Water pipes      04/14/2019

Do-it-yourself water meters installation. How to install water meters yourself: installation and connection diagram for a typical meter

According to the adopted law, all homeowners must install water meters. Deadlines are constantly moving, but sooner or later they will have to be set. There are a decent number of organizations that can do this for you. For a fee, of course. Some operating companies offer to do this for free and are even willing to provide a counter. But the bills for these water meters are cosmic - the figures are too high. Therefore, installing water meters yourself is the best way out if you don’t want to pay a company for services.

Profitable or not

There is no longer any need to think about whether a water meter is needed or not - a law has been passed according to which everyone is required to install one. But many people wonder how profitable it is. If there are as many people living in the apartment as registered or less, installing a meter is beneficial. It is also beneficial if, say, someone moves to a dacha for the summer or spends a vacation there. If the situation is diametrically opposite - fewer people are registered than live, it is not profitable for you to install a meter. But there is no escape from this.

How big will the savings be? permanent residence depends on the calculation method adopted in your management campaign and how intensively you use water. At a minimum, you will save about 30%, but there have been cases when payments after installation were reduced significantly. This may happen if the house has a common meter. In this case, based on the results of the month, the consumption of those residents who have meters installed is subtracted from the total readings, and the remainder is divided among the remaining apartments according to the number of registered people. Usually those who actually live with them do not install meters. more people than what is prescribed. In this case, the consumption per month per person can be 8-10 cubic meters of cold and approximately the same amount hot water. In fact, even if you don’t save much, you get about 3 cubes of cold and 2 hot. So it really does make sense.

Install it yourself or through a company?

According to current legislation, the installation of water meters is at the expense of the homeowner. That is, you must buy a meter and install it at your own expense. Representatives of the water utility or DEZ seal installed water meters free of charge.

Self-installation procedure

Self-installation of water meters is possible. Nobody should object. You just have to do everything yourself - install the meter, and call a representative of the housing office to seal it. What you need:

All papers are reviewed, a standard contract is filled out, you sign it, and at this point it is considered that you pay for water according to the meter.

How to hire a good firm and what they should do

There are two ways to find a company that installs water meters: take the list from the Economic Protection Agency or find it on the Internet yourself. The list will definitely include companies with licenses, but obviously not all of them that work in this area. On the Internet, you must check for a license. A copy of it should be posted on the website.

Then, in any case, you should read the standard agreement that the company will conclude with you. It must contain a complete list of services. The conditions may be different - someone provides their own meter, someone installs yours, someone comes with their own spare parts, someone works with what the owner has. Based on the combination of the list of services provided, you make a choice.

Previously, the contract contained a clause on service maintenance, and without it, companies did not want to install meters. Today this clause is recognized as illegal, since in fact there is no need to service the meter, and it should not be in the agreement, and if it is, you have the right to refuse these services and not pay for them.

Preparing for installation

If you have not chosen any campaign, you must leave a request to them. There are two options - some companies accept applications on their website and may even offer a discount for this, while others prefer to see you in the office and sign an agreement.

In any case, first a representative of the campaign arrives (you agree on the date and time of arrival), inspects the “field of activity,” assesses the condition of the pipes, takes measurements, and often takes photos of communications. All this is necessary so that you can develop a meter connection diagram and quickly assemble it. Then they should call you and confirm the date and time of installation of the water meter. In this conversation, you need to find out who negotiates the disconnection of the risers with the operational campaign. Normal companies take care of this.

Installation of water meters by campaign representatives

At the appointed time, a campaign representative (sometimes two) arrives and does the work. In theory, they should agree with you on what and how to place it, but this does not always happen. Upon completion of the work (usually takes about 2 hours), they give you a certificate of completion and a special paper on which the serial numbers of the metering devices are written. After this, you must call a representative of the government water channel or DEZ to seal the meter (in different regions different organizations do this). Sealing of meters is a free service, you only need to coordinate the time.

The certificate that you were given during installation must contain the initial meter readings (they differ from zero, since the device is verified at the factory). With this act, a photocopy of the organization’s license and the passport of your water meter, you go to the DEZ and sign a standard agreement.

How to transfer data

You will need to submit actual consumption data monthly. The procedure is implemented differently in different regions, but basically there are several ways:

  • pieces of paper torn and filled out from the subscription book are placed in special boxes;
  • leave data in personal account on the website of the water supply organization;
  • send emails with testimony to a special address of the organization.

