Mixer      04/06/2019

Planning a garden and vegetable garden at a summer cottage from a to z. Planning crops and compatibility of vegetables in the garden

The Earth for Us is a natural wealth that fed our grandfathers and parents. Today only a small percentage people are able to interact with it directly - coming to their dachas a couple of tens of kilometers away, living in rural settlements or their own a private house in the city. All these options often converge on one thing - cultivating work, removing weeds, planting cultivated plants and (or) ... Sometimes, all these things are carried out on the “weekend”, after working days. But, you also need to rest, go out summer terrace or just stand on the edge of the garden and contemplate how you were able to correctly plan the garden on your site.

Of course, while you have endless expanses of snow in front of you, you can’t really “plan”, but you have a warm blanket, a cozy chair, you’ve made yourself some delicious tea, and you can just start to decide from a theoretical point of view how you want to plan your garden.

If you decide, you can give everyone square meter the land looks like cultivated plants will produce up to 15%-20% more harvest, the flowers will be slimmer, and the eye will only be happy

Based on this, we offer you the following points, which We will reveal during our “journey” of planning a “workspace”:

  • We decide on a planting plan;
  • We form the correct dimensions and position of the beds;
  • Alternation of crops - what is it and what is it eaten with;
  • Combined landing;
  • Crop rotation and many other “hot” issues and their solutions.

Planning beds

Soil in the garden

We are sure that you, as an experienced person in terms of the annual selection of crops grown on your plot, know that in order to plan them you need to know which soil in the garden is more suitable for a particular variety or variety. And if earlier this was done “by eye”, now it is necessary to correctly determine the soil composition, which means it is imperative to know it acidity (pH).

This is quite simple to do - take samples taken from the garden to a special laboratory. It is imperative, for a more accurate composition, to take several samples from different parts of it. If you don’t want to wait a long time, pay, or are just interested in Is it possible to do this test at home?, we answer - maybe not so accurate, but it’s possible. To do this, take the same “samples”, mix them thoroughly to make a literally homogeneous mass and pour some of it into a jar or other container. Next, pour a little vinegar and see the result. There will be 2 of them, and each will indicate its own designation:

  • Bubbles appear on the soil sample upon contact with vinegar, which will mean neutral pH;
  • The vinegar will be absorbed into the ground without any visible reaction, which will determine acidic pH soil.

Let’s say right away that this is not the most accurate analysis, but it allows us to quickly and clearly illuminate this important issue.

Planning rules or how to plan a vegetable garden

In addition to the composition of the soil, plan the site will help good location those few beds that you are already “sorting through” in your imagination. Here are a few rules to help you with this:

  • Most the best option The location of the garden is flat terrain. In cases where the plot is located on a slope, choose the southern or southeastern part;
  • Be sure to resolve the issue with . Innovation or automation is not important here - it’s your choice. Both large and small gardens love the availability of water, which will be more convenient for you;
  • Determining the soil. Chernozem is best suited for planning a vegetable garden and getting a rich harvest. But if heavy clay predominates in the soil, you will have to refine it and bring peat, sand, or black soil itself to the site;
  • If you have not yet decided how to make beds correctly and where to start, start by planning the area at a distance from the trees. They will not create shade, and at any time the soil will be warmed by the sun's rays.
  • From south to north beds are located if the land you own is in a lowland. Often, the earth is constantly damp, which means it needs to be warmed by the sun;
  • From west to east, beds are planned in case of dry soil. The row spacing will be under the shade of the plants, which will retain moisture;
  • When the ground slopes, it is better to divide the beds across;
  • South side suitable for planning a vegetable garden, and the northern– garden, if the area is not initially level.

How to plan a vegetable garden

Creating a planting plan

We agree that planning a garden is painstaking work that will take a single day, but without it you will not produce rich harvests, and this place will not become a vacation for you.

The first thing we start with is drawing a plan of “possessions” on paper

The drawing should have a maximum full information: shape and size, information about soil acidity, its orientation. Next, divide the site into zones - garden, vegetable garden, residential and utility zones. It will be great if you observe and note the amount of shadow from buildings and trees. Now, in order to plan the garden more clearly, we make a “model” of it. To do this, cut out strips of paper and write the name of the plants you will plant, as well as important devices such as watering centers. Place them, play around and find the right combination. For those who believe that these actions “can be omitted,” let’s say that it’s better to prepare on paper than to find right places in the garden itself in the spring. When all the forms and places are determined, you can think about the varieties and varieties of crops that are needed in the garden.

