Mixer      07/02/2020

Synopsis of a workshop seminar for educators. Summary of the seminar for teachers “while shining for others, don’t burn yourself.” Practical exercise “I-messages”

Olga Krasheninnikova
Summary of the workshop for educators “If a child does not obey”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 10 "Sun"

Summary of the workshop for educators

« If the child doesn't listen»


Educational psychologist

Krasheninnikova O. E.

Target: development of teachers’ competence in matters of maintaining discipline.


1. Introduce educators with the main reasons disobedience of children, ways constructive disobedience;

2. Develop the ability to respond to specific situations, select the most effective methods of regulating behavior baby;

3. To form the ability to see the positive qualities of children.

Lesson progress

We all often have the question, "what to do, if the child doesn't listen. To answer this question, you must first determine the reasons child's disobedience.

Let's try to remember one of the recent situations. disobedience. Describe your emotions and actions step by step. Now try to determine the main thing, what was your prevailing feeling that you experienced then (anger, resentment, despair, irritation or other feeling). There is a hypothesis by which the cause can be determined child's disobedience, to do this you need to determine the feeling that you experienced when child's disobedience.

If you feel irritated, then disobedience, most likely caused by the struggle for attention. If the child does not receive the required amount of attention that he so needs for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience.

To allow this problem need to be given to kid a sufficient amount of attention, find interesting activities for him that would captivate him. Parents need to make a rule of allocating some time, even if not very long, exclusively for communicating with child.

Are you feeling angry? Then it is most likely the cause disobedience is the struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when their parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, and instructions. The child begins to rebel. He responds with stubbornness and contrary actions.

To solve this problem, you need to analyze your behavior and attitude towards to kid and give him more freedom and rights.

If the feeling is resentment, then the reason disobedience - desire for revenge. Children are often offended by their parents. TO example: parents are more attentive to the youngest; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. Many isolated reasons: harsh remark, unfair punishment. Deep down the child is worried, and on the surface - protests, disobedience, failure at school.

To fix this problem, you need to find out why exactly child holds a grudge against you and try to rectify the situation.

If You fall into the grip of a feeling of hopelessness, and sometimes despair - in this case, the cause disobedience is a loss of faith in one's own success. Having accumulated bitter experience of failures and criticism addressed to me, child loses self-confidence and develops low self-esteem.

To solve this problem you need help to kid increase his self-esteem.


Work on pedagogical situations: read the situation, identify the reason child's disobedience, build an action algorithm.


The teacher asks the child five years old, remove the paints and album from the table, because dinner will be served on the same table. Child continues to do his business. The teacher repeats the request, child says“now” or “yes” and continues to color enthusiastically. Why is he ignoring the request? teacher, doesn't pay attention to her?


The child poured compote on the table at breakfast. Educator, knitting her eyebrows, shook her finger at him and took the cup away. At lunch child repeats the experiment. But teacher good mood she doesn't punish baby. At dinner - the same situation, but the teacher loses his temper, outputs baby from the table and punishes him.


Educator walks with children in the area. Child playing in the sandbox, suddenly takes a handful of sand and throws it at another baby. "Do not do that. It is forbidden!"- speaks educator. Child laughs and throws again. “Don’t do this, otherwise I’ll ask!”- raises his voice educator. Child repeats again. The teacher takes the child out from the sandbox and puts on the bench.


One day to teacher asked for advice mother of two children (boys - 3.5 and 4.5 years): "What should I do? If children commit the same offense, I punish them - I forbid them to watch their favorite cartoons. But at the same time, one bears it calmly and with an understanding of guilt, quickly gets distracted, finds something else to do, while the other begins to cry, scream, demand and sometimes does not calm down for several hours in a row.”

Draw a portrait obedient child: what qualities should it have obedient child.

Working with reminders: Each training participant is given a reminder.

Memo “Options constructive adult behavior in different situations disobedience»

- If there is a struggle for attention, you need to provide to kid this is positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.

- If the source of conflicts is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in affairs baby. It is very important for him to accumulate experience of his own decisions and even failures. What will most help you get rid of unnecessary pressure and dictate is understanding that stubbornness and self-will baby- just a form that irritates you pleas: “Let me live by my own mind.”

When you feel offended, you need to ask myself: what made baby cause it to you? What kind of pain does he have? How have you offended or are you constantly offending him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to correct it.

The most difficult situation is for the desperate teacher both a parent and someone who has lost faith in their abilities baby. You need to stop demanding “expected” behavior and minimize your expectations and complaints. Surely a child can do something, he has a knack for something. Find the level of challenge available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the deadlock. Wherein You can't criticize a child! Look for any reason to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him and save him from major failures.

Memo: “What kind of adult do you have to be so as not to provoke your child for even greater disobedience».

Be patient. This is the greatest virtue one can have educators and parents;

Be able to explain to kid WHY his behavior is wrong, but at the same time avoid being boring, be extremely brief;

Be able to distract, suggest to kid something more attractive than what he currently wants;

Don't rush into punishments;

Be able to express gratitude to kid for the good deeds he does. Reward him. Rewards are more effective than punishments. If you praised a child for good behavior, instead of considering it ordinary, then this alone will awaken in him the desire to do so further in order to hear praise again.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “What to do if the child does not listen?” It is very difficult for a teacher to do his job if the child does not obey, does not want to get dressed, put away his toys, and many others.

Physical education lesson as part of a workshop for parents with children Summary of an open physical education lesson by FC instructor Olga Yurievna Gordeeva “Workshop for parents with younger children.

Summary of the workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions within the framework of the program “Prevention of emotional burnout” Topic: “Body, emotions, mind: principles of interaction” Equipment: music center + music. CD with fun music, hoops by quantity.

Summary of the workshop for teachers “Theater and play activities with children of senior preschool age” Goal: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, developing imagination and creative abilities.





" Preventing emotional burnout and supporting the mental health of educational institution specialists "


teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school No. 5

Malykh Olga Alexandrovna


“Prevention of emotional burnout and mental health support for specialists in educational institutions”
Structure of the workshop
Introductory part (on chairs)

1. Greeting. Psycho-emotional mood for work (watching the video Good morning).

2. Acceptance of rules, goals and objectives of the training

3. Warm up. Exercise “Tree of Achievements”

4. Information about CMEA (theoretical block)

5. Brainstorm

Main part

6. Diagnostics “House for the elf”, “Build a bridge”

7. Physical exercise “Snowman”.

8. Psychotherapeutic fairy tale “Snag”

9. Exercise – “I feel tired when...”.

Final part

11. Exercise "Applause"

12. Watch the video motivator “Recipe for a good day.”


Material and technical equipment:

1. Sheets A-4 (according to the number of participants);

2. Ballpoint pen;

3. Pencils (colored, plain);

4. Ready-made paper tree and colorful leaves (according to the number of participants)

5. Forms for drawing techniques;

6. Laptop for watching video motivation;

7. Free space.

Estimated meeting time is 1 hour.

Organizing time. ( Psycho-emotional attitude to work).

Psychologist: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Imagine that various electrical appliances are turned on in your apartment. The meter is spinning feverishly, racking up kilowatt-hours of electricity. At some point, the voltage becomes so high that the plugs fly out, all the devices turn off, and the lights go out. Plugs are fire protection. The same thing happens to a person under the influence of constant professional and psychological stress. In psychology, such an emotional “switching off” of a person is called “emotional burnout syndrome.”

Psychologists conducted a study to identify teachers’ susceptibility to emotional burnout. Result: 60% of teachers are at different stages emotional burnout. First of all, teachers associated this with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, since the introduction of any innovation for many teachers is accompanied by stress, emotional and nervous overload. It can be difficult for teachers to adapt to the new conditions dictated by modern education, especially for those who have quite a long work experience. The emergence of new requirements for documentation, the introduction of children with disabilities into basic groups, the introduction of interactive teaching methods, open lessons, participation in competitions and other related factors put the modern teacher in completely new conditions, which aggravate their already intense work. The emergence of new stress factors requires special attention to maintaining the mental health of teachers.

The topic of our today's workshop is “Preventing emotional burnout and supporting the mental health of specialists in an educational institution.”

The purpose of which, consider the causes of burnout syndrome and prevention of mental health of teachers, as well as promoting the preservation of somatic and mental health of education workers;

Objectives of the workshop:

  1. Formation of skills of self-knowledge and self-development of the individual as a whole.

  2. Form positive thinking (self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality).

  3. To acquaint participants with theoretical and practical approaches in the field of health conservation and stress resistance.

  4. Master technologies for relieving psycho-emotional stress and improving physical well-being.

  5. Creation of conditions conducive to the prevention of SEV;

  6. Transfer of psychological knowledge about emotional burnout syndrome, its causes and ways to overcome it;

  7. Development of communication skills, emotional sphere; unity and trust, relieving emotional stress;
I suggest you conduct one experiment. To do this, take a sheet of paper. Now I will ask you questions, if this happens to you, squeeze the corner of the sheet.

  1. Do you often feel tired?

  2. Do you ever have insomnia?

  3. Do you often neglect your duties?

  4. Do you experience anxiety, worry, or guilt?

  5. Do you have negative attitudes towards yourself and others?

  6. Has your appetite changed (no or overeating)

  7. Is increased irritability and aggressiveness often prevalent?

  8. Do you have a feeling of not being in demand?

  9. Has your intake of psychostimulants (coffee, tobacco, medications, alcohol) increased?
Now look what you got. If you answered yes to all the questions, then your sheet is completely crumpled. Imagine that this is your health. You start taking steps to improve it. To do this, try to smooth the sheet so that it takes on its previous appearance.

(For comparison, I take a blank sheet of paper in my hands and show it to others).

Please tell me how you got such a sheet. No, it is difficult to return to the previous state. Therefore, to maintain your health, first of all, prevention is necessary.

Rules for working at the training.

Our work today presupposes some rules, namely:

  • Confidential communication style;

  • Active participation in what is happening;

  • Communication based on the “here and now” principle;

  • respect for the speaker
Now I invite you to do an exercise. There is only one condition: you answer all questions with a chorus of “Yes.”

  1. Are you a creative person?

  2. Do you love children?

  3. Are you nervous in the director's office?

  4. Do you wear torn socks?

  5. Do you like listening to music?

  6. Are you often late for work?

  7. Do you jump in puddles when it rains?
Saying "Yes" isn't difficult at all, but you've probably noticed the struggle going on inside of you when you wanted to say no. This happened because life attitudes and stereotypes were broken. Stereotypes are one of the causes of emotional burnout.

Exercise “Tree of Achievement”.

- Pay attention to our lonely tree. Each of you has leaves of different colors. I will ask you to take one of them (any color) and help our tree to be covered with colorful leaves.

Those who chose green leaf, expects success in today's lesson.

Those who chose red want to communicate.

Yellow - they will show activity.

Blue - will be persistent.

Remember that the beauty of a tree depends on you, your aspirations and expectations.
Theoretical block.Information about burnout syndrome.

The most indicative symptom of burnout is a change in a person’s attitude towards his work, towards his professional responsibilities. Emotional exhaustion refers to the feeling of emotional emptiness and fatigue caused by one's own work.

Excessive emotional stress that arises in the process of performing professional duties causes many teachers to develop psychosomatic diseases: peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of a neurogenic nature - nervous exhaustion, neuroses. The deterioration of a teacher’s professional health is “...a national disaster...an indicator that one of the most devoted populations is gripped by moral apathy, moral depression...”. Meanwhile, the endurance, tolerance, endurance, activity, optimism and a number of other professionally important qualities required from a teacher are largely determined by his health.

It is no secret that the profession of a school teacher, more often than most other professions, leads a person to a situation of superstress, that is, stress that exceeds the “everyday” mental potential of a person. However, stress, according to scientists, is not only a misfortune, but also a blessing, because without stress of various types, our life would turn into colorless vegetation. Stress is the most important tool for training and hardening, because it helps increase the body's resistance. Stress can contribute not only to great suffering, but also to great joy. He is able to lead a person to the heights of creativity. The teaching profession is one of the professions in which stressful situations often arise.

The development of the syndrome is gradual. First, significant energy costs are observed - a consequence high installation to perform professional activities. As the syndrome develops, a feeling of fatigue appears, which is gradually replaced by disappointment and decreased interest in one’s work.

Thus, burnout does not develop as a result of long-term professional activity. And it depends on the age and professional crises of the person. Personal and organizational characteristics also influence the development of the syndrome.

And today I want to introduce you to some techniques for reducing stress and improving your mood.

As such experience is gained, the level of emotional stress may decrease, but it never disappears completely.

Let's look at and discuss natural ways of regulation that you probably use every day in your work. In other words, what techniques can be used in Everyday life in order to reduce the negative impact, for example, of stressful situations on the body?

Now we will use “Brainstorming” technique”, i.e. generate as many ideas as possible on this issue. Write down on a piece of paper what can lift your spirits.

Laughter, smile, humor. Please give your neighbor to your right and left a smile now. Is there anyone who would like to tell a joke?

– thinking about the good, pleasant (situations, actions, etc.),

– various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;

- watching the landscape outside the window,

– looking at flowers in the room, photographs,

– “bathing” in the sun’s rays,

– breathing fresh air,

- expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that. Anyone want to give a compliment, for example, to their colleagues?
Main part (practical block)

Methodology “House for an Elf” ( The proposed drawing techniques are diagnostic (allowing to assess the physical, moral, emotional state of a person) and preventive material in the work on professional burnout of teachers.

Target: find out the attitude of teachers to the world around them.

Instructions: In front of you is a piece of forest landscape and a little elf who needs a house. Your task is simple - draw him a house!

