Mixer      03/05/2020

How to make your own electric smokehouse. Assembling an electric smokehouse with your own hands from scrap materials. Operating principle of an electric cold smoker

Today we will tell you how to make a smokehouse and a smoke generator yourself from an old electric oven.

Hello. I've been thinking about smoking for a long time, but I still haven't gotten around to tackling this issue closely. Finally, there was time and opportunity.
And this miracle appeared to the world:
The smokehouse itself is an ancient Soviet electric oven “Kharkov M”; it has been in the way for a long time. Finally she found a use)
From what is in it, the case was made into a collapsible one. And added a thermostat.

The regulator was packed in a bag box, cheap and cheerful)
The regulator gave us the opportunity to clearly maintain what is required during hot smoking.
If we smoke cold, then the regulator is not used.

Also, the cut mesh for .

And it even turned out to be two tiers.

A separate issue is the smoke generator. There are many options, everyone chooses to suit their needs.

There is nothing complicated, as always :)
Pipe with welded nuts for 1/2 and M16

1/2 is our smoke outlet, and 16 a thin tube is screwed in to supply air from the compressor. , .

There are slits made on the 1/2 pipe, through which the ladies are sucked into the smokehouse.
A couple more photos for clarity

Covers were also made for the bottom and top of the smoke generator.

In principle, that’s all. You can connect the smoke generator to the smokehouse and actually smoke.

As you can see, the work is not difficult, it can be completed in a couple of days, not counting painting.
The smokehouse itself can also be easily replaced with a modern electric oven.

That's all. Thank you for your attention:)

P.S. The most detailed information on making this smokehouse can be seen in my video.

See also:

An electric smokehouse is a device with which you can cook meat and fish in the shortest possible time.

The device has a fairly simple design, it really do it yourself, using available materials.

What does a smokehouse for cold and hot smoking consist of? Use in home, apartment

The smokehouse is metal container, securely closing the lid:

  1. Chips are poured onto the bottom, which when heated begin to smolder and produce smoke.
  2. Inside there are grates for semi-finished products and a tray for collecting fat.
  3. In order for the device to work, you need to connect the transformer wire to the grid at the bottom.
  4. You need to hang food at the top that need to be smoked. In this case, each of them must be connected to the opposite pole of the transformer.
  5. The smokehouse must be closed with a lid and ignite the fuel in the smoke generator.

Attention! The transformer must be turned on after smoke appears from the fitting on the cover.

There are smokehouses two types, namely: working on the principle cold or hot smoking They differ in that the latter disinfect food using heat treatment, and the former due to the long exposure of food to smoke.

Photo 1. Electric cold smoker made from an old refrigerator.

Another difference is the cooking time. The cold smoking device must be operated for 1-2 days, the smoke in this device is supplied through a special pipeline. The hot smoking device will cook food in 2-4 hours. Here, the smoldering sawdust is at the bottom, and the smoky masses simply rise.

The operating principle of an electric smokehouse is charge action. With its help, the smoke rises and envelops the food, after which it exits through the outlet pipeline.

For home use The smokehouse is not suitable for cold smoking. Within the walls of an apartment or house it is better to use electric mini smokehouse for hot smoking.

On sale you can find models in which both smoking modes are present, they are complemented by the function oven. Making a smokehouse yourself is not difficult if you follow the recommendations.

Stages of making an electric smokehouse with your own hands

Anyone can create such a device if they have a barrel of the required diameter and other components on hand.

Using such materials, you can make a device for hot smoking, subject to the following algorithm:

  1. The hull is being prepared. It needs to be checked for leaks. A hole is drilled in the upper element of the housing. In the future, a chimney pipe will be installed in it.
  2. You need to place an electric hotplate underneath, on which the tray for smoldering sawdust will stand.
  3. A tray designed to collect fat is installed. It can be made from sheet metal. To be able to place products, you need to install grates or hooks.

Important! Knowledgeable people It is recommended to check the smokehouse before use. It is worth assessing the level of smoke concentration, the absence of open fire in the sawdust tray, the location of the food grates, and how efficiently the heating element works.

A high-quality check is the key to long and trouble-free operation of the smokehouse. If you ignore this step, you can ruin all the products along with the smokehouse. With good assembly and high-quality testing, the service life of the device is significantly extended and the quality of its work is improved.