There may be other methods - each water utility or diesel power plant develops them itself. If there are several ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

Water meter readings can be sent to the campaign website, to their email address, or tear-off slips can be placed in a special box

Water meter installation diagram

It doesn’t matter whether you install the meter through a company or with your own hands, you need to know what it should look like correct scheme— it is very desirable to control the process.

Where and how to install: choosing a location for a water meter

The meters are installed immediately after the riser in a straight section before the first branch to the plumbing fixtures. There are water meters that can only be installed in a horizontal position; there are models with the ability vertical installation. Just keep in mind that in a horizontal position the accuracy of the device is higher than in a vertical position and it is not a fact that it will count less. So it is very advisable to find a way to place it “lying down”.

What and why should be in the diagram

The standard water meter installation diagram looks like this:

Now let's take a closer look at what each element is needed for.

A ball shut-off valve is needed to turn off the water if necessary - to repair the faucet, clean the filter, change the meter, etc. Therefore, its presence is mandatory. It must be placed so that it is convenient to turn the valve.

The coarse filter catches the largest particles that are in the water supply. It must be installed so that the outlet is directed downwards. Otherwise it will clog quickly.

All these elements most often have internal threads. So that they can be connected to each other, use connecting elements, which are often called “drives”. They have external threads on both sides and a small section of flat pipe (in some versions, only a few millimeters). with their help everything is connected to each other.

Optional Schema Elements

Often after the counter they put check valve. It is required so that in the absence of analysis, water does not flow in the opposite direction. This also prevents the reading from increasing in the presence of unstable pressure.

It also cuts off two more unpleasant situations: and prevents cold water from flowing from one pipeline to another. This happens if someone has a riser installed hygienic shower(on the toilet or bidet), shower with cheap faucets. They do not have check valves and such overflow is possible.

Check valve circuit

If the pressure cold water higher than hot water, then cold water reduces DHW temperature, and in the opposite situation, hot water may flow from the cold water tap. Therefore, installing a check valve for both cold and hot water is highly desirable, but not required.

Sometimes it is recommended to install another shut-off valve after the check valve. It is needed so that when removing the meter or when cleaning the same filter, water from the pipes in the apartment does not drain onto the floor. In principle, you can substitute a container, but this is not always possible. There are about 6 liters of water in the pipes of an ordinary apartment; collecting water from the floor is not the most pleasant task. But this element of the harness is installed or not at the request of the owner.

There is another device that can be installed - a pressure reducer. It stabilizes the pressure in the system, extending the “life” of the entire household appliances and taps/mixers. Placed after the coarse filter. Not the cheapest thing, but very useful.

Some subtleties and nuances

When purchasing a meter, you need to make sure that the number in the passport matches the number stamped on the water meter. The device must also bear a sign that it has been certified. The passport must have a stamp with the date of factory verification. The “newer” the date, the better - the more likely it is that you will not be forced to check it before installation. Another one required part— store record of the sale with a stamp. If the meter malfunctions, you will be given a certificate with which you can demand its replacement.

It is also very desirable that the factory verification date be “more recent” - you will not have to carry the device for verification longer.

Installation features

When installing water meters, all threaded connections must be sealed - the pressure in the lines is serious. For this, linen winding or fum tape is used. If you use a winder wound around a thread, it is advisable to lubricate it with packaging paste - it will make the work easier. The fum tape does not need lubrication, it is itself elastic.

One important point: When tightening connections, do not use excessive force - microcracks may appear, which will then lead to leakage of the connection.

If you have a riser coming from the outlet steel pipes, you will need welding or a grinder to cut off the now unnecessary piece. You will also need to cut a thread at the end of the pipe (if there is none) - this is the only way to connect the shut-off valve. WITH reverse side the same situation - you will need either a transition fitting or thread cutting.

Flow direction

When assembling all the parts, pay attention that there is an arrow on the body of each. It may not be there except on the ball valve, since it doesn’t care in which direction the water flows. Although, if installed incorrectly, you will have to turn the handle in a different direction, but this is not fatal. For other devices - meter, filter, check valve and reducer - the direction of flow is critical. Therefore, when assembling, position them so that the water flow follows the arrow. This is really important.

