Shower      06/16/2019

Herbaceous peony Sarah Bernard. Peony Sarah Bernhardt: a favorite ancient variety with a mysterious history Peony red sarah bernhardt

The Chinese believe that the gods themselves patronize the cultivation of peonies. And, indeed, the flowers are unusually spectacular and original. There are simply no ugly peonies. But some varieties are the most attractive.This group includes, for example, luxurypeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, planting and carebehind it beautiful plant— we’ll talk about all this later in the article.

History of creation

This peony was bredwas in the 19th century by the breeder Pierre Louis Lemoine.Garden qualitiesSarah Bernhardt varietieswere recognized as outstanding already at that time. No wonderthis peonyat the beginning of the century they were awardedremiumsAGM Award of Garden RHS. And stillWITHBernard's macaw remains a true legend in the world of ornamental garden crops.

Who is Sarah Bernhardt

Below in the article we will provide the reader with comprehensive information about what constitutespeony Sarah Bernhardt (variety description). History of originsameThis variety is actually extremely interesting. This peony, as already mentioned, is named in honor of the famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt.Mmany movie lovers still believeherthe most talented actress ever to star in a film. Sarah Bernhardt was born in 1844.In films, she was usually offered sublime, sensual roles. Therefore, soon the audience began to call her the divine Sarah. And to this day, many consider Bernard the most talented actress of the 20th century.

The peony named after her has the same sublime unearthly qualities as this world's first superstar. The Sarah Bernhardt variety blooms at a time when many other plants are blooming in the garden. But at the same time, it never gets lost against the background of even the most beautiful and unusual ornamental crops.

How the Sarah Bernhardt peony came to Russia

This wonderful variety was brought to our country almost immediately after its breeding. It was spread and popularized by peony breeders of Moscow State University. Initially, this luxurious flower in Russia was called not Sarah Bernhardt, but Miss Eckhart or Alex Fleming. This error was later corrected.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt: general description of the variety

This peony belongs to the group of late-ripeningherbaceous. Its double huge flowers(up to 20 cm in diameter)are distinguished by a pleasant juicy,homogeneous lilac-raspberry-pink color. Each petal of Sarah Bernhardt is edged with a silver border. The flowers of this variety themselves amaze with their richness of tones and halftones. This peony attracts attention in the garden not only with its truly luxurious appearance. The aroma of this variety is also very pleasant and rich.Sarah Bernhardt blooms profusely and generously.

This peony grows quite tall. But at the same time, the bush itself is durable. The color of the leaves and trunks of this variety is rich dark green. This one is niceThey retain their shade until late autumn.Stemsthis varietyerect. Looks like bush Cara Bernard, therefore,very neat.The advantages of this variety, among other things, include the fact that its stems never fall to the ground under the weight of flowers.There is no need to use any supports when growing this flower.

The first buds on the bushes of this variety usually appear in the second year after planting.These peonies bloom in the summer, around the second half of June.


The color of the peony petals of this variety is therefore pink. But in gardens you can see such flowers of both a very delicate shade and a darker and more saturated one. Both varieties are considered to be the Sarah Bernhardt variety. Why did this happen, and why might these peonies have some difference in shades? This discrepancy is explained quite simply. At the beginning of the activities of the US Peony Society, American lovers of this ornamental crop, unfortunately, mixed up the names of some varieties.This also affected such a then popular variety aspeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, photo- all this was presented to the public incorrectly.

Later, at the request of members of the peony breeding society, the originator Desser tried to restore order in this matter. As a result, even varieties were identified that had 4-5 other names. Among them was the Sarah Bernhardt variety. The inaccuracies were eventually corrected. But unfortunately, the results of Desser’s work were later considered unsatisfactory by some peony scientists. As a result, confusion again crept into the classification of variety names.

Disputes about what a peony really should beWITHBern's macawR,still haven't subsided. Both supporters of rich colors and delicate ones give their own arguments. Most breeders are still inclined to believe that the real Sarah Bernhardt has dark color petals.The soft pink flowers, according to peony growers, belong to a completely different variety, also very old - Eugenie Verdier.

