Well      06/17/2019

Why does dirty water come out of the well and what to do? Why did the water in the well become dirty and smelly or even disappeared

Everyone knows that water is the most important source of life. To stay healthy, a person needs to drink about 1.5 liters of clear fluid every day. But what to do if dirty drinking water flows from the tap in the house? This problem can be solved with the help of high-tech modern means and equipment.

How dangerous is dirty water for the human body?

The water supplied by the municipal services of towns and cities often does not go through the proper stages of purification, therefore, in most cases, it cannot be considered a healthy drinking liquid. But our health depends on clean water:

  • Strong immunity
  • Beautiful skin and hair
  • Lack of dysbacteriosis
  • Correct exchange substances, etc.

According to state standards, water with the following characteristics is recognized as clean:

  • Neutral alkalinity level - 7-7.5 pH;
  • The amount of useful minerals - up to 1 g / l;
  • Absence of any pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • Minimum concentration of chemical impurities.

In order to comply with the above standards, BWT develops and manufactures specialized products that allow you to quickly and effectively filter dirty water and get clean drinking liquid.

Cleaning dirty water is best left to the professionals.

If there is dirty drinking water in the house, it can be cleaned using various filtering installations. But first, it is recommended to conduct laboratory tests that reveal harmful impurities that do not meet accepted standards. After that, experts will be able to determine best view filtering device.

For maximum purification of dirty water from various chemical minerals, impurities and microorganisms, it is better to use.

Such systems are the most common because they carry out a high degree of purification. Filters are able to remove nitrates, lead, magnesium, mercury, sulfates, all bacteria and viruses, etc. from drinking water.

If it is difficult for you to decide on your own the choice of a filtering unit when there is dirty drinking water in the house, contact BVT specialists at a convenient time. Professional consultants will select suitable option water treatment equipment.

Properly equipped well with crystal clean water- this is the real pride of the owner of a summer cottage. Especially in the case when the well is the only source of water suitable for both irrigation and drinking. Unfortunately, each of us may suddenly discover that the well has dirty water. Often this happens after the winter or is due to stagnant water due to low parsing, but there are other, more complex reasons for reducing the quality well water.

Causes of water pollution in the well

  1. Influence of spring flood or extraneous impact on aquifer. Massive snowmelt can cause contaminated groundwater to enter the well and temporarily cause the well to have dirty water. Similar consequences are also observed in the case when, in the nearest neighborhood, excavation and "disturbed" the aquifer, located at a shallow depth.
  2. Mechanical impurities in water (clay, sand, etc.). Particles can enter the well through cracks that occur when its walls are gradually destroyed. This leads to an increase in the level of the bottom of the well and even to a deterioration in water flow.
  3. The development of bacteria in water. Bacteria penetrate the well along with groundwater, resulting in the appearance of an unpleasant (marsh) odor of water due to hydrogen sulfide emissions.
  4. The appearance of algae. This usually happens during long breaks in the use of the well in the warm season. Water pollution during the development of algae is associated with the process of decay of organic particles. Characteristic features - greenish color of water, slippery coating on the walls of the well.

Do-it-yourself elimination of the reasons that there is dirty water in the well

  1. If in the spring there is dirty water in the well, what should I do? Pump it out until transparency appears, since with seasonal water pollution you should not take any special measures.
  2. Carefully inspect the seams between the concrete rings and repair visible defects cement-sand mortar. If the bottom level has risen, then it needs to be cleaned - manually (with a bucket with a rope) or with a drainage pump.
  3. The fight against bacteria is the disinfection of water. Pour a solution of bleach into the well (1 glass of lime per 1 liter of water), and pump out the water after 24 hours.
  4. Algae and plaque removal inner surface the well is made with a brush or sponge moistened with a solution of chlorine. After such disinfection, thoroughly rinse the walls with water for two hours.

When answering the question of what to do when there is dirty water in the well, do not rush into the decision to clean the well in the absence of obvious reasons - the water can become clean after the first complete pumping out. It is important that after water treatment, its quality should be immediately analyzed to confirm its suitability for drinking.