Correct beds

If proper beds are absent in the garden, then there will be no rest - everything will be painstaking work. Therefore, we will pay attention to the beds in order to properly plan the garden.

  • Lower or raise

There are several positions of the beds: deepened, raised, flush with ground level. The level is determined by the availability of watering every day and natural conditions. For example, if you cannot water your beds every day, then it is better to deepen them, and vice versa.

  • Dimensions

The forms can be completely different, the most important thing is easy access. If the length can be any, then the width for convenient access should not be more than 1 meter. Optimal width – from 60 cm. Design of sizes – according to your desire (brick, slate, etc. or not).

  • Crop rotation of your crops

This is one of the most important issues that must be resolved not only in order to plan a vegetable garden, but also to get a rich harvest. The turnaround time for “returning to your previous place” is about 4 years. Therefore, we recommend dividing the entire area into 4 sections, and observing all the necessary sequences, according to the crop rotation tables.

  • Combined planting of crops

Here, in order to properly plan a site, it is worth knowing which crops will not be able to live side by side, and which will even help grow, forming a “community”. For example, beans and beans are known among agronomists as the “Three Sisters” because their growth rates are perfectly suited to each other. But it’s worth knowing that not all plants are so “friendly.” Dill and knowledgeable person will never sit next to you. The same applies to beans and... In order to understand exactly which cultures help and which ones “cheat” each other, see the TABLE:

Culture compatibility table

Culture compatibility table

Interesting tip: garlic can not only help a person strengthen the immune system, but also allow one to take care of the “immune system” of plants. This means they will get sick much less. To do this, make a healthy infusion according to the recipe: chop 5 garlic cloves and pour boiling water (1 liter) over them, then close the lid and let it steep for about 20 minutes. Immediately after this, you can water indoor and garden plants with this infusion to prevent any diseases.

Planning and planting a vegetable garden of 6 acres

Planning a large garden is quite simple, due to its good dimensions. But on 6 acres you can’t really roam around. But this is not a problem, especially if you take into account several nuances:

  • Garage position;

Do not build a garage in the back of the dacha (house), because you will need to allocate a road (access) for the car.

  • The garden on the south side will cover most during the day there is shade in the garden;
  • It is better to install the grill on the windward side;
  • The non-standard shape of the flower beds will not only allow you to plan your garden, but will also visually expand it;
  • A mini-garden located in the area of ​​the barbecue or gazebo will decorate the perimeter and save space;

To do this, a block is knocked together from boards, soil is poured in and flowers or crops are planted. The bed can be fenced with a fence to limit the beds.

  • Drainage systems in lowlands are simply irreplaceable;

If your site is located on a slope, then the lower part will always contain excess moisture. Exactly drainage systems, disguised in special terraces, will visually and actually make using the site more convenient.

These tips will serve as a good lesson in how to plan a simple vegetable garden. small sizes, and areas of large dimensions.

So, by adhering to the above measures, you will be able to create a proper vegetable garden right from a piece of paper this spring, which will bear fruit to your delight

We wish you to relax in your garden plot and not believe people who say that work in the country turns into torture. Turn your site into a fairy tale right now.

Vegetable garden planning- great art. With a sensible approach, you can count on good harvest. I suggest you step by step instructions garden planning. Following simple tips, even a beginner can cope with a rather difficult task - to competently plan a vegetable garden.

Step one. Decide on the crops you plan to grow this year.

Once you start deciding what vegetables to plant in your garden, you will notice that the possibilities are endless. There are thousands of varieties of tomatoes alone! When choosing varieties, pay attention Special attention to the descriptions in the catalogue. Each variety will be slightly different: one will give bigger harvest, the other is suitable for small gardens, as it requires less space, the third offers greater resistance to disease, the fourth has greater tolerance to cold, and so on ad infinitum.

Give up the habit of constantly using your seeds. Any variety gradually degenerates. Buy new varieties of vegetables every year and experiment.

Step two. Conduct a site inspection.

In order for garden planning to be successful, you should draw a diagram of the garden and mark on it:

  • shaded places,
  • the sunniest places
  • low places,
  • sandy places,
  • areas with heavy clay soil.