How to plant

Looks likepeony Sarah Bernhardt (variety descriptionwas given in full detail above) simply luxurious. But, of course, these bushes will be beautiful only if proper care after them.INgrowingpeony Sarah Bernhardtconsidered relatively unpretentious. These flowers are planted in the soil in the spring. The bushes should be positioned in such a way that each of them has at least 1 m2 of free space. The hole for Sarah Bernhardt peonies, since these bushes grow quite large and have a developed root system, is made large - 60 x 60 x 60 cm. The filling mixture is prepared from the following components:

    nutritious turf soil;

    compost or manure;

    superphosphate (200 g per bush);

    bone meal (400 g);

    potassium chloride (100 g).

Actually, the landing technology itself is as follows:

    a small mound is placed in the center of the pit;

    a rhizome is placed on it;

    carefully straighten the roots;

    fill the hole to the top with soil mixture.

The Sarah Bernhardt peony should be planted in such a way that its buds are located at a depth of 3-5 cm from the soil surface. This condition must be met. Otherwise, in the future, Sarah Bernhardt, like any other variety, may simply not bloom. Or the bush will not look very attractive.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt: variety description, care

At one placethese flowers cangrow up to 30-50 years.hardy and undemanding. However, in order for the bushes to bloom well, the owners of the site should follow the following recommendations when growing:

    The peony should be planted in a well-lit place;

    In summer, no more than half of the flower stalks thrown out by it should be left on the bush.

In the fall, the bush is simply pruned,leaving 1-2 cm of stem above the buds. Cover it for the winternot necessary. Sarah Bernhardt tolerates the Russian cold well.But to be sure, the “stumps” remaining after cutting can be sprinkled with peat or humus.

How to propagate

Thus, we figured out what pion Sarah Bernhardt (variety description, planting).Next, let's see howyou can propagate these beautiful flowers.

In order to get many newpeoniesfromone,store boughte,you just need to divide the rhizome of the latter. Of course, this should be done only after the plant has gained sufficient strength - in the third or fourth year after planting.So it's completely easypropagate peony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, dWhat is described in the article allows us to judge him as quite unpretentious. These peonies are well received. However, it is worth performing the operation to separate the roots on time. This procedure should be performed no earlier than August - September.

How to feed

Undemandingness to the composition of the soil is what, among other things, distinguishespeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the varietygiven to him when compiling old catalogs allows us to judge him as one of the most enduring.

There is no need to feed Sarah Bernhardt too often. Fertilizers added to the hole during planting last for a very long time. In the first two years, no compounds need to be used to improve the soil under these peonies. In the future, for better development and abundant flowering You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

For the first time, Sarah Bernhardt peonies are fertilized in the spring. In this case, humus is usually added under the bushes. You can also use urea in the amount of one matchbox for 10 liters of water. The second time the peonies are fed in the fall. In this case, a complex composition is used, intended for herbaceous ornamental crops, which does not contain nitrogenous components.

How to water peonies

So, the culture is quite hardy -peony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety (planting and carethese plants are not difficult), given above, allows us to judge this unambiguously. Sarah Bernhardt, for example, is not at all afraid of drought. Butmoisten the soil underthese peonies, of course, are still needed.In hot weather, plants are watered approximately once every 10 days. In this case, about 30 liters of water are poured onto each bush. These peonies are not very prone to burns. But still, it is advisable to water only in the morning or evening, using the root method.This variety especially needs moisture during the period of bud formation.

What diseases can affect

TO various kinds The Sarah Bernhardt variety is quite resistant to pests and pathogenic microorganisms. However, under unfavorable conditions, these peonies can still get sick. Most often, Sarah Bernhardt is affected by gray rot. To prevent this unpleasant disease, it is advisable to treat peony plantings in the spring with a 5% solution. Bordeaux mixture. For each adult bush, 5-6 liters of fertilizer should be used.

Also, sometimes the Sarah Bernhardt peony variety is prone to flower rust disease. For prevention in this case, a 6-7% solution of copper oxychloride is suitable. You can also use Bordeaux mixture.

