Well      04/25/2019

Installation of a water pressure booster pump. Pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment: how to choose and install the equipment yourself

Main characteristic normal functioning of water in the system - the presence of optimal pressure. However, it is not always possible to maintain good pressure, especially when there are various devices connected to the water supply system. There are several ways by which you can increase the water pressure. We will learn about their features and technology of execution further.

Water pressure in the water supply: the optimal value and reasons for the decrease

In order to determine the method of increasing the water in the water supply system, you should first find out the reason for the decrease in water pressure. Most often, the reasons for the decrease in water are:

  • the presence of leaks or accidents at the place of water transportation;
  • the presence of foreign deposits inside the pipes that interfere with the normal circulation of the liquid;
  • the presence of a faulty filter that purifies water;
  • valve problems.

If there is a centralized water supply in the house, the water pressure often decreases due to the poor quality of the water transporter. For example, in order to save electricity, one or more pumps are turned off, which improve the pressure. In the presence of damage to pipes in certain sections of the pipeline, the water pressure also decreases.

Therefore, if you have a sharp drop in water pressure in the system, first of all ask your neighbors, they did not have such problems either. If the pressure has decreased not only in your area, then contact the water supplier in your area directly. The minimum water pressure in a one-story building should be one bar. This information is recorded in legal documentation and must be followed by all utilities.

Between the water supply system that comes to the house, install a pressure gauge with which you can control the water pressure in the system.

If the problem of reducing the water in the system affected only you, then you need to check the pumping station for its performance. Most often, the deep filter, which purifies the water before introducing it to the house, is clogged.

In addition, you should inspect the filters that provide fine cleaning, they connect household appliances to the water supply. Problems with these types of filters lead to improper operation of washing machines, boilers, pumps, etc.

If the filters are working properly, go around the house and check the pressure in various parts of the water supply. It is possible that there is a leak inside the circuit. To determine this area, it is necessary to measure the pressure on different areas plumbing and determine the lowest value. After the leak is repaired, the pressure should increase.

Pump that increases the pressure in the water supply: features of choice and installation

TO artificial ways pressure increase applies primarily to the installation of the pump. Individual pumping equipment is selected for each pressurized water supply system, the choice of which takes into account factors such as:

  • duration of the main system;
  • diameter of pipes of the water supply system;
  • number of floors in the house;
  • the amount of water consumed.

When choosing water pressure pumps, pay attention to their performance and power. These indicators are the main ones when buying this equipment. In addition, the pump must be made of high-strength materials that are not prone to corrosion.

There is an option to purchase a booster pump. These models are not recommended for installation in private homes with additional equipment that consumes water.

The cost of a pump to increase the water in the system depends on the throughput of the device. The approximate price of equipment is from 40 to 200 $. Some equipment is equipped with additional automated mechanisms, such as a flow sensor. With it, it is possible to automatically turn on the equipment when the taps are opened.

Thus, the level of energy consumption in the system is reduced. The cost of equipment is also determined by the degree of its protection from moisture and additional components that are present in the water. Pay attention to models with a high-quality filtration system. Aluminum, cast iron or stainless steel is used for the manufacture of the body part of the device.

We recommend purchasing equipment in a company store of one or another manufacturer. Buying goods directly, you will not only save money, but also receive a free warranty and additional maintenance of the device.

Also, when choosing equipment for increasing water pressure, pay attention to the difference in models according to the control method:

  • devices with manual operation mode ensure constant operation of the device throughout the entire time, you need to monitor the device on and off by yourself;
  • automatic pumping devices - the flow sensor of such a device controls the on and off of the device, there is also protection against switching on in dry mode, the duration of operation of such a device is higher than that of hand pump, it also differs in economical power consumption, but it has a higher cost.

In relation to the type of cooling of the casing part of the pumping equipment, there are two types of pumps:

  • when choosing a pump with cooling using shaft blades, the sounds that are produced during the operation of the equipment are quite quiet, while the efficiency of the mechanism is at a high level;
  • when the pump is cooled with liquid, complete noiselessness of operation is ensured.

An important role when choosing a pump should be given to its size. If the room is small in size, then the installation of a huge device will be inappropriate. Some pumps are used only for hot and for cold water. Other devices are suitable for any type of water supply.

In general, when choosing equipment, decide on its following characteristics:

  • the purpose of the purchase of the pump;
  • the principle of operation of the equipment;
  • equipment characteristics, most often indicated in the instructions;
  • device size;
  • purchase amount;
  • availability of additional functions.

The main characteristics are the performance and pressure that the pump is able to create in the system. They determine the type of equipment purchased.

How to increase water pressure in a private house

The water pressure in the water supply system is determined by the number of household appliances using water. For example, if the house has a washing machine, a sink and a bathtub, then a pressure of two atmospheres is enough. However, if there is a swimming pool or a luxurious jacuzzi in the house, this value should be doubled.

In addition, the pressure in the system must be such as to supply water to several points of water intake at once. When showering and doing laundry, you should not experience the discomfort associated with a decrease in pressure.

If the site has a private water supply, that is, water is supplied from a well or from a well, then the pump power should be much higher than when water is supplied from a centralized water supply.

The performance of the pump should ensure that water is lifted from the well and delivered to the house. At the same time, the house must provide optimum pressure water in the system. These indicators directly depend on the amount of fluid consumed. The more water is consumed in the house, the higher the pump performance should be.