Based on this information, you need to choose the optimal location for each plant.

Let's decide on the crops you will grow in the shadow. The darkest places are best reserved for planting fragrant herbs: cardamom, mint, parsley. Sorrel and spinach also do not need large quantities sun. Leeks and garlic feel good in the shade. Penumbra Suitable for growing beets, broccoli and cauliflower. But for tomatoes, peppers, melons and pumpkins, it is best to reserve the most sunny places.

The most low places the plot is suitable for growing cucumbers, cabbage, onions and garlic, radishes, sorrel, spinach and lettuce.

Sandy places allocate for growing early-ripening vegetables, since sandy soil warms up faster and will provide the necessary warmth to vegetables at the time of their abundant growth. Clay soil, on the contrary, warms up more slowly and is suitable for late crops.

You have already made the first sketches of the garden plan, you can move on to the third planning step.

Step three. We decide on the final arrangement of vegetables.

You have already staked out some places for certain vegetables. Let's bring the plan to fruition. Read the article about. Now you can wisely choose neighbors for your vegetables.

Step four. We are planning watering.

Think about how you will water the garden. You may need a place to run a hose or spray tape or a wider path for water supply. If you are collecting for irrigation rainwater– select a place for this in the center of the garden and install containers there to collect rainwater.

Step five. We outline the beds.

Now that we have decided on a place to grow vegetables and a method of watering, we need to think about the size and placement of the beds. The approximate desired yield will help determine the size of the beds.

Culture Yield in kilograms per square meter. meter
White cabbage About 3 kg
cauliflower 1.5 kg
red cabbage 2 kg
Brussels sprouts 2 kg
parsley 2-3 kg
parsnip 3 kg
celery 2-3 kg
carrot up to 5 kg
beet up to 5 kg
radish 2 kg
turnip 2 kg
radish 2 kg
garlic 2 kg
onion 2 kg
cucumbers 3 kg
pepper 3 kg
tomatoes 3 kg
eggplant 3 kg
pumpkin 5 kg
zucchini 4 kg
beans 1.5 kg
peas 1 kg
dill 2 kg
spinach 2 kg
leaf salad 2 kg
early potatoes 2 kg
late potatoes 3.5 kg

These are very approximate figures. Your harvest may be larger or smaller. These numbers are given to give you an idea of ​​the size of the beds.

Competent beds must meet several requirements.

  1. You should be comfortable caring for your garden beds.

To do this, provide paths between the beds. They should be no narrower than 30 cm. The width of the bed should not exceed a meter. It is better to make narrow and long beds - they are more convenient to weed. If you can approach the bed only from one side, and on the other it is adjacent to a building or reservoir, then let the width of such a bed be no more than half a meter. Long and narrow beds are very convenient both for sowing and harvesting.

  1. The direction of planting should be from south to north.

This way the plants will receive more light. This will have a good effect on productivity. If you live in a cold climate, make the beds slightly sloping. Let them be a little higher on the north side, and a little lower on the south side. This will help the soil absorb a little more heat.

The beds can be fenced - this will save you time next year, because the beds will already be ready.

If you have a small garden, consider growing two or more crops in the same bed at the same time. Take advantage. Some crops can be grown one after the other within one season - consider this possibility.

Well, that's the stage garden planning came to an end, it was time for real work. Don't throw away your plan. Next year you can check it and choose new places for vegetables, because it is not recommended to grow the same crop in one place for several years in a row. Moreover, there are rules for crop rotation, following which you will increase the productivity of your garden.

Garden planning is one of the components spring work. Every summer resident makes a site plan and placement of plantings, at least mentally. Some people keep entire notebooks with notes and planting diagrams in order to maintain crop rotation in the garden. Planning a vegetable garden allows you to make the most efficient use of your plot area. It is especially in demand in areas with a small area.

Common types

There are several models of vegetable garden. They differ in purpose and form.

Rectangular– combines garden and vegetable crops. Beds with vegetables are placed alternately, behind them are shrubs, and in the distance are trees. This model is usually used on square plots, and with all the variety of crops, the square shape is preserved.