Modern forms

So, the reader now understands what it looks like and what features it differs fromion Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, oneHowever, it will be incomplete without mentioning its modern varieties.

BaseSarah Bernhardt,as we found out,has a dark raspberry pinkpetal color. Howevertoday, if desired, you can purchase modern variations of this peony of differentshades.In addition to dark crimson, it is very popular among garden lovers. ornamental plants enjoysmilky whitepeony whiteSarah Bernhardt.Description of the varietyin this case (except for color) it is similar to the main variety.These flowers have a pink shape. Distinctive featuretheirbuds,however,is the presence of rounded petals. White Sarah Bernhardt looks very impressive. Each petal of this variety, like the basic form, has a soft silver border.

In addition to white peonies, several less popular variations were developed based on the Sarah Bernhardt variety - muted lilac, pearl pinkish, Red. The latter variety differs from all other forms not only in its richer and darker color, but also in its smaller flower size (15 cm).

Instead of a conclusion

So, we hope we have fully understood what the Sarah Bernhardt peony is (variety description, cultivation). This flower is actually very beautiful and can decorate even the most tidy garden or yard. He is unpretentious in care. However, he will still have to pay a little attention to the owners of the dacha during the summer season. Otherwise, the Sarah Bernhardt peony will not bloom profusely and regularly.

On their own personal plots gardeners often grow not only berry bushes and trees. Many people plant flower beds so that their plants can be bright colors and rich aromas delighted the soul. One of these crops is peony. There are several varieties of this flower. However, with its magnificent volume and deep colors Gardeners are especially attracted to the peony variety Sarah Bernhardt, which has been known for several decades.

This flower was bred more than a century ago. However, to this day, gardeners highly value this crop, which among its “brothers” is rightly considered one of the most fragrant and beautiful. This variety received its name from Pierre Lemoine, a famous breeder. He lived in the same era as the famous actress and was her fan. In his opinion, the variety of this flower reflects the charm, aristocracy, sophistication and sophistication inherent in Sarah herself.

This plant has several features. How does the Sarah Bernhardt peony differ from other flowers of this variety? This culture is characterized by:

  1. variability of colors;
  2. abundant flowering;
  3. high winter hardiness;
  4. relative unpretentiousness.

Description of the peony variety Sarah Bernhardt

The perennial herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt is a real decoration of the garden. The plant belongs to the category of early crops, and therefore the flower will allow you to enjoy its fragrance and rich colors in both spring and summer. Multifaceted and semi-double flowers form a huge head. They are located on small but strong stems that droop slightly downward. Peduncles feel great on a “base” up to 90-100 cm high. The culture does not even require support. At the same time, the bush perfectly retains its shape, does not crumble in different directions and does not lie on the ground.

Features of flower culture

The description of the variety allows us to talk about its other features. On each bush, openwork and somewhat dissected leaves are formed. They begin to turn green as early as April, but the attractive appearance, the saturation and richness of colors persist until autumn.

The popular Sarah Bernhardt peony is liked by many gardeners not only for its amazing aroma. Florists are attracted by the richness and variety of colors of this plant. It is customary to highlight such shades of this culture as:

  • red;
  • white;
  • milky-flowered.

Peony Red Sarah Bernhardt

Also, this culture may have flowers of a muted lilac and pearl-pinkish hue. Each of these varieties has its own individual characteristics. For example, the Red Sarah Bernhardt peony attracts attention with its rich and rich hue. In diameter, the flowers of this variety are somewhat smaller than their “brothers”: only 15 cm. The bush itself is small. On average, its height is 85 cm.

But gardeners are attracted to this variety by the rich shade of double flowers. They resemble a precious ruby ​​with a purple-red color. The variety belongs to medium-late flowering crops. Detailed description Peony allows us to say that this plant is characterized by:

  1. the presence of a low bush;
  2. sweetish but moderate aroma;
  3. shiny, dark green leaves with an openwork structure.

