Toilet      04/14/2019

Cylinder furnaces: advantages of the solution, choice of workpiece, home-made designs, schemes. Do-it-yourself oven for working out: a diagram of how to make a working oil oven

Sometimes you can’t do without heating a garage or other utility room. But how to organize it - this question for the majority becomes insoluble. Installing solid fuel stoves is not difficult, however, they require the purchase of firewood, coal, which is a problem in regions where there are no forests. It is much easier to negotiate with a car service, to purchase used engine oil for nothing or for nothing - after all, recycling also costs money. Masters will gladly agree to give this fuel, subject to self-delivery. Today we’ll talk about do-it-yourself stoves for working out. We will provide drawings, video instructions, which means that the reader will easily understand everything.

Read in the article:

What is mining, and how to use it in heating

Working off is called engine oil, which has served its time in a car engine and must be replaced. It is drained, changing to fresh, and the old is to be disposed of in specialized services- you can't throw it on the street.

A little help! If mining or other fuels and lubricants are spilled on the ground, all the grass dries up in this place, and the “dead” black spot will “please the eye” for another 5-10 years.

Waste engine oil is used in heating systems as a coolant, however, for utility rooms there is a simpler option that does not require high costs for the installation of pipelines and the installation of the boiler. This is about homemade stove in mining, in which oil is used as fuel. It may seem that it is difficult to make such a unit, however, this is a delusion. The issue is being solved by modernization - the insert is mounted on the working out for the stove. This work is within the power of even a master who has never encountered such structures. But first things first.

The principle of operation of the stove at work

It is clear that if you just light the oil, the room will instantly fill with acrid smoke, and it will not be possible to stay in it. This question is solved by the insertion - a perforated pipe. Let's look at the principle of operation of the unit.

In simple terms, a second chamber is added to the combustion chamber of a conventional furnace, which is connected to the first pipe section. The oil poured into the first chamber ignites, but at the same time, the soot (in fact, unburned fuel, which gives the main heat) has nowhere to go, and it rushes through the perforated pipe into the second chamber (wood-burning stove). Through the holes, the mixture is saturated with oxygen, which allows it to burn. As a result, intense combustion occurs inside the pipe, passing into the second chamber, and the remaining soot is removed to the street through the chimney.

But understanding the principle of work is still half the battle. In order to understand how to make a furnace for working out, you need to take into account many nuances, know the layout of the unit. In addition, the heating devices themselves can be various types. Let's try to deal with this issue.

Types of stoves on used engine oil

Among the total mass of such units, there are 3 main types:

  • stoves open type;
  • closed (drip) type;
  • pressurized devices.

The main thing now is for the reader to understand what design features each of these species has, and what advantages and disadvantages they have. Let's analyze each of them in detail.

Open-type stove-stove: its features and disadvantages

We talked about the simplicity of the oil-burning stove-stove. The cost will also be quite low. Autonomy can be called another advantage - its operation does not depend on the presence or absence of electricity. But ... probably, this is where the advantages of this species end. But there are much more negative qualities. Among them:

  1. At the slightest deterioration in draft in the chimney, the stove will begin to smoke inside the room, and the flame will die out.
  2. Any liquid that gets into the oil will cause the burning fuel to spray through the afterburner holes. The result is predictable. For this reason, mining should be prepared before being poured into a container, filtering out water or other liquids.
  3. Low efficiency with high fuel consumption.
  4. The body of the unit is difficult to clean from soot.

However, some shortcomings can be removed if some design tricks are applied.

Furnaces for mining closed drip type and their features

This species has cardinal design differences from the previous one. The perforated afterburner is placed not outside, but inside the tank. It can be a container welded from a pipe, iron sheets or even a gas cylinder. This provides a higher fire safety. A bowl is placed under the afterburner, on the bottom of which drops of oil fall. This ensures low mining consumption and increased efficiency.

The downside of this design is the complexity of its assembly. The fact is that it is unlikely that it will be possible to assemble such a unit according to other people's drawings, observing ideal proportions. In any case, some modifications will be needed during operation.

Supercharged working furnace: manufacturing nuances

The principle of operation of a do-it-yourself waste oil furnace with a boost is not much different from the previous version. A feature is that the design includes a fan that provides forced air supply. Also included in the circuit check valve, which excludes the ingress of combustion products into the room in the event of a fan shutdown.

Good to know! Such a unit is characterized by lower fuel consumption with greater heat transfer. The negative quality of the heater for working out with forced ventilation is energy dependence. When the fan is turned off, the draft drops sharply.

Materials for the manufacture of waste oil heaters

The main material for making a furnace in a mining garage is metal, although some argue that it is convenient to use an asbestos-cement pipe as a perforated afterburner. However, practice shows that such material is short-lived, which means that its use is unprofitable.

The most common option is an oil stove for mining, made from a gas cylinder, but it cannot be said that the design of pipes of various diameters is complex. The main task here is correct calculation pipe sections for both the reservoir, the perforated afterburner, and the blower. With any discrepancy, the unit will work unstably. That is why experienced home craftsmen say that such a used oil heater will have to be redone several times, bringing it to perfection, even if it is made according to clear drawings.

Expert opinion

HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) LLC "ASP North-West"

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"On correct work such units are affected not only by a clear calculation of proportions, but also by air humidity, and even by the height of the location. This should be taken into account during production.

