Water pipes      04.03.2020

Align the walls with the lighthouses with your own hands. How to plaster walls on lighthouses: leveling technology, installation and marking with your own hands from A to Z. Reusable steel profiles

Doing overhaul apartment, office or home, you will definitely encounter the need for plastering work. This process is very time consuming and requires professional skills. Therefore, it would be better to entrust this work to specialists. But if, in order to save on the repair budget, you decide to finish the walls yourself, then before mixing the solution, read our article, complete guide plastering the walls with your own hands.

Wall plastering can be done in several ways.

  1. In the plane, using the rule (without beacons). This option is suitable if the walls as a whole are fairly even, without drops and strong deviations.
  2. Alignment of the walls on the lighthouses. The second method is suitable if the walls have significant deviations and irregularities.

Requirements for plaster

The main requirements for the quality of the plastering work being carried out are set out in SNiP III-21-73. It is especially important to know them if you decide not to do the work yourself, but to hire workers. The quality of work is divided into 3 parts: for simple, improved and high quality plaster.

  1. With simple plaster, vertical deviations of not more than 3 mm per 1 m, but not more than 15 mm for the entire height of the room, are permissible. Thus, the maximum deviation of the wall with ceilings of 2.5 m is 7.5 mm. Smooth irregularities are allowed, for every 4 sq. m. - no more than 3 pieces. Their height or depth should not exceed 5 mm. Horizontally, the maximum deviation is 3 mm per 1 m.
  2. SNIP for improved plaster requires more stringent compliance with tolerances. Vertically - no more than 2 mm per 1 m, but no more than 10 mm for the entire height of the room. Smooth irregularities are allowed - no more than 2 pcs. for 4 sq. m., with a depth of less than 3 mm. For each meter horizontally, a deviation of no more than 2 mm is permissible.
  3. The most stringent requirements in SNIP are specified for high-quality plaster. Vertical deviations should be less than 1 mm per 1 m, but not more than 5 mm per room height. The maximum allowed is 2 irregularities per 4 sq. m., with a depth of less than 2 mm. At 1 m horizontally, a deviation of no more than 1 mm is permissible.

Alignment of walls with lighthouses

It is in this way that significant wall irregularities can be removed. Beacon profiles will serve as a limiter so that the work is done perfectly evenly with a tolerance of 1 mm / sq.m.

Cost of work

Price for plastering work is from 600 rubles. per sq. m. Let's calculate how much you can save if you do not hire workers.

First of all, you need to buy a puncher and bubble level 2 m long. All others Consumables will be indicated below. All these accessories will be enough for 6,000 rubles, so you will save money after leveling one wall with an area of ​​15 square meters. m.

If you want to level the walls with an area of ​​​​90 square meters. m., then the savings will be at least 30,000 rubles! You will have the whole tool forever, and if you already have it, then it’s a sin not to use it. If we plaster the walls ourselves, then we will definitely be sure of their quality.

Choosing a mixture for plaster

To better understand the process of leveling walls, look at the following on plaster:

  • The last step is grouting the plaster. To make this easier to do, it is better to start grouting before the solution dries. To do this, you need to dilute the plaster in small portions in a more liquid consistency. Before grouting, dampen a small section of the wall about 1 square meter.
  • Apply the solution to the malka and smear it with a thin layer. Then level this square with a small one at an angle of 45 degrees, with strong pressure.
  • Continue smoothing the square until the grout no longer accumulates on the malka, while removing its excess. The surface should be even and smooth.
  • Repeat these steps, but smooth each new square overlapping the previous one. Try to work without interruptions, being distracted only by mixing the solution.

Note! If you are tiling, the minimum layer of plaster should be 10 mm. In addition, grouting is not required, since for the greatest adhesion of the tile to the wall, it will be necessary to create artificial bumps.

The result of the work is shown in the photo:

Facade plastering

The plastering of external walls (facades) according to the technology of lighthouses is almost the same as inside the premises. The main thing here is to comply temperature regime. The temperature outside must be above zero.