How to properly prepare for assembly?

To properly assemble such a device, you don’t need to have a lot of construction skills, but it’s worth preparing certain components, such as:

  1. Metal container with a lid. The best option in a similar situation is a metal barrel with volume 200 l. It is better to take a container in which various oils or chemical substances. You can get rid of any remaining contents by thoroughly washing the barrel before use. If oil was previously stored in it, you need to put dry firewood in it and set it on fire. After everything has burned out, you should treat the inside of the container with floor or dishwashing detergent.

  1. Electric thermostat regulating the temperature from 20 to 90 degrees Celsius.
  2. Special tiles.
  3. Pallet, made of metal. Fat will drain into it.
  4. Thermometer.
  5. Metal grid.
  6. Cable, along which it will be summed up electricity.
  7. Wire rack or old sawdust pan.
  8. Can be screwed furniture wheels to the bottom of the smokehouse. Moving heavy equipment becomes easier and the mobility of the entire installation increases.

Reference. It is worth remembering that no matter how high-quality the assembly is, a homemade smokehouse is inferior to a professional one in terms of cooking power and speed. Devices from the store have a more beautiful appearance, but you will have to pay for them from 10,000 to 20,000 rub.

Do not forget that the manufacture of the smokehouse must be carried out under certain conditions:

  1. Room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Humidity above 80% is not allowed.
  3. If the products are located in a running installation, you can't touch him.
  4. All components that perform their functions under voltage are needs to be insulated.

Additionally, it is worth preparing:

  1. Drill for drilling holes in the housing.
  2. Furniture wheels.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Tin snips or wire cutters.

These tools will come in handy during assembly.

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How to make, photo of the process

When creating a cooking device, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. You need to decide which project an electric smokehouse will be made. When creating an installation, you can use 4 different schemes . The choice remains with the person doing the assembly. A smokehouse can be made from a bucket, metal sheets, barrels, bricks and stainless steel.

Photo 2. Drawing of an electric smokehouse. The order of the elements is from top to bottom: mesh, thermometer, bowl of water, grease tray, sawdust container, electric stove.

  1. Let's get started case manufacturing. Are looking for metal barrel and prepare as described above. Furniture wheels are mounted on the bottom. To do this you will need to drill several holes. Holes should be made at the bottom to allow smoke to escape. Their optimal diameter is 10 mm.
  2. The installation base must be made of dielectric material, such as wood or plastic.

Photo 3. Cutting metal mesh with metal scissors. You can use it to make grates for a smokehouse.

  1. Need to make gratings. They must correspond to the width of the body and be securely fixed in it. It is worth choosing a metal mesh and, if necessary, trimming it using wire cutters or metal scissors.
  2. As a pallet you can use an ordinary pan, but you need to make sure that the diameter allows it to be in the housing.

Photo 4. Grid and tray, which is made of a pan, in an electric smokehouse.

After all preparatory procedures are completed , let's start assembling:

  1. Need to fix product rods using fasteners. They must be made of dielectric material.
  2. Need to put on a smoke exhaust hose to the nozzle and remove it to the ventilation.
  3. Connecting the cooler. To do this, take a plastic or metal hose of small diameter and wind it around the chimney in a spiral. Then one end of it is connected to the tap, and the other to the sewer.
  4. Hanging products, set fire to the fuel and when smoke appears, connect the transformer to the network.

If everything is done efficiently, then you don’t have to worry about the service life of the smokehouse.

Those people who adore delicious dishes, they simply won’t be able to resist trying the delicious smoked meats homemade made using a smokehouse. Such devices can not only be purchased in a specialized store, but also made with your own hands.

Several electric smokers on the market

You can find a variety of types of electric smokers on sale.

You can find a variety of types of electric smokers on sale. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. They differ in characteristics and price. Next, let's look at the most common electric smokehouses, which Lately are especially popular.

The Thermmix electric smokehouse is equipped with a very powerful heating element. Additionally, temperature control is installed. There are two different levels of arrangement of pre-prepared products.

A huge advantage is that you can choose the most suitable temperature, taking into account the volume, weight and type of products to be smoked. You can smoke in such an electric smokehouse in any weather.

The design is additionally equipped with a special tray for collecting fat. It is made of material that is easy to clean and does not deteriorate over time.

