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Methods for mounting platbands for interior doors. How to fix the trim when installing doors yourself. Necessary tools for the job

Door platbands are installed for one purpose, to close the gaps formed during the installation of the door frame in the opening.
Before you find the answer to the question of how to install platbands on doors, you need to understand the rules for selecting platbands and familiarize yourself with the technology of their installation.

Where to begin?

In order to install platbands on the door, you need to choose them correctly. To do this, cashing must be selected by width, texture, color.
When choosing the color of the platbands, give preference to the one with which the door leaf is also finished.
When choosing a width, try to choose platbands, the installation of which will harmoniously close all the gaps.
By the way, gaps are always formed when mounting the door frame in doorway. You can't get away from them. It is impossible to make a box that is installed exactly in the doorway. More precisely, you can make an exact box and an opening measured to the millimeter, but the costs will be quite high. Is it necessary?
It is cheaper to close the resulting gap with platbands.
For the manufacture of platbands, various materials are used.
Platbands can be made of wood, MDF, plastic, veneered or laminated.
Let's try to figure out how to properly install the trim on the door.
The installation of cashing starts after the completion of the entire repair.
The operation of installing platbands is the finishing one and is performed with or after the installation of skirting boards. It is akin to fixing cornices, in the sense that it is carried out after all the finishing work has been completed.

Platband installation

To make the process of installing platbands understandable to everyone, we will divide it into several stages.

Preparatory stage
It is necessary to check the evenness and flatness of the walls adjacent to the doorway. With a large curvature, the walls must be leveled. And it is imperative to do so.

Attention! Aligning the walls, carefully monitor their relative position. The walls must not only be leveled, but also placed in the same plane on both sides of the opening.

Platbands can hide bumps and cracks up to 3 mm. But it will no longer be possible to close unevenness differences of more than 3 mm with the help of platbands. Knowing how to fasten cashing correctly, you can hide all the bumps and gaps.

The use of platbands not only gives the room an aesthetic appearance, but creates the completeness of the room.
The installation of platbands in importance can be compared with or nailing cornices.

The right tool

A few words about the tool used.
When installing platbands, the main problem is fitting the mating parts to fit right angle. The platbands are installed either at a right angle, but most often at an angle of 45 °. It is best to use a miter box.

A miter saw is used to cut the material. It provides an even cut of platbands from any material.

But cheap models of machine tools have a backlash and an error, therefore, a miter box is still preferable for installing platbands with your own hands Of the auxiliary tools, you will need a pencil, ruler, square, level, plumb line.

The right choice of material for platbands

When choosing platbands, pay attention to the structure of the material.
The appearance of the platbands must match the pattern on the door. Since various materials are widely used for the manufacture of cashing: wood, plastic, MDF boards, it is not difficult to pick up platbands for doors.
Installed platbands can be covered from the outside with a laminated film, painted, varnished, glued with veneer.
Platbands are issued various shapes allowing to solve extensive design problems.

When buying, it is very important to check the architraves for curvature and curvature.

Trim installation rules

The rules are given for those who want to know how to properly install platbands on interior doors.
When installing platbands, it is necessary to ensure the joining of parts without gaps.

The easiest option is the installation of platbands of a simple rectangular shape.
In the end, it is only necessary to ensure the docking at a right angle of the mating parts.

Most architraves are produced in a more complex shape and are joined at an angle of 45 °.
Attention! To ensure the required angle, it is recommended to use a special device called a miter box.

Step-by-step installation of platbands
Below is step-by-step instruction how to fasten cash on interior doors.

First, the platbands are installed on the side from which the door opens towards itself.

    1. 1. Take two pieces of side trim, attach them to the box.
    1. 2. Mark the bottom corner cut on them. It is marked 5 mm above the door frame.

Attention! Do not forget that it is necessary to correctly mark the left and right cuts.

    1. 3. File the architraves at a 45º angle.
    1. 4. Install trims on the door frame. Constantly control the distance between the platbands. It is best to control this size with a bar specially cut to this length. The distance at the top and bottom of the nailed platbands should be the same.
    1. 5. Platbands are fastened with nails with bitten off heads or special hardened nails. Before fastening the trim, mark the fastening points on them in increments of 0.5 m.

Attention! The platbands are nailed, stepping back from the edge of the box by 5 mm.

