Well      07/02/2021

How long to bake puff pastry without yeast in the oven. At what temperature should you bake yeast-free dough? Frozen puff pastry - recipes. How long to bake puff pastry

Puff pastry is an essential component for a huge range of different baked goods. It makes delicate cakes, pies and the easiest thing - puff pastries sprinkled with powdered sugar. Having a package of such a semi-finished product, a hospitable and hospitable hostess will always find something to treat unexpected guests.


Before we start talking about how long to bake puff pastry in time, we'll give him more detailed description. Exists a large number of young and inexperienced housewives who may not have heard that such a wonderful semi-finished product exists in the world. Although many people came across this type of dough in supermarket refrigerators, they somehow postponed the time to purchase it. And now, before they find out how long to bake puff pastry, they will find out why they actually need this product and what it is?

Test name

The semi-finished product got its name due to its ability to flake and rise high during baking. The better the dough is considered, the more “pages” it contains. Water, oil, salt and flour are all the ingredients included in the dough. The special kneading technology that produces layers of dough gives the name to the final product.

Types of it

In general, the product exists in two forms. Yeast - the dough is kneaded using yeast, in addition to the main ingredients. When baked, it has a slightly different flavor and appearance.

Yeast-free - as the name suggests, it does not contain an additional yeast component. This fact doesn't make it any less flaky. A yeast-free product is considered more capable of separation. Baking made without yeast can contain up to two hundred thin layers.

However, chefs are not asleep and offer finished goods from puff pastry dough. You can also try delicious pastries made from creamy puff pastry, which contains delicate cream. All these delicacies are offered by a variety of cafes and delis. Preparing puff pastry with such additional ingredients is a very troublesome task.


Before you know how long to bake puff pastry, you must first properly prepare it for baking. Usually the most appropriate method for a particular test is written on the product packaging itself. What to do when such information is not available?

A bag of dough from freezer put it in the refrigerator (overnight) and in the morning the defrosted but not sticky dough is ready.

To quickly defrost, remove the bag from the layer and place the dough on the table for fifteen minutes, when room temperature. It thaws very quickly. The layers of dough (there is more than one in the package) need to be separated as soon as they can come unstuck from each other.

With a semi-finished product you need to work no less quickly. High temperatures cause the layers to collapse. The oil that is located between them, although not very visible to the human eye, is capable of sticking together at lightning speed.

Before you find out how long to bake puff pastry, you need to arm yourself with equally important knowledge about how to properly prepare the product. At first general rule regarding each type of this dough: there should not be a lot of flour for shaping the products. The cutting surface is lightly dusted with flour, and the dough is quickly rolled out on it, and pies, for example, are made no less quickly.

How long does it take to bake puff pastry?

The residence time varies depending on the size of the original product. The temperature inside the oven throughout the baking period is also important. Sometimes, when preparing yeast products, the temperature has to be raised or lowered.

Yeast products

How much your products have risen will depend on how long to bake the puff pastry. Some housewives set the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees and heat it up. Then place the yeast puffs inside and wait five minutes with the door closed. Don't go far from the kitchen, puff pastries are very capricious. The door cannot be manipulated either. The door to the oven must be closed so that someone can break in. cold air did not interfere with the rise of baked goods.

After five minutes, set it to two hundred and fifty degrees. And finish baking the products for fifteen minutes. This time will be enough for the puff pastries to bake and brown.

Yeast-free dough

How long does it take to bake puff pastry without yeast? In the case of baked goods without yeast, the oven is preheated to the required degrees. Set the setting to two hundred and twenty, preheat the oven and you can safely bake your baked goods for fifteen minutes. After a quarter of an hour, visually evaluate the product; if it is a little pale, hold it for another five to ten minutes until it turns red.

Summarizing the answer to the question of how long to bake puff pastry in the oven, we come to the conclusion: on average, half an hour at permissible temperatures, ranging from 220 degrees to 250. If you have doubts about whether the baked goods are baked well, take a clean wooden toothpick and carefully pierce the product. A dry splinter is a sign that the inside of the product is ready. However, outwardly, only the housewife can decide the degree of browning of the puffs.