Positive and negative qualities of various types of furnaces in development

Regardless of the type of stove, they all have both positive and negative qualities. Let's consider them in more detail.

The advantages of such devices include:

  • good heating of enclosed spaces, which include garages, greenhouses, household buildings;
  • non-volatility (in case of installation of a furnace without pressurization);
  • simple operation;
  • small dimensions, allowing transportation of the unit;
  • low cost of fuel;
  • the possibility of cooking;
  • no open flame.

However, such stoves also have a lot of disadvantages:

  • the need to filter used oil;
  • chimney that requires frequent cleaning, must be at least 4 m;
  • hot surfaces are very dangerous;
  • specific smell of used oil;
  • the inability to extinguish the flame, up to the complete burnout of the fuel;
  • fire hazard in case of improper operation;
  • noticeable hum during operation.

If, in the process of comparing the advantages and disadvantages, the first category is more significant, then such an aggregate is exactly suitable for a home master.

How to make a stove for working out with your own hands: some tips and step-by-step instructions

As already mentioned, the manufacture of such a unit cannot be called difficult, however, in any, even the simplest work, there are some nuances. Now let's try to disassemble the production the simplest stove drip type from a gas bottle. For this you will need:

  • directly myself gas bottle;
  • pipe with a diameter of 100 mm (2 m);
  • corner 5 × 5 cm (about 1 m);
  • steel sheet, 4 mm thick (about 50 cm 2);
  • car brake disc;
  • oil-resistant rubber hose and clamps for it.

Having prepared everything necessary details you can start making.

Making a do-it-yourself drip-type stove: step by step instructions

For the convenience of the reader, we will issue step by step instructions in tabular form.

IllustrationAction to take

First of all, you need to drill a hole in the bottom of the cylinder to let out the remaining gas. To prevent sparks, the drill must be moistened with oil. Drill speed should be as low as possible.

Now, with the help of a grinder, you can cut holes according to a previously prepared drawing (some of them will be presented below).

From sheet steel we cut out the bottom with a hole. The cut out middle part should not be thrown away - we will need it later.

Approximately so the bottom will be located in our stove. We try it on and pull it out again - there is still some work to be done with it.

The next step is pipe preparation. We drill holes in it for air supply. This is necessary for the normal operation of the unit.

This is how the finished bottom is welded with a perforated pipe. Welding seams must be of high quality. If home master no experience with welding machine, it is better to seek help from professionals.

And now the middle cut from the bottom will come in handy. It should be welded to the brake disc from the car.

In the end, this is what happens. Now, having cut a small hole and welded a piece of pipe, we get a full-fledged coupling.

You can start assembling. Pay attention to the pipe on the right. It is through it that the used oil will flow into the stove.

Outside, we mount the crane and attach a hose made of oil-resistant rubber to it.

We weld the rest of the pipe on top of the gas cylinder - this will be the chimney outlet.

It remains only to bring the chimney pipe out of the room.

Raise the chimney to the required height. Usually it is 4 m. This is enough to ensure normal natural draft.

Do-it-yourself stove for working out: drawings, video instructions and some tricks

Having understood in general terms what the algorithm for performing work is, let's move on to the drawings and video instructions. Let's start with the same furnace from a gas cylinder.

Furnace for mining from a gas cylinder: drawings for manufacturing

Consider the drawings of the furnace for working out with your own hands.

Below you can find a video instruction for the manufacture of such a unit.

Video and drawings of waste oil furnace with water circuit

Heaters with a water circuit are a little more difficult to manufacture, however, this work is also within the power of a home craftsman. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the drawings of such units.

The video below will help you better understand the algorithm of work.

Do-it-yourself boiler for working out: drawings and video instructions for manufacturing

Naturally, the water circuit implies the presence of a boiler. It is about him that we will now talk. Below are the drawings of this design.

And, of course, a video tutorial on making a boiler.

As you can see, the drawings of the burners for working out with your own hands are simple, which means that if you have time, you can try to assemble such a unit. Moreover, it practically does not require any expenses.

Rules for the operation and maintenance of waste oil furnaces

In order for the operation of such units to be safe, the editors of the site recommend that you follow some rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to allow children to ignite.
  2. Do not use flammable liquids such as acetone or gasoline for ignition. Flashing fumes can easily cause burns.
  3. You should not use mining with water particles. This will lead to a fire.
  4. Add mining until the fuel burns out completely.
  5. Use the oven indoors without adequate ventilation.
  6. It is forbidden to use the stove if it is not working correctly (the unit smokes or its combustion is unstable).

Maintenance of such devices is reduced to periodic cleaning of the combustion chamber from non-combustible residues and cleaning the chimney from soot (at least once a month).

If, for some reason, the home master does not have the opportunity to independently manufacture such a unit, it is quite possible to purchase it in specialized stores or on Internet resources.

At what price can you buy a furnace for mining on the Russian market

Consider at what cost such devices can be purchased. Prices are as of March 2018.

brand, modelPower, kW/hFuel consumption, kg/hAverage price (as of March 2018), RUB

27 4 260 000

80 7,2 102 000

11,5 9 680 000

16−43 1,4−4 70 000
94 8,7 425 000

As you can see, the cost of factory-made units is quite high. So, it is more profitable to spend a little time and effort, making similar device with your own hands.

