Toilet      06/23/2020

Which electric pizza oven is best? DIY Pompeian wood-burning pizza oven. Advantages and disadvantages

Pizza ovens are used to equip cafes and restaurants various types, But the best option is a hearth model. It provides quick heating and cooking in just 1-8 minutes, while the baked goods remain fluffy and juicy, maintaining their taste.

Hearth ovens for preparing pizza are classified depending on power, heat source, productivity, number of working tiers. But they all have the following features:

  • main scope of application – cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, bakeries;
  • energy source – electricity (some models can run on gas);
  • maximum heating up to +450 °C (the working chamber can remain warm for up to 50 minutes);
  • various modifications: pizza ovens can be designed for small, medium and large diameters, cooking two dishes at the same time.

An oven with an electric heat source is equipped with heating elements to heat the chamber. Uniform and fast baking is ensured by a special mesh on which the product is laid out. Adjusting the heating intensity in the deck oven chamber allows you to keep the baked goods fluffy and soft, and the topping juicy. The smallest models allow you to bake 1-2 pizzas per working cycle. For restaurants and pizzerias, we recommend a multifunctional oven with two tiers, which bakes up to 6 pizzas per cycle and has increased productivity.

How to choose the right pizza oven

Professional baking equipment is designed not only for pizza, but also for dishes such as flatbreads with various fillers, pies, bruschetta. Thanks to the functionality and simple operation, a deck oven for pizza ensures uniform baking of the dough, the topping remains juicy and soft, preserving the aroma and taste characteristics.

In our catalog you can choose and buy different models deck ovens for pizza, when choosing which it is recommended to take into account the following criteria:

  • dimensions of the furnace design;
  • power;
  • the number of tiers and the diameter of the pizza (to increase productivity, you can choose two-tier ovens for simultaneous cooking of two dishes);
  • handle type (removable or non-removable);
  • the presence and number of pallets for collecting crumbs;
  • type of control, features of temperature and cooking time adjustment;
  • Availability observation window For visual definition degree of pizza readiness;
  • illumination of the working chamber and type of oven bottom (ceramics ensures more uniform heat distribution);
  • presence of a hole for smoke emission.

In our catalog you can buy various pizza ovens for the world's leading manufacturers, represented by a wide range. This professional equipment By affordable price, which allows you to optimize the cooking process, reduce the time and financial costs of the cafe. To order a stove or clarify its technical and operational characteristics, you can call us at the indicated numbers or leave a request on the online store website.

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Anyone who has at least once tried real pizza, and not a semi-finished product from the microwave, will certainly want to have a pizza oven at home. Just the sight of the “noble sun”, just taken from the blazing heat, makes your mouth water.

However building a pizza oven with your own hands, although quite possible, is quite difficult. At the same time, there are many factory-made home ovens for sale specifically for pizza. And many models allow you to get ready dish, which will satisfy even a discerning gourmet, and will cost no more, or even much cheaper, than construction materials alone. Therefore, we will act according to this plan:

  1. Let's study the conditions necessary for baking pizza.
  2. Let us determine the criteria by which you need to select a finished model.
  3. Let's move on to the structural features of a homemade stove.

Gas, electricity or wood?

Some experts say that only a wood-fired pizza oven produces the real product, and this is true. The design of a wood-burning pizza oven is such (see below) that the combustion of fuel in it is rather sluggish, and Only pizza cooked with a little smoke is considered noble.

But there is another point of view. Its supporters apparently proceed from the principles of English and Japanese cuisine and they believe that in a piping hot pizza, the taste of each of its components should be distinguishable. Simply put, the former believe that the flavor bouquet should develop during baking, while the latter prefer to form it themselves with taste buds. They even say that an electric pizza oven is preferable because... does not add the slightest additional flavor to the semi-finished product.

We adhere to the first point of view as more democratic: yummy food should be yummy for everyone, and only they know what the organs of perception of taste of the elite actually perceive. Therefore, further emphasis will be placed on wood stoves. A gas oven does not produce a haze, and can give off an aftertaste, so we will touch on them in passing, simply as the most economical ones.

How is pizza baked?

The conditions for baking pizza are simple, but the resulting requirements for the oven are quite strict. Firstly, pizza baking temperature is almost the limit for frying and baking: 350-400 degrees. Any lower - there will be no real taste, and if you give more - the pyrolysis of organic matter will begin, and the pizza will turn out to be disgusting and harmful. Simply put, pizza is baked to the point of burning.

