Toilet      04/19/2019

How to clean a plastic kitchen from grease. How to remove grease from kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is the place where masterpieces are born. In the midst of a culinary experiment, it is not always possible to notice how splashes of fat fly from the pan onto the walls, leaving streaks. And then the question arises of how to wash the fat with kitchen furniture, especially since there are many means, including folk and household chemicals. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not harm the kitchen environment, you need to know the nuances of each of them.

If you remove greasy splashes and drips from furniture immediately, then this is easy to do. Sometimes it is enough to wash them off with a damp sponge, maximum - with the addition of a drop of dishwashing detergent. However, it is not always desirable or there is an opportunity to wash the kitchen to a shine after cooking. And the fat, meanwhile, dries up, getting rid of it becomes more and more difficult.

Not too old stains are easier to wipe off with folk methods. They are gentle and safe, including non-toxic. But for tightly dried fat, more powerful tools will be needed. However, no matter what tool is used, you will need sponges, brushes (for small parts, pens, decorative elements an unnecessary toothbrush, preferably hard), rags, napkins is ideal.

The whole process is in a simple circuit: the surface should be slightly moistened, apply the product, rub with a sponge, leave for a few minutes to act, rub again, rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure, then wipe the surface dry. Next - more about different ways cleaning.


At present, when there are a lot of liquids, gels, powders for cleaning a variety of surfaces, many people still prefer to use folk methods. They do have a number of advantages:

  • sparing for surfaces;
  • safe for health;
  • do not spoil the skin of the hands;
  • accessible and inexpensive;
  • harmless to small children, pets.

But they have a drawback - they are not as effective for removing fat as industrial ones. Therefore, it makes sense to use them when the fat layer has not yet eaten tightly.

So, getting rid of fat folk remedies most often happens with:

  • soda;
  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice or citric acid.

Baking soda and mustard are great for cleaning kitchen furniture, stoves, and sinks. They are gentle yet effective. The powder should be diluted with a small amount of water to make a thick slurry. Then apply on greasy spots and follow the above pattern. If the abrasive properties of these substances are required, then we proceed as follows: pour a little powder onto a slightly damp sponge, wash what is needed. For wooden furniture used gruel of soda with vegetable oil. Vegetable oil dissolves fat, and soda neutralizes it.

Before washing something with vinegar or alcohol, you should test it on a small, inconspicuous area, because these substances are not suitable for all materials. Vinegar for cleaning should, of course, not be concentrated. The maximum is six percent. If you are afraid of doing harm, you can take vodka instead of alcohol.

To clean kitchen furniture from grease with salt, it (salt, not furniture) should be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting fine powder with water or - for greater efficiency- with lemon juice to a mushy state. Well, then, as usual - apply, three, rinse. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice alone, after diluting it with water in a one-to-one ratio. Lemon acid also gets divorced. Either its solution is used - a more gentle option. Either a slurry is prepared from it, then applied to a greasy coating.

Excellent detergent and disinfectant properties of laundry soap. In fact, it is industrial tool, but in fact harmless, like folk. Its foam can wash any objects from any dirt.

Household chemicals

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease with improvised means is understandable. If the cleaning in the kitchen has not been carried out for more than one week (alas, this happens), or someone has been in charge there without a hostess and soiled everything, something more serious than soda or vinegar will be required. It is good that there is "chemistry" for all types of pollution and materials.

Before using any drug, you must carefully study the instructions. After all, a tool that is suitable, say, for tiles, can harm wooden or plastic surfaces.

Furniture in the kitchen is best cleaned with gels, liquids and sprays. Abrasive powders act aggressively, they can scratch, especially a glossy surface. The table below is a mini overview of the most popular drugs.

Name Advantages Flaws Fits Doesn't fit
shumanit Removes old fat, soot, soot When applying, carefully protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Cookers, ovens, tiles Painted, aluminium, wooden surfaces, plastic
Silit Bang Economical, easy to use, does not leave streaks The sprayer does not always work as it should, the solution is too liquid Chrome-plated, ceramic surfaces, plastic and glass Natural wood surfaces
Mister Muscle Cleans all types of dirt, disinfects Does not always work against old fat, can leave streaks Any non-glossy kitchen surfaces glossy, polished, lacquered

The innovation of the last few years among the means with which it is easy to wipe off any dirt at home, including stubborn fat, is a melamine sponge. It works on the principle of an eraser: that is, I simply cut off a piece from it and rub off everything I need with a corner. The sponge wears off and disappears. However, it is not yet fully known how toxic this miracle remedy is. Precautions include using it with gloves, with a window open, and away from children and animals.

Silit Bang

Mister Muscle


More and more popular are devices that can remove any dirt on kitchen furniture. We are talking about steam generators. This is a device into which water is poured, if necessary with drugs. Then it produces steam, with a jet of which we easily and simply clean the entire kitchen. The secret is that with ordinary wet cleaning, you can use hot water, which also cools quickly, but not boiling water. The temperature of the steam produced by the generator reaches 150 degrees Celsius, which allows you to remove even the most old fat, dirt, fungus and mold.