Dirty water in the well is a purely visual perception. General. It is almost impossible to determine by eye what is happening with the water - this is shown by its analysis, but it is clear that the water has become yellow, cloudy, green, covered with a film, casts with all the colors of the rainbow, and we say that the water in the well is dirty. It can actually be trite dirty, because it's wrong installed pump raises all the turbidity from the bottom or melt water calmly penetrates into the well when there is no lock. But it may be otherwise.

Muddy water in the well

Turbidity is one of the indicators regulated by SanPiN. It is measured in mg or IU (depending on the suspension for photometry). The permissible maximum is 2.6-3.5 IU / dm 3.

Turbidity appears due to the content of various suspensions of organic / inorganic origin in the water. Seasonal floods, downpours, melting ice/snow erode clay, sand, silt, and their small particles mix with water. These particles form a favorable environment for the development of bacterial colonies and the growth of algae. Reasons for the penetration of melt and flood waters into the well:

  • waterproofing failure,
  • lack of waterproofing
  • lock breaking,
  • no lock.

In addition to plant and animal microorganisms (phytoplankton, zooplankton), turbidity is caused by:

  • carbonates,
  • aluminum hydroxides,
  • humus impurities,
  • oxides of iron and manganese.

Turbidity itself only makes it clear that there are impurities in the water. The nature and composition of impurities is determined by analysis.

What to do if there is cloudy water in the well

First of all, it is necessary to find out what caused the turbidity, that is, to conduct an analysis (you can do without analysis in 2 cases: a seasonal change in the state of the water, incorrect installed equipment). Based on the results of the study, take action.

If the water becomes cloudy during periods of floods, melting snow, heavy rains, most likely the problem is in the clay castle or waterproofing. They either do not exist at all, or everything is done incorrectly: melted or storm water penetrates through clay (or freely passes through the soil, cracks in well rings) and mixes with well water - blurry particles of soil and create turbidity (the water is simply dirty).

For the construction of a clay castle, it is necessary (according to SanPiN

  • dig a pit around the head with a depth of 2 m, a width of 1 m;
  • thoroughly wash and compact the clay (or greasy loam);
  • fill the pit with clay or loam;
  • compact clay / loam;
  • make a blind area of ​​​​2-meter radius with a slope of 10 cm from the well.

The blind area can be made of asphalt, concrete, stone, brick. SanPiN require source fencing.

Water color

The color depends on the content of ferric iron and humic substances in the water, whose concentration depends on:

  • the nature of the soil
  • proximity to swamps and peat bogs,
  • aquifers,
  • geological conditions
  • other natural aspects.

It is not always possible to determine the color by eye. The parameter is measured in degrees. The maximum allowable value for drinking water is 30 ०. The indicator does not speak about the nature of pollution - it only indicates the presence of impurities.

What to do if there is yellow water in the well

The exact composition of the impurities will show the analysis, but the water turns yellow most often due to high content gland. It is not the color of the water that occurs, but the turbidity. It is desirable to clean the well shaft, it is necessary to introduce an iron-absorbing filter into the water supply system (often a regular paper filter is enough). It is necessary to periodically check the equipment - iron particles settle on the parts and disable the pump.

Green water in the well

If the water is green, again, this is not color, but turbidity - phytoplankton. Wells without covers are at risk - Sun rays contribute to the flowering of water. But phytoplankton is not the only reason for the green color: apart from the almost harmless algae, green tint Adds chromium to water, which is no longer so harmless. Analysis is needed. If the problem is in living organisms, decontamination will help. If the case is in chrome, the only true recommendation is to dig another source, to another layer.

Expensive water treatment does not always help. Masters do not dig wells if the MPC is exceeded - geological research is carried out in order not to open a layer with a high content of chromium (and other harmful impurities). If you managed to dig a well with your own hands and land exactly on a chrome-plated layer, enter the expenditure of time and effort in the “loss” column and dig a new source, or better, contact a specialist (so as not to make a colander out of an unfortunate layer, but still find a normal water).

Why does the water in the well smell?

The smell appears for many reasons. Here are both organic and anthropogenic pollution:

  • fungi,
  • sulfur bacteria (smells like hydrogen sulfide),
  • glandular bacteria,
  • rotting plants,
  • pesticides,
  • chlorine,
  • industrial waste.

What to do if water smells in the well:

  • determine the cause of the smell (make an analysis),
  • select the appropriate filter,
  • install a water treatment system.

