Mixer      06/15/2019

Change the valve on the gas pipe in the apartment. Relocating a gas pipe in the kitchen. Using decoupage

You don't need to worry about turning off the gas at the riser, we'll take care of that ourselves!

The price includes departure and necessary materials(pipes, fasteners, gaskets, seals, etc.). No surcharges or surcharges on the spot!

When ordering this service, you will receive a new gas tap as a gift!

An example of work in the kitchen to move a branch of a gas pipe under the countertop:

Before transfer gas pipe the tap was at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. When planning the kitchen, the gas outlet with the tap ended up in the wrong place.

After moving the gas pipe, the tap is located at a height of 78 cm from the floor, which complies with SNiP standards and is placed under the countertop.

Tip: If you decide to move the gas pipe in the kitchen under the countertop, when developing a kitchen project, immediately think about where to place the gas tap!
The gas tap should not be located in the washing area, in the drawer in which household appliances are located.
It is necessary to choose a free box with a width of at least 30-40 cm, in which case there will be no problems with the location of the gas tap.

Transferring a gas pipe under a countertop with two taps (for an oven):

Initially, the outlet with the tap was located at the level kitchen apron and a little fell on the top hanging drawer, which caused frustration. We chose a place under the countertop according to the kitchen plan - a free drawer with a hinged door, in which we eventually placed two outlets: for hob and oven.

Before the work, there was one tap, which was located above the countertop.

Two gas taps under the countertop (for the hob and oven).

Norms and rules for the location of gas pipes in the apartment

To perform high-quality installation or transfer of gas pipes, you must follow the rules.

Violations that people are not even aware of may be a large number of(Over 100) !

To answer possible questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them:

  • It is prohibited to connect a gas appliance using multiple hoses; the hose must be solid;
  • Gas pipes and equipment are prohibited from being located in residential premises;
  • Gas pipes cannot be walled up; laying them in niches is not allowed. Gas pipes along their entire length must be accessible for inspection and maintenance;
  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas tap. The gas pipeline to the tap must be without threaded connections;
  • The minimum height of the horizontal sections of the gas pipe is 50 cm from the floor;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross the electrical cable. The distance between them should be at least 10 cm at intersections. (40 cm with parallel installation);
  • Indoors with gas equipment there must be a door;
  • The gas tap must be located close to the device, always in the same room;
  • Flexible eyeliner(hoses) are used only for connection from the tap to the device. The hose must not cross the gas pipe;
  • The geyser cannot be installed in the toilet;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross ventilation duct;
  • The gas tap should not be located directly above the stove (heating zone).

During renovations, for many of our compatriots, the gas pipe in the kitchen becomes a stumbling block.

This problem cannot be avoided, it is inevitable - even the most exquisite interior will not be able to distract you from the old metal pipe, ugly hanging from the ceiling or sticking out of the floor. It cannot be removed either - it is an integral component of any gas system.

But don’t despair – you can simply hide gas pipes in the kitchen!

To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with several design techniques:

  • Furniture – as an option, you can hide the presence of a gas pipe with a nice wall cabinet. The pipe itself will be hidden inside, and access to the tap will be unhindered;
  • A false cabinet - this luxury can be ordered or simply made with your own hands. A false cabinet is a box that covers a gas pipe. Attractive appearance and access to all key elements of the gas system (a mandatory safety requirement) will allow you to hide the element that spoils the interior;

  • Hanging metal screens– such elements are necessary when hiding heating pipes, but, according to experts, they ideally hide gas communications;
  • Painting pipes is the most economical and affordable option. By painting the pipes in the same tone as the walls, you will visually move them into the background, and they will not be conspicuous;

Advice!!! Don’t be afraid of bright and creative solutions - by painting a gas pipe with gold paint, you will understand that a clumsy design element can become a nice addition to the interior of your kitchen.

A little about decor

If you simply don’t have time to deal with major alterations and improvements in the kitchen, then you can simply turn the gas pipe into a stylish attribute of the kitchen. How to do it?

Let's see:

  1. Thick gas pipes can be decorated with decorative interior mosaics. This solution will look stylish and unusual, and will definitely arouse the interest and admiration of your guests.

  1. Artistic painting - if you are a creative person and have a little skill with a brush, then a gas pipe can be turned into something extraordinary - for example, repaint the pipe as a “birch tree”.