    1. 6. To ensure better adhesion of the platbands to the door frame, on inner surface glue should be applied. For these purposes, silicone transparent sealant is perfect.
    1. 7. Now you can proceed to the installation of the upper casing.

Having cut the standard workpiece of the casing into two equal parts, cut down one workpiece from one edge. Attach the workpiece to the nailed casing and check the coincidence of the sawn corner. Mark the second edge of the workpiece, saw down the corner and insert the casing between the vertical casings.

    1. 8. It remains to nail the upper trim to the box using the same technology as the side ones.
    1. 9.Go to the other side of the door and follow the same steps.

We will wipe the places of deepening the nails with wax to match the color of the doors.

You have read the material on how to install platbands on interior doors, understood the principles and installation sequence, the video will tell in more detail.

But a few useful tips it won't hurt you:

    1. There are telescopic architraves, which are fastened using a special slot. The slot is inserted into the groove of the extension or door frame.
    2. There are cases when trims of the same size cannot be used because the trim cannot be adjusted in width. In this case, it is not recommended to cut the platbands in width by more than ¾.
    3. The top trim is installed after fixing the two vertical trims.
    4. The construction market offers architraves of various shapes: figured, semicircular, carved or teardrop-shaped.
    5. Platbands are produced in standard sizes in cm:

W×T×H; where W-width, T-thickness, H-height. 7x1x210.

A few words about the capital

Capitals are called special door trims, the main function of which is to decorate doors.
Such platbands are made of MDF or wood sheets. The installation of capitals makes the doors rich and finished.

Once again about fastening platbands

It was described above how to fasten cash on interior doors, with the help of what related materials. But that's not all.

Platbands can be fastened not only with nails.
Liquid nails, self-tapping screws are used to fasten the platbands. There are also special mounts called "beaks".

The use of finishing nails allows you to subsequently dismantle and replace the trim. Nails should have a flat, narrow head. The length of the nails should be 1.5 cm longer than the thickness of the casing, as a rule, 4 cm. The fastening spacing with the help of nails is recommended to be 0.5 m.

Liquid nails are called glue, designed for fastening platbands. Glue is applied to the casing, which is pressed against door frame, held for a few seconds. This method of fastening eliminates traces of fastening.

Platbands are called overhead figured parts used in the design of window or door openings.

Platbands are used to close gaps when installing door or window frames. The installation of platbands improves the aesthetic appearance of not only the door or window, but also the room itself. Platbands are external and internal.

External platbands are used to decorate door and window openings outside the building.

Internal platbands are used for aesthetic design of door and window openings indoors.

Most often, internal platbands are fastened with nails. However, light platband structures can be fastened with liquid nails, silicone or polyurethane foam. It is only necessary to ensure the complete fit of the platbands to the wall and door frame.

Any adhesive materials can withstand a certain load and, with a large weight of the platbands, will not be able to hold the platbands on a plane in a quality manner. When choosing one or another adhesive composition, specify the weight and properties of the platbands.

You can stick platbands on liquid nails, or you can fix them on silicone or mounting foam.

Where to begin?

In order for the platbands to hold firmly, they must be properly adjusted and secured. To provide correct fastening platbands, it is necessary to comply with the technology and the procedure for performing work.

Preparing platbands for fastening

Miter saw for trimming platbands

The platbands are preliminarily trimmed and marked. If necessary, one edge is trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. Trim trimming is best done with miter saw or chair. Reiki are tried on on the box and marked.

And how to glue the platbands on the boxes?

It is possible to fasten platbands with adhesives only when the surface of the wall and the surface of the box lie in the same plane. If there are deviations, the platbands will not fit snugly to the surface, and their gluing is impossible. Walls will have to be leveled with putty.

We glue platbands with liquid nails

If you want to learn how to glue trims on liquid nails, try to get trims without bends and the correct shape.

Plastic architraves can be glued on liquid nails, provided that the walls are perfectly even.

Check the flatness of the box over its entire height. The areas where you plan to glue the platbands must be freed from wallpaper, cleaned, primed. As a primer, it is recommended to use PVA glue.

After the glue has dried, apply liquid nails in dots to the trim in 20 cm increments. The rail is applied to a pre-marked place and held for several minutes. Ideally, press with a clamp overnight.

Different manufacturers of liquid nails have their own technological requirements.
It is allowed in problem areas to fix the slats with nails, which can then be covered with furniture wax.

The strength of the bonded joint is largely influenced by the right adhesive.

