Mixer      06/16/2019

Band saw pulley profile drawing. Self-made band saw machine for wood. Types of band saws

If you have any hobby, special tools are usually required. Hobbies are different, respectively, the amount of technology is also amazing. It can be very complex or as simple as a Soviet penny. The first, for example, is a band saw for wood or metal. They use it, of course, not only to satisfy their creative needs, but also for more serious work. For example, for repairs.

What is this tool?

A band saw is a cutting tool equipped with multiple cutters.

Actually, only the cutting surface is called that, and the tool itself is called a machine tool. And it can be called a working technique. The band saw itself is a metal band, preferably steel, which is rolled into a ring. On the one hand, teeth are cut, which allow it to work as a cutting tool.

This tape must be installed on a pair of rotating pulleys of the machine - an electric motor with a mains connection is used to create movement. In this way, both straight and curved cuts can be created.

Why do it yourself?

It is preferable, of course, to purchase a tool in a special store that sells just such equipment. True, there are two “buts” here:

  • A price that may seem too high for the average person.
  • Functionality - the point here is that a band saw is far from always included in the list of indispensable tools for a workshop. Most operations can be done without her help, which means that there is no reason to purchase an overly expensive unit.

The second reason basically follows from the first - if the price was not too high, then the majority would buy such an instrument. This is logical, because it is very convenient to work on it.


The project presented here is based on the development of Matthias Wandel, a Canadian inventor who assembled his saw mainly from wood. You might think that it is better to use metal for such a tool, but this is not entirely true.

Band-saw- a machine of this assembly demonstrates good performance, quite comparable with purchased models. In addition, the easily replaceable material allows for instantaneous Maintenance. Concern about replaceable parts will fade into the background.

It is also important to remember that a lot will depend on the selected engine (it is better to use a ready-made one), saws for band machines and blanks.

saw frame

Is the main bearing element the whole structure. You need to use a strong tree - in no case not chipboard, not MDF, plywood or furniture board. A pine inch is perfect for this purpose.

Frame shape - C-shaped. From above it is necessary to make the basis for the guides of the tension mechanism with the upper wheel. On the opposite side, two supports are fixed, which in the future will be connected to the base. The construction itself is multi-layered here - about six layers for strength. But that's not counting the additional overlays.

Gradual gluing is fraught with distortion and inaccuracies. Therefore, you need to strictly control the perpendicularity of the elements. You can also make a frame without supporting legs, but be sure to leave grooves of the right size for them.

Upper wheel motor block

This is the second step to getting your hands on a band saw for wood and metal. The block is a movable structural element that provides belt tension.

Installation takes place on an already prepared frame - the horns of the letter "C", which remained empty. You need to pin your profile (preferably from hard rock tree). It is a wooden rectangular frame, inside of which a movable upper wheel shaft holder is installed.

Corner joints of the frame can be reinforced with inserts. In this kind of work, reliability comes first.

The block itself must move freely. In the upper part, make a hole for a long bolt - this way a band saw for metal can adjust the tension.

The shaft holder must have a tilt adjustment - usually a screw is used for this purpose. The holder itself is fixed in place with two self-tapping screws. To achieve the desired mobility in the future, you need to leave enough play.

A metal lining is installed under the screw, and the shaft itself, after adjustment, will be fixed with the help of another self-tapping screw.

saw wheels

Here it is quite appropriate to use those materials that were rejected earlier. For example, MDF or chipboard. The design, on the basis of which the band saw is assembled, provides for the size of wheels with a diameter of forty centimeters. The thickness can be different, but about two to three centimeters.

The construction here is also glued, from several layers.

The crucial moment, as you might guess, is the central part.

Wheels can be made milling machine. For convenience, immediately drill a hole in the center to align the circles, and also try to leave about a centimeter for finishing after assembly.

You need shafts for ready-made bearings, with a limiter and internal thread on opposite sides. Flanges can be made from the same plywood. They consist of two parts - the first holds the bearing, and the second provides a gap between it and the wheel itself.

Diameter drilled hole should not strictly correspond to the threaded shaft - it is better that the former be slightly larger than the latter.

You will need two wheels, since a band saw for metal or wood provides for such a design. They are identical in size and produced at the same time.

Also, to prevent the saw band from slipping, you can give the initially round wheels a slightly barrel-shaped shape - this will help to avoid many problems. The angle of the bevel on each side must be made at five degrees.

On one of the wheels, install a regular drive pulley, fitted to the belt used.

The last part of the work is balancing. To do this, small bearings are used as a support for the tape. The temporary axis is mounted horizontally, the bearings indicated earlier are installed, and a slight rotation is started.

To improve performance, you can make a few indentations in the lower part of the back of the wheel - this helps to avoid rotation in any position.