Water treatment system with multiple filters

Important! Having found a smell, discoloration, turbidity or any other changes in the state of water, it is necessary to analyze it: chemical, microbiological, organoleptic. Based on the results, carry out disinfection, disinfection, install a filtration system.


SanPiN disinfectants are not regulated, you can use any suitable ones (approved by the Ministry of Health), but most often they use bleach or DTSGK (two-thirds of the calcium hypochlorite salt - 3Ca (OCl) 2 x2Ca (OH) 2)

If the disinfection of the well is carried out according to indications, then it includes:

  • preliminary disinfection,
  • cleaning,
  • re-disinfection.


First of all, the volume of water is determined - it is trite to multiply the height of the water column by the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe well. Then a solution is prepared: bleach - 5%, DTSGK - 3%. With this solution, the walls of the mine are irrigated from the hydraulic console (0.5 l per square meter of surface). The drug is added to the water at the rate of 100-150 mg of chlorine (active! See the contents on the package) per liter. Mix thoroughly and leave for a couple of hours, after closing the well with a lid.

Water is pumped out of the well, foreign objects, silt are removed. The walls are cleaned mechanically(they simply tear off everything that has grown) and, if necessary, repair (close the seams). After that, they are irrigated from the hydraulic control with a solution (0.5 l per cubic meter of mine) for disinfection.

Wall cleaning


After cleaning, they wait for the mine to be filled. Measure the water column again. Introduce a disinfectant solution into the water (the norm is 100–150 mg of active chlorine per liter of water) and mix it for 10 minutes. Leave for 6 hours, after closing the well with a lid. After 6 hours, the well is opened and the water is checked for residual chlorine (by nose or using the iodometry method). If there is no residual chlorine, the solution is again introduced into the water, but less - about a third of the volume. Again close the well, leave for 3-4 hours. And so on, until after the next test for residual chlorine, the result is positive (that is, chlorine remains, it has nothing more to fight with). The water is pumped out until the chlorine smell is eliminated.

If disinfection is carried out for the purpose of prevention, the well is cleaned and treated, bypassing preliminary stage.

Disinfection of well water

Disinfection is carried out when a microbiological analysis of water has shown that it does not meet the requirements for non-centralized water supply sources (bacteria, microbes were found), and for preventive purposes (in foci of infections).

Disinfection of water is carried out after disinfection of the well. Water is disinfected with a dosing cartridge (the most simple and effective method) containing a preparation with chlorine. The amount of residual chlorine should be 0.5 mg per liter.

Dosing cartridge diagram

For calculation required amount The drug needs the following parameters:

  • water volume,
  • debit,
  • volume of water intake,
  • chlorine absorption.

First, they calculate how much the drug is needed, then they select a cartridge (or several) of the desired capacity. The amount of DTSGK will be = 0.07 water volume + 0.08 debit + 0.02 water intake volume + 0.14 chlorine absorption. The amount of bleach is twice as much. The calculation is valid for 52% (active chlorine content) DTSGK and 25% bleach. If the purchased preparation has a different content of active chlorine, it must be recalculated based on the ratio of parameters.

The drug is placed in a cartridge, water is added and mixed until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Then a rope is attached to the cartridge, placed in the well at a level of 20–50 cm from the bottom, tying the rope to the head.

The effectiveness of disinfection is determined by residual chlorine - 0.5 mg/l. Then they do a microbiological analysis of water - determine the number of colimorphic bacteria. Within a month, the analysis is done at least weekly. A month later, the level of residual chlorine is checked - if it has decreased or disappeared, it is necessary to remove the cartridge, wash it, fill it with the preparation and lower it into the well. Decontamination can be considered successful when after one month the level of residual chlorine is 0.5 mg/l.

Film on the water in the well

The film on the water is the result of oil pollution. Oil products enter the well in three ways (the first and second are clearly preferable to the third):

  • oil leaked from a depressurized pump - one of the elements (protection against dry running, for example) of some models is filled with oil, when the pump fails for one reason or another, the oil can get into the water;
  • accident - Annushka splashed oil in the wrong place (and not vegetable oil);
  • pollution of the aquifer with oil products - runoff from gas stations, industrial effluents containing oil products mixed with flood, storm or melt water and penetrated into the reservoir by infiltration.