Don't experiment with lowering the temperature. Most attempts to bake puff pastry at temperatures lower than two hundred and twenty degrees can result in dryness and sticking. An oven heated to more than two hundred and fifty degrees will burn the outside of the baked goods, but leave the inside raw.

Each type of confectionery product corresponds to a certain type of dough. They differ in the method of preparation and recipe. Accordingly, the temperature and baking time are also different.

Yeast dough for small products. Temperature - 240-260°C, baking time - 8-15 minutes.

Yeast for large products: 220-240°C, 20-50 minutes.

Puff pastry without yeast: 230-250°C, 25-30 minutes.

Shortbread: 230-250°C, 10-15 minutes.

Biscuit: 200-220°C, 10-15 minutes (up to 10 mm), 35-40 minutes (up to 40 mm).

Custard: 180-220°C, 30-40 minutes.

How long to bake dough products.

Baking refers to products made from bread and confectionery dough, prepared by baking, as well as the process of preparing these products. Tables showing baking time will be useful if we are preparing baked goods according to a recipe for preparing a specific dough, which only describes the process of kneading the dough and says nothing about molding the product and baking time. In this case, we ourselves determine the type of future product, but we may not know how much time will have to be spent on baking. Such tables can also be useful if in the recipe we find only general phrases - “bake until done”, “bake until golden brown”, “bake in the oven”, etc.

Below is a culinary table that indicates How many it takes time bake products from various types dough - yeast-free dough, sponge cake, butter dough, puff pastry, protein dough (meringue and meringue), shortbread, choux and other types of dough. The table also shows baking temperatures for each type of dough and product size.

Baking time tables for dough products.

Product Temperature, °C Baking time, min
Simple straight yeast dough
Small items (50-100 g) 240-260 8-15
Large products (500-1000 g) 200-240 20-50
Sweet yeast sponge dough
Small items (50-100 g) 240-250 10-12
Large products (800-1000 g) 210-230 30-35
Easter cakes, babas, koloboks, pies 180-220 40-50
Puff yeast dough
Small items (60-100 g) 240-260 10-20
Large products (800-1000 g) 230-250 20-25
Puff pastry without yeast
Small items (70-100 g) 210-250 20-30
Large products (100-1200 g) 220-230 30-60
cookie 220-240 10-15
Puff pastry
Small items (50-100 g) 200-240 25-30
Large products (500-1300 g) 210-240 25-30
Shortbread dough
Small items (50-100 g) 230-250 15-20
Large products (600-1200 g) 210-250 15-30
Shortbread flavored dough
Buns 230-250 10-15
Cookie 220-240 10-15
Sweet dough with soda and sour cream
Cookie 220-240 8-15
Shortcakes, cheesecakes, juices 200-220 10-15
Pies, rolls 180-200 30-40
Unsweetened pie dough with soda
Cookie 220-240 10-15
Pies 220-240 15-20
Pies 200-220 30-50
Noodle dough
Cookie 240-260 6-7
"Tube" cakes 200-240 4-5
Pies 190-220 20-30
Strudels (Strudels) 200-220 30-50
Heated biscuit dough
Cookie 180-210 8-15
Thin cake (thickness less than 10 mm) 200-220 10-20
Pies 190-210 20-40
Biscuit (thickness 25-40 mm) 200-220 35-50

Biscuit dough without heating

Rolls 200-220 15-20
Cakes 190-200 15-20
Cakes 180-210 25-30

Butter biscuit dough

Small products (thickness less than 10 mm) 200-220 10-20
Large 190-200 35-50
Cupcakes (600-1000 g) 180-200 40-60

Choux pastry

Figured products from choux pastry 180-200 30-40

Protein dough

Cookie 130-150 10-15
Meringues 110-120 25-30
Meringue 90-100 30-40
Pies 160-180 30-40
Cakes (layer thickness 2-3 cm) 120 20-30