During the operation of a private water supply system, there are two options for water consumption:

1. The well is distinguished by the presence of a flow rate in which there is a weak pressure or it is completely absent. At the same time, it is possible to satisfy the water needs of two or three people in the family. Since the source is quickly emptied, there is a decrease in pressure. For these purposes, additional means of modernization are used.

2. The flow rate of the well exceeds the level of water consumption per average family. In the presence of a pump, the performance of which restrains the pressure, there is an excessive increase in pressure to six atmospheres. Thus, leaks and emergencies are formed.

When choosing pumping equipment for private wells, it is necessary to be guided by the well flow rate and water flow. We recommend choosing as a guide the daily water consumption in the summer.

Ways to increase the water pressure in the house

As methods that increase the pressure in the water supply, we single out the installation of two devices:

1. Tapping into the water supply under pump pressure - this operation is performed at the entrance of the general water supply to the house or apartment. Installing pumps in front of the points of water analysis significantly increases the pressure in the system. Compact pumps allow automatic or manual control of their operation. However, this method allows you to increase the pressure by a small amount of 1-1.5 atm.

2. To eliminate more serious pressure problems, as well as to organize a temporary independent water supply, it is recommended to install a pumping station. In this case, a storage tank is installed, in which water is accumulated in advance and fed into the system using pumping equipment.

A pumping station that has a hydraulic accumulator requires considerable investment, in addition, a lot of space must be prepared for its location. You will also need to spend money on the purchase of a storage tank, the size of which should be ten times the daily water consumption. However, in this case, you get a constant ideal pressure and water supply, even with occasional water cuts.

Stabilization of water supply pressure in a private house

Among the main ways to increase the pressure in the system, the installation of a pumping station or pump is distinguished. The first option is relevant if there is practically no pressure in the system.

The pumping station allows you to significantly increase the pressure in the system. An electric piston engine pumps air out of a water accumulator. Water from a well or water supply enters the formed vacuum space. Installation of such a station in a multi-storey building allows you to get a constant quality pressure. However, such stations are quite bulky and for their installation it is necessary to obtain special documents for permission to perform work.

If there is a minimum water pressure in the system, it is enough to install a conventional pump in the apartment. It is installed on a pipe that enters the interior of the apartment. Automatic equipment starts working when the water is turned on, while manual models mean that the pump is constantly turned on and off.

To connect the pump to the system, you will need a soldering iron, which is designed to connect pipes to each other. On the inlet pipe, the tap for supplying water to a certain apartment is blocked. Next, the pipe and the flow sensor are inserted. At the ends of the cut pipes, connecting fittings are installed, on which the pump is screwed together with the sensor. Plug in the pump and turn on the faucet.

Another option for increasing pressure is to install a pump directly in front of the water supply device. To do this, you must first study technical specifications device, while determining the maximum pressure for its operation.

Next, you need to purchase a centrifugal-type pump, the performance of which is comparable to the maximum pressure. Please note that centrifugal pumps are very similar to pumping equipment installed for the circulation of heat carrier in heating systems. However, the principle of operation and performance are different.

In addition to the pump, you should purchase devices in the form of a ball valve and flexible wiring. Please note that the diameter of the hose must match the thread of the pumping equipment. You will also need a fum tape, with its help it is possible to seal the joints.

Work should begin by shutting off the tap for supplying water to an apartment or house. Next, the place of installation of the pump is determined, most often it is fixed on the wall using plastic dowels. In any case, before starting the installation of equipment, read its instructions.

On the wall, mark the fixing points of the pump and install it. A flow sensor is put on the pump, which controls the process of turning the device on and off. Further mounted threaded connections, do not forget to install rubber gaskets. They come with equipment. The inlet on the pump is connected to the water pipe.

After assembling the device, check its performance. Install the pump and turn on the water, if there are smudges, seal the connections with fum tape. Don't forget to ground the device. Check the operation of the device in automatic mode. Look at the pressure gauge to see what pressure is present in the water supply. The optimum pressure is 2-3 atmospheres.

Increasing pressure in the water supply system (NPAP) is pumping equipment designed to increase pressure and increase the water flow in hot / cold water supply systems, as well as provide the necessary inlet indicators for gas boilers / columns in systems with insufficient pressure. These devices allow you to compensate for the lack of pressure in the water supply for the normal operation of water-consuming household appliances. NPDV is able to raise the pressure to the set values ​​​​when water enters the water supply system with a pressure of only 0.1 atmospheres. Do not use these pumps for dirty water, are designed for this.

Types of water pumps for pumping water at constant pressure

Constant pressure plumbing pumps are divided into products with a "wet" / "dry" rotor:

  1. Wet rotor units are virtually silent. The equipment is introduced into the system through a tie-in into the water pipe and works as flow pump. The devices operate in automatic mode and do not require the attention of the operator and additional settings. The lubrication of the working units is carried out by means of a liquid. Products with a "wet" rotor are used, as a rule, to serve one point of water intake, for example, washing or dishwasher, since the increase in pressure is negligible.
  2. NPDV with a "dry" rotor are more powerful and differ high performance. At the same time, the devices require regular Maintenance(lubrication of working units) and have more high level noise than similar units of the first type. Such pumps are capable of significantly increasing pressure and are used for large plumbing systems with several water intake points.

Constant pressure pumps can be bought to organize high-quality water supply for an apartment, cottage, private house, as well as for arranging irrigation systems on a personal plot, pumping water from tanks, other tasks (located in another section of the site).

