In a private house      04/22/2019

How to make a fire ways. Useful information on how to light a fire with and without matches

In extreme situations, it is essential to be able to make a fire. Thanks to the fire, you can boil water, cook food, give a signal, dry clothes and keep warm. Situations may arise when you do not have auxiliary tools at hand, so you need to know how to make fire without matches and a lighter.

Making a fire in the standard way.

Before moving on to the question of how to start a fire without matches and a lighter, let's talk about standard breeding methods. Any survival kit must contain matches or a lighter.

Matches can be of several types:
- wind and moisture resistant
- elongated with a long piece of wood
- non-grating matches that can ignite when rubbed against any surface

Important is proper storage and the use of matches:
- matches must be stored in sealed packaging
- if there are very few matches, then they can be split in half
- if the matches are damp, then they can be dried by rubbing on clean, dry hair
- always have a spare box of matches

A lighter may be more effective for making a fire. Lighters are divided into alcohol, gasoline and gas. When choosing a lighter, you should not take the cheapest. Alcohol and gasoline quickly evaporate from inexpensive lighters, and they can fail at any time. Always have a spare flint.

The procedure and rules for making a fire

To successfully start a fire, you must follow following rules and order:

1. To start a fire, you need to find tinder or a material that is highly flammable. Ideal for this:
- paper
- textile
- thin dry birch bark
- dry grass
- cones
- dry tinder

2. Prepare firewood and brushwood. The brushwood flares up well. As soon as the brushwood flares up, it is necessary to add firewood, which will be the main fuel. The brushwood must be dry. If the heat is high, then you can use raw firewood moisture will evaporate quickly.

3. With special care, you should approach the choice of a place for a fire. The fire should be as far as possible from tents, dry trees, buildings to avoid a fire. If the place of making a fire is damp or covered with snow, then it is necessary to make an elevation from stones, earth.

4. Select the type of fire and lay out the firewood accordingly. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen to the fire.

5. Get a fire and kindle a flame. Use matches, a lighter, or strike a spark and light the tinder, then light the brushwood. As soon as the brushwood flares up, you can set fire to thick firewood.

How to make fire with a lens

If you do not have matches and a lighter, then the fire can be made thanks to the sun and the lens. The sun has always been an unlimited source of energy, and on a clear day you can easily make a fire with a lens or even glass. To build a fire, you need to concentrate the sun's rays at one point. After concentrating the rays, set fire to the tinder and make a fire.

If you don’t have a lens, glasses, a mirror, a shiny bottom of an aluminum can are great, and in winter time even a piece pure ice. Also good for making a fire. plastic bag filled with water. With your hands, shape the bag into a lens shape and concentrate the sun's rays. To start a fire with ice, shape it into a lens shape with your hands. If you're starting a fire with an aluminum can, it can be sanded down to be more effective.

Making fire by friction

The oldest method of making fire is friction. When rubbing the surfaces are played out and you can get a fire. Since ancient times, a bow drill was used to produce fire by friction, then they began to use a steel. currently, flint, alloys of some metals are used as flint. The main feature of the flint is that it is not afraid of wind and water, sparks can be struck up to 3000 °C. Dry tinder is needed to successfully start a fire with a flint and steel, which in some conditions can be a significant problem.

In the absence of a flint and flint, you can build a simple bow drill. For a bow drill, you will need a flat piece of wood, a rod and a flexible bow branch. A rod rests against a flat piece of wood and is rotated by means of a bow. Friction arises as a result of which fire can be produced. In a flat piece of wood, it is necessary to make a groove for the rod and a channel for removing coals. For rod suitable branch 1 cm thick. As a bowstring, you can use a rope, laces, a belt cut into thin strips. The rod is rested against a piece of wood and wrapped around with a bowstring. Moving the bow back and forth with the help of a bowstring, we transfer the rotation to the piece of wood. As a result of friction, the temperature rises. Tinder must be added to the groove. As soon as smoke appears, the tinder is blown until a fire appears.

IN last resort you can do without a bow, then the rod will have to be rotated with your palms. But this method is not efficient.
Although this method of making a fire without matches and a lighter is simple, skill is required to start a fire. It may not be possible to start a fire the first time.

