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What is the difference? Are the Netherlands and Holland the same thing or not? Netherlands How to properly Dutch or Dutch

If you want to apply for a visa to Holland, then the consulate will understand you, of course, but you still have to go to the Netherlands. Why is this happening? The thing is that there was a little confusion in the name of one country.

Country in the north of Western Europe and its name

The Netherlands is a kingdom (state) in Western Europe. The Russians began to call this country Holland with the light suggestion of Peter the Great. Arriving in the Netherlands, Peter studied the provinces of the country. And by coincidence they were called South and North Holland.

Arriving home, Peter the Great told the boyars a lot about the achievements that are in Holland. And he did not mention the real name of the kingdom. So in Russia the name "Holland" was fixed. The Russians use the Netherlands in colloquial speech quite rare. Indeed, even in literature and art, it is precisely Dutch artists and writers that are known.

What applies to Holland, and what about the Netherlands?

Such modern things as euthanasia, legalized abortion, legal soft drugs and official same-sex marriage in the media are attributed to the Netherlands.

But the Dutch school of painting, Dutch potatoes and flowers are associated with Holland. It seems that these are two different countries where art and culture flourish in one, and the innovations of our time rule the show in the other. But it's not. The country is one, just the names are different.

The world community recognizes only the name "Netherlands". For the whole world, this is a state that includes the lands between Germany and Belgium, as well as islands in the Caribbean. And also the colonies that are part of the Antilles.

The term "Holland" is used only by those who speak Russian. The rest of the world knows this kingdom under the proud name of "Netherlands".

Southern and Northern provinces

The Netherlands has 12 provinces. Those that served as prototypes in the creation of the Russian myth about the name of the country are located in the west of the state.

South Holland is distinguished by the following aspects:

  • Endowed with an area of ​​3418 square kilometers;
  • Located on the North Sea;
  • It is considered the most developed province of the country in terms of economy;
  • It includes the port of Rotterdam, which is one of the largest in the world;
  • More than 119 museums have been built in this province.

What is so special about North Holland? Let's consider its features in more detail:

  • Territory - approximately 4000 square kilometers;
  • Major city - Amsterdam;
  • Officially a peninsula;
  • It has many cultural and architectural objects that are historical sights.

These two provinces impressed Peter the Great so much that he began to consider the Netherlands "Holland".

Unusual and interesting facts about "Holland"

The Netherlands has the status of a world leader in the development and implementation of high-tech equipment, as well as nanotechnology.

94% of the country's population are active Internet users. And this is also a world record.

This state was also awarded the championship in the field of organization of water transport.

Holland is considered the leading supplier of tulips and other flowers to all countries of Europe and Asia.

And in growing onion this kingdom has succeeded more than others. So many products are exported from Holland that the state ranks second in this area after the States.

Every inhabitant of the Netherlands has a bicycle. And everything possible has been done for the convenience of cyclists in Holland. During World War II, the Germans removed almost all bicycles from the Netherlands. And the Dutch still remember this negatively colored act.

In the houses of Holland, it is allowed to grow 5 cannabis bushes for personal use. And in the apartments and ladies of Holland almost never close the windows with curtains.

The average height of a Dutchman is about 182 centimeters. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Netherlands are called the highest nation in the world.

In this state, the law is very respected. And they rarely break it. Most shops in the Netherlands are open until 6 pm.

391 people on square meter is the population density in the Netherlands. And it is considered the highest in Europe.

Fireworks in Holland are only allowed under New Year. And the Dutch police officers who maintain order on the roads almost never take bribes.

Having admired the Netherlands in his era, Peter the Great would have been very surprised at what the Netherlands managed to achieve after the end of his reign. Living in the Netherlands has many advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages. For example, the climate of this country is humid and harsh. And the consumption of natural resources is going too fast. But all this pales before Dutch culture and Dutch freedom.