Boosting pump control systems

Manufacturers produce NPDV with automatic and manual control systems. Turning on and off the device with a manual control system when the pressure drops or rises above the required values ​​is carried out by the operator. This equipment requires constant monitoring, since after switching on the pump operates in continuous mode and does not turn off on its own even if there is no water in the system.

Equipment equipped with automation works without third-party intervention. A sensor that analyzes the flow of water turns on the unit when the pressure in the system drops below a predetermined value or upon opening / closing the valve. When the required pressure is reached, as well as in the absence of water in the communications, an automatic shutdown occurs. The automatic controller can be built into the product. You can separately buy a flow sensor and install it immediately after the flow pump to increase the pressure of hot / cold water.

Where is it profitable to buy water pumps for increasing pressure in Moscow with delivery

The pages offer a wide range of booster pumps according to favorable prices. Consumers are offered models with various technical specifications(power, temperature conditions, equipment, material of manufacture) among which you can choose the ideal option for solving almost any problem of increasing the pressure of the water flow in domestic plumbing systems.

Consumers can buy a water pump to increase the pressure in Moscow, Orel, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia with the delivery of shopping mall / courier, or receiving the ordered goods at the pickup points.

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Insufficient pressure in the water supply system worsens the level of comfort and makes it impossible to fully use household appliances. To eliminate this drawback, a special pump is used to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Proper acquisition and installation of appropriate equipment will ensure its subsequent operation without unnecessary problems and expenses for the owner.

Comfortable use of several devices will require good pressure

What tasks will the pump help to solve to increase the water pressure in the apartment

Before the implementation of this project, it is necessary to make sure that it is necessary, to study the equipment market, to clarify the price level. This will help to more accurately determine the amount of funding and time costs.

Why use this technique

In autonomous water supply systems of private cottages, appropriate user adjustments are provided. But in standard city apartments there are no such opportunities.

Utilities do not always fulfill their obligations exactly. Sometimes the power of centralized equipment is poorly calculated. In other cases, attempts are made to "save" at the expense of ordinary consumers. Be that as it may, but as a result the pressure is too small:

More serious difficulties arise in the presence of a separate heat supply system. Built-in sensors turn off gas boilers even when the pressure drops below a certain level.

How to determine your real needs

The list of possible troubles is clear. But first it is necessary to clarify the state of the existing engineering system.

It is fashionable to remove hard plaque from calcium salts using citric acid, or with the use of specialized means of the category "from scale". Such deposits can gradually accumulate in pipes. Over time, they will reduce the working holes to a critical level, which will create a corresponding negative effect.

To check, you need to go to the neighbors. If they also experience a drop in pressure, you can try to influence legal methods on management company, or direct service provider. If the result is negative, you will have to buy a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment.

When the study did not reveal any shortcomings in the neighbors, the condition of the pipeline is checked. In some cases, you will have to turn to the help of specialized enterprises.

Note! Pipe replacement is not always necessary. Sometimes problems can be solved with the use of flushing.

Criterias of choice

To consider suitable equipment samples, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Critical is the pressure drop below 1-1.5 atm.
  • The norm for the operation of household appliances is from 2 to 3 atm.
  • The maximum threshold is from 4.5 to 5 atm.

Note! If a pressure gauge in combination with a filter is installed in the inlet line, an on-line pressure check will become available, and the causes of mechanical clogging of pipes will be eliminated.

Manual control of the pump is not convenient enough and less productive. The drive will not consume electricity economically. But due to relative simplicity, the overall reliability of such a system is higher, and the cost is lower.

Automated counterparts are more expensive. However, they not only provide rational use energy resources:

  • Such a pump for increasing the water pressure in the apartment performs its functions for a limited time, which increases its resource.
  • When fully equipped with sensors and emergency valves, an increase in pressure above a critical level will be prevented. It should be remembered that such drops can provoke maintenance and repair enterprises.

  • To accumulate water and dampen pressure surges, some projects include special tanks. Such a reserve is useful in case of increased consumption and interruptions in the operation of centralized networks.
  • Systems of this kind are convenient. They work independently, without settings and other user actions.

Related article:

How to get the right pump to increase water pressure: prices, models, manufacturers

To concretize the study of the modern market, it is recommended to consider the products of well-known manufacturers. It is created on the basis modern technologies and scientific research, with good consumer characteristics.

A typical Wilo water booster pump has the following parameters:

  • Its inclusion occurs automatically when the water consumption increases above a certain threshold (1.5-2 liters per minute).
  • It is designed for operating temperature liquids up to +85°C. This means it can be used in hot cold water systems.
  • Special nodes cut off the power in the "dry run" mode and when the drive overheats.
  • The low noise level at maximum speed allows installation close to living quarters without additional insulation.
  • Such a device is able to perform its functions fully without an additional pressure sensor and storage capacity.

Equally well equipped are Grundfos water booster pumps. The following table lists the features of several popular models from these manufacturers.

Table 1. Features of several popular pump models.

ImageModelHead, mProductivity, l/minPower consumption, Wprice, rub.
PB-088EA8 35 140 3000-5000
PB-200EA15 55 340 4500-6000
PB-400EA20 75 550 11000-12000
UPA 15-909 40 118 4000-5000

Despite the general similarity, some important parameters differ. So, for example, the manufacturer Grundfos claims the working temperature of the liquid is not more than + 65 ° C. Therefore, a careful check is necessary to take into account comparability with certain operating conditions.

Installation of equipment

Installing a pump to increase water pressure in a house is no different from inserting another device into the main pipeline:

  • The water supply is blocked.