Nut dough

Small cookies (up to 10 g) 150-170 12-15
Large cookies (40-50 g) 150-170 20-25
Cake "Krakovskoe" 230-240 10
Cake "Ideal" 150-160 20-25

Corn flour based dough

Cookie 200-220 8-10
Buns 200-230 25-30
Custard pie 180-200 50-60
cupcakes 200-210 40-50

Gingerbread dough

Gingerbread cookies are small and thin 220-240 8-15
Large gingerbread 180-220 30-40
Gingerbread 180-220 30-40
Product Temperature, °C Baking time, min
  • 0.5 kg of ready-made yeast-free puff pastry.
  • 3-4 medium sweet apples.
  • 1-2 tbsp. Sahara.
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon.
  • Nuts, raisins optional.

Cooking step by step:

Thaw the puff pastry at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Speed ​​up the process with microwave oven it is forbidden! Let it lie in the kitchen on the table and thaw itself.

It is better to place the strips of dough separately on cling film or a board sprinkled with flour so that they do not stick together.

How to roll out puff pastry? There is an opinion that it should not be rolled out at all, so as not to disrupt the structure of the layers. However, this is not quite true. You can roll out the finished puff pastry, but preferably in one direction.

I even tried sticking the scraps of dough together and rolling them out again - the puff pastries also came out, although they didn’t layer as well as they did from the first batch. But this recipe is waste-free; it is very convenient to cut squares from strips of dough, unlike circles.

You don’t have to roll it out, but simply cut the strip into square pieces, put apples cut into small pieces in the center of each, sprinkle with sugar, nuts or raisins, cinnamon and, folding the square with a corner, press the edges.

Having formed the puff pastries, place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, lightly greased with odorless sunflower oil or butter.

At what temperature should you bake puff pastry?

In order for the products to exfoliate well, turning out fluffy, beautiful and tasty, you need to put the puff pastries in the oven, preheated to at least 200°. It can be higher: I bake at 220-230C°. But, since each oven has its own character, the baking mode is set individually.

Look at the puff pastries: they should become dry and light golden; if they are too brown on the bottom, slightly reduce the temperature and move the baking sheet from the middle level to the top; if, on the contrary, they are pale, increase the heat.

Remove the finished puff pastries from the baking sheet, place them on a dish and, after waiting for them to cool slightly, sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon through a strainer.

Have a delicious tea!

  • Without rolling out the dough, lay it out on the table to form a rectangle. We cut it into 4 strips lengthwise and place the filling in the middle of each strip. The edges of the strips are pinched. In total we get 4 long “sausages”. Now we put baking paper on a baking sheet, and begin to lay out the resulting “sausages” on it: from the center in a circle,...

  • I prepared breakfast like wany05, quickly and easily and with excellent results. Place the dough in the refrigerator in the evening and it will gradually defrost overnight. In the morning, cut the dough into portions according to the number of sausages. Wrap the sausages randomly in the dough. Lubricate with yolk for beauty. And into the oven until the dough is ready. My child loves pies, pies...

  • Preparation procedure: Frozen yeast puff pastry is a very affordable semi-finished product, sold in any supermarket. I usually buy it at Magnit. Cut the semi-finished product into 10-centimeter pieces and sprinkle the pieces with sugar. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200*C, turn it, first grease the baking sheet with sunflower oil...

  • Thaw the puff pastry. Place 2 slices overlapping one on top of the other. Lightly dust with flour and roll out to 3mm thickness. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Using a mold, cut out hearts from the dough and place them on a baking sheet. Peel, cut the apples in half and remove the core. Slice apples...

  • 1. Peel the pears, leaving the stem. 2. Cut off the bottom of the pear so that it is stable and can stand upright. 3. Pour water into the pan, add sugar, add honey, lemon cut into halves, cinnamon, cloves and seeds scraped from the vanilla pod, as well as the pod itself. You can replace the vanilla bean with several...

