Mixer      06/16/2019

Rose climbing helga. Broken rose. Planting, cultivation and care

The founder of this genus is considered to be the La France variety, which was bred back in 1867 by the work of a French scientist-breeder as a result of the hybridization of a remontant variety with a tea variety. As a result new variety has absorbed all the best features of its ancestors - the beauty, splendor and beautiful shades of the bud of a remontant rose and the delicate aroma, resistance to disease and cold of the tea room, which is confirmed by the photo. In addition, La France differed favorably from its predecessors in its long and lush flowering.

Despite the fact that initially the new variety did not make a splash, breeders did not stop breeding more and more new species, as a result, there are now more than 10,000 in the world different varieties hybrid tea rose, which makes this group the most popular and widespread. The varieties are distinguished by a wealth of shapes and colors. As a rule, it is an erect or spreading bush 0.5-1.5 meters high; if desired, it can be given a standard shape.

Tea- hybrid roses

The flowers are large, 8-14 centimeters, solitary or collected in small inflorescences. This group of roses has many different colors from single-colored various shades except blue and black to two-colored, multicolored and even changing color as the bud develops. Examples of the most unusual colors are shown in the photo. Another advantage of the species is its very long flowering: the bushes begin to bud in early June and bloom until the end of July, then they rest in August and bloom again at the end of summer to delight others bright colors until the first cold weather.

Planting, cultivation and care

Like all representatives of the queen of the garden, hybrid tea variety They are demanding and whimsical, they need constant care and attention, but later they will reward their owners a hundredfold with long and lush flowering. A sunny, windless and well-warmed place is most suitable for these varieties of roses. It is advisable for roses to be fenced off by hedges, bushes or trees, but not by fences or buildings, as they need light ventilation.

Rich light loams are suitable among soils, which is why you need to add the following to soil with a different composition:

  • in heavy ones - peat;
  • compost;
  • ash and sand;
  • humus and turf.

Also, when choosing soil, you need to focus on the requirements of the variety; some like heavier soil, others prefer lighter soil. Planting depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. Planting is often carried out in the spring, in April–May. For quick rooting, seedlings need to be pruned before planting, removing dead and diseased roots and shoots, as in the photo. After this, the seedlings are immersed in water for a couple of hours to soften the roots; it is advisable to dip the seedlings in water entirely or at least up to the root collar, and right before planting, dip the roots in a manure-clay mash. At this time, a place for planting is prepared, holes are dug 35-50 centimeters in size, no more than five in a row every 25-70 centimeters, depending on the variety.

Varieties of hybrid tea roses

Compost and humus are poured into the holes, then seedlings are placed in the depressions, compacting the earth around them. This must be done so that a roller is formed around the roots, so that when watering, water is retained in the hole near the trunk and the seedlings absorb the liquid. It must be remembered that planting is considered correct when the seedlings are immersed in the soil 3-5 cm below the grafting. The landing is described in more detail in the video. In the future, the seedlings need regular watering. After the seedlings have taken root, caring for them consists of mulching with peat.

For rapid growth, healthy appearance and lush flowering, all hybrid tea varieties of roses require regular feeding. To do this, in early spring, to enhance growth, you need to apply nitrogen fertilizers; later, during flowering, it is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. During the formation of buds, it is advisable to fertilize the bushes with complete mineral complexes. Proper care using fertilizing is described in the video.

Watering such roses also has its secrets. If there is insufficient moisture, the bushes lose their beauty, wither, shed their leaves, and grow slowly. There may even be a change in varietal qualities: the buds become smaller, their color changes, and the aroma fades. But excessive moisture is also undesirable and can lead to diseases of the bush; proper care consists of watering according to a schedule. It is recommended to water hybrid tea roses every week during the summer formation of buds and growth, and in the spring - after 10-14 days.