If the water in the well smells like kerosene, you need to understand that there is nowhere for it to come from, and most likely the aquifer is polluted.

Film on the water in the well

Sorbents are used to clean the well from oil products. Use detergents strictly prohibited (it will simply replace one pollutant with another). The water from the well must be pumped out, the walls of the mine must be washed, the bottom must be cleaned of sediment, consisting of residues of a coarse oil product and a sorbent. Please note - when mixed with water, oil products form light, medium and heavy fractions, which makes it difficult to visually assess the cleaning efficiency: the film will disappear from the surface, but the pollution will remain. We need a chemical analysis of the water.

These measures will help to get rid of accidental contamination, including that caused by a pump malfunction. If the aquifer is contaminated, one-time cleaning will not help - a water treatment system will be needed or the source will have to be closed (the analysis will show the degree of pollution) and an alternative one will be found. Naturally, aquifers are cleared for a very long time.

If an oil film is found on the surface of the water, it is necessary (without delay):

  • determine the cause of contamination;
  • if the problem is in the pump, replace the equipment;
  • limit water consumption to the maximum, without lowering the water level in the well before cleaning activities;
  • clear the well;
  • pump the well several times and flush the entire water treatment / water supply system.

Why is there no water in the well?

Water disappears for several reasons:

  • neighbors dug a deep spring or drilled a well, opening the same reservoir;
  • banal drought, the reservoir was left without recharge;
  • the mine is out of order (the seams have parted, the rings have shifted);
  • well silting.

If the pump worked correctly, sand and silt did not pump out from the bottom, but suddenly it started, most likely, the well also silted up, but not yet so powerful as to completely shut off the water.

empty mine

well siltation

You can either dig a well or you can't.

You can dig if:

  • clay/sand got into the shaft through the seams (the problem of wells from concrete rings- divergent seams; a sure sign of parted seams - soil failures around the well);
  • sand / silt enters the mine through an unsealed hole for connecting a pipeline;
  • the seams are not sealed (through the joints of the rings without locks, sand / silt penetrates into the well and settles at the bottom);
  • water enters through the side seams, not through the bottom.

More on the last point. There are two types of wells - in the first (full) water enters through the seams, in the second (incomplete) - through the bottom. In the wells of the first type, filters are installed at the seams (it is strictly forbidden to use rotting materials!), so that sand does not enter the mine. If this was not done in time, the bottom level will gradually rise (the speed of the process depends on the water), and it will have to be lowered.

The rapid rise of the bottom indicates that the aquifer lies above it - at the level of the seam. In this case, you should immediately contact the specialists: they will either dig a well or raise the bottom by laying drainage. It will not be possible to determine what exactly should be done, whether it is possible to do anything at all, without specific knowledge. Remotely, this is also unrealistic. If you come across a know-it-all who vangus on the phone, contact other masters.

Scheme of structures: complete, incomplete, with a sump

What wells can not be dug

If the well is incomplete (water enters through the bottom), it is useless to dig it out: at first everything goes fine, but then liquid sand begins to flow into the mine - not water, just sand. This means that the well is on a quicksand. In this case, you can dig until graying, but not until victory - the reservoir equalizes the hydraulic pressure and will level. Performing such a number is not only inefficient, but sometimes dangerous.

Similarly, it is useless to try to dig a well when voids form around it. The sand is removed from the well, and it enters again (the pressure equalizes) until it shifts bottom ring. Sand will joyfully pour into the torn seam, fill the ring, and this will all be over. Or the rings will sag, the seams will, of course, open up, opening the way for perched water, sand, clay. Occasionally, having spent a huge amount of effort, it is possible to dig a well, but after a couple of months the situation repeats itself.

Of course, you can use any of the above recommendations, bypassing the water analysis, but in this case, you must be prepared for the fact that the measures taken will be ineffective due to an incorrect interpretation of what happened. This happens often. Almost everything made by one's own hands ignores the theory of probability, since it relies on Murphy's law: if the well, in principle, can become silted up, and the water can become rotten and stink, this will definitely happen. If, digging blindly, they run the risk of running into a quicksand, they will run into it.