Wheel mounting

The top one is installed first. Washers are put on the shaft. The wheel itself must be secured with a bolt plus a thick washer. It's all screwed into the end of the shaft. Use the adjusting screws to mount it parallel to the frame.

The block of the lower wheel is fixed with clamps, after which it is hung on the frame. Next, set the wheels so that they are one plane, parallel at the same time vertical rack. After do not forget to fix the lower shaft.

Adjusting the saw blade guides

Some skill is required here - one of the ends of the tape (which is smooth) rest against the outer ring of the bearing.

From the sides, it should be held. You can use fluoroplastic "crackers", but better fit wood - the latter wears out more slowly.

The protective casing is simply a cut pipe, securely fastened with self-tapping screws or screws.

The tire must be installed with the utmost precision - for a band saw, any misalignment will become noticeable. The tire is fastened in the frame with a groove. You can mark everything on a wide canvas.

If you make a mistake with the groove, then simply expand it and make a corner of metal and a gasket from pieces of paper glued to it. Thus, the tape should stand up straight. The corner, of course, must be carefully fixed.

The latch is equipped with two holes. The first is used in order to press the tire as reliably as possible, and the second - only when working with very thick workpieces. It allows you to lift the first part.

Instead of a conclusion

A very important procedure is the sharpening of band saws.

Moreover, the teeth must be smooth, otherwise the device will quickly become dull. You can use a regular grinding wheel. Depending on the material of the saw - corundum, elbor or diamond. You also need to bring the work to the end with a fine-grained whetstone.

The main thing in such a process is to approach the matter with intelligence and patience. A do-it-yourself band saw is a labor-intensive and long-term project. Mistakes are not allowed here. But if you do everything according to the instructions and consult the advice of experts, then soon a new tool will appear in your workshop.

So, we found out how a band saw is made with our own hands.

Not every one of us will immediately be able to answer the question, what is it? Although, in principle, everyone heard about a band saw (more often it is called a machine). This is nothing more than an ordinary (small) sawmill. For the owner of a private building, and even living in a rural area, the thing is more than necessary (and for a city dweller, it will not be superfluous on the farm).

With its help, you can not only solve many household issues. A band saw with a reasonable approach becomes a reliable source of additional income.

Such a machine, if there is a desire, appropriate skills and a tool, it is quite possible to do it yourself. But so that the reader is not deceived in advance by the easy prospect of its construction, it should be immediately stipulated that this is a rather complicated matter, since a number of problems will arise that will have to be solved.

Organizational events

  1. You will need a separate room or a free plot in the backyard. As practice shows, for the normal operation of a band sawmill, at least 18 m² is required. In terms of size, this a large room in a city apartment.
  2. Given the weight of the workpieces (log, timber) that you have to work with, you need to ensure maximum stability of the entire structure. So there is no point in installing the machine “just on a wooden floor”. You have to take care of a strong base.
  3. The greatest difficulty is the "design" of the adjustment mechanism. Without it, all the boards will "go out" with only one, standard thickness. We'll have to figure out the specifics of his device.
  4. Debugging the operation of the entire mechanism requires certain knowledge in mechanics. In addition, you need to master the technique of sharpening the saw and its wiring.
  5. Appropriate measures must be taken to comply with security measures. Including, when installing a sawmill in a closed room - the arrangement of forced exhaust.
  6. Naturally, you need to have the necessary tools and equipment at hand - a puncher and a number of others.

If the reader is not afraid of all this, then we will continue the story. By the way, a band saw is considered an ideal “unit” for accurately cutting boards of any thickness. Various designs(drawings, diagrams) sawmills are available in abundance. A good owner himself will be able to choose the best option.

We will consider specific model, and using her example it will be easy to understand all the features of the assembly of band saws. All dimensions given are in "mm".

So that after reading the "Instructions" no additional questions arise, it is first advisable to dwell on some general points.

The principle of operation of the band sawmill

The saw mechanism itself is in a fixed, fixed position. The workpiece, intended for cutting, is placed on a trolley, which is moved manually.

Location cutting tool can be both vertical and horizontal. The setting depends on what kind of work is supposed to be done - sawing the logs into pieces or their "dissolution" into boards.

Materials and fixtures

There are many different recommendations on the Internet, including how to assemble a desktop from elements of wood and textolite. But how reliable will such a design be, given the weight of the samples “for sawing”? Plus - what will be the period of use, since any wood, no matter how it is processed, is subject to decay.

Outdoors, definitely metal. The design will turn out to be much more reliable if materials such as a channel, a corner, a steel strip are used for all its elements.