To maintain the beautiful shape of the bush and long flowering, the shoots need special care, which consists of pruning old, diseased and interfering shoots. In addition, it is worth considering that hybrid tea varieties form buds exclusively on young, one-year-old shoots, so for the beauty of the shrub, old branches must be removed annually. Pruning is carried out every spring, the degree of pruning depends on the variety of rose and ranges from moderate to severe. In the first year after planting, seedlings are pruned by 3 buds, then by 5-6. You can also prune shoots in the summer to enhance flowering and prolong it. To do this, faded buds, dry leaves and immature shoots are regularly removed. The video will help you understand the features of pruning roses in more detail.

Planting roses

Since these varieties of roses have large, bright, full and beautiful flowers, they are often used to create bouquets, but you need to remember that to maintain the health of the plants, you need to cut no more than one flower per day from one bush. Hybrid tea roses are more frost-resistant than some of their sisters, but they cannot do without shelter in winter; they freeze already at -8-10 degrees. Therefore they need special care, plants need to be prepared for winter in advance by pruning them about a month before frost with gentle pruning to stop growth and give the bushes time to get stronger; its features are indicated in the video. Next, you need to hill them to a height of 20 centimeters, using peat or sand. The remaining shoots should be covered with spruce branches, and in severe frosts, covered wooden structure And plastic film. Features of preparing bushes for winter are described in the video.

The most popular varieties

Let's look at the most popular varieties and their descriptions:

  1. "Schwarze Madonna"

"Schwarze Madonna" - distinguished by large double, bright red flowers with a diameter of up to 11 centimeters. The buds have an attractive classic goblet shape. The shoots of the bush are covered with glossy green leaves, which become reddish when aging. The shrub up to 80 centimeters high is distinguished by straight branched shoots. The advantage of the variety is its frost resistance, so the bush does not need to be covered. Used in vertical gardening and for creating garden groups. The beauty of the bush is conveyed by the photo.

Hybrid tea roses

  1. "Helga"

“Helga” is a climbing shrub, reaches a height of up to 4.5 meters, the shoots are covered with sparse thorns and glossy green leaves. It blooms magnificently for a month, the flowers are small, up to 4 centimeters, flat, double, collected in large inflorescences with up to 70 buds in them, the flowering of the crop is shown in the photo. The variety is frost-resistant, disease-resistant, and is not afraid of drought and heat.

  1. "Gloria Day"

“Gloria Day” is rightfully considered the most beautiful and resilient of the hybrid tea roses, as the photo clearly demonstrates. "Gloria Day" is a branched, well-developed shrub up to 1.2 meters high, covered with glossy dark green leaves. "Gloria Day" blooms with large, up to 15 centimeters in diameter yellow buds with a reddish edging. The bush has an attractive appearance even without buds due to its beautiful glossy foliage. "Gloria Day" does well in different climates, but with prolonged heat the yellow color fades and the red color darkens. Excellent for growing in a trunk. It is characterized by winter hardiness and disease resistance, is unpretentious in care, blooms magnificently and for a long time.

  1. "American Pride"

"American Pride" - has dark red velvety goblet buds, their beauty is illustrated by the photo. Their size can reach 15 centimeters. They can grow singly or 5-7 pieces in inflorescences, have a delicate aroma. The shrub reaches a height of 80 cm, is distinguished by straight shoots and dark leathery leaves. Suitable for group plantings and for cutting.

Caring for hybrid tea roses

  1. "Alexander"

“Alexander” is a vigorous bush, up to a meter in height, with large shoots, blooms profusely. Terry cupped flowers of a cinnabar shade with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, as in the photo. Resistant to frost and disease, used for cutting and group plantings.

  1. "Black Baccarat"

"Black Baccarat" is a large elongated bush up to 90 centimeters high, covered with reddish foliage. It is distinguished by dark red almost black large flowers, an example of which is shown in the photo.

  1. "Charles de Gaulle"

“Charles de Gaulle” - the height of the bush reaches 90 centimeters, the flowering is lush and long-lasting, the flowers are cup-shaped and delicate lilac shade, have up to 35 petals. They have a persistent aroma.

