Mixer      06/17/2019

Connection diagrams for household gas meters. Where should the gas meter be located in the apartment and what are the requirements for the placement of gas distribution in the kitchen? Mosgaz explanations. What to consider when choosing a meter

The legislation defines strict deadlines for installing gas meters in apartments and houses of Russians. By January 1, 2015, every property owner will be required to install this equipment.

The first question that arises among consumers is “Why install a gas meter?” The thing is that in 2009 Federal Law No. 261-FZ came into force, which provides for mandatory installation counters.

On this moment the consumer has the right to choose the manufacturer and the company that will carry out the installation; after January 1, 2015, the installation will be carried out by the gas supply organization. In turn, consumers will be required to provide access to the installation site, as well as pay the cost of installation. In case of refusal to pay, it will be forcibly collected, along with payment of the expenses that it entailed.

Each subscriber must understand that the meter has not only a control function, but also a saving function. By installing a meter, you will be sure that you are paying exclusively for the gas that you used.

Basic installation requirements

The rules for installing gas meters determine that they can only be installed by specialists who have the necessary licenses to carry out this work. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 dated May 14, 2013 defines the range of organizations, which include companies transporting gas to the point of connection of the network. They are the ones who have permission to install, replace and repair gas equipment.

After installing the meter, only employees of the state gas service have the right to start gas. They are also responsible for making changes to the executive and technical documentation located in the archive of the organization.

The meter installation standards require mandatory compliance, since this will determine general security residents of the house. Hiring low-skilled workers can lead to gas leaks, and this in turn poses a threat to the life and health of subscribers.

Owners Responsibility

Many gas consumers, when installing a meter, wonder who will be responsible for correct work and equipment operation. First of all, responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owner of the premises and those employees who carry out installation work. If the connection diagram was not designed correctly, and this resulted in the occurrence of emergency situation, all responsibility rests with the performer installation work.

Representatives of the state gas service and the supervisory authority have the right to disconnect meters that were installed without permission, without permits and without following the installation and sealing procedures.

All requirements that are put forward for gas meters are regulated by regulatory documents. In addition, equipment manufacturers strongly recommend following the recommendations that appear in the technical data sheet. This list of rules determines the location of the gas meter, relative to gas equipment, floors and walls, as well as temperature regime, at which the equipment can be operated.

Installation and operation

Before performing any work, a preliminary inspection of the territory and analysis of the gas appliances used are carried out. Employees draw up a diagram and determine an estimate of the necessary installation costs, which are most often limited to the use of welding work.

After completion, gas is released into the equipment that is operated in the apartment or house. Carrying out gas welding work involves disconnecting the entire entrance from the gas supply, if we are talking about the presence of a common gas pipeline.

A mandatory condition for the operation of gas equipment is its sealing. This procedure is carried out by employees of the gas supply company based on a submitted application from the subscriber. In the absence of a seal, the meter readings will not be considered valid and calculations based on them will not be carried out. The day the seal is installed is the day from which the volumes of gas consumed are determined based on the fact of its consumption.

Compliance with rules, purchase quality equipment and the involvement of professionals is a guarantee of not only safety, but also savings in the consumption of gas resources, and therefore the opportunity to save your own funds.

The law has come into force, and now it is everyone’s responsibility to install a gas meter. However, there is no need to rush.

Let's start with how to choose the right accounting device and not make a mistake?

What needs to be done, what papers need to be prepared and why?

Before buying a gas metering device, you need to clarify several parameters. They will help you choose the most appropriate device for the user’s needs.

  1. Number of consumers in the house and overall fuel consumption.
  2. Temperature environment , at which the counter can operate.
  3. Thread diameter at the outputs of the controller (counter).
  4. Connection side apparatus.
  5. Its service life.
  6. Distance between centers gas controller outputs.

Now let’s figure out point by point what this means and what it’s needed for.

  1. Each counter is marked like: G-x or G-x, y (instead of letters, numbers indicate on controllers minimal amount gas that they are able to pass through themselves). For example, the apartment has geyser(consumption 1 cubic meter/hour) and stove (1.5 cubic meter/hour). Their total fuel consumption is about 2.5 cubic meters per hour, which means a controller with index G-2.5 is suitable.
  2. Accounting controllers are installed in apartments and private houses. In the second case, this is done outside, where in winter the temperature can drop to -30. In such conditions, only devices with a temperature compensator can operate.
  3. Gas pipes in apartments are 1/2 inch in size, in houses it can be the same or 3/4. Rarely, inch pipes are also found.
  4. The devices are available with left- and right-hand gas supply. Which one will be needed depends on the position of all gas consumers relative to the installation location of the meter.