Pizza baking time ranges from 1.5-10 minutes depending on the recipe, type of oven and individual characteristics taste. Here the classification is the same as for beefsteaks (beef steaks):

  • Just arrived (rare in English) - the cheese was barely melted. Recommended for pizza with salami and olives and other ingredients that are ready to eat on their own.
  • Quite ready (medium) - the upper side of the dough basket and the tips of the pieces protruding above the cheese crust are browned. Preferred in most cases.
  • It is thoroughly baked (well done) – the very ends of the filling begin to burn and the cheese crust begins to brown. This is for those who like to crunch. Seafood pizza is never prepared this way.

And the last point - the technological cycle of pizza preparation must be continuous. Not the slightest trickle of cold air until it reaches properly! And if the door is open or the baking sheet is removed, you need to serve it as is.

Based on these conditions, you cannot bake pizza in the oven., it doesn’t matter, on the stone or without it. Firstly, the oven of a gas stove reaches a temperature of up to 250 degrees, but this is not enough. Pizza is brought to the desired degree of readiness by changing the duration of exposure to heat, and not by adjusting the temperature!

IN hob or solid fuel stoves, you can preheat the oven to 400 degrees. But there will be no guarantee of temperature stability; in pizza ovens, this is provided either by the design itself or by the control electronics. Finally, who has ever seen a stove oven with lighting and a self-cleaning glass system? And without them, to check the degree of readiness, you will have to open the door, which is unacceptable. Or bake it on time, and then it will come out at random.

Purchased stoves

First of all, we will give a list of companies and models whose products have proven themselves well; they are the first ones you should pay attention to if you plan to buy a stove:

  1. PrismaFood, MEC, AVA, Forni, Cuppone, Fontana (Italy);
  2. Roller Grill (France);
  3. Bartscher (Germany);
  4. Hendi (Netherlands);
  5. F2PtsE GRILL MASTER, PEP-2, AS TERM – domestic.

As for the Chinese Lacucina, TRENDY, etc., they bake properly and are easy to use, and the price starts from 2000 rubles. But in most models Maximum temperature on the regulator 250 degrees. Maybe there is some equivalent to pizza in Chinese cuisine, but for Italian cuisine this is definitely not enough.

Household culinary equipment for baking pizza can be divided into the following categories:

  • Homemade pizza ovens for individual use, two left positions. in Fig. - the cheapest. Electric from 2000 rubles, gas – from 3500 rubles. But they are also the most convenient: in electric ones, the rotating underside is visible through the viewing window, and in gas ones, the whole pizza is visible. For proper cooking, there is also a heat reflector on top, which to some extent acts as a roof brick oven.
  • Personal, two right positions. in Fig. - these are for those who can do at least something themselves, unless they can’t be bought for money. There are also electric and gas, for 1-4 chambers. They are controlled by a built-in microprocessor, so there are no viewing windows. Whatever the stove spits out, gobble it up. Prices – from 20,000 rubles.

    • Home family, floor and tabletop, two left positions. on the trail. rice. There are electric and gas. They are supplied with a real hearth or branded stones for a baking sheet and a ceramic or equivalent composite arch. When handled skillfully, the pizza comes out almost like the real thing; a connoisseur, not knowing where it was baked, almost never distinguishes. Price – from 35,000 rubles.
    • Mini wood-fired pizza ovens, two right positions. Ceramic or composite, a complete replacement for self-construction. Models, like the stove with a pipe in Fig., can also function as. Most samples are tabletop, optionally equipped with a stand on wheels. Price with delivery for home models starts from 42,000 rubles, for all-weather garden models – from 55,000 rubles.

  • Modular self-assembled ovens - with a total cost of about 30,000 rubles. you can get a completely full-fledged tabletop pizza oven. But you need to have basic builder skills, work for half a day, and then run the stove for 3-4 days until it’s ready. We will talk more about modular ovens later.

How to build a pizza oven yourself?

A wood-burning pizza oven must provide all the conditions necessary for baking:

  1. Create the temperature required for the work process.
  2. Maintain it without significant intervention from the stoker, regardless of the type of fuel and external conditions, i.e. be self-regulating.
  3. Provide two counter flows of heat in the work area: from bottom to top and from top to bottom; This is the main condition for baking pizza correctly.
  4. Allow continuous monitoring of the cooking process.

Pompeii oven

The Pompeii pizza oven is considered a classic, most of them modern designs uses its principles. By the way, “Pompeian” does not mean that ancient Roman patricians ate pizza. The date of baking of the first pizza is preserved in history, it is 1522. And the fact that it was baked in the village of Pompeii, which still stands not far from the location of the Roman city destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius, is a pure coincidence. In Pompeii in the 16th century. Only vague legends have been preserved about that long-ago catastrophe.