In addition to fighting grease, the steam cleaner:

  • has the ability to clean without chemicals;
  • disinfects;
  • destroys unpleasant odors;
  • does not cause allergies.

The cleansing process is quick and easy. When using a steam cleaner, you need to be careful not to burn yourself, because the temperature is very high. Remove children and pets from the room. Do not hit the jet of steam on houseplants.

The nuances of cleaning taking into account the surface

Understanding what and how to remove grease from kitchen furniture, the most important thing is to determine exactly what the item you are working with is made of. Wash with abrasive products (powders) gas stoves, ovens, rough plastic panels. You can not use them on glossy, enamel, polished coatings, as scratches may appear.

MDF facades cannot be treated with "harsh chemistry" containing chlorine. But this chemistry is suitable for cleaning tiles, plumbing and clearing blockages. How to clean unfinished wood furniture? The safest thing is to wash with soapy water. After that, carefully wash off the soapy traces and wipe it dry. Any products on such furniture should be used with caution, as natural wood Like a sponge, it absorbs everything into its pores. Therefore, it is better to test a small amount of the product on a small inconspicuous area. In general, in order not to make a mistake and not cause harm when using a new remedy, you need to carefully study its contraindications and test it on a small part.

Rules for the care of a polished surface

Most grease removers, both industrial and folk, are suitable for matte surfaces. How do you clean polished furniture? Better to keep it from getting dirty. To do this, it must be wiped daily with a soft cloth using a special cleaning and polishing wax. It is important not to clean with ordinary water - this will lead to the appearance of streaks and a specific plaque.

Every hostess, choosing a kitchen, wants to make a choice in favor of practicality and style. Among the most popular options recommended by designers are now furniture with a glossy surface.

However, the kitchen is for cooking. This means that the appearance of all kinds of stains, drops of water, etc. is inevitable. Such traces of cooking significantly spoil appearance glossy kitchen. A good hostess should be concerned about several issues. How to restore the original shine? How to wash glossy kitchen? About everything in order.

Features of a glossy kitchen

The glare surface, shimmering in the light, increases the space, gives the room some freshness and expands it. This is especially true for light facades. Even the most modest and compact kitchen with such furniture will take on a completely different scale.

Before buying, it is advisable to decide in advance how well the glossy surfaces will fit into the overall interior. Finding it difficult to make an independent decision, you can contact the designer. Having assessed everything with a professional look, he will suggest the most correct solution.

However, in any case, you need to understand that glossy furniture will look attractive only if you keep it clean.

Features of care

Many housewives are forced to seriously wonder how to wash a glossy kitchen. After all, this is what main secret keeping her presentable. Even the most expensive furniture, soiled with food stains and water splashes, will look untidy and cheap.

Housewives, first of all, will need patience. The need to wash a glossy kitchen occurs almost daily. Recommended for frequent cleaning soft tissue which does not leave scratches. Delicate microfiber or delicate cotton will do. Before touching the glossy surface, be sure to moisten the cloth.

The answer to the question of how to wash a glossy kitchen is simple and complex at the same time. The reviews recommend using a soapy solution to remove old stains. For its preparation, you can use a detergent that is intended for dishes.

If you don’t know how to wash a glossy kitchen, you should definitely avoid using aggressive products and abrasives. They can significantly spoil the appearance of the reflective surface.

What to do about divorces?

As with any surface capable of reflecting light rays, residues may appear on glossy furniture. detergents. Simply put, divorce. In order to get rid of them, it is recommended to use special means for glass cleaning. They usually contain alcohol. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product, which is usually sold in the form of sprays, on glossy furniture and gently wipe it with a soft cloth to make the surface completely dry. Now you know how to wash stains in a glossy kitchen.

It is important to know not only how to wash a glossy plastic kitchen, but also to ask general advice that will keep the appearance of the furniture for a long time.

  • In order not to scratch the facades, you need to use soft cloths for cleaning, made, for example, from microfiber or cotton.
  • Try not to expose the glossy surface to sudden temperature changes.
  • If you do not know how to wash the glossy surface of the kitchen, first of all, refrain from using hard sponges. Their use is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant scratches, which in the future will not be able to get rid of. In this case, the appearance of kitchen furniture will be hopelessly damaged.
  • Do not use products that contain abrasive additives. Unpleasant Consequence all the same - the appearance of scratches that irrevocably deprive the glossy surface of a luxurious sheen. It is he who gives the whole kitchen a special unique gloss and chic.
  • Discard too aggressive detergents that can corrode the surface and paint. Otherwise, the glossy surface will not be shiny as before.
  • It is desirable to ensure that the kitchen furniture is installed in such a way that glossy surfaces are hidden from direct exposure to scorching sun rays. Ultraviolet is not very useful, as under its influence the color fades much faster.
  • It is not recommended to place incandescent lamps, as well as heaters, next to glossy furniture. In addition, such surfaces should not be heated above seventy degrees.
  • Make sure you have a range hood in your kitchen. If timely ventilation is provided, it will be possible to get rid of excess moisture, as well as pungent odors. This, ultimately, will also affect the safety of glossy kitchen furniture.