The two-level Elektromash device is designed for short-term activation. The design has an enamel coating, which significantly increases its service life. You can put approximately 5 kg of food into the device chamber. The advantage is that you can cook different foods at the same time, since there are two different levels of grates. The heating element is additionally protected so that drops of fat do not fall on it.

It is worth noting that the design cannot be used for smoking meat. You can only cook cheese, fish and vegetables in such an electric smokehouse.

An electric smokehouse belongs to a high price category. The device is quite functional and has a higher cost than other models. The advantage of the design is that the chamber has double walls. Due to this, heat loss is minimal and, accordingly, consumption electrical energy several times less.

Use this device to prepare a variety of fish and meat dishes. The interesting thing is that you can even cook frozen foods. The electric smoker comes with two baking trays - one deep, the other smaller, two flat grates and two grates that can be used for smoking fish. All these internal elements are made of high quality stainless steel.

The temperature is set automatically. The device turns off automatically using a timer. You can cook quite a lot of food at the same time. At the same time, you can cook different dishes.

Electric smokers The fragrance is produced by TEMP. They cannot be called small, but the advantage of the device is that they can be used for both cold and hot smoking.

In this case, you do not need to buy any additional devices. The Aromat electric smokehouse was first released twenty years ago. Since then, nothing has changed in its design.

The design is one of the budget, universal smokehouses, which are designed for semi-industrial loading. Can be used both at the dacha and in a private home.

Due to its height and cylindrical smokehouse Aroma will take up too much space in the apartment.

Let's look at the operating principle of an electric smokehouse

The design and operating principle of an electric smokehouse is quite simple. In this version of the device, all used products must be placed in a special department. As a rule, future smoked products are hung using special hooks so that excess moisture and fat could constantly flow into the pan.

In the smoke regulator, due to the operation of the electric heater, smoke begins to form from the wood chips. It passes through a charged grid with a high voltage pole. The ions quickly penetrate into products that are placed on the negatively charged pole. Thanks to this, smoking does not take much time and all products are cooked very quickly. During operation of the structure, all unnecessary smoke will exit through the chimney.

Making an electric smokehouse with your own hands

You can make an electric smokehouse with your own hands without any problems. On the Internet you can find a variety of diagrams and drawings and use them to construct the structure. The cost of a self-made device will be several times lower, and the characteristics are no worse than those of most factory models.

What are the features and differences in the manufacture of smokehouses?

Each electric smokehouse has its own characteristics, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance in order to make a truly suitable device.

For hot smoking

It is worth talking separately about the benefits of hot smoking products. In this case, the finished smoked meats will turn out very juicy, because during cooking they will retain a sufficient amount of moisture. But dishes prepared in this way can not be stored for long.

If you do not additionally use preservatives or stabilizers, then smoked meats should be consumed within several days after preparation.

In this case, the products will be smoked at a temperature of 35-150 degrees. Most optimal temperature the indicator is considered to be 90 degrees. About five kilograms of food can be placed in a device with an average power of 500-600 W at a time. If you prepare a small amount of product, the smoking time is reduced.

For cold smoking

This smoking method allows you to increase the shelf life of finished smoked meats several times. Products prepared in this way can be stored for a couple of months. During smoking, products will be fumigated with smoke at a fairly low temperature - no higher than 25 degrees. All products are pre-salted and marinated.

Smokehouses for cold smoking have a more complex structure. In addition, they additionally need to be connected to the hood. Such structures are usually non-mobile, but may have special functions, for example, a liquid smoke generator.

Step-by-step description of the manufacturing process

Making your own electric smokehouse is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Devices of this type allow you to cook smoked meats several times faster. Moreover, the entire smoking process is fully automated.

The cost of factory models has recently begun to increase, so it will be easier to make the design yourself. Quite often, an electric stove or refrigerator is used as a base.

Required Tools

In order to assemble a sufficiently powerful electric smoker, you may need the following tools and materials.

  • A thick metal barrel with a lid and a volume of 200 liters.
  • Cable and electric hotplate.
  • Four wheels.
  • The container into which the wood chips will be loaded.
  • A tray where the grease will drip.
  • Thermometer, thermostat.