Glue "Moment" does not always provide the required quality of the connection.

When pressing platbands with applied to the surface liquid nails glue may show through. In such cases, the adhesive should be removed immediately.

How to glue platbands with polyurethane foam?

And how to glue the trim on the door with foam?
To be honest, it is quite difficult to get a high-quality connection of platbands with the wall surface using mounting foam.

As in the first case, the main requirement is that the plane of the wall and the door frame be on the same level. Otherwise, it will not be possible to ensure a high-quality fit of the casing to the wall.
Platbands are glued in the same way as on liquid nails.

It is necessary to use clamps that will fix the platbands for enough long time for drying.

Here are tips on how to remove mounting foam if it gets on your hands or objects.

How to glue platbands on acrylic sealants orsilicone?

It is also possible to glue the architraves with silicone, it is simple and effective way mounts. Exist different kinds sealants in different combinations. Light platbands can be perfectly glued to perfectly flat wall and with the help of silicone and you don’t even need a clamp and nails.

Mount the box flush with the wall. Clean the place of application of glue from dust, dirt. Apply a layer of deep penetration primer.

Silicone is applied to the platbands in the middle in increments of 10 cm. The platbands are applied to a pre-marked place, held for several seconds.


    - to fix the platbands, you can use silicone, liquid nails, mounting foam, all methods are good;
    - for reliable fixation, it is recommended to use a combined method, stick trims and fix the minimum amount nails, which are then masked with furniture wax.

Platbands on the door are an important element of the finished door structure for the home or bath, which performs decorative and protective functions.

Overhead strips are designed to stylishly frame the doorway, effectively hide visual defects and gaps that exist between the wall surface and the frame.

Installation door architraves- this is the final stage of door installation various types. How to install platbands with your own hands to ensure the strength and reliability of the finished structure? In fact, this process is quite simple, the main thing is to know some of the features of individual types of products and how to install them.

Types of trim for doors

To find out how to install platbands for interior doors, it is recommended to consider their varieties. Finished goods can be classified by configuration, material and installation option.


According to the configuration, the platbands for interior doors are divided:

  • Straight and flat. The standard version, which is characterized by simple execution and attractive appearance. They are suitable for any type of door, combined with any interior solution.
  • Rounded. Outwardly, they are similar to straight decorative strips, while they have a slightly rounded frontal part.
  • Curly. Products are made in any shape to order, combined with the original and design options door cloths.

Production material

Modern options for platbands are made from various materials with high performance.

  • From a tree. Products are made by milling wooden planks. For wooden elements well-dried lumber, spliced ​​in length, is used. Planks made of wood can be straight, rounded or curly. bath, sauna or log housethe best choice for such buildings - these are wooden platbands.
  • From plastic. Plastic platbands on the door are made from a safe polyurethane alloy or PVC. They are simple, easy to install and low cost. Besides, similar products may have different colors.
  • From metal. Finished products are made of steel or aluminum alloy. They are durable, practical and durable.
  • From a composite. Products are made from MDF, plywood or pressed paper.

Installation option

As for installation, you can install platbands on interior doors as follows:

  • Overhead. Products are mounted on the doorway using ordinary nails, glue.
  • Telescopic. The slats are installed according to the tenon-groove type, when special protrusions are inserted into the small slots provided.

To obtain a symmetrical doorway, the appropriate dimensions of the main elements must be observed during installation.

Preparing the doorway

Before installing the platbands of interior doors, it is necessary to carefully prepare the doorway. Preparatory work carried out in stages:

  • . Since the faceplates act as a decorative and protective element construction, for this reason, the installation of platbands on interior doors is carried out only after the installation of the door frame and leaf.
  • Removal of excess mounting foam. After completing the installation of the box, the remaining foam is cut off, which filled the existing gaps between the wall surface and the door opening. The cutting is done with a thin-bladed knife.
  • Elimination of irregularities and defects. The installed door frame and leaf can cause minor irregularities and defects on the wall surface, which should be immediately eliminated. In addition, the installation of platbands requires an absolutely flat surface in order to avoid deformation of the finished structure in the future.
  • Wall cladding. Before assembling the elements, it is recommended to complete all wall cladding work using paint, decorative plaster, wallpaper, etc.
  • Surface cleaning. All work surfaces must be cleaned of dust and debris, and degreased.