What tools should not be used?

The choice of options for how to wash a glossy kitchen without streaks is so huge that it is difficult to figure it out. First of all, it is advisable to immediately remember what means should be avoided. This list includes:

  • various solvents, for example, acetone;
  • alcohol;
  • preparations containing soda or salt;
  • ammonia;
  • nitroglycerine;
  • polymer resins.

When choosing how to wash from fat, it is better to abandon the melamine sponge or use it with extreme caution. It perfectly removes traces of felt-tip pens, however, it can harm varnish, as well as acrylic surfaces.

Before use, the melamine sponge must be moistened and squeezed thoroughly. This will soften it, preventing it from leaving scratches on the surface of the furniture.

Next, wash the glossy kitchen, or rather the contaminated areas, by lightly pressing the sponge. If you press too hard, the melamine will break down and scratch the surface. When the process is completed, you need to wipe the glossy facade with a damp cloth.

So, a glossy kitchen can bring a lot of trouble to its owners. In particular, you need to know how to wash glossy facades kitchens, what tools to use and how to use them correctly. However, with proper care, the furniture will delight its owners with a brilliant original look. And variety stylish solutions allows you to purchase a glossy kitchen for any budget and taste.

Cleaning methods

  • The use of liquids. First, a detergent composition is applied to the glossy facade. Some products are sold in the form of sprays, which is very convenient to use. In the absence of a sprayer, use the soft side of the sponge. After leaving the composition for some time to corrode the dirt, the glossy surface is wiped with a dry cloth.
  • The reviews emphasize the convenience of using wet wipes. These are ready-made kitchen cleaners impregnated with a special composition. You do not need to purchase additional detergents. Simply take the wipes out of the package and wipe the glossy surfaces.
  • steam effect. Enough interesting way cleaning glossy surfaces. You need to warm up the steamer, and then gently drive it over the stains, without touching the surface of the furniture. By softening the pollution, you can stop the steam exposure. It remains only to use a clean cloth to finally clean the surface.

Overview of detergents

You need to choose them very carefully so as not to spoil the look of glossy kitchen furniture. Aggressive agents that contribute to the appearance of scratches and streaks are strictly not recommended. The composition should be as gentle as possible, but at the same time effective enough to cope with pollution.

Glass washer

You can even use a tool designed for cars. The advantage of such washers is that they do an excellent job with stains, light greasy deposits, etc.

Specific formulations include the following.

  • cif. Produced in a bottle with a spray nozzle. According to reviews, it works very delicately, removing traces of dirt and grease on the side facades and glossy countertops.
  • hg. This tool was created specifically for cleaning interior items. Copes with dust, grease and stains on painted and plastic surfaces.
  • EcoWoo. It has a delicate composition, allowing you to easily clean glossy surfaces. It has a strong unpleasant odor. Reviews confirm that the product does not leave streaks.

Universal liquid

You need to choose one that is designed specifically for glossy surfaces. Produced in bottles, as well as in the form of sprays. Can be used on absolutely any furniture, including kitchen. Removes dirt, grease, etc. After using it, there are no scratches left, the glossy surface looks fresher.

Dish detergent

It is better to choose one that does not contain solid particles that can scratch the glossy surface. A dishwashing detergent usually has a delicate composition, but at the same time it allows you to clean kitchen furniture from stains and food debris.

The whole secret is correct use. It is enough to mix a small amount of the product with water so that a lush foam appears, which is applied to contaminated areas. Ten minutes later, the foam is removed with a sponge, and the glossy surface is wiped with rags. First wet, then dry. Both should be soft and not scratch. In the care of glossy kitchen furniture, this is especially important.


The tool can be presented in the form of a gel, paste or solution. Used to complete cleaning. The polish is applied using a delicate cloth. This tool restores a chic shine and even covers the surface with the thinnest film that can protect against scratches and dirt.

You need to understand that glossy surfaces are very capricious in care. Before choosing such a kitchen, you need to carefully weigh all the arguments.

Many housewives are wondering what to wash plastic kitchen? Of course, providing proper care behind the plastic kitchen will contribute to a long service life with minimal damage. If the structures are carefully handled, they, due to their high quality, will not lose their external beauty. Washing a plastic kitchen does not require much effort, although you still have to devote some time to caring for the headset.

Properly selected kitchen cleaners will facilitate and speed up the process.

Detergents for washing plastic

During cooking, it is impossible to do without oil splashes and fumes. It should be noted that washing plastic surfaces is an easy task. However, this should be done regularly, taking into account that steam, along with oils, tends to quickly settle on the surface.

If the kitchen is started, then the adhering layer of fat mixed with dirt becomes thicker. But without a good detergent, even a small old speck cannot be erased. What means are the most effective?

In departments household chemicals there is a huge selection of various and affordable detergents designed for plastic kitchens. In order to save hands, it is recommended to work with rubber gloves, and as detergents, it is recommended to use such simple, at first glance, products as baking soda and laundry soap.

But if these means were powerless, it is worth looking for something else. In the catalog of any store in the household chemicals section, you can choose good components for yourself in the form of special powder mixtures, liquid emulsions and gels.