These roses are called hybrid tea because they were bred from tea varieties. They are the most classic, familiar roses to us. Their undeniable advantage is high quality flowers and gorgeous blooms.

Just imagine a fresh and delicate bud opening with satin shiny petals and gradually turning into lush rose amazing and delicate shade. And what is its luxurious aroma worth, enveloping you with its romantic aura.

White hybrid tea rose “Helga” – description

A dazzling white tea hybrid with a soft pink center called Helga was developed in 1975 and has since become one of the most beautiful representatives of tea hybrids. Its flowers are large, up to 10-12 cm in diameter, white with a slight vanilla tint, slightly terry. Inflorescences are collected in clusters.

The hybrid tea rose Helga blooms all summer, tolerating bad weather well. Its leaves are light green in color and leathery. The bush itself has a height of up to 100-120 cm.

This rose can be used to decorate flower beds and lawns, garden and personal plots. They also last a very long time in bouquets after cutting, spreading a magnificent aroma around them.

Caring for the hybrid tea variety “Helga”

Helga's description of caring for the hybrid tea rose includes recommendations for loosening the soil, controlling weeds and pests, periodic feeding and timely watering. The most suitable fertilizer for them is , which contains the chemical elements and bacteria necessary for the formation of organic compounds in an easily digestible form.

You need to feed 3-4 times per season. The first feeding is carried out at the end of June, the last - at the end of August. That is, you need to fertilize every 2 weeks.

Before fertilizing, you need to make furrows at a distance of 30 cm from the side shoots. They are poured with water, then poured pre-prepared slurry. Each bush requires 3-5 liters of fertilizer, covering it with earth, sand or peat. On the second day after fertilizing, you need to loosen the soil.

In the first year of flowering, the bushes should not be allowed to bloom profusely: all buds should be removed until August, and only then a couple of flowers should be left on the bush for fruit set. This will allow the plant to take root well, that is, to form a powerful root system.

For the winter, roses are covered: they are covered with sand or dry leaves to a depth of 30 cm. In the spring, the cover is removed, acting methodically and in several stages, so that young, fragile shoots are not damaged by sunlight.

Perhaps every gardener agrees that the rose is the queen of flowers. But what then to call a hybrid tea rose? Of course, the prima donna of the garden! The varieties of this garden group are distinguished by their magnificent appearance and amazing aroma. Do you dream of becoming the owner of a fabulous rose garden, but don’t know where to start and what varieties of roses to choose? We will answer all your questions!

Origin story

These flowers got their name because of their origin: the roses were obtained by crossing tea and remontant roses. Ancient varieties tea roses had a pronounced aroma of freshly picked tea and an incredibly beautiful shape. However, they were extremely frost-resistant and were often affected by various diseases. That is why breeders from all over the world tried to improve the roses of this garden group, trying to preserve all their decorative qualities. The very first hybrid tea rose was bred by a breeder from France, J.B. Guillot. In 1867, he crossed the tea rose Madame Bravie and the remontant Madame Victor Verdier. The hybrid received a completely patriotic name - La France. It is worth noting that at that time the appearance of this variety went virtually unnoticed, but several decades later, in 1990, another hybrid tea variety appeared - Soleil d’Or, distinguished by an abundance of spectacular yellow flowers. It was after this that hybrid tea roses gained worldwide recognition.


Of course, such varieties are significantly superior to tea roses in their resistance to frost and pests. It is worth saying that from tea plants they inherited a magnificent, graceful flower shape and delicate aroma, and from remontant plants - the ability to bloom almost continuously and frost resistance.

Today, among flower growers, such roses are rightfully considered one of the most popular groups of garden flowers. They bloom for quite a long time - from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. Their flowers are characterized by a variety of colors (these roses can be purple and white, orange and pink, red and yellow), scents and shapes. There are varieties of hybrid tea roses with various transitional tones, two-color, changing color during the flowering process. Roses differ in the height and density of the bush, the intensity of the color of the leaves. That is why this group of roses is suitable for any garden.