Milky-flowered variety and peony White Sarah Bernhardt

The milky-flowered peony is the embodiment of love, tenderness, sophistication and sophistication. This variety is rightly considered one of the most fragrant. The color of the flower is pearl pink. Its tints go into lilac tones. Many gardeners often compare these milky-flowering hybrid peonies and roses in terms of richness of aroma, sophistication and tenderness.

Another variety is the White Sarah Bernhardt peony, which resembles a snow-white cloud. Unique Feature This variety of variety consists in the presence of cut and somewhat rounded petals. They seem to be edged with an exquisite silver border. The flower literally fascinates with its sophistication and beauty.

The popular white peony Sarah Bernhardt, like other varieties included in this group, is unpretentious. The culture grows well on any land. But most suitable for of this flower is soil enriched with nutrients and vitamin complexes. The plant requires almost no care and is very resistant to low temperatures.

If the flower is planted in high-quality soil, then in the first few years of its development the substrate does not need to be fertilized.

Features of flower growth and planting

A detailed description of the Sarah Bernhardt peony variety allows us to say that the varietal qualities of the crop are optimally manifested only in the second and third years of the flower’s growth. This culture is considered a real long-liver. It is capable of actively growing and blooming for 30 years. But they are also known unique cases, when the life expectancy of the variety reached 8 decades.

Planting this crop also has some important features. So, it is worth considering that the plant has a rather large and powerful root system. That is why it is necessary to create an appropriate landing hole for it. The hole should be made deep. Before planting (several weeks before), it is recommended to lay drainage on its bottom. It is necessary to pour a mixture based on ash, manure and compost on top of it.

Peony propagation Sarah Bernhardt

Many gardeners are interested in how peonies of this variety reproduce. The best option- method of dividing rhizomes. This procedure is recommended to be performed in August or early September.

Some gardeners prefer to purchase peony seeds of this variety and grow the crop themselves until transplanted to a permanent location. But it must be borne in mind that seedlings grow rather slowly. However experienced gardeners know how the process can be speeded up. It is best to use seeds from your own garden. They should be collected unripe. To prevent the seed from drying out, it is recommended to immediately immerse it in the ground. Seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 months. But first they need to be placed in a container with damp sand.

You need to grow peony from seeds at home from the second ten days of August. This period lasts until the second half of September. Seed material is loaded into holes up to 5 cm deep. It is optimal to provide seedlings with 2 stages of stratification. The first of them is warm, since it is assumed that the temperature regime will be within +15-30 degrees. The second stage is considered cold. Its duration is 2 months. At this stage, a temperature regime within the range from +5 to +10 degrees.

A few words about plant care

In mid-autumn, when frosts are stable, it is recommended to cut off the stems of peonies. This period occurs around mid-October. After cutting, it is recommended to leave stumps no more than 2 cm high above the buds. Despite the fact that peonies feel quite at ease and comfortable in winter, it is recommended to cover them with immature compost or a layer of peat. If the plant is old, then you can do without covering. When in spring period the soil will begin to thaw, the covering material will need to be removed immediately. This will allow the buds to start growing faster.

Despite its unpretentiousness, optimal development and flowering of this crop can be achieved by following certain rules. If the peony does not bloom, then the planting site may be chosen incorrectly.

Sarah Bernhardt loves windless and sunny areas that are not blocked by buildings, tall trees or other landscaping elements.

When a peony blooms, it is also influenced by the depth of planting of the flower. The buds should not be under a layer of soil. It is equally important to pay attention to the quality of the land. The optimal soil for this plant is loamy and clayey. Before planting a peony, it is recommended to further enrich the substrate with nutrients. The flower does not like sandy areas and wetlands. Here he will simply die. Peony also does not like peat, on which it quickly ages.

Compatibility of peony with other crops

Most often, peonies are combined with other crops depending on the shade. The luxury of white varieties is effectively set off by poppies, irises, bluebells, honeysuckle bushes, daylilies and sage. Exquisite, royally chic red flowers are recommended to be planted next to decorative onions. Sarah Bernhardt Pink fits effectively into a composition with barberry bushes or an elegant thuja. You can combine it with hellebores.