The Pompeian oven is a domed hearth oven. In its working area there are two flows of hot gases: convective from the hearth, and reflected from under the dome. The Pompeian stove is heated black, so it is self-regulating: if the fuel gets too hot, the flow of exhaust gases at the mouth will push down the flow of fresh air carrying oxygen. The combustion will weaken and there will be less flue gases. Then they will press against the top of the vault, more fresh air will come, the combustion will intensify, and the cycle repeats all the time.

The Pompeian oven is made of adobe. The stages of building a brick kiln are shown in Fig:

  1. On a stone slab foundation or a natural stone foundation, a brick plinth is laid out, and around it is a dome side-pedestal with an arch;
  2. After the masonry has dried, a model (block) of a dome is formed on the floor from slightly moistened and tightly compacted loess soil;
  3. A dome is laid out over the block;
  4. The top of the dome is closed with a castle made of 2-4 shaped or hewn bricks;
  5. After the masonry has dried, the filling of the block is picked out, the vault is cleaned from the inside with a metal brush;
  6. The furnace is “accelerated” and prepared for operation by test firing. How – we’ll talk further.

We will also talk in more detail about methods of closing the arch. Indicated in Fig. The oven dimensions are “family”, for one pizza for four. An adobe oven is built in generally the same way, see fig. on the right, but with two differences. First, it is not loess that is used on the block, it will firmly adhere to the length, but moistened coarse-grained sand. It is impossible to build a brick dome on sand; bricks have to be hammered and pushed into place all the time, see below. Secondly, after the clay has dried, the adobe vault, before removing the block, is covered with lime plaster with marble chips for greater strength and protection from bad weather.

An adobe stove is not at all a stove for the poor; it costs much more and lasts several times less than a brick one. But “real noble pizza,” they say, is made only in an adobe oven fueled with straw. Pope Alexander VI Borgia (“The most perfect incarnation of the devil in human form,” according to Machiavelli) even demanded that his pizza oven be fired only with rice straw.

The climate is mild...

In our area and in our time, you cannot build a real Pompeian oven. Firstly, let us remember the remark of Peter I to the architect Rastrelli, who showed the tsar the design of the Winter Palace: “You, brother, make smaller windows. Our climate is not Italian.” Those., a pizza oven in Russia must have additional thermal insulation on all sides. Otherwise, instead of self-regulation of combustion, there will be such smoke and soot that there will be no smoking hut.

Next, the base. There are few natural outcrops of hard rocks on the surface in the Russian Federation, as well as deposits of high-quality building stone; however, they were also largely developed in Italy. Therefore, under the stove it is necessary concrete slab, on a stand or clay-crushed stone cushion. But concrete, with constant heating from the hearth, will last less than a furnace, so reinforced thermal insulation from below is needed.

The third nuance is the chimney. Thermal inertia new oven will be more classic, and without additional traction it will simply never enter the mode and warm up as needed. But you can’t build a chimney on a dome; the circulation of gases will be disrupted. Then we’ll take the chimney to the arch, where it will draw in the flue gases as expected.

The next moment is under. Plynfa is not in use now, and laying it on concrete is undesirable for many reasons. What remains is fireclay. But its TEC (temperature coefficient of expansion) is much greater than that of ceramics. Therefore, it is necessary to lay out the underside in a “herringbone” pattern (see figure), which ensures complete bandaging of the seams in the row.

Finally, the vault doodle. We have no loess at all, but good construction sand is not lying around under our feet and is not cheap. In addition, to lay out a vault on a block, a skilled apprentice is needed, who quickly trims the bricks as the work progresses, otherwise it will take as long to build a furnace as it would to build the dome of St. Petra. And about 600 kg of sand will be used for the family stove, which needs to be unloaded, molded, and then scooped out and taken away. In the 16th century, craftsmen had teenage apprentices who, in exchange for food and clothing, were required to do any work within their power. Now social relations are not the same. That is, the arch needs to be laid out in circles.

Russia – Italy

If we look from the point of view of heating engineering and structural mechanics, what we have now achieved, we will see... a Russian stove with a round furnace (see figure below)! No wonder, the need for invention is cunning everywhere. Has the stove become worse? Not at all, it provides everything you need to bake pizza. And besides, it will be possible to bake bread, cook cabbage soup and cook kulebyaki-porridge in a completely Russian way. So let's figure out how to build such a stove.


A concrete base is needed for the base of the stove on the ground. slab foundation(can be from a finished slab) with a thickness of at least 70 mm on a clay-crushed stone cushion, as under. If the stove is on legs, a flat slab made of any material will do. The thicknesses of wood boards are:

  • MDF or waterproof plywood - from 60 mm.
  • Fibreboard, chipboard – from 80 mm.
  • Lumber - from 120 mm, in two layers of intersecting beams of 60x60 mm.