Important indicator! After the service life has expired, the device will have to be replaced. The main thing to remember is that the service life begins from the moment the device is released. It is indicated in the passport.

Installation Rules

Installation of a gas meter hard work, does not accept mistakes. It is better to entrust it to specialists. This will help avoid dangerous situations during installation and operation of the device. So, what needs to be done before installing the controller.

  1. Submit an application to the organization that supplies gas. Some documents must be attached to it. Rental agreement or owner's passport. You also need: an identification document, a subscriber's book, a house gasification project or apartment plan, a passport for the metering device. The last thing you will need is a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment.
  2. The second step will be a visit from the master to the house. He will take the necessary measurements and tell you if you need additional work. Then he will announce the final cost.
  3. Next, you will need to pay the specified amount, and agree on a convenient time for installation.
  4. The last stage is installation of the device. After the specialists have finished, you need to take from them the act and the document with the calculations. These papers will be needed for sealing.

It is also possible self installation, but it is necessary to accurately calculate position the device according to the rules below.

  • Height installations 1.6 m.
  • Distance from the device to gas appliances 1 m. If other numbers are given in the instructions for the mechanism, then installation is carried out according to them.
  • The device should be 3-5 cm behind the wall. To be less susceptible to corrosion.
  • The controller should be placed in a room with natural ventilation.
  • If the device is installed on outdoors, you should prepare a canopy or a special locker for it.

Remember that the installation will be assessed by specialists at the time of filling. If any norms are violated, everything will have to be redone.


After completing the installation work, specialists check the functionality of the device. Is there any interference with the passage of fuel through the device? No gas leaks. The functionality of the device itself is also checked.

Is wasted fuel measured? Commissioning has been completed, and the homeowner receives a certificate that certifies this.


Now the owner of the apartment has everything Required documents. The next thing to do is purchase a filling. Next, a specialist will visit the house within 5 working days. He will make sure that the device is installed correctly.

Based on the submitted application for the installation of a gas meter, and the documents received after installation work, sealing takes place.

A device that has not passed this procedure is considered illegal. His testimony will not be accepted when paying for gas supply services.


This procedure allows the gas supplier to verify that the mechanism produces measurements without deviations up or down. According to the law, the gas metering device undergoes initial verification before commissioning and after repair work.

The device passport also indicates the period after which this procedure must be repeated. In turn, the owner of the property is obliged to provide the meter for verification within the deadlines established for this.

How much does installation by a specialist cost?

The amount you will have to pay for installing the meter varies significantly depending on different rooms . Will depend on a number of factors.

  1. Number of consumers fuel.
  2. Will there be a need welding work.
  3. Pipe length for the counter.
  4. Who bought the necessary fittings, pipes and the metering apparatus itself.

For example, if the apartment has only a gas stove, then the cost of installation work alone will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. If there is also a gas water heater, then the cost will increase to 7 thousand rubles.

The state has mandated the installation of these devices. According to reviews from people who already have meters, this is beneficial. This means that if you choose and install the device correctly, the result will be positive. The money spent quickly goes back into the user's pocket.

Below we will take a look at three popular device models. Let's find out how much they cost and what users think about them.

Betar SGBM-1.6 price 1800 rub.

Alina, Moscow

A year has passed since the meter was installed. So far everything is working. I didn’t notice any disadvantages, but the advantages include small size and cost.

Georgy, Voronezh

This device is a total bummer. Of the 12 years stated by the manufacturer, it worked for 5, and the battery died. Calling a technician, a new inspection, replacing the battery, everything will add up to the full cost of the new unit.

Vasily Nikolaevich, Blagoveshchensk

The device has justified itself. The battery problem occurred after 7 years, but within the first year it completely paid for itself. I am completely satisfied with this, I will buy the same one again.

Vector M G 1.6 price 2200 rub.

Irina, Ust-Kamensky

I can't say anything bad about this unit. Compact, affordable, works for more than 3 years without complaints.

Artem, Kaluga

I bought it with caution, it's too cheap. But I don’t regret it at all, six years is a normal flight.

Omega G4 price 3500 rub.

Boris, Tagil

Terrible product! Stood less than a year, and the problems began. Periodically, it begins to stall or stop altogether. The gas pressure drops sharply. We'll have to change it.