If there are no arrows on the body of the listed parts, most likely you have the cheapest and possibly low-quality part. If possible, it is better to replace it with a normal one; if not, find out the direction of the flow yourself; by examining the structure, you can understand where the flow should move.

As you can see, installing water meters with your own hands is real, but there are enough a large number of features. And one more thing: when you negotiate to turn off the risers, ask not for two hours, but better for four. And pre-assemble everything without winding, measure the length, figure out where and how everything will be placed, draw where you need to cut, weld, install holding clips (if the pipeline is from), etc. In general, do as much preparation as possible. In this case, installing water meters yourself will take place with a minimum of hassle.

Video on the topic

The installation diagram for a water meter in an apartment is determined in the instructions for this water meter itself. The purpose of installing these devices is to reduce payment costs utilities for the delivery of cold and hot water to the apartment and the removal of sewage from the apartment.

Is there any point in installing a water meter?

As you know, the decision whether to install a water meter or not is made by the owner. However, every year the cost of a unit of water consumed according to standards increases. In this regard, citizens are increasingly beginning to think about the need to deviate from the standards by introducing water meters into apartments. Owners or tenants paying for utilities will now need to get used to the fact that they will have to pay not only for the arrival of water, but also for its departure. Moreover, water disposal in our country is equal to income; the costs of cooking, the fact that part of the water remains on the body when taking bath procedures, on the floor when cleaning, etc. are not taken into account. In addition, installing a meter contributes to less consumption of this resource by management companies, since it becomes impossible to uncontrollably attribute the results of the work of worn-out networks to the owners.

Preparing the water meter for insertion

How to install a water meter in an apartment? To do this, you must first attach a filter to this device, usually a coarse filter, in order to protect against large debris and increase service life. In addition to it, a check valve is installed, without which the meter may not be accepted for operation.

When installing a water meter (also known as a water meter), you need to carefully examine the package contents. American women must go with him, who protect the elements of the water supply and drainage system from damage if it is necessary to remove water meters.

The filter and check valve must be connected tightly, for which tow or FUM tape is used.

On the meter, the manufacturer shows the direction of the water with an arrow, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to it during installation.

Meter installation

It must be carried out strictly according to the installation diagram for the water meter in the apartment. It is more convenient to install the meter in metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. The elements of the latter are connected using a compact soldering iron.

How to install a water meter in an apartment? It's easy to do by following the instructions below.

  • We cut the pipe, connect the water meter to the shut-off water tap and seal it. We take measurements and find where to install the counter thread.
  • We remove excess parts of the pipe, install a fitting or cut a thread.
  • The check valve is disconnected from the meter and screwed onto the previously prepared thread.
  • The American is screwed tightly.
  • To check the tightness threaded connections, which were carried out during the installation process, open the tap, which cuts off the water supply system from the riser.
  • If there are no leaks, we call a city water supply inspector or a sealer from management company.
  • How to properly install a water meter in an apartment if the pipes are metal? Only using a metal saw and a thread cutting machine.

Rules and procedure for installing water meters

The requirements for installing a water meter are determined by the current national standards of the P 50193 family, primarily 1 and 2. general rules installation and monitoring of water meters. The full set of requirements for the installation procedure for meters is determined by management companies, where the method of sealing the water meter, the composition of the equipment and the requirements for it as a whole and its individual components are determined.

In any case, the water consumption meter is mounted at the beginning of the water supply pipe leading to the apartment. The presence of a ball valve and a coarse filter is a mandatory requirement.

The water meter must be located so as to ensure:

  • access to it for the purpose of taking readings and checking its functionality;
  • viewing the watch face;
  • preventing the ingress of various contaminants onto the housing;
  • the possibility of its sealing and verification;
  • the ability to remove it if necessary.

The best thing this device placed in a vertical or horizontal position immediately before entering the apartment at a height of more than half a meter.

DIY installation

Russian legislation does not prohibit the owner from installing a water meter himself. How to install a water meter yourself? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that installation will require shutting off the water in the riser. When purchasing a meter, you need to check the availability of a technical passport. If any malfunction occurs, the one who decided to act independently will be responsible.

After purchase, the meter is checked by the management organization or another company that has the appropriate license. To do this, it is provided there with a technical passport, in which everything will be filled out and a sealing mark will be placed. They prefer to install the water meter in the toilet or bathroom. If your kitchen is remote from these places, then you will have to install an additional counter there.