  1. Decoupage technique – decor lovers are familiar with this technique, where you can create unusual patterns and compositions using PVA glue, multi-layer napkins and varnish.

In addition to the above examples, there are whole line ways to decorate and disguise a gas pipe, so let's look at them in more detail.

- look here.

Gas pipes have an unattractive appearance and interfere with the creation of a harmonious interior (with their presence they interfere with the normal arrangement of furniture and household appliances).

A plasterboard box for the gas pipe in the kitchen will help solve this problem.

If you decide to mount the box on a plasterboard pipe, then you will probably need to know all the pros and cons of such a design.


  • Ease of installation;
  • Aesthetics.


  • When installing such a box, you have to sacrifice the space of the room, which is quite painful for small kitchens;
  • Such boxes contradict safety measures (gas tap and pipes must be accessible);
  • When replacing or repairing gas communications, this design will have to be completely dismantled.

Technical side of the issue

To create such a box you will need the following tool:

  • Screwdriver, self-tapping screws, screwdriver (Phillips with thick handle);
  • Vertical profile;
  • Drywall sheets (it is recommended to use moisture-resistant ones);
  • Metal scissors;
  • Roulette.

All these tools and materials can be purchased at any hardware store.

Attention!!! Before masking a gas pipe, consult with gas service workers - not all materials are safe and unsuccessfully hiding the pipe can lead to a small explosion.

Now let's look at the creation process itself:

  • The first thing to start with is to decide on the size of the future box (the main goal is not only to close the pipes and gas tap in the kitchen, but also to leave access to them);
  • We mount a vertical profile on the measured sections of the wall and measure the distance between them;
  • Then, we move on to the drywall and cut out the necessary blanks;
  • We attach the resulting plasterboard blanks to the vertically fixed profiles using self-tapping screws;
  • If there are gaps in the structure, we eliminate them using any polyurethane foam;

So, the main part of the work is done, all that remains is to decorate front side. In general, the main thing in decorating a box is that its style matches the design and colors of the entire kitchen.

Kitchen cabinets and wall cabinets

Another popular option for hiding pipes is to use kitchen set without rear walls. Interestingly, vertical pipes can be easily hidden with the help of pencil cases, and horizontal pipes with hanging kitchen cabinets.

Thanks to modern trends, you can easily order suitable furniture(a set without back walls, having special holes and grooves for pipes).

If purchasing a new set is not part of your plans, then you can make wall cabinets yourself. The price of such products will be tens of times lower, but the pleasant feeling from your own craftsmanship will delight you for many years.

Attention!!! Do not use gas pipes as fastenings for hanging cabinets.

If your kitchen has gas meters, then they can also move to the closet - access to them will always be open, and at the same time they will not be an eyesore. The ideal design of cabinets will hide all the shortcomings of your kitchen.

Note!!! It is not recommended to hide in hanging cabinets geysers– otherwise, your closet will have to be turned into a “victim of the technogenic world”, from which an impressive ventilation pipe will stick out.

We transfer gas systems

In many Soviet-style apartments (Khrushchev buildings), gas pipes protruding from the floor do more than just cause irritation. They really interfere with installing the same gas stove new sample!

Many modern people have decided this problem in our own way - we ordered the removal of gas pipes in the kitchen. What is this service?

Let's start with the routine - first you should leave an application at GorGaz, then wait for the decision of the specialists who will approve or not approve your request. If approved, a specialist will come to you and draw up a rough work plan and estimate. Calculations will be sent to you by email.

In most cases, the price for such services will cost a tidy sum - judging by Moscow, moving a conventional gas tap 15-20 cm lower will cost about 15 thousand rubles. It’s easier not to bother with this issue and just hide the pipes behind the headset.

But how to move a gas pipe in the kitchen if it really gets in the way? You can do this yourself. We turn off the general gas supply, cut off the pipe, weld a new gas valve, weld new gas pipes as necessary and open the general valve.

To check the serviceability of your “creation,” you should invite a specialist from the gas industry (such alterations may cost you a large fine, so it’s better not to risk it and leave everything as is). In general, change something in gas system prohibited by safety regulations.

- look here.

Wiring problems

Often, people complain about such a thing as gas distribution in the kitchen. A complex system made of pipes is practically impossible to alter, and our fellow citizens can only shrug their shoulders.

According to professionals, it is better not to touch such things and hide all connections behind furniture without back walls. Rational decision will protect itself from force majeure.