For facades, a mixture based on cement and sand is usually used. For greater durability, a metal mesh can be attached to the facade and plastered over it. It is especially important to use a grid if the walls of the house are made of sand-lime bricks.

We have examined in detail how to properly plaster walls with the help of beacons. Now you can easily do these works with your own hands. Do not be discouraged if you do not succeed in this business the first time, everything goes with experience, and you will definitely learn how to make the walls perfectly even. We also recommend that you read our article about.

It is possible to achieve that the facing walls are absolutely even, without a single bulge and roughness, only if everything was prepared perfectly from the very beginning. And perhaps the only way to do this is to align the walls with the beacons, which will provide a really flat surface.

Alignment of walls with a beacon method

It is worth mentioning right away that alignment with beacons involves the complete elimination of (internal) layers of plaster - this way it will be possible to achieve the desired result. If for some reason you don’t want to do the work to remove the old layer, then you need to do the following: tap the wall with a hammer to determine the presence of possible defects.

Also, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection for the presence of cracks and delaminations in the old layers, which must be removed if found. Determination of the scope of the forthcoming work on the plastering of the premises:

The wall must be thoroughly cleaned before plastering.
  1. It is necessary to carefully examine all the walls for irregularities. If there are bumps and depressions, they must first be covered with plaster so that all parts of the wall before the main work are even, without large drops. Level differences of 5-12 mm are allowed, if they are larger, they must be leveled;
  2. Visual inspection, even the most thorough one is unlikely to help detect all the flaws on outer wall. It is better to use the building level or apply grandfather method: you need to put self-tapping screws into the walls, release plumb lines from them, stretch a thread between them and then mark differences of more than 10 mm.

After that, all preparatory draft work can already be considered fully completed. Sometimes people have a question about whether the wall pre-finishing technologies differ, depending on facing materials(siding, decorative or gypsum plaster, etc.). Here we can say unequivocally: no, they are not different.

The thickness of the plaster layer does not play a big role, but the curvature of the surface in case of improper work on plastering the room - yes. In finishing materials, the main thing is the evenness of the masonry themselves, and not the rough work.

Arrangement of lighthouses

This is the most difficult and responsible part of the surface plastering work. Sometimes you can hear the question of what is best to use as beacons. Some especially “skilled” masters can generally use whatever comes to hand: wooden bars, plastic parts of buckets and other awkward things.

You can't do that! The best option- this is to go to the nearest construction market or to a specialized store, and buy beacon (bent) profiles there (usually used when installing drywall boards).

Do not try to make lighthouses from a cement mixture! It still won’t work to create an even level with their help, but delamination at the junction of the beacons is guaranteed!

Beacon placement process:

The placement of beacons is carried out exclusively from the corners
  • The mounting of the beacons must be started exclusively from the corners, and the difference in distance is necessary in the range of 100 mm less than the length of the level gauge. To avoid distortion the highest level it is better to purchase ordinary screws, which should be screwed into a dense part of the wall under the tip (according to the line of the profile beacon itself, of course). It is necessary to hang a plumb line on the upper one, and do the following with the rest: unscrew them from the wall until their caps are flush with the thread at the level of which the plumb line is located;
  • You must always remember that it is precisely all the screws that are aligned (by level), and at once along all the profile lines, and not along some of them. It is also necessary to make an angle (rectangle, 90 °) between the heads of the screws relative to the surface of other walls in the room. And only now it is possible to mount the profile devices themselves directly;
  • Along the edges of the resulting lines, it is necessary to apply a small amount of cement mortar, and the flexible profiles themselves must be installed along the ruler so that they come into contact with the heads of the embedded screws with their bodies and slightly compact into the mortar itself, into its tubercles.
  • When the applied mixture is completely petrified, you can begin to begin the main target work - mechanized plastering.

    We must not forget about the markings for the installation of beacons

It is important to apply just a small amount of the solution! Otherwise, the profile may be unnecessarily pressed into the plaster, due to which the beacons may be curved. But they are mounted exclusively evenness.