Housing with cover

First of all, you need to prepare the body. To do this, you need to clean the prepared container from the remnants of what was in it. For this you need to use detergents or soda. Due to this, the products will not get harmful substances, which could be stored in a barrel. Then the barrel must be checked for leaks.

You can use a thick sheet of metal as a cover.

Installation of heating elements

Needs to be removed from electric stove cover and remove the heating element from it, having first disconnected the wires. You can buy a new heating element if you have an old electric stove. Using special screws, the heating element is attached to the base in the central part of the barrel.

Be sure to attach a thermostat. It is installed slightly above the place where the heating element is located. The elements are then connected in series. It is best to attach the sensor at the top of the container, where the products to be smoked will be located.

In order to attach a thermometer to a future electric smokehouse, you need to drill several holes in the wall of the container and screw it inside the device. Using a thermometer, you can find out exactly what temperature is inside the smokehouse, and a thermostat will help you adjust it to the desired value.

Smoke generator device

The smoke generator is used for cold smoking. Its main elements are an ejector, a pump that pumps air and a combustion chamber. As a rule, for an electric smokehouse the smoke generator is made removable. You can purchase the design in a specialized store or make it yourself. With the help of the device, the smokehouse is converted from a chamber for the hot smoking method into a structure for cold smoking.

On sale you can find options for smoke generators with a lower ejector or an upper one. The second option is considered more functional. Models with a bottom ejector are usually used for small cameras, but they do not have their own natural draft. Together with a device with a lower ejector, a special pump must be running at all times. It is worth noting that in such structures wood chips very often die out, so they need to be constantly checked.

In order for an electric smokehouse to work properly, you need to take care of the smoke outlet and the supply of a sufficient amount of air. To do this, several holes are drilled in the lid of the container. You can make one hole larger and install a chimney in it.

The ideal option would be a small metal tube through which the smoke will slowly evaporate outside.

It is worth making sure that a sufficient amount of air enters the device. To do this, several additional holes are drilled in the base of the container. When smoke just begins to form, you need to close the holes made in the lid. Otherwise, the smoking process will not be of sufficient quality.

To make an electric smoker self-made fully and at the same time safely worked at home, it is necessary to install a water seal or, in other words, a water lock. The element is used to trap smoke or other odors. Thanks to this, they will not penetrate into the living space.

The smoke will be exhausted using a fitting that is attached to the lid of the container. A special chimney pipe must be connected to it. The end of the tube is brought out into the hood or vent. On extreme case, you can use an open window.

Designs with installed water locks can also be used outdoors.

Grate and tray

During smoking of products, fat will drain from them, which should fall into the tank provided for this. You can use a small baking dish or iron container as a tray. You need to install the tray in the middle of the barrel, after making several holes on the sides.

Before installing grates or hooks, it is worth deciding how future smoked meats will be placed inside the container. The grille is initially installed in the upper part. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to attach hooks to it, which are made at home from small twigs.

Sawdust container

As a container for wood chips, you can use a mesh with small cells or, for example, a pan with a volume of five liters.

Advantages of an electric smoker

Electric devices for smoking a variety of products have a huge number of advantages. The main ones include the following:

  • The design is relatively small in size. If we talk about a household electric smokehouse, then it can be installed even in a small Kitchen Cabinet. The devices are quite compact and do not take up much space.
  • They are easy to use. In order to prepare delicious smoked meats, you do not necessarily need to have experience or special skills. You just need to choose the most suitable one temperature regime and strictly follow the instructions provided.
  • Smoked meats cook very quickly. Due to the fact that the lid is rubbed as tightly as possible against the walls of the container, preparing homemade smoked meat will take an average of half an hour. All the heat is retained inside the smokehouse, so you can cook even fairly large pieces of food.
  • Smoked meats are prepared without temperature changes. The desired mode can be set either manually or the smokehouse can be left to operate in automatic mode.
  • Electric smokers are completely safe and have for a long time operation.

How to use it correctly

Before placing certain foods in the smoker, they must be carefully prepared. For example, fish is cleaned and soaked in brine. For 4 kg of fish you need to take about a glass of salt. Some types of fish need to be generously rubbed with salt, wrapped in cling film and, pressed with a lid, left for two days. Then the fish is dried for a couple of hours and completely cooled. Only after this can you begin the smoking process.