Unusual disguise options - use your imagination

In many houses there are gas taps installed at a height of 70-75 cm from the floor - they are easily hidden under the countertop of the set, but there is a problem with access to them. Craftsmen did not stand aside here either, making removable countertops in their kitchens.

In some cases, you don’t have to make removable tabletops: as an option, you can simply extend the gas handle, making it higher than the level of the tabletop, while making a special hole for it in the tabletop itself.

It turns out that only a handle will be visible on the surface of the countertop, by turning which you will close and open the gas damper (gas workers will have no complaints against you - such designs fully comply with all standards).

When renovating, another pressing problem may arise - hiding the gas riser in the kitchen. Having visited various authorities, you will not receive an intelligible answer - it is allowed to hide it or not, but something can really be done.

For example, burying it in a box equipped with a removable panel (at the level of the gas tap) - such a design is, in principle, permitted and will not cause any complaints from gas workers.


In many apartments you can see a picture - gas pipes run along the entire kitchen wall, and exactly in the place where the apron should be. How to hide it and give your kitchen expressiveness? For such cases, roof rails were invented! What it is?

The railing system includes an innumerable number of shelves, hooks and hangers to accommodate all kinds of kitchen utensils. In this situation, a gas pipe can serve as an excellent structural element for the railing system.

Equipping your kitchen with such a system is quite simple; you just need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Clean gas pipes until shiny;
  2. Cover them with chrome paint;
  3. Use your imagination in this matter and place heated towel rails, hooks for mittens and aprons above the pipe, and attach shelves for plates and other kitchen utensils.

Your kitchen will be transformed before your eyes - a convenient arrangement of kitchen utensils will transform this room into a real housewife's treasure trove, in which she will enjoy working.


If we summarize, it will immediately become clear that there are practically no restrictions when masking gas pipes - everyone can express themselves to the fullest, making their kitchen brighter and more interesting.

If you want to learn how to make beautiful things from nothing, our website presents detailed photo and video instructions that will help all “homemade artists” to show their talent.

In addition, the price of “camouflage” materials is not high, so each of us can afford such a hobby and a solution to a widespread problem.

- look here.

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

We publish a couple of answers to current issues for laying gas pipes in the apartment. What distance should be from the gas pipe to the sockets? And at what height from the floor can the gas tap be installed? MOSGAZ answers.

At what height should the gas tap be placed and what should be the distance from the gas pipe to the outlet?

Good afternoon Please tell me what the minimum distance should be from the gas pipe to the gas hob and to the sockets? And also, is there standard height location of the outlet with the tap from the floor level? Thank you in advance!

Answer: Dear Irina Sergeevna! In response to your request dated October 22, 2014, MOSGAZ OJSC reports the following.

According to paragraphs. 3.7 and 3.9 of the Moscow standard for the operation of the housing stock “Gas pipelines and gas equipment of residential buildings” (ZhNM-2004/03), approved and put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 2, 2004 No. 758-PP:

— the disconnecting device is installed at the level of the connecting fitting of the gas stove (approximately 80 cm from the floor, depending on the brand of equipment) at a distance of 20 cm from the device; with top wiring, the shut-off valve is installed on the descent to the slab at a height of 1.5-1.6 m from the floor;

— intra-house gas pipelines are laid openly. It is not allowed to cover the gas pipeline with a false wall. At intersections electric wire and a cable with a gas pipeline, the distance between them in the clear must be at least 100 mm, with parallel installation - at least 400 mm.

Sincerely, Yuri Evgenievich Koloskov, first deputy general director OJSC "MOSGAZ"

Replacing a gas tap is one of the most common operations during repair work with gas communications. As a result of long-term use, the valve wears out, which leads to gas leaks.

Solving the problem with the help of specialists

Leakage is one of the most dangerous problems that residents can face. If you smell gas, you need to check the tightness of the faucet using soap foam, which must be applied to pipe connection and valve. If the foam bubbles, there is a leak in that area. In this case, you should immediately seek help from specialists to replace worn parts of the system.

To solve the problem you need to prepare:

  • gas tap (you must first call the service company and find out whether it is necessary to purchase it);
  • documentation (gas supply agreement, technical passport).