Waterproofing made of 2 layers of roofing material is laid on the slab. Modern “isolations” are good, but in this case the roofing material, under the weight of the structure, will firmly stick to the slab and moisture will not seep under it from the sides.

A layer of aerated concrete blocks 60 mm thick is laid on the insulation, this wall blocks the smallest standard size, 200x300x60 mm. The density of the blocks should be less, it will be so better thermal insulation and it will be cheaper. It is designated by the letter D or D with a number, for example. D400, D500. The blocks should be placed not on mortar, but on aerated concrete adhesive. It will cost a little more, but then the stove will definitely not move off the base.

Next, a second layer of insulation, asbestos or, better, vermiculite (slab, not expanded) is laid on the substrate using the same glue. Asbestos needs 15-20 mm, vermiculite - 4-5 mm. A galvanized sheet with sides bent downwards is laid on the thermal insulation so as to cover porous material to aerated concrete. Then a sheet of basalt cardboard soaked in very liquid (“milk”) is placed on the iron, and a stove is built on it.


The masonry is carried out using a solution of fireclay marl and fireclay sand, approximately 1:1. Fireclay sand is ground fireclay brick scrap. Powdered marl is first poured with water in a bucket to the top of the backfill, allowed to “sour” for an hour and a half, then kneaded until the consistency of sour cream, in which the spoon stands, sand is added and kneaded again.

When laying the dome, you will have to allow the maximum permissible divergence of the seams, 17 degrees, or even exceed it. Therefore, the masonry mortar must be of the greatest fat content: it should not flow flat from the trowel, and if it is turned with its nose down, it should fall off in a solid lump, leaving clean metal.

For masonry with “super-fat” mortar, the fireclay brick must also be wetted, otherwise it will absorb water from the mortar too quickly and the masonry will turn out weak. Before wetting, each brick is mopped - dust is swept away from it with a hair brush. Each one is “bathed” separately in clean water immediately before installation. Having taken it out of the water, shake it vigorously several times and immediately put it back in place.

The solution for thermal insulation of the dome is made more liquid, the thickness of cream, and 4-5 parts of fluffed asbestos or vermiculite chips are added to it. Under decorative finishing, if it is expected, the stove after acceleration is plastered with heat-resistant vermiculite plaster.


The main stages of laying a furnace are shown in Fig. Almost the entire structure of the furnace, except for the 1st row of dome masonry, is built from halves or smaller shares of brick. The dome is laid out, as already said, in circles. More precisely - in semicircles, pos. 1 in Fig. Perform them from any suitable material: pipes, plywood, boards, dense foam.

The circles should fit snugly, but not tightly, into the cutouts of the plywood clamp. When building under pressure from the masonry, the entire template will hold tightly, and upon completion of construction it will be enough to pick out the “blunder” so that the circles fall in place on their own. Just make sure you don’t hurt yourself; you’ll have to put your head and hands into the oven.

The stove is small, its structure is lightly loaded. Therefore, the 1st row of masonry is made using a method prohibited by SNiP - a “soldier”, from two belts placed upright on a butt of full-sized bricks with bandaging of the seams between the belts, pos. 2. The next 5-6 rows are laid out from halves; to withstand the seams, props and wedges from fragments of brick are inserted into them, in the same place, pos. 2.

Of course, it won’t be possible to have a whole number of halves in a row, so you will have to close each row with a hewn wedge, pos. 4. When laying, you need to make sure that the locks of the rows do not lie one above the other, but run at least 1/5 of the row apart.

Internal seams with this method of masonry will become wider as it increases, pos. 3. Therefore, already from the 6-7th row you will have to switch to non-standard thirds of the brick, and next two higher - to quarters, pos. . The wedges and locks of the rows will no longer fit completely into the seam, also pos. 5. They are left as is until the masonry dries, and then cut with a grinder.

Amateur craftsmen still have a hole at the top of the dome irregular shape, pos. 6. It is usually plugged with somehow selected fragments of brick, pos. 7, but you can’t do this; over time, a crack will creep from the top of the dome. Experienced stove makers close the dome with at least 2 (position 8), and for large domes - a large number unequally rounded wedges.

It is difficult for a do-it-yourselfer to remove a dome with such precision, so we can recommend another method: lay several hewn bricks until a very small hole remains (pos. 10), and seal it with masonry mortar. The very center of the dome is still not loaded. If the masonry fits together more or less evenly, then you can buy a shaped vault lock made of fireclay, pos. 9. Then the vault will last for centuries.