Summing up

After reading today's article, someone will say that it is easier to buy a stove with factory-made waste oil. However, the cost of such units is not affordable for everyone. Do-it-yourself production practically does not require costs, which is a huge plus. Of course, you will have to go by trial and error, but in the end, such a stove will not only heat the air in the room. It will also be warm in the soul from the realization that all the work was done independently.

We hope that the information presented today was useful to our esteemed reader. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the discussions below. We will also be grateful if you share your experience - this will help novice home craftsmen. And finally, we suggest watching a short, but very informative video on the topic, which will help you learn how to properly ignite such units.

Save significant cash can be on the use of waste materials for heating. Therefore, the do-it-yourself stove is very popular. Drawings, videos and diagrams will help create a quality design. For heating, you can use any oil with combustible properties. In this case, the heating unit can also be made from improvised materials. In this case, cut pipes, sheet steel and even used gas cylinders come into play.

Read in the article

Do-it-yourself stove for working out: drawings, videos and design features

To create a structure with your own hands, you will need a profiled pipe with a square section. The surface can be used as a hob.

You can make such a furnace from a gas cylinder. In this case, the water circuit is made like a boiler, through which a chimney is pulled. You can connect the circuit with copper tube, which is wrapped around the main container. This method serves as protection against boiling water.

sheet material construction

If you have some skills, you can make a stove for working out with your own hands. You should definitely study the drawings and videos of experienced craftsmen. The unit consists of a fuel tank, which has an outlet to the combustion chamber, and an afterburner compartment with a perforated pipe and a compartment on top. Below are windows for fuel supply.

A special foundation for such a device is not required, but the surface must be flat and horizontal. For the convenience of fuel supply, a funnel is used. If the floor is made of wood, then a sheet of metal is laid before installing the stove.

When installing the device, certain requirements must be observed:

  • metal thickness for containers - 4mm; top cover and bottom - 6 mm;
  • the internal section of the chimney system is at least 10 cm;
  • the fuel compartment must have a capacity of 9 to 16 liters;
  • the pipe can be made of tin, copper or stainless steel;
  • the length of the burner must be greater than the size of its cross section;
  • sections of the chimney passing through the room may be in an inclined position, but the pipe outside is only vertical;

To assemble a structure, except sheet material, you will need drawings, pipes, a hammer, a tape measure with a level, corners, a grinder and a welding unit.

The construction goes like this:

  • elements are connected by welding. In this case, the seams are checked for the quality of soldering;
  • sheet steel is marked and cut into parts; on the bending device, the necessary parts are bent;
  • the lid of the lower container and the rest of it must fit well. The fuel supply hole must have a diameter of 5 cm;
  • assembly of the upper container. In this case, the bottom and walls are welded to each other;
  • in the upper tank, a baffle plate is welded and an exhaust pipe is attached to which a chimney is mounted;
  • nine-millimeter holes are drilled on the pipe from which the burner will be made, there should be 48 of them;
  • a sealing ring is installed;
  • a tank is attached into which oil will be poured;
  • legs are cut out of the corner and attached to the bottom in the oven. Helpful information! Some elements can be cut from a thick-walled pipe or gas cylinder. If there is nothing to bend the metal, then you can make a square-shaped structure.


The working stove has its advantages, since heating device this type is often used. They are used for heating

  • garages;
  • greenhouses;
  • shops and workshops.

In addition, they can heat retail space, warehouses and other industrial premises. The working furnace has such advantages as saving on fuel raw materials, high environmental friendliness, complex structure.

The principle of operation of the furnace

The stove for mining from a gas cylinder works on the principle of double combustion. For this, the stove is equipped with two combustion chambers. In the first chamber, vapors are generated from the combustion of spent fuel. After that, the vapors are fed into the second chamber, where they are mixed with air and burned. During this, heat is released, and the furnace heats up to very high temperatures.

In order for the furnace to work out according to the scheme, it is necessary to provide air supply to both chambers. In the chamber where mining is burning, a regulator is installed that controls the amount of air.

The working furnace has several types:

  • with a gas cylinder;
  • supercharged;
  • With drip feed fuel.

A gas cylinder stove can be made of metal. First, two combustion chambers are taken and boiled on top of each other. Legs are attached to the lower chamber. Previously, the chambers were connected by a pipe with holes. But for a welder to make such a design for a long time, especially since it requires high welding skills. Therefore, later they developed a stove for testing with a gas cylinder. The cylinder has a sufficiently thick surface, so it is fireproof and can be used long time. The service life of the cylinder is virtually unlimited.

When making a furnace (it doesn’t matter if it is a furnace with a cylinder or a pipe), there are several rules that must be followed:

  1. The first chamber must be equipped with a control damper, which is responsible for controlling the air supply.
  2. The chamber into which oil enters during mining is made collapsible so that it can be cleaned.
  3. There must be a chimney at least 4 meters high.
  4. The location of the chimney must not have inclined and vertical sections, that is, the chimney must be strictly vertical.

The balloon can also be used in different ways.

The simplest type of oven

Necessary materials and equipment:

  • used gas cylinder;
  • chimney pipe;
  • electrodes;
  • metal sheet for dampers;
  • a drill with drills for metal or a hammer and a nail;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian.