Hybrid tea roses: description and photo

Typically, roses of this group have fairly large buds with a large number of petals (their number sometimes reaches up to 100 pieces!). The petals form a pronounced central cone. Each flower of any hybrid tea rose is distinguished by its aristocracy; flower growers often call them a work of art. Just imagine: elongated glasses of flowers with sharp tops, velvety petals and a delicate tea aroma... Usually the bush has a proportional build, the shape can be either pyramidal or spreading.


The best hybrid tea roses have a wide range of scents. The aroma can be subtle, subtle, almost unnoticeable. Or it can literally envelop, be thick and heavy. The fragrance is emitted by microscopic glands with essential oil located on thin petals. Experienced flower growers note: roses smell strongest at the beginning of the day. Usually among the most fragrant are roses of dark tones.

Red varieties

We invite you to talk about the names of red hybrid tea roses. Among the brightest is Dominica. This bush is compact - its height does not exceed half a meter. The variety is disease resistant and blooms continuously. The size of the flowers is usually 10 cm. The petals of a fully bloomed flower are slightly wavy along the edge. Gardeners call it the blackest. In fact, its color is dark red. The size of the flower is rarely more than 8 centimeters, it is densely double, and the petals are velvety. The height of the bush reaches a meter, width - 0.7 m. The variety is moderately resistant to diseases. Another red variety is the Red Nostalgie rose. The size of the flowers is usually 10 centimeters; these roses are characterized by a blood-red color and a classic glass shape. The height of the plant reaches 1.2 meters.

Raspberry roses

Among the most beautiful raspberry-colored hybrid tea roses, the George Dixon variety should be noted. The flowers reach a size of 13 centimeters. By the way, this particular variety is actively used in perfumery. The bush usually does not grow higher than 1.3 m and is characterized by average resistance to cold and disease. Another bright raspberry variety is Alain Souchon. Each flower consists of 75-100 petals, its size is about 13 cm.

Pink roses

Roses in delicate pink shades can bring a romantic mood to the garden. Among them, for example, is the handsome, thick-haired Frederic Mistral. This variety of hybrid tea roses is very popular. The bush grows up to 1.1 m. It blooms profusely, and its advantages include high resistance to cold and pests. Among the best is the Mondial variety. The size of the glass can reach 11 centimeters, and the height of the bush usually does not exceed 0.8 m.

White Rose

One of the most magnificent snow-white roses can be called the hybrid tea rose Helga. It is characterized by a soft pink core and a light vanilla tint. The flowers are double, quite large - up to 12 centimeters. Roses of this variety bloom all summer and are suitable for planting in flower beds and lawns. In addition, they last a very long time in bouquets. The height of the bush is about 120 cm. A strong aroma is also characteristic of white roses of the White Christmas variety. Large double flowers (about 12 cm) are different classic shape. The plant can grow up to one meter. The variety is resistant to cold weather, getting wet and various pests.

Yellow and orange roses

The most famous hybrid tea rose yellow color- This is Gloria Day. The bush is powerful, tall (from a meter to one and a half), the width of the bush is about 1.3 meters. Roses of this variety are different large sizes- their diameter is about 15 centimeters! Single petals change color - at first they are soft yellow, then the edges of the petals acquire a crimson hue, and later fade to a salmon or cream shade. Gardeners say: color depends on the conditions in which the shrub grows, soil and even climatic conditions.

Among the roses orange color It is worth highlighting varieties called Abbay de Cluny and Lolita. The diameter of the flowers of the first is usually 11 centimeters, at the base their color is cream, towards the edges of the petals it turns into orange with a light copper tone. Abbaye de Cluny's roses are so double that they look more like a head of cabbage than a flower! Lolita is bright orange with subtle hints of pink and yellow. The size of a blossoming bud can be 13 cm.

Lilac roses

Among the roses that have the most unusual color - lilac - the hybrid tea rose Blue Moon stands out. Its flowers not only have a delightful appearance, but also exude an incredibly pleasant sweet aroma.