Possible mounting options

How to fix platbands on interior doors with your own hands using improvised means? To get started choose one of the 3 available options installation.

Finishing nails

Finishing nails for platbands - this is one of the most affordable and popular installation options. If necessary, decorative trims can be easily removed or replaced with damaged elements.

To simplify the installation process, marks for nails are made on the front surface of the elements, located at the same distance between them. The optimal distance between two nails is 45 cm.

For driving nails, it is better to use a compact hammer. For grouting the location of the nails, mastic is suitable for the color of the surface.

liquid type nails

The next method of fastening is carried out using a special adhesive composition in liquid form. Glue fastening is reliable and safe. Fixing the front plate is performed as follows: adhesive composition carefully applied with reverse side an element that is pressed tightly against the wall surface for a couple of seconds. Excess glue is removed with a clean rag.

The installation of platbands provides for an effective combination of these two methods, which will increase the strength and wear resistance of the structure.

Telescopic way

This method is suitable for fixing telescopic type slats. Installation is carried out according to the tenon-groove principle, when one part of the element enters its other part. This allows you to ensure the correct joining of decorative products without the need for cutting. Thorn finished item carefully inserted into the groove in the box.

Making the necessary measurements

Proper installation of platbands involves a preliminary calculation of the required length of the product. To perform washed down strips, first you need to measure its width. Next, measure the same distance from the top. It is recommended to leave a small margin in length equal to the width of the bar.

The standard width of the interior door trim is 7 cm, the thickness is 1.5 cm, and the height is 215 cm. For an interior single-leaf door standard size it is necessary to prepare 5 elements, and for double door– 6 elements.

Finished slats are produced in various sizes, so they differ in width, thickness and height.

Step by step installation work

For work it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Hacksaw for wood.
  2. Fasteners.
  3. Construction roulette.
  4. Square.

All work is carried out in stages:

  1. Prepared products are prepared in height door leaf, measured desired length. The element is laid on the floor, measurement is carried out right angle square, cropping is performed.
  2. A bar with an angle is applied to the box, equals vertically and horizontally. The height mark is performed, which is equal to inner corner boxes.
  3. Focusing on the mark, an angle equal to 45 degrees is set. Cropping is in progress.
  4. According to a similar scheme, the bar is prepared from the opposite side.
  5. First, the side strips are trimmed, then the top element. This will prevent the occurrence of errors when installing products.
  6. After completing the preparation, you can install the straps. Small nails are driven into the door box at a distance of up to 45 cm, so that a length of 6 mm for the plank remains on the surface.
  7. To improve the adhesion of the element to the door frame, a special adhesive is applied to the surface.
  8. The finished plank is lightly pushed onto the nail. In this case, it is very important not to damage the front of the product. To do this, a small bar wrapped in clean rags is used as a hammer.
  9. The platband is leveled and pushed onto the nail until it stops.
  10. After installing the side strips, you can proceed with the installation of the upper element, which has angles of 45 degrees.

Now even a novice master knows how to nail trim on doors with his own hands. This process is quite simple, requiring a good eye, attentiveness and perseverance.

The installation of platbands on interior doors is carried out almost at the very end of the repair: the walls, the floor are ready, the doors are installed. Only skirting boards are not nailed - they are mounted after the platbands have been installed.

What are

If we talk about materials, then to the traditional architraves made of solid wood or glued laths, new ones have been added: made of MDF, covered with veneer or PVC film. There are also plastic trims. They are the most inexpensive, they look quite decent, the color scheme is varied. They are also made from metals - from steel and aluminum, but put on entrance doors.

Platbands on MDF doors look very decent

Architraves sizes

These products are molded - they are sold at running meters, so there is no question of length standards. But usually it is somewhere in the region of 2.2-2.5 m (with a margin for fitting). Standard width is also a loose concept: from 30 mm to 80 mm. In this range, you can find a platband from any material. Under the order can be made of wood of any configuration and dimensions.

The width of the cashier is chosen depending on the size of the door itself and on how close the box is installed to the opening: the gap must be closed. In general, for narrow doors, a narrow frame is needed; with double-leaf doors, a massive border looks better.

The sizes of platbands can be different. Even if you don’t find the finished dimensions you need, you can order custom-made

Shape and color

The platbands differ in shape. There are flat, figured, paneled, carved. IN Lately design with capitals and balusters began to come into fashion. But such a door frame is not suitable for every interior.