Decorative– performed in the form of a circle. Planted in the center of the circle decorative types– flowers or other plants. Behind them a ring is placed berry bushes, for example, raspberries, strawberries. There are trees along the edges.

free The model is built based on the conditions and size of the site. Vegetable and garden crops are planted in any form. Often in this model, the placement of plantings depends on lighting and watering capabilities.

Typically, difficulties with planting arise for those who have purchased a new plot. But experienced summer residents beds are also planned in advance each year. To make planning your garden faster and easier, you can use the following tips.

Orientation of beds

When planning beds and plantings in the garden, you need to decide on the cardinal directions. It is necessary to lay out the beds from south to north and from west to east. This arrangement will allow the plants to be illuminated more evenly and the soil to warm up.

It is advisable to plant on the north side fruit trees and shrubs, as they will protect the garden from the cold wind. Heat-loving plants are usually planted on the south side of the site. The northern side is sown with root crops - radishes and turnips.

Soil of the site

The success of growing crops depends on how fertile the soil is on the site and its granulometric composition. Fertile soils with high content humus has a light loose structure and usually neutral pH. If the soil in the garden is heavy and loamy, then it must be fertilized annually with organic matter.

For example, compost, peat, manure or humus. Sandy soils are usually poor in minerals, since they are quickly washed out of such soil. Therefore, they also need to be added mineral fertilizers, peat and manure.

Site location

The topography of the garden is of no small importance. Areas located in lowlands will be subject to waterlogging. Therefore, it is necessary to make drainage diversions on them and periodically add soil.

Highly located areas are often exposed to strong winds, making the soil more likely to deplete. In these areas, it is advisable to plant trees and shrubs around the perimeter. Some areas are located on slopes, because of this, after heavy rains, all the water tends to fall. In this case, agronomists recommend placing plantings across the slope.

Based on the above conditions, each summer resident can make his own garden planning.

Preparing the site for planting vegetables

To prepare the area for planting vegetables, a diagram is drawn before the start of the season. All buildings are reflected on it, as well as beds. After the beds are placed, you can plan the irrigation system, paths, and so on.

What beds to plan

In order to get the maximum yield of vegetables, it is necessary to prepare for the plants good conditions. They play an important role here. For low-lying areas and vegetable gardens with poor soil the best option There will be raised and fenced beds.

Their advantage is that it is necessary to raise the soil level and improve its fertility not in the entire garden, but in each individual bed.

Bulk beds are made high and fenced with cobblestones, bricks, special barriers or slate to prevent the soil from spreading.

On poor soils, if they do not become waterlogged and do not suffer from excess moisture, the ground level may not be raised. It is enough to prepare the bed and fence it with barriers. Peat, humus, compost and ordinary soil are added to the garden bed.

In small areas you can plant all the desired crops. This requires several pieces plastic pipe small diameter. It is installed vertically, holes are cut in it and filled with soil. Victoria, strawberries and greens can be planted in such beds.

Neighborhood of cultures

To get good harvests and protect yourself from pests with the help of vegetables, herbs and flowers growing nearby, you need to properly plan the crops that will coexist in the garden.

To do this, you can use a special table, which indicates which ones are and which are not. For example, you should not plant cucumbers and tomatoes next to each other, or several different vegetables from the same family.

When purchasing a summer cottage or a house on land, the owners begin to think about how to organize a vegetable garden. I want to make it not only useful, but also beautiful, blooming, fragrant. Many novice gardeners get lost, don’t know where to start and make many mistakes in their “career as a plant grower.”

A bountiful harvest depends on proper planning planting crops. It is not enough to simply stick seeds into the ground and wait for the harvest. It is necessary to correctly compose the soil mixture, choose appropriate place, organize watering and care of plants. It is better to learn about all these features of setting up a vegetable garden in advance, rather than later being disappointed in the results of your hard work. Here the gardener will find everything useful tips experienced plant growers on organizing a summer cottage, plant compatibility and a lot of other useful information.

Vegetable garden planning: taking into account the size and composition of the soil

Before planting an area, pay attention to its size and soil. If the territory is small, there is no need to scatter too much about planting crops. That's why experienced gardeners It is advised to lay out the garden so that you can mix plants with each other - create beds where two or three types of vegetables will grow in one place. Of course, you shouldn’t grow trees in small gardens. Their root system will “envelop” the entire plot, vegetable crops will grow poorly and slowly. If the area is more than 12 m², you no longer have to worry about the advisability of mixed plantings. Here the gardener plans standard-sized beds and determines the place for cultivation fruit trees, bushes.