The bush and roses look very neat, even elegant. By the way, among the advantages of this variety one can note the almost complete absence of thorns on the stems. The plant tolerates winter frosts well and is not afraid of diseases. Blue Moon has average resistance to powdery mildew and dampness, and tolerates partial shade. Another advantage is resistance to black spotting. The Mainzer Fastnacht variety also made a splash in its time. Its buds open rather slowly, the diameter of the flower is usually about 11 cm. This rose has a delightfully rich aroma and is resistant to various diseases that usually affect rose bushes. It is worth noting that this variety does not combine well with others. flowering bushes, prefers single plantings.

Multi-colored coloring

The combination of yellow petals and bright red edging is the Utopia rose. Its flowers are densely double, the diameter is usually 10 cm. The shrub is resistant to getting wet and responds to care with lush flowering. The contrast of the white center of the glass and the crimson outer petals is characteristic of the Double Delight rose. The buds bloom extremely slowly and last a long time in bouquets. Among the advantages of this hybrid tea rose, gardeners note the diameter of the flowers (up to 14 cm) and resistance to disease.

Selecting a seedling and preparing it for planting

When choosing seedlings of hybrid tea roses, you should pay attention to the bark - it should be green and without damage. The seedling must have 2-3 shoots and a developed root system. Be sure to have a large number of thin roots. The diameter of the root collar should not exceed 8 millimeters.

Before planting, gardeners recommend placing the roots of seedlings in cold water for 24 hours. After this, it is necessary to cut off all the dry parts of the shoots and roots - to healthy tissue. If you plant roses in the spring, you should shorten the shoots by 3 buds. However, it is best to plant plants in the fall - within a couple of weeks it will have young roots that will have time to harden before frost and will survive the winter well. Seedlings planted in spring are 2 weeks behind in growth; they simultaneously develop both roots and above-ground parts.

Selecting a location

Almost all varieties of roses in this garden group are light-loving. If you plant them in a shaded area, they will bloom poorly and form a large number of blind shoots, be amazed powdery mildew. Experienced gardeners they say: it is important that the place where this plant is planted ornamental shrub, was illuminated by the sun for at least three hours a day. It is best to plant the plant on the south side.

But too much sun is harmful for some varieties: flowers with dark or white petals may lose their decorativeness and color. This is usually indicated in the description of the hybrid tea rose variety. For such plants, you should choose a site located on the southeast side. Roses should not be planted next to bushes and trees that grow over time. They will shade the rose bushes.

Soil selection

These shrubs absolutely cannot tolerate lowlands and places with close proximity groundwater. Therefore, if the soil in your area is very wet and prone to stagnant water, try planting hybrid tea roses in raised beds. As for the choice of soil, loamy and light clay soils are suitable for plants, best if they are breathable and rich in humus. If the soil is very heavy and clayey, you can make drainage and add humus, peat, and sand to the planting hole. Light sandy soils can also be improved by adding compost or turf soil. It is recommended to prepare the planting site in advance, especially if part of the soil needs to be replaced.

Hybrid tea rose: planting description

The first thing to do is prepare planting pits 30-50 centimeters in size. No more than 7 bushes can be grown at a distance of 40 cm from each other. You can first immerse the seedlings in a special mixture consisting of two parts clay, one part water and manure. After planting, you should form an earthen roller - this will help retain water in the place where the roots are located during watering. The final stage is hilling. It will protect the lower buds from adverse weather conditions. The hilling height should be 15 cm.

Care: watering, fertilizing, pruning

According to reviews, hybrid tea roses need abundant and timely watering. If the weather is hot and dry, you should water the bush several times a week. In wet weather, one watering is sufficient. The soil should be moistened either early in the morning or in the evening, so that hot Sun rays Leaves that were exposed to water were not scorched. Gardeners say that it is worth using water that has settled and heated from the sun. To do this, you can place barrels on the site. But cold watering tender roses contraindicated - it leads to disease and even death of the plant!