  • At a suitable site, the pipe is cut and a pump is inserted into the gap with two separate taps at the inlet and outlet.

  • When installing equipment, be sure to take into account the normal direction of water movement.

  • Depending on the material, appropriate technologies are used.

You open the tap - and water flows out of it in a sluggish stream. Washing your hands or rinsing the dishes, with grief in half, is still enough, but taking a full shower is no longer possible. Even worse is the situation with complex household appliancesgas water heater it just doesn’t start, and the notorious “Error” is displayed on the displays of the washing machine or dishwasher.

The situation is very sad, but, alas, quite common. To a greater extent, residents of apartments in urban high-rise buildings face it - during peak hours of water intake, the pressure in the water supply system on the upper floors drops sharply. But the owners of houses "on the ground" connected to the city's water supply networks are not immune from this at all - we have to admit that the quality of public utilities services is often still very far from acceptable indicators. So, some action needs to be taken.

It would seem that the way out is obvious. It is necessary to install a pump to increase the water pressure, and the problem will go away on its own. However, such a measure often becomes a “half-way solution”, that is, it does not completely remove the issue. And in some cases, installing only such a pump becomes a waste of money, since a deeper, more systematic approach is required.

In the technical documentation of pumping equipment, in articles and descriptions on this topic, on instrument scales, various pressure units in the water supply system can be used. To immediately clarify this issue, here is a small table that will help you navigate in the future:

BarTechnical atmosphere (at)Water column meterKilopascal (kPa)
1 bar 1 1.0197 10.2 100
1 technical atmosphere (at) 0.98 1 10 98.07
1 meter water column 0.098 0.1 1 9.8
1 kilopascal (kPa) 0.01 0.0102 0.102 1

We do not need too high accuracy at the household level, therefore, to assess our conditions, with a completely acceptable level of error, we can get by with an approximate ratio:

1 bar ≈ 1 atm ≈ 10 m of water Art. ≈ 100 kPa ≈ 0.1 MPa

So, what pressure is considered normal for a home plumbing network?

In accordance with current regulations, water must be supplied to the end user at a pressure of about 4 bar. With such a pressure, the operation of almost all existing plumbing and household appliances will be ensured - from ordinary taps and drain cisterns to hydromassage showers or bathtubs.

However, in practice, such an even pressure is extremely rare. Moreover, deviations to a smaller or larger side are very significant. Both phenomena can seriously affect the correct operation of the home water supply system. So, when the threshold is exceeded by 6÷7 bar, depressurization may occur at pipe joints, on shut-off and control valves. With jumps up to 10 bar, there is a high probability of more serious accidents.

But it is, in principle, not difficult to deal with increased pressure - it is enough to install a special device at the entrance to a house or apartment, a gearbox that will equalize the pressure in the internal wiring of the water supply and eliminate the effects of water hammer. With the right choice or setting of the gearbox, all draw-off points will maintain optimal value water pressure.

The problem is much more acute if there is a systematic lack of water pressure in the system. And here, for a start, it is worth trying to figure out what is the cause of this phenomenon. Well, for this, it is necessary, first of all, to have a clear idea of ​​​​what pressure is in your local home water supply, whether it changes depending on the time of day or the draw-off point, how things are, for example, with neighbors in the landing and in the riser - above and below . Such information will help to clarify the picture in many ways.

The easiest way, of course, is to measure the pressure using a conventional pressure gauge. Such a device is not so expensive, and it makes sense to install it permanently at the entrance to an apartment or house. Even better - to mount a coarse washing filter with a built-in pressure gauge at the inlet - two problems are solved at once. It remains only for a certain period to regularly take and record readings about four times a day - during peak consumption hours in the evening and in the morning, in "normal" daytime and night mode. Then it will be possible to conduct a preliminary analysis of the situation.

You can have a portable pressure gauge on the farm or rent from friends. It is easy to temporarily connect it, for example, with a flexible hose, to the water sockets of mixers or even directly to the spouts, if the threaded connection allows.

You can also make a home-made simple pressure gauge, which, despite the primitive design, is nevertheless capable of giving very accurate results.

For the manufacture of such a device, a transparent plastic tube with a length of about 2000 mm is required. Its diameter does not matter much - the main thing is that it is convenient to make a tight connection with a fitting that will be screwed, for example, onto a tap spout instead of a splitter nozzle.

Before starting the measurement, the tube is connected to the tap (in principle, it can be any other water outlet) and is located vertically. A short-term start-up of water is carried out, and then such a position is achieved that the liquid level is approximately on the same horizontal line with the connection point, so that there is no air gap from the side of the tap (shown in the diagram - left fragment). In this position, the height of the air section of the tube is measured ( ho).

Then the top hole of the cabin is tightly closed with a cork to prevent air from escaping. The faucet is fully open. Water, compressing the air column, will rise. When the position stabilizes, after a minute or two, it remains to measure the height of the experimental air column ( he).

With these two values, it is easy to calculate the pressure using the following formula:

Rv = Ro × (ho /he)

Rv- pressure in the water supply at a given point.

Ro is the initial pressure in the tube. It will not be a big mistake to take it for atmospheric, that is, 1.0332 at.

ho And he - experimentally obtained air column heights

Calculator for experimental determination of water pressure

Enter the results of two measurements and get the result


Ho - height of the air column before opening the valve, mm

He - the height of the air column with a fully open valve, mm

If measurements are taken at several points, and the readings are different, then this is a sure sign that a possible cause of insufficient pressure on a particular plumbing or household appliance lies in defects in the internal plumbing itself. It is possible that the old pipes are overgrown with rust or limescale, and no additional equipment will change the situation - you will have to change the piping.

