know that he is fond of boxing, hockey or goes to the gym. Guys love to talk about their hobbies, however, like girls, we always talk about what we are interested in with pleasure.
  3. Avoid very personal topics. You should not ask directly how much he earns, why he broke up with ex-girlfriend and from what his grandfather died. No need to climb into his soul so quickly, the time will come and he will tell you everything.
  4. You can ask how he likes to spend his free time. This question will help not only set the tone for the conversation, but also help you learn about it. more information, learn about his character, moral values ​​and inner world.
  5. Ask him about travel. Not bad, if you yourself have been abroad, tell him about it, and he will share it with you in return.
  6. Ask where he studies/works. Just don't delve too deeply into the topic of work, it can get boring. Ask where and by whom he works, what are his duties, is he interested in this or is he going to develop in a different direction. It is not worth going further.
  7. Take an interest in his life principles. His attitude to love, friendship. These questions can be used even in relation to unfamiliar men.
  8. Give compliments. This will help to defuse the situation and relax him. Just choose non-personal compliments. For example, a compliment like “You are such a bunny” will not be appropriate, but “It’s so cool, you have such a courageous profession” that’s it.
  9. Don't ask too many questions. All the same, you should build a dialogue, and not a monologue or passing an exam.

Questions not to ask a guy

1. Are you bored with me?

If he is still with you, then for sure he is interested in you, otherwise he would have left. These types of questions can make a guy think that you are insecure and stupid. There are so many things to talk about in the universe, so asking such nonsense is not recommended.

2. Do you love me?

This question is like a red rag to a bull. If he loves, he will tell about it herself. Besides, you're probably rushing things. Girls, as a rule, after the first date, they begin to make plans for a young man, they are ready to say “I love you”, get married and give birth to a bunch of children. For guys, things are different. Just because he's hanging out or dating you doesn't mean he loves you. Don't rush him.

3. Am I getting better?

Men rarely notice small changes in your appearance (it can be either a couple of extra pounds or the color of varnish), they often evaluate the image as a whole. But after your question, he will definitely pay attention. Do you need it?

4. Questions about his ex-girlfriends

You ruin your own peaceful life. Why do you need to know that? Everything that was is gone. Also, beware if he himself starts talking about his ex, for sure, he still has feelings.

What questions can you ask a guy on the Internet

  • Counter questions. He asked you and you repeat his question. For example, "How did you spend your day?". Communication on the Internet is difficult because being at a distance it is difficult to find common topics.
  • Clarifying questions. You asked, he answered, ask a clarifying question, for example, “What do you do in your free time?”, He answers “Boxing”, you answer “Boxing, it's very interesting! How long have you been doing this?" and everything like that.

In general, questions on the Internet are not too different from questions on real life, you can add a couple of topics:



Ask him about plans for the future, there will be a reason to think, are you on the way at all?

-bad habits

This question is worth asking so that if in the future you agree to meet in real life, you will not be surprised if he comes on a date with a bottle of beer and a cigarette.


Maybe you grew up in the same backyard? Ask him how he was: quiet or fidget. This will show your interest in him and he will be pleased.

In any case, when communicating with a guy, the main thing is your sincere interest in him. You can ask at least a thousand questions, but if he does not see a spark of interest in your eyes, he probably will not want to continue communication. Good luck!

Let's face it, we all love shortcuts. We like things to be easy. As in work, money, and relationships.

Many of us often take them for granted. Without even realizing that the relationship between a man and a woman is something that should be carefully worked on.

If you don't do this, you can fall into the trap of "lazy" relationships that just exist instead of flourishing and making both partners happy.

Now tell me honestly, how are things with you? You may have been dating or married for several years. It is not so important.

Something else is more important. If your feelings are sincere, the desire to become closer to a man, to know and understand him is a completely natural phenomenon. And it should never be ignored.

Otherwise, at some point you will realize that your relationship has become “lazy” and no longer brings its former joy.

How to dodeeper

Quite a few couples choose to ignore the day-to-day petty annoyances of “hide the trash under the rug.”

Here they are, but we covered them up - and it seems that they are no longer there!Why sort things out if you can just pretend that nothing happened and everything is fine again? So it is impossible to develop relations between a man and a woman.

All relationships begin with a gradual exploration of each other. . During this period, small quarrels often occur on the basis of mutual misunderstanding. And that's okay.

After all, this is one way to understand what kind of person your partner really is, and how to deepen your relationship.

It is important during this period to learn how to solve problems that arise, and not hide them “under the carpet”. But there is another way to deepenrelationship between a man and a womanand building mutual understanding.

It's incredible, but even 30 minutes a week dedicated to this event can properly develop a relationship with a guy and a girl.