In some of the models offered for self-production, a chainsaw is used as a cutting mechanism. But how expedient is this, given the width of the cut and, as a result, the increased consumption of wood (increase in the mass of sawdust)? Therefore, it is better to install a steel sheet prepared accordingly.

As an option - from a mechanical hacksaw. In addition, the belt design allows you to work with workpieces of a larger diameter.

Depending on what is supposed to be “produced” - a board or slats, what types of wood to work with, the engine model is also selected (pos. 10). For small sawmills, an engine with a power of 2.5 - 3 kW is enough.

Assembly order


The dimensions of it (pos. 9) and the frame (pos. 2) are chosen arbitrarily. In the proposed model they are 500 x 420 (mm). A channel (No. 8) was used as a rod (pos. 7), prepared for the installation of all elements.

Its fastening to the table is a corner ("magpie").


Dimensions are given in the drawings (pos. 11). For the upper (pos. 8) and lower (pos. 1) they are the same.

In order to ensure the safe operation of the sawmill, the upper pulley must be covered with a casing.


Its task is to “quench” vibrations (pos. 5). Since the pulleys are the same, the gear ratio = 1.


Provides centering of the workpiece, which is fed "to the saw" (pos. 6). In this case, it is a metal corner. Cutouts and grooves provide the possibility of changing the position (adjustment).


(Pos. 3). If it is not possible to purchase a factory-made product, then you can make it from steel (cold-rolled - 65G or U8, 10). The thickness of the canvas depends on the type of wood. For soft rocks, it is recommended from 0.2 to 0.4; for solid - from 0.4 to 0.8.

It is necessary to cut the teeth on it, and then solder it into a ring. How to do this, as well as to sharpen it, is a question that requires separate consideration.

Tension mechanism

Details not noted in the text:

  • V-belt (pos. 4);
  • stop (pos. 12);
  • support (pos. 14);
  • adjustment element (pos.15);
  • slider (pos. 16).

It remains to be added that all moving elements are mounted on bearings and shafts. How to choose them correctly according to the existing drawings, there is no point in explaining to the masterful owner.

This design will solve the set economic problems- cut the board, trim it, dissolve it into slats and the like.

Doing with your own hands a large number of works of one direction or another, which involve the widespread use of the board, wooden beam and similar materials, is associated with the need for sawing logs. It is clear that you can always purchase ready-to-use materials, which in our time will not be difficult, or you can buy a factory band sawmill for industrial use. But such decisions are associated with significant material costs, and this is not always justified.

A cheaper option is to develop a band saw for wood with your own hands, but for this you will need to have drawings, a blade made of durable metal, cutting material, as well as some other details.

The main part of such a home sawmill is a saw and a motor that will set it in motion. The best option is an engine with a power of 10 kW: in this case, it will be possible to cut any logs into boards without any problems using a do-it-yourself machine.

What is needed for self-manufacturing of the machine?

It is quite possible to assemble such a band saw with your own hands according to ready-made drawings, thanks to this it will be possible to saw any logs into boards right at home. To perform such work - self-assembly of the machine - you will need:

  • some details of old cars;
  • rolled sectional type;
  • carrying out locksmith and turning works;
  • minor welding work.

During the assembly of such tape machine on wood, you can use old pulleys from any agricultural machinery, the optimal diameter of which is about 30 cm. homemade sawmill best done with pipes of two types of metal: a half-inch diameter and a slightly larger one, as a result of which the latter can be put on smaller pipes, leaving a slight gap of about 0.5 mm.

Making a base and a device for fixing logs

At the first stage of carrying out such work by hand, a base is made for the future machine for turning ordinary logs into high-quality boards. Metal corners are suitable as a material for this. They should be installed upside down, while it is necessary to achieve maximum accuracy in adjusting the wheels, otherwise they will wear out quickly.

Profile pipes measuring 2.5 × 2.5 mm are welded perpendicular to these corners, between them there is a pipe with a diameter of half an inch, on which claws are fixed, which are fasteners for logs.

Such fasteners should move easily in the right directions. To securely fix the log, it is enough to hit the clamps with a hammer a couple of times, as a result of which the material fixation mechanism will jam, and it will be possible to carry out all the required operations with it.

At self-assembly band saws hard metal profile pipes that are installed perpendicular to the base should be made in such a way that they protrude slightly beyond the base. In addition, jumpers should be installed on these pipes: logs will be placed on them before sawing on the machine.

How to properly install pulleys

The pulleys of the machine should be undermined in such a way that, when put on, the belt protrudes a couple of centimeters beyond their edge. All such a structure moves along special guides - pipes, which are located horizontally. This assembly, if necessary, can be fixed in place with bolts.