Making a fire by chemical method

Fire can be made by chemical reactions. To do this, you can use the following components:
- Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and sugar in a ratio of 9: 1
- Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and glycerin (strictly use 1-2 drops)
— Potassium permanganate and antifreeze. For this method, 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate is poured onto paper and a few drops of antifreeze are added. The paper is tightly folded and covered with tinder. As a result of slow oxidation, heat is released.

Ammunition can be used to make fire. You have to be extremely careful with this method. It is necessary to remove the bullet, shot and hammer inflammable material (birch bark, cotton wool, moss). Next, we shoot into the ground next to the prepared tinder. In addition, you can ignite gunpowder with the help of flint.

The next way to make a fire is quite exotic. You will need a battery and foil. The foil is folded in the middle to make a bottleneck. Next, with the help of foil, the poles of the battery are closed. In a twisted place, a strong warm-up will occur, which will help to make a fire.

You never know what surprises life will bring to you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention the post of Boris Zak - a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to start a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will surely surprise you. :)

A bit of theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire may occur in different reasons: heating, chemical reaction, the impact of electricity.

So, to kindle a fire, we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire with a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing, I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Lighting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the can and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the can is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it with cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

We put the frame on a stand and pour water.

Pour water carefully

Everything, the installation for kindling the fire is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is an interlacing of a very thin fiber of steel, in appearance it resembles ordinary cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself consists of 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” from dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool into it and run the battery contacts over the cotton wool several times.

Lighting a fire with steel wool and a battery

Method 5: Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut off a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire with IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. You will not only make a fire, but also keep warm. We take a piece of ice and with light movements of the knife we ​​give it a shape into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, how to kindle a fire with a lens - every child knows.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, plastic, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium glistens in air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, metallic sodium is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats, melts due to the heat released, turning into a white ball that quickly moves into different directions on the surface of the water; The reaction proceeds with the release of hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

sodium + water

Method 9. Flint and steel

With the help of a fire starter, sparks are cut. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. On the Internet, you can find a wide range of fire starters. Which one you get - does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

It's easy to strike sparks, you just need to prepare a good tinder. To do this, use a dry flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as a diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder is heated to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to reach high temperature, you need a strong blow.

Lighting a fire in the forest using matches or a lighter is a standard thing. But what if in a situation where you need to kindle a fire, you do not have any matches or a lighter. There is a need to kindle a fire without them. It is possible to do this. How to light a fire without matches? There are several ways to do this.

Friction without matches and lighters

This is a very complex method, with a primitive echo. The key aspect here is the type of wood that is used as a plank or rod.

A rod is a stick that needs to be rotated around its own axis. A powerful friction should form between the axle and this stick. The result is a spark. If the friction is very strong, embers will form. They can be used to start a fire.

The optimal types of wood for this purpose: walnut (preferably walnut), cypress, juniper, willow. Poplar, aspen and cedar wood are also good. It must be dried before use if it is damp or wet.

Using a hand drill

This method is the most ancient and extremely difficult to make a fire. It implies the presence of wood, good physical strength and great patience.

It is necessary to collect tinder in a small pile, similar to a bird's nest. A tinder nest must be used to ignite the flame. The challenge is to get the spark. Flammable material must be used to create this nest. To light a fire, dry grass, leaves or bark will do.

In the nest you need to arrange a slight recess. It is necessary to cut a V-shaped hole in the plank. It is necessary for the flame. A small indentation is made next to the hole. Under it lies the bark. It will store smoldering coals formed from the friction process. This will give you a chance to start a fire.

Then the rod needs to be rotated. It is placed in the indicated recess. Its minimum length is 60 cm. It puts pressure on the plank. The method of its rotation for kindling is between the palms. The movement should be fast up and down the entire rod. Actions continue until the necessary coals are obtained. They should be red. If so, you can tap on the fire board. The coals will be on the bark. It should be placed next to the previously created tinder nest. After that, you need to blow a little on the coals so that a flame appears.