What can you cook in an electric smoker?

With an electric smoker you can cook a wide variety of smoked meats.

Most often, meat and fish, cheese, homemade sausages, vegetables and even some fruits are prepared.

The finished product is not only very tasty and aromatic. It does not contain any harmful components or additives that can adversely affect human health.

In order for the use of an electric smoker to be completely safe, and the prepared products to be truly tasty, you should adhere to some simple rules.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the food does not touch the walls or heating element during smoking.
  • Absolutely all elements that can become electrified must be carefully isolated from the device body.
  • During cooking, do not touch food with your hands.
  • Humidity indoors or outdoors should not be more than 80%.

Cooking in an electric smokehouse is very simple, regardless of whether the model is factory-made or self-assembled.

High-quality smoking is impossible without the use of special equipment. Today, the market offers entire lines of smokehouses that operate on different principles. In particular, models with smoke exposure, units with heat treatment, etc. are common. Each manufacturer’s family also contains an electric smokehouse, which is characterized by ease of use and the possibility of use at home. However, there are also universal devices, the mobility of which allows you to process products both outdoors and indoors.

Main selection criteria

To begin with, the direction of the unit and the products that are planned to be smoked are determined. Majority modern models effectively serve fish, meat products, lard, sausage, etc. Next, the capacity of the products is determined. For example, an entry-level electric smoker can cook 2-3 kg at a time. In more advanced versions, a load of up to 10-15 kg is assumed. But it is important to consider that volume is directly related to compactness and mobility. That is, the massive structure will be difficult to take on a picnic.

The next important characteristic is the smoking time, which is determined by the power. The most productive models from the segment aimed at home use, have a power potential of 500-600 W. Again, depending on the load volume, such an electric smokehouse can perform its function in either 2 minutes or 30 minutes - subject to maximum filling.

Hot or cold smoking?

Design parameters are usually oriented towards either one of the types of smoking or their combination. Hot processing involves thermal exposure of the product at a temperature of about 90 °C, and cold smoking is performed at 20-25 °C. In both cases, preparation time can vary from several hours to a week or more. However, an electric smoker can speed up this process. This cooking method is more difficult to implement technically, but the result is justified. This design assumes the possibility of connecting the chimney to the exhaust system in the kitchen, which allows you to use the unit directly in the apartment.

Still, most models only provide for hot smoking. This applies to mobile devices with a classic design. The advantages of electric smoking include high cooking speed and ease of use. Such installations do not require the installation of special smoke generators and produce a finished product in just a few minutes.

Functional requirements

The latest models of such equipment are equipped electronically controlled with temperature control sensors. In some ways similar devices resemble the work of ordinary kitchen stoves- the design also provides a panel with buttons and controls with which the user configures the equipment. Cold smoke treatment devices have the most complex devices. In this case, an electric smokehouse may provide for separate operation of a chamber or smoke generator. This combination, for example, allows you to use the main chamber as a regular oven, and the generator for direct smoking. There are other configurations that allow the equipment to operate in different modes.

Additional equipment

Since organizing the smoking process causes a lot of trouble, manufacturers complete the equipment with auxiliary devices. For example, basic sets include trays, bowls, and smoking briquettes. Separate sets of accessories are provided for models with smoke generators. For example, a smokehouse for an apartment necessarily requires the connection of special equipment for smoke removal. For this purpose, hoses, pipes and connecting fittings are used.

Manufacturers and prices

The entry level of household electric smokers is well represented in the Greentechs and Muurikka lines. These models are different small in size, decent functionality and optimal performance productivity. These are neat devices costing about 4-5 thousand rubles, which are suitable for indoor use. If you need a multifunctional and productive electric smokehouse for your home, then you should turn to Anuka products. In this case, we are talking about models with smoke generators that cost around 10 thousand rubles. If you plan to regularly prepare food by smoking in large volumes, then units from Kocateq and Landmann will come to the rescue. A special feature of such products is the possibility of in-line work with large batches of meat, fish, sausages and sausages. We can say that these are models for commercial use, but there are no special restrictions for home use. Of course, if the user’s home has room for a massive structure, and he is willing to accept the additional costs of energy consumption.