One of the common problems with well water, in addition to bad smell and a sharp color is its turbidity. What to do when muddy water comes out of the well, but without a pungent odor, we will understand this material. First of all, let's pay attention to new sources that were drilled to the depth of a perch or an artesian well. In both cases, the water may become cloudy. And here it does not matter how wide or how fast the performer drilled the flask.

Turbidity in new wells can be caused by sand or clay. Especially if the artesian well is poorly flushed. In this case, if the water in the well is dirty and cloudy, it is worth pumping the source well. It is necessary to draw water in the amount of 300-500 liters per day for 3-5 days. Do not be afraid that the water will dry up. The aquifer supplies water well enough if the contractor has correctly calculated and drilled a well.

If very turbid water in the well was formed in a well located along a perch, then it is simply necessary to install more powerful filters here. Unfortunately, when the aquifer is located on sandy soil, such phenomena are not uncommon.

If the well is not new

If you have been operating your well, to put it mildly, not for the first day, then the causes of cloudy water can be very diverse. Let us consider in detail the very common ones (namely, why this happens).

Vibration Pump Operation

Unfortunately, such a unit, pumping water, constantly creates vibrations in the water. The vibrations transmitted through the water and the casing are capable of spurring small inclusions in the form of sand, clay or silt, and washing them out. Why is the water flowing cloudy.

In addition, work vibration pump leads to the destruction of the casing string. A clear symptom confirming that your casing is a little damaged is the presence of sand and small rocky inclusions in the water.

If this is your case, then it is enough to simply change the vibrating pump, replace the destroyed section of the pipe and flush the well well. You will no longer wonder why the water flows dirty.

Incorrect installation of the casing pipe and the arrangement of the bottom hole

In this case, the water may also be cloudy. Even if you drilled an artesian well, but at the same time mounted the casing incorrectly, over time, the gravel dump will be washed out from the bottom and sand will enter the water. What to do? It is necessary to call specialists and piston the well. That is, deepen it and again fill the bottom with gravel. The process is quite complex and time consuming.

Filter failure

muddy water from the well can also enter the system due to filter failure. Why and how this happens is discussed below. Imagine that you have installed the right filters. Water enters the filters in any case, at least a little, but with small inclusions in the form of sand. Over time, the filter system cannot withstand such an abrasive pressure and simply breaks. Like it or not, a mesh filter is a fragile substance.

What to do in this case? It is necessary to replace the mesh filters or the entire filter system.

Too much iron

No matter how much you want to get perfectly clean water from an artesian well, it is in it that an increased content of iron particles is often observed. This chemical element, together with water, rises to the surface and, when settling, precipitates into a cloudy precipitate in the form of rye.

What to do? Install high-quality filters-iron removers. And you need to change them regularly.

The presence of foreign chemical elements in the water

If you drilled a well on a perch and eventually encountered muddy water, then it is worth thinking carefully. Is there any near your site? industrial enterprise, livestock farm or city dump? Often the close location of such objects can spoil the water in wells located precisely on the sand.

If this is your case, then you need to urgently do a detailed chemical analysis and, depending on the results obtained, install a good filter system.

Artesian well depressurized

Why does water with turbidity come from an artesian source? Perhaps your well has passed the stage of depressurization. In this case, to clean water can be mixed with simple ground water. What to do? Carry out work to restore the integrity of the well. If such work seems too costly, then it is better to drill a new well.

Banal bottomhole silting

If you operate the well not constantly, but from time to time, then silt and algae may have become the cause of the turbidity of your water. Imagine that your source has been standing still for some time. Water does not pump, direct circulation of liquid does not occur. This is an excellent environment for the growth of algae and silt. When you start pumping water, additional inclusions rise to the surface along with it.

What to do? Install good system bacterial cleaning.

Important: when choosing a method to fix a problem, be guided by your financial capabilities. For some, it is easier to drill a new source, while others decide to spend money on restoring the old one. In any case, invite specialists to fix the problem.

Often on summer cottages where water supply is carried out using a well or well, the water becomes cloudy for no apparent reason. Usually the water becomes cloudy in shallow wells. If there is dirty water in the well, something needs to be done urgently. You can defend it, filter it, but it is better to find the cause of pollution and try to solve the problem faster.