If the last, final layer is needed, exceeding the figure of 0.015 meters, then the process itself must be divided into two stages:

The solution must always be applied with some margin

Rules for applying the mixture:

Final works

Walls after plastering can be sanded with a special machine

After the leveling process is completed, the walls will not be completely ready for cladding. The only exception is post-installation ceramic tiles(for her, roughness and the smallest irregularities on the wall are even a blessing, not a problem).

In any other case, the wall will need to be coated with a primer before the final cladding (the larger the primer layer, the better, there is never too much of it - just like vodka).

After coating with layers of primer, it is necessary to sand the surface of the walls. This work is done using the same plaster. The grinding process begins with the application of the starting plaster, and not the main one. If you wish, you can find a lot of videos on the network with tips on its use, and about repairs in general (lessons on laying technology, cost calculation - all this is on the network). Prices for such work today, unfortunately, are quite high - the masters know their own worth.

If the walls are being prepared for painting or pasting with thin wallpaper, then you also need to use finishing putty(in Russia, the domestic brand "Volma" is very popular, which can be found in every home). By the way, at the end of the work, it is additionally overwritten with a special mesh (if the walls in the bathroom and toilet are puttied, then it is also used).

The scheme of applying putty on concrete walls

It is required for use in brick houses(especially when textured plaster is used for the facade, regardless of its size). As a result, the surface of the wall turns out to be really perfectly flat and smooth. If the wallpaper is not thin, but, for example. on vinyl backing, then the finishing putty can be omitted - this will not be necessary. It is also advisable to use it in the case when the wall area is more than 30 m².


You can watch a video on how to properly plaster walls on lighthouses.

Relatively recently, plastering walls along lighthouses was not practiced, and therefore the process of finishing walls and ceilings was considered rather laborious and lengthy. The surface had to be periodically puttied and leveled. Now thanks to the use modern technologies such work, even on large areas, takes no more than a few days. This was facilitated by the use building regulations and wall beacons.

Benefits of beacon plaster

To ensure a flat and smooth surface, you can use two types of plaster:

  • monolithic (wet);
  • dry.

In the latter case, the ceiling or walls are sheathed with drywall sheets. This finish is several times cheaper than wet plaster, but has a number of disadvantages. Its cons:

  • short service life;
  • unable to withstand tiling materials.

Monolithic plaster is carried out by applying a working solution to walls, partitions and ceilings. Wet way:

  • provides reliable adhesion to various bases;
  • forms a moisture-resistant coating, due to which it is suitable for the bathroom, winter garden, basement.

Applying wet plaster is a labor-intensive process. But if you know the procedure for performing work and the technology for applying the mixture, you will be able to create a high-quality base for finishing. Do-it-yourself plastering on lighthouses will allow you to achieve flat surface, devoid of convex elements and roughness.

Types of plaster mixes

Plaster can be done with purchased mixtures or by making a solution with your own hands. The first option was almost completely able to displace the second. Many masters today prefer to purchase ready-made compositions. Can be distinguished several types of working solution in accordance with its purpose and constituent components:

Selection of lighthouses

When thinking about how to plaster walls along lighthouses, it is important to choose the right narrow metal or plastic profiles, without which this process cannot do. They play the role of limiters when applying the mortar. Usually the length of these products is 3 mm, and the width varies from 6 to 10 mm. Depending on the material of manufacture, profiles are classified into several types:

  • Wooden. Used relatively rarely. They are inexpensive and reusable.
  • Metal. Popular due to ease of use and affordable price. But at the same time, they cannot be reused, and they are subject to corrosion.
  • Plastic. They are usually made of carbon fiber or other material similar in rigidity. They are expensive. Specialists often replace them with drywall fragments. Before use, it is desirable to impregnate with a water-polymer emulsion.
  • Overwater. Used for difficult surfaces. Only professionals with extensive experience can work with these products. Such plaster requires certain skills. First, small areas of plaster are placed on the wall with flat bases, which must match the final surface.