To demand normal pressure from such a water supply system is simply naive

The reason for the drop in pressure can be filters that have not been changed or cleaned for a long time - and carrying out appropriate prevention immediately puts everything in place.

You should compare the readings with similar parameters in neighboring apartments located on the same level - they should be approximately equal. Sometimes this helps to identify the problem that lies in the water riser.

It would be nice to find out the state of affairs in the neighboring apartments vertically - how much the problem of low pressure affects them. As the floor height increases, the pressure (in meters of water column) should decrease by approximately the excess value.

And, finally, if, of course, it is possible, it is advisable to find out the pressure on the "sunbeds" of the house, that is, on the collectors in the basement, to which the risers are connected along the porches. It is possible that the public utilities fulfill their obligations, and the water pressure to the risers is normal.

This means that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem will be localized - often the “pioneer” of all the troubles becomes the owner of the apartment living down the same riser, who, when carrying out repairs in his bathroom, narrowed the diameter of the pipe for one reason or another - “it’s cheaper”, “it’s more convenient and more beautiful” , “as an experienced plumber suggested” or even “everything is fine with me, but the rest do not bother me.” Here you will either have to agree on a good one, or take administrative measures through public utilities.

If the pressure on the house collector is also weak, you should “get the truth” from the public utilities, since the quality of the service they provide does not meet the requirements. Whether it will be possible to achieve something is still a big question, since you can hear a lot of reasons: from requiring replacement main pipelines to the point of impossibility at present to install new pumping equipment to replace the obsolete one.

What can be done?

If all the steps taken of the “administrative plan” have not yielded results, and there is not enough pressure to ensure the correct operation of plumbing and household appliances, technological measures will have to be taken. This is where the installation of one or another additional equipment is already required. But, again, to say that a pump to increase water pressure will become a panacea would be naive.

Such a measure will become effective only if the water always flows almost uninterrupted, but its pressure is not enough to trigger household appliances. For example, the owner of a private house, connected to the main, in which there is constantly a pressure of no higher than 1 - 1.5 bar, may well be able to install a pump at the entrance to the house or even in front of the draw-off point, which requires higher rates. To some extent, this is also acceptable in urban high-rise buildings, but again - with a stable water supply, but with a "deficit" of pressure.

If the "failures" of pressure reach the point that on the upper floors there is often a complete disappearance of water from the taps, the booster pump will not justify itself. Firstly, he needs to “lean” on the minimum allowable pressure in the pipe for this model in order to give the desired value at the output, and he cannot create anything from the void. Secondly, by increasing the pressure, the pump necessarily creates a certain vacuum behind. In case of insufficient pressure, a tap open on any lower floor turns into a “hole” through which air can be sucked in. The pump will start trying to pump air, and in the best case, if it is equipped with a dry-running protection system, it will simply turn off all the time, but if not, it will quickly burn out. And thirdly, by somehow improving the situation in his apartment, the owner of the pump unwittingly worsens the situation in neighboring ones.

What is the way out? There are several of them, but not all of them will be easy to implement.

1. Install a pumping station operating in automatic mode, preferably with a pumped storage membrane tank maximum possible volume. The main element of such a station is centrifugal pump self-priming type, that is, capable of independently, even at “zero” pressure at the inlet, to raise water from a certain depth (for example, from a basement collector or offline source) and create a very significant pressure at the outlet.

The pressure switch, which is usually included in the station kit, will ensure that the pump motor is turned on only when the pressure in the home (apartment) water supply drops below the set level. The storage tank will create a reserve supply of water, which will also be under pressure and consumed in cases where the water supply in the main is temporarily interrupted.

Thus, pumping station and raises the water up, and creates the necessary pressure in the system, and provides a certain supply of water. The larger the volume of the storage tank, the less often the pump will turn on.

The solution is excellent, one might say - optimal for private households, but in multi-storey buildings, a lot of difficulties can arise with it. If the pressure in the risers is weak, then many residents of the upper floors suffer from this. If they begin to get out of the situation in this way, then a real rivalry “for the stream” will flare up in the house, since the total amount of incoming water will still be insufficient for everyone. Again, the same situation as mentioned above - sucking water out of the pipes will lead to airing with all the ensuing consequences. Scandals and trials are inevitable on this out, “denunciations” against each other to the operating organization or to the “water utility”. And the installation of such a station without the knowledge of public utilities may well result in a decent fine, since the equipment introduces an imbalance in common work plumbing system at home.

There is one more limitation: self-priming pumps are usually limited in depth (in the case of a high-rise building - height) of water rise - about 7 ÷ 8 meters. That is, for the first or second floor - it will do, the third - already with a stretch, and above - it is unlikely to cope.

2. Install a volumetric non-pressure tank in your home so that it is constantly replenished during normal water supply hours, even if with insufficient pressure. The simplest float valve will not allow the tank to overflow.

If such a container for at least 200 ÷ 500 liters can be installed at the height of the ceiling, then water from it will either flow by gravity to the points of water intake, in front of which it is already possible to install conventional compact pressure boosting pumps, or it will be possible to mount a booster at the common outlet of the tank. pump, the power and performance of which will be enough for all consumption devices. As an option - a compact pumping station with a small volume hydraulic accumulator, which will already be powered from a storage tank. In this case, the tank can not be lifted up, but to find for it the most convenient place for the existing conditions.