Do not believe? Try just once and you will see what comes out of it.If you don't like it, no one can force you to do it again.

But such an exercise will be able to transfer your relationship from the state of existence of “lazy relationships” to.

As a result, you will no longer be tempted to hide "garbage under the carpet" and leave problems unresolved. You will learn to minimize them.

So here are 9 questions to help you
relationship between man and womandeeper if they ask each other and answer them honestly.

  1. Can I make you feel even more comfortable with me?

This is a great question to ask about both your pastime, personal interactions, and intimacy.

Ask what he wants. That he is especially pleased when he is next to you.
Maybe lie down for a few minutes in silence, breathing deeply of your scent.Or he needs hugs as an expression of love.Or, eye-to-eye eye contact is sufficient.

  1. Are you satisfied with our sex life?

But you should not directly ask a man the question of whether he is satisfied with his joint sexual life.Better try sometimes gently bring him to the topic of novelty in your overall sex life.

Ask what else he would like to try, what he is interested in.Also offer your suggestions. Surely, you also have desires in this regard.

It is important to remember that this question is appropriate to ask if
relationship between man and woman already switched to .
If you are just starting to date, it is not relevant. It is better to postpone it for the future.

  1. How can I better support you through life?

In principle, there is a possibility that everything suits him anyway. But this happens quite rarely.Therefore, in most cases, this question can hook the right strings in the soul of your partner and awaken in him the desire to talk about his desires.

Maybe it will be something simple, but a little unusual, like: “I want a sweet kiss from you to be the reason for my awakening in the morning. It really lifts my spirits for the whole day."

It could be something more.

For example - “Although we agreed that we would take turns cooking, but I have a hard week at work and I will most likely have to stay long and come back late.Could you take over the cooking duties for the time being?”

As a result, the relationship between a man and a woman becomes much stronger and stronger. after each similar case of mutual assistance.

  1. Did I accidentally do something that you didn't like?

Your man's answer to this question may well surprise you.For example, you thought that everything was fine between you. But after the conversation, moments surfaced that were not always pleasant for your man. Be attentive.Listen and don't interrupt.

If your partner decides to answer this question, it will be a bold act. After all, with his story about what exactly of your actions hurt him, what he is disappointed with, he can cause some pain to you.

It can be very difficult for him to lay it all out.
After that, sincerely thank him for the revelation and ask for forgiveness if you feel guilty or embarrassed.
You can promise to get better and never let that happen again. Your man will be pleased.

  1. How should I behave when you come home from work?

Of course, it is not advisable to ask this question directly. But you can gently bring a man to the answer to it.

Why is this needed? A man may want something specific that you yourself will never guess. What is important to him as a man.

Maybe he wants you to ask how he spent his day at work.
Or maybe he needs a little mental rest, and your best gift for him after a hard day's work will be half an hour of absolute silence.

By fulfilling this request, you will be a few steps closer to understanding his inner world.

By the way, from this question it might seem to you that I am describing
who sits at home, waiting for his arrival.This is not entirely true.

Do you remember that at the beginning I recommended asking these questions to each other?

For example, how to cheer you up at the end of a hard day if you also work.

How to behave with a man: what motivates him to be with you:

  1. Is there any kind of physical contact that will help you feel more loved?

Now we are talking not only about the types of sexual contact (we have already talked about this above).

Perhaps there is some physical intimacy that he lacks.Maybe he loves it when you play with his hair. Or he likes it when you come up and hug him from behind.

There can be many options, because each individual relationship between man and woman are unique. And to find out about them, you just need to ask.And then more often to bring them to life.

  1. Are we close enough (from his point of view)?

Our individual needs may change from day to day.Maybe your partner has been succumbing to serious stress all week and now he needs more care, compliments and support.

Or, on the contrary, it is now rapidly rising up career ladder, is constantly busy and needs more free time and personal space.

Asking for more independence does not mean that he has become less fond of you, but about affection and care that he is weak. It's just that people have emotional needs that are caused by the presence of various events in their lives.

And the better you learn to cater to his needs and tell him about yours, the deeper your relationship will become.

  1. Do you have experiences that make you feel stressed? Can I help you deal with them?

The answer to this question will make it possible to understand what problems he has to face.

It may be unpleasant for both of you, but otherwise you will not be able to understand and help him.You can rephrase the question so that it sounds softer and more appropriate.

Anything that falls under the category "How can I be of service to you in your case?" adds depthrelationship between a man and a woman.

  1. On what topics and in what situations do you find it difficult to speak? How can I support you in these moments?

This question can be asked every couple of months. Each person has his own "cockroaches in the head", which make him feel vulnerable in various situations.