Floating beacons are considered the highest quality, as they allow you to make a monolithic base of high strength.

Working with different surfaces

For plastering concrete surfaces on lighthouses, it is better to use lime mixtures with the addition of cement or just cement mortar. The more cement present in the composition, the more durable the plaster is. First you need to make notches on the wall and fix the plaster mesh on top. This is necessary for increased adhesion of the working solution and smooth concrete.

Do not use gypsum mix for finishing concrete surface. The concrete components will react with the gypsum, and the plaster will quickly crumble.

In terms of choosing a composition for plaster brick walls unpretentious. They can be coated with any type of mixture. But you have to use a lot of plaster, and therefore, to save money, it is better to use a cement-sand composition. If the layer thickness is more than 5 cm, a reinforcing mesh must be applied.

Wooden surfaces are covered with a layer of plaster using a reinforcing mesh on a mandatory basis. Clay is added to the finished solution. It plays the role of a plasticizer. As an alternative, a plastic mixture based on gypsum and lime can be considered. It is important not to lay too much clay, as this can lead to increased cracking. Walls made of gas and foam blocks are the most problematic, as they have a low degree of adhesion. In order for the plaster to last for a long time, it is necessary to fill the mesh and apply special additives.

Gypsum plaster or compositions based on lime and gypsum are suitable for finishing a surface consisting of gypsum blocks. with plaster base cement mixtures are considered incompatible. When working with such a surface, the use of a grid is not mandatory.

Plastering technology

To apply plaster correctly, you need to prepare consumables and tools:

  • ready-made dry mix;
  • lighthouses;
  • perforator;
  • mixer for mixing the solution;
  • dowels, self-tapping screws;
  • plumb line, building level;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • hammer, tape measure;
  • wide spatula;
  • roller;
  • acrylic primer;
  • protective gloves.

Before you buy plaster and mix the mortar, you need to calculate the material consumption. by the most simple option will be the orientation of the area of ​​the surface to be leveled. For example, if you have to process walls with an area of ​​​​20 square meters a solution whose layer thickness is 5 cm will require 1 cubic meter of solution.

Wall preparation

Proper preparation of the base is a mandatory step in plastering walls with beacons. Includes several stages:

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply primer. Thanks to it, dust is removed from the surface, better adhesion of materials is provided and the level of susceptibility to moisture is reduced. If the base is even, you can take Betokontakt into the composition. For porous walls, it is desirable to select a primer with deeper penetration.
  2. Wait for the primer to dry. Insert self-tapping screws into the holes located at the top and bottom and adjust their level. Nail heads should be in the same vertical line. Using a plumb line, check the evenness of their placement.
  3. Inspect if the beacons stick out after installation. To do this, pull a diagonal rope through the nail heads. Put the beacon profile and evaluate its location. It must be freely placed. Stretch the cord obliquely, check how even it is. Align the remaining dowels with self-tapping screws at the corners.

Ways to set up beacons

Beacons can be placed on special fasteners or directly to the solution. In the latter case, the beacons are placed on a solution prepared with the addition of a large amount of cement. To speed up the hardening process, you need to add gypsum. After that, the solution is applied to the wall. Make sure that the thickness of the layer is not greater than the depth of the beacon profile. To do this, you can use the building rule.

When placing beacons on fasteners, they act in a slightly different way. When the level is set and the vertical lines for mounting the profiles are drawn, it is necessary to drill holes every 35 cm for nails. The caps of the screws are screwed in at the same level with each other. Then fasteners are installed under the beacons and the profiles are finally fixed. The thickness of the applied layer is regulated by protrusion and screwing of self-tapping screws at the locations of the beacons.