The main obstacle to the implementation of such a project is the tightness of standard city apartments: there is simply nowhere to install even a small capacity. Again, such an output seems to be optimal for a private developer.

However, it is quite possible that it will be possible to cooperate with neighbors who also have a similar problem in order to establish a collective storage tank large capacity, for example, in the attic of the house. The scheme will be the same - water flows to each apartment by gravity, and then the owners themselves decide at what points they need to install a boost pump.

A possible solution to the problem is with the installation of a collective storage tank

3. The third option also implies cooperation - this is the installation of a powerful pumping station with an impressive storage tank and a hydraulic accumulator for the collected funds, so that the power and productivity of the equipment is enough for the entire riser. Thus, in the basement it will be possible to have a significant non-pressure and pressurized supply of water, and all residents will equally receive it in the right amount and with the required pressure.

It is clear that this is easy to say, but very difficult to perform, since it can be extremely difficult to persuade people. Nevertheless, there are plenty of examples of such collective interaction of the residents of the house.

Now that the main possible applications of pumps that increase water pressure are considered, we can turn to an overview of the equipment.

Choosing a pump to increase water pressure

So, if the situation can be completely corrected just by installing a pump to increase the water pressure, then you need to know how to choose the right device.

All pumps of this class can be divided into two large groups- These are devices with a dry and wet rotor.

  • Glandless pumps are more compact, less noisy, do not require any maintenance work, since all moving parts are lubricated by the pumped liquid. They are installed directly into a pipe, for example, in front of a household appliance or a tapping point, and do not require any additional fasteners.

A typical representative of pumps with a "wet rotor"

Their disadvantage is their low performance and the additional water pressure created. In addition, there are restrictions on the installation method - the rotor axis of the pump electric drive must be in a horizontal position.

  • Pumps with a dry rotor can be immediately distinguished even outwardly due to the pronounced asymmetric shape - a power unit placed aside, which has its own air cooling system - a fan impeller located on the axis. This arrangement most often involves additional cantilever mounting of the device to the wall surface.

Pumps with a "dry rotor" usually require additional wall mounting

Such devices usually have higher performance characteristics, and when right choice and the installation is sometimes able to "serve" several points of water intake at once.

Pumps with a dry rotor require regular lubrication of friction units, and during operation they can create, albeit small, but still noticeable noise - this must also be taken into account when choosing a place for their installation.

In general, devices of this class of both types, both in design and in principle of operation and in installation rules, are very similar to circulation pumps that are built into the circuit autonomous system heating. To avoid repetition, the reader who is interested in these issues can be directed to the relevant publication.

What you need to know about circulation pumps?

These compact devices provide a stable movement of the coolant along the contours of the heating system. Read about the device, calculation of the required operational parameters, selection and installation in a special publication of our portal.

The fundamental difference lies in the fact that circulation pumps, as a rule, operate in constant mode while the heating system is on. Devices designed to increase the pressure in the water supply system do not require such a mode - they should only work when necessary, when it is necessary to provide pressure.

There are two approaches to solving this issue.

  • Some inexpensive pumps have only manual control- that is, the user turns them on independently as needed. This is certainly not the best approach given the forgetfulness of some people. In addition, if the device, for example, ensures the operation of a washing machine, then the water for washing and rinsing is taken periodically, in accordance with the program, that is, most of the pumping equipment effort cycle is not required.
  • The optimal solution is to install a device equipped with a flow sensor. The pump will start only when the tap is opened and, of course, if there is water in the pipeline. This will unload the device from unnecessary work, and prevent it from overheating or burnout from a “dry run”.

The flow sensor may be included with the pump or purchased separately. It is always installed after the pump in the direction of water movement.

If the water pressure in the water supply is unstable, that is, it can be normal, but becomes insufficient at certain periods, then an optional, but very useful addition can be a pressure switch that is installed at the inlet, in front of the pump.

A useful addition to the wiring diagram is a pressure switch

The power supply circuit of the pump in this case is switched through a relay, which can be configured in such a way that it works and turns on the power to the device only in case of insufficient pressure in the system. With normal head pressure, the pump will not turn on even after the flow sensor is triggered.

When choosing a pump, the necessary difference must be taken into account, by which the pressure must be increased for the correct operation of plumbing or household appliances. Do not wait for "outrageous" values ​​- usually this parameter lies in the range of 0.8 ÷ 1.5 bar (8 ÷ 15 meters of water column).

If a pump is purchased for installation on a hot water pipe (there are such situations), then its characteristics must correspond to the operating conditions at elevated temperatures of the pumped liquid. Typically, such information is indicated in the product data sheets.

An important parameter is the performance of the device - the amount of water pumped per unit of time. The performance must be higher than the average flow at the point of consumption before which the equipment is installed.

When choosing a model, of course, you should give preference to "authoritative" brands, while specifying how available service is in your region, and what warranty obligations apply to this device.