Fatima, Ufa

Works great for over 6 years. The stated service life is 20 years, I think there will be no problems.

If you are tired of the average gas consumption standards “in the whole country”, and you want to save your honestly earned personal funds, then it’s time to take care of installing a gas meter. Like any metering device, a gas meter and its installation have characteristic features.

Strict controller - gas meter

The metering device, which is designed to measure the amount of gas flowing through a gas pipeline, is a household gas meter. Therefore, the meter is used for apartments and private houses equipped with mini furnaces. In most cases, gas communications and meters are installed for a significant period of operation.

Before choosing and installing a meter in an apartment, you need to consider the safety of its performance and durability. Installing a gas meter is a regulated event that is controlled by the relevant authorities. The process of installing a gas meter will begin with a visit to just such coordinating organizations. So, time has passed...

Operating principle of gas meters

As you know, the invisible gas, thanks to which we are able to cook food, is a mixture consisting of certain components with given properties. Therefore, the process of calculating the gas mixture is built according to the laws of physics.
According to the principle of operation, gas meters are divided into groups:

For household needs of the population, gas meters of rotary and membrane types are used.
Rotary gas meter is based on the principle of calculating the volume of gas passed in proportion to the number of rotor revolutions. The portion of gas cut off between the wall of the measuring chamber and the rotor is a quantitative unit. When the rotor rotates through a mechanical transmission, this information is transmitted to the counting mechanism, where the accumulated amount of gas actually occurs. The quantitative value of the count is the Qmax value. For household sector Qmax ranges from 4 to 10 m3/h.

Principle of operation membrane meter based on short-term movement of thin movable membranes. IN gas chambers in the presence of a gas mixture, these membranes move into the device, which, through a mechanical transmission, activates the counting mechanism. Membrane type meters are used for maximum gas flow rates Qmax. from 2.5 to 100 m3/h.
The structure of a household gas meter is shown in the video.

General classification of accounting gas devices based on the volume of gas consumed. So the gas consumption of an average stove with 4 burners is 1.56 m³/hour, for a gas water heater - 2.50 m³/hour.
Industrial gas meters are produced taking into account the direction of gas flow. Therefore, when purchasing a gas meter for an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the placement of the gas pipeline and stove in the kitchen.

Rules for installing the meter

Before starting installation work, you must contact the city gas utility. This procedure is necessary in order to find out all the conditions and details of installing the meter. You can purchase a gas meter yourself by connecting a professional specialist you know.

An alternative is to purchase a meter from the gas industry and install it by gas industry specialists. In this case, you can even save some money on purchasing a meter, because gas industry specialists are interested in this purchase.
Installation of a gas meter is carried out only by specialists who have licensed rights to install this type of equipment. Are you looking forward to the specifics of national meter installation?

The specifics of the installation will appear immediately after you submit your application to Gorgaz. So, the next step in installing the meter will be submitting an application to the city gas utility. The application, certified by a personal signature and the date of submission, is accompanied by a photocopy of the technical passport for the living space and a certificate of no debt on energy for the current month of service. After submitting the application and registering the meter, you will be assigned a day for a visit from a gas specialist. A visit to a specialist should determine the technical feasibility of subsequent installation of the meter. In addition to this examination, you will be given an installation price.

On the appointed day, the installation and installation of the gas meter will be carried out by gas industry specialists.
Installation of equipment depends on the design features specific model and placement of the gas pipeline in the kitchen.

Features of installation of gas meters

It is allowed to lay the gas pipeline at the level of the connecting fitting. The shut-off valve can be located on the side of the stove at a distance of 200 mm. In the case of overhead wiring, the shut-off valve is installed on the descent. The gas meter must be visible and located away from the stove.

The permissible installation height is 1.5 m from the floor. Installation and installation of gas appliances is regulated by SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003. According to clause 6.47 of SP 42-101-2003, the installation of meters is provided based on the conditions for the convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair.

Gas meters can be installed using rubber hoses. Rubber sleeves should not come into contact with the heating zone of the device. Installation of meters provides subsequent convenient conditions for maintenance or repair.

Such conditions are regulated by the manufacturer’s operational documentation. It is recommended to install meters outside the zone of moisture and heat generation in well-ventilated places.

We have gas in our apartment, and you have

After the successful completion of installation work, the owner of the apartment and the new installed meter receives an Installation Certificate and a payment document intended for sealing the meter. And here again the “peculiarities” of installing gas meters arise: you will not be able to start using gas until the seals are installed.