Exist various options the use of a cylinder in the manufacture of a furnace for testing. The simplest one looks like this:

  1. The top and bottom of the balloon is cut off.
  2. A collapsible chamber is made from the cut parts, where the waste oil is burned.
  3. Metal legs are welded from below.
  4. A hole is made in the upper part, and a pipe is inserted there. A plate is installed in this pipe. Air and fuel will be supplied through this pipe for operation.
  5. A hole is also made in the center, to which the other end of the pipe is connected, connecting both chambers.
  6. The pipe must be perforated, that is, equipped with holes for air supply.
  7. The middle part will be needed to make another chamber, it is welded to the pipe.
  8. Finally, the chimney is installed.

Installing the oven will be easier if you make height-adjustable legs.

This is the easiest way to use a gas cylinder. There is another more complex furnace design, but for its manufacture you also need to follow the rules:

  • fill the combustion chamber by a third so that the oil does not splash out during working out;
  • if mining boils, you need to reduce the air supply;
  • it is necessary to clean the oil tank and chimney every week, otherwise the draft may deteriorate;
  • soot and soot can be easily removed by tapping the top of the unit.

If the stove is used for heating, then a heating system can be easily connected to it. To do this, a tank is installed on the stove, the upper part of which is connected to the heating system.

In addition, unlike pyrolysis furnaces and solid fuel furnaces, the mining stove is fireproof, since the fire burns out along with the vapors and it cannot grow further.

How to fire up the stove?

Any waste oil is used to kindle the furnace. To kindle it, you need to put paper in the chamber, pour 1 liter of oil and light the paper. As the oil heats up, it will begin to boil, releasing thermal energy. When operating during combustion, it is necessary to add oil to the chamber 5 liters at a time.

The cover that is used to supply air and oil must turn well on the bolts. The chimney is set strictly vertically to a height of 4 m. In the upper part, the furnace heats up the most, so over time, the metal burns out in this part. In order for the metal not to burn out quickly, the furnace is blown with a fan during operation. The stove can be painted with paint based on liquid glass, ground chalk and aluminum powder. The paint is prepared in compliance with the following proportions:

  • 0.5 l of silicate glue;
  • 200 g of aluminum powder;
  • 20 g of chalk.

The indicators of the furnace when filling the used oil MG-10 are as follows:

  • at least 0.5 liters of oil and a maximum of 2 liters of oil are consumed per hour;
  • Efficiency - 75%.

When heating a room with an area of ​​80 m², the temperature inside the stove is kept at around 18 - 220 ºC. Such a stove can be made from a fifty-liter gas cylinder. The oil supply is automatic, the air is also supplied by natural draft. A stove from a conventional 50 liter gas cylinder.

If the stove is conceived with air, then the principle of operation is slightly different. Heat is received by a circuit with antifreeze and a heating radiator. The fan supplies additional heat with air. The circulation pump installed in the circuit allows you to avoid tilt rules heating pipes. Expansion tank must be either open-mouthed or half-open-mouthed. It is difficult to determine the power of such a furnace, but with its help a room of 150 m² is easily heated. At the same time, little fuel is consumed (about a liter per hour). At an ambient temperature of 0 ºC, the oven heats up to 150 ºC. The temperature can be raised with a damper, but fuel consumption will also increase.

When installing the furnace, there are several safety points:

  • you can not install the stove in places where there is a draft;
  • can not be installed in places where there are objects prone to fire;
  • when installing the stove, it must have a free space of half a meter around it.

The mining stove is made of sheet or heat-resistant metal. The upper part of such furnaces is a heater. The middle part is a burner that replenishes the gas with oxygen, the lower part is an oil tank. The stove has holes for front side for filling fuel.

When ignited, the oil in the lower chamber begins to boil. The resulting vapors enter the burner. Here the gases mix with oxygen and burn completely. Residues during combustion exit through the chimney. The stove should only be placed on flat surface. Indoors, the stove may have a chimney at an angle, which increases heat dissipation.

Manufacturing costs

Usually, craftsmen assemble a stove from parts that can be easily found in any garage. Accordingly, the cost is very low. You just need to find or buy an old gas cylinder. The simplest oven, consisting of minimum quantity nodes can be assembled without exceeding a budget of $20.

Considering the fact that fuel costs almost nothing, it is safe to say that a do-it-yourself device will be one of the most economical among other heating equipment.

By their design, mining furnaces do not have any complex components. For manufacturing, no regulating and controlling devices are required.

This circumstance makes the furnace durable and reliable at minimal cost.

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- the problem is not the most important. But many car owners who often spend time with their iron friend try to make this pastime comfortable. Therefore, they think about which unit to install so that it is warm and the operating costs are minimal. One of these options is one that runs on used oil. Fortunately, this type of fuel is one of the cheapest and most affordable. Therefore, in today's review we will figure out what the stove is made of for working out with our own hands. Drawings, videos and photos will help to analyze in detail the entire production process.

Waste is a technical oil that is used inside automobile engines, drained from them after the end of its service life. That is, it is a 100% oil product, to which various additives are added to increase the life of the parts of an automobile engine rubbing together.

Under the influence of high temperatures and air, technical oil loses its technical properties. Therefore, it is changed to a new one with a certain frequency. It is the drained oil that is called used or working off. All oils that are used in car engines of any brand are combustible substances. That is why they are often used as fuel.

But burning in a flame, working out leaves behind enough a large number of waste, some of which is toxic. To reduce the concentration of such substances, the craftsmen came up with waste oil stoves, which operate on the principle of heating used oil. It is in the process of heating to high temperatures that the oil begins to decompose into components, some of which are combustible mixtures. They burn in the fire, releasing huge thermal energy. Of course, the presence of oxygen in this process is essential.