Key to the test:

First of all, look at exactly where you drew the elf's house. The choice of location is very important, it shows how you treat people, whether you trust them or not.

If you drew a HOUSE ON A TREE BRANCH like a birdhouse, then this indicates your openness to the world; by nature you are an optimist and sincerely believe that good people There are far more bad people in the world than bad ones.

If your HOUSE HANGS ON A BRANCH, like a hammock or a string bag, then this shows your willingness to make contact, your faith in the decency of people. However, with all this, you admit the idea that there is meanness in the world and that there are not so few evil people in the world. Your principle: trust is a good thing, but you cannot do without caution.

If you made an elf a HOUSE INSIDE THE MUSHROOM, this speaks of your caution and prudence, you will never embark on any adventure, you have few friends, but these are real friends, tested by time and joint trials. If there are NO WINDOWS in the mushroom house, then this is evidence of your unsociableness, you prefer loneliness to noisy companies. You treat the world with undisguised suspicion, as if you are waiting for a dirty trick. If there is a WINDOW, then this indicates that you are not against communicating with people. The more windows, the more readily you make friends.

HOUSE BY THE RIVER speaks of your romance and sentimentality. You look at the world through rose-colored glasses, all people seem kind and beautiful to you, you are full of illusions and believe in all the best and brightest. Unfortunately, you are often disappointed in people.

If you have installed a HOUSE IN THE GRASS, then we can assume that you are a practical and confident person, you know what to expect from life, and do not build illusions. You know how to overcome difficulties and are not afraid to live.

If you made an elf a DUGLUAN by arranging a HOUSE IN THE HILL, then this clear sign your secretiveness and isolation. Most likely, these are not your natural qualities, but acquired as a result of some negative life experience. Perhaps you were once deceived, betrayed or offended, and since then you have ceased to trust people. However, if the entrance to the dugout is wide enough and there are windows, then this means that you are already on the path to spiritual recovery.

Methodology “BUILD A BRIDGE”

Target: determination of purposefulness in work and personal life.

Instructions: Take a close look at this drawing. It is unfinished, you must complete it in such a way that a clear and understandable plot is obtained. Draw whatever comes to your mind.


This quiz will show you how determined you are. All symbols are transparent enough. The PERSON is you, the COLLECTION ON THE OTHER BANK is your goal, THE RIVER is an obstacle course that you need to somehow overcome. How you do this will demonstrate the presence or absence of such a trait as determination in your character.

If you drew a BRIDGE, then this is very good sign. This suggests that you will not give up on your goal just because getting to it is not very easy. The STRONGER the BRIDGE you draw, the stronger your will and the more decisive your character.

If you draw a BRIDGE-PERCH, it means that you can be knocked off course, forced to change your mind, intimidated, finally, and then you will stop striving for your goal. You can give up in the face of life's difficulties (as you would fall from this bridge into the river).

If your BRIDGE WITH BEAUTIFUL RAILINGS, all CARVED AND COVERED WITH JEWELRY, then this indicates that you tend to idealize everything, you are a romantic by nature, and even your goals are very beautiful and romantic, somewhat lifeless.

A RIVER in which CROCODILES OR SHARKS TEAM means that you are afraid of the obstacles that you may encounter on the way to your goal. If at the same time your BRIDGE IS SHAKY AND THIN, then there is no doubt: you often succumb to unreasonable panic. Your fear, as they say, has big eyes. But you should remember another saying: the eyes fear, but the hands do. Everything is not as scary as you think.

If you drew LINES OR PLANTS ON THE WATER, then this means that you do not expect a catch from life, but you also do not hope that everything will always go smoothly for you, without a hitch. You understand that everything happens in life, and you are ready to overcome any obstacle.

If you FILLED A RIVER WITH FISH, frolicking peacefully in the water, then this means that you do not see dangers in your path and are full of bright hopes. You believe that everything will always be fine for you. But this confidence stems from your complete ignorance of life; your optimism can burst in an instant when faced with real difficulties.

Physical exercise “Snowman”.

Presenter: Let's get up and turn into a snowman - “freeze.” It is suggested to “freeze” as much as possible. The psychologist touches some of the participants, checking how hard the arm muscles have become. Then it is reported that the sun has come out and our snowman has melted. The degree of “thawing” is checked: the participant’s hand, raised up by the leader, falls freely without any tension. Participants are asked to repeat the exercise with each other.

Host: Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be a melted snowman, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in tense situations.

Psychotherapeutic fairy tale “Snag” (goal: tocorrection of self-acceptance of teachers, awareness of life purpose).

Instructions: Listen to the story with your eyes closed and come up with your own ending.

A long time ago, in one beautiful forest, among beautiful trees with dense crowns and slender trunks, there lived a strange Snag. With her bizarre appearance, she caused universal ridicule from her neighbors.

The snag lay for a long time among these trees, bitterly reflecting on why it was not like everyone else. All the trees are just like trees, beautiful ones to choose from, but she is twisted, tattered, crooked - no beauty, no use... How offended she was!

(Metaphorical crisis: non-acceptance of her uniqueness, since she compares herself with others; she suffers from this; Snag has no one to help her accept her uniqueness)

One day, lumberjacks came to the forest. They cut down the trees one by one, put them on a truck and took them to a furniture factory.

“Lucky ones...” thought Snag, envying these trees, “They will make beautiful furniture that will delight people and benefit them, but no one needs me like that. So I’ll rot in this forest, and no one will even know about my existence...”

(Metaphorical crisis: resentment, envy, collapse of hopes)

One morning an old man wandered into the forest. He walked through the forest for a long time and collected brushwood to heat his home. Snag, already despairing of ever being useful to anyone, lay among the thickets of grass and thought about something of her own. It was extremely unexpected for her that the old man paid attention to her. He picked up Snag from the ground, tested its strength by bending it slightly, and put it in his cart. She was destined to burn without a trace, except for the ash, and even that would be swept away, thrown away and forgotten... But, despite this, she was happy!

(Metaphor: the metaphor of “need”, which is is that sometimes, out of a desire to be needed, we pushing ourselves to commit suicide, we "we're burning")

In the cart, Snag found herself in a large company of various sticks and logs and, as always, there were both kind and envious people. The majority turned out to be harmful, and they began to slander and giggle about her appearance. And it hurt her so much over all these years of suffering and bullying...

(Unconscious processes)

To top off all the humiliation, the cart suddenly shook. The snag flew out, tumbled along the road and began to roll down the mountainside. Why live, if even the fire did not fit!

Oh, how hard this descent was for her! Out of fear of what would happen to her in the end, she frantically tried to cling to small trees, rocks, grass, the ground... but nothing worked. In the end, poor Snag realized that she was flying off a cliff. Everything inside her tightened and it seemed as if all the pictures from her life flashed before her (Long pause).

(Metaphorical crisis: a chance to change life)

She fell into the sea.

"What is this? Where did I end up? What will happen to me? - thought Snag. This element frightened us with its unknown, incomprehensibility, unreality... After some time, a storm began at sea. Everything around became dark, the wind howled, and huge clouds gathered menacingly over the sea. The driftwood was thrown from side to side, beaten by cold waves. She then plunged into the depths of the sea, then floated to the surface, and thought that this nightmare would never end, that now the end would definitely come to her...

But then the storm began to slowly subside... the sun appeared in the sky... Looking around, she saw a lot of interesting things: schools of swimming fish, coral reefs, a pelican soaring over the water in search of food, pleasantly and gently rustling waves... Warm sea ​​waves, like a beloved child, they lulled Snag... She saw this world differently: there was no one around with whom she could compare... Here she was the only one..., the only one... And her soul felt joyful and calmly (Pause)

(Metaphor: Water and storm are metaphorical symbols souls and crisis. When a person changes his life, he finds himself in a crisis; those. he is presented with the opportunity to experience this as a chance to change his worldview. A crisis changes a person. The storm changed Koryaga's sense of self, immersed her in herself, in her psyche, and she felt calmer - it was the crisis that brought recovery. The more we we experience these storms in our lives, the less anxious expectations we have, the “healthier” and stronger we are we become. Changes occur in the soul, awareness of oneself in a new quality.)

So she swam on the waves until she was thrown ashore. Hopelessness again - you will have to lie here until you rot and turn into dust. How meaningless my life turned out to be! Having warmed up in the sun, the snag somehow imperceptibly fell asleep under the uniform rustling of the waves. Sea salt appeared on the surface of its trunk, and crystals gradually formed, sparkling in the rays of the sun...

(Similar learning situations. Snag’s neuroticism lies in the fact that she is constantly dissatisfied with something.)

She woke up from the touch of someone's gentle hands that lifted her. Snag saw the smiling face of a man who repeated with delight: “This is just a miracle! A real miracle! No one looked at her with such love..., (Pause) ...and she had never heard such praise addressed to her..., (Pause) and no one held her in their hands so carefully and caringly (Long pause) .

The man picked up the snag, shook the sand from the trunk, brought it home, sanded it and varnished it.

(Metaphor: recognition of individuality; giving a “marketable appearance”)

The snag was completely at a loss, but it was deftly picked up and taken to where there were a lot of people and everyone admired its shape, its uniqueness, its artistic value... (Long pause). The driftwood was placed on a stand with the inscription “Gift of the Sea” and was treated with great respect. She has been repeatedly submitted to various competitions and has won a huge number of awards. All over the world, her sophistication and warmth, and a lot of other amazing qualities were noted. A special stand was made for Snag, on which she happily rested, watching joyfully smiling faces and listening to the enthusiastic praise of visitors who tried to casually touch her, just touch this wonderful creation of nature.

“How many disasters have I endured,” thought Snag, “and yet at the end of the journey my life gained meaning. How good and calm I feel.”

(Metaphor: triumph)

Analysis of impressions. Comments from a psychologist regarding the metaphorical meaning of the fairy tale.

Discussion in a circle: Which plot evoked the greatest response in your soul? What ending did you come up with? Why exactly this?

Presenter: “This is a story about the discovery of the uniqueness of Koryaga. She teaches us self-acceptance. Although, does the ending of the fairy tale make sense?

Exercise. “I feel tired when...”

It often happens that we get tired of many things in our lives, and this fatigue follows us through life, not allowing us to breathe deeply. So today we will work a little with our fatigue.

Goal: managing your emotions, freeing yourself from negative emotions.

Materials: A4 sheets, trash bag.

Participants write one phrase on pieces of paper, beginning with the words: “I get tired when...” and finish the sentence, indicating their fatigue. Then each participant, in a circle, speaks out their emotions. Next, participants are asked to pretend to be tired. Each participant in a circle says “my fatigue is like...”. The next one continues by saying “(previous participant’s name)’s fatigue is like... and my fatigue is like...” and also imitates. Then follow the snowball principle.

It is suggested to crumple up the pieces of paper with the sentences “I get tired when...” and throw them in the trash with the words “ I don't need this fatigue anymore!».

Questions for discussion: What emotions did you experience while completing this task? How they changed during the exercise. Have you managed to free yourself from your negative emotions?

Conclusion about the use of the method of releasing emotions as a powerful technique for releasing a charge of suppressed energy.

Exercise "Applause" (goal: increasing self-esteem, uniting teachers)

(In this wonderful and extraordinary ritual, everything happens according to a paradoxical logic. The last become the first. The game is structured in such a way that the intensity of the applause gradually increases and reaches its climax when the last participant receives the applause of the entire group.)

How many of you can imagine how an artist feels after a concert or performance, standing in front of his audience and listening to thunderous applause? Perhaps he feels this applause not only with his ears. Perhaps he perceives the ovation with his whole body, with all the fibers of his soul, as a pleasant all-encompassing excitement.

We have a very good group, and each of you deserves applause. I invite everyone to stand in a common circle. One of you starts: he approaches one of his colleagues, looks him in the eyes and gives him his applause, clapping his hands with all his might. Then they both choose the next colleague, who also receives his share of applause - they both go up to him, stand in front of him and applaud. Then the trio chooses the next candidate for the ovation. Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. So the game continues, and the applause gets louder and louder.

Watch the video motivator “Recipe for a good day.”
Psychologist: our training is over. I hope you liked it. It was a pleasure working with you.

Reflection (goal: establishing feedback, analysis of the experience gained in the group).

And now I ask you to express your opinion about the training.

  • What do you think about everything we did?

  • What feelings did you experience at the beginning of the training, and what are they like for you now?

  • How has your condition changed?

Thank you very much to all participants for your activity, high achievements, spiritual and physical health and emotional stability!

Thank you for your attention!

I wish you good luck and success!


  • expand teachers’ ideas about aggression and ways to correct it.
  • development of reflection.
  • relieving psycho-emotional stress.
  • development of self-regulation skills.

Participants: all willing teachers.

Equipment and materials:

  • chairs according to the number of participants.
  • record player.
  • musical recordings.
  • A3 sheets, paints, brushes, sheets unnecessary paper or old newspapers, crayons, a ball.

Block I – informational

  • Aggression– (from the Latin “agressio” - attack attack) intentional actions aimed at causing damage to another person, group of people or animal.
  • Aggressiveness– this is a personality trait expressed in readiness for aggression

Types of aggression:

  • verbal;
  • physical;
  • directed towards oneself;
  • directed at others;
  • regativism (oppositional model of behavior);
  • destructive;
  • constructive;

Criteria for aggressive behavior:

  • threaten other people (verbally, with a gesture, with a look);
  • initiate physical fights;
  • use in a fight objects that can injure;
  • physically cruel to people and animals (deliberately hurt);
  • stealing towards a person who is not liked;
  • intentional damage to property;
  • blackmail, extortion;
  • running away from home;
  • doesn't go to school.