"Fresh" with a spray bottle will help you quickly remove grease from the kitchen set.

It is important that detergents dissolve in water without problems and are non-toxic. The most popular detergents from this category:

  • "Frosch";
  • "Era-Henkel";
  • "Help";
  • "Lady";
  • "Myth";
  • "ABC of Purity";
  • "Khozbytchim";
  • "Hayat";
  • "Benkiser";
  • "S Si Johnsons";
  • "Arnest";
  • "Sintezbytkhim".

However, before filling your consumer basket, you need to familiarize yourself with their description. Changes in the names are possible, especially since manufacturers of such products on this moment a lot.

It is advisable to select components with environmentally friendly components. Suitable products with the addition of gentle elements, with a pleasant smell and, of course, excellent cleaning properties. There is a special liquid for washing household cabinets and other parts of the furniture set, which can be purchased separately.

Washing kitchen furniture

To clean the kitchen you will need: gloves, sponges, soft cloths, a brush and household chemicals.

The kitchen will not look cozy if it is in disrepair. In order to wash the furniture in this room, preliminary preparation is required.

It is necessary to unload all the dishes from the kitchen furniture and wipe it inside. In places of heavy pollution, the racks are washed with soapy water using a sponge. It is necessary to work with gloves, as many effective products have an aggressive environment.

The shelves are washed separately using the same universal detergents. After that, you should collect clean water in a large plastic basin, rinse all the furniture and rub it to a shine.

The next stage involves the ventilation of furniture structures. If any smell persists after the general washing inside the cabinets, wipe them with a cloth dipped in table vinegar. This gives almost always 100% effect. All! You can forget about the unpleasant smell for a long time.

The contents of the cabinets should also be washed, wiped and dried. Ideal for these purposes, any home Dishwasher. Now you need to rinse the cabinets from the outside. After that, small pieces of chalk or bags of rice should be placed in them. They have the ability to absorb water. Such a measure is necessary in order to finally eliminate dampness.

Features of care for glossy surfaces

If the surface of the kitchen is glossy, then stains and dirt are very visible on it. However, washing a glossy base is somewhat easier and faster than matte facades. Under no circumstances should abrasive products be used for this. The product can quickly deteriorate, scratches will not slow down on it. Any detergent that does not contain aggressive substances is quite suitable for washing the gloss.

The use of sanitary detergents leads to the fact that the surface tarnishes and loses its luster. So the glossy surface of the furniture can be completely ruined. It is better to use liquids and gels for washing dishes or special safe products.

Washing mirrors, glass and working walls

With the help of a detergent and a sponge, it is easy to remove traces of grease and dust from the tiled wall.

To wash the kitchen set, only soft cloths are used that will not leave scratches on the surface.

So, wash the glass surfaces with detergent, and then wipe dry. The same can be done if the kitchen has a plastic ceiling.

Mirrors and glass require special attention. There is one simple but effective method wash kitchen furniture. To do this, you will need a spray bottle, one tablespoon of corn starch, a glass of boiling water and 1/8 of vinegar or vodka. All components are mixed in a separate bowl, after which the spray bottle is filled with the mixture. A unique and effective glass cleaner is ready. There are ready-made products for washing glasses and mirrors, for example, "GALA".

Pre-wash the glass with ordinary clean water and wipe with a soft flannel cloth to remove dust. After it dries completely, you need to apply the product with a spray bottle and wipe it with a special paper towel. The use of universal products, in contrast to simplified washing options, makes it possible to make the mirror surface perfectly clean in a matter of minutes without effort.

You can quickly clean the glass by wiping it with ordinary water and detergent. After that, the glass should be washed with clean water, and then rubbed with newsprint.

After listening to the advice and washing the kitchen in accordance with all the recommendations, you will notice how pleasantly the room will change.

Hello dear readers!

In this article I will tell you how to clean the kitchen to a shine.

To begin with, this process pleases the soul by far not all women. Often the cleaning of the kitchen is done in a hurry or postponed “for later”. And the kitchen should always shine with cleanliness and order, as it is the face of every home.

Cleanliness in the kitchen is important not only for comfort and a pleasant stay in it, but also for health, as various pathogenic bacteria and microbes are bred in the dirt. Therefore, I propose to arm ourselves with proven methods of bringing shine when minimal cost means and time with maximum results.

It is convenient to divide the process of cleaning the kitchen into three stages: daily, monthly (depending on the degree of contamination, it can be more often) and general.

Daily cleaning of the kitchen

Place a garbage bag in the trash can and take it out daily, preferably in the evening, after which rinse the bucket with soap and water.

Dirty dishes must be washed immediately after eating and it is not necessary to use Galla, Fairy, Comet, but it is better to use folk remedies or products that do not contain harmful surfactants.

  • mustard powder is a great cleanser fat;
  • it is good to wash glasses, glasses, vases, pans with baking soda;
  • laundry soap (72%) perfectly washes glass, tiles, metal.
  • Vinegar has long been considered an all-purpose ceramic cleaner. tiles, countertops, cutting boards.