The principle of operation of the stove at work

Mining is on fire, and it was determined that this heavy, contaminated oil would be bad. Therefore, it must be split. There are two ways: with the help of oxygen, that is, to carry out oxidation, or by heating. The first option is discarded immediately, because this is not an idea at the household level.

The process of splitting is called pyrolysis. The simplest method is to use the combustion of the fuel itself. It should be noted that pyrolysis is a self-regulating and self-sustaining process. But before it starts, it is necessary to heat the mining to a temperature of + 400 ° C so that it begins to emit combustible vapors. As soon as this happens, pyrolysis will begin to support and control itself. And this is very good.

Therefore, a heater that runs on waste oil is a simple design. In any case, it is no more difficult than an ordinary pan. Because, in fact, this is a container in which fuel is heated. It is in it that the pyrolysis processes take place. Main design feature such a unit is a pipe with many through holes. It is through it that combustible vapors rise, and fresh air enters through the holes, enriching the vapors with oxygen. This mixture burns in the upper chamber, releasing thermal energy.

Disadvantages of the principle of burning waste oil to heat it

As practice shows, it is precisely such a furnace that is installed in garages during mining. But this design has serious drawbacks:

  1. This device works with an open flame, which is unacceptable in rooms where petroleum products are stored.
  2. The metal surface of the stove heats up red hot. That is, such a unit is a high probability of burns and fires.
  3. If someone wants to get high thermal power stove, this is not an option. Such heaters can produce heat no more than 15 kW.
  4. It will not be possible to stop the combustion of fuel in this design on its own. It should burn out completely.
  5. It is impossible to extinguish such a furnace with a powder fire extinguisher. Powder that falls on hot metal immediately explodes. Therefore, only carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

Attention! You can not install a view between the chamber where it burns combustible mixture, and the lower tank, where mining is heated. Waste oil vapors are dense, they are heated great pressure. Therefore, the fuel will boil all the time, no matter how they try to stop this process. If you additionally close the throttle, then the explosion is an inevitable process.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that a do-it-yourself waste oil furnace is primarily a welded structure. No assembly fasteners.

How to avoid shortcomings

So, the most dangerous part of the stove is the reservoir in which mining is heated. That's why perfect option- get rid of him. This problem has long been solved at the level of industrial boilers operating on fuel oil. What are special burners used for? It is in them that several processes of fuel combustion are combined at once, namely: pyrolysis, combustion and afterburning.

When the task is to make a burner for testing with your own hands, drawings are not needed for many craftsmen. Because its design is not very complicated, although the manufacturing specifics are quite subtle. There are several designs of burners.

The simplest version of such a burner is a flame bowl. In fact, this is a plate heated to maximum temperature, on the plane of which waste oil drips. The fuel just flashes and immediately burns out. 100% effect. The main task is to heat the plate to the required temperature.

But, as practice shows, such burners still do not burn mining to the end. Therefore, the thicket is supplemented with a pipe with holes, where the residue of combustible vapors is mixed with oxygen. And all this is burned in the upper combustion chamber.

How to make a stove for working out with your own hands

As mentioned above, the main requirement for the device is the connection of parts and parts by welding. Therefore, owning a welding machine is a paramount necessity. And the better the skills, the more reliable the unit.

Furnace for working out from a gas cylinder: drawings and types of structures

There are a fairly large number of gas cylinder stove designs that run on waste oil. Consider the most popular models among garage owners.

The easiest option

This option is not only easy to manufacture, because the cylinder is a ready-made container that just needs to be modified, but with high reliability of welded joints. Where to start and what to do - the sequence of operations:

  1. It is necessary to open the valve and release the remaining gas from the cylinder. In the open state, it should stand for several days. It's best to flush the tank.
  2. The balloon is cut across in half of its length. You need the top.
  3. The valve is knocked off. You can do this with a sledgehammer if he suddenly does not unscrew.
  4. From sheet metal a pancake with a thickness of 3–4 mm is cut out with a diameter equal to the diameter of the balloon.
  5. It is welded to the cut edge.
  6. A piece 60–100 cm long is cut out of a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.
  7. Holes with a diameter of 6-8 mm are drilled in order in it. There should be six holes along the perimeter, along - 8-10. That is, the number of holes is within 50 pieces.
  8. The pipe is welded to the former installation site of the valve.
  9. Now, a little to the side on the cylinder cover, another hole is made with a diameter of 25–30 mm, to which a pipe of 32 mm and a length of 50 mm is welded. A shutter is installed on it. It is through it that the used oil will be poured into the furnace and the fuel will be ignited.

Attention! By opening and closing the damper, you can control the combustion process inside the fuel tank.

Such a small stove can not be equipped with an afterburner. It is enough to install a good inclined chimney.

Stove for working out from a gas cylinder with inflation

This is a more complex design in execution and manufacture, but more efficient than the previous one.

Photo Description of works

Air is evacuated from the propane tank through an open valve.

IN top cover a hole is cut in the place where the valve is installed. This can be done simply by pre-drilling holes with a drill and a drill. A pipe will be welded to the hole.

Marking is made for two openings in the cylinder one above the other. Rectangular holes are cut out on them. The cut pieces will be used as doors.
To do this, ordinary loops are welded to them and the cylinder.