Characteristic features of aggressive children.

  • They perceive a wide range of situations as threatening and hostile towards them.
  • Oversensitive to negative attitudes towards themselves.
  • They are pre-configured for a negative perception of themselves by others.
  • Do not evaluate their own aggression as aggressive behavior.
  • They always blame others for their own destructive behavior.
  • In the case of intentional aggression, there is no feeling of guilt.
  • They have a limited set of reactions to a problem situation.
  • Afraid of unpredictability in the behavior of parents of parents
  • They have neurological deficiencies: unstable, distracted attention, weak operative memory, unstable memorization.
  • Low level of self-control and self-reflection.
  • They have a positive attitude towards aggression, because through aggression they gain a sense of self-worth and strength.
  • They do not know how to predict the consequences of their actions.

Factors contributing to the development of childhood aggressiveness:

  • Poor relationship with one or both parents
  • Children feel that their family considers them worthless.
  • Feeling of indifference to your feelings.
  • Lack of necessary support and interest in their lives.

3. Factors in the upbringing and communication style of adults:

  • Conflicting demands on the child.
  • Adults’ own frequent negative emotional states and lack of self-control and self-regulation on their part.
  • Using children's punishments as a way for adults to react and discharge their own negative experiences (anger, irritation, resentment...)
  • Use of orders, accusations and threats.
  • Constant use of “You – messages” (how dare you, you again...)
  • Negative communication style with a child:
  • Verbal abuse of children.
  • Ignoring the child's feelings and desires. This style of communication directs the child toward fighting and vindictive behavior.

Tasks of parents and teachers:

  • Control over one’s own negative emotional states, since an adult’s ability to control oneself is the best guarantor of adequate behavior for children.
  • Mastering the techniques of constructive, positive communication in order to eliminate an aggressive behavioral response from children or extinguish an existing one.
  • talk with the child about your feelings and experiences, the language of “I-messages”;
  • “actively listen” to his inner world;
  • do not evaluate the child’s personality, but talk about the child’s undesirable actions;
  • See a positive attitude and good intentions in children’s words and actions.
  • Have self-regulation skills.


Learning ways to express anger in an acceptable way:

  • State your feelings directly.
  • The ability to direct anger at an object. At the same time, without deviating to the sides from the main complaint.
  • Politeness in handling.
  • The desire to find a constructive solution.

Express anger indirectly.

Block II – practical

1. “Let’s say hello...”

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, “warming up”.
Participants move around the room to the music. At the command of the presenter, each participant needs to “say hello” with various parts of the body (heads, shoulders, hands, elbow and thigh, etc.) to the largest number of people present.

2. Pig race

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, regulating mental and emotional state, uniting the group.
Before starting the exercise, you can introduce some intrigue that a new type of Olympic Games has been opened, which is rapidly winning the sympathy of fans. And now each of us is lucky enough to become a direct participant.
So, the participants sit in a circle. The host says that we got to pig races, a new kind of Olympic sport. In order to win, we need to pass the “grunt” around the circle as quickly as possible. First, give everyone a chance to practice grunting. Then it is announced that the game is for a while. The “grunt” is passed from one participant to another by turning the head. We need to try to achieve a record. (A group of 30 people is able to cope in 2 seconds. It looks like a single long "grunt" - a wave.)
Reflection. Receiving feedback. Participants share their impressions, talk about their feelings at the beginning of the exercise and at the end.

3. Paper balls

Goal: achieving emotional release.

A “border” is drawn on the floor. The group is divided into two teams, made from newspapers and old papers.
The “balls” are crushed. At the command of the team leader, the “balls” are thrown to the opposite side. The task: to throw as many of them as possible so that almost all the “balls” end up on the “enemy’s” territory.
Reflection. Receiving feedback.

4. The world through the eyes of an aggressive child

Goal: self-reflection, development of empathy.
Aggressive children often tend to attribute hostile actions and intentions to other children with whom they interact, even if the latter do not intend to commit aggressive acts.
The exercise is done in a circle. One of the participants performs any (non-aggressive) action (stands up, crosses his legs, etc.) Those around him comment on this action from the position of an aggressive child. For example, you got up because you want to push my chair, you smile because someone said something nasty about me.
Reflection. After the exercise, the participants talk about how they felt, which role is closer to them: the role is closer to them: the role of an aggressive person or an “innocent” victim. Have they been in similar situations, attributing hostile actions to people who may not have intended to carry them out?

5. Name calling

Goal: familiarization with gaming techniques that help relieve anger in an acceptable form using verbal means.
The participants of the game pass the ball around in a circle, while calling each other different harmless words. These could be the names of trees, fish, flowers... Each appeal must begin with the words “And you...”. For example: “And you are my carrot”
In the final round, the players always say something pleasant to their neighbor, for example, “And you are my joy!”
Reflection. Receiving feedback. Participants share their impressions, talk about their feelings at the beginning of the exercise and at the end. Experience shows that in children who have the opportunity to throw out negative emotions with the permission of adults, and after that they hear about themselves, the desire to act aggressively decreases.

6. Exercise to develop self-regulation skills

Goal: development of visualization and self-regulation skills.

All participants sit in a circle and close their eyes. The facilitator in a calm voice reads the text of the instruction: “Remember the day on which you willingly go to work ... When you go to work not very willingly ... Name the situation when you are collected ... Name the situation when you are agitated and inattentive ...
Sit up straight on a chair and keep your back completely straight. Place your hands on a table or in your lap with your palms facing the ceiling. Now look in your mind's eye at the center of your chest. Inhale deeply and exhale without pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation occurs somewhat faster than exhalation... when you exhale, imagine that your inhalation reaches the door of our room. And when you inhale, don’t strain, just let the air enter your body again... If you want, you can give your breath some color. For example, exhaling gray air. And imagine that you are breathing out your anxiety, your fear, your tension, your resentment. And the inhaled air can be given some other, pleasant color, for example, blue. And imagine that you are breathing in calm, confidence and lightness.”
Reflection. Receiving feedback. Participants share their impressions, talk about how they felt at the beginning of the exercise and at the end.

7. Exercise to relieve psycho-emotional stress

Goal: developing skills of self-regulation and relieving psycho-emotional stress.

To the accompaniment of meditative music, all participants draw any images or color spots for 10-15 minutes. After this, the drawings are given to the psychologist “in the safe.”

8. Summing up. Discuss your emotional experiences and feelings. Joint development and discussion of recommendations for working with aggressive children, methods of self-regulation and relieving psycho-emotional stress for children and adults.


  1. Game in training. Opportunities for gaming interaction. / ed. E.A. Levanova St. Petersburg, Peter. 2007.
  2. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Training for effective interaction with children. St. Petersburg, Rech 2007.
  3. Makartycheva G.I. Correction of deviant behavior. St. Petersburg Speech 2007.
  4. Novikova L.M. Samoilova I.V. Handbook for a school psychologist. 1-4 grades. M. Eksmo, 2008.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 30 “Dolphin”, Pavlovo
Seminar-workshop for teachers

Prepared by:
Kominova V.B.
Senior teacher
Summary of the seminar-workshop for teachers
“He who seeks will always find – search and cognitive activity of a preschooler”
Goal: to improve the pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the field of methods for organizing search and cognitive activities of preschool children.
The course of the seminar - workshop:
Good afternoon, dear teachers! Let me invite you on a journey to the "Island of Search". On Tom Island we will learn about interesting methods of teaching children search activities.
And now I invite you to stand in a circle and greet each other with kind words and wishes.
For a long time, the main attention of teachers was focused on the first function of methods - the assimilation of knowledge. Their second function - the development of cognitive abilities - remained in the shadows. As a result, a certain type of educational process has emerged, characterized by the desire of the teacher to present all knowledge in finished form.
This teaching method leads to the fact that children’s cognitive activity acquires a one-sided reproductive character: their main efforts are aimed at the perception of ready-made knowledge, memorization and subsequent reproduction.
As indicated in modern works on the psychology of knowledge acquisition, the greatest activity of thinking is stimulated when a “problem situation” arises. This approach underlies problem-based learning, which is implemented using three methods: problem situations, partially search (heuristic conversation), cognitive-research activities.
Let's talk about these three methods!
Cognitive - research activities.
The formation of research skills in preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of modern educational practice within the framework of the new federal state educational standards. The modern world is so dynamic and it is changing so rapidly that it is impossible to survive in it relying on established stereotypes; a modern person must constantly show research and search activity. The formation of a holistic, comprehensive, integrative system-activity approach to the education of a preschooler is the target setting of the Federal State Educational Standard.
So, cognitive-research activity is a child’s activity aimed at understanding the structure of things, the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization.. This activity originates in early childhood, at first representing a simple, seemingly aimless (procedural) experimentation, with things, during which perception is differentiated, the simplest categorization of objects by color, shape, purpose arises, sensory standards and simple instrumental actions are mastered. By the senior preschool age, cognitive-research activity is isolated into a special activity of the child with its own cognitive motives, a conscious intention to understand how things work, learn new things about the world, and streamline one’s ideas about any area of ​​life.
The following are identified as the main developmental functions of cognitive and research activity at the stage of senior preschool age: – development of the child’s cognitive initiative (curiosity); – the child’s mastery of fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, genus-species (classification), spatial and temporal relations; – the child’s mastery of fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world); – development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to search for connections between things and phenomena; – expanding children’s horizons by taking them beyond the immediate practical experience into a broader spatial and temporal perspective (mastering ideas about the natural and social world, elementary geographical and historical ideas).
Practical part:
Dear teachers, there are sets of phrases on the tables in front of you. I suggest you remember what types of research you know and use the proposed phrases to make up the names of the types.
Types of studies:
Experiments (experimentation) with objects and their properties
Collecting (classification work)
Map travel (spatial relations)
Journey along the "river of time" (temporal relations)
Heuristic conversation.
Heuristic conversation got its name from the Greek. heuristics - find, open.
The essence of a heuristic conversation is that the teacher, by asking children certain questions and joint logical reasoning with them, leads them to certain conclusions that constitute the essence of the phenomena, processes, rules, etc. under consideration. At the same time, the teacher encourages students to reproduce and use the existing knowledge. them theoretical and practical knowledge, experience, compare, contrast, draw conclusions. Heuristic conversation is used in senior preschool age, when children already have a certain amount of knowledge and experience.
A characteristic feature of a heuristic conversation is that students, with the help of the teacher’s skillful formulation of questions and through their own efforts and independent thinking, are led to the acquisition of new knowledge.
Conducting and leading a heuristic conversation requires special preparation of the teacher: dividing the content of the future conversation into logically related parts, formulating questions, arranging them in accordance with the logic of reasoning, thinking through possible answers of children and their own reaction to them, wording, main conclusions. Guiding a heuristic conversation:
do not offer several questions at once - this scatters students’ attention and often causes them confusion;
encourage children to ask each other and the teacher questions;
offer to answer the question at will; turn to children more often with an offer to think, evaluate a friend’s answer, correct a mistake in the answer, express their opinion, etc.;
draw children's attention during the conversation to the main, key points, facts, conclusions that form the essence of what is being discussed;
to ensure that these main points are learned by the majority of children;
Do not limit yourself to working only with active children, but involve silent ones in the conversation.
Ensure that all children in the group are active in the conversation;
Do not be satisfied with general answers and explanations; use additional questions to achieve specific answers;
When asking leading questions, formulate them in such a way that the answers to them make children think, do not immediately lead them to the correct answer, but leave room for independent reflection;
Be sure to summarize the conversation; comment on answers and formulate conclusions not only at the end of the conversation, but also at its stages, as the need arises.
Until now, we have been talking about a way of conducting a conversation, when the teacher asked questions, and the children, thinking through the answers to them, came to certain conclusions. This type of heuristic conversation is most typical. However, during the conversation, children can also ask questions, both to the teacher and to their group mates.
Practical part.
I suggest you practice composing a heuristic conversation. For this we need:
Determine the topic.
To make a plan.
Develop the content of the conversation.
Think over questions for children and expected answers.
Topic: Why do the same flowers bloom differently?
Draw the children's attention to the flowers on the site.
Show that some flowers bloomed and some did not.
Ask why this happens?
What do flowers need to be in the same condition?
The flowering of flowers is influenced by weather conditions, the location of flowers - in the shade or in the sun, dry soil or wet.
Why do flowers bloom differently?
What weather conditions affect their flowering and growth?
Where is the best place to plant flowers?
How should you care for flowers?
Problem situations.
Problem-based learning in kindergarten is an organization of interaction with students that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problematic issues, tasks, situations and the active independent activity of children to resolve them. Therefore, the main essence of problem-based learning is posing a problem, a cognitive task, to the child, creating conditions for exploring ways and means of solving it, i.e. developing a problem vision.
It is important to note that knowledge and methods of activity in problem-based learning are not presented to children in a ready-made form; rules or instructions are not offered. The material is not given, but is given as a subject of search. And the whole point of teaching is precisely to stimulate the search activity of a preschooler. Problem-based learning technology brings the learning process as close as possible to the thinking process. It involves not only the assimilation of the results of scientific knowledge, but also the very path of knowledge, methods of creative activity. The technology of problem-based learning is based on the laws of the psychology of thinking. It should be remembered that the technology of problem-based learning is applicable in working with preschoolers, provided that the problem situation proposed by an adult is located in the “zone of proximal development”, so that the child can resolve it only to the limit of his capabilities, with maximum activation of his intellectual, creative and motivational potential. Cooperation between a child and an adult when learning in the ZPD takes place in a problematic situation, which the child copes with with the help of an adult.
Problematic question. Answering a problematic question requires reasoning, not just reproducing knowledge. These are the questions “why?”, “why”? For example, which birds of our region are the last to fly south? (just a question) Why are wild ducks and geese the last to fly south? (problem issue). Why do ducks swim and chickens don't? Why aren't shoes made of iron?
Problem task. The problematic task can be conditionally divided into two parts. Does it have a condition (description) and a question? For example: Children made two identical snowmen. One melted in a week, and the other stood until the end of winter. Why? - Pinocchio dropped the key into the water, you need to get it out, but after jumping into the water, Pinocchio floats up. How can I help him?
The problem situation is the most complex form of problem-based learning. When solving a problem situation, a state of mental difficulty arises in children, caused by the insufficiency of the knowledge and methods of activity previously acquired by them. In each problem situation, its main components can be identified: the unknown, i.e. new knowledge or method of activity acquired by the child; cognitive activity; - creative possibilities and the level of knowledge reached by the child.
Practical part.
Dear teachers, I suggest you practice again in a practical lesson. To do this, We need to choose one teacher - he will be the teacher, and the rest play the role of children. The teacher organizes a problem situation for children on the topic "Water".
Educator: By studying the properties of water, children learn that 80 percent of humans and animals consist of water.
- "Why is our body not liquid, because we have so much water?"
Together with the teacher, the children look for the answer and come to the conclusion that water is inside the body, and therefore does not flow out of the person. While searching for an answer to the question posed, the teacher listens to all the children’s arguments and encourages them for being active and trying to demonstrate their knowledge. After all the guys offer their answers, a common solution is chosen jointly.
To consolidate the findings, we conduct an experiment.
The children, together with the teacher, grate carrots, beets, potatoes, and squeeze out the juice, thereby proving that almost every body has water, but we cannot see it outwardly.
Next, teachers are invited to choose a new teacher and a new topic:
Theme: "Fruits"
While traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But I only had fruit with me. Can I get drunk?
Topic: “Properties of materials”
In rainy weather, you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose in order to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet.
Topic: “Friendship of colors”
Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but they only let her in dresses painted in Orange color. And Cinderella has only yellow and red.
Learning will be problematic when there is a problematic situation. The value of classes built using this technology is enormous.
Problem-based learning reflects the requirements for modern education (according to Dewey):
The child’s own acquisition of knowledge, thus eliminating the contradiction between the logic of a particular scientific field of knowledge and the logic of the process of cognition of a specific individual;
Subjectivity of knowledge appropriation;
Taking into account the interests and inclinations of the child, his value orientations;
“The joy of discovery”, enjoyment and positive reinforcement.
Problem-based learning activates children's thoughts, makes them critical, and teaches them independence in the process of learning. The problem situation is specially created by the teacher using certain techniques, methods and means.
Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognizable object, arouses questions and guesses.
So, the use of problem situations in the educational process helps the teacher to fulfill one of the important tasks set by the reform of the kindergarten - to form independent, active, creative thinking in children. The development of such abilities can be carried out only in the creative independent activity of students, specially organized by the teacher in the learning process. Therefore, the teacher must be aware of the conditions in which preschoolers should be placed in order to stimulate genuine productive thinking.
Teachers ask questions and talk about the topic.
The facilitator offers to mark their mood from the seminar with stickers attached to the emoticon that describes their mood.