The installation of seals on the meter is carried out by specialists. Payment for gas, according to the meter readings, is made after installing the seals. The service life of the meter depends on its brand. In 10-15 years you will have to submit the meter for another inspection.

Of course, you will be fabulously lucky if gas meters have been installed and registered previously. In this case, there is no need to replace the gas meter. If the meter meets all the parameters and is in working condition, then it will be enough to conclude an agreement with the organization. However, all formalities of correct documentation must be observed.

And now, finally, two weeks of waiting are over, and you are the proud owner of a gas meter in your apartment. Membranes and rotors of counters awaiting the first portion explosive mixture called "gas".

Gas metering allows you to understand who and what you pay monthly. If you have not installed a gas meter, you will pay for each family member who is registered in a given living space, regardless of whether you use the entire limited volume of gas or not. If you install a gas meter, you will pay exclusively for the energy used. Consumer experience shows that monthly payments for gas use after installing a meter will be reduced by 30 - 50%. Today we’ll talk about how to install a gas meter yourself and how to choose the right device.

Purpose of gas meters

In the private sector today a large number of houses are heated with gas. Tariffs for this type of energy are rapidly increasing in our country. In order to keep accurate records of this resource, you need to know the amount of gas consumed and control its costs. There are special gas meters for this.

On average, 1000 are consumed per month cubic meters gas depending on the size of the heated room. In the warm season, gas consumption is minimized, but in winter time there will be impressive amounts of payment, which generally makes necessary installation gas meter to save resources.

Installing a gas meter in the homes of homeowners is not a luxury, but a real necessity. Using a gas meter, the amount of liquefied or natural gas consumed is measured. That is, with the help of this device you can keep track of energy resources, as well as stimulate consumers to save them.

The measured medium of gas meters is butane, propane, natural gas, as well as other non-aggressive and chemical composition heterogeneous gases. Gas consumption is most often measured in cubic meters per hour. For example, the cost of purchasing the device itself and the cost of installing a gas meter pays off on average within a year.

Such a gas meter can be installed in the room being gasified or in the building being gasified if it has ventilation. Also, the installation of meters is permitted in a room that is adjacent to the one being gasified, and if there is an opening between them.

The meter should be located far from the zone of moisture and heat generation. It should be located in a well-ventilated area. Undesirable installation locations are niches, as well as areas that do not receive fresh air. If the device is installed outside the building, then it should be under a canopy or in a closet, that is, sheltered from external influences.

Types of gas meters

The need to install a gas meter was appreciated by large enterprises and individual individuals. Currently there are four types of gas meters: vortex and turbine flow meters, rotary and membrane.
The operating principle of a diaphragm (chamber, membrane) meter is based on the fact that the gas is divided into volume fractions using various converting elements, and then they are cyclically summed.

The advantage of diaphragm counters: low cost, easy to manufacture, and fairly accurate counting even with not very great use gas But such meters practically cannot withstand both permanent and temporary overloads.

A rotary meter is a chamber gas meter that uses eight-shaped rotors as a converting element. At a rotary counter with small overall dimensions and weight are relatively high in permeability, it can also withstand certain overloads and is durable. A rotary gas meter is made of expensive materials, requires careful adjustment of parts, and is more expensive than other meters.

Turbine gas meters are gas meters in which the turbine wheel is driven into rotation by the action of gas flow, and the number of revolutions is directly proportional to the volume of gas flowing through it. Counting mechanisms of a turbine gas meter in Lately are equipped with modems, with the help of which all readings are transmitted to servers for inspection services.

A counter such as a vortex counter uses calculation of the periodicity of the occurrence of vortices near a body that is flowing around a gas flow, the frequency of which is proportional to the flow speed. To detect vortices, hot-wire or piezoelectric detector sensors are used. The following are the advantages of vortex counters: quite high maximum expenses relative to diameter, wide measuring range, especially on high pressure, low sensitivity to contamination of this measured medium. This meter also requires external electrical power.

Calculation of gas consumption

Gas meters based on maximum capacity are conventionally divided into industrial, household and municipal. The most common practice is to install household gas meters with a throughput of 1 - 6 cubic meters per hour in offices, apartments, houses, as well as small furnaces to record gas consumption. These are usually membrane (diaphragm, chamber), less often small rotary, ultrasonic, jet devices.