It should look like this.
A pancake with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the cylinder is cut out of a metal sheet. It is done in the middle round hole for pipe 100 mm. Pancake is inserted between installed doors where it is welded. That is, it will perform the functions of a partition.

A perforated fixture is made from a piece of pipe 100 mm.
It is installed in the hole on the pancake so that the holes are inside the lower chamber.

Then, an air duct must be brought to the pipe, it can still be the same pipe through which air will be forced into the combustion chamber with the help of a fan. The chimney is connected to the side of the cylinder or next to the duct. The photo below shows a drawing that shows circuit diagram operation of such a device.

Do-it-yourself drip-type stove

The principle of operation of dropper stoves has already been mentioned above. In them, the main structural element is a bowl, to which fuel will be supplied in the form of drops. Feed rate will depend on bowl diameter and oven temperature setting. There are several types of such units. Some of them are shown in the photo below.

Of these, the first two positions are furnaces that operate in standard mode. The last two work with inflation. In this case, the fuel supply can be made from the side, as shown in the first three diagrams, or from above through the air supply barrel.

The manufacture of such a unit is carried out in almost the same way as in the previous case. But there are also some differences:

  • one door;
  • fire bowl.

Other types of stoves in development

Of course, a gas cylinder is an ideal option for making oil-burning stoves. But there are other materials, and not necessarily new ones, from which stoves are assembled. It can be a pipe with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm or sheet metal with a thickness of 4-5 mm. In addition, the masters offer various designs, which differ from each other by additional useful features. Let's consider some of them.

Waste oil furnace with water circuit

This is a more complex design, but it has one very great advantage before other models. With its help, you can heat not only the garage room, but also the water tank. And you can use it as a heating, which heats the room large sizes. That is, the stove is connected through a heat exchanger, where piping with installation is made.

There are three design modifications:

  • The heat exchanger, also known as the coil (in this case), is wound around the furnace from the outside. From three options- it is easier to perform.

  • A stove is assembled from a pipe, divided into two compartments: the lower one is a combustion chamber, the upper one is for water.

  • This is a water jacketed unit. That is, a space filled with water is left between the equipment case and the combustion chamber.

Furnace for mining open and closed type

What is the difference between the two models. A home-made open-type mining furnace consists of two chambers connected to each other by a perforated pipe. The latter has open view, it is not protected by anything, and the air is taken directly through the holes into the afterburner. In this case, the pipe can be round or rectangular.

Design closed type- This is a complete unit, hermetically sealed from all sides. An afterburner from the same perforated pipe is installed inside it. Only air is fed into it from above with the help of a fan. Basically, it's an oven. True, small devices are not equipped with fans. The natural laws of physics operate in them, when air with a lower temperature flows by gravity into an area where the temperature is much higher.

Heaters and risers

As for the development, such designs have been known for a long time. They are even produced in the factory. The essence of the equipment is that the combustible vapors heated and combusted in the afterburner enter the heat exchanger, which is blown by a fan. That is, it is a 100% heater with maximum heat transfer efficiency. To understand what we are talking about, we suggest watching the video below, which shows one of the models of this type.

What is an insert? This is still the same furnace that runs on waste oil, and which you can do with your own hands according to the drawings. But there is one point why this unit is called that. The thing is that the insertion at the practice is intended as an addition. It's like an additional insert with which you can refuse. You won't get enough of the last winter.

An afterburner in the form of a pipe with holes connects the tank with liquid fuel to the furnace wood stove. The photo below shows how both chambers are interconnected by a curved afterburner.

How to make a boiler for working out with your own hands: drawings and video instructions

All previous positions answered the question of how to make a furnace for mining. Consider how to make a boiler. Although there is little difference between them.

Photo Description of works

This will require oxygen balloon which is cut in half. It is preferable to gas because it has a wall thickness of 10 mm.

The boiler requires the lower part of the cylinder, where the oil will be poured. That is, it will burn at the bottom.

The injector will be made from square pipe 50x50 mm, wall thickness - 3 mm.

It will be necessary to make several holes in the pipe and install it inside the oxygen cylinder.

The end of the pipe will need to be cut off with a grinder at 45 °.

The whole pipe must be welded to the perforated pipe at an angle of 90°.

This is how it should be installed.

Under horizontal pipe a groove must be cut in the balloon. It is done so that the finished injector does not move relative to its place.

Carved groove in the balloon.

The injection pipe must now be welded to the cylinder. But if you have to do something with the boiler, for example, clean it from the inside, then the pipe will have to be cut off, and after cleaning or repair, weld it in place. Therefore, the injector can be made removable. A plate is welded to it, shaped like a curved cylinder. The fastening of the plate with the injector to the boiler will be carried out with two bolts through through holes. Bolt M6 or 8 will be installed with heads from the inside.

The lid for the boiler is made of steel sheet with a thickness of 6-10 mm. Be sure to weld around the perimeter of the skirt, which provides a tight pressing. A hole is made in the lid, closed with a peephole.

A pipe with a diameter of 114 mm is welded to the side of the boiler. This will be the chimney.

A hose from a vacuum cleaner is connected to the horizontal part of the injection pipe, which in this case performs the function of inflation.

Waste oil is poured from above. Ignition is carried out with kerosene or gasoline, also through the top. Watch the video of how this boiler was assembled.