Not interested! Very interesting! Unclear!


"Effective interaction of the teacher with pupils of the preschool educational institution"

Kiyaykina Natalya Fedorovna

educational psychologist

MBDOU kindergarten No. 31 “Zarya”, Pyatigorsk

Stavropol Territory

Target: educating teachers on effective interaction with children.


1. Continue to acquaint teachers with ways of constructive interaction.

2. Develop communication skills and abilities.

3. Create conditions for personal growth of teachers and harmonization of relationships in the context of “adult - child”.

Equipment: relaxation music, an image of a dove on whatman paper, yellow and blue paper pens, a glue stick, a massage ball, questionnaires for each participant, pencils, an interactive board, sets for laying out paintings using the “Mozart Development” method.


1. Greeting exercise “Dove of Mood”.

2. Neurogymnastics for the brain “Ear-nose”.

3. Questioning of teachers “Methods of influence with children.”

4. Game exercise “Remember your childhood.”

5. Ways to communicate effectively.

6. Exercise “What to do?”

7. Laying out pictures using the “Mozart-development” method on the topic: “Communication”

teacher with children.

8. Reflection.

Progress of the event:

Relaxation music plays. Teachers enter the music room and sit in a circle.

Psychologist. Dear Colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to the next workshop. The topic of our meeting today: “Effective interaction between teachers and preschool students.”

1 . Greeting exercise “Mood Dove”

Goal: to promote understanding of the assigned tasks, to form an attitude towards positive cooperation.

Psychologist . Dear Colleagues! There is a painted dove in front of you, select each feather that now corresponds to your emotional state, glue it to the dove. Each participant performs an exercise.

Conclusion: Look how interesting “Mood Dove” turned out. Yellow color - means feeling of comfort, and blue color - means something between comfort and discomfort.

I propose to perform a psychological mood to activate brain activity and relieving tension.

2. Neurogymnastics “Ear-nose”

Each participant independently performs the already familiar exercise “Yogic breathing” (on a count of 1-4: inhale, hold the breath, exhale) 3 times, and then independently perform neurogymnastics: with his right hand he touches his left ear, and with his left hand to his nose, rhythmically changing positions hands

3. Questionnaire "Methods of influence with children"

All participants are invited to fill out an anonymous questionnaire and perform a self-assessment of commonly used methods of influencing children. (Annex 1)

Conclusion: Each teacher should strive for personal development and the formation of skills and abilities to use constructive methods of interaction with children.

4. Game exercise "Remember our childhood"

Participants are invited to remember their childhood. The psychologist throws the ball, and the teachers catch it and answer the question.

Were you an obedient child?

Did you enjoy going to kindergarten?

Do you remember the names of your teachers?

Did you take away toys from the children in the group?

Have adults scolded you for not eating well?

Do you remember your favorite toy as a child?

Did you enjoy putting your toys away?

Did you dream as a child to grow up quickly so that you could do what you want?

What do you remember most from your childhood?

From the answers received, we can conclude that in childhood we, adults, were cheerful, perky, sometimes capricious and naughty, inquisitive, spoiled .... We were all very different... But we knew and felt that there were always kind and strict adults next to us, attentive and patient, wise, beautiful, and most importantly - LOVING. The main need of a preschool child, subject to the harmonious development of personality, is the need for love, acceptance, understanding and respect.

Is this always the case in reality?

5.Ways to communicate effectively

In everyday communication between an adult and a child, many problems and stress arise, so it is very important for a teacher to acquire the skills to communicate effectively with a child.

Questions for teachers:

What's happened ways to communicate effectively? (Answers from teachers)

Existing methods of effective communication, communication techniques that provide the possibility of constructive dialogue, can be divided into verbal and non-verbal.

Let's list some of them. Teachers are invited to review the table “Ways of Effective Communication” on the interactive board.

First way. Active listening

The presenter says:

When a child is upset, offended or excited, you can help him by actively listening to him.

Active listening means communicating back to your child what he has told you, while showing that you respect his feelings (in active listening, it is important to identify the child’s feelings).

The scheme of active listening is as follows: the situation and the child’s words; child's feelings; adult's answer.

For example: child - Oh, Kolya hit me hard! (situation, child’s words). Resentment, pain, anger (child's feelings). - Kolya hit you and it hurts you a lot (adult’s answer).

How do you think the child felt after being listened to?

Practical exercise.Participants act out several situations from their teaching experience (4 situations) according to the active listening scheme.

Conclusion. The teacher’s use of active listening contributes to:

Reducing anxiety and easing the child’s experiences;

Second way. Reflection

It means joining the child on a non-verbal level (using posture, gestures, facial expressions). This method will help you achieve mutual understanding with him. That is, if an adult shows interest in the child’s address with his gaze, posture, uses the “language of emotions”, listens carefully, then the child will believe and trust, but if on the contrary, then the adult will not get a chance to establish contact with the child.

Practical exercise “Teacher’s facial expressions.”

Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter voices a problematic situation: “There is a lesson in the kindergarten group, the children are busy with an exciting game. Suddenly there is a loud noise. The teacher turns around and...”

The psychologist distributes to the teachers the expected reactions of an adult written on sheets of paper and invites one of the team members to depict the reaction of the “educator” with facial expressions, and the members of the other team to understand the facial expressions and voice what the “educator” wanted to say.

List of reactions of the “educator”: surprise (“what happened?”), condemnation (“who is this?”), demand (“stop”), waiting (“I’m waiting for silence”), anger (“what is this!”) , suffering (“when will this end?”).

Conclusion. The teacher’s use of the method of reflection contributes to:

Establishing contact with the child;

Increasing the child’s trust in the teacher and desire to communicate with him

6. Exercise “What to do?”

How often can you hear the statements of adults: “What do you look like?”, “Stop crawling here, you’re bothering me,” “Why are you being lazy again, not picking up your toys.” Waiting for me?" In such a destructive way, many adults prefer to talk to the child, scold him, shame him, using “YOU ARE THE STATEMENT.”

If your child causes you negative feelings through his behavior, let him know.

When you talk about your feelings to your child, speak in the first person. Report about yourself, about your experience, not about him, not about his behavior.

There is a saying: “If you want to change the behavior of others, you must first change yourself.”

While respecting your child's feelings, it is important to express your needs and desires in dialogue. In what form do we express them?

Exists speech communication technique “I-message”, which has a number of advantages over the “You-message”.

“I-statements” are addressed to the situation, and not to the child’s personality, and are an effective means of influencing the child to change his behavior.

Example situation: the child left scattered toys.

Solving the situation using the “I-statement”: “When I see scattered toys, I feel dissatisfied, and I want them to be put away.”

The presenter asks to analyze the feelings of the “adult” and the “child” with this model of communication and offers teachers on the interactive board a scheme for constructing an “I-statement”: the event (when...), your reaction (I feel...), the prevailing ending (I would like, so that..., I would be glad...).

Practical exercise “I-messages”

The psychologist invites the participants to stand in two circles (outer and inner), the participants in the inner circle turn to face the participants in the outer circle, thus standing in pairs. Teachers independently build a constructive dialogue according to the “I-messages” scheme.

7.Laying out paintings using the “Mozart-development” methodon the topic of:“Communication between teacher and children”

Goal: generalization of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Participants lay out pictures of various images on the playing fields, which, in their opinion, correspond to the concepts of constructive communication with students. After completing the activity, participants present their paintings.

A kind attitude towards children, affection, acceptance, attention and love - all this is what a child always expects from you, dear teachers. And your love bears fruit. Fruits of goodness!

The psychologist reads a poem.

The child is the sun, the child is the teacher,

The child is the wind, the child is merit,

The child is the main thing, He can become an enemy,

What do we have in the world. Might be your best friend...

A child is a concern, what should he be like?

A child is a joy, a great responsibility

His success and luck - Rely on you,

For the mother of each reward! Oh grown man!

Baby is a thrill, let him grow up

A child is a worry. Without haste, without interfering,

The Lord only knows which ones And with joy in my soul

The roads are waiting for the baby... Enter the coming century.

What does this poem mean to you?


Used Books

Bolshakov V.Yu. Psychotraining. Sociodynamics, exercises, games. - St. Petersburg: Sots.-psychol. center, 1996. - 379 p.

Bolotova N.P. "Systematic approach to psychological and pedagogical support of families, using the Mozart-development technology"

Brain Jim "Brain Gymnastics".

Volkov, B. S., Volkova N. V. Child psychology. / B. S. Volkov, N. V. Volkova. - M.: 1994. - 524 p.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? / Yu.B. Gippenreiter. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. - 238.

Gorbushina. O.P. Psychological training. Secrets of conducting. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

Psychologist's work with adults. Corrective techniques and exercises. - M., 2003.

Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist in education. - M.: Vlados, 1995.

Internet resources. Website of the Institute of New Technologies

Annex 1.

Questionnaire “Methods of influence with children”

Dear teachers! We offer a questionnaire for self-analysis. Select the methods of influence on children listed in the table that you frequently use.

Order, command

Warning, threat

Persuasion, compromise

Tips, ready-made solutions

Notations, teachings

Criticism, disagreement, shaming

Praise, approval, agreement

Ridicule, name-calling

Behavior analysis, interpretation

Consolation, support

Interrogation, questions

Addressing as a joke

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 62" Zavodsky district of Saratov


Seminar-workshop for educators

"Finger Games"

Teacher - psychologist

Sergeeva Elena Mikhailovna

Target: To increase the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in the field of health-saving technologies

1. Introduce finger games.

2. Introduce the technique of finger massage.

3. Involve in the production of aids for speech development.

4. Teach game techniques: accompanying actions with words in the game; repetition of sound combinations; conducting logorhythmic exercises.

Meeting plan:

1. Exercise “Greetings”.

2. A story about the development of fine motor skills.

3. Demonstration of finger games (poems, illustrations for them).

5. Result of the meeting.

1. Exercise “Greetings”.

Good afternoon. I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

2. Developing fingers - stimulating speech development

The relationship between fine (finger) motor skills and speech development has been known for a long time. Our great-great-grandmothers also used games like “Ladushki” and “Magpie Cooked Porridge” in raising children.

Why is the development of fine motor skills so important?

M. Koltsova’s research has established that the level of development of mental processes is directly dependent on how dexterous the child’s hands are.