To prevent the tape from falling off the pulleys while working on the machine, they must not be installed in parallel, but at a slight slope - as a result of such an installation, the tape will “stretch” itself onto the rollers during saw operation.

The right pulley is used as a slave, so it is necessary to attach a spring to it, which automatically tensions it during operation. The left pulley, therefore, is the leading one, therefore it is necessary to fix it rigidly when assembling the tape machine with your own hands. When changing the size of the saw, the drive pulley must be shifted.

How to make the right roller knot

In his own made band saw machine the best option will use hardened rollers. The right decision will make the entire assembly with rollers with his own hands and be sure of its reliability, and not use a ready-made one.

This assembly consists of 3 bearings, two of which are brand 202, and one more, at the back, is slightly larger. The shaft and rollers must be machined in such a way that in the event of a decrease or increase in the width of the saw of the machine, it remains possible to install washers between the bearings.

The shaft should fit into two tubes: a half-inch and a slightly larger one, inserting one into the other. In a half-inch pipe, the shaft should have a slight axial offset, in fact it is welded to the bottom wall.

This entire assembly of the machine, which consists of tubes and a shaft, is attached to the guides with their own hands in such a way that it is possible to adjust the roller assembly in height, move it to the sides depending on the diameter of the logs processed on a self-made machine, and also securely fix it after the end of the adjustment.

Frame and accessories

The frame, the height of which should be one and a half meters, is made by hand from channel 100, to give the structure additional rigidity, it is reinforced with scarves. The block of the machine, which will cut the logs, will move along the channels with the help of stud screws. Rigid fixation to the sawmill of the cutting unit of the saw is carried out by means of bolts with locknuts.

To make the machine more convenient to use, you can do it yourself accessory in which chips will be collected. In the simplest case, this is an ordinary wooden or plywood box, you can also use something else like that.

Thus, a home-made band saw according to the drawings can be made independently even in a garage or a small home workshop. But thanks to this homemade tool with a saw, you can produce boards right on your site by sawing logs.

Working on such a tool, made according to ready-made drawings with your own hands, is quite simple. Putting a log on the bed, fixing it and turning on the mechanism, he will quickly make the necessary processing of the log with a band saw.

In use homemade machine it is necessary to constantly monitor that his saw always remains sharp, and also adhere to safety regulations.

For a good host, the presence of all necessary equipment- this is happiness. It is especially important to have various adaptations for those people who live in own house. For example, a homemade band saw will greatly facilitate the work with wooden products. At the same time, as it is already clear, the device can be built by yourself from improvised materials.

Applications and unit design

In principle, the device is used in sawmills in industrial or domestic settings. It has certain advantages and disadvantages, but it is used very widely.

The device of this unit is quite simple. An electric motor and pulleys are mounted on a stable frame. A cutting blade is attached to them. Thanks to the engine, the operation of the device is ensured. Depending on the type of blade, you have the opportunity to cut not only wood, but also metals, alloys, polypropylene.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

Do-it-yourself band saw is done quickly enough. Naturally, in this case, you must comply with all the requirements of the drawing and be accurate. However, first you need to decide whether it is worth doing it. To do this, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of the unit. So, among the advantages are the following:

High level of performance.

Low heat dissipation.

Excellent work accuracy and high speed.

Possibility to manufacture blanks according to individual parameters. At the same time, you can cut not only in a straight line, but also in curved bends.

For the manufacture and use of the tool you will not need a large number of Money.

3. Carbide. They can be used to cut alloys that are difficult to work with.

4. From tool steel. Such canvases are most often used at home or small workshops. They are best suited for working with simple materials.

Types of machines

Before you start making band saws, you should understand their types. There is such a classification of devices:

Toothless. They possess high performance and can work with metal. A feature of such devices is that they still have small teeth. They work due to friction and additional heating.

Serrated. They can be used to cut wood or plastic. A feature of the canvases in such devices is that they are closed.

Electrosearch. Most often they are installed in large industries where you need to process a large amount of material.

What materials are needed for manufacturing?

It should be noted that not the entire structure can be built from improvised means. Therefore, before making a band saw, you should collect the necessary parts:





Naturally, other tools may be needed. For example, a milling machine.

Instructions for the manufacture and assembly of the device

Now you should start producing the presented unit. To do this, you will have to carry out several steps:

1. If you decide to make an assembly such as a band saw with your own hands, you should already have drawings. They are the key to success. It’s worth starting with the construction of a table and a cabinet on which the mechanism will be fixed. To do this, you will need a furniture board or wood.

3. Now you can make a frame for assembling the entire device. She may have C-shape which provides good tape retention. The support frame is made of a channel on which a steel axle is put on.

4. Now let's deal with the pulleys. They must be put on the axle with bushings, and at its different ends. Naturally, both pulleys must be balanced.