Turbid water is a fairly common nuisance faced by summer residents, but you can deal with the problem on your own.

Causes of water pollution in a well or well

  1. If the sealing of seams, joints, shaft walls is broken, sand and soil particles enter the water, making it cloudy.
  2. Dirty water in a well in a country house or in a private house can be if the well is located in “floating” soil and liquefied sand enters the water under pressure.
  3. If the aquifer is contaminated, water can be drunk only after the installation of additional filtration systems.
  4. The source of pollution can also be found inside the mine, in which case the water changes color - it becomes brownish, green, black. Cleaning the well will help.

Well shaft in need of cleaning

  1. Water can turn green from an excess of microorganisms. To prevent contamination of the source, a sealed cover must be installed on the tip. If stagnant, regular cleaning and disinfection will help.
  2. Often, the water in the well acquires a metallic taste and a rusty color. This means that the aquifer contains a large number of gland. Cleaning in this case does not make sense, you need to install a filtration system in the house.
  3. People living outside the city have noticed that the water often becomes cloudy in the wells in the spring. This is due to heavy snowmelt and spring rains. Moisture remaining in upper layers soil seeps into shallow wells. Unheated earth prevents its penetration into the deep layers of the soil.

Ways to clean dirty water in a well

In order to take action, the cause of the contamination must be determined. If the perch passes between well rings, at the joints, you need to block its penetration. You can check whether you did the job correctly after the first heavy rain - if the water remains clean, everything is done correctly.

The following set of works will help purify water for any type of pollution.


  • Use a pump to pump out all the water from the mine.
  • Go down into the well on a cable and clean the walls of dirt and silt with a brush.

Descent into the well with a cable to clean the shaft

  • Disinfect surfaces from bacteria.
  • Scoop up silt and debris from the bottom.
  • Seal all joints and cracks.
  • To protect a well or well from precipitation from outside, make a clay castle.

With proper arrangement of the well, a clay castle is made when digging, but it can be done later.

How to make a clay castle

The diagram shows how a clay castle protects the well from moisture penetration from the outside.

The upper well ring needs to be dug out, in a circle of the upper ring we make a trench about 50 cm wide and 1.5-2 m deep. We tightly fill the resulting space with a layer of clay, and make a slope from the well on the surface.

clay castle - reliable protection from the penetration of moisture from the outside

Disinfection as a cleaning method

Disinfection is a necessary measure to keep the water clean. The procedure is carried out after a general cleaning.

You need to determine the volume of water in the well. If it is built from concrete rings with a diameter and a height of about 1 m, the volume of water per ring is about 700 liters. By the number of rings, it is easy to determine the total volume of liquid.

If there is a lot of water, it is pumped out before disinfection. The walls are treated with a solution of bleach. For 1 liter of water take 20 mg of dry matter. For processing, you can use a long stick or mop, wrapping a rag around it. The solution can also be sprayed.

Bleaching powder - effective remedy for cleaning wells from silting and bacteria

When the well is filled again, a solution is poured into it: 200 mg of bleach is taken per liter of water. Use clean utensils and cold water. Lime should be infused in water for some time, then the solution is poured into the well, mixed. It is convenient to use a bucket for mixing. Everything needs to be processed: both the house from the inside and dry well rings. Wear a respirator or mask.

After mixing, cover the head with plywood or sheet metal, otherwise the chlorine will evaporate, and leave the well for a day. A day later, the procedure is repeated, after which the water is pumped out of the mine until the smell of chlorine disappears. Usually you have to pump out several times.

Attention! Do not drink water during disinfection!

Manganese can also be used as a disinfectant. Proportions: a teaspoon per bucket of water. The walls and shaft of the well are also sprayed with the solution.

When is disinfection carried out?

  1. With constant water intake. The soil sags with intensive watering in spring and summer. This leads to an increase in the level of humidity, the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.
  2. If you are infrequent guests in the country, for example, you come only for the weekend. Water with rare use of the well stagnates, which leads to the accumulation of silt and bacteria.

A complete cleaning is required for any well at least once every five years, and sanitization- as needed.

Keeping the well clean is a guarantee of the safety of well water. Specialists of specialized companies will help to avoid troubles and mistakes, who will perform the work in the shortest possible time in compliance with all the rules.