Devices such as utility devices with a maximum throughput of 10 - 40 cubic meters per hour are used to measure gas consumption technological installations, small boiler houses, etc. These are usually larger membrane (diaphragm, chamber), jet, rotary, ultrasonic gas meters.

Industrial devices with a maximum throughput of more than 40 cubic meters per hour are mainly used at the nodes of large consumers, such as industrial and agricultural enterprises, gas boiler houses, main networks (restrictive devices, ultrasonic, turbine, vortex gas meters), as well as metering nodes of gas distribution networks (turbine, rotary, jet, ultrasonic, vortex gas meters).

The main types of markings for gas metering devices are:

  • G-16 - throughput ranges from 16 to 25 cubic meters of gas;
  • G-10 - 10 - 16 cu. meters;
  • G-6 - 6 - 10 cu. meters;
  • G-4 - 4 - 6 cu. meters;
  • G-2.5 - approximately 2.5 - 4 cu.m. meters;
  • G-1.6 - about 1.6 - 2.5 cu. meters.

To install a gas meter in an apartment, you need to choose a device depending on the number of gas appliances used. If you use a gas stove with 2 burners in your home, which consumes approximately 1 cubic meter. meters per hour, then you can get by with a device marked G-1.6. In order to calculate the total fuel consumption, you need to look at the passport of each device that uses gas. There are left and right meters, depending on the direction of energy flow, and the choice of a specific type depends on the location of the stove and pipe in the kitchen.

The principle of operation of the gas meter

A gas meter consists of a sealed housing in which a measuring mechanism is built, as well as a reading device. The operating principle of a diaphragm gas metering device is based on energy taken from the incoming gas. Alternate displacement of gas occurs from the working chambers when the diaphragms move. The crank mechanism converts the translational movement of the diaphragms into rotational movement, which is transmitted through the clutch to the reading device.

The meters are designed with a device with a bimetallic temperature compensator, which makes adjustments when the gas temperature influences the meter readings. Such a compensator, at gas temperatures that differ from the norm, changes the volumes of the measuring chambers and thereby the volume of gas consumed leads to standard conditions.

Do-it-yourself gas meter installation

The best option is to install a common house gas meter. Of course, the price of such a gas meter is much higher, but the costs will be significantly lower than installation individual counter gas If you do not have the opportunity to install a gas meter for the entire house, read on.

If you only use a stove, there is no point in installing a household meter at all. The payback period when operating the device only with a gas stove can take up to 5 years. But having a water heater and a gas stove is already a good option. Most The best decision- if you have a boiler, water heater and stove. The payback time of the meter will depend on the available gas equipment.

Submitting an application to the gas organization

We must not forget that gas equipment is a high-risk product. It follows from this that the installation of the meter should only be carried out by a certified specialist. Gas is a very dangerous material for unprofessional people to handle. Therefore, do-it-yourself installation is not recommended.

The gas supply organization controls the entire installation process so that there are no problems later during operation. Meter sealing is carried out exclusively by those organizations that are allowed to do so by law and that have special permits and licenses. After completing the work, you should be given a certificate of successful “operation”.

The very first step is submitting an application for installation of the device to the regional gas organization. Before installing a meter, you need to consult with a specialist about gas consumption in the apartment in order to select a device of the required throughput and the appropriate class.

In accordance with the received technical specifications and requirements for installing gas meters, you need to purchase a device. Household gas meters intended for apartments and residential buildings differ from each other, first of all, by their “nominal value,” that is, the amount of energy resource passed per unit of time. If the apartment is equipped only with a gas stove, then a device that passes two and a half cubic meters of gas per hour is suitable.

Gas meter installation project

When installing a gas meter, one more feature needs to be taken into account. This is the development of a scheme for installing a gas meter and gas equipment. In this project, the bending radii of the pipe must be determined, the distances from the meter to the heat source, as well as some other parameters, must be taken into account. Quite often this position is not fulfilled, but in vain!

To choose a location for installing the meter, you need to be guided by the following considerations:

  • The meter is installed at a height of 1.6 meters.
  • The device passport must indicate the distance from the gas equipment to the gas meter. If there is no such point, then the distance from the household stove or heating equipment (boiler, heat generator) should be at least 0.8 meters. The distance from the restaurant, cooking and heating stove, as well as the digester to the meter must be at least 1 meter.
  • The gap should be at least 3-5 centimeters between the meter and the wall to prevent corrosion damage to the meter.
  • The room itself must have natural ventilation, and it is not advisable to install the device in a stagnant zone.
  • If the meter is installed inside a room, it should be placed away from objects that emit heat and moisture.
  • The rules for installing gas meters still allow you to install the device in open form outside the building, but still, to extend the service life and safety, the device should be installed under a canopy in a closet or other structure, but it must have doors with locks and natural ventilation. It is advisable to install metering devices under openings in the wall.