A few popular quality models are shown in the table:

Model nameIllustrationShort descriptionCreated additional water pressure
"Grundfos UPA 15-90" and "UPA 15-90N" One of the most popular models of the famous Danish manufacturer.
Wet pump. Built-in flow sensor.
Silent operation, small dimensions.
Usually installed in front of a specific point of consumption ( washing machine, geyser, etc.).
Model UPA 15-90 - cast iron body, UPA 15-90 - stainless steel.
The minimum inlet pressure is 0.2 bar.
Power - 110 watts.
Maximum productivity - up to 25 l./min.
8 m w.c. Art.
Wilo-PB-201EA Wet rotor pump.
Drive power - 200 W. There is an air-cooled engine.
Built-in flow sensor - triggering at a flow rate of at least 2 l / min.
Connecting pipes - 1".
Increased productivity - up to 55 l / min.
Silent operation. Console for surface mounting.
Able to provide pressure at several points of consumption.
15 m of water Art.
Jemix W15GR-15A Pump with "dry rotor" and air-cooled drive.
Power -120 W.
Designed for use in cold and hot water - allowable temperature water - up to 110 °C.
Productivity - nominal 10 l / min, maximum - 25 l / mi.
Branch pipes for tapping into the pipe - 15 mm.
The flow sensor is included in the delivery.
The control unit allows you to select manual or automatic operation.
10 ÷ 15 m w.c. Art.
Aquatica 774715 Inexpensive pump, usually designed for one point of consumption.
"Dry rotor". Brass body. Asynchronous, virtually silent motor.
Low power consumption - only 80 watts.
Connecting pipes - ¾".
Three operating modes.
Productivity - 10 l / min.
For cold water only.
up to 10 m water Art.

Video: installing a pump in an apartment to increase water pressure

Choosing a pumping station

So, the second option for a fundamental solution to the problem of ensuring normal water pressure is to install a pumping station.

This device is a surface centrifugal self-priming pump. It can be conventional or equipped with an injector - this technological addition significantly increases the pump's ability to lift water from a considerable depth, but, however, makes its operation more noisy.

The pumping station may already have a built-in membrane-type hydraulic accumulator, or this element of the required volume is purchased separately. A prerequisite is the presence of a pressure switch, but in this case it is already installed after the pump itself - when the set pressure threshold is reached in the accumulator, the power to the power unit is turned off.

The working pressure in the accumulator is always somewhat excessive - it is calculated in such a way that the correct operation of all plumbing and household appliances is ensured, and at the same time, a certain reserve is also maintained. As the water flows, the pressure drops, and when it reaches a certain lower limit, pre-set by the manufacturer or by the user himself, the relay closes - and the pump again works out the water supply replenishment cycle to the upper threshold.

In fact, the pumping station does not just increase the pressure of water - it creates it itself in a closed home system plumbing and constantly maintains at a given level. And the presence of a hydraulic accumulator makes it possible to hope for a reserve supply of water in case the supply from external source(backbone network).

In this case, a flow sensor is not required - the pump does not respond to the current water flow, but to the pressure level in the storage tank.

As a rule, pumping stations are equipped with pressure gauges - to make it easier to visually monitor the work.

Installing a pumping station is much more difficult than a conventional tie-in booster pump. It is better not to deal with this issue on your own, but to invite an appropriate specialist.

When installing, it should be noted that there are practically no completely silent pumping stations. This means that it is necessary to provide for a place for it, which, firstly, would be at the entrance of the water supply to the house or apartment, and secondly, would provide the necessary sound insulation for residential premises.

The accumulator can be quite small ...

The hydraulic accumulator included in the pumping station kit can be quite small, literally a few liters. However, it should be remembered that winning in compactness, you can lose in the duration of operation of the device and in power consumption - the smaller the volume of the tank, the more often it will turn on and off pumping unit, the faster its “motor resource” is consumed.

Nothing prevents you from purchasing a hydraulic accumulator of the required volume - they are also sold separately. For two people, a 24-liter tank is usually enough. For a family of 3-5 people, a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 50 liters will already be required.

Well, if free space allows, and there are interruptions in the water supply from city networks, then a non-pressure storage tank with a float valve will not hurt either - the pumping station will draw water from it. This scheme has already been mentioned above.

The optimal solution - the pumping station takes water from a volumetric non-pressure storage tank

Since the pumping station is usually installed to ensure the operation of the entire water supply network a frequent house or apartment, when choosing a model, you must contact Special attention on the pressure it creates and on productivity. It will be of little use if, taking into account the height and remoteness of the draw-off points in the farthest section, the pressure is insufficient. In the practice of private households, this can be, for example, a garden tap through which watering is done. personal plot. Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on the most distant points in height and length. If these are just mixers, then they will have enough pressure of 10 ÷ 15 meters (1 ÷ 1.5 bar). In the case of installing equipment that requires special pressure parameters, they are taken as the basis.

The work of modern plumbing and household appliances is associated with the presence of constant pressure in the water supply system. Yes, for stability washing machine The pressure in the system is 2 atmospheres. And hydromassage showers and bathtubs will cope with their task only at a pressure of at least 4 atmospheres. At the same time, it is extremely rare to find such indicators in domestic water supply. You can correct the situation with the help of devices to increase the pressure in the water supply. What types of devices exist and how to choose the right one - read below.

Before choosing a water booster based on the technical characteristics and cost of models, you should inspect the quality of domestic water supply, decide what problems the installation of the device should solve, study the main types and principle of operation of the devices. So, weak pressure water in the system can be caused not only as a result of clogged pipes and filters.

The two most common domestic water supply problems are:

  • Weak water pressure, in which it is impossible to use the bath, shower, washing machine;
  • The presence of water only on the lower floors (there is not enough pressure to “squeeze out” the water to the upper floors).

In the first case, the purchase of a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply will ideal option. In the second, only a pumping station can increase the pressure in the system.