If you do not want to use folk remedies, then I recommend harmless remedies from my favorite iherb

In the evening, you need to stay in the kitchen for only 15 minutes in order to:

  1. wash the dishes, wipe the apron tiles with a sponge and a dry cloth, hob And sink;
  2. wash cutting boards and countertops;
  3. sweep and wipe floor;
  4. wipe the handles and cabinet doors with a damp cloth;
  5. put all products in the refrigerator, open the window.

In the morning, a clean and ventilated kitchen will delight the whole family.

Kitchen towels and napkins should be changed daily. They peel off easily if soap solution add a little ammonia. Sponges for washing dishes should be used for no more than three days.

Unpleasant odors

Should not be allowed bad smells in the kitchen. They can come from trash cans, refrigerators, drains, burnt-on stoves, dirty dishes and sponges, spoiled food, and cooked food, especially fish.

When the same smell from the sink it is necessary to unscrew the siphon and remove food debris, clean the pipes and rinse all rubber gaskets in the drain hole. Then pour baking soda into the drain hole and pour it with vinegar in a 1: 2 ratio. Flush the drain hole at least once a week hot water with washing powder, soda, salt and other means.

When frying fish, put a few pieces of raw potatoes in the pan to it, the smell will definitely decrease by at least 50%. Rinse the pan and dishes after the fish with salt water, wipe the cutting board with a slice of lemon. Soda or salt sprinkled on the surface of the stove absorbs the smell when cooking food.

After eliminating the causes of unpleasant odors quickly help to fill the kitchen with a pleasant aroma set on fire dried peel of an orange or lemon, 4-5 teaspoons of coffee grounds and a little water, fried in a hot frying pan, essential oils.

Monthly kitchen cleaning

You need to start this serious cleaning of the kitchen by turning on your favorite music.

  1. Put pots, braziers, pans and everything that is burnt into a large basin and pour a well-mixed solution of hot water and 2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder for 2-3 hours. Then wipe with a sponge, rinse with clean water and allow to dry before spreading.
  2. Turn off the refrigerator, put all the food on the table, wash containers and shelves in a solution of warm water in the amount of 1 liter and baking soda 2 tablespoons. Wipe the inner cabinet of the refrigerator and rubber seals with a sponge soaked in this solution. outer surface refrigerators are best washed with soapy water. Be sure to wipe all washed surfaces of the refrigerator, shelves and containers dry with a soft cloth. Review the contents of the refrigerator, throw away the food that has become unusable, put everything in its place and turn on the refrigerator. To prevent odors from appearing in the refrigerator, it is necessary to pour baking soda into low cups, cover them with cling film, pierce holes in it with a toothpick and arrange them on shelves. This token is valid for at least 3 months.
  3. Lay out all the contents of the lockers, review and discard the unnecessary. Check closed jars with bulk products and put 1 clove of garlic in them. Wipe the inner surfaces of the cabinets with a weak solution of water with vinegar or citric acid, let them dry and put all the contents in their places. Wipe the outer surface of the cabinets with soapy water, then with clean water and wipe with a dry soft cloth.
  4. Disconnect the stove from the power supply or turn off the gas.

Remove the burners, soak them in soapy water, then rinse with clean water. Wipe debris from the stove with a paper towel, pour the surface with a warm solution with soda or citric acid in a ratio of 1:5 and let stand for 20 minutes. Plastic parts and handles of the stove should never be washed with household chemicals. It is best to moisten them with warm water and sprinkle with soda or citric acid and also let stand.

You can also clean the oven with folk remedies. Baking soda, citric acid, vinegar, baking powder do an excellent job with dirt and grease. First you need to wet inner surface oven and door glass with warm water, then apply baking soda or citric acid diluted to a pasty state on them and let stand for 15 minutes. After that, remove the mixture with a paper towel. If the oven is very dirty, mix salt, soda and water in a ratio of 1:1:1. Apply this paste on its surface, leave overnight, rinse with water in the morning.

These detergents can also be used for the side surfaces of the stove.

Now you can wash the entire stove with warm clean water. Dirt and grease in hard-to-reach places can be removed with an old toothbrush. Do not use metal and hard sponges, so as not to scratch the surface of the plate.

  1. Ceramic tiles are easy and fast wash with soapy water with the addition of alcohol. To give it shine, wipe it with a solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of 5: 1 or with citric acid.
  2. Wash countertops, oilcloths and cutting boards with a warm solution of water and vinegar in a 5:1 ratio.
  3. Cover the sink with dry mustard powder, let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with hot water.
  4. Wash the floor, ventilate the kitchen well and freshen the air. Drop 2 drops on the battery or bulb essential oil the best for you and your family. Orange - will cheer you up, basil - will increase concentration, anise - will calm and provide optimism.

Here is completed, maybe not quite your favorite, but inevitable work for you. And the proverb correctly says that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. And how pleasant it is for the soul from good music, perfect cleanliness and freshness!