Pay attention again to pos. 1. A rectangular opening in the vault of the arch is for the chimney. It is laid out, or a finished pipe is installed, after the dome masonry has dried, but before its thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation of the dome

After the masonry has dried (at least 7 days under a canopy so that it does not splash with rain), the circles are removed and applied external thermal insulation from the solution described above. Apply in several layers with intermediate drying, the total thickness is at least 60 mm. The thickness of one layer is 12-15 mm. At the top of the dome, from where the solution does not drain, you cannot make the layer thicker; they must be of equal thickness.

Overclocking the furnace

After the dome insulation has dried (this is another 1-2 weeks), you can accelerate the furnace. This will require at least 5-6 test runs at intervals of 24 hours. The first is 1.5 kg of newspapers (not recommended due to the oven absorbing ink fumes) or 2.5 kg of straw. For the next fire, an additional 0.5 kg of wood chips or pellets is added. Third - 3-4 kg of wood chips or 2-2.5 kg of pellets. The fourth is a small, completely dry log or an amount of pellets equal in weight to it. The rest - adds a log or a portion of pellets each time.

Protection and finishing

If the stove is outdoor, then it must be under a canopy, “since our climate is not Italian.” In this case, it must be plastered in 2 layers: the first - heat-resistant plaster on vermiculite, 6-12 mm, and after complete drying - moisture-resistant external plaster 2-4 mm, maybe decorative.

Video: the process of building a Pompeian oven

How to bake?

Professional stoves (see below) are heated continuously or with short breaks. The family one, described above, needs to be started for baking at least 1.5 hours in advance, gradually adding firewood. Noble pizza is baked only on olive wood; cherry, alder, apple, etc. will go into their oven. fruit trees. Remember these points:

  1. You cannot bake with pellets; they are only suitable for accelerating the stove.
  2. The taste of the pizza depends on the type of wood, so heating with pine wood and waste fuel is unacceptable.
  3. As a type of tobacco for good smoking pipe It is undesirable to change it, and it is best to heat the pizza oven with the same wood.
  4. Before changing the type of firewood, if necessary, you need to heat the stove with straw for at least half an hour, and then fire it with new firewood for double the duration.


The stove described is good, but simplified. It's suitable for a picnic, but it's difficult to bake pizza after pizza in it all at once. In addition, a professional furnace must be larger, with a hearth working area diameter of 1 m. This leads to the following design features, see figure:

  • Effective thermal and waterproofing under the foundation with a distance of at least 1 m to the sides to prevent extraneous fumes from entering the furnace.
  • Due to its large weight, the stove is built on trenches that transfer its weight to the base.
  • To maintain the required temperature and circulation of gases in the large chamber, some air flow is required from behind, for which an air duct is provided.
  • The dome is double with intermediate thermal insulation, for the same purpose.
  • The chimney has a view, which regulates the draft depending on the type of fuel, outside temperature and, most importantly, the discretion of the chef.

More about mini ovens

The author of the article was once invited to a pizza picnic. But, as it turned out, there was no trace of a special oven there. The hostess and her friends were completely sure that the pizza was fried over coals in a frying pan. What should I do?

Among the dishes there were 3 glazed clay dishes, two identical large ones and one smaller one. I had to think twice and even point my finger at the calculator to determine when the pizza would arrive. Then the workpiece was placed on a smaller dish, it was placed in a larger one and covered with another. Meanwhile, the fire had burned down to coals, they were cleared away, a makeshift stove was placed on the fire and covered with coals.

After the calculated time had elapsed (heating inside from 300 to 400 degrees for 5-6 minutes), the pizza was removed and eaten. It turned out so-so, it took a long time to warm up to 300 degrees. But it turned out to be a revelation for the ladies; they weren’t even offended and took note.

And after some time, the “inventor” was surprised to learn from them that a similar mini-pizza oven, it turns out, had been mass-produced by Earthfire in South Africa for a long time, see fig. It costs a lot on sale, about 2000 rubles, and requires fairly high culinary skills. However, it is completely energy independent and will come in very handy at a picnic with pizza.

About modular ovens

There are kits on sale for quickly building small adobe pizza ovens. The kit includes a set of ceramic modules and their binding solution. The pedestal with thermal insulation and the thermal insulation of the dome must be done yourself. How to assemble such furnaces is generally shown in Fig. detailed instructions always included. Cost of the kit with cost additional materials, as a rule, does not exceed that for materials for self-built, A for those who want to try pizza from an adobe oven, this is the only real opportunity to do so.

Ø Today, the pizza oven segment is quite widely represented on the market of professional equipment for bars and restaurants. For small establishments, the use of mini-ovens, which are elongated rectangular devices with one or several chambers, is extremely important.