The Netherlands is rightfully considered a flower in the north of Europe. The country is known as a producer of fragrant tulips, gourmet cheeses and windmills. Great painters lived and worked in it, depicting ancient castles on canvas, which are found everywhere here.

Many people are interested in the difference in the two names. Most of The population of the planet considers words to be absolute synonyms. Such a statement is categorically refuted by some facts:

  • The vast state of the Netherlands includes parts of the land in the Caribbean Sea outside the main territory.
  • Of the 12 provinces, only 2 called South and North Holland do not give the right to such a designation for the whole country. It is wrong to identify the Netherlands, which is large in area, with a couple, even economically significant, provinces with a similar sound.
  • The inauguration of the monarch takes place in Amsterdam.

Visiting the country by Peter I

The rule to call a significant territory Holland goes back to the distant 17th century. The most enterprising of the Russian rulers, Peter I "cuts a window" to Europe. He manages to stop exclusively in South and North Holland. Upon returning to his homeland, sharing his impressions of cultural customs, mores and scientific discoveries, the king calls the state that way. Out of habit, the term is firmly fixed for the citizens of Russia and is used everywhere.

Interesting Facts

The Dutch in reality are unusual, full of oddities, people:

  • Legally cultivating marijuana near private buildings.
  • Completely unacceptable window coverings with curtains.
  • Supporting free morals.
  • Those who wish to ride exclusively weighted bikes.
  • The tallest in the world in terms of growth.


The Dutch are considered to be the population of a couple of provinces. For all subjects, the native language is the Dutch language, with which some misunderstanding is associated. Many Russians, by association with the country, call it Dutch. In English, the word is translated "Dutch".

According to this principle, which is expressed in English language the population of the Earth is of the opinion that it is with this circumstance that the state should be identified. The old habit, however, has taken root quite strongly. The government's official website is hosted at "Holland.com", the most understandable address for most people. In this case, “clearer” is not more correct.

Is there a difference?

The Kingdom of the Netherlands occupies considerable space on the coast of the North Sea. The proper name "Nederlanden" is interpreted as "located in the lowlands." This fact confirmed by reality. "Holland" is translated as "empty inside", "devoid of reliable support", the surface. The concepts are extremely similar, but there are some differences.

The Netherlands, like Holland, which is part of the country, is located below sea level in many places. Possessing instability and soil cavity, North and South Holland are located in excessively low areas. Comparison gives a good reason to name a single territory in different ways.

Holland is the most significant part of the kingdom with Amsterdam and significant cities of The Hague and Rotterdam. The inhabitants of these places are extremely pleased with the fact of the association of the whole country with their region. Not feeling enthusiastic about the current situation, the population of other lands is in a hurry to refute the point of view, citing all sorts of arguments for the difference in names.

According to them, the main argument is different translation the words "Netherlands" and "Holland". Citizens of other provinces are against calling themselves Dutch.

The attitude of the Russians

Without delving into the subtleties of designations, Russians like to call the country that grows amazing flowers Holland. For the majority of compatriots, there is no fundamental difference in the name of the country, which cannot be said about the population of "Foggy Albion", which perfectly understands other Europeans. It is not allowed to call all Britons English, but the whole of Great Britain as England.

Complex composition

According to the political system, the state is an adherent of a constitutional monarchy and since 1957 has been part of the European Union. The Netherlands is assigned a piece of land near the North Sea, densely located between Belgium and Germany with islands in the Caribbean Sea:

  • Saba.
  • Sint Eustatius.
  • Bonaire.

The Antilles ridge is made up of:

  • Saint Martin.
  • Curacao.
  • Aruba.

The country includes territories in other parts of the world, as a result of which it is erroneous to refer to it as Holland, and the population as Dutch. The situation is reminiscent of the story of Great Britain and England.

In Russia, the people of the northern state, according to existing traditions, are called Dutch, and the great painters Van Gogh and Rembrandt are called Dutch artists. For most compatriots, tender Dutch tulips remain imported from Holland.