5. In order for the tape not to vibrate, it is necessary to use a damper.

6. All moving parts must be connected to the motor.

7. You can also build a guide mechanism with which the material to be processed will be fed. For this, metal corners are used.

Features of setting up the device

Homemade must be carefully prepared for work. To do this, it should be tested and adjusted. The cutting tape must be strictly at a right angle. Any slight distortion can stop the operation of the machine and become life-threatening.

Please note that the cutting belt must be as tight as possible. Use the driven pulley to adjust. It is with his help that you can normally adjust your machine. It should also be noted that the welding of band saws used in the manufacture (it is quite simple to do it with your own hands) will ensure good strength and stability of the machine.

Saw sharpening

Naturally, any equipment needs periodic repair and inspection. For example, sharpening band saws with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to know its technology. For work, a special machine is used. All work consists of several stages:

1. Initial sharpening (eliminates cracks that have appeared, restores the symmetry and profile of the teeth).

2. Cleaning the canvas from sawdust and dust.

3. Wiring (for restoring the rear and front corners).

4. Final sharpening. It eliminates all distortion and sharpens the teeth.

If you do not have experience sharpening saws, then all actions should be done as carefully as possible. The quality of the device depends on this procedure. If you are not confident in your abilities, then invite an experienced specialist.

What problems can arise during the manufacture of the device?

First of all, you will need sophisticated equipment to do some of the work. For example, not every master knows how to use welding machine. Not everyone has milling machines. Please note that the entire structure must be stable. In this case, one should not forget about the mass of the material that will be processed.

Not everyone manages to deal with the drawing. Please note that the disadvantage of such an apparatus is a fairly wide cut. In general, if you want to build such a unit yourself, stock up essential tool, material and patience.

Features of the saw

Even after you can make the presented design, you should learn how to use it correctly. For example, try to follow all necessary safety rules. Please note that in some cases the blade may burst, so if you are not sure about the strength of its fastening, then do not get too close to the machine.

Observe the following rules for using the device:

The larger the workpiece to be processed, the larger the teeth should be at the saw.

It is better to use universal cutting tapes. This way you don't have to change the blade every time you need to process some other material.

Before manufacturing the device, it is necessary to choose the place where it will stand. This takes into account the size of the room, the presence electrical wiring. Naturally, this place should be well ventilated.

Before work, try to stretch the cutting tape as much as possible. Otherwise, the machine will not only not perform its functions, but will also become hazardous to health.

The unit must not operate for more than two consecutive hours. After that, the tape is removed and left alone for at least a day.

After a long period of work, the machine must be lubricated. Find the right product for your car.

Correct tooth alignment is required.

That's all the features of the manufacture and use of a band saw. Please note that this device requires appropriate care. If you see that it does not work correctly, then it is better to wait a little with the start of its operation. Be attentive and careful.

The popularity of wood in private construction remains high even with the advent of the newest building materials. In many ways, this is facilitated by its reasonable cost, availability and ease of processing. Despite the fact that today you can easily buy suitable board, beam or rail, the issue of self-cutting logs is of interest to every economical owner. And this is natural, because the cost of purchasing industrial wood cannot be compared with the cost of edged lumber. Of course, running your own sawmill for the sake of fixing a fence or repairing a roof is not practical. If we are talking about starting construction on an empty site, then your own sawmill will be very helpful. And you can save on its purchase if you build the unit with your own hands.

The device and principle of operation of the band sawmill

A modern band sawmill is a real automated complex

It is called a band sawmill universal machine, which perform longitudinal sawing of logs in order to obtain standard lumber - boards, timber, sleepers, gun carriages. Structurally, the unit consists of four main components: a band saw and its drive, a mechanism for moving the saw frame, a device for adjusting the height of the working blade and jig for fastening the round. The sawmill is powered by an electric motor or an internal combustion engine. Regardless of the power unit used, its power must provide long work equipment without overload. For a non-professional machine, an asynchronous electric machine with a power of 5 kW or a gasoline (diesel) installation of 6 - 8 liters will be quite enough. With. During the operation of the machine, the torque is transmitted to the impellers (pulleys) with the installed “endless” saw band up to 60 mm wide. Since the saw blade heats up and sags during operation, a hydraulic or spring-type tensioning mechanism is used.

Saw frame device

Longitudinal movement of the frame with established mechanism the drive is carried out on rails installed on a solid concrete base. To do this, hardened steel rollers are mounted in the lower part of the unit body, the ease of rotation of which is ensured by ball bearings. closed type. The maximum length of the processed timber depends on the length of the rail guides.