Watering can be alternated with liquid fertilizers: infusion of mullein, chicken droppings, herbs, ash, microbiological fertilizers. In the first year, gardeners do not recommend using mineral fertilizers. Afterwards you can carry out the following feedings:

  1. In the spring it is worth applying fertilizers that contain nitrogen.
  2. In June you should make complex fertilizers.
  3. In August, you can feed hybrid tea roses with a mixture consisting of 25 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium and 2.5 grams boric acid, dissolved in one bucket of water.

Pruning roses deserves special attention. The main one must be carried out in the spring, before flowering begins. The shoots should be trimmed, about 0.5 cm should be retreated from the developed bud. Dried or diseased stems should be cut off completely, and those that have frozen over the winter should simply be shortened. But in autumn it is not recommended to trim stems and wilted flowers. Otherwise, young shoots will appear on the plant, which will freeze during the winter cold.

Preparing for winter

At the end of autumn it is necessary to prepare the bushes for wintering. They should be covered with small shavings or sawdust. From above you can cover the plant with film, roofing felt or tarpaulin. Gardeners from Siberia or the Urals are not recommended to hill up roses with leaves, humus or soil. The thing is that in these areas the lignification of shoots occurs slowly, and therefore by spring the plant can support itself. In winter, it is necessary to cover rose bushes with snow. Covers should only be removed in cloudy weather. It's best to do this in May because it's bright spring sun may burn the plant.

There was a long winding path leading down from the villa to the small beach. The beach, like the villa, belonged to Marion's father. Early in the morning the sea was deserted. A strip of white sand near the rocks was surrounded by sparse pine trees, and Marion swam in the warm blue sea every day before breakfast, feeling like Eve in paradise. All that was missing was the serpent and Adam. Marion liked to swim alone. Her father got up much later, and the guests who visited him so often also slept until late.

Marion loved feeling the cool morning air caress her skin as she walked down the rocky path. She walked in a tight black swimsuit and sandals, listening to the roar of the sea and the cries of seagulls.

Today she was overcome by such a wave of happiness, her flexible body was so light and agile that she felt like a bird.

Suddenly she heard a cry of admiration, and someone's strong arms embraced her. Marion screamed shrilly.

The stranger's hand covered her mouth. Panicked, Marion tried to break free from his iron grip. Her golden-brown eyes widened in fear and she timidly looked up. The first impression is power and strength. Broad bronze shoulders, a muscular chest, and a toned stomach spoke of an athletic physique. Typical Greek: black hair, olive-dark face, sparkling black eyes.

He cast a quick appraising glance at Marion and narrowed his eyes. Thick eyebrows arched mockingly.

Blonde hair,” he said in English. - Tender, graceful... You must be Brennon's daughter? Sorry if I scared you. Don't be afraid, I won't harm you.

The man removed the hand covering her mouth.

Why did you do this? - Marion exclaimed angrily.

Despite her fear and involuntary irritation, she could not help but notice how his impeccable figure shimmered with gold. The stranger had a towel wrapped around his waist, his tanned skin contrasting sharply with the white fabric.

He looked at Marion mockingly and said casually:

A little more and you would have hit the rocks.

She objected angrily:

Nothing like this! I was just about to turn in at this point.

The stranger's eyebrows rose again.

I got the impression that you are so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t see anything around you.

I know every inch of this beach. If it weren’t for you, I would have taken a little to the right - there is a beautiful descent to the sea.

His clothes lay on the rocks nearby: freshly washed jeans and a cheap cotton T-shirt. Marion frowned and asked the stranger:

Who are you and what are you doing here? This is private property. Do you have permission to be here?

I arrived at the villa last night after you had already gone to bed. Your father told me that you love this place.

Marion actually went to bed early the night before. She preferred to get up at dawn, not wanting to miss the sunrise. She loved these moments so much! It was as if the world was born with every dawn - new, sparkling, clean.