Making a bow drill

This method is considered the most effective. It helps to securely hold high pressure and proper rod rotation dynamics. A powerful friction is formed, which is required for the appearance of a flame. In this method, you need to use a rod, a plank, as well as a weighting agent. Its function is to fix the rod and the bow. It is used to press on the upper end of the rod. He himself moves at the expense of the bow and therefore staggers. To fix it, you can use a small stone or an element of some kind of tree. In the second case, the wood element must be harder than the rod. Lubrication is also needed here. It can be water or oil.

The bow is crafted to the length of your arm. A wooden vine is used with good flexibility and some curvature. For a bowstring, you can use various materials: even a lace, even a rope or a piece of rough leather strip. The main thing is that this material has high strength. Next, the string is pulled.

A special board is being prepared. A v is also cut out - a similar hole. Tinder is placed under it.

The rod is wrapped in a bowstring. Then he is placed in a loop from it. One of its endings is obtained in a hole in the board. On the second - it is necessary to press with a weighting agent - a stone or an element of wood.

It is necessary to set the bow in motion strictly horizontally forward and backward. The rod rotates at the maximum possible speed. The bow must move until the cherished coals are formed.

It is required to make the flame flare up. These coals are placed in tinder. Blow on them a little. There will be a flame.

The use of flint and steel

This is a rather outdated method. It used to be often used by soldiers. Main components: high-quality flint and steel. If they are not available, a penknife blade (it is made of steel) and quartzite will do.

For ignition, you can use any dry, not very dense fabric. Moss will fit here too. These materials perfectly capture sparks. Their smoldering without flaring up continues for a very long time. If such materials are not at hand, you can use part of the fungus or birch bark.

Any material taken, as well as stone, is fixed. The stone should be taken with two fingers: thumb and forefinger. Their distance from it is approximately 5-7 cm. The position of the kindled material is between the thumb and the flint used.

The blade hits this flint several times. There are sparks. They fall on the material used. It turns out smoldering

The flame is kindled. The material is placed in a tinder nest. You should blow on it a little. The fire is blowing up.

Lens use

The lens is great for making fire. You can use a standard lens. Its task is to focus the light from the sun on a specific area.

Suitable things in this method: a magnifying glass, glasses, lenses from binoculars. When there is some water on the lens, the UV light is enhanced.

The lens is rotated at the angle of the light source, i.e. the sun. We need to focus the beam on a very modest area. The tinder nest is substituted for the indicated spot. And after a few moments, a flame appears.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the method is carried out only if there is sunlight. For example, in the evening or in cloudy weather, it will not work.

Use of balloons and condoms.

If you fill such vacuums with water, you can form a lens out of them. And with the help of a lens, it is not difficult to make fire.

Each of these containers is filled with water. The end is tightly tied. The shape of the container should be spherical (as far as possible). Just do not inflate the vacuum to the limit. This will only distort the focus of the ultraviolet beam. The form should help form the necessary focus. The condom can be squeezed in the center. This creates two smaller lenses.

The applied vacuums have a shorter focal length than standard lenses. For this reason, they are placed only 2-5 cm from the nest.

Use of ice

In the work of the classic, the phrase "ice and fire" is found. And it is not just words. By using a piece of ice, you can really get fire. It's just that this piece should take the shape of a lens. So the process can happen, as in the fifth way.

And this method is often used by winter tourists.

This will require clean water. Because the ice should be transparent. If it is cloudy or has impurities, then the lens method will not work.

To form the ice of the required transparency, you need to pour clear water into the mug. It is better to take it from a lake or other body of water. You can apply fresh snow. It is placed in this container. Melts. The water needs to be frozen. The required thickness of the ice piece is about 5 cm. This layer is enough for a high-quality lens.

Make an ice cube desired shape maybe with a knife. It should be borne in mind that the correct lens thickens in the middle and narrows at the edges. When this form is obtained, it should be manually polished. The heat from your hands will melt the ice a little. Its surface will become smooth.

Such an ice lens is placed in relation to the sun in the same way as a glass lens (fifth method). The light beam is focused on the nest. The flame appears.

Soda can and chocolate bar

Required components:

  • A can of carbonated drink, it is better to take a container from Coca-Cola.
  • Chocolate bar.
  • Sunny weather.