The smoking process can be performed different ways. The simplest ones include the use of ordinary metal grates and barbecues, for working with which one cannot do without lighting a fire. A smokehouse for an apartment with electric power operates on approximately the same principles, but it also has significant differences. Firstly, the absence of the need to perform complex manipulations with firewood and ignition allows such units to be given modest dimensions. Secondly, almost all owners of such equipment note a high smoking speed, which does not impair the gastronomic characteristics of the product. And the main advantage of electric smokers is that they can be used at home - not even on the balcony, but right in the kitchen.

Lovers of delicious food will not resist the temptation to try a fragrant piece of smoked meat or fish on the smokehouse. Often such smoking devices are made independently for home use.

Features and Benefits

The electric smokehouse is suitable for cooking meat products, fish, sausages and lard. Such designs are used both for home use and for preparing smoked products in production. When choosing an electric smokehouse, you should think about the purposes for which it will be intended. If you do not plan to take it for smoking a large number of products, then a small electric smokehouse is quite suitable, into which you can load up to three kilograms of products. Improved models are suitable for cooking up to 15 kg of meat, fish, lard or sausages. Such designs are often used in small workshops or restaurants. For industrial use, choose models that are designed for even 500 kg of products.

When choosing a smokehouse, you should consider its power, since the cooking time of the product will depend on this. More suitable for home use electronic smokehouse with a potential of 500–600 W. When choosing a large design, it is worth considering that you can cook more food in it, but such models are not portable and are difficult to take with you on a picnic. If the smokehouse has a heating element, then it does not require the creation of certain operating conditions. When installing such a design, the main thing is that there is access to a 220 V outlet. These designs are very convenient for home use.

An electric smokehouse has the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • compactness – the structures are not very heavy (about 5 kg). Such a unit, small in size and weight, can easily be transported with you in a car when going out into nature to cook aromatic dishes in it;
  • complete security;
  • using such designs, you can get a lower-calorie product; cooking is carried out without adding fat;
  • There is no need to be near the smokehouse while cooking food. After setting up the device, you can go about your business.


When choosing a smokehouse, it is worth finding out which models are suitable for hot smoking and what is special about cold smoking. You need to decide which model is suitable for preparing sausage or lard in an apartment or private home. When hot smoking, the temperature can be up to +120-150 degrees, the cooking time of the products can be up to several hours. For cold smoking, the cooking process will be much longer. It will take not one, but several days to prepare the dish. Products are smoked without high temperatures up to +25 degrees. Mini-designs are more suitable for home use; they can cook up to 3 kg of aromatic, smoky dishes.

Hot smoking

It is worth considering the benefits of hot smoking meat or fish. With this method, dishes turn out more juicy, since moisture is retained in the products during the smoking process. But having prepared the dish in this way, it should not be stored for a long time. Without the use of preservatives or stabilizers, hot smoked dishes are not stored for a long time; it is worth eating these products within a few days. They smoke food at temperatures from +35 to +150 degrees, most often choosing the optimal temperature for cooking is +90 degrees. Up to 5 kg is placed at a time into a home smoking unit at a power of 500–600 W. If you loaded a small amount of food, the cooking time is reduced and can be a few minutes, but with a maximum load you should wait longer - up to about half an hour.

Cold smoking

With this method of preparing dishes, their shelf life can be much longer. Dishes prepared using the cold smoking method can be stored for up to several months. During the cooking process, meat is smoked at low temperatures up to +25 degrees for several hours; for fish, it is necessary to increase the processing temperature to +40 degrees. Before fumigating foods, they must be well salted. Cold smoked models are usually more complex. They should be connected to the hood. Units for cold smoking are most often immobile, but can be equipped additional functions type of liquid smoke generator.

The combined design can be called successful. This model allows you to cook food both hot and cold. You can find models that have a removable power unit. You can take it with you on picnics and cook food over a fire. The two-level model is divided inside by grates on which food is laid out, which allows you to simultaneously cook, for example, meat and vegetables or use other recipes.

Review of finished products

When choosing a smokehouse, you should look at what models exist, read consumer reviews and choose a more convenient and suitable option specifically for each buyer. Judging by what buyers say, universal stainless steel models are more suitable for home use; with their help you can prepare a variety of dishes at different temperatures. When choosing a model, you should pay immediate attention to its volume, how tightly the lid fits to the body, and ventilation.