Father didn’t say he was waiting for someone,” said Marion, correcting short hair. The hand was still shaking slightly. Soft silky hair gently framed her oval face. She was short, slender, graceful, her huge, wide eyes spoke of the romanticism of her nature. Passion lurks in the soft curves of her beautiful mouth.

The stranger, on the contrary, had tough, strong-willed facial features.

I wasn't expected here. “I came on my own initiative,” he said and suddenly smiled. Something seemed funny to him about the situation, but what?

Marion tensed.

Where are you from? Do you live in Corfu?

Usually rich businessmen and their wives came to visit her father - people whom Marion tried to avoid as much as possible. They were often openly surprised when they met her and followed her with curious glances - few knew that Jeffrey Brannon had a daughter.

Her parents' marriage ended in divorce when Marion was six years old, leaving her in the care of her mother. She grew up in a small town in Wales, in the north-west of England. Brannon remarried as soon as the divorce proceedings were completed, only to get divorced again a few years later. The second marriage turned out to be childless. Now the father was married for the third time, but Marion still remained his sole heir, although there was hardly any intimacy between them. Her father had almost no relationship with her, only sending her birthday and Christmas gifts - usually something expensive, but so unsuited to her tastes that Marion suspected that his secretary was choosing them. Once a year they spent two weeks together in a villa on the island of Corfu. However, even these days the father was entirely occupied with his guests and saw little of his daughter.

Dark Greek eyes carefully watched her moving little face. Marion became worried: her thoughts could not be reflected on her face? She always thought with bitterness about her father, and she did not want a stranger to penetrate her feelings now.

No, I'm not from here. I came here on a yacht. She is anchored in the local port.

Are you sailing on a yacht? - At this news, Marion’s golden-brown eyes sparkled. - Me too. What class is your ship? Do you swim alone or with a team?

One. My yacht is designed so that it can be easily operated by one person. He looked at Marion with a penetrating gaze. - So you also go sailing?

Not here at home. I live in the Lake District in England.

He smiled a dazzling smile.

Wonderful place!

“Oh yes,” Marion confirmed warmly. - Do you know the Lake District?

The stranger nodded and turned away, not giving her the opportunity to ask new questions. Having collected his clothes, he began to climb towards the pine trees, through which the white walls of the villa could be seen.

Over his shoulder he said:

We should swim together. See you.

Marion looked after him. Who is he? The stranger did not say his name, did not say a word about himself. She was filled with curiosity, but she would have to wait until we met at the villa.

She turned, ran towards the water and dived into the blue water with a graceful movement. She swam like a fish. The house in Cumberland where she lived stood on the shore of a lake, which was one of the main attractions of that part of England. Marion spent almost all her free time on the water, sailing on a small yacht " Blue Arrow" She learned to swim, essentially, at the same time she learned to walk. Her mother taught sports at a local school and enjoyed teaching young children to swim.

That morning Marion returned from the beach earlier than usual. After swimming in the sea, she took a shower, carefully styled her blond hair and went out to breakfast. She wore white and blue striped shorts that revealed her slender golden-bronze legs, and a yellow cotton top.

My father was sitting at the table on the terrace, looking through yesterday's English newspapers and drinking coffee. He had already eaten his usual piece of toasted bread with jam brought from England. Jeffrey Brannon was a man of strong rules. He hated anything changing in his habits.

He looked out from behind the newspaper and gave his daughter an indifferent smile. This sign of attention always made her wonder if he remembered that she, Marion, was his daughter.

Ahh... S Good morning! I slept well?

At fifty-five, Brannon looked youthful. His once blond hair now shone silver, but his facial features had changed little over the years. He followed a strict diet and exercised every day. His piercing blue eyes were cold.

Very good. And you?

Same. You've already been to the shore, haven't you?

Jeffrey approved of his daughter's habit of getting up early and swimming in the morning. He liked that she was completely healthy and feeling great.

Yes. You should go down to the beach too, father. The sea is magnificent!

I swam in the pool, as usual.