Using this, it is easy to create a luxurious garden of continuous flowering. Such a site will smell fragrant and delight the eye with rich shades from spring to autumn. To obtain a similar result, it is recommended to combine peonies with crocuses, irises, daffodils, zinnias, petunias, lilies, godetias, phlox, chrysanthemums or asters.

Sarah Bernard's colorful peony bush gives any sunny corner of the garden the feeling of a luxurious holiday. Strong stems do not bend to the ground, but hold large baskets of a delicate pastel pink shade almost vertically, allowing you to admire them for a long time lush flowering.


The Sarah Bernhardt peony was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century by the French gardener Pierre Lemoine, naming it in honor of the talented actress. Soon, scientists from Moscow University adapted the peony to the conditions of Russia. Possessing high level decorative, the variety received awards at exhibitions and became the standard of its type.

Hybrid Sarah Bernhardt blooms profusely and for a long time - from a week to three, but later than other peonies. The bush, 0.9-1 m high, produces single baskets with a delicate aroma on a strong peduncle. Large inflorescences are semi-double or double, pink or spherical. Lush flower– 16-20 cm in diameter, individual specimens – up to 25 cm. The petals are slightly concave towards the center of the flower. The coloring of the petals changes depending on the lighting and duration of flowering: from light pink tones to crimson or lilac. The originality of the flowers is emphasized by the characteristic silver-white border of each petal.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt

Based on the hybrid, varieties with white, red, yellow and cream colors have been bred and distributed. Peonies White Sarah Bernhardt and Sarah Bernhardt Red are also late bloomers. Bushes of derived forms are lower - up to 85 cm, the size of flowers is also smaller - up to 15-17 cm.

Peonies retain their spectacular appearance throughout warm season, thanks to the dense dark green leaves that acquire a dark purple color in the fall. The foliage of the Sarah Bernhardt hybrid becomes green already in April and does not turn yellow in the summer.

Important! The stems of the hybrid are resistant to lodging.

Agricultural technology


The peony bush, which is unpretentious in care, is demanding only at the time of transplantation. The decorativeness of the plant depends on the choice of place and time.


Flower growers plant peonies from the end of August to the third ten days of September. New bushes bloom in two years.

Planting peonies

The best soil for milky-flowered peony is loam with low acidity:

  • in areas with acidic soil, where the pH reaction is below 5-6, preliminary liming of the substrate for the planting pit is carried out, adding per 1 square meter. m of soil 450-500 g slaked lime or 200-300 g dolomite flour;
  • half the volume of clay is added to the sandy loam soil;
  • sand is mixed into clay soil;
  • good drainage and loose soil are important for rhizomes.

Additional Information. After liming, the substrate is enriched with humus.

Peonies develop well in sunny, cozy place, light partial shade is allowed during lunch hours. Peaty, dry, sandy areas or those where groundwater approach at a distance of 1 m to the surface. Peonies planted in the shade will not bloom.

Seedling preparation

Elastic divisions of peony rhizomes with 2-3 buds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or in garlic infusion for 15-20 minutes. Then the seedlings are placed in the selected growth stimulator, according to the instructions for the drug. Dried planting material The cuts are treated with additional wood ash and planted.
Planting process

It is better to dig a spacious hole for the powerful Sarah Bernhardt bush a month before planting. The size of the pit is 60x60 cm, with the same depth. Place drainage and prepare the substrate. For fertilizer, take 500 g of bone meal, 200 g of superphosphate, a liter jar wood ash.

Peony seedlings

Follow the landing algorithm:

  1. The rhizome is placed on the prepared substrate in such a way that the buds are not buried more than 5 cm from the ground level;
  2. Sprinkle with soil, lightly compacting;
  3. Water with 5-6 liters of water;
  4. The entire surface of the hole is mulched with peat, humus or plant debris, which is removed in the spring.

Advice. The interval between peony bushes is 1 m.


The unassuming peony Sarah Bernhardt develops well with minimal care. In a well-chosen location, the plant will bloom for 30-80 years.