Pizza ovens

Pizza ovens great at cooking various dishes made from dough, which includes pies and bread. A feature of this type of equipment is constant uniform heating throughout the entire working chamber space. Pizza deck ovens- the most popular and most widely represented type of professional equipment in this category. They, in turn, are divided into single-chamber and multi-chamber. A special feature of such furnaces is the presence of special ceramic plates, which are called hearths. Electric hearth pizza ovens differ not only in the size of the baking chambers themselves, but also in the thickness and specific structure of the hearths. When choosing a pizza oven of this type, you should also pay attention to the number and length of heating elements: the more there are, the more efficient and even the roasting of the product. In industrial settings, as well as in large cafes and large pizza delivery chains, conveyor pizza ovens are used. Heat treatment using such equipment takes about five minutes. The operating principle of conveyor ovens is that the conveyor belt passes through an open, double-sided tunnel. These are mechanisms that allow you to automate the pizza preparation process as much as possible: from belt speed to convenient reverse, which allows you to quickly change the direction of movement of the conveyor. The pizza oven can be supplemented with some other functions, which makes working with the equipment especially convenient. These include: enlarged viewing glass, internal lighting, coercive system cooling the hardware compartment and more. You can choose and buy a pizza oven in the WhiteGoods online store for any business! Consult a specialist to choose the best option.

The round flatbread covered with tomatoes and cheese, called pizza by the Italians, began to be prepared on the sunny peninsula back in the 17th century. It was during this period that tomatoes were brought to the European continent from America. The new dish had a good taste, had a composition of ingredients accessible to every Italian and was somewhat reminiscent of open pies. It was prepared mainly for peasants, but it also found a place on the table of monarchs. The bakers who prepared the tomato-cheese flatbread were called “pizzaiolo”.

Classic pizza was made from hand-kneaded yeast dough and two types of flour. It added olive oil, water and a little salt. After kneading, it was sent to proof, then divided into portions and rolled out with a rolling pin. Various products were used to fill the flatbread. The only required ingredients for it were tomatoes and cheese. The pizza prepared for baking was sent to a wood-burning oven called Pompeii.

It had the shape of a hemispherical vault, in which the fire was lit on one side. The cake baking time was 90 seconds at a temperature of 250-275 °C.

Pizza ovens

It's hard to imagine an Italian restaurant that doesn't have pizza on its menu. In the ovens used by catering, you can bake bread, buns, and pies. According to the heating method, they are divided into three main groups:

– wood-fired pizza oven;

– gas;

– electric.

According to the method of loading and baking, they are divided into hearth and conveyor. All professional equipment for restaurants has different productivity, which is determined by the number of products produced per unit of time - hour, day, etc.

Products cooked in such an oven have a piquant taste, which gives the pizza smoke during baking. It runs on wood, charcoal or fuel briquettes, in the production of which they are used hardwoods trees. For its construction, fire-resistant bricks are used that can withstand temperatures up to 1250°C. Performance existing furnaces can be from 1 to 3 tons of products per day. The planned load is calculated for baking pizza with a diameter of 35 cm. Baking duration is 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 350-400°C.

The main disadvantages of stoves of this type are their large mass and open access to fire. They cannot be moved indoors without dismantling.

Electric pizza ovens

This industrial equipment is the most common. It is equipped with electronics that regulate technological processes. The main advantages of furnaces of this type are the ease of their installation and design. They are light in weight and can move freely indoors. It is convenient to equip small cafes, restaurants and pizzerias with such ovens. They can have several tiers. Their installation does not require a foundation. Based on the loading method, ovens are divided into hearth ovens and conveyor ovens.

The duration of baking products in such ovens is up to 15 minutes. Pizza cooking temperature ranges from 20 to 450°C. The heating element of electric furnaces are heating elements, which are removable parts general design and can be easily replaced with others if necessary. Their power can exceed 10 kW.

Gas pizza ovens

Professional furnaces of this type use heating elements gas-burners. You can connect equipment not only to centralized network, but also to gas cylinders. Such ovens are the most economical. Their main disadvantages include increased safety requirements during their operation. Optimal temperature baking chamber 300°C, baking time is 5-7 minutes. Furnaces can have several levels, be hearth and conveyor.

Principles for choosing equipment

Before you buy equipment for restaurants, you need to calculate its required performance. The calculation is based on the indicator of planned sales and the range that is expected to be produced on this equipment. Pizza ovens can be used for baking any dough products, so the planned productivity should be the sum of the total output of all types of products.