Maybe he is very uncomfortable when you publicly criticize him, even as a joke.
Or he closes emotionally when you start discussing the topic of sex.

There may have been some mishap in the bedroom that makes him feel extremely embarrassed and ashamed.
No need to “get into the soul” and beg him for answers to these questions, as in an interrogation. Try to find out his desires from a position of love and respect for him as a man.

The most effective way to improve relationships

I don't want you to feel like I'm recommending that you focus around the clock on all your partner's problems. He himself should be interested in developing a relationship with a girl.

In no case! Let me remind you again that this is just a tool that will help you better understand each other.

Also, don't ask all the questions at once. Assess the situation and choose the most appropriate.

On some of them he will give more detailed answers, on others - less. A few questions may be ignored altogether, as it will be considered inappropriate to answer them. Take it. Give your man time.

These questions provide an opportunity to start a dialogue within the couple, the presence of which few people can boast of. Exactly relationship between man and womanare transferred to a completely different, qualitatively new level.

Many things can be hidden "under the carpet". But these 9 questions are the same indispensable tools, which will help to extract everything, even the smallest troubles.

Get rid of all the accumulated "garbage" to make you a truly close and happy couple.

I believe that you will succeed!And one more thing: do you know that you can always count on my support and advice?

Most interesting articles Yaroslav Samoilov:

Communication is always a dialogue. Questions and answers to them. The ability to ask questions is very important, because they can not only attract attention to themselves, but, on the contrary, scare off the interlocutor. You need to choose your words especially carefully when talking with a guy you like.

What questions can you ask a guy?

What questions to ask a young person depends on how well you already know and what, in fact, you want to know. Lots of options.

Well, for example, you can ask:

  • What is the craziest thing he has done?
  • What is his best achievement that he is proud of?
  • What sport does he like the most?
  • What films (books, singers, musical styles) does he like best?
  • Does he like noisy companies?
  • Where does he dream of traveling?
  • How often does he consult with his parents?
  • Does he believe in life after death?

Interesting questions for guys: how to come up with?

Particularly interesting may be questions that reveal his preferences, temperament.

For example,

Which is better: the beach or the mountains?

Museum or hotel pool?

Samba or waltz?

Racing car or jeep?

Billiards or horseback riding?

Thailand or France?

Fried grasshoppers or chops?

It is very interesting for any guy to think about thematic questions, for example: “what would be ... if ...?”

For example, if he suddenly won a million, what would he spend it on? What role would he like to play if invited to act in films?

If you could choose a country where would you like to live?

With whom would you like to be on a desert island?

Cool questions for guys: examples

If you want to laugh together, then ask him something like this:

  • Have you ever been in a funny situation in front of a crowd?
  • What was your nickname at school?
  • Have you ever danced a striptease at a party?
  • What fruit are you?
  • What's your favorite joke?
  • What New Year's costume did you have as a child?
  • Who did you want to be as a child?
  • What letters did you not pronounce for a long time?
  • How did you distort words as a child?
  • Were you afraid of Babayka?
  • Until how old did you go with a pacifier and sit on the potty?

Be careful when asking provocative questions. Take into account the fact that a careless word can easily hurt a person. Rely on your sense of tact and degree of intimacy with the interlocutor.

Questions for pen pals: what to ask?

If you start a conversation at social network 1st, it's better to just write "Hi". If he answers the same, you can ask: “How are you?”, “Do you know when spring will begin?”, “You are very similar to my classmate, maybe you are his older brother?”, “Are you by any chance not in ... studied ? I think I saw you there” (choose 1 from the options).

Don't ask too many questions at once, especially long or complex ones.

Look at his photo, if there is “Travel”, ask if he liked those places, otherwise you are also going there, but are still considering whether to go.

If there is a car in the photo, consult which girl is better to choose. Do you want the same, but maybe not worth it, because the parts are very expensive?

If you want to attract attention to yourself, you can write in your status: “I am looking for a guy with a strong physique, with good willpower and perseverance for joint landing potatoes. There are such?"

How to ask dirty questions for guys?

If you already know each other very well, you can add an element of flirting to the conversation with the help of intimate questions. Remember that it is important to observe the measure here.

For example, you can ask your boyfriend:

  1. What part of your body does he like best?
  2. What pose from the Kama Sutra would he like to try?
  3. Would he go to a nude beach with you?
  4. Has he ever used intimate services?

Ask guys interesting questions, then the answers to them will most likely please you. Communicate more, it will help to get to know each other better. Try to pay more attention to the interlocutor. He needs to feel that he is important to you. Remember that a properly structured dialogue can be the beginning of a good friendship or sincere love.