Why do they say “Dutch artists”, “mills” or “shoes”, but apply for a visa to the Netherlands? When and why did these words begin to be used in relation to one piece of land in the north of Western Europe?


Holland is an incorrect name that is applied to the Netherlands in a Russian-speaking environment.

Netherlands is a kingdom, state and member of the European Union since 1957.


The habit of calling this kingdom Holland appeared on the territory of the Russian Empire thanks to Peter the Great. The fact is that, while in this country, the king studied scientific achievements, life and culture of only two, the most developed provinces of this country - South and North Holland. Arriving at home and starting to introduce out-of-the-box innovations, Peter and his retinue mentioned only Holland. Therefore, in the minds of Russians, the name "Holland" was superimposed on the entire territory of the kingdom of the Netherlands, and numerous writers - the same A.N. Tolstoy - firmly fixed the "irregularity" in the minds of compatriots.

The Netherlands is a state. In addition to a significant area in the north of Western Europe, sandwiched between Belgium and Germany, the territory of the kingdom includes the islands of Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius, located in the Caribbean Sea, as well as the colonies - St. Maarten, Aruba and Curaçao, which are part of the Antilles group.

There is a difference in everyday usage of the words Holland and the Netherlands. For example, a tourist site will sign the beauty of Dutch wooden shoes - klomps, and an art critic will call artists such as Bosch or Rembrandt exclusively "Dutch". Only in the Russian-speaking environment does the term "Dutch school of painting" or "Dutch tulips" exist.

At the same time, information about the permission of same-sex marriages, abortions, euthanasia and the legalization of soft drugs will concern the Netherlands. We issue the same visa to the Netherlands, not to Holland. The Netherlands is the official name, correct and accepted by the international community.

Findings site

  1. The Netherlands is the official name of the state, Holland is an incorrect name and is familiar only to the Russian-speaking public.
  2. The territory of the Netherlands is somewhat wider than the area of ​​the "Russian" Holland, because it also includes overseas territories of the kingdom.
  3. The name "Holland" is used in fiction, in the description of the sights of this country, in the analysis of the paintings of medieval masters, and the word "Netherlands" is the prerogative of the scientific and business environment.

Holland vs. the Netherlands

The Netherlands and Holland are understood to be the same country by many people. People use the names "Holland" and "Netherlands" interchangeably. This is the same trend as using "United Kingdom" and "England" interchangeably, which is called "pars pro toto, taking part as a whole". The easiest way to explain the difference between Holland and the Netherlands is that the Netherlands is a country and one of its regions is called Holland.

In fact, there are two different provinces, North Holland and South Holland, which are located in the western part of the Netherlands. It is a maritime region and is located in the North Sea. On common language"Netherlands" called "Holland" and "Holland" called "Netherlands" are acceptable. People living in the province of Holland and in other provinces of the Netherlands, called Dutch, are also universally recognized, but people are not very appreciated by people living in other provinces of the Netherlands than in the region of Holland.

The Netherlands is a country located in northwestern Europe. It is officially known as the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It has land in the Caribbean. To the north and west is the North Sea; in the south - Belgium, and in the West - Great Britain and Germany. These are mainly coastal lowlands, and the climate as a whole is northern maritime, with mild winters and cool summers. The people living in the Netherlands are predominantly Dutch, but there are other large minority communities of Turks and Moroccans. The people are predominantly Protestants, Catholics and Muslims.

The language spoken in the country as a whole is Dutch, which is also called "Netherlands" by people living in provinces other than North and South Holland. The Netherlands has twelve provinces. It is a parliamentary democracy and has a constitutional monarch.

People living in Holland are called "Dutch" by the peoples of the country. It does not include people from other provinces of the country, but many people (foreigners) mistakenly consider them as people from any part of the Netherlands.