Based on this relationship, a method has been developed that determines the level of speech development of children in the first years of life. It consists of the following: the child is asked to show first one finger, then two fingers and three (“do it like this” - and we show how it should be done). Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children; If the fingers are tense, bend and unbend only all together, or, on the contrary, are sluggish (“cotton”) and do not give isolated movements, then these are non-speaking children. Thus, without hearing a single word from a child, you can determine how his speech is developed. Until finger movements become free, speech development will not be achieved.

The ability to work with fingers does not come to kids right away, so the task of adults is to turn learning into an exciting game!

Exercise regularly. Pronounce the text expressively and show the children the accompanying movements. Let each child try to do gymnastics with you, at least finishing the text first.

It started to rain for a walk. We walk the fingers of both hands on the table.

He runs down the alley, we bend our fingers to each line

Drumming on the window

Scared the big cat

Washed the umbrellas of passers-by,

The rain also washed out the roofs.

The city immediately became wet. Shake your palms

The rain has stopped. Tired. Place your palms on the table

3. Demonstration of finger games.

I offer you games that you can play with children. (Annex 1)

4. Introduction to the technique of finger massage.

In all preschool institutions in Japan, starting from the age of 2, the technique of finger massage and self-massage is used.

Because the nerve endings on the fingers are directly connected to the brain

Hand work promotes mental calm

Prevents the development of fatigue in the brain centers

Promotes a calming effect

Advice for adults: if children are nervous when speaking and twirl objects in their hands, they should not be snatched from their hands - this is how the child’s body relieves excitement.

Japanese scientist YOSHIRO TSUTSUMI has developed a system of exercises for self-massage, which I want to introduce you to (Appendix 2)

5. Result of the meeting.

I want to thank you for your work and ask you to tell me about your impressions and wishes.

Annex 1

Fine motor skills (practice)


We shared an orange

(left hand in a fist, right hand clasping it)

There are many of us - but he is one

This slice is for the hedgehog

(with our right hand we open the fingers of our left hand one by one)

This slice is for siskin

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for the beaver

And for the wolf - peel!

(shake both brushes)

The guests came running to Katya,

(we run our fingers along the table or floor)

Everyone shook hands.

Hello Zhora,

(connect thumb and index fingers)

Hello Zhanna, (large and medium)

Glad Seryozha, (big and nameless)

Rad Snezhana (thumb and little finger)

Would you like some pie? (put your palms together)

Maybe a shortbread (show 2 open palms)

Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)

Here's a jelly bean for you

(points finger into open palm)

You take a little bit

(bend your palms into fists several times)

Everyone quickly shook off the crumbs

And they clapped their hands!

We lived and were in a house (clench and unclench your fists)

Little gnomes:

Toki, Biki, Licky, Chicky, Mickey.

(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)

One, two, three, four, five (extend fingers)

The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)

Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Tiki - handkerchiefs,

Faces - pants,

Chiki - socks,

Mickey was smart

He brought water to everyone.

Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.

The hammers are knocking, they are building a house for the little hares -

With a roof like this, (palms above your head)

With walls like these, (palms near cheeks)

With windows like these, (palms in front of face)

With a door like this, (one palm in front of the face)

And with such a castle! (hands clasped)

I'm walking in the yard (claps my hands on my knees with each hand alternately)

I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping of hands)

I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching your fingertips one at a time, fold the ladder, starting with your thumbs)

And I'll knock on the window.

Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)

Hedgehog (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?

(the baby rolls the hedgehog with his palms)

I need to sew a vest for the little squirrel

(baby rolls hedgehog on his tummy)

Fix the naughty bunny's panties (we roll on the legs)

The hedgehog snorted - move away and don’t cry, don’t ask

(rolling on the floor)

If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me!!!

(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)

There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)

Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)

Pulled, (pulled)

Twisted, (rotate hands)

Knock (knock with the heels of your palms)

And - they opened it! (hands unclench)

We chop the cabbage, chop it (chop it with our palms)

We rub the cabbage, rub it (fists rub each other)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (salt it with a pinch)

We knead the cabbage, knead it (we clench and unclench our fingers)

Put it in a jar and try it.

A fly flies around the ear, buzz (move your finger around the ear)

Wasps are flying around your nose, ssss (move your finger around your nose)

A mosquito flies on the forehead - oops (we touch the forehead with our finger)

And we clap him (palm to forehead)

And to the ear, zzzz (clamp your fist, bring it to your ear)

Shall we release the mosquito? Let's go!

(we bring our fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

Cat (perform actions that make sense)

The cat washes itself with its paw

Apparently he's going to visit

I washed my nose.

I washed my mouth.

I washed my ear.

Wiped it dry.

I was walking alone along the path (we show one finger)

My two legs walked with me (shows two fingers)

Suddenly three mice come along (show three fingers)

Oh, we saw a kitten! (slaps his hands on his cheeks and seems to shake his head with his hands)

He has four legs, (show four fingers)

There are sharp scratches on the paws (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)

One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)

We need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run along the surface)

The chicken went out for a walk and nibbled some fresh grass.

(slap our hands on our knees)

And behind her are the boys - yellow chickens (we walk with our fingers)

Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (we shake our fingers)

Row with your paws (raking with your hands),

Look for grains (peck the grains with your fingers)

Ate a fat beetle, an earthworm

(we show with our hands how fat the beetle is)

We drank a full trough of water

(we show how we scoop up water and drink).

Appendix 2

Japanese finger massage technique

1. Massage the fingers, starting from the thumb to the little finger. Rub the fingertip first, and then slowly rise to the base.

I'll take a toothbrush

To stroke your fingers.

Become nimble quickly

Daring fingers.

2. Massage the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored marbles: you need them

twirl them in your hands, click them with your fingers, “shoot”.

My ball doesn't rest

He walks on the palm of his hand.

I rock him back and forth,

Right or left - as I want.

3. Massage with hex pencils:

Pass the pencil between one and two or three fingers, holding it in a certain position in the right and left hand.

I roll a pencil in my hands,

I'm turning it between my fingers.

Definitely every finger,

I will teach you to be obedient.

4. Rosary massage. Touching the “rosary” (beads) with your fingers:

I was bored at home alone

I took out my mother's beads.

I'm sorting through the beads

I'm developing my fingers.

5. Massage walnuts:

Roll two nuts between your palms, roll one nut between two fingers

I'm rolling my nut

To become rounder than everyone else.

This seminar-workshop is intended for psychologists and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. It reveals issues of effective communication between teachers and parents, children and colleagues. The seminar itself is structured in the form of a training, which allows you to solve many issues in a short time. The teachers are happy to complete the tasks.




Purpose of the seminar:


Preliminary work:

Progress of the event:

Meet and Greet

Educational psychologist:

1. Game “Name +”



Educational psychologist:

Educational psychologist: continue the sentence) continue the sentence) ", only … ( number of chips)

Teacher-psychologist: Communication -

4. Independent work.

Educational psychologist

5. Exercise “Quotes” ( teamwork)


6. Game "Colors"


Name of fruits, vegetables (

Educational psychologist:

  1. The ability to listen and hear.

Question options:

  1. Don't you want to eat?

(Answers from participants)


be observant and attentive

9. Self-presentation


  1. division by color of badges)

10. Summing up.

Educational psychologist:




for teachers of preschool groups “Effective communication”

(in the form of psychological training)

Purpose of the seminar: formation in teachers of skills that are basic in the implementation of communicative competence.

1. Summarize methodological and practical material on the problem to develop effective communication skills.

2. Provide an opportunity for teachers to conduct self-assessment of communicative skills


3. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their communication skills

4. To help improve teachers’ level of development of communication skills through practical exercises.

5. Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, activate the group’s potential.

6. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop

Preliminary work:

All participants are invited to come to the stand and “evaluate their communication skills.” To do this, each participant attaches 1-2 flags to pieces of paper indicating their communication abilities. This will mean that these abilities in the teacher are well developed.

Progress of the event:

Before the start of the lesson, each participant is given badges with inserts, and they write their names on them with markers. Participants sit in a semicircle.

Meet and Greet

Educational psychologist: Good afternoon, dear teachers! I would like to start our meeting with an introduction. Before the start of the lesson, each of you wrote your name on a name tag. This means that the participant will be more comfortable if he is called that way.

1. Game “Name +”

Teacher-psychologist: the one who has the ball in his hands says his name and an adjective starting with the first letter of his name, which would characterize him in interaction with other people. For example, Natalya is persistent; Svetlana – compassionate, shy, independent; Galina is the main one, heroic, etc.

2. Exercise “Wishing each other”

Teacher-psychologist: and now we will continue our work by expressing wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one or two words. You throw the ball to the person you want to wish something and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.

And now I propose to break into teams according to the color of their badges and take their places at the tables.

(teachers sit at tables)

Educational psychologist: Before the start of the seminar-workshop, each of you was asked to evaluate your communication abilities. I propose to summarize the results.

(participants marked with a special sign only those abilities (no more

2), which they have very well developed. The number of flags is counted, and the most developed “ability” according to the group is selected.)

Educational psychologist: Express diagnostic data show that the most developed “ability... (continue the sentence) " And also the greatest difficulty is caused by “the ability ... (continue the sentence) ", only … ( number of chips) marked her high level development. Thus, we can outline the relevance of this workshop seminar due to the fact that no matter how sociable a person is, there is always something more to learn. It is no coincidence that the theme of our seminar – workshop “Effectiveness of Communication” was chosen. What is “Communication”?

3. Explanation of the concept of “effective communication”

Teacher-psychologist: Communication - a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person.

Problematic question: what is “Effective communication?” What does this concept mean?

I suggest you complete the task yourself.

4. Independent work.

You are given 1-2 minutes to think about it. Participants write down their thoughts on pieces of paper.

A Whatman paper with the words EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION is hung on the board. Participants share their perception of this concept, expressing their opinion, the pieces of paper are pasted onto whatman paper, and a COMPLETE concept is obtained.

Educational psychologist : Indeed, the EFFECTIVENESS of communication depends on everything you listed: psychological comfort in the workplace, interest in work and positive attitude, creativity in work.

While preparing for the workshop, I found several quotes about communication. I invite you to discuss them in small groups and comment on your perception of these words for everyone those present. I suggest dividing into groups based on the color of your badges.

5. Exercise “Quotes” ( teamwork)

A quote sheet is provided for each group. In 5 minutes you need to read the quote and prepare a short commentary on it.

1. “When the self-esteem of one of the interlocutors is hurt, the communication itself certainly suffers.”

2. “What is important is not what is said, but what is important is what others hear in the words of the speaker.”

3. “There is no guarantee that the person you are talking to will hear what you would like to say.”

4. “Tune in to the person, not the message.”

5. “Learn to listen, and you can benefit even from those who speak poorly.

(After preparation, each group of teachers submits their comments.)

Teacher-psychologist: and now I suggest you relax a little and play. Come out and stand in a circle.

6. Game "Colors"

Teacher-psychologist: Now I will give you cards with the names of colors that are repeated several times, i.e. If, for example, you get a card that says “red,” then you know that someone else has the same card. I will list the names of vegetables and fruits, and each time the colors that correspond to the named fruits and vegetables should appear. As the exercise progresses, carefully monitor the actions of the rest of the group. Try to understand who has what color.

Name of fruits, vegetables ( the task is repeated several times until the teachers understand where their pair is)

Now you need to unite into groups for those who got the same colors. This must be done silently, without showing color. Now each group names its own color.

Well done! And now I invite you to take your seats again.

7. Methods of effective communication.

  1. The ability to listen and hear.

It is very important for a person to be listened to, heard and understood, and if we learn to be good listeners, we are guaranteed success in communication. During listening, tasks are solved: the content of the message is perceived and the emotional state of the interlocutor is captured.

The effectiveness of communication depends on the correct formulation of the question.

Questions: Open-ended (designed to help the child clarify his problems)

Closed (only implying yes or no answers)

(Next, participants are asked to practice correct positioning a question that involves motivating the child to continue his story. Next, the closed question is read out, and the participants “make” it open.)

Question options:

  1. Did you have a good day today?
  2. Did you behave badly in kindergarten today?
  3. Don't you want to eat?
  1. Ability to be observant and attentive to all group members

Question: How does this ability help us communicate effectively?

(Answers from participants)

8. Exercise “Dividing a group into subgroups according to a certain criterion”

Teacher-psychologist: Now one of the participants goes out the door and stays there for some time. In the meantime, we will divide into groups according to some criterion we have chosen. The sign must be visually recorded and unambiguously divide the group into two parts. The groups are located in different places so that they are separated spatially. The returning participant must determine on what basis the group was divided into two parts.

(a sign is selected and teams are lined up. The game is repeated again with another participant, but the group is divided according to a different criterion. You can divide, for example, by hair color; according to the figure; by the presence of trousers or a skirt; according to the age.

In the course of the development of a team, certain group norms arise and are consolidated, which to one degree or another must be shared by all its participants. If a person does not accept them, then he risks being rejected by the group. To avoid being rejected, you must be observant and attentive to all members of the group, to their relationships.)

9. Self-presentation

Teacher-psychologist: the ability to form a favorable impression of oneself in others, that is, to “present oneself” in a favorable light is very important in life. To varying degrees, we are constantly in control of the experiences we create. We always play in front of an audience: if we want to make a favorable impression, or intimidate our interlocutor, or appear helpless. In familiar situations this happens without conscious effort. In strangers, we are aware of exactly what impression we make. Self-presentation refers to our desire to present a desired image, both to other people and to ourselves.