The thickness of the wood layer cut from the log is determined by the height of the saw blade above the floor level and is regulated special knot, which includes a pair of threaded gear and its drive mechanism. Due to the simultaneous rotation of two screws located along the edges of the carriage, it moves along the vertical guides and the saw is not warped.

With the help of a band-type sawmill, material of any thickness can be obtained with minimal losses for sawdust

The displacement of the log during the operation of the unit is prevented by a clamping device, which is assembled from a guide in the form of a round pipe and bushings with hooks installed on it with a large gap. The misalignment of the movable unit with the installed "claws" leads to jamming of the device, which ensures the immobility of the round timber during processing. To better imagine the operation of this device, carefully examine the illustration presented.

Jig operation

The principle of operation of the sawmill unit is extremely simple. The log intended for sawing is placed in a bed between the rail guides. Then it is fixed with hooks, which are wedged with several hammer blows at the edges of the movable nodes. The carriage with a band saw is brought to the end of the round timber, after which the height of the working blade is set. After turning on the machine, the operator smoothly moves the saw frame along the rail, due to which the board is gradually cut to the desired thickness. After reaching the other edge of the log, the cut lumber is laid aside, the saw is raised and the unit returns to its original position.

In some sources, it is proposed to repeat the design of units in which the saw carriage is installed motionless, and the sawing is carried out by moving the log laid on a movable platform. Maybe such a scheme has the right to exist, but it must be borne in mind that its implementation will require rails of twice the length.

The machine described above is the simplest sawmill. If we talk about modern equipment, it almost completely excludes manual labor. All operations, including the movement of the saw frame and the adjustment of the height of the band, are performed automatically, on command from the control panel.

Video: Features of the band sawmill

What you need to build a sawmill

For those who consider building their own sawmill a simple matter, we’ll say right away that it’s not easy to create a high-quality, workable unit. And it's not even that you can't do without certain financial costs - as a rule, the budget of a home-made sawmill easily fits into the amount of 30 - 40 thousand rubles. Assembling a unit capable of producing high-quality lumber will require solving problems related to stability, ensuring the strength of components and parts, setting up and adjusting mechanisms, making devices for sharpening a band saw and setting its teeth, etc. Are you afraid of difficulties? Then check out what materials and tools will be required for the job.

As rail guides, you can use steel corners with a shelf width of at least 50 mm, a channel or an I-beam. The main requirement for rails is their rectilinear geometry. It must be borne in mind that any shortcoming of our miniature " railway"will affect the quality of the cut, since the tape blade will copy each bump, transferring it to the surface of the board. That is why the best option there will be T, H or U-shaped rolled metal. Unfortunately, the corners are most subject to distortion during manufacture and transportation. The most ideal case would be to use factory rails, for example, from narrow-gauge transport, which, with some luck, can be found at scrap metal collection points.

Rollers that provide longitudinal movement of the sawmill can be machined to lathe and temper. In some cases, conventional ball bearings may be used.

Excellent rollers are obtained from linear guides based on ball bearings, which can be found commercially. This solution cannot be called the cheapest, however, there is no doubt about the reliability and durability of such a node.

Actually, the frame, saw carriage and bed for laying logs are made of square and rectangular profile pipes. It is best to use rolled metal with a maximum wall thickness. This will provide the equipment with the necessary strength, since the operation of the machine is associated with variable dynamic loads.

For the mechanism for adjusting the height of the carriage (traverse), you will need guides from steel pipes with sliders and two long screws with nuts. For this purpose, you can use parts from decommissioned screw-cutting lathes (unlikely, but what the hell is not joking), mechanical presses, or threaded rods from a construction store (the most affordable, but least preferred option). You can also order the manufacture of parts from a turner - anyway, it is unlikely that you can do without contacting a specialist. In addition, a chain drive will be required, which is often borrowed from the gas distribution mechanism of automobile engines. Alternatively, you can use a bicycle chain and sprockets.

Pulleys from old domestic harvesters of the Kolos, Niva brands and other agricultural machinery are best suited as impellers for the belt web. By the way, shafts and rolling bearing housings can also be taken from there. Please note that the diameter of the guides must be at least 30 cm (optimally 50 cm), otherwise excessive mechanical stress will lead to cracks at the base of the saw teeth.

In the design of the band saw drive, you can use pulleys from decommissioned domestic agricultural machinery

There are designs makeshift installations with guide pulleys in the form of wheels from cars. For skeptics, we note that such a handicraft solution has a lot of advantages, ranging from the possibility of using assembled hubs and ending with the fact that fine adjustment of the web tension during operation can be done by inflating tires.

You can buy a band saw new or used. It is best to have several blades in stock, which, as they get dull, can be changed to sharp ones.