Chocolate must be rubbed on the bottom of the indicated container. This is a kind of polish. So the surface of the tin bottom will have the effect of a mirror. Can be used instead of chocolate toothpaste. The effect is similar.

After this polishing, you form a parabolic mirror. And the light beam will be reflected from it and concentrated on one point. In a telescope, mirrors operate in a similar way.

The processed bottom of the can turns towards the sun. Creates a perfectly focused light beam directed at the tinder itself. Approximate distance of the tinder from the beam: 2-3 cm. In just a few moments, a fire is formed.

It's good and effective way. But not all tourists take with them into the depths of the forest or others gave a can of soda and chocolate

Fire starter made from batteries and real wool

Maybe some hikers take such things with them. And the procedure itself is:

The strip of wool is stretched. Her: length - 15 cm, width - 1 cm. She needs to rub the battery. At the battery itself, the power should reach 9 watts. Its contact side is well rubbed with wool. This material will catch fire. You need to blow on it a little. The ignited wool falls on the tinder. It burns down very quickly, you need to have time to kindle a tinder nest.

During outdoor recreation, sometimes you want to warm yourself by the fire, cook yourself a warm meal, or you really need to dry your wet clothes. On a hike, on a picnic, in a fireplace or stove in your country house, you can light a fire different ways. But how to light a fire without matches if they are damp or, in case of your forgetfulness, left at home - in the city. It is generally accepted that a woman is the keeper of the fire (hearth), while a man is his earner. It is difficult to predict the situation when he does not have matches or a lighter with him. Therefore, the information given here is needed by a man in the first place.

There are many ways to make fire. The main ones are: sparking, friction, using a lens.

Living fire from a spark

Fire, as you know, ignites from a spark. Spark can be obtained using flint with flint(medieval way).

AND with modern flame(friction of two metals).

The difference between them is that modern version A flint and flint in the wet state does not create a spark. In contrast, flint and flint, abundantly soaked with water, successfully strike a spark.

We were taught how to light a fire in a snowy wet forest at school, but not everyone can do it. Most simple rules, as we know - this is the presence of a piece of dry wood, the lack of laziness in order to plan dry chips (the more the better) - it will take a lot of time. When making chips, it is better to cover yourself with a tarp to protect yourself from the wind and from possible precipitation. When the fire flares up, you can put wet branches in the form of a hut, which, drying out, will also light up. Then you can put thicker branches - the fire will gradually gain strength. The only thing left to do is to get the fire out of the spark.

To create it, you can use special kits that are commercially available or created by yourself. They include: a skein of linen rags or twine to create rags, burnt linen tinder, forged flint, flint.

Flint is a hard silica stone that can scratch glass.

Armchair - a metal object in the form of a strip of hardened artistic forged steel sized 6 and 7.5 cm. A 7 cm armchair is more convenient to use. The steel blade of a knife can serve as an armchair.

Tinder is a material that is highly flammable. Natural natural tinder can be dry grass or wood shavings, birch bark, spruce cones, chopped tinder mushrooms, pine needles and even the fine dust created by wood-boring insects. The contents of a bird's nest will also do. The tinder can be cotton wool, waxed paper, cotton fabric. Burnt pieces of linen tinder or pieces of birch tinder fungus, made according to a special old Russian technology, are also used.

A piece of burnt tinder smoldering from a spark can be safely put into the tin box in which it is stored along with the rest of the pieces - it will safely go out when oxygen is cut off.

We get fire with the help of flint - flint, flint, tinder

Juniper bark and birch bark are used as tinder. We create a tinder nest - a lump of crushed juniper bark, which we will then put into a piece of birch bark.

With the help of a stone and a flint, we extract a spark, holding a piece of burnt labor or a tinder fungus close to the stone at the moment the flint hits the stone. A spark, falling on the burnt tinder, leads to its smoldering. A smoldering piece is wrapped in a rag or a lump of natural juniper tinder (birch tinder fungus or any other material mentioned above), inflated in the palms, wrapped in birch bark and further inflated. The fire will surely flare up.

Consider the method of how to light a fire in the forest by friction. It can be called the "bow and drill method".

First you need to stock up on dry moss and create a tinder nest. You should not use paper for these purposes - it is unlikely that you will succeed with it.