Before starting installation, you need to arrange the parts in order - from left to right: shut-off valve, coarse filter, water meter, valve. At self-installation Look especially carefully at the arrows on the counter, otherwise all your efforts may go to waste.

We connect the parts to determine the required number of turns. We wrap the seal around the filter. If tow is used, it must be rolled into a cord no more than 1 mm thick. After winding, apply plumbing paste to the threads and tighten the tap.

For a cold meter, rubber gaskets are needed, and for a hot meter, paronite gaskets are needed. We screw the American one onto the filter with tow, and connect the second pipe to the valve. We attach this structure to the counter. As a result, the pipe should be directed downwards, the sump on the filter, the shut-off valve switch and the meter dial should be facing upwards.

We cut the connected elements into the main line, measure the length and the same length from the connection point on the pipe and cut off the required part.

We attach the resulting structure to the eyeliner.

At the end of the work, we check the system.

Contacting specialists

Experts will help you draw up a competent plan for installing a water meter in an apartment. At the same time, they must have a license for this type of activity; preference should be given to those who provide a guarantee for the work on installing the meter. In addition, before installation, a contract is concluded, and after acceptance of the work, a document is signed.

Documents for the owner after installation

The certificate of acceptance and transfer of the meter, which indicates their serial numbers, installation date, water consumer. It is signed by all parties. There must also be a technical passport indicating the primary flow rate, installation date and commissioning date; in addition, there must be a verification certificate indicating the next date.


When deciding to install a meter, you need to clearly decide on the installation diagram of the water meter in the apartment. It can be installed independently or with the help of specialists. After installation, you must complete the required documents and undergo periodic verification.

You can install a water meter:

  • on one's own. After installation, be sure to contact the management company so that its employees seal the meters and issue a commissioning certificate. The management company has the right to refuse to register your meters if it considers that technical requirements were violated during their installation;
  • with the involvement of a specialized organization. You can choose it yourself or ask your management company for a recommendation. After installation, the organization must issue you a commissioning certificate and other documents for the meters. Please contact the management company with these documents to draw up a contract for meter payments.

You can view the contacts of your management company on the portal.

After the meters are put into operation, starting from the 1st day of the next month, you will be able to pay for water supply and sewerage according to the readings of the meters.

After a certain time, it will be necessary to check the water meters to make sure that they are working correctly.

2. How to install electricity meters?

Are you thinking about installing a water meter against the backdrop of regular tariff increases? Agree that it would be a good idea to use it to determine the consumption of water resources and significantly reduce the cost of paying for the use of hot and cold water. You don’t want to call a technician from the utility service for installation, but plan to do all the work yourself, but have never done this before?

We will tell you how to install water meters yourself, where to start and what rules to follow when putting them into operation. The article proposes a scheme correct connection water meters, considered step by step process installations with visual photographs and video tips from experienced professionals.

We also paid attention to the legal aspect self-installation- told in detail which applications and other documents should be submitted to which organizations.

Installing a water meter is the first step towards rational consumption of utility resources and competent management of the family budget. After all, the amount indicated on the receipt will directly depend on the volume of cubic meters saved.

The widespread installation of metering devices also disciplines water utility workers, preventing them from uncontrollably attributing losses resulting from the operation of worn-out networks to residents.

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As the experience of people who have already installed water meters with their own hands shows, connecting a water meter makes it possible to save payment costs by up to 30%, provided that the number of residents corresponds to the number of residents registered in the house.

Accepted standards for water consumption do not correspond to the volume of liquid consumed in real life.

You may be interested in information about how, discussed in our other article.

Installing a meter will help to significantly reduce water costs even in the case when the number of residents in the apartment does not correspond to the number registered in this living space.

For example, if two household members live in it, and five people are registered, then the fee will be calculated from the “average” monthly consumption for each registered family member.

Installing a flow meter allows not only to significantly reduce the cost item, but also to act as a discipline for the wise use of natural resources

Some owners in apartment buildings with centralized water supply, they do not want to install metering devices specifically for hot water.

And the reason for this is that many people are close to the situation when, early in the morning or late evening, opening the tap with hot water, you have to drain the cooled liquid for several minutes while waiting for the hot flow.

In this case, if you install a flow meter for hot water, in addition to the time spent agonizingly waiting for hot water, you will also have to overpay for the cold water flowing from the tap at hot rates.

Therefore, if you systematically face the need to drain water for a long time, think about whether it is worth installing a water meter on it. Maybe it’s enough to limit yourself to just a meter for a pipe with cold water.

Installation is not profitable individual device accounting only if more people actually live in the apartment than registered

Legal aspects of self-installation

The legislation does not provide for categorical prohibitions on the manifestation of such independence. The main thing is to use common sense and comply with regulatory requirements and installation rules during installation.

But in most cases, their connection is carried out by specialized organizations that have appropriate permission to perform this type of work.

Licensed organizations install metering devices, strictly observing the requirements and procedure for putting installed metering devices into operation

If you are forced to use the services of specialized companies, be aware that this is illegal. You can do the procedure for inserting into an equipped water supply system and on our own.

When installing equipment, it is worth considering a number of points:

  1. Purchase devices only from licensed companies. The device must be accompanied by a technical passport.
  2. Installation of equipment involves shutting off the water supply through the riser, which is quite problematic to do on your own.
  3. When installing and connecting the device, it is important to follow the water meter connection diagram and strictly follow the technology. Otherwise, if the pipeline breaks, all losses will have to be reimbursed from your wallet.

In order for the readings of a self-installed water meter to be accepted when calculating utility bills, it is necessary that they be sealed and placed on the balance sheet of the local Vodokanal branch.

Registration and registration

Before installing water meters in your bathroom, you need to contact your local water utility in order to obtain the technical requirements for the water meter. This is done by the department for coordinating water metering projects.

Having received permission, you can safely buy a metering device. Rating best counters, popular among users, is listed in.

You may also find information about existing types counters discussed in our article:

When purchasing a product, make sure of two parameters:

  1. The serial number on the water meter must match what is indicated in the passport.
  2. The device must have a Gosstandart imprint on the seal.
  3. The date of factory inspection must be recorded in the passport for the device.

At the time of purchasing the goods, the seller must put a store stamp and indicate the date of sale.

Most the best option– if there is not too long an interval between the date of factory testing of the meter and its sale

The purchased device must be checked by contacting one of the following organizations:

  • housing department department;
  • water utility management;
  • private licensed company.

To carry out the inspection, the device is handed in along with the technical passport. Upon completion of the procedure, a stamp from the inspection organization will be added to the passport and all relevant fields will be filled in. At the same time, a date for sealing will be set.

Keep in mind that it is prohibited to damage the instrumentation seal, otherwise it will simply not be accepted at the water utility. If you accidentally damaged the factory seal, the department can still accept the device.

But, if the instrumentation seal is missing, then the meter data is considered invalid.

To install a water meter yourself, the Housing Office will provide a drawing and the necessary technical specifications, which will probably be required during installation

The equipment connection plan will clearly describe the sequence of installation of parts.

There is nothing complicated about this. Traditionally, the “garland” looks like this: the stop valve comes first, followed by a collapsible filter, followed by the water meter itself, and the check valve completes the “chain”.

Installing a water meter yourself

In advance, on the day when the water meter is supposed to be installed, you must write a statement to the organization servicing your home in order to call a plumber to temporarily shut off the water supply in the riser.

Stage #1 - choosing a location for accommodation

When choosing a place for installation, you need to evaluate Current state pipelines and determine whether there is wiring from the risers.

Metering devices can be placed in both horizontal and vertical positions.

The technician’s task is to provide free access to inspect the device.

The meter is placed as close as possible to the point where the main line enters the bathroom. For private houses, this parameter is 20 cm from the exit point of the pipeline.

In most cases, meters are mounted on pipes that drain water from a common riser, trying to place them immediately after the shut-off valves

Most often, the device is placed near the toilet or under the washbasin. The distance of the straight section that must be allotted before inserting the device is specified in the meter’s data sheet.

According to the requirements for installing metering devices, if shut-off valves old, it must be replaced with more reliable ones.

For cold water and hot water pipelines use Ball Valves different markings: for hot water - DN25, and for cold water - DN15.

The ball valve is equipped on one side internal thread, and on the other – external; it is used to screw on the coarse filter

For installation, it is better to use high-quality taps from trusted manufacturers that can withstand operating temperature, reaching 100°C and above, and high operating pressure.

Stage #2 - purchasing the necessary components

The number of water meters is calculated based on the number of risers located in the apartment.

To simplify the task of inserting a meter according to the diagram, you should clearly understand the purpose of each system node:

  1. Stopcock– “front line” of the intra-apartment pipeline. For overlap polypropylene pipes plastic taps are installed; for metal and metal-plastic ones, brass models are used.
  2. Cleaning filter– protects equipment from large suspended matter and therefore requires periodic washing. Available in two versions: straight and oblique.
  3. Check valve– prevents the device from rewinding back when the water supply suddenly stops.

The ball valve can only be in two positions: open/closed.

Half-open position of the ball valve, regardless of its type - Right way to rapid failure of the locking mechanism

The presence of a check valve immediately behind the meter is a prerequisite when connecting a water meter.

Placing this device immediately after the meter prevents the possibility of starting an air flow against the movement of water, which is often used by some unscrupulous “craftsmen” when unwinding the device.

Water utility inspectors always check the presence of this valve and never allow the device to be put into operation without it.

The tools you will need to carry out the work are:

  • grinder (angle grinder);
  • soldering iron;
  • scissors or hacksaw;
  • gas and adjustable wrench;
  • FUM tape or tow;
  • corners and bends;
  • couplings (to change to another size).

Elbows and angles will be needed to connect the device to water pipe. If desired, they can be replaced with flexible hoses made of rubber or rubber, the outer walls of which are covered with aluminum or nylon braid.

The flow meter must be supplied with “American” parts and sealing rings.

“American” is a connecting fitting equipped with a union nut, the main purpose of which is to remove the device without harm to the elements of the plumbing system

When planning to install a meter for hot water, you will additionally need to purchase paranitic gaskets, and if the water meter is for cold water, rubber seals. Tow and FUM tape will help ensure the tightness of the American connections with the check valve.

Stage #3 - installation and connection of the water meter

The easiest way to install a water meter is made of metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. The polymer is easily cut with special scissors, the upper part of which is equipped with a sharp knife, and the lower part is equipped with a pipe holder.

You may also be interested in the information about and rules for conducting it, set out in our article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video tips from a technician on installing the device:

Video option for installing a water meter in an apartment building:

Installing the meter yourself is a simple procedure. Its main problem is only in the bureaucratic vicissitudes: filing applications, obtaining and approving permits.

But in the future, you only need to submit your meter for inspection every four years and enjoy the benefits of civilization without overpaying significant amounts.

Have you installed water meters? Tell us what difficulties you had to overcome during this process.

Perhaps you have encountered problems registering your device with a water supply organization? Your experience will be of interest to many users who are just thinking about buying meters. Leave comments in the block below this article.

The ever-increasing cost of utilities, including water supply, is forcing people to look for ways to save money. And if recently people were willing to pay at the “average” tariff, today they want to pay only for the water they used. For this purpose, install on the liner water meters (another name is water meters). These devices are sealed by employees of the management company; readings from unsealed meters are not valid.

An additional motivation for purchasing and installing a water meter may be the government’s firm intention to equip each user of water supply services with one (at the expense of the user, of course). In other words, the meter will have to be installed in any case. Today we'll tell you how it happensDIY water meters installation.

If you have any doubts about the advisability of purchasing and installing this device and whether it will help you save money, then weigh the strengths and weak sides use of measuring equipment.

So, if you live in an apartment together, and six people are registered, then the amount of the monthly fee will be determined based on the “average” water use for each registered tenant. This cannot be called profitable, because if you used, say, five cubic meters, then you will have to pay for twenty-five. In such cases, installing a meter will allow you to significantly save on utilities.

If all registered residents actually live in the apartment, the installed water meter will reduce costs by about a third.

But there are situations when installing a water meter is not economically viable. For example, if more people live in an apartment than officially registered. For obvious reasons, it is cheaper for them to pay the “average” tariff.

What the law says

Installation of water meters in the apartment

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit installing a water meter yourself, in this regard you can rest assured. There are only a few nuances:

  • during installation, you need to turn off the water in the entire riser, which you are unlikely to cope with alone;
  • buy the device only from a licensed company;
  • upon purchase you must be given a registration certificate for the meter;
  • If you install it yourself