Installation of a gas meter

After contacting the gas service, you will receive an invoice, after payment of which a technician will come to you and install the gas meter. At the entrance to the gas meter from gas pipe In any case, you need to install a special dust filter. The device can easily break down if such a filter is not installed.

Remember that during the installation of the meter, the documents already available for your gas equipment (gasification project, passport) are checked, so that there are no troubles, you need to put them in order in advance. After installation, you must immediately issue a gas meter passport. It often happens that the master puts a mark on the spot in the passport, but sometimes you need to contact the gas service. Next, the counter is sealed.

Specialist, management company, after installing the meters, he gives the client a contract for installation of the metering device in two copies, then he signs an acceptance certificate for the work performed, also in two copies, an act for putting the device into operation in three copies, and also a contract for Maintenance metering device.

After this, the apartment owner goes to the DEZ or HOA and provides a commissioning certificate, and then enters into an agreement to pay for the resource for the gas meter. You will need to report gas meter readings to the information and settlement center once a month, after which you will be informed of the payment amount.

One of important points Using the meter is to check the device for correct operation. The manager of the company carries out an initial check, and then this is done by the owner of the gas meter, calling once every certain number of years (such data is indicated in the device passport) a representative of the Center for Standardization and Metrology, who checks the devices and makes the appropriate marks in the device passport.

Gas / Gas meters

Questions about the requirements for the installation location of the gas meter and the gas distribution in the apartment come to EnergoVOPROS.ru almost every day. We try to answer them as much as possible. We also collect and publish on our website explanations given on these issues by government officials and specialists from gas supply organizations. Read the commentary from a MOSGAZ employee on this topic.

What are the requirements for the installation location of the gas meter and gas distribution in the apartment?

Question: We are planning to renovate the apartment, installing a gas meter, we also want to place the oven and hob in different corners of the kitchen: the hob will be located next to the gas main of the apartment. Are there distance restrictions from oven to the apartment gas main? What regulatory document regulates the layout of gas appliances in the kitchen and their safe location relative to the gas main?

Answer: Dear Anton Ivanovich! OJSC "MOSGAZ" has considered your appeal dated 03/03/2015 and reports the following.

According to Article 13 Federal Law dated November 23, 2009 No. 261 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” owners of households using natural gas for domestic needs were required to ensure that by January 1, 2015, the specified facilities are equipped with individual and common (for communal apartments) with metering devices for natural gas used, as well as putting installed metering devices into operation.

However, from January 1, 2015, this requirement does not apply to facilities with a maximum volume of natural gas consumption of less than 2 cubic meters. meters per hour, that is, by gas stoves. Of course, if desired, this category of consumers can also install gas meters, but it is important to remember that for them this procedure is optional.

Based on clause 3.5 of the Moscow standard for the operation of the housing stock ZHM-2004/03 “Gas pipelines and gas equipment of residential buildings”, approved and put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 2, 2004 No. 758-PP (hereinafter referred to as the Standard), when installing gas hob and an independent gas oven, it is necessary to install a second shutdown device.

To redo the internal gas distribution and install a metering device for gas consumption, you need to contact Department No. 1 located at the address: Moscow, Grafsky Lane, 12 (tel.: 8 (495) 687-63-71).
On-site management staff will determine the scope of work, draw up a sketch, issue an invoice and conclude a contract. The work will be completed after payment of the invoice.

The cost of these works is calculated on the basis of the Territorial Estimate Standards for Moscow (TSN -2001), put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 14, 2006 No. 900-PP.
At the same time, we inform you that the location of gas appliances (gas hob, gas oven) relative to the gas riser is not regulated.

When installing gas appliances, it is necessary to comply with clause 3.21 of the Standard; the valve can be installed at the level of the connecting fitting at a distance of at least 20 cm from the side of the stove, and also for overhead wiring, the shut-off valve must be installed at the descent to the stove at a height of 1.5-1, 6 m from the floor. In this case, the distance from the gas riser to the tap must be at least 20 cm.

Best regards, First Deputy general director OJSC MOSGAZ Koloskov Yuri Evgenievich