  1. Exercise “Business card” (division by color of badges)

A group of participants designs their business card on the topic: “Teacher’s Speech.” It reflects the general opinion about the teacher’s speech as a factor in the development of children’s speech. (an emblem characterizing this topic should be drawn on the business card, which can be supplemented with statements, words, with the exception of your names)

Time to complete – 10 minutes

The groups then present their cards. To facilitate the process of self-presentation, participants are offered a story outline.

1. What is on your business card?

  1. Was it difficult to come to a common decision?
  2. How was the person chosen to present the results of the group work?

10. Summing up.

Educational psychologist: The process of communication is a very complex process. Every day we interact with each other, exchange information, communicate, sometimes without thinking about where and how to apply certain techniques that increase the efficiency of these processes. Today at the workshop you learned about the basic methods of effective communication. But you need to constantly improve your communication skills. This means that the topic of communicative competence remains relevant at all stages, so our meeting on this topic is not the last.

11. Final game “Sunny”

Target: evoke positive emotions in participants.

Teacher-psychologist: Now on sheets of paper you will need to draw a sun with rays. The number of rays should be equal to the number of participants, excluding yourself. In the center of the sun you write your name. Now we will pass the sun around in a circle and write down wishes and compliments to our colleagues on the rays until your piece of paper with the sun comes back to you.

(participants are given blank sheets of paper. They draw a sun on the entire sheet with the number of rays equal to the number of participants, excluding themselves. In the center of the sun they write their name. Then they pass the sheets to each other in a circle, write wishes and compliments to their colleagues on the rays. The sheet, having passed circle, returns to its owner.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 30 “Dolphin”, Pavlovo
Seminar-workshop for teachers

Prepared by:
Kominova V.B.
Senior teacher
Summary of the seminar-workshop for teachers
“He who seeks will always find – search and cognitive activity of a preschooler”
Goal: to improve the pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the field of methods for organizing search and cognitive activities of preschool children.
The course of the seminar - workshop:
Good afternoon, dear teachers! Let me invite you on a journey to the "Island of Search". On Tom Island we will learn about interesting methods of teaching children search activities.
And now I invite you to stand in a circle and greet each other with kind words and wishes.
For a long time, the main attention of teachers was focused on the first function of methods - the assimilation of knowledge. Their second function - the development of cognitive abilities - remained in the shadows. As a result, a certain type of educational process has emerged, characterized by the teacher’s desire to present all knowledge in a ready-made form.
This teaching method leads to the fact that children’s cognitive activity acquires a one-sided reproductive character: their main efforts are aimed at the perception of ready-made knowledge, memorization and subsequent reproduction.
As indicated in modern works on the psychology of knowledge acquisition, the greatest activity of thinking is stimulated when a “problem situation” arises. This approach underlies problem-based learning, which is implemented using three methods: problem situations, partially search (heuristic conversation), cognitive-research activities.
Let's talk about these three methods!
Cognitive - research activities.
The formation of research skills in preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of modern educational practice within the framework of the new federal state educational standards. The modern world is so dynamic and it is changing so rapidly that it is impossible to survive in it relying on established stereotypes; a modern person must constantly show research and search activity. The formation of a holistic, comprehensive, integrative system-activity approach to the education of a preschooler is the target setting of the Federal State Educational Standard.
So, cognitive-research activity is a child’s activity aimed at understanding the structure of things, the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization.. This activity originates in early childhood, at first representing a simple, seemingly aimless (procedural) experimentation, with things, during which perception is differentiated, the simplest categorization of objects by color, shape, purpose arises, sensory standards and simple instrumental actions are mastered. By the senior preschool age, cognitive-research activity is isolated into a special activity of the child with its own cognitive motives, a conscious intention to understand how things work, learn new things about the world, and streamline one’s ideas about any area of ​​life.
The following are identified as the main developmental functions of cognitive and research activity at the stage of senior preschool age: – development of the child’s cognitive initiative (curiosity); – the child’s mastery of fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, genus-species (classification), spatial and temporal relations; – the child’s mastery of fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world); – development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to search for connections between things and phenomena; – expanding children’s horizons by taking them beyond immediate practical experience into a broader spatial and temporal perspective (mastering ideas about the natural and social world, basic geographical and historical concepts).
Practical part:
Dear teachers, there are sets of phrases on the tables in front of you. I suggest you remember what types of research you know and use the proposed phrases to make up the names of the types.
Types of studies:
Experiments (experimentation) with objects and their properties
Collecting (classification work)
Map travel (spatial relations)
Journey along the "river of time" (temporal relations)
Heuristic conversation.
Heuristic conversation got its name from the Greek. heuristics - find, open.
The essence of a heuristic conversation is that the teacher, by asking children certain questions and joint logical reasoning with them, leads them to certain conclusions that constitute the essence of the phenomena, processes, rules, etc. under consideration. At the same time, the teacher encourages students to reproduce and use the existing knowledge. them theoretical and practical knowledge, experience, compare, contrast, draw conclusions. Heuristic conversation is used in older preschool age, when children already have a certain amount of knowledge and experience.
A characteristic feature of a heuristic conversation is that students, with the help of the teacher’s skillful formulation of questions and through their own efforts and independent thinking, are led to the acquisition of new knowledge.
Conducting and leading a heuristic conversation requires special preparation of the teacher: dividing the content of the future conversation into logically related parts, formulating questions, arranging them in accordance with the logic of reasoning, thinking through possible answers of children and their own reaction to them, wording, main conclusions. Guiding a heuristic conversation:
do not offer several questions at once - this scatters students’ attention and often causes them confusion;
encourage children to ask each other and the teacher questions;
offer to answer the question at will; turn to children more often with an offer to think, evaluate a friend’s answer, correct a mistake in the answer, express their opinion, etc.;
draw children's attention during the conversation to the main, key points, facts, conclusions that form the essence of what is being discussed;
to ensure that these main points are learned by the majority of children;
Do not limit yourself to working only with active children, but involve silent ones in the conversation.
Ensure that all children in the group are active in the conversation;
Do not be satisfied with general answers and explanations; use additional questions to achieve specific answers;
When asking leading questions, formulate them in such a way that the answers to them make children think, do not immediately lead them to the correct answer, but leave room for independent reflection;
Be sure to summarize the conversation; comment on answers and formulate conclusions not only at the end of the conversation, but also at its stages, as the need arises.
Until now, we have been talking about a way of conducting a conversation, when the teacher asked questions, and the children, thinking through the answers to them, came to certain conclusions. This type of heuristic conversation is most typical. However, during the conversation, children can also ask questions, both to the teacher and to their group mates.
Practical part.
I suggest you practice composing a heuristic conversation. For this we need:
Determine the topic.
To make a plan.
Develop the content of the conversation.
Think over questions for children and expected answers.
Topic: Why do the same flowers bloom differently?
Draw the children's attention to the flowers on the site.
Show that some flowers bloomed and some did not.
Ask why this happens?
What do flowers need to be in the same condition?
The flowering of flowers is influenced by weather conditions, the location of flowers - in the shade or in the sun, dry soil or wet.
Why do flowers bloom differently?
What weather conditions affect their flowering and growth?
Where is the best place to plant flowers?
How should you care for flowers?
Problem situations.
Problem-based learning in kindergarten is an organization of interaction with students that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problematic issues, tasks, situations and the active independent activity of children to resolve them. Therefore, the main essence of problem-based learning is posing a problem, a cognitive task, to the child, creating conditions for exploring ways and means of solving it, i.e. developing a problem vision.
It is important to note that knowledge and methods of activity in problem-based learning are not presented to children in a ready-made form; rules or instructions are not offered. The material is not given, but is given as a subject of search. And the whole point of teaching is precisely to stimulate the search activity of a preschooler. Problem-based learning technology brings the learning process as close as possible to the thinking process. It involves not only the assimilation of the results of scientific knowledge, but also the very path of knowledge, methods of creative activity. The technology of problem-based learning is based on the laws of the psychology of thinking. It should be remembered that the technology of problem-based learning is applicable in working with preschoolers, provided that the problem situation proposed by an adult is located in the “zone of proximal development”, so that the child can resolve it only to the limit of his capabilities, with maximum activation of his intellectual, creative and motivational potential. Cooperation between a child and an adult when learning in the ZPD takes place in a problematic situation, which the child copes with with the help of an adult.
Problematic question. Answering a problematic question requires reasoning, not just reproducing knowledge. These are the questions “why?”, “why”? For example, which birds of our region are the last to fly south? (just a question) Why are wild ducks and geese the last to fly south? (problem issue). Why do ducks swim and chickens don't? Why aren't shoes made of iron?
Problem task. The problematic task can be conditionally divided into two parts. Does it have a condition (description) and a question? For example: Children made two identical snowmen. One melted in a week, and the other stood until the end of winter. Why? - Pinocchio dropped the key into the water, you need to get it out, but after jumping into the water, Pinocchio floats up. How can I help him?
The problem situation is the most complex form of problem-based learning. When solving a problem situation, a state of mental difficulty arises in children, caused by the insufficiency of the knowledge and methods of activity previously acquired by them. In each problem situation, its main components can be identified: the unknown, i.e. new knowledge or method of activity acquired by the child; cognitive activity; - creative possibilities and the level of knowledge reached by the child.
Practical part.
Dear teachers, I suggest you practice again in a practical lesson. To do this, We need to choose one teacher - he will be the teacher, and the rest play the role of children. The teacher organizes a problem situation for children on the topic "Water".
Educator: By studying the properties of water, children learn that 80 percent of humans and animals consist of water.
- "Why is our body not liquid, because we have so much water?"
Together with the teacher, the children look for the answer and come to the conclusion that water is inside the body, and therefore does not flow out of the person. While searching for an answer to the question posed, the teacher listens to all the children’s arguments and encourages them for being active and trying to demonstrate their knowledge. After all the guys offer their answers, a common solution is chosen jointly.
To consolidate the findings, we conduct an experiment.
The children, together with the teacher, grate carrots, beets, potatoes, and squeeze out the juice, thereby proving that almost every body has water, but we cannot see it outwardly.
Next, teachers are invited to choose a new teacher and a new topic:
Theme: "Fruits"
While traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But I only had fruit with me. Can I get drunk?
Topic: “Properties of materials”
In rainy weather, you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose in order to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet.
Topic: “Friendship of colors”
Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but they are only allowed in dresses painted orange. And Cinderella has only yellow and red.
Learning will be problematic when there is a problematic situation. The value of classes built using this technology is enormous.
Problem-based learning reflects the requirements for modern education (according to Dewey):
The child’s own acquisition of knowledge, thus eliminating the contradiction between the logic of a particular scientific field of knowledge and the logic of the process of cognition of a specific individual;
Subjectivity of knowledge appropriation;
Taking into account the interests and inclinations of the child, his value orientations;
“The joy of discovery”, enjoyment and positive reinforcement.
Problem-based learning activates children's thoughts, makes them critical, and teaches them independence in the process of learning. The problem situation is specially created by the teacher using certain techniques, methods and means.
Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognizable object, arouses questions and guesses.
So, the use of problem situations in the educational process helps the teacher to fulfill one of the important tasks set by the reform of the kindergarten - to form independent, active, creative thinking in children. The development of such abilities can be carried out only in the creative independent activity of students, specially organized by the teacher in the learning process. Therefore, the teacher must be aware of the conditions in which preschoolers should be placed in order to stimulate genuine productive thinking.
Teachers ask questions and talk about the topic.
The facilitator offers to mark their mood from the seminar with stickers attached to the emoticon that describes their mood.

Not interested! Very interesting! Unclear!

A workshop is an event that allows you to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. In them, participants will have to find answers to problematic questions or offer options for solving problematic situations. Work can be carried out either individually or in mini-groups. For the successful implementation of the lesson, it is important to choose relevant topics for seminars for preschool teachers, which touch on all issues of the life of the institution and the team.

The structure of the event involves several important stages:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, the responsible employee studies the topic, determines the objectives of the event and, in accordance with them, forms a lesson plan. He selects the necessary theoretical material and tasks that will allow you to best assimilate the information by applying it in practice. It is important to formulate the desired results in order to evaluate, in accordance with them, to what extent the goals have been achieved.
  2. Organizational. Necessary for specifying the problem and updating the stated topic. All participants in the event discuss the topic (problem) frontally or in groups; the organizer can offer psychological exercises or various tasks to create a comfortable working atmosphere in the team.
  3. Theoretical. The workshop begins with a short lecture on methodology or psychology, announcement important information, demonstration of presentation, description of a controversial situation or event. This could be an update of the legislative framework, advanced pedagogical technologies, methodological recommendations, or specific examples from teaching practice.
  4. Practical. Participants in the event are invited to speak out about what they heard, join a discussion, and complete certain tasks independently or together with colleagues. This stage differs depending on the chosen form of training (“ round table", master class or business game).
  5. Reflection. Regardless of the topic of the seminars for preschool teachers, the stage of reflection - assessing the results achieved and the progress of the lesson - is mandatory. It allows you to draw conclusions on collective work and assess the degree of involvement of educators in the process of self-education.
  • The optimal time for the meeting is chosen for all participants, which will ensure maximum interest and create a friendly atmosphere.
  • before choosing a topic for a lesson, it is important to assess the audience, its needs and capabilities, since a general seminar for workers of different levels of training may not be effective;
  • strictly regulate or, if possible, follow the rules of speech in order to prevent aggravation of disputes and infringement of the rights of event participants (as a rule, 20-25 minutes are allocated for a participant’s speech, but you can limit it to 10);
  • it is necessary to monitor the culture of communication of the meeting participants, the tolerance of statements; criticism of ideas, but not personalities, is acceptable;
  • active participation and passive listening should alternate during the lesson, which will allow educators to maintain concentration longer (if the meeting drags on, it is wise to take a break for coffee or a snack).