Appeared on the market and "L"-shaped and telescopic architraves. This is a very interesting system that makes it easy to match the frame and finish of the door to the width of the wall. The installation process of telescopic architraves is largely individual: the systems are assembled in different ways, respectively, there is a difference in the installation process (described in detail in the instructions).

The color range is very wide: almost any color of the canvas can be framed. It needs to be tone on tone. Often (but not always) these products are also included with the door leaf and frame. Then you don’t need to suffer with the choice: they are matched tone on tone. It remains only to install.

The shape can also be very different.

The order of installation of platbands

You need to start by choosing an installation scheme. There are only two of them and the difference is only in the size of the angles: they cut down the angles at 45 o and 90 o. The most commonly used installation is under 45 o: it is implemented on platbands of any shape, although it is more difficult to perform.

When sawing under 90 o, the whole trick is that the top bar needs to be drowned a little. For a few millimeters. Then everything looks organic. How specific - you need to look at the place: it depends on the profile. To "drown" it will be necessary to remove these millimeters from the back surface. This is done either by grinding or on a lathe.

Cashing doors at 45 o is more complicated, but it looks good with any relief, which cannot be said about the previous version.

When installing, you can cut the platbands at different angles

Preparing the side planks

You need to start from the side in which the doors open. Install the side rails first. Take one, put it on the door. When measuring, make sure that there is no debris on the floor, the bar is pressed tightly against the floor. Even a seemingly insignificant fragment that fell under the casing leads to the fact that a gap appears at the top.

It is advisable to start from the side where the loops are fixed. Here it will not work to attach closely - they do not give a loop, you attach it with a small indent. Mark the point from which you want to cut. Do this with a sharpened pencil or knife. With a knife, more precisely - a line is already obtained, and more precisely then a cut.

Now put another bar on the other side (you can without indent) and mark on it. Do not make a mirror image of the previously made bar - they may differ, and then it will be problematic to adjust.

Having a joiner's miter box is easy to get the right angle

Now you need to cut them down at 45 o. This can be done in two ways: using a carpenter's miter box or using a regular ruler and pencil.

If you have a miter box, lay the bar there, compare it with the marked mark (do not confuse which way you need to cut) and, using manual or electric saw(better with a sheet for metal - it will turn out smoother), saw off. There is one trick: MDF architraves, covered with veneer and PVC should be laid face down. So on front side there will be no scuffs and chips of the coating.

An angle of 45 o can be built with only a ruler and a pencil. At the point where the cut will begin, draw a perpendicular to the opposite side. Accurately measure the width of your casing, put this value up and draw another perpendicular line. There are two parallel lines. Now it remains to connect two opposite points, and you will get an angle of 45 o. But be careful: do not confuse which way you need the angle. So you can correctly cut the corners of the casing without special tools.

An angle of 45 degrees can only be obtained with a square and a pencil

Installing the side rails

The next step is to fix (so far preliminary) the prepared planks on the door frame. We still need to fix them a little so that we can cut off the top bar. Therefore, we fasten it to two carnations: above and below. But you need to expose them the way they will be mounted later. Carefully try on and nail.

We measure and saw down the top bar

We immediately cut down one corner of the upper bar at 45 o. Please note that its length should be decently greater than the width of the box - at least a margin equal to three or four times the width of the casing is required.

For example, the width of the door frame is 800 mm. We chose a platband 60 mm thick. The preliminary length of the plank must be at least a meter: it is necessary to take into account the gaps that may be between the wall and the box, as well as the width of the platbands.

Therefore, it is advisable not to cut off the top before the side strips are installed. We installed the sidewalls, estimated the length, added a margin of five centimeters (to make it more convenient to cut) and you can cut.

We mark the place where it will be necessary to cut the corner

Having washed down one side of the horizontal bar, apply it to the installed vertical one. There should be a perfect match with no gaps or crevices. If it is not available, take the skin or grinder and grind off all the excess. Only after the result suits you, you can mark where it is necessary to file the second corner: where the side bar begins.

Having washed down the last corner on top bar, apply it again. And from this side, too, a perfect match (or almost perfect) is needed. The elimination method is the same: sandpaper or grinder. Sometimes fitting is not possible: there are gaps. If they are small, they can be removed after installation: cover with putty on wood suitable color(sold in construction stores, selected by color depending on the type of wood).

Now all that's left is to fix the platbands completely.