How to properly operate furnaces in mining, how they should be serviced

Rules for the operation and maintenance of waste oil furnaces exist. And they must be followed:

  1. It is forbidden to fill the fuel tank with used oil more than 2/3 of its volume.
  2. For ignition, it is better to use paper or rags. It is better not to use flammable liquids.
  3. The operating mode of the unit must be set by a special damper located in the lower fuel tank.
  4. Other liquid substances cannot be used as fuel, because the design is intended only for burning oil.
  5. The optimal location of the stove is away from the walls, closer to the floor. It is better not to install it on high stands.
  6. Do not leave the device in operation unattended.
  7. The room in which such an oven will be installed must be equipped with a well-functioning.
  8. It is forbidden to store explosive and flammable substances near the device.
  9. Waste oil used as fuel must not contain water or antifreeze. They explode when exposed to extreme heat. Therefore, it is recommended to filter the oil before use.
  10. Do not add oil to the fuel tank until it has completely burned out. A new portion filled in will cool the mixture, which will stop burning.
  11. You can clean the oven with any accessible ways. The frequency is determined by the degree of contamination of the instrument.

At what price can you buy factory furnaces for testing

Model Characteristics price, rub.

  • Calorific type with inflation.
  • Power - 12 kW.
  • The volume of the heated room is 100−400 m³.
  • Oil consumption - 0.3−1 l / h.
  • The fan capacity is 900 m³/h.
  • Dimensions: 50x45x85 cm.
  • Weight - 50 kg.

  • Power: 5-15 kW
  • Outlet temperature: 70−100°С.
  • Fuel consumption: 0.51−5 l/h.
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 8 liters.
  • Dimensions: 29x45x65 cm.
  • Weight - 15 kg.

  • Power: 10−60 kW.
  • Fuel consumption: 1−8 l/h.
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 30 liters.
  • The fan capacity is 3000 m³/h.
  • Dimensions: 90x65x130 cm.
  • Weight -100 kg.

  • Thermal power: 37−54 kW.
  • Outlet air temperature: 50−60°С.
  • Fan capacity: 3400−4300 m³/h.
  • Dimensions: 119x93x119 cm.
  • Weight - 200 kg.

Waste oil stoves have been used by home craftsmen for a long time. Their main advantage over other types is their high thermal output at minimum expenses cheap fuel. At the same time, even a small unit can heat a significant amount of space.


Waste is a cheap fuel that can be used to power a furnace. Waste motor, industrial and transmission oil is available in large quantities at motor transport enterprises and service stations. Instead of being disposed of, used oil can be reused, which saves a lot of money. Heat transfer from used oil is equivalent electric heater at 15 kW. Fuel consumption is 0.5-2 liters per hour. However, here too there are some difficulties. You will learn more about them, as well as how to make a furnace for working out yourself from the article.

Pros and cons of using used oil

Furnaces for working off adopt the principle of direct heating of air, and as a result of such use of used oil, it is possible to heat garages, greenhouses, workshops. It is best to use such furnaces at car services, because there is no need to look for fuel. It is already at hand in large quantities.


  • when burning oil, there is no burning and soot
  • ease of operation
  • fire safety (used oil itself does not burn, only its vapors burn)

Flaws use of used oil:

  • used unrefined oil from technical services is not suitable for boilers, because it contains many impurities, water, alcohols, etc.. The use of such unrefined oil will clog the filter, injectors, or even explode in the fuel heating unit. Therefore, used oil must be cleaned and filtered, which is impossible to do at home. Prepared purified waste oil costs about 12 rubles per liter (diesel oil costs from 28.4 rubles per liter).
  • any car service center and state-owned motor transport enterprises are required to conclude agreements with companies involved in the disposal of used oil. i.e. they pay money in order to get rid of it, then, accordingly, they will not just hand out used oil left and right.
  • waste oil cannot be kept cold. On the street, it will freeze, so you need to either store the oil in a heated room, or bury the barrel to the depth of freezing of the earth.

Types of furnaces in development

The most popular waste oil furnaces are pyrolysis furnaces and turbo burners. In pyrolysis ovens, the waste oil is heated with a lack of oxygen in the first chamber, where the oil decomposes. The decomposition products burn in the second chamber with a sufficient amount of oxygen, while releasing a large amount of heat. The pyrolysis temperature can be changed by decreasing or increasing the air supply to the pyrolysis chamber. The main disadvantage of such an oven is the need for regular cleaning of fractions accumulating in the chamber, as well as the impossibility of automatically maintaining a certain temperature.

Turbo burners operate on the principle of diesel engines. Oil is sprayed into the chamber and the oil vapors begin to burn. The disadvantage of this type of ovens can be considered high sensitivity to the quality of the oil, as well as the need to warm it up before use.

According to the type of design, mining furnaces are divided into furnaces made from a gas cylinder, blown designs and models with drip fuel supply.

Furnace for mining from a gas cylinder

​ Materials and tools for the manufacture of the furnace

The easiest way to make a furnace is from used gas, oxygen or carbon balloon. Cylinders have good thickness walls, thanks to which such a furnace will last more than one year. A heating unit from one cylinder will be able to heat a room up to 90 m 2. Also, this design can be converted to water heating. The stove from the cylinder will not require forced air supply, and the oil will flow by gravity. To prevent the cylinder from heating up to fire hazardous temperatures, it is necessary to set the height of the unit circuit in accordance with the height of the combustion source inside the device. For the manufacture of a furnace from a used cylinder, it is necessary purchase:

  • chimney pipes with an internal diameter of at least 10 cm, a wall thickness of not more than 2 mm and a length of at least 4 m;
  • fuel tank with a volume of 8-15 liters;
  • burner pipes;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • file;
  • steel corners;
  • drill and a set of drills;
  • level and tape measure.