In Holland, the language is predominantly Dutch. The Dutch call it Holland instead of "Netherlands", which is used to refer to the Dutch by people from other provinces in the Netherlands. People in other provinces in the Netherlands list people with a Dutch dialect as "Dutch".

The region of North and South Holland together consists of the three largest cities in the Netherlands, which are the seat of government, The Hague; Amsterdam, the capital of the country; and Rotterdam, the largest European port.

1. The Netherlands, officially known as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a country in northwestern Europe. Holland, or South and North Holland, are two provinces in the western part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 2. People living in the Netherlands as a whole are called Dutch; people living in Holland are specifically called Dutch. 3. The language spoken in the Netherlands is sometimes referred to as "Netherlands"; the language spoken by people in Holland is called Dutch. These are different dialects of the Dutch language.

Most people believe that these are synonymous words that refer to the same state. In fact, there is a noticeable difference between them.

To understand how Holland differs from the Netherlands, it is enough to know just three facts:

  1. The Netherlands is a vast state whose territories go far beyond Western Europe, since several Caribbean islands are also part of it.
  2. The Netherlands includes twelve provinces, only two of which are called South and North Holland.
  3. The monarch takes the oath in the city - the official capital of the Netherlands, and in accordance with the Constitution of this particular state.

Thus, correct name The country is the Netherlands, whose capital is Amsterdam. And Holland is only a part of the country in the form of two provinces.

More than half of the state's territory is located below sea level. Literally translated, the word "Netherlands" means "lower lands." A large proportion of the lowlands falls just on North and South Holland. The first mention of these territories dates back to the 14th century, and they referred not only to the borders of the Netherlands defined today, but also captured parts of Belgium and Luxembourg.

Why do we have a well-established notion that Holland and the Netherlands are one and the same? Blame the Great Embassy of Peter I. The fact is that these two provinces at the end of the 17th century were the most developed in the technical sense. Moreover, the inhabitants of South and North Holland themselves represented their country by the names of these provinces. The arrival and training of Peter I in maritime affairs fell precisely on these territories, hence the habit that had taken root over several centuries appeared.

Often we hear about famous artists, luxurious flowers, in large numbers and the tallest people in the world. In addition, the country is famous for legalized prostitution, where "workers" officially pay taxes to the treasury.

All the inhabitants of the Netherlands, without exaggeration, can be called unusual people. Where else can you see marijuana legally grown near the house, a complete rejection of window curtains, or a desire to ride only old weighted bikes?

Country "Tulpan"

The export of various colors reaches colossal proportions. The Dutch (or the Dutch, if you like) really know a lot about floriculture. The period of importation of tulips to the countries of Southern and Western Europe fell on the 16th century, when the state was experiencing an economic boom.

It was not without a happy accident that flowers grown throughout the Netherlands were affected by a virus that expanded them. color scheme. This allowed tulips to become more exotic and expensive in value. Collecting quickly developed into the booming trade that we see today.

Growth Matters

Having sorted out the question of the difference between Holland or the Netherlands, and how to properly call this unusual country, let's fast forward to a mystery that world scientists could not solve for a long time. Just think, the height of the local men is on average 1.85 meters, which is 11 cm more than the average in Russia.

Previously, it was assumed that this order of things arose as a result of an enhanced diet enriched with meat and dairy products. To some extent this turned out to be true, but main reason called evolution in action. It was natural selection that led to such extraordinary growth, as women more often chose tall men as their life partners.

exercise bike

Both the queen and the princes, as well as absolutely all the inhabitants of the Netherlands, ride. Moreover, in the arsenal there are, as a rule, two bicycles, one of which cannot be called modern, since it has a weighted design, and this often refers to outdated equipment. The reason is obvious: where did you see the fat Dutchman?

The lifestyle of these people is closely connected with cycling, which helps them always feel great and not pollute. environment. That is why, according to the law of this country, cyclists have priority on the road.