What to mount

Here the question immediately arises: how to nail them. When installing platbands, several types of fasteners are used:

A little about what materials, what type of fasteners is better to use. Wooden architraves traditionally fastened with nails. They are almost invisible in the array, and if something is noticeable, you can always cover it with putty. Mostly MDF products are attached to self-tapping screws (veneered or laminated - it doesn’t matter). They can still be glued on. But the masters advise to “plant” on nails without hats - no connections are visible. Plastic platbands are almost always attached with glue, sometimes with self-tapping screws. Nails in this case are unacceptable.

But in the case of using glue, the wall must be even: then the platband fits tightly and holds well. It is more convenient to mount on a curved wall with self-tapping screws: they can pull the planks tighter. No other fastener will give such an opportunity, even nails, especially without hats.

How often do you need to nail platbands? Approximately one nail per 50 cm.

We foam the cracks

After the installation of the platbands on one side is completed, we install wooden spacer pegs between the door frame and the wall, if possible, it is advisable to put spacers inside the box. So the geometry will be observed exactly.

Then we take a balloon with mounting foam, and fill the gaps between the box and the wall about halfway. Leave for a day - during this time the foam will harden, and its excess can be cut off with a knife. If you process the box with foam before installing the platbands, most of it will come out, and so the consumption is very small.

Filling the gap between the box and the wall with foam

We install platbands on the second side

Here everything is repeated in exactly the same sequence. Only here the loops do not interfere and you can not indent. After installation, if there are gaps between the platbands and the box, they are covered with putty on wood, sanded after it dries.

Difficult cases

Not all doors are installed in such a way that platbands are installed without problems. Difficulties may vary.

The most common option is that one of the walls is too close. If there is at least some gap, it is necessary to cut off the “excess” from one plank. Only the assembly will then be in a different order: install the uncut side bar, the top one to it, and put the last one narrow.

Sometimes the thickness of the wall is greater than the width of the door frame. Then they either put an additional bar - an addition, or use an L-shaped platband. Depends on the distance that is not covered by the box. If it is small - 1-2 cm, you can cover it with a platband, you need to close a more solid one with kindness.

By gluing the platbands, you can fix them with clamps


There is nothing complicated in installing platbands on the doors with your own hands. There are several rules, following which even a non-professional carpenter will cope with the task.

Platbands - a decorative element designed to mask the gap between the door frame and the doorway. They are selected according to the required width and texture, and the color is the same as that of the door leaf. Platbands are made from different materials. There are wooden, laminated, plastic products, as well as veneered and made of MDF.

In this article, we will consider what types there are and how to properly attach trim to interior doors.


In order to properly install the platbands on interior doors, you must initially select the appropriate trims. First of all, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

  • Natural wood. Such products are considered universal. They can be painted to match any door color. Fasten wooden planks with nails without caps. If the door frame is well aligned with the wall, the architraves can be planted on "liquid nails".
  • Laminated platbands from MDF. By appearance they resemble natural wood. Decorative elements are matched to the tone of the door. Fastening is carried out using adhesive or nails without caps.
  • PVC. This option is more suitable for plastic doors.
  • Aluminum and steel frames. They are usually attached to the front doors.

Today, the construction market offers platbands of various shapes: figured and carved, semicircular and teardrop-shaped.

Depending on the method of fastening, the platbands are overhead or telescopic. The first of them are fixed to the door frame, the second have mounting grooves.


Before attaching trim to interior doors, you must first prepare the necessary tools.

  • To perform accurate marking, you will need a tape measure, pencil, plumb line, level and square.
  • A miter box will help cut the workpiece exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Planks are best cut with a miter saw. If it is missing, you can use a hacksaw for metal.
  • Nails are hammered.

How to cut the trim?

Before attaching trim to interior doors, they must be cut off. After marking the length and angle, washed it down with a miter saw. The peculiarity of this power tool is the presence adjustable table, which is set at the required angle. In order to cut the platbands on the door without chips and correctly, tightly press the side edges of the workpiece to the stops located on the bed. If a gap occurs, the cut will be uneven.

If there is no electric saw, a miter box will help cut the edge of the casing at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to buy a quality tool, because the cheap plastic ones have deformed thrust elements that distort the size of the angle. The hacksaw for cutting should be with fine teeth that won't leave chips.

How to attach trim to interior doors?

The simple fastening of flat strips is carried out at an angle of 90°.