General cleaning must be done at least twice a year. The first step is to remove the curtains from the window, wash them and hang them to dry. The kitchen must be disconnected from the power supply (de-energized). Move furniture away from the walls. Then remove the cobwebs and remove dust from the ceiling, walls and grate at the back of the refrigerator is best with a vacuum cleaner. Now you can start cleaning "from top to bottom":

  1. Whitewash, wipe or wash the ceiling (depending on its type).
  2. Wash the shades lighting fixtures and wipe out the light bulbs.
  3. Wash up window, window sill and cornice for curtains.
  4. Wipe ceramic tiles. Hydrogen peroxide and an old toothbrush will help whiten the seams between the tiles.
  5. Review the contents of the cabinets, throw away or put in a separate drawer everything that has not been used all year. Wash and dry cabinets inside, outside and their contents. Crystal wash only in warm water and rinse to shine cold water with vinegar. Cutlery made of silver, cupronickel can be cleaned with toothpaste or soda using an old toothbrush. Wipe spoons and forks with vinegar and rinse with warm water.
  6. Wipe washable wallpaper, remove from them greasy spots and other pollution. If the walls are painted with paint, then wash them with soapy water, clean water and wipe with a dry soft cloth.
  7. Wash kitchen appliances, hood and stove. Place wide bowls with an aqueous solution of citric acid (300 ml of water and the juice of one lemon) in the microwave and oven. Turn on the maximum mode for 10 minutes and wipe with a clean sponge. Rusty baking sheets are cleaned with cut raw potatoes, which are periodically dipped in fine sand. The kettle is easy to descale by bringing water to a boil three times with one sachet of citric acid.
  8. Wash out the refrigerator.
  9. Wash the sink.
  10. Wipe the baseboards, wash the floor and put the furniture in place.
  11. Hang an already dried curtain on the window.
  12. Well ventilate and refresh the kitchen with essential oils that are pleasant to you.

Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After all, it was you who turned a popular room in your home into a fragrant paradise!

How to wash countertops

Tabletops come from natural stone, artificial composite stone, plastic, wood, etc. It must be remembered that a countertop made of any material is not intended for cutting food, and laminated and plastic ones are not resistant to high temperatures.

  • All types of countertops can be washed with soapy water and then with clean water.
  • It is good to wash the plastic countertop with baking soda, vinegar, citric acid.
  • The wooden tabletop is washed with a paste of 4 tbsp. l. baking soda, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil (optional) or a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar.
  • A composite stone countertop is best washed with a solution of 500 ml. water + 1 tbsp. l. soda + 1 tsp. citric acid.

How to wash cabinets

Before washing kitchen cabinets with any product unfamiliar to you, make a test (for its harmlessness to your furniture) in the most inconspicuous place.

For plastic, laminated (except glossy!), wooden surfaces best suited paste of soda (1 part) and vegetable oil (2 parts). Apply the gruel to the sponge, wipe the cabinets and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wipe off the remaining paste with a dry soft cloth.

How to wash glossy kitchen facades

Glossy surface kitchen facades should never be washed with aggressive and abrasive (even baking soda) detergents. Apply detergents to the gloss only with the soft side of the sponge to avoid scratches.

Glossy surfaces with plastic coating, acrylic coating and painted and varnished should be wiped well with soapy water, any dishwashing detergent, window cleaner.

Surfaces with pasted glossy PVC film(to avoid peeling) wipe with a slightly damp sponge dipped in a liquid grease remover.

Leave the applied detergents for 10-30 minutes, depending on the degree of soiling. Then wipe all glossy surfaces with a microfiber cloth, and to restore shine - with a soft cloth moistened with a solution of water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio.

How to remove fat from the hood

  1. Disconnect the hood from the power supply. Remove dome and filters.
  2. Rub half a bar of laundry soap 72% on a fine grater and dissolve in 2.5 liters of hot water.
  3. Soak a sponge in this solution and wipe all surfaces of the hood and filters. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then wipe with the hard side of the sponge and wipe with a damp cloth dampened with clean water.

The same procedure for cleaning the hood can be done with 1-2 lemon fruits, cut in half.

The exhaust pipe is cleaned in the same way.

Soda + lemon

Very dirty filters are cleaned with a solution of 4 liters of boiling water, 100 g of baking soda and a pinch of citric acid. In this solution, lower one half of the filter, then the second, pour the middle with a pouring spoon. Wait 10-15 minutes, clean the filter with a stiff brush and rinse with water.

How to remove mold in a closet

Mold- These are microscopic fungi that accumulate in spots in the form of a bluish or greenish coating on the surface of organic bodies. They emit a hard-to-remove bad smell and dangerous to human health.

Most often, mold forms in damp and warm places that are not ventilated. If mold has appeared in the kitchen cabinet (most often on back wall) it is necessary to immediately find the cause of its occurrence.

  1. It is necessary to move the closet and look at the wall behind it and the floor, find the cause of the appearance of dampness. Inspect the corners in the kitchen, the space under the sink and quickly eliminate the source of mold.
  2. Then, with a damp cloth, remove the mold in the cabinet, without smearing it, completely empty the cabinet. Throw away products.
  3. Treat the cabinet inside and out with a solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1:1. Leave open until completely dry and well ventilated.
  4. Everything that is stored in the closet, before putting it in place, wipe it with the same solution.
  5. To prevent moisture content in the closet, you need to put open cups with soda and salt and put dry bay leaves on a saucer.