  • For the filling: chop tomato, herbs, boiled pork and meat (finely). Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise with ketchup. Grease the dough (thawed) with sauce and spread the filling evenly on top. Roll up the roll and cut into 4-5 cm pieces. Grease a baking sheet with butter and place the buns. While waiting for vertical buns, place...

  • Watch all the intricacies of preparing this wonderful dish in my short video! Onion cut into rings. Mix water, sugar, and vinegar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Put the onion in the marinade. Cut boiled eggs into slices. We cut off the tail of each fish. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 mm. Cut the dough into 8 cm squares...

  • Let the dough rest until it defrosts until it is ready to roll out. Roll out each square until it approximately doubles in size. Cut into squares. I get 9 squares from one layer of dough. We prepare the filling in advance (twist the raw chicken fillet in a meat grinder, add finely chopped onions,...

  • Defrost the dough, cut into strips with truncated edges (see photo). Brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Wash dried apricots and prunes, soak for 20-30 minutes, cut into pieces. Wrap pieces of dried fruit in strips of dough and bake until lightly browned at 180 degrees. Snail cookies are ready for tea or coffee! They leave in one... two! Bon appetit!

  • Defrost the dough and roll it into a rectangular layer about 5mm. Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs and cut into halves. Mix the minced meat with chopped onions, garlic, spices, and herbs. Place the prepared minced meat on the dough, half the eggs one after the other on top in the middle. Pinch the dough, brush with egg, make cuts for beauty. Bake for about 30 minutes....

  • 1. Thaw the dough as directed on the package. 2. Place the dough rectangle in a pan lined with parchment. Brush the edges with a little beaten egg. And 3. Place a border of dough along the edge. 4. Peel the pear, cut out the core, cut into thin slices and place on the dough. 5. Break the cheese into small pieces or grate and crumble...

  • There is always frozen dough in the freezer, just in case of emergency. We've run out of bread and it's freezing outside. And these soup rolls appeared. I apologize that the dough is store-bought. Maybe someone will find this idea useful. Mix finely chopped black olives, ham, chopped herbs and cheese. Season with mustard and nutmeg. Rolling out the dough...

  • Thaw the finished puff pastry. Dust the surface with flour. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 3 mm thick. Cut the dough lengthwise into 2 parts. Mix the yolk with milk (or water) and brush the dough with it. Cut dried fruits lengthwise into two parts. Step back 1.5 cm from the edge of the dough and place dried fruits alternately along the length. Back off another 2 cm and lay out...

  • Baking from puff pastry is an endless topic. What is in the refrigerator, sweet, salty, spicy, meat and sausage, wrap it in dough and bake, bake... Everything is delicious. In my family, pies with fillings like these are highly respected. So. FILLING 1. Stew cabbage, carrots and onions with bay leaves and seasonings. Salt. Add a boiled egg, grated on a coarse...

What can you make from puff pastry? A lot of different goodies! From simple puff “tongues” to a luxurious Napoleon cake; puff tubes, “envelopes”, “corners”, “roses”; stuffed with apples, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, jam, chocolate, custard! This is the wealth of variations hidden basic recipe homemade puff.

Depending on how you fold the dough and what you fill the formed products with, each time you will get a new delicacy, to the joy and surprise of your household.

All puff pastries should be baked on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour or lined with baking parchment at a temperature of 200-220ºC. It’s easy to tell if it’s ready: the baked goods will separate and acquire a golden color.

1. Puffs "Bows"
Roll out the puff pastry 1 cm thick, cut into strips about 10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Twist in the middle to make a “bow”. Bake, transfer to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

2. Puffs "Ears"
You've probably often come across delicious ear cookies in the store. It’s easy to make it at home: roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle the cake with sugar and cinnamon and fold first the right edge, then the left one into a roll towards the middle of the cake. It turns out to be a double roll. Cut it into pieces 0.5 cm thick, lay out the “ears” on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and bake until done.