The Hanhi smokehouse received good reviews. The Finnish smokehouse Hanhi is available in 10, 20 and 30 liters. The 20 liter model is equipped with an electric heating element. The material for this model is stainless steel with a thickness of 2 mm, all products have a special tray where fat will be collected. There is a thermometer on the lid of the structure that allows you to adjust the temperature during operation of the unit. Using a special chimney exhaust you can not be afraid of the smell of smoked meats in the room while the unit is operating. Although judging by the reviews, the smell of smoke in the room is still slightly present. The products are smoked in the Finnish Hanhi smokehouse for an hour.

For cold and hot smoking, you can choose the Idyll electric smokehouse. The product looks like a cabinet with a control panel installed on it. The unit stands vertically, which allows it to take up little space, no less than would be occupied by a medium-sized refrigerator. The unit operates from the network; all you have to do is connect it. The smokehouse has dimensions of 500x600x1300 mm, the weight of the device is 9 kg. Products weighing 25 kg can be loaded into the unit at the same time; up to ten loads can be made in one day. It will take up to 3 hours to prepare hot smoked dishes. Using the cold smoking method, it will take 2-3 hours to cook meat products and up to 90 minutes for fish products.

Which is better?

Using an electric smokehouse at home is not difficult. Such simple design allows you to cook smoked dishes at home. You can cook food either in a ready-made smokehouse or in a device made by yourself.

To make your device last much longer, you should follow these rules:

  • Regularly clean the smokehouse from residual fat, soot and dirt. In this way you can get rid of foreign odors and eliminate their spontaneous combustion;
  • It is worth installing the device far from possible sources of ignition, in a place protected from the wind;
  • For sawdust, fruit and deciduous trees such as cherry or alder are more suitable. Do not use sawdust coniferous species, since the smell of resin can spoil the taste of the dish.

How to make it yourself?

Making a smokehouse yourself is not as difficult as it might seem. You can cook delicious dishes quite quickly on an electric smokehouse. For fatty foods, the cold smoking method is more suitable, in which during the cooking process the foods are fumigated with smoke, and excess smoke flows down. It is better to cook fish, chicken wings and vegetables using the hot smoking method. At high temperatures, a crust will form on the products, but the inside will remain juicier.

Although electric smokers are not very expensive, the general interest in them has caused their prices to begin to rise. Therefore, it is worth trying to build a smokehouse with your own hands. Often a refrigerator or electric stove is used as a base. If you have non-working appliances at home, you can make the device yourself. In order to make a smokehouse from a stove or refrigerator, it is worth drawing a drawing.

Detailed diagram designs will help a novice craftsman make a homemade device.

To make a device with your own hands, you need the following:

  • remove the cooling system device, remove the casing;
  • A hole should be drilled on top of the housing in order to install a chimney pipe. You can connect a chimney to the pipe, then bring it closer to the hood. If you do everything correctly, you can smoke food indoors without the smell of smoke;
  • An electric stove is placed at the bottom of the body, a tray is placed on it, where the sawdust will slowly smolder;
  • a sheet is installed above the sawdust tray where fat from the food will drain;
  • In order to place or hang food for cooking, you should install a grill or hang hooks.

Homemade design consists of two functional parts: a heating element and a housing. The heating element receives electricity directly from the network and heats the container where the food is poured. wood sawdust, it is from them that the heat and smoke will come. It is worth attaching a thermometer to the outside of the structure, which will allow you to monitor the temperature during the smoking process.

How to use it correctly?

Before placing food in the smoking unit, it is worth preparing them. If you take fish for smoking, it should be gutted and soaked in brine, for which you take a glass of salt per 4 kg of fish. Horse mackerel or mackerel is rubbed with salt and wrapped in cling film, pressed on top with a lid and kept for two days. The fish is then dried for two hours, cooled and placed on a smoking rack. The fish is smoked for one to three hours depending on its size.

To prepare delicious juicy meat, the product should be pre-salted. If the pieces of meat are large, they should first be boiled and then placed in the device. The same method is used when smoking homemade sausage. The meat is simmered in the device for 2–6 hours. To reduce the cooking time of meat, you can rub it fresh with salt. Any product should be simmered until it is completely cooked, since repeated treatment with smoke makes the food inedible.