Next, you need to build the so-called “fiery bow”, carve out a rod or spindle, or drill, that is, the same “drill” - a thick smooth stick of soft wood (from walnut, aspen, juniper, cedar, cypress, willow.) 50 centimeters long and also create a base. Its role can be played by a stone with a smooth recess, a piece of wood ( wooden plate) dense rock or ordinary tree stump. For this, a pine tree, an oak tree is used.

A smooth hole or recess of 1 or 1.5 cm is cut out in a wooden base with a knife. The diameter of the hole or recess in the base must correspond to the diameter of the “drill” rod for their snug fit. An incision is then made in the hole to contact the moss, which will ignite.

A "fiery bow" can be any flexible stick tied with a cord or any rope. Insert the rod into the string of the “fiery bow”, turning it so that it is in the loop, without tying any knots.

Fire will be produced by rubbing the rod-"mace" on the base.

On an island of moss or any other tinder, put the prepared base with a recess and press it with your foot. Place one end of the stick wrapped with a bowstring vertically into a smooth recess in a stone or wooden base. The bowstring is in a horizontal position. With one hand, holding the upper part of the “bore” rod with a piece of bark (so as not to damage the hand), with the other hand we begin intensive horizontal movements of the “fiery bow”, holding it by the hard part - a flexible stick.

These movements are reminiscent of cutting wood. regular saw, and the method itself is the work of a modern hand drill.

You should not create friction by rotating the "mace" with your hands - this is ineffective.

If the nest of moss begins to smoke, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and fan the fire harder.

When this happens, we put leaves, dry small twigs or other forest raw materials on top of the nest in the form of a wigwam or a “pioneer” fire. The fire caught fire - be careful not to burn yourself!

The video shows how to make fire by friction.

You can enjoy the fire created using the lens effect only in clear sunny weather. With this method of kindling a fire, the concepts of "sun" and "lens" are inseparable. This method of making fire is the easiest, but requires some patience.

Anything that reflects light can serve as a lens: the glass of a watch or glasses, a piece of ice, a metal spoon or ladle, water in transparent cellophane or a balloon, a binocular lens, the bottom tin can. These objects focus the rays of the sun at one point, which is why the ignition occurs. In a dry and bright place, we put dry “fuel” under the lens - natural tinder or paper.

1. CLOCK GLASS. To create a lens from two watch glasses, they are put together, water is poured between them and coated with clay.

2. METAL SPOON. As a lens, it is used together with a pot - a carrier of soot and a dense 3-4 cm bundle of toilet paper with a straight torn off end, which is soiled with soot from a kettle. The same lens is created from a deep spoon, bending it even more to deepen it to focus the sun's rays. Instead of a spoon, you can also use a ladle. In the bright sun, we set the end of the bundle with soot close to the middle of the spoon and patiently wait for the ignition. The peculiarity of toilet paper is that it smolders very well. The tourniquet will surely begin to smolder, and the soot will create an ember - a reliable fire keeper.

In the absence of matches, you can light a fire with ice. But this can only be done in sunny weather. So let's pick a piece. clear ice slightly larger than the width of a brick and form a smooth product out of it in the form of a huge tablet or a very thick lens 5 cm thick. To do this, the surface of a piece of ice is polished, heating it with the warmth of the hands. Ice Pill can be obtained by freezing melted snow or clean water from a pond in any cup or pot. The main rule is that the shape of the lens is a thick middle and thinner edges. Then we install this kind of lens on a stump, on a stone or any hill and tilt it, directing a ray of the sun passing through an ice lens, onto a hill of dry moss or other flammable forest raw materials.


These "devices" are characterized by a shorter focal length, therefore, they should be somewhat further from the combustible object - 1-2 cm.


The bottom of the can is polished with chocolate or toothpaste to create parabolic mirror and used as a lens.

Chemical substances

When mixed, rubbed or struck chemical substances ignite. You should also adhere to the proportions of these substances.

Component options:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and sugar (in a ratio of 9: 1);
  • Cover the potassium permanganate with tinder (for example, with a cloth or a napkin), carefully drip 2-3 drops of antifreeze or glycerin on top;
  • Sugar and potassium chlorate (proportion 3: 1).