3. Puff pastries “Corners”
Cut the dough into squares, put a non-liquid filling in the middle of each: pieces of apples, cherries, cottage cheese, or boiled eggs With green onions, or mushrooms fried with onions. Bend the dough squares diagonally to form a triangle, and press along the perimeter with your finger, stepping back 1 cm from the edge: then during baking the filling will not “run away”, and the edges of the “corners” will separate beautifully.

4. Puff pastries “Rosochki”
Can be made sweet or snack. Having rolled out the dough with a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut the cake into strips 15 cm long, 3 cm wide.

Place thin semicircular slices of apples, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, or boiled sausage on the dough - so that the edges protrude slightly above the dough - and roll the dough into a roll. We fasten the roses with toothpicks and bake until golden.

You can sprinkle strips of dough with grated cheese or poppy seeds, then roll them up to create puff “snails”.

5. Cheese sticks
Cut the cake 1 cm thick into strips, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. You can sprinkle with cumin or sesame seeds.

6. Puff pastries
Having rolled out the dough into a 0.5 cm cake, cut out circles using a shot glass or glass. We impose the filling, for example, boiled chicken fillet, chopped and mixed with fried onions. We pinch the pies, press them slightly, place them on a baking sheet, seam side down, and bake until lightly golden.

7. Puffs "Tubules"
To prepare them, you will need special metal baking cones. We wrap strips of dough 1 cm wide onto them, slightly overlapping, and bake. Remove the finished cooled tubes from the cones and fill them with cream: butter, custard or protein.

8. Puffs "Croissants"
Roll out the dough into a circle 0.5 cm thick and cut into triangular segments, as for bagels. On the wide edge we put a non-liquid filling: berries, a piece of jam, nuts with raisins and honey, a piece of chocolate - and roll from the wide end to the narrow one. Dip the top side of the croissant into the beaten egg, then into the sugar. Place on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown.

9. Spiral cake
As an alternative to small puff pastries, you can bake a large, spectacular layer cake! Roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, cut into long, narrow strips (5 cm wide, the longer the better).

In the middle of the strips we put the filling: grated cheese, mushrooms, minced meat. We pinch the edges and place the resulting “tubes” with the filling in a spiral into the mold. You can make a pie with different fillings, alternating them. Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds or cumin. Bake at 180-200C until golden brown.

10. Napoleon
The most delicious and favorite puff pastry recipe! Roll out the dough into cakes 2-3 mm thick, according to the size of the baking sheet (and to prevent the thin cake from tearing, it is more convenient to roll it out immediately on parchment sprinkled with flour), pierce the cakes in several places with a fork and bake for 15-20 minutes each. Coat the finished cakes with custard, sprinkle the cake with crumbs and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.

Do you know what can be made from puff pastry? Pies and cookies are a real lifesaver for different cases life.

A birthday cake, fluffy buns for a children's party, pizza for a family dinner, cheese sticks for beer, and delicious croissants for breakfast can be prepared quickly and tasty, adding variety to your daily diet.

Use store-bought dough or make your own. Great solution There will be a yeast and yeast-free version. This product has a neutral taste and is recommended for use not only for dessert dishes, but also for pies and pies with cheese, vegetable and meat fillings.

More complex and heavier yeast dough is suitable for buns, but yeast-free dough is considered universal solution. Knowing different recipes, you can cook a new dish every day. Let's find out more about it together amazing world puff pastries.

Puff pastry has many benefits. You can use it to prepare various dishes according to recipes. It's quick and easy to handle, it's worth finished form inexpensive.

The cooking process will become easier if you know some secrets.

All types of puff pastry are prepared from:

  1. oils
  2. salt and flour

It is prepared in a special way and laid out in layers. The number of layers determines how airy the dough will be. The process of preparing the yeast version is labor-intensive; it is much easier to prepare the mixture without yeast. A yeast-free product can consist of 280 layers, although it cooks quickly.