Top dressing

The first two years the bush uses a set of fertilizers contained in landing hole. In the third year, peonies are fed:

  • in early April, after the snow melts;
  • in the phase of bud formation;
  • two weeks after flowering.

Increasingly they use convenient integrated mineral fertilizers for flowers, following the attached instructions. In the spring, up to 0.5 liters of wood ash are also placed under the bush, sprinkled lightly with earth. In the summer, at the beginning of July, it is justified to introduce a solution of mullein or chicken droppings. Organic matter is diluted in proportions of 1:5 and 1:15, respectively.

Top dressing

At the end of August, a solution of superphosphate is poured under the peony: 30 g per bucket of water. First, the granules are dissolved in a liter hot water, leaving for a day and stirring from time to time. Then combine with the rest of the liquid.

Loosening, mulching

After watering, the soil is carefully, not deeply loosened. Lay dry grass as mulch to retain moisture.


Windy areas quickly reduce the decorative value of the bushes, knocking off the delicate petals. But the strong flower stalks, according to the description, withstand gusts without falling to the ground.


Peonies are quite drought-resistant. In spring and early summer, the bushes need abundant weekly watering - 20-40 liters for an adult plant. Later, water at the same rate twice a month if there is no precipitation. In the first ten days of August, watering is resumed, as flower buds for the next year are being laid.

Irrigation and spraying

It is better to irrigate peonies in the evening to avoid sunburn on a clear day. Sprinkling the Sarah Bernhardt peony bush with a fine spray will help maintain its vibrant beauty in dry weather.

Pest treatment
Dampness, like pests, can cause fungal and viral infections. Fungicides will help protect flowers from fungal diseases. Viral mosaics often lead to the death of bushes. Usually such plants are destroyed.

Bouquet Sarah Bernhardt

Peonies preventively protect against diseases and pests in early spring, spraying the bush with three liters of Bordeaux mixture. At the same time, soil disinfection occurs. Gardeners mainly collect bronze flowers from flowers by hand. Aphids are eliminated by using insecticides or soap solution. They also monitor the development of ant families and divert this threat from the bush by moving the anthill or using poisonous traps.

You should avoid planting peonies near raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers, which may suffer from viral infections.

Replanting, pruning

It is useless to replant an old peony bush without dividing the rhizome. In a new place, the plant usually withers. It needs stress due to damage to the roots, which will stimulate the formation of new stems and further development.

Transplanting peonies

An important point in caring for peonies is the removal of faded heads, which can become a source of fungal infections. In September-October, the stems are cut to a height of 10-15 cm. They can be used to cover bushes during the cold period.

In autumn, peonies are mulched with compost or humus, in a layer of up to 3-5 cm. Then the trimmed bushes are covered with the remains of old stems. Rhizomes winter well under snow. No additional shelter made from scrap materials is required.


Herbaceous peonies, like the Sarah Bernhardt hybrid, are easier to propagate by dividing the rhizomes in early autumn. Experts take cuttings or develop strong stems for sprouts.

Growing peonies

Application in landscape design

Peonies are expressive soloists; group plantings of single-colored or different-colored varieties also look beautiful. In spring, against the background of their dark foliage, bright bulbous ones win. In the summer, petunias, lilies, geraniums, and phlox become partners of peonies, and in the fall - asters and chrysanthemums.

Sarah Bernhardt flowers create an attractive fragrant bouquet; on the garden lawn they will become an attractive island for relaxation.

If you have decided to decorate the garden with beautiful flowers, then the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt should be in your arsenal, because the characteristics of the plant speak volumes. Firstly, this winter-hardy variety peonies, so it can be grown in areas with a cold climate, which means it is possible to plant it in the North-West of the country, in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region. The winter hardiness class of the Sarah Bernhardt peony is 4.

Herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt – description of the variety, photos, reviews

Coloring pages of delicate flowers Pink colour with pale edging around the edges. Reviews from flower growers say that the flowers are lush and dense with curly petals and very fragrant. The diameter of an individual flower reaches 20 cm. A special feature of the variety is that the plant does not set seeds, so propagation at home will only be possible by dividing the rhizome.