As for the tool that will be needed in the process of work, every self-respecting owner should have it. In particular, you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • "Bulgarian", or, in professional terms, an angle grinder;
  • drilling machine or electric drill;
  • a set of drills for concrete and metal;
  • set of locksmith clamps;
  • set of wrenches;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers of various sizes);
  • measuring tool (ruler, caliper, tape measure);
  • level (best laser type).

Do not forget that you will need to prepare a solid, even base, so be prepared for concrete work - make a supply of sand, crushed stone and cement, prepare a concrete mixer, rammers, formwork and a long rule.

Preparatory activities

At the preparation stage, the optimal design is chosen, made necessary calculations and develop drawings. After that, materials and tools are prepared and a place is arranged for the installation of a sawmill.

Design work, drawings

The construction of a sawmill begins with the selection of a production site. It has been empirically established that this will require a plot of at least 3x6 m in size. In any case, planning the length working area, must be taken into account maximum size processed forest. It is best if the unit is installed indoors or under big canopy. In this case, it will be possible to work in any weather.

Then the number of corners (channels, I-beams) and profile pipes necessary for the manufacture of rail guides, bed and saw frame is determined. The distance between the rails is calculated by adding gaps of at least 0.3 - 0.4 m on each side to the maximum diameter of the log. In addition, it is necessary to take into account transverse amplifiers, which are installed between the rails every 0.8 - 1 m. Support elements for timber can be mounted on the same amplifiers, raising the bed to a height of at least 0.2 m above the level of the rails.

Scheme of the sawmill Drawing of the saw carriage Drawing of the rail guides

Depending on the design, they draw up drawings of the units that will need to be machined on a lathe - rollers, screws, shafts, bearing housings, pulleys, etc. The design of a home-made sawmill is taken based on financial capabilities, the availability of materials and individual components, so the exact design of the unit everyone does it on their own. However, we provide diagrams and drawings of the sawmill and its individual components as an example. They can be used in your own developments.

Tensioner drawing Roller drawing Complete impeller

Foundation preparation

A properly made foundation will ensure the stability of the linear characteristics of the equipment during operation.

Since building your own sawmill is a serious matter, you need to approach it responsibly. Perhaps in the future the equipment will become not only a good help in the economy, but also a source of additional income. Such important factors, as the durability and reliability of the sawmill, the convenience of work and the quality of the resulting lumber largely depend on how strong and even the base it has.

construction base plate is no different from arranging a shallow floating or simple strip foundation. A lot has been written about it, so there is no need to dwell on the construction process in detail. We only recall that a pillow of sand and gravel is required, the thickness of the base is made at least 10 - 15 cm, and its strength is provided by an armored belt made of a steel bar with a diameter of at least 10 mm. In this case, significant variable loads will not lead to cracks or subsidence of the concrete slab.

Instructions for making a sawmill with your own hands

As a working project, we will take a design with wheels from passenger car. Since the correctness and reliability of the operation of the saw unit depends on each element, we will consider in detail the manufacturing process of each unit, the nuances of assembling and setting up the equipment.

Rail guides

Laying rail guides

When using corners measuring 50x50 mm as rails, they are not laid on one of the shelves, but orienting the rib angle upwards. This will reduce wear on parts and provide increased structural rigidity. If rolled metal with a shelf of 100 mm is taken for the guides, then such a corner can be installed in any position. I must say that the most successful option is rails made of an I-beam or a channel, since they have increased rigidity even without being “embroidered” with the help of transverse elements. By the way, as "sleepers" use a square profile with a width of at least 25 mm. The parts of the rail track are interconnected by means of electric welding. When installing spacers, a pipe with a diameter of half an inch is welded with devices installed on it for fixing logs (“claws”).

When performing welding work, it is necessary to ensure that the workpiece does not “lead”, which often happens when parts overheat. Most often, such troubles occur with corners and other thin rolled metal, so in this case it is better to use semi-automatic welding operating in a carbon dioxide environment.

If it is not possible to ensure the straightness of the rails during welding, then the installation of transverse elements is performed threaded connection. TO concrete base guides are fixed with anchor bolts.

Simultaneously with the installation of the rails, a bed for laying timber is equipped. To do this, vertical H-shaped racks are attached to the "sleepers" with a minimum height of rods of 10 cm and protrusions to prevent the round timber from rolling off at least 5 cm in size.

The bed for laying lumber can have any configuration

The nearest 3-4 crossbars are installed at a shorter distance - no more than 0.5 m. Thanks to this solution, in the future it will be possible to work not only with long lengths, but also with short workpieces.

As rollers, you can use both parts turned on a lathe and ordinary ball bearings. In the first case, a hole is necessarily provided for the installation of the rotation unit, and the wheels themselves are hardened. The second option involves the installation of one enlarged and two or three identical bearings on the axle. Of course, the parts are selected with the same internal dimension, and the shaft is machined with a thrust shoulder on one side and a thread for fastening the rollers on the other.