The water pump consists of a plastic housing and an electric motor, which, while rotating, pumps air, thereby increasing the pressure in the pipes.

The fundamental difference between a station and a pump is that the former has a special water tank that continuously accumulates liquid and distributes it through pipes using a pump. This allows you to increase the pressure. Regulates the switching on and off of the station (after filling the tank with water) of the pressure switch.

Booster pumps for cold water supply: types

There are several types of pumps for raising pressure in water supply pipes. The main differences in the models are related to their installation method, structural features. Depending on the purpose, devices are distinguished for hot water, and separately for cold water supply, universal devices.

So, household pumps by action and modes of operation are divided into:

  • Automatic;
  • Manual.

The automatic flow pump is distinguished by a sensor that regulates the operation of the device: the pump turns on as soon as the tap opens. Automatic pumps have more than long term exploitation, because work manual models must be constantly monitored (make sure that the pump does not overheat).

The pumps can be cooled with a dry or wet rotor.

If you want a silent pump, then you should choose a device with a wet rotor, in which cooling occurs due to the pumping of liquid.

There are also separate pumps for dewatering, which allow you to reduce the level ground water and avoid flooding.

Such pumps can be with an electric and diesel engine. Models with a double-acting piston system are considered the most effective for dewatering.

Hot water booster pump

The principle of operation of the booster pump for water supply and heating systems is that the device increases the pressure in the network, depending on the pressure in the water circuit.

Forced circulation of coolant in systems individual heating or water supply implies the presence of a device for pressurizing and pumping the carrier from the heating source to the points of water analysis (batteries, showers, washing machines, etc.).

Pressure pump for supplying hot water and stabilizing operation heating system installed on the water return pipe. Therefore, the pump installation scheme will look like this: accumulator-heater-receiver. At the same time, the pump to increase the pressure in the system should only be installed in a horizontal position. If the pressure at the inlet of the installation is higher than atmospheric, then a booster compressor is used to stabilize the operation of the gas column.

How to choose a high pressure water pump

The choice of a domestic pump depends on the existing average pressure in the pipes. It is worth remembering that a pressure pump can only be installed if there is at least a minimum pressure in the system. If the pressure is less than 1 atmosphere, then for pipes better fit pump pump.

In order to choose booster pump, which will effectively cope with its task, you need:

  1. Measure the pressure in the pipes and decide on your own needs. If you need to increase the pressure by several atmospheres, then one device will be enough. At the same time, remember that a pressure of four atmospheres is considered the most suitable for a domestic city water supply.
  2. Examine the technical characteristics of the model. The most important indicators of a pump for maintaining pressure in a water supply system are the maximum water supply and maximum pressure. The first shows how much water the pump can pump in a minute or an hour. The second is how much the pump can raise the pressure at the installation site (the indicator is extremely important for the owners of a two-story private house).
  3. Take into account the noise level that the pump produces (this is especially important for small apartments with little sound insulation), operating temperature range (pumps operate most efficiently within 5-100 degrees).

When buying a booster pump, you should pay attention to its body: it must be made of aluminum or of stainless steel, be free of visible damage (dents, scratches, holes).

The best pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment

When choosing home pump to increase pressure, it is important to take into account user reviews and their recommendations. So, choosing a pump tested by the majority, you can protect yourself from unnecessary costs as much as possible.

Today, the most famous and well-established manufacturers of pumps for increasing pressure are:

  • WILO- a German manufacturer that makes universal pressure devices with high technical and operational performance;
  • UNIPUMP- a domestic brand, which is distinguished by affordable and high-quality products;
  • ComfortRussian manufacturer, which provides a wide the lineup devices for pumping water with various technical characteristics according to affordable prices;
  • Grundfos- a company from Denmark that offers booster pumps that can maintain a continuous supply of water in water supply and heating systems (can be installed in systems with gas water heaters);

Water pumps at affordable prices can be found at the Chinese company Seaflo Pumps. Especially popular here electric pump at 12 V, which is great for installation in apartments and houses with a voltage of less than 220 V. For individual water supply systems, the SPRUT pump (Octopus) GPD 15-9A is well suited.

We install a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply

Unlike connecting to the water supply system of stations, domestic pumps are easier and faster to install. You can put a booster pump in an apartment, a private house, in the country. In this case, the main pump crashes into the pipe at the inlet to the system. This also applies to pumps that are installed to improve the head of the column.

In order to connect an intermediate pump, you must:

  1. Turn off the water in the installation area of ​​the device.
  2. Drop the water. If there are no special taps on the pipe to remove water from the system, then you need to disconnect the pipes at the lowest point, at the junction, and drain the water with a hose.
  3. Mark and cut the pipe so that you can insert a device between its ends. You can cut the pipe with a hacksaw for metal.
  4. Attach nozzles and fittings to the ends of the pipe. Usually, mounting accessories are included with the pump.
  5. Attach the device to the pipe.

The circulation pump must be installed in a natural position (the position for installation is indicated in the instructions for the device). According to the installation method, the pump can be vertical (retaining) and horizontal. If the installation is made by mistake, then the pressure booster may not work, quickly fail, or do a poor job.

Water pump to increase water pressure (video)

boost pump low pressure- This best device to create and maintain a permanent, high pressure in water pipes. Today, there are many pumps, different in principle of operation, installation method. The choice of devices is determined by the needs of the buyer, the existing pressure in the pipes. Using the above recommendations for choosing and rating companies whose products have shown themselves well on the market, you can choose an effective and durable device!

Examples of water pumps (photo)