Deadlines Peony Sarah Bernhardt blooms in May-June, but depending on the growing region, the timing may shift in one direction or another. The height of the Sarah Bernhardt peony can reach one meter.

It is worth noting that there is also a peony variety, Red Sarah Bernhardt, with crimson-red, rose-shaped double flowers, and White Sarah Bernhardt, with incredibly snow-white lush buds.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt pink – pictured

Peony Sarah Bernhardt, planting - how to and cannot plant

Many novice gardeners are wondering how to squeeze the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt to quickly get lush flowering? And in this matter, beginners need to be extremely careful, because an incorrect landing can lead to disastrous results, and, as a consequence, to moral distress. You wait and wait... but nothing comes out of the ground.

To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Planting the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt is recommended by gardeners in the spring, around the end of April, when the air warms up and the snow melts, but, so that the air temperature does not exceed +12 ﹾC and provided that there will be no return frosts;
  2. It is better to prepare the planting hole in advance, a couple of weeks before the plant is supposed to be planted. Add 200 grams of superphosphate, part of the turf soil, part of the humus and the same amount of coarse river sand to the very bottom, add a jar (0.5 l) of ash, mix well, leave until the time of planting;
  3. When it’s time to plant the Sarah Bernhardt peony, remove the rhizomes from storage and check for damage and diseases. If there is any suspicion of a disease, then immerse for 15 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Make a mound in the hole, lay down the rhizomes and take a good look at what you are planting; there must be 3-5 ocelli (buds) . If everything is in order, sprinkle with the prepared soil mixture (the one you prepared two weeks ago), but do not press too hard into the soil. Peonies cannot be planted at great depths, therefore we bury the rhizomes to a depth of 2.4-4 cm, no more;
  4. Have you been imprisoned? Don't forget to water! Mulch the top with a small layer of humus or compost.

Sarah Bernhardt - how to care for a peony for lush flowering

In order for the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt to delight with its lush flowering, you need to take care of it. Some distinctive features in withdrawal from others herbaceous varieties, Sarah Bernhardt does not have a peony. The main points in care are: fertilizing, watering, protection from diseases, mulching, preparation for winter.

If you filled the planting hole when planting the plant, in the first two years after planting no additional fertilizing except mulching with humus or compost. Not required.

Starting from the third year after planting, the Sarah Bernhardt peony begins to be fertilized. The first feeding is given in the spring when the foliage grows, but before the budding period begins, take 40 grams of urea, dilute it in a bucket of water and water it at the rate of 4-5 liters per bush. Instead of urea, you can use Ideal fertilizer (2 tbsp/10 l) and use it according to the instructions.

When budding begins, Peonies are fed a second time– 60 g of nitrophoska, 60 g of fertilizer “Agricola for flowering plants"dilute in a bucket of water and water 5-6 liters per bush. Also at this time, it is recommended to spray Sarah Bernhardt peonies with growth regulator Bud (10 g/10 l). Ash (1-2 cups) is scattered under the bush.

When the flowering ends, 3rd feeding of herbaceous peonies is carried out(1 tbsp superphosphate, 1 tbsp potassium sulfate per bucket of water, watering 5 liters per bush). This feeding will stimulate the plant to lay regeneration buds, so that next year the Sarah Bernhardt peony will delight you with its lush flowering.

In general, peonies readily respond to feeding, in return giving excellent flowering and healthy growth. Peonies are watered generously, twice a month, but more often if the weather is dry and hot.

Mulching is carried out twice a season, in spring and autumn - organic matter is added under the bush in a layer of 7-10 cm. Late autumn, before mulching, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying against pests and diseases (40 grams of copper sulfate/10 liters of water). When stable frosts begin, the herbaceous peony is pruned, cutting off all the stems almost to the base, leaving only small stumps of 2-3 cm.

If you stick to everyone simple rules, then the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt will definitely thank you with lush flowering! And you shouldn’t believe it when your dacha neighbors say that everything grows on its own. Without attention and care, you cannot get beautiful flowers.