Vertical elements from above are tightly joined with horizontal ones. When fastening wooden or MDF platbands that have a complex shape, cuts are made at the ends at an angle of 45 °.

Planks are fixed in 4 ways.

Fastening with finishing nails

Wooden or MDF trims are easiest to nail with flat-head nails. Such a mount is quite reliable, and at the same time, if necessary, the elements are easy to dismantle. Nails can also be used in a different configuration, and so that the hats are not visible, they are removed with side cutters. The length of the nails is approximately 40 mm. The size is calculated individually, taking into account the thickness of the bar. Having passed through the platband, the nails must enter the body of the door frame by at least 20 mm.

Before attaching the platbands to the interior doors with nails, the attachment points are marked on the workpieces, while maintaining the same distances. Most often they make a step of 500 mm. Drilled according to this marking through holes, the diameter of which corresponds to the thickness of the nail. When docking with the door frame is completed, the platbands are carefully nailed. For aesthetics, the nail heads are painted over with a wax pencil.

Fastening with liquid nails

Let's consider how to fix platbands on interior doors made of MDF and other materials without nails. To do this, use liquid nails. The advantage of this method is the absence of a visible place of fixation. The disadvantage is weak fastening and inconvenience during dismantling. In addition, liquid nails can only be used if the adjacent walls are perfectly even. Platbands are installed on the door after sawing and trying on the elements. From the back side, the bar is smeared with liquid nails and pressed tightly against the wall surface. For it to stick, it must be held pressed for no more than one minute.

Self-tapping screws

Consider how to attach trim to interior doors without a milling cutter. This method is similar to fastening with finishing nails, but wood screws are used instead. Their length is 25 mm, thickness - 6 mm.

Before attaching the platbands to the interior doors on self-tapping screws, mark the places for the holes on the workpiece (pitch - 500 mm). The drill is used with the same diameter or with a small margin (1 mm).

Hats are best drowned in the bar. From the front of the workpiece, a hole is made with a drill larger diameter. The depth is 1-1.5 mm. Then the platbands are attached with self-tapping screws to the interior doors. The hardware must be tightened so that the cap is fully inserted into the recess. At the end of the work, the fixation points are painted over with a wax pencil.

Fastening platbands with beaks

For this method of fastening, the use of self-tapping screws, adhesives or nails is not required. The platband is equipped with a lock, the shape of which resembles a beak.

Consider how to attach trim to interior doors using this method. Insert the connecting spike into the recess located on the box, and then press until a click is heard.

The advantage of this method is the ease of installation and the invisibility of the attachment point. The disadvantage is the delamination of MDF products during dismantling. In addition, after a while, spontaneous destruction of the joints is possible, therefore, additional processing of the joints with glue may be required.

Stages of work

Consider the instructions on how to attach trim to interior doors.

  1. Apply platbands to the height of the door and measure the required length. Then lay the bar on a flat surface and use a square to mark a right angle. The excess is cut off.
  2. A platband with a ready-made corner is applied to the door frame, aligned at the bottom and along the edges. Mark the height corresponding to the inner corner of the door frame.
  3. After that, starting from the mark made, measure an angle of 45 degrees with a goniometer and mark with a pencil. The excess is cut off and the casing is temporarily set aside.
  4. In the same sequence, mark the parallel side. The top trim is prepared last, after the two side strips have been cut and attached. This will avoid errors when marking and exclude the possibility of cracks at the junction.
  5. After trimming both side platbands, they begin to install them. They drive nails into the door frame, from which the hats are removed with wire cutters, leaving them with sharp corner. To install the casing, the length of the nail on the surface is approximately 5 mm.
  6. Nails are driven in with a distance of about 50 cm. They are usually located at the bottom, at the top and 2 in the middle.
  7. To improve the adhesion of the plank to the box, glue is applied to it. But at the same time, its main thing, so to speak, is not to "overdo it", so that when pressed, it does not squeeze out.
  8. When nailing a plank to a door frame, it is not recommended to hit it directly. To do this, prepare a cloth-wrapped wooden block.
  9. Apply the finished platband and level it, after which through the bar strong blows put him on nails.
  10. After installing two side platbands, they start marking the top one. Its angles of 45 degrees are not measured with a goniometer, but are applied on top of the side strips and the cut point is drawn with a pencil.

Installation of door frames on interior doors is completed.