In order for the baked goods to turn out fluffy, the oven must be preheated to 220 degrees and bake the product for no longer than half an hour.

There is a simple classic version, it is used for making cakes, pies and cheese sticks. A sweet and simple dish is prepared from curd puff pastry, and a quick version is made from creamy puff pastry.

  1. Types of puff pastries are made without sugar; when baking sweet dishes, sugar is added to the filling or sprinkled on top.
  2. Baking becomes more airy and aromatic when adding alcohol.
  3. The water used in preparation is taken cold.
  4. To give the baked goods a golden color, brush them with egg.
  5. Baked goods will rise better if you do not open the oven for the first 10 minutes.
  6. If you bake with sugar, you need to press it down a little, otherwise the sugar will burn and create a tasteless crust.

A delicious dish is made from purchased dough. It is prepared in accordance with norms and standards and will be an excellent replacement for the homemade equivalent.

  1. When choosing a store-bought version, pay attention to the production time, since the splendor of the baked goods depends on the freshness of the product.
  2. Does it contain butter? The taste will be more delicate.
  3. Many supermarkets offer home-made dough; the shelf life of the product should not exceed three calendar days.

Proper dough preparation and recipe

When using ready-made frozen dough at home, you need to understand the defrosting methods. It is better to leave the product in the refrigerator overnight after removing it from the package. During defrosting, the mass must be turned over periodically to avoid sticking and uneven softening.

Try the chopped puff version

  • For every 100 grams of butter, take a glass of flour.
  • The cooled butter is cut into pieces, mixed with flour and in this state chopped into small pieces.
  • The mixture is collected into a mound and a depression is made.
  • 50 ml of water is poured there, salt is added on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of vinegar.
  • The mass is collected into a ball and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

What dishes can be made from yeast puff pastry?

It is made from:

  1. wonderful buns
  2. pizzas and kulebyaki
  3. tartlets
  4. pies
  5. samsa
  6. pies and thresholds
  7. Easter baskets
  8. croissants
  9. chebureks or khachapuri
  10. strudel

The cookies it makes are tender and crumbly.

Sweet and simple “Snail” buns

You will need:

  1. a pack of yeast dough, 60 grams of melted butter
  2. half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  3. half a glass of sugar.

You need to prepare it like this:

  • Wait until the product melts, roll it out.
  • Spread with butter and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.
  • Roll the layer into a sausage and cut into pieces.
  • Brush the surface with beaten egg and place on a greased baking sheet.
  • Place in the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature must be at least 200 degrees.

What filling to use for baking depends on your imagination.

For croissants, use prunes and nuts. To prepare the pie, use jam and cream cheese. Create fluffy cheesecakes from dough and cottage cheese.

Baked goods made from yeast-free puff pastry

From yeast-free dough, products with sweet fillings will be a win-win option.

A small list of additives:

  • jams
  • nuts
  • chocolate
  • fruits
  • candied fruit

Due to its lightness, such baked goods are popular. A very simple recipe - puff tongues, which can be prepared with sugar, with fruit and berry filling. Puff pastries cook in the oven in 5 minutes.

The process of preparing a delicious strudel will not take much time. A thin layer is rolled out, onto which a specially prepared mixture of frozen cherries, sugar, vanilla, melted butter and starch is laid out. Then the layer is rolled into a roll, and its edges are pinched. The roll is baked for about half an hour.

Unleavened dough makes delicious cheese sticks.

They are simply prepared from leftover dough. The dough is rolled out into thin plate, coated with yolk on top, seasoned with seasonings and sprinkled with grated cheese. Place it on a baking sheet and cut it into thin strips. Place in the oven for only 5-7 minutes.

Pastries with sweet and meat fillings

Puff pastry is used for baked products with vegetable and meat fillings.

Suitable filling:

  • potato
  • liver
  • Rice with chicken
  • cabbage or mushrooms
  • cottage cheese
  • berries

For taste, you should add fried onions to the potato and meat filling. The shapes depend on your imagination: envelopes, bagels, puff pastries, pies. Interesting solution will become tartlets. Original baskets will decorate the festive table.