Pour potassium permanganate and sugar onto a dry wooden board (not rotten), rub it with a stick as they do in a mortar. After 20 seconds, fire appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

The extracted fire can be transferred to the original home-made wooden "stump stove". To do this, you need to cut a thick log into 6 parts and tie these parts in the form of a hemp, without tightening them tightly. Then put the thin bark of this hemp (birch bark) in the middle of our “stove” - between the logs. With the extracted fire, you can kindle birch bark and safely put a kettle or bricks on the “stump stove”, which will warm your home. You will need 10 such bricks, periodically they can be heated on a miracle stove.

You are a tourist, a hunter, a fisherman, or just a casual traveler lost in nature, armed with such information, you will feel much more confident.


Transmission "Galileo" about how to make fire without matches.

Experiment in Galileo: Fire by friction.

Experience in Galileo: potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

IN extreme situation the key to survival and the basis of minimal comfort is not only food and subsistence, but also fire. Fire is warmth, protection from insects, snakes and animals, the ability to cook food, dry clothes, melt snow for water, and also feel at least a little more comfortable and relaxed psychologically, which is very important in survival conditions. But what if matches and lighters are not included in the list of those necessary things that happened to be with you in an emergency? How to make fire without matches, we will tell in this article.

1. Friction based

The bow and wooden hammer is probably the easiest of the friction based methods, but it also requires a lot of components. In practice, it takes a little longer and requires a bit of practice to get the fire going, creating friction between the hammer and the bowstring, which is an important part of both the hammer nose and the hand bow.

2. Hand friction

In this way, a little more self made, but this efficient way to start a fire if you don't have ropes or other similar materials with you. Here you will need a wooden stick, preferably with a pointed end, and fragile wooden base for her friction. If your energy is enough to finish the job, then you will be able to heat your inflamed hands with the fire you have obtained.

3. Friction of wooden sticks

The most energetic and intense way to start a fire is to arm yourself with several wooden sticks, one of which should be 5 cm in diameter and the other 1.5 cm. There should be a crack in the large stick, against which you will rub the end of the other stick. This is another great way to get your hands on fire with limited resources and tools.

4. Flint and steel

In this method, you need to take flint and steel with you. Find a wooden base for them and prepare brushwood. Then put it on the ground, take a flint in one hand, and steel in the other and light a fire as if you were lighting a match on a box.

5. Water bottle

To start a fire, hold a bottle of water up to the sun and place a piece of paper under it. The water bottle should be full and the paper preferably black for quick ignition. The principle is simple - water acts as a lens.

6. Balloons and condoms

This method is similar to using a water bottle, this method will help start a fire if balloon or a transparent condom to hold it and create a forming and focusing lens. It will take a little longer to start a fire with this method, as the material used is more brittle. A fire should not be allowed to start, and a balloon or condom burst and extinguish it.

7. Fire from ice

Take ice, cut a transparent and small sphere out of it, put it on a tree so that the sun's rays pass through it completely. The fire will flare up right before your eyes. It is efficient and effective method, which accurately answers the question: how to make fire without matches and without much difficulty.

8. The bottom of a metal can

Using the bottom of a Pepsi can, you can create the effect of a focusing mirror. The catch is that you need a polishing agent to create a shiny mirror to focus the light. For this purpose, you can take a wrapper from a chocolate bar or candy with a silver coating. This is another way to know it and use it in an emergency.

9. Batteries and steel

By using a battery and steel, you can create a really hot surface and start a fire very easily. Put the battery in a piece of wool and bring it to steel, so you can easily get a fire, but for its production it is worth preparing in advance.

10. Lemon

New and interesting way to create a source of power and voltage. Take a lemon and insert 5 screws and 5 nails into it parallel to each other, tie them together with a metal wire, and from the extreme put two contacts to the brushwood.


With this information, you will have a practical understanding of how to make fire without matches. Heat, the possibility of heating water and cooking is now literally at your fingertips. We encourage you to practice these techniques to develop skills and test your knowledge. Practice will improve your chances of success when you should be using them and help reduce stress in emergencies. Be careful when attempting these methods, and follow fire safety guidelines.

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