Kalininsky Department of Education

Preschool educational institution No. 300




Puresina N. A.


Purpose of the game:

relieve psychological fatigue;

activate motivational compo nent in daily work and the need for professional­ professional development;

highlight the symptoms of emotional exhaustion and methods for overcoming it;

develop skills for self-regulation of your emotional state;

improve professional computer skills Tendency and self-esteem of teaching staff.

Materials: ball, A4 paper, felt-tip pens; stickers: sun, moon, clouds, colorful stars; cards for testing the level of resistance to stress, a bag, circles of two colors, drawing paper, colored paper, glue stick, scissors, pencils, a poster for the game “Symptoms - Methods”, A2 paper, wish cards, a vase, light music.

Basic Rules

1. Active participation.

3. Talk here and now.

4. Don't criticize.

Lesson progress

During the game, we will be guided by the following rules:

1. Active participation.

2. Everyone's opinion is heard.

3. Talk here and now.

4. Don't criticize.

5. There are no spectators in the game, everyone is a participant.

Exercise « Greetings »

Target: create a favorable psychological esc climate.

Participants in a circle, passing the ball, calling ­ They have their name and character trait that begins with the first letter of the name, their life credo.

Exercise « Waiting flowers »

Target: determine the expectations of participants from the business game.

Leading. In front of you is a field where flowers grow, but we only have stems, and we must plant the flowers, writing our expectations on them:« I expect from the meeting...", " I would like to... ".

Read what is written in order and attach the flower to the stem.

Admire the flower field.

Exercise « Associations »

Target: clear awareness of oneself as a professional teacher.

Leading. Take a piece of paper and write on­ Draw what object, natural phenomenon, animal or plant you could associate yourself with as a professional teacher.


Why did you choose this particular item (animal, plant, natural phenomenon)?

Was it easy for you to choose an association?

Exercise “I am in the rays of the sun.”

Instructions. On a sheet of paper, draw the sun the way children draw it - with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name in a circle and draw a self-portrait. Next to each ray, write something good about yourself. Your task is to remember as many good things as possible.

Carry the sun with you everywhere. Add rays. And if you feel especially bad in your soul and it seems that you are good for nothing, take out the sun, look at it and remember what you were thinking about when you wrote down this or that quality of yours.

Exercise « Portrait »

Instructions. Participants are divided into 3 subgroups using the sun, moon and clouds. Each subgroup will receive a sheet of A4 paper and write down"portrait" teacher according to an elongated card on which the age range of the teacher is determined:

young specialist;

professionally mature educator;

teacher 45 years or more. ( Participants must identify the main fear of a teacher at this age and present the group’s work. )

Summarizing . Dear Colleagues! Remember: if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it! Perhaps this very statement is a recipe for the psychological well-being of not only a teacher, but any person in general.

After all, in both personal and professional life there are situations that cannot be corrected; they must be experienced in order to move on.

Exercise « Predicting a stressful event »

Instructions. Knowledge of possible details , of course, helps prepare for them. Pedagogical activity, which is characterized by unpredictability, is considered stressful. I offer a test that will help you assess your resistance to stress.

Each participant receives a question card and circles a number in one of three circles. ­ nok: « rarely », « Sometimes », « often ».

Creative task « No to negativity! », « Yes - positive! »

Teachers ­ zen their works.

Exercise “Good catcher”.

Leading . No matter what happens to you, try to find the positive sides in everything. This is not about self-defense, but about learning to see the good in everything.

Instructions. Name the positive aspects of rain. (Teachers take turns giving answer options.) It knocks down the dust - the air becomes cleaner. Waters all living things - the plant world appears in all its glory. The rain washes away the dirt from the streets and fills the ditches in the garden with water - now there will be enough water for irrigation for a long time. Thanks to the rain, you can finally do your daily chores. When it rains, it is good to read, sleep, etc. Rain has a beneficial effect on the quality of groundwater - which means it does notyou need to look for a master to deepen the well. Mushrooms grow from rain, bites better

Then teachers are offered the following situations:
1. What can be good about holding an open event for colleagues?
2. What could be positive in the next certification process?

Teachers exchange their positive statements.

Exercise « Symptoms - methods »

Target: highlighting characteristic symptoms­ mov and techniques to deal with emotional exhaustion.

Leading: Health is a state of complete physical and mental­ spiritual well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical disabilities. Every minute, due to the influence of external and internal factors, a person can feel differently. Emotions are directly related to health. Emotional exhaustion is one of the defense mechanisms caused by mental fatigue when a person is forced long time do the same job, constantly provide support and help.

I propose to divide into four groups according to the color of the stars. (Participants choose stickers with stars)

Assignment for each subgroup : select symp volumes characteristic of emotional exhaustion, and then methods for overcoming emotional exhaustion.

A representative from the group reads out and attaches to a specific column.

dissatisfaction with oneself, unwillingness to work;

strengthening of somatic diseases;

insomnia or bad dream;

neglect of one's duties;

the need for stimulants (coffee, alcohol, tobacco);

loss of appetite or overeating;

negative self-esteem;

cynicism, pessimism;

inability to concentrate;

inability to complete work on time;

fast pace of speech;

lack of pleasure from work;

lack of new ideas;


decreased enthusiasm;

uncertainty and irritability;

formal performance of duties;

distancing from students, loss of the ability to sympathize;

the desire for solitude;


    emotional support from family and friends;

    positive thinking, goodwill;

    good health;

    adequate sense of responsibility;

    favorite activities, sports, walks;

    communication with nature;

    massage, bath, aromatherapy;

    time planning skills;

    the ability to say “no”;

    relaxation methods.

Leading (after voicing symptoms ): The greatest emotional exhaustion threatens those teachers who cannot Separate "I" from "You" that is, they perceive other people's problems as their own. Those who do not know how to communicate, express their feelings and emotions may also be in danger. Not only emotional stress predetermines emotional exhaustion. Boredom can also cause it.

Parable « Wisdom of parents »

A young girl comes to her father and says:

Dad, I'm tired, I have such a hard life, so many problems, I'm always swimming against the current, I don't have any more strength... What should I do?

Instead of answering, the father put three identical pots of water on the fire, threw carrots into one, put an egg into another, and poured coffee beans into the third. After some time, he took the carrots and egg out of the water and poured coffee from the third pan into the cup.

What changed? - he asked his daughter.

“The egg and carrots were cooked, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water,” she answered.

No, my daughter, this is just a superficial view looking at things. Look: hard carrots, having been in boiling water, became soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly, they did not change, but changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. So it is with people: the strong outwardly can fall apart and become weak where the fragile and tender only harden and strengthen...

What about coffee? - asked the daughter.

ABOUT! This is the most interesting! The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - they turned boiling water into... red aromatic drink. There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, gaining benefit and knowledge in such a situation.

Exercise. "Ways to overcome emotional burnout"

Leading. I wish that you also change the circumstances in your life and none of you feel emotional burnout. And for those to whom this may still happen, let’s make recommendations “How to overcome emotional burnout”

1. Find out what exactly is bothering you. Pogo talk with loved ones, analyze your condition out loud.

2. Don't consider yourself a "poor lamb"! Find someone who is worse off than you.

3. Plan not only your working time, but also your rest. Set priorities. Remember the Eisenhower principle: unnecessary things go in the trash.

4. Don't make mountains out of mountains!

5. Lead your emotions! Close your eyes. Imagine a seashore. Raise your hands up and lead to the side. Feel the power of energy. Place your hands on your stomach.

6. Don't forget to praise yourself!

7. Smile, even if you don’t feel like it!

8. Do gymnastics. Adrenaline cannot be accumulated.

9. Use aggressive energy in the world new purposes! Go out into the dense forest and loudly scream.

10. Have holidays for yourself! Live beautifully!

11. Know how to refuse politely, but convincingly!

12. Become an enthusiast!

13. Problems don’t need to be experienced Well, they need to be addressed! Away with self-sacrifice and long-suffering!

14. Do the days " information rest» from television. Read something.

15. Take care of your health.

Participants voice ways to overcome emotional burnout.

Exercise « magic vase »

Instructions. Colleagues! I suggest you take out one piece of paper from the magic vase, which will tell you what awaits you today­ nya or what you need to do in the near future.

It is advisable to make as many of these pieces of paper for yourself as possible and take them out one every morning. These wishes have a great impact on structure, encourage, betray confidence.

You will be especially lucky today!

Life is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

Everything is going well for you!

Today is your day, happiness to you!

Today Fortune is with you!

Remember: you were born to be happy!

Expect profit today!

Love yourself as you are, unique!

Remember that you are loved! Take care of the health of your body!

Give yourself a gift, you deserve it!

Higher powers protect you!

You have everything to enjoy life!

Everything you need comes to you easily!

All your desires and dreams will come true, believe it!

Peace and joy are with you today!

Today is a happy day!

Exercise « Weather forecast »

Leading . Were your expectations confirmed? Choose the weather (sunny or cloudy) and attach it above our field. Let's enjoy the weather on the field.

Wishes at the end.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Trubchevsky Children's

combined garden "Teremok"

242220, Bryansk region, Trubchevsk, Bryanskaya st., 100, tel. 8 (48-352)2-28-63

Summary of the workshop

for educators

"Pedagogical skills of a teacher"

Senior teacher: Turlak Alla Alekseevna.

October, 2012


MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok"

Seminar program.

Draw, warm-up (not scored)

1st round. "Question answer".

Round 2"Create your image."

Report “Image of the teacher”.

3 round. Five five game.

Dynamic pause “Friendly cartoon”

Round 4 « Fiction

Round 5“What would that mean?”

6th round " Teacher-artist."

"Dramatization of a fairy tale."

Report “Teacher Positions”

Solving puzzles (not graded)

Purpose of the seminar: formation in teachers of skills that are basic in the implementation of pedagogical competence.


  1. Identify the level of professional preparedness and general culture of teachers.

  2. Provide an opportunity for teachers to self-assess their abilities.

  3. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their practical skills.

  4. To help teachers increase their level of pedagogical competence through practical exercises.

  5. Develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend your point of view with reason.

  6. Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, activate the group’s potential.

  7. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop.
Materials and equipment: large chairs according to the number of participants, tables (on which there are signs with the directions of children’s development in accordance with FGT), a tape recorder, CDs with musical accompaniment, pens, paper, a “Five Five” stand, reproductions of paintings “Spring. Big Water.", "Golden Autumn", "March" - Levitan; “Alyonushka”, “Three Heroes” - Vasnetsova; “Morning in a pine forest”, “Rye” - Shishkina; “The rooks have arrived” - Savrasova, attributes for dramatizing a fairy tale, rebus, task cards, magnetic board with magnets.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with literature on the topic of the workshop.

The jury is members of the expert group, the head of the MBDOU.

Round 1 is assessed:

5 points - complete, detailed correct answer to the question;

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

Round 2 is assessed:

5 points - per person from the group with justification for their choice.

3 points – per person from a group without justifying your choice

0 points – no one was sent

Round 3 is assessed:

5 points - for the correct answer;

3 points - for the answer given after the hint;

0 points - no answer to the question.

1 point - for the correct answer to another team’s question

Round 4 is scored for each piece:

3 points – continued with errors, named the author or continued confidently, not

0 points - no continuation

Round 5 is assessed:

3 points – for the correct answer;

0 points - wrong answer

Round 6 is assessed for each painting:

5 points – the painting and the artist are named;

3 points – either the painting or the artist are named;

0 points - no answer.
Progress of the event

(Music sounds)

Senior teacher:

Leafing through well-known volumes,

We learned to speak beautifully.

In the words of Pushkin, Makarenko, Dumas,

But this is not only our strength.

And at every hour, and at every minute

Someone's fate is an eternal concern.

Giving a piece of your heart to someone

This is our job.

And if the issue is not resolved,

They rush to you, looking for help.

They conduct a vital interrogation.

But you and I are far from gods!

Today we will hold a workshop “Pedagogical skills of a teacher.” For the seminar to work, we need a jury, as well as 2 teams for the game, and I offer the guests and the head of the MBDOU an honorary mission - the jury. And now we are forming two teams.

Here on the table are cards with educational areas written on them. On the tables opposite there are signs with the names of the directions of children's development in accordance with FGT - these are: “Physical development”, “Cognitive-speech”, “Social-personal” and “Artistic-aesthetic”. Dear Colleagues! Using these cards, you will split into 2 teams, i.e., each will take a card with a designated educational area and take a place according to the direction of development. Please come to the table, take one card each and take your seats.

So, we got 2 teams: “Experts” and “Masters”. Attach your logos and let's get started.

Warm-up to help you get ready for work: the envelopes contain cards with a number of abbreviations, decipher them and make up your own word, abbreviation related to education, offer your options to the opposing team.

Dear jury, the warm-up is not graded, it helps teachers not only get ready for work, but also in a game situation exercises their imagination, demonstrates knowledge of the surrounding reality and their intellectual development.

1 round. "Question answer"
One group of team members selects a card with tasks that they need to discuss and write down the correct answers. The answers are given to the jury. The task is given 10 minutes.

Task: testing knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of a preschool educational institution, knowledge of the content of the work of a preschool educational institution during the year, knowledge of the names and patronymics of preschool educational institution employees.