Destroys mold anthracene oil, blue vitriol, tea tree essential oil, drying oil, soda solution and hydrogen peroxide. You can put cotton wool soaked in iodine in a low glass jar and put it in a closet.

How to remove midges from the kitchen

Midges (Drosophila) - annoying insects which multiply very quickly. They start up where there are rotting fruits or vegetables and lay their eggs in them. The first step is to find and discard the source. Store fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Getting rid of midges is very simple:

  1. They are very fond of sweets. So make sugar syrup and pour it into a bottle with a narrow neck. The midges will quickly fly in there, but they will not be able to get out.
  2. You can pour the syrup into a plastic cup, cover it with cling film and pierce several holes in it with a toothpick. The effect is amazing.
  3. Can be cut plastic bottle, pour water with citric acid into the lower part and tightly close the container with the top of the bottle with the cork down. All midges will fly for a treat.

Essential oils of ylang-ylang, patchouli, verbena will help get rid of midges. Keep clean and midges will never like to live in your kitchen.

How to remove scratches from facades

Do not use abrasive detergents and the hard side of the sponge, then there will be no scratches. But if scratches nevertheless appeared, then there are ways and means to remove them:

  • Bar furniture
  • Enamel pen
  • Pencils for masking scratches on laminate

On MDF film

  • Scratch Removal Wax
  • Car final polish
  • Polish for glossy furniture
  • Glass cleaner
  • Professional wipes for polishing surfaces
  • Wipe the dark surface with a soft cloth moistened with vegetable oil - a folk method.

When buying furniture, write down all the coordinates of the manufacturer and in case of complex problems, contact him directly. You can contact any furniture makers, they have a full range of services.

How to wash washing wallpaper

For the kitchen, washable non-woven wallpaper for painting or smooth vinyl is best suited. When buying, keep the instructions in which it is written how and with what to wash the wallpaper. Although the name of the wallpaper contains the word washable, it is not recommended to wet it often and abundantly. Never use washing powder.

To clean the wallpaper, it is best to use a foamy solution of water and 72% household soap or any dishwashing detergent. Wet a sponge in such a solution, then squeeze out excess moisture and wipe the wallpaper with light circular movements, periodically scooping up a little foam. Remove the remaining foam with a dry soft cloth (wetting movements).

If greasy stains remain, you can cover them with talcum powder and after 10 minutes remove the powder with a dry cloth.

Traces of ink or a felt-tip pen can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or in a 1:1 solution of alcohol with citric acid.

To evaluate the effect of detergent, be sure to test in the most inconspicuous place.

How to wash a stretch ceiling

Currently, stretch ceilings are very popular. They have long term operation and very beautiful. Removing dust and dirt from their surface is not common, but requires great care.

The PVC material from which they are made can be easily damaged. Never use abrasive or aggressive detergents.

When cleaning stretch ceilings it is necessary to free hands from rings, rings, bracelets. It is best to wipe the ceilings in a circular motion without effort with a soft, slightly damp sponge dipped in soapy water.

You can use a glass cleaner. You can gently use the vacuum cleaner with a soft cloth put on the brush.

Finally, the cleaning system, which I really liked. Only time I spend not 30, but 15 minutes, since I have a smaller house))) And these 15 minutes a day are not noticeable as well as the evening shower, it's just a habit. It's hard to start. But the system is so convenient that you quickly get used to it.

Please write a review. Thank you very much for visiting the blog. Sincerely, Elena.

Kitchen furniture is most often exposed to various pollution - during the day, many actions are performed there: food processing, cooking various dishes, washing dishes and wet cleaning. The most difficult problem is frozen fat - its small droplets settle on the surfaces of cabinets, on walls, and on a stove. When hardened, they create a sticky crust that quickly collects dirt and dust particles. This cannot be avoided - even with a good hood, oil splashes during frying or drops that fall on various coatings by negligence cannot be ruled out.

Daily cooking requires no less frequent cleaning in the kitchen.

The question of how to wash grease from kitchen furniture is always relevant. Remove the frozen crust great work, this requires special compositions of aggressive action. Right choice cleaning agent should provide a quality result and safety for coatings.

In the case of capricious surfaces that can be scratched by an abrasive, as well as with household appliances, it is better to use liquid detergents.

With the modern diversity in the field of household chemicals, it is easy to choose a product that takes into account the characteristics of any surface. Including there are gentle types that perfectly cope with pollution on expensive materials. Do not lose popularity and proven folk recipes for cleaning agents.

In order for the kitchen to serve for many years, you should choose the right cleaning products.

Range of kitchen care products

Different kinds chemicals provide many ways to clean kitchen furniture from grease without spending a lot of time and effort. According to the type of impact, they are divided into several types.

Chemical solutions provide high performance but are often hazardous. An improperly selected composition can damage the expensive material of the kitchen set, and toxic substances cause poisoning and allergies. For this reason, household chemicals should be chosen with great responsibility, and when using, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and use gloves to protect the skin.