What kind of pie is made with meat filling? Real jam!

  1. Minced meat, pepper, salt, fried onion are mixed.
  2. The dough is rolled out into two layers.
  3. One is placed on a baking sheet to form the sides, and the second is placed after the filling is distributed.

Can you make chebureks and khachapuri? Similar products turn out lush and juicy.

Pizza made from ready-made puff pastry

Can you make pizza from ready-made puff pastry? The answer is yes. It will turn out crispy and thin.

The cake is rolled out as usual, and any filling is used on top: boiled meat with mushrooms and olives, cheese and ham.

The olives are cut into slices, the mushrooms into slices, the cheese is grated, and the ham is cut into strips. Pizza takes 25-30 minutes to prepare.

Pizza can be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, use the “baking” mode, set for 25 minutes.

Using your imagination, you will find a lot of original recipes that can be made from puff pastry. Experiment, try it.

Preparing puff pastry takes a lot of time, so many housewives prefer to buy it in the store. Why not, if there is such an opportunity. However, not everyone knows how to bake puff pastry correctly so that the baked goods turn out truly tasty and the dough is light and airy.

Basic rules for preparing and baking puff pastry in the oven

1. If you bought frozen puff pastry, defrost it only at room temperature.

2. Roll out the dough in one direction so as not to disturb the structure of the layers. The thickness of the rolled sheet must be at least 3 mm.

3. You need to cut the dough with a sharp knife. This way the edges will not stick together and the dough will rise well when baking. A dull knife will crush the edges and they will not “bloom”, this will affect the fluffiness.

4. After laying the filling, do not grease the edges of the products with an egg, otherwise they will stick together in the oven and will not be able to exfoliate.

5. If you place the filling inside the dough, pierce the finished products with a fork in several places. This will allow them to bake well and the dough will be smooth and free of bubbles.

6. There is no need to grease the baking sheet with oil, since puff pastry usually contains a sufficient amount of oil. If you are still afraid that it will stick, lay down parchment paper and place puff pastry products on it or simply sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. Some housewives also recommend simply pouring a little water into the pan - as it evaporates, it will give the products additional fluffiness.

7. Preheat the oven well before baking.

8. During cooking, do not open the oven, even if you really want to check the readiness of the products. If you open it, the dough may settle due to the drop in temperature.

How long to bake puff pastry in the oven

Another important question that concerns many housewives is how much and at what temperature to bake puff pastry. Not enough heat can lead to the fact that the inside of the product will not be baked, the fat will melt, and the baked goods themselves will not be multi-layered. A too high temperature, on the contrary, will lead to burning of the top layer. How to be?

Bake puff pastry at 220 degrees for 5-10 minutes, then switch to 180 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes. The dough will be airy and crispy.

However, baking time and temperature for puff pastry are quite relative. It all depends on the size of the products and the type of dough itself.

How long to bake puff pastry without yeast

How long to bake puff pastry

Now you know how long to bake puff pastry in the oven. However, there was still a question about the filling.

How long should you bake puff pastry croissants?

Perhaps this is the most popular pastry made from puff pastry. You can also make sweet croissants (jam, cherries, honey, chocolate, bananas, condensed milk, cinnamon with sugar, etc.), or you can also make them with fillings such as cheese with mushrooms, ham, etc.

Puff pastry croissants are baked in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The oven must first be preheated to the required temperature and only then place the baking tray with baked goods in it. Semi-finished flour products are placed at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

Here's another cooking secret. Housewives advise holding the croissants under plastic film in a warm place for 15-30 minutes. This will allow the dough to rise, which is especially important for its “homemade” version.

How long to bake puff pastry pizza

Another popular dish made from puff pastry. Puff pastry pizza is baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

The sausages in puff pastry are baked for the same amount of time.

We hope our tips will help you please your household with successful and delicious baked goods.