Manufacturing technology

We take a used seamless cylinder for 50 l t up to 1.5 cm thick. If the walls are thicker, then the cylinder will not be warm enough from the inside, and the oil vapor will not evaporate. The boiling point of the oil is approximately 300 0 C, so the chamber will be above 600 0 C. Then you need to get rid of bad smell odorant (leak detection gas) in a gas cylinder. To do this, condensate is drained on the street, and washed several times with water. Then balloon filled to the top with water, placed vertically in a special pallet or buried to a stable position in the ground.

Bulgarian cut off the top of the bottle. After the first cut, water begins to drain into the pan or onto the ground. When it drains the water, you can continue to cut the top. Most of the bottom will serve as a chamber, and the cut off top with the valve will become the stove cover.

We weld from steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder using a welding machine 20 cm "legs" for the stove. Then the balloon is placed on the "legs". In the upper part of the sawn-off lower half of the cylinder, we retreat from above 10-15 cm and, using welding, cut a hole for the main exhaust pipe by pipe diameter.

As an extract, you must select thin-walled chimney with a diameter of at least 10 cm and a length of at least 4 m. We insert it into the hole made, hold it strictly vertically and weld it. In the chimney, you also need to make a small hole, covered with a plate. With it, you can regulate the air supply.

ATTENTION! The chimney must be straight and vertical. No slopes or corners! The length of the chimney must not be less than 4 m.

We step back 10 cm from the place of welding and make a small hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm with a welding machine. After 5 mm upwards, we make another hole. In the same way, we make 10 similar holes, the last one should be at a height of 50 cm from the welding site.

In the same pipe, at a height of one meter from the floor, a hole is made for a new pipe with a diameter of 5–8 cm and a length of 2–4 m. The pipe is inserted parallel to the floor and welded together.

A hole with a diameter of 5-8 cm is cut in the cut off upper part of the cylinder. Recycled oil will be poured there.

ATTENTION! In no case should unrefined oil be poured into such a design. It may contain water or alcohols, and if the temperature rises, an explosion and fire may occur. If all this happens in the garage, the consequences can be catastrophic!

At the top of the removable part of the cylinder, you can connect "tray", on which it will be possible to heat a mug of water or porridge. To do this, a square or rectangle is cut out of a steel sheet. small size and welded to the lid. Or it can be installed on a pipe that is parallel to the floor.

Furnace operation

Waste oil poured for 2/3 cylinder. Then you need to light a sheet of paper, put it on top of the oil and close the stove lid.

After a certain time, the temperature inside the oven will begin to rise, the oil will evaporate and spontaneous combustion of oil vapors.

ATTENTION! Oil must not be poured into an operating furnace. Also, gasoline and kerosene cannot be used as fuel.

After the end of work and cooling of the furnace, it is necessary to clean it of the contents. Remove the accumulated soot from the upper removable part by tapping the lid on the cylinder.

Materials and tools

Very popular among craftsmen from the people are the designs of waste oil furnaces, made from steel sheets. Such an oven has compact dimensions (70/50/35 cm without a chimney), weighs 27 kg, it can be connected to heating, it can be used in the cold, and the top of the oven can be used for cooking. To make such an oven, we need:

  • steel sheet 4 mm thick
  • steel sheet 6 mm thick
  • Bulgarian
  • file
  • welding machine and electrodes
  • a pipe with an inner diameter of 10 cm, a length of at least 4 m and a wall thickness of 4-5 mm for a chimney
  • steel corners 20 cm high 4 pieces as legs for the oven
  • drawing
  • level and tape measure
  • hammer
  • burner pipes made of steel, copper or painted sheet

Stages of manufacturing a furnace from steel sheets

To start, print drawing future furnace with details painted on it.

Operation of the furnace in mining

If desired, you can give the oven an aesthetic appearance. For this we do special paint: pour half a liter of liquid glass, 200 grams of aluminum powder and 20 grams of chalk into a liter jar. The jar is closed with a lid and shaken vigorously. With this mixture using a regular brush the stove is stained. With the resulting mixture, you can paint three ovens, so the number of ingredients can be safely halved.

In order to use the furnace during working out, certain conditions must be observed. precautionary measures.

  • do not put in a draft
  • oven cannot be placed close to flammable objects
  • around the oven should be half a meter free space
  • cannot be allowed to get water into the oil, otherwise the boiling oil will begin to splash out through the holes in the pipe
  • attentively check the chimney for leaks
  • use as fuel only technical oil

The oven heats up to working condition in 5 minutes. To do this, fill for 2/3 fuel tank and top up with a little gasoline and solvent (20-30 grams). On a long wire, you need to make a burning wick and through the hole for pouring oil set fire to gasoline. It will help the oil to warm up to the right temperature so that the vapors begin to evaporate and ignite. After that, a stable column of flame fed by oxygen is formed in the pipe with holes. The intensity of the flame can be adjusted by the blower hole where the oil is poured.

ATTENTION! Do not leave a running oven unattended!

Waste oil furnace video review