Premises selected for organizing catering may have different potential capabilities and equipment connection options. The most economical to operate are gas ovens. But their installation is not always possible due to a number of restrictions associated with increased security requirements. Wood-burning stoves have low productivity, so they can only be used in small establishments. At the same time, they can fulfill the role decorative element pizzeria interior design. Most often, catering establishments use electric ovens. Such equipment can be used for preparing dishes from meat, fish and vegetables. The average power required to operate such equipment is in the range of 15-30 kW. As a rule, its weight does not exceed 800 kg, and for ease of movement it is equipped with wheels.

Of no small importance in choosing equipment is its cost. When determining it, it is necessary to take into account operating costs. Buying cheaper stoves is not always effective. The purchased equipment must be economical and reliable in operation, and its repair facilities must be accessible. Any breakdown brings losses to the establishment and is associated not only with repair costs, but also with downtime.

An industrial approach to the production of equipment for public catering involves equipping it with electronics, which allows for maximum automation of baking processes. This equipment allows you to significantly reduce the number of workers involved in its maintenance. But only a professional electronics engineer can cope with programming its “filling”. You should not purchase equipment with a high level of electronic content if there is no such specialist on staff.

Where can I buy pizza ovens?

Ovens for pizzerias are produced by manufacturers from various countries, including domestic companies. You can buy pizza ovens directly from the manufacturers. But this method of purchase is associated with long term expectations of the product associated with the period of its manufacture. It is easier to buy stoves from specialized trading companies. They offer finished goods, which they have in stock.

Ovens for pizzerias can also be purchased in the online store, the range and prices can be found. This method of purchase is convenient because it provides the opportunity to purchase equipment even in those regions where there are no manufacturers or specialized sales organizations. When purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to the warranty period, the availability of certificates of conformity and the possibility of service.

Electric pizza ovens are now used not only by professional pizza makers in local Catering, but also by “amateurs” at home. A person who has no idea about technical specifications high-quality device, it will be quite difficult to make right choice electric ovens for baking bakery products are among the presented assortment. In the article below, we have collected basic information, using which it will not be difficult for a potential buyer to correctly select the oven model for preparing the “ideal” pizza, which allows you to save the user’s time and reduce energy costs for “cooking” your favorite snack.

Externally, the design for baking baked goods is similar to a high-power portable oven. By increasing the temperature inside the structure, “volumetric” uniform baking of the dough, the base of the pizza, is achieved.

Despite the first association with the word “stove” associated with the impressive dimensions of the device, modern manufacturers offer their customers “mini” options, along with full-size household appliances. In this case, it is advisable to choose a model based on the available “working” space in the kitchen, since in terms of power and functionality, compact options are not inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, their “big brothers”. Minimum sizes ovens for baking pizza intended for home use, are considered 40*31*16 cm, and the diameter of the resulting product does not exceed 25 - 30 cm. It is worth remembering that in compact gadgets the user will be able to cook only 1 pizza per 1 cycle of operation of the device, while entrusting baking to multi-chamber “cooks” with with average dimensions of 485*380*331 cm, traditionally used by professional pizza makers, the “output” can be obtained at least 2-3 pizzas with a diameter of 35 cm or more per 1 cycle of work.

In addition to differences in the size of their design, pizza ovens are usually classified depending on the type of heating element, the method of “loading” and the actual baking of baked goods.

Based on the type of heating, the devices under consideration can be divided into:

  • "wood";
  • electrical;
  • gas.

Traditional wood-burning ovens are usually used in expensive Italian restaurants that strive to convey the flavor palette of the “origins” of this dish with their pizza. For the “baker” to work correctly, it is necessary to ignite the wood in the middle of its internal structure. An hour later, after the maximum heating of the oven to 500 degrees, the firewood is moved to the side, thus ensuring the movement of thermal masses necessary for uniform baking of baked goods. All manipulations with the pizza in the hot device are carried out by bakers using a special “shovel”.

The products resulting from baking in such a device are aromatic, crispy, with a golden brown crust along the edges of a thin layer of dough, covered with an abundance of various ingredients.

Electric pizza ovens are the most popular in use not only among cafe and restaurant owners, but also among amateur chefs. Automatic device for “cooking” implies the presence of removable heating elements, which are the main functional element for increasing the temperature inside the structure of the device in question. In this case, the maximum degree achieved inside the chamber does not exceed 400-450. Accordingly, the “cooking” speed in electric oven will be slightly lower than with a similar process using firewood.

Gas appliances for baking baked goods use gas burners as their heating element. Due to the “democratic” cost of this natural resource, this type of device is considered the most economical and preferable for use in mass production of pizza. However, when purchasing a gas stove, you need to take care to comply with the increased safety requirements of the type in question. household appliances.