Mixing the mortar

Capacity, for example, a plastic bucket, fill with water. Pour dry finished composition. The exact ratio of ingredients is indicated on the package. Usage construction mixer allows to achieve uniformity of the structure. For this you can use powerful drill with a special nozzle. When preparing a gypsum mortar, it is necessary to knead the components twice with an interval of about 2 minutes. The indicated proportions should be strictly observed, since an excess of any component will lead to a decrease in the strength of the composition.

Depending on the required thickness of the applied layer, the density of the solution is determined, which is desirable. If a thick layer of plaster is required, make a thick batch. It does not slip off the spatula.

Solution application

Before applying the solution to the wall, you need to make sure that the wall absorbs moisture well. If this figure is reduced, it is necessary to slightly moisten the wall, and then proceed to plastering.

The algorithm for applying the mixture:

Arrangement of slopes and corners

With a large square falcon or an angled spatula, you can form internal corners walls. They are brought to evenness, passing plastic pipe diameter from 60 to 100 mm for beacons.

Door and window slopes it is necessary to form with the expansion inward, in other words, leave the dawn of the slope, as the builders say. Obtuse angles are formed by wooden lath that fit on the frame, or a special beacon for slopes. To level the surface, the corners are rolled with a pipe.

Finish alignment

The final step is grouting the plaster. It is better to carry out this work until the solution has completely solidified. For grouting, a mixture of plaster of a more liquid consistency is used.

Finishing Algorithm:

Under laying the tiles, grouting is not necessary. This is due to the fact that for improved adhesion, artificial irregularities will have to be applied.

Even if the plaster could not be done perfectly the first time, you should not despair. Everything comes with practice. But by learning how to level the walls yourself, you can save a lot of money on the work of a professional plasterer.

When it comes to a comprehensive renovation of an apartment, the first thing that comes to mind is the alignment of the walls. When we builders talk about leveling walls, we usually mean plaster. And this is fully justified, since plastering walls is one of the most common ways to finish them rough.

Why do you need to level the walls? This question worries many who are faced with repairs for the first time. As a rule, the task is as follows: I want to do it quickly, inexpensively and, of course, with high quality. For the most part, typical repairs involve wallpapering the walls, so the term "leveling" very often means preparing the surface of the walls for this entertaining process. And this is where the catch lies, because customers mainly mean their puttying by leveling the walls. Knowing that putty applies quickly and dries quickly, they expect the repair to take only a few days. And what genuine surprise (sometimes distrust, less often anger) is caused by the words of the master finisher or measurer who arrived to inspect the object that the repair will take much longer than the customer originally expected, and the cost of work and the volume of draft materials will increase significantly.

Why is this happening, and did the master deceive you when he said that the repair of a room could take more than a month, despite the fact that you can find hundreds of videos on the Internet where happy participants in a project are given turnkey designer repairs in 5 days? Let's figure it out.

So, wall puttying is a thin-layer application (1-2 mm) of material (putty) to eliminate small irregularities (local pits, cavities, bumps) and to create a smooth surface (base) for applying finishing finishing materials(paint, wallpaper) requiring such preparation.

Plaster, unlike putty, is used for rough leveling of the wall surface and allows you to apply layers up to 50 mm.

For dry rooms ( living rooms, corridor, kitchen) a plaster mixture based on gypsum is used:

For wet (bathroom, laundry) - cement-based:

Plastering of walls can be done in two ways: "under the rule" and "according to beacons". Since plastering "under the rule" does not make it possible to make the walls perfectly even, in this article we will no longer consider this type of work, we will go straight to plastering "according to lighthouses".

First, let's define terms. The plaster "beacon" is a galvanized metal T-shaped perforated profile 3 m long with a shelf height of 6 or 10 mm.

"Rule" - a plastering tool, a metal rail, which is moved along the lighthouses, as if along guides, cutting off excess plaster between the lighthouses, thereby creating a flat plane. The simplest rule has a trapezoidal shape:

The process of plastering walls on lighthouses is as follows:

As a result, we get a very flat, vertical surface. It is worth noting: this method also allows you to display the corners of the room at 90⁰ if necessary.