Wide rollers are good because any metal-roll can be used as a rail, including channels and I-beams

saw frame

The manufacture of the saw frame begins with vertical guides, which will require two pieces. It is best to make racks and sliders from steel pipes, selected with a minimum gap. After that, a rectangular carriage frame is made, to the sides of which the upper and lower sliders are welded. Since impellers will be mounted on the lower cross member, it must be made of a rigid square pipe or channel.

Fitting guides and sliders

The body of the sawmill is not something complicated, since it is a pair of vertical and horizontal elements connected at right angles. A strong bed is obtained from a square steel profile at least 50 mm wide. Smaller rectangular rolled metal can be used as spacers.

Bed welding

The use of profile pipes will provide rigidity to the structure. If corners are used as structural materials, then the places of their connections are additionally reinforced with steel braces with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

Rollers are installed in the lower part of the frame, having previously determined the distance between their resistant walls. It must match the width of the rail guides.

Saw frame complete with guides and carriage

Carriage lifting mechanism. Photo gallery

The vertical movement of the carriage is provided by a paired screw mechanism with manual drive And chain drive. The nuts are welded to the lower bushings (sliders), and the thrust part of the screw is mounted to upper crossbar saw frame. The screws will rotate easily if the correct bearings are used as supports.

Saw carriage lifting mechanism drive assembly with drive and tensioner Upper assembly lifting mechanism The lifting mechanism nut is welded to the carriage hub. On the upper crossbar, the screw is installed in the bearing.

To lifting mechanism worked without distortions, sprockets of the same size are installed on the shafts. After mounting the chain, it is tensioned with a roller or fluoroplastic cracker. The flexible transmission drive is provided by gears of different sizes, one of which is rigidly connected to one of the screws, and the other is mounted on a separate shaft. The use of an oversized drive sprocket will allow you to quickly move the carriage along the guides. The locking mechanism can be made from a spring-loaded pin, which, after adjustment, is installed between the chain rollers and the fixed brackets. After assembly, the drive is equipped with a comfortable handle.


Making a hub adjustment unit

For pulleys, wheels and axle shafts are taken from a rear-wheel drive car. To fix them on the lower cross member of the carriage, you will need bearing assemblies. It is best to order these parts from a turner - in this case, it will be possible to make them adjustable, which will allow you to shift the axes of the impellers to the sides. The fact is that during operation, the band saw heats up and lengthens. If it is not pulled up in time, then it can fly off our “pulleys”. If you spread them a couple of degrees away from the longitudinal axis, then this danger can be eliminated.

Mounting the hubs on the saw carriage

Adjusting nodes are pipe sections, one of which is installed in the other with a gap of up to 5 mm. The inner clutch is also a housing for the axle shaft bearings, and its centering is provided by screws mounted on the outer collet.

Installation of the power unit and elements of the main drive

One wheel is mounted motionless on the carriage, supplying the shank of its axle shaft with a pulley. The other is mounted on a movable assembly, which will pre-tension the saw blade. The pulleys are not installed horizontally, but with an offset of 2 - 4 mm in vertical plane. Alignment of the band saw in terms of level occurs due to the displacement of the support unit of the cutting blade. This structural element can be made of three ball bearings, like the rollers of a saw frame.

Mounting the band saw support unit. You can clearly see the mechanism of its adjustment

After assembling and installing all the nodes on the unit, the power plant is mounted. The rotation from the engine to the drive wheel is transmitted by means of a V-belt transmission. Depending on the motor used, the belt tension is done using a spring-loaded roller, if an internal combustion engine is used, or by shifting the frame with an electric motor installed. In addition, they manufacture protective cover, which does not allow sawdust to scatter in all directions. On last step a container with a lubricating-washing fluid (coolant) is installed, the tube from which is connected to one of the cutting units.

A small hydraulic jack can be used in the saw blade tensioner

After assembling the unit and checking the tightening of all bolted connections, a band saw is installed on the impellers, after tensioning which a trial run of the sawmill is performed. If the test switching on is successful, then the engine is turned off and after the saw has completely stopped on the bed, the log is laid and fixed. The saw lifting mechanism regulates the thickness of the first board, after which a test cut is made. The installation is turned off and inspected, a conclusion is made about the operability of the sawmill.

Video: Band sawmill made at home

Thanks to my versatile hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorite ones are engineering, technology and construction. Perhaps because I know a lot of nuances in these areas, not only theoretically, as a result of studying at a technical university and graduate school, but also from the practical side, since I try to do everything with my own hands.