We carefully get acquainted with the composition when choosing cleaning products and detergents in order to avoid allergies.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease. Folk recipes

Simple tools for quick cleaning

Much more gentle and less expensive are mixtures based on folk recipes. Their effectiveness and safety has been tested by the experience of entire generations, do not neglect these simple and effective methods.

  • Alcohol with vinegar. The solution will quickly cope with oil stains, disinfect the room. To prepare, mix alcohol or vodka with vinegar in equal proportions, dilute it by half with water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Grease contamination should be sprayed abundantly, allowed to stand for 10 minutes, wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. For a pleasant aroma, just drop essential oil into the mixture. The alcohol mixture is suitable for delicate cleaning of furniture made of wood, various household appliances.

    A mixture of alcohol and vinegar for kitchen cleaning

  • Baking soda. For the best degreasing, it is recommended to use in combination with laundry soap. First, a warm soapy solution is prepared (previously, laundry soap needs to be finely grated, then it will quickly dissolve in hot water). With a sponge moistened in the resulting mixture, all contaminated places are carefully wiped - the surface should remain wet. Soda is poured onto the sponge, the wiping procedure is repeated. After 20 minutes, the soda, along with the remaining dirt, is washed off. warm water. For cleaning wooden cabinets it is recommended to use baking soda in combination with vegetable oil. They are mixed until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, the mixture is applied to the stain, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rub with a brush or sponge, and wipe the mixture thoroughly with a damp cloth. Baking soda cleans fat very well in a mixture with hydrogen peroxide - the composition is used to clean carbon deposits from dishes, baking sheets.

    Baking soda in the kitchen is used not only in baking, but also as a safe detergent.

  • Citric acid - is no less effective than industrial acids, while being safe for health. The acid is diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle. The desired place is abundantly sprayed, leaving for 15 minutes, wiped with a sponge. Citric acid helps to dissolve the old crust of fat, a layer of soot, soot - for this it is only slightly diluted with water, stirred to a thick slurry and applied to the problem area.

    Citric acid is a natural stain remover

  • Sea salt. Works well on oil stains. Salt is mixed with water to a mushy consistency, then the contaminated areas are lubricated. For abrasive action, use a fine powder of salt on a damp sponge.

    Sea salt is not only a source useful substances and trace elements, but excellent tool to fight stains

  • Mustard. It is used as a powder for rubbing difficult stains or diluted with water. mustard powder excellent against grease stains, but not suitable for wooden furniture.

    Dry mustard to remove stains

  • Ammonia. Its advantage is rapid evaporation, no streaks on glass, mirror surfaces. To prepare, dilute a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. A sponge soaked in the solution will be effective. The desired place is sprayed, left for five minutes, wiped with a damp cloth. When applying, the room should be well ventilated (with an open window, window).

    Ammonia is a great helper for cleaning in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Works great on oil splashes. An additional advantage of peroxide is disinfectant properties. The solution kills bacteria, protecting the room from the appearance of fungus and mold.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be kept not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen

There is a wide variety of recipes for how to wash kitchen set from fat with folk remedies, but if the pollution is very old and complex, household chemicals with a stronger effect will be required.

visit perfect cleanliness folk remedies will help in the kitchen without labor and cost

Cleaning Safety Rules

Maintain a clean kitchen modern means easy, but not always safe

Qualitatively get rid of problem stains in the kitchen, without wasting time and harm to health, following safety rules will help.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the selected product is suitable for the material of the kitchen set. Most types of household chemicals contain chlorine or acids, which is contraindicated for use on wood flooring, MDF.
  2. Abrasive chemistry should be used for metal, ceramics, plastic. It cannot be used on lacquered or painted surfaces, it is not recommended to take enamel cleaning powders.
  3. Can't be mixed various formulations(use at the same time).
  4. For natural stone (granite or marble), it is necessary to choose specialized products.
  5. To reduce the risk of surface damage, it is recommended to pre-wet the contaminated area with warm water before applying household chemicals, leaving it for a while. The water will soften the dried crust, eliminating the need to rub the stain and risk scratching it.

To avoid irreparable damage to kitchen furniture, use products correctly, according to the instructions.

Be sure to wear gloves when working with chemical solutions, and if the agent got on open area skin, it must be washed off immediately. A number of substances, sprays require the use of a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

The use of gloves when cleaning surfaces in the kitchen is mandatory.

How often do you need to clean the kitchen

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days, it’s enough just to keep things in order

The answer to the question "How to wash the kitchen set from fat?" depends on the type of soiling and the frequency of cleaning. Fresh oil splashes that have not had time to harden are removed without difficulty; for cleaning, it is enough to wipe the surface with a drop of ordinary dishwashing gel.

Very convenient and effective device for cleaning the kitchen - steam cleaner

But if the stain has hardened or the soot and soot are to be washed off, aggressive cleaning compounds will be needed. To keep cleaning efforts to a minimum, it is recommended that you do a light maintenance cleaning every few days.

We clean the fat in the kitchen from different surfaces, effectively without harm to the surface and our own health

Video: How to wash kitchen doors from grease