  1. card

  1. What is the maximum permissible amount of weekly educational load for children of the 6th year of life? (15 lessons)

  2. Write the names and patronymics of assistant teachers and men who work at the MBDOU?

  3. What is the duration of GCD for children of the 5th year of life? (No more than 20 min.)
2 card

  1. List the tasks of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan that the team is working on.

  2. What is the maximum permissible weekly educational load for children of the 4th year of life? (11 lessons)

  3. Write the names and patronymics of the technical staff of our kindergarten, except for assistant teachers?

  4. What is the duration of GCD for children of the 6th year of life? (No more than 25 minutes)

Round 2 “Create your image”

3 minutes are allotted for the task.

Task: the ability to behave correctly in force majeure circumstances, to give a full assessment of your choice.

A telephone message is read out to the teachers: “Urgently in 15 minutes, the kindergarten needs to invite at least 2 people to the conference.” It's a working day, teachers don't have time to change clothes, do makeup, or do their hair. After 1 minute, each team must send 1 person to the conference and explain their choice.
Report “Image of a teacher”. (Appendix No. 1) - 4 min
3rd round “Five five”
Task: check the erudition of the team.

On the magnetic board there is a table with five topics for discussion. Each topic consists of 5 questions.

Team members take turns choosing a topic and question number. The presenter asks a question from this topic. Time to think about the question is 15 seconds. One group member gives the answer. If there is no correct answer, then the question goes to another group. Each team can select each sector no more than 2 times.

  1. Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the labor of a writer or poet. (Work)

  2. What fairy tale do we owe to K.I.’s little daughter? Chukovsky, who did not want to wash her face? (“Moydodyr”)

  3. A fairytale neighbor who fought for brotherly love? (Gerda)

  4. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work? (Turnip)

  5. Which fairy tale tells about the limited admission of shareholders to a housing cooperative? (Teremok)

"Pig in a poke"

  1. Which educational field does the species directly belong to? educational activities– “Speech development”?

  2. What educational field does the type of direct educational activity – “Design” – belong to?

  3. What are the types of children's activities in accordance with FGT?

  4. What program does our preschool educational institution follow?

  5. What are the forms of cognitive and research activities?


  1. Long distance running? (Cross)

  2. Sports kayak, amba, fenders, end? (Finish)

  3. Reward for the winner. (Cup)

  4. A tool of ancient man and an athletics projectile for throwing? (A spear)

  5. A very smooth place for a "cow dance"? (Ice rink)


  1. Biggest puddle? (Ocean)

  2. Which regional center of Russia flies? (Orel city)

  3. A universal menagerie? (Fauna)

  4. Which Russian peninsula complains about its size? (Yamal Peninsula)

  5. A tributary of the Dnieper, which can be found in our mouth. (Desna River)

  1. Holiday flowers in heaven? (Firework)

  2. The most cheerful of muses, adored by women? (Waist)

  3. Vanya, who became king? (John)

  4. Religious group, community that broke away from the dominant church? (Sect)

  5. Government paper warehouse? (Archive)

Dynamic pause “Friendly cartoon”. 5 minutes are allotted for the task.

Each team is invited to invent and depict one of the teachers of the other team using facial expressions and gestures.
4th round Fiction (Appendix No. 2)
One teacher is invited from each team and receives cards with the following tasks:

Complete the poem that is written on the card and name its author.

Discussion and preparation – 5 min.

Task: to identify teachers’ knowledge of program works and authors.
5th round What would that mean?

Guess modern meaning Old Slavonic words:



Curly (correct answer);


Warm up:

Get dirty (correct answer);

Wrap up;

Get lost.

Be dumbfounded;

Be angry;

Be stubborn;

Get confused (correct answer);


Fall in love;

Catch yourself (correct) answer);

- shake yourself up.


Wheat tortillas (correct answer);

Vintage women's jewelry;


Walk barefoot;

Dress up (correct answer)
6th round Teacher-artist
Senior teacher shows reproductions of paintings famous artists, which are used in the educational process of a kindergarten, in 30 seconds the team needs to determine the author and title of the picture.

Task: identify teachers’ knowledge of programmatic works of art and authors.
Our competitions are over. The jury has time to sum up the results to name the winners of our meeting. And we will continue.
So, we have 2 teams. In which there are 14 people. You are all different, but you have a lot in common and now we will check it.

  • Exercise “Similarities and differences”:

  • Stomp those who know how to knit;

  • Arise, you who love sweets;

  • Let out the cry of the Indians, ye who love nature;

  • Jump up those who love the holidays;

  • Those who don't like to exercise, pat yourselves on the knees;

  • Shake your head at those who can't play a musical instrument;

  • Those who want to go on vacation, rub your palms together;

  • Cross your legs for those who love to dance;

  • Meow those who have pets at home;

  • Clap your hands those who love children.
You see how much you have in common, and so that 2 teams can now become one, I offer you a joint dramatization of a fairy tale.
Dramatization of a fairy tale. (Appendix No. 3)

Task: develop cohesion, the ability to work harmoniously in emergency situations, the ability to distribute roles, and show creativity.
Teams unite, assign roles according to the proposed scenario, choose attributes and dramatize the fairy tale.
Solving the puzzle

Keyword "Well done." The teams are given a task - say the word:

All participants - loud, quiet, fast, slow, fun

jury - questioningly

All participants - affirmatively.

Summing up the results of the workshop.
Appendix No. 1

Report “Image of a teacher”
The modern conditions in which we live and work are fundamentally different from those that existed before. And in the new conditions, we should behave and live differently, in accordance with other models of behavior.

Imageology and image – what is it? Science or art? Today, among the new disciplines for us is imageology - the science of how to live in conditions when not only the administration or management has the right to vote. This is a science about the laws of communication, which dictate a completely new type of relationship not only at work, but also in society. Armed with knowledge, educators must understand that this is a type of relationship that, even against the will of the teacher and preschoolers, develops in modern relationships. Imageology is often reduced to advice on the color of a tie and socks. This is the wrong approach, because without a general strategy, none of the proposed advice makes sense, because when caring for the beauty of a teacher, you need to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.

There are many judgments and opinions about who creates the image?

  • firstly, the person himself, who thinks through which facet to turn to others, what information to present about himself.

  • secondly, image makers are professionals involved in creating an image for such famous persons as politicians, statesmen, artists, etc.

  • thirdly, the media - print, radio, television - play a big role in creating an image.

  • fourthly, it is created by friends, family, and employees.
For the teaching profession, the following main components of the image are distinguished:

  • appearance,

  • use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication,

  • internal correspondence of the image of the profession - the inner “I”.
The image of a teacher is an emotionally charged stereotype of the perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of students, colleagues, the social environment, and in the mass consciousness. When forming the image of a teacher, real qualities are closely intertwined with those attributed to him by others.

Reliance on one's own image is needed today in every profession. Especially for a teacher who is a representative of a large team that carries its own image, its own face. Translated from English image in literally means image. Consequently, when they talk about a person’s image (“he has a negative image” or “he has the image of an excellent teacher”), they are talking about the image that other people have. Moreover, by image we mean not only a visual image, appearance or appearance, but also the way of his thinking, actions, deeds, etc. Image is “an opinion, a judgment that expresses an assessment of something, an attitude towards something, a look at something.” (S.I. Ozhegov).

Appearance helps a person attract attention, create a positive image, and show himself not only as a nice person, but also as an excellent teacher. The teacher, with his appearance, wins over

children and adults. It should always be remembered that children learn from adults and, first of all,

Just ask your favorite teacher to dress correctly. One of the main rules is manifested in the manner of dressing: looking beautiful means showing respect for the people around you. The requirements for a person’s appearance help the teacher improve his professional image and achieve success. To avoid colleagues' mistrust of their professional qualities, we recommend that young educators do not come to work in trendy clothes. When wisely combining fashion trends with your appearance, follow this rule: being dressed too fashionably is a sign of bad taste, but it is unacceptable to lag behind fashion, i.e. you need to dress in fashion, but closer to the classic style. A real teacher will not emphasize his appearance with clothes; he will demonstrate his intelligence, professional skills and abilities.

In general, there are specifics to clothing and shoes (high heels are not allowed - it’s dangerous, shoes only with backs, clothes of dull colors, preference for shades of yellow, pink, blue, green), well, who has what... Psychologists recommend that you definitely emphasize your lips in makeup, the child should see the articulation of the mouth.

Appendix No. 2
Elena Blaginina

Mom is sleeping, she's tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sat.
My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper,
Let's sit in silence!

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Winter evening

Alexander Pushkin

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

Our dilapidated shack
And sad and dark.
What are you doing, my old lady?
Silent at the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are tired,
Or dozing under the buzzing
Your spindle?

Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
The heart will be more cheerful.
Sing me a song like a tit
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a maiden
I went to get water in the morning.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
She will cry like a child.
Let's have a drink, good friend
My poor youth
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.

Olga Vladimirova
Summary of the workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the prevention of emotional burnout “My good mood”

Equipment: music center + music. a disk with fun music, colored pencils, A4 sheets according to the number of participants, hoops according to the number of participants, several blindfolds or scarves, 1 balloons per pair of participants, tongue twisters written on separate pieces of paper at least 10 pieces, soft toys or soft snowballs , several baskets.

Location: music or gym

Number of participants: from 6 to 12 people

Time spending: 1 hour.


Create positive emotional mood;

Team building;

Relieve muscle tension;

Learning how to work with negative emotions.

1. Greeting. Gathering expectations from participants seminar.

Psychologist: With what feeling do you start seminar? What would you like to receive during seminar?

Answers teachers: Good mood want to learn something new. I want to play and raise mood…. Relax and forget about problems...

Psychologist: Our theme workshop today: "My good mood» . Today we will play with you, raise mood, and also learn to see a problematic situation from all sides, analyze it, gain new experience in dealing with negative emotions and pronounce them using tongue twisters and much more...

2. Warm up.

2.1. A game "Take Your Place". Instructions. Each participant stands in a hoop. Then cheerful music plays and the players come out of their hoops. They walk around the hall while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops playing, participants must have time to stand in a free hoop. Then remove one hoop at a time. The one who takes the last hoop wins.

2.2. A game "Equilibrium". Instructions: One participant tries to unbalance the other person with any ways: presses, pushes, distracts. The first one's task is to stay on his feet. Then they change.

2.3. A game "Spiders and Mosquitoes". Instructions: participants are divided into pairs, one pair catches other group members with their free hands, a similar network game.

2.4. A game "Ball for two". Instructions: hold a balloon at the same time by two participants, make various actions to a cheerful music: walk back and forth so as not to burst or fall. You can make the game more difficult by instructing the participants to hold the ball with their foreheads, backs, knees, etc.

If you are nevertheless thrown off balance and taken away good mood, is it possible to somehow return it?

3. Reflection. The ability to see a situation from all sides. Find good and bad sides in any situation.

Situation: “The weather outside is gloomy and rainy. It's raining"

What's your usual reaction?

Hint Questions: What happened in this situation? Is there something here good? What could this situation be? beneficial for you personally?

4. Game "Patter" target: raise mood, restore strength, relieve facial muscle tension and inner anger.

Each participant receives a card with a tongue twister and recalls a situation in which they felt irritated. Simulates this situation: with knitted eyebrows and clenched fists, he walks around the room and mutters a tongue twister under his breath (at a comfortable pace, grumbles. From time to time the players stop in front of each other and pronounce their tongue twister monotonously in front of each other, trying to convey their dissatisfaction and irritation with the intonation and timbre of their voice .

Second phase: The players silently walk around the room. From time to time they stop in front of each other and shout out their tongue twister three times in an angry, menacing voice. After that, they continue to walk, silently, until the next meeting.

At the end of the game it happens discussion: how the participants felt after the game. In what case were you able to free yourself from tension? Did you want to laugh?

Tongue Twisters:


“All beavers are kind to their beavers”

“White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white, but the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.”

“The water truck was carrying water from under the water supply system”

“The bench was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.”

“There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.”

"Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle, mountain under the eagle, eagle under the feather"

“The Greek was driving across the river, and he saw a cancer in the river. He put the Greek’s hand in the river - Tsap by the Greek’s hand!”

“Sasha was walking along the highway, carrying a dryer on a pole and sucking on the dryer.”

“Six little mice rustling in the reeds”

5. Trust game in pairs. Instructions: The 1st participant, blindfolded, must follow the verbal instructions of the 2nd participant to “collect the toys in the basket without bumping into other participants in the game. The winner is the pair that completes the task the fastest and collects all the toys in the basket without losing a single one.” Then the participants change - 10 minutes.

6. "Magic Palm" Drawing. Each participant traces their palm with colored pencils. Each participant writes a wish inside their palm. Then he passes his palm to the neighbor on the right, until all participants write a wish to each other. Visualization Have a good mood, which each of the participants will take with them today seminar - 5-7 min.

7. Conclusion. Discussion in a circle.

Psychologist: How do you feel when you finish a lesson? Two or three sentences to yourself, about the seminar as a whole.

Answers teachers:

Teacher#1: I liked the tongue twisters, it was hard not to laugh and shout it out loud. She stammered and got confused. I finish with a feeling of peace and satisfaction….

Teacher No. 2: I also liked the tongue twisters….it was also interesting to put the toys in the basket, it was easier to listen to the instructions than to give them yourself….

Teacher No. 3: I finish with a feeling of relaxation, warmth throughout my body, playing with a balloon required my composure and dexterity, holding the balloon with my head turned out to be not at all easy….

7a. Final exercise "Jug of Pleasures", puts you in a positive mood. Participants become in a circle. Filling the jug good mood and abundance, everyone human benefits. For example, happiness, relaxation, good mood, pleasure, favorite work, prosperity .... then all group members take turns pretending to bathe in this jug of pleasure - 3 minutes.

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