It is also important that with large blockages of the walls, the plaster layer is more than 2 cm, which allows you to carry out all the electrical wiring under it in advance without chasing the walls, and this saves a lot of time and effort.

The advantages of plastering on lighthouses are obvious:

  • perfectly smooth walls
  • flat room corners
  • environmental friendliness of materials
  • vapor permeability of materials (walls "breathe")
  • surface strength
  • pliability of materials during gating (it is easy to lay in plaster network engineering and communications)

The disadvantages include the following:

  • long drying time (approximately each millimeter of the layer dries to the desired value in about a day, so a 3 cm layer will dry out in about 30 days!)
  • a large amount of material (for an apartment with an area of ​​​​70 m 2 and a wall blockage of 4-5 cm, the consumption is approximately 200 bags weighing 30 kg each - this is 6 tons!)
  • the laboriousness of the process (plastering requires time and great physical effort - imagine what it's like to mix and transfer 6 tons of material to the walls alone?)
  • relatively high cost of labor and materials

In fairness, it should be noted that on large volumes, a mechanized method of applying plaster is often used. It differs fundamentally from manual in that the master does not need to manually mix 1-2 bags with water with a mixer, apply the resulting mass to the wall, and then repeat the procedure from time to time. Everything is made much simpler: in a specialized plastering station, mixing and water supply occurs automatically, the master only needs to pour dry material from the bag into the receiving hopper in time. In this case, the mixture is also automatically supplied to the wall under pressure.

Labor productivity increases many times, therefore, the speed also increases, which means that the time for repair work is reduced.

So let's sum it up.

  • We figured out that the "alignment" of the walls is an ambiguous term, which is often interpreted by builders and customers in different ways.
  • We figured out how puttying walls differs from plaster.
  • We found out what plaster "by lighthouses" is.
  • We learned that plastering can be manual and mechanized.
  • We realized that the alignment of the walls "according to the lighthouses" is a labor-intensive process and requires the cost of materials.
  • We figured out that in order to dry the plaster layer to the required moisture value, it is necessary a large number of time.

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In most cases, doing finishing works indoors, it starts with leveling the walls, which allows you to get even vertical surfaces and corners for further painting or wallpapering. To do this, plasterboard sheets are installed over the entire plane of the wall or a layer of plaster is applied. To ensure accurate spatial orientation when leveling the plaster, special beacons are installed on the surface to be treated. These are vertical slats, the outer edge of which is in the same plane and defines required thickness leveling layer at every point on the surface.

When preparing a solution for plastering walls on lighthouses, it is necessary to take into account the intended purpose of the premises, operational and specifications, which include:

  • temperature and humidity conditions;
  • type of enclosing structures;
  • the material chosen for the finish coating;
  • material resources of the owners of the premises.

Dry heated rooms can be plastered with any type of mortar based on cement, lime and gypsum. Probability high humidity in bathrooms, bathrooms, showers and in the kitchen excludes the possibility of using gypsum mixtures.

Here, a composition of Portland cement, lime and sand is used to level the surface. There is also a restriction on the use of gypsum in unheated rooms. Such a solution cracks and disappears with periodic exposure. negative temperatures followed by thawing.

Selection of the composition depending on the material of the walls

The most common materials for the construction of walls and partitions are:

  • red clay and silicate brick;
  • concrete;
  • light porous blocks;
  • wood.

Plastering of the walls along the lighthouses is carried out with any kind of solutions, depending on the heat and humidity conditions of the room. Cement-based plaster adheres well to the surface without additional reinforcement. But for reliable fixing of inexpensive gypsum and lime compositions, it is recommended to lay a polymer reinforcing mesh before applying them.

Smooth alignment concrete walls virtually indistinguishable from processing brick surfaces. However, a denser structure of the material requires pre-impregnation with Concrete Contact, which is able to more strengthen surface layer deeper than the ground.

Walls made of relatively soft porous materials mandatory primed and reinforced before applying the plaster layer. Cement-sand composition with the addition of lime is able to provide reliable protection wall materials from moisture penetration.

For finishing wooden surfaces apply any kind of plaster solutions and even simple clay, applied over a nailed reinforcing layer of polymers, metal or shingles.

Dependence on the finishing material

Paintwork materials are well fixed and look beautiful on a light gypsum plaster. In this case, the consumption of paint will be minimal. The use of cement and lime mixtures requires preliminary impregnation with soil and painting for 2-3 times.

Cement-sand mortars are best suited for wallpapering, due to the good penetration of the wallpaper paste into the surface. In this case divorced adhesive composition acts as a quality ground and provides reliable grip roll material with a wall.

Laying ceramic tiles is carried out only on cement-sand plaster. The use of lime and gypsum mixtures is not allowed. The heavy weight of such a finish can compromise the integrity of the gypsum or lime layer.

Brief conclusions on the choice of material

The strongest and most stable layer of plaster for leveling walls along lighthouses with your own hands will provide cement-sand mortar . It is able to securely hold any material finishing, well resists moisture and temperature changes, and the components used are affordable.

Cement mortar is characterized by high strength and durability. The disadvantage is the complexity of the process and long time drying of each applied layer.

Lime mixtures can only be used in dry heated rooms. They are well fixed on stone surfaces and have good ductility, which facilitates the leveling process and eliminates the possibility of cracking after the mortar dries.

Steam and air permeability contribute to the improvement of the microclimate of the premises. The alkaline composition eliminates the possible appearance of fungus or mold. The main disadvantages are a very long time for complete drying and a set of the necessary strength, reaching 2-3 months. The cost of lime mixtures is higher than that of a cement-sand mortar.

Gypsum mixes for leveling walls with plaster along beacons, they are used when decorating living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, corridors and other dry rooms. The material is plastic and dries quickly, which reduces the time of work.

A wide range of ready-made formulations is offered for sale. for various purposes. The main disadvantages are high cost, moisture absorption and low mechanical strength.

Determining the consumption of materials

The consumption of the mixture when plastering the walls with your own hands on the beacons depends on the degree of curvature, vertical obstruction and the total area of ​​​​the treated surface. The existing irregularities and obstruction determine the average thickness of the plaster layer, which can be known with sufficient accuracy after the installation of the extreme beacons and the cords stretched over them, forming the future plane of the plaster layer.

Cord pull.

At several points it is necessary to measure the distance from the cord to the wall. Add up all the values ​​obtained and divide by the number of places taken measurements. This will determine the average thickness of the plaster. Multiplying the resulting number by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall determines the required volume of mortar.

The greater the number of measurements, the more accurate the result will be. In addition, horizontally stretched cords make it possible to determine the most protruding part of the wall and the place of the greatest thickness of the plaster layer.

After that, depending on the type of binder component, it is determined required amount material on cubic meter solution:

  • cement M400 - 230-250 kg;
  • slaked lime - 210-240 kg;
  • gypsum - 850-950 kg.

The ratio of binder and filler is determined by the type of work operation (spraying, soil, coating) when plastering:

  • cement-sand, lime-sand 1:2, 1:3 and 1:1.5, respectively;
  • lime-gypsum-sand 1:1:2;
  • gypsum-sand-clay 0.25:3:1;
  • lime-clay-sand 0.2:1:3.

Ready-made dry plaster mixtures that are sold in stores building materials, are always accompanied by an inscription on the consumption written on the packaging. You just have to multiply this number by the thickness of the plaster layer in centimeters and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. After that, you can find out the required amount of material.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you plaster the walls on the lighthouses, you need to buy:

  • Portland cement M400 in accordance with the calculation;
  • river, washed or sifted sand;
  • PVA glue for faster setting and greater strength;
  • fiberglass or polymer mesh for reinforcement;
  • soil or composition "concrete contact";
  • T-shaped metal profiles 5-6 mm high;
  • dowels and screws of various lengths.

The process of plastering walls is carried out in stages and at each stage a certain set of tools is needed. So, to prepare the surface you will need:

  • hammer and chisel;
  • metal brush;
  • container for soil and a wide brush.

When installing beacons, you must have:

  • perforator with a set of drills;
  • hacksaw or grinder;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • plumb and square;
  • a ruler of at least 2 meters;
  • bubble or laser level;
  • durable cord.

To prepare and apply the mortar to the wall surface, you need to have:

  • container for mixing cement-sand mixture;
  • buckets;
  • plaster ladle and falcon;
  • trowel or trowel;
  • grater and half grater;
  • rule 1.5-2.0 meters;
  • spatulas.

Since some of the work is carried out at a height of more than 1.5 meters, it is necessary to make or purchase scaffolds from which work operations will be carried out. The use of a ladder is allowed, but it is not as convenient and makes the job more difficult.

Preparatory work

Preparing the surface for plastering consists in thoroughly cleaning it from old coatings, dirt and cement streaks. Before you align the wall with the beacons, you must complete all the laying work. engineering communications installation of windows and doors. After that, the surface is primed with a deeply penetrating solution and a reinforcing mesh is fixed on it (if necessary).

Installation of beacons

From correct location beacon rails depends on the quality and position of the plane of the plaster. The order of work is as follows:

  1. At a distance of 100 mm from the upper left and right corners of the wall, self-tapping screws with a length of at least 100 mm are fixed in dowels so that they protrude 50-60 mm above the wall surface.
  2. Near the head of each screw, a plumb line is suspended on a cord, which does not reach the floor by 100-200 mm.
  3. At the bottom, 2 more self-tapping screws are screwed along the plumb lines, to which the lower end of the cord is tied.
  4. At a distance of 100 mm from the fixed cords, vertical lines are drawn along which 2 extreme beacons will be fixed on the hardware.
  5. The plane between the extreme rails is divided into several equal vertical spans with a width of not more than 1500 mm. In this way, lines of intermediate beacons will be obtained.
  6. 2-3 horizontal twine is tied to the vertically stretched cords and, by moving them up and down, the most convex place on the wall is determined. After that, you can accurately determine the position of the required vertical plane, correctly place the beacons and accurately calculate the consumption of materials.

Hanging beacons.

Beacon rails are fixed along the edges on self-tapping screws, and are fixed in the middle part cement mortar. The use of gypsum for this purpose is not allowed.

Application of plaster

Plastering the wall is carried out in 3 stages, which are called spraying, soil and coating. They are applied in strict sequence and only after partial drying of the previous layer.

The thickness of the spray is 30-50 mm. The consistency of the material corresponds to ordinary sour cream. It is applied to the moistened surface from the bottom up and from left to right along each strip between the beacons separately. The prepared solution is thrown onto the surface with a trowel, taking it from the falcon, or smeared on the wall with a tool.


Using a layer of soil, a rough leveling of the surface is performed. By its density, the solution corresponds to a soft dough. The maximum thickness of one layer is 20 mm. If this is not enough, then the primer is applied in several passes after the previous layer has begun to set.

As a result, the solution should slightly cover the surface of the fixed beacon profiles. To do this, excess plaster mixture is removed using the rule, which is supported by neighboring beacons and stretched along them from the bottom up.

The last, third layer, covering, serves for the final leveling and fixing of the surface. The density of the solution corresponds to kefir. It is simply poured onto the surface from a ladle and processed with a wet grater until a flat plane without visible defects is obtained.

The correct technology for installing beacons simplifies the plastering of corners, since two vertical planes provide an even angle.

The final stage of work

At the final stage, all beacons are removed from the plaster layer, which, as a result of corrosion, can form dark spots on the walls. The resulting grooves are smeared and leveled. After that, it is necessary to wash the surface with water.

To do this, it is simply poured onto a section of the wall and rubbed with a soft polyurethane trowel. This process corresponds to the grinding of the finished plane and facilitates the final filling.

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