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Contact specialists from the gas supply service or a private company licensed for this type of activity. You should tell us by phone about the nature of the problem and leave a request.
  2. Purchase a faucet from a store that specializes in this group of products. Recommended to buy ball valve(nut-nut), since such a device has proven itself to be reliable and has a longer service life compared to its cork competitor.
  3. Before the specialists arrive, prepare a gas supply contract and a technical passport.
  4. Let the gas in the pipe burn out. To do this, light the gas and turn off its supply with the tap near the gas meter. You should wait for the flame to die out completely. This operation will save time, since specialists will not begin work until the gas burns out.
  5. Before starting repair work, you need to ventilate the room. It is recommended to create a draft - this way the gas will disappear faster.
  6. When carrying out work to replace the crane, it is advisable to be close to the repairmen. This must be done in such a way as not to interfere with their work, but at the same time control its quality and monitor compliance with safety regulations.
  7. After the device has been replaced, you and the employee should check it for leaks by turning on the burner in test mode.
  8. The employee must make a note in the documentation about the work performed and affix the seal of the service organization.
  9. It is recommended to leave the windows open for about half an hour, as the room should be well ventilated.

DIY faucet replacement

To replace the tap with your own hands, you need a tool (gas wrench), a gas tap and FUM tape (you can also use special compounds to seal threaded connections). All of the above can be purchased in specialized stores or construction department stores. It is more convenient to replace the gas tap with an assistant.

It should be noted: the gas pipeline has relatively low pressure (unlike, for example, a water supply). Based on this, there is no need to shut off the entire gas network. However, safety measures still need to be taken. First of all, the window must be open when carrying out work. The doors to the kitchen should be tightly closed, and the cracks should be plugged with rags or towels.

We begin the work by dismantling the used gas tap. We remove it using a gas wrench. As soon as the faucet is removed, plug the pipe with a pillow thumb. At this time, the assistant winds on new faucet IR FUM tape or applied to threaded connection sealant.

Please note: before screwing the FUM tape or treating it with a sealing compound, the connection must be cleaned of dirt, dust and traces of corrosion.

When everything is ready, carefully, but without wasting time, connect the gas tap to the pipe. Before screwing in the new faucet, you need to make sure that it is in the “closed” position.

Next you need to make sure the connection is tight. To do this, use the old proven method with a soap solution. Should soap solution apply to the joint and if bubbles appear, the joint will leak. The defect must be corrected immediately: remove the tap and repeat sealing the connection.

At the end of the work, you should thoroughly ventilate the kitchen area and connect the gas stove to the system. Even in the absence of professional skills, the operation to replace a gas tap takes no more than 15 minutes. The advantage of doing the work yourself is significant cost savings. However, if you are not sure about own strength, it is better to entrust this work to specialists from service department gas supplier.

Replacing the tap in a gas cylinder

Any work during which the seal may be compromised must only be carried out by qualified specialists. Carrying out such actions (dismantling and installing locking devices) on your own is dangerous. Although it should be noted that there is nothing particularly complicated in this operation.

Note! In the factory, the threaded connection is sealed with paint. If you do the replacement yourself, you can use FUM tape for gas as a seal.

Dismantling and installation of locking devices on cylinders is carried out with a special mechanical key for screwing in and out of valves. If it is missing, it is allowed to replace the locking devices manually.

Note! In this case, there is no risk of an explosion of a heated gas cylinder, since mixtures of fuel vapors with air are explosive.

There are no such mixtures in the cylinder; it only contains gas vapors. However, when heating the cylinder, you need to monitor the pressure; it should not exceed the permissible value.

The locking device is installed using a torque wrench, the tightening torque for steel valves does not exceed 480 Nm; for brass valves this figure should not exceed 250 Nm.

The technical parameters of valves used for installation on cylinders with liquefied natural gas (propane/butane) are as follows:

  • valve VB-2 with maximum operating pressure - 1.6 MPa;
  • nominal diameter - 6 millimeters;
  • dimensions: 61x54x105 millimeters.

Before replacing the valve, condensate should be drained from the cylinder (this recommendation is often ignored). It is necessary to drain the condensate away from your home, as it has a very unpleasant and persistent odor.

The gearboxes in the cylinders are designed in such a way that they cannot be disassembled. They are not adjustable or repair work. Gearboxes must be replaced at least once every 6 years. It is recommended to check the hoses for leaks every time the cylinder is replaced, but at least once every six months. In this case, it is advisable to install multi-layer and reinforced hoses.

All operations with gas equipment are dangerous if they are not carried out by a specialist. Therefore, any independent actions to replace gas taps are carried out at your own peril and risk.