When planning a vegetable garden, rely on the basic rules of its organization:

  • Consider the size of the plot
  • Decide what crops you want to grow
  • Collect all the information about them so you know what growing conditions they need.
  • Depending on this, divide the area into zones
  • Examine the soil. If necessary, add compost, humus, peat or sand
  • Decide immediately whether it is needed and choose the optimal place for it.

An important item on the list is soil testing. Why is this so important? The thing is that there are types of soil on which it is impossible to grow certain vegetable crops. Knowing the composition of the soil and its acidity level will help you avoid wasting time growing crops that simply won’t grow. Testing acidity is very easy at home. To do this, take a little earth - a couple of spoons - pour it with vinegar and look at the reaction. If the substrate begins to foam and hiss, it means the acidity is moderate. If no reaction occurs, the soil is acidic; it must be deacidified using slaked lime and ash.

Most vegetable crops do not tolerate acidic soil.

Compost, humus and sand are added to clay soil. If the area is damp, it is necessary to arrange good drainage under the beds - constant puddles do not contribute to the growth of vegetables. Complex and rotted humus is added to soddy-podzolic soils. Only after planning the zones and improving the soil can you begin to cultivate beds and plant vegetables, flowers and trees.

How to make beds: choosing vegetables

Organizing beds requires certain knowledge from the gardener. First of all, this is orientation to the cardinal points. The beds should be arranged in the direction from north to south. This is the best option for crops. It is advisable to choose flat areas, without ridges and hillocks.

The area with vegetables should be open, free from trees and shade.

Most cultures love sunlight, air movement - aeration and soil moisture. Taking this into account, the beds should be laid out. Many people now organize space for vegetables like a high ridge. What's happened? The place is demarcated with boards - a rectangle is built above ground level. The substrate necessary for the culture is added to it.

Such high bed has a number of advantages:

  • It’s easier to work with – weeding, watering, thinning
  • The earth retains heat longer
  • Careful appearance vegetable garden - everything is organized

But if you don’t want to build such structures, cultivate ordinary beds. The optimal width will be approximately 90 cm. Do not make areas for vegetables that are too wide. They are difficult to care for. It is necessary to violate the integrity of the ridge when weeding and. Between the beds there should be a distance sufficient for the free movement of a person with a small garden cart. Narrow passages do not allow normal work with plants - watering, weeding, fertilizing.

You can grow any crops you want in the garden beds. Everything will depend on the family’s diet and the wishes of the owners themselves. It is important to consider the order of planting vegetables and their compatibility. The first to land are , and . A little later, the remaining crops - , . The latter are usually grown as seedlings; planting in the ground occurs when there is no threat of frost. This is mid or late May depending on the region. When choosing vegetable crops to grow on your plot, always take into account the family’s diet. What will be eaten and what the household does not like. It’s not worth wasting time on plants that will later be thrown away. This is a waste of space and a waste of time.

The concept of plant compatibility is relevant for small garden plots. As a rule, they use a mixed method of growing crops. Several types of vegetables and herbs are planted in one bed to save space. This is why plant compatibility should be taken into account. What to plant with what? Below are pairs of crops that can be combined:

  • Potatoes go well with, and
  • gets along with peas,
  • loves to grow up with and catnip
  • adjacent to, spinach, and
  • gets along well with celery, peas and
  • friends with catnip
  • it is better to plant with and
  • with , and

In this order, you can combine vegetables and safely reap abundant harvests. Pay attention to flowers such as marigolds. This is enemy number one for vegetable crops. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise planting them around the perimeter of the beds. Vegetables are often mixed with herbs - parsley, dill, lettuce. These plants are so-called “intermediaries”. They help the main crop grow.

By observing these simple compatibility pairs, you can reap a good harvest even from a small garden plot. However, it is necessary to observe not only the rule of “friendship” of plants, but also crop rotation.

The rule of crop rotation comes down to one thing - you cannot endlessly grow one type of crop in the same place. They definitely need to be swapped. Otherwise, the soil will become depleted and impoverished. You will have to enrich it and give it rest, which is usually not part of the gardener’s plans.

So, a novice summer resident should consider the following rules:

  • Potatoes are planted in the place where they grew