Based on the type of “loading” and the direct preparation of baked goods, ovens are also traditionally divided into:

  • hearth (an electric tubular heating element installed in the upper and lower parts of the functional chamber of the oven increases the temperature inside the structure, resulting in uniform baking of the pizza, which is at that time on a ceramic “pallet” - the hearth);
  • conveyor (in this case, pizza is prepared by passing along a moving conveyor through " work area", maintaining continuous circulation of hot air).

How to choose

Having made sure that there are several basic classifications of pizza ovens, it would also be advisable for a potential buyer to evaluate the most popular advantages and disadvantages of using household appliances in the segment in question.

The main advantages of such devices are:

  • the aroma of the snack (especially in the case of “cooking” in wood stoves);
  • speed of product preparation (especially in conveyor-type devices);
  • possibility of preparing several pizzas in 1 oven cycle.

Analyzing the possible disadvantages, it is worth noting:

  • high cost of “fuel” (especially in the case of wood-burning and electric gadgets);
  • impressive dimensions of most models of the devices in question;
  • the need to comply with increased safety requirements.

Having convinced yourself of the advisability of such a purchase, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the criteria below, based on which, the buyer will easily be able to make a choice in favor of a high-quality model.

  1. Planned pizza production volumes. If the oven is purchased for home use or in a cafe as a non-main dish, it is advisable to pay attention to a compact electrical device, producing 1 - 2 pizzas per operating cycle. However, if the oven is planned to be used in a fast food restaurant or pizzeria, it is advisable to give preference to multi-level devices with several sections that deliver “output” 5 - 8 products per cycle.
  2. Power consumption (if we are talking about using an oven operating from a power source). Optimally, this indicator should not exceed the traditional 220 V. Under such conditions, baking bakery products will not only be fast, but also as economical as possible.
  3. Productive capacity. In this case, we recommend giving preference to devices with an indicator of 5 - 10 kW.
  4. Availability of additional functions. Built-in options such as a heating sensor, protection against overheating of the structure, a timer, a viewing window, all kinds of light indicators, and so on are extremely welcome.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing an oven for cooking pizza, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following list of the best household devices included in the rating of the top models of appliances in the segment under consideration.

Best models

  • Power consumption: 220 V
  • Number of cameras: 2
  • Device power: 3 kW
  • Case material: steel
  • Additional options: presence of a viewing window; built-in timer
  • Weight: 33 kg
  • ease of use and cleaning of the household device
  • high pizza baking speed
  • resistance to external damage to the housing
  • high cost of the stove
  • large dimensions of the device
  • "rarity" of functional parts

The ideal combination of functional properties and resistance to mechanical damage makes the stove model in question ideal for connoisseurs of high-quality household appliances.

  • Power consumption: 220 V
  • Number of pizzas the oven can accommodate in 1 cycle: 2
  • Number of cameras: 2
  • Acceptable temperature regime: 0 – 350 degrees
  • Device power: 2.4 kW
  • Housing material: metal with heat-resistant powder coating
  • Additional options: presence of a viewing window
  • Weight: 32 kg
  • modern look
  • built-in illumination of internal “chambers”
  • “thoughtful” system for “removing” moisture from the stove
  • no timer
  • large dimensions
  • heavy weight

Despite the impressive dimensions of the design of the stove in question and the absence of some additional options, the device perfectly copes with its direct “responsibilities” associated with quickly baking pizzas.

  • Power consumption: 380 V
  • Number of pizzas the oven can accommodate in 1 cycle: 4
  • Number of cameras: 1
  • Permissible temperature range: 20 – 450 degrees
  • Device power: 5.2 kW
  • Case material: steel
  • Additional options: presence of a viewing window, built-in emergency thermal switch
  • Weight: 130 kg
  • presence of warning lamps
  • fast chamber warm-up time
  • ease of cleaning the structure
  • high price
  • insufficient number of pallets
  • high electricity consumption

A high-quality pizza oven from a domestic manufacturer, which allows the user to prepare the desired baked product “at the proper level” in the shortest possible time and with minimal energy consumption.

  • multifunctionality
  • Possibility of folding 180 degrees
    • no temperature scale
    • poorly thought out body design
    • build quality

    A multifunctional pizza oven model at an affordable price that can satisfy the basic needs of most buyers of devices in this segment.

    By purchasing a high-quality oven for personal use for preparing baked goods, in particular pizza, the user can be confident in taste qualities dishes “on the way out”, as well as in significant savings in time and energy for direct “cooking”. The information provided in this article will help make the right choice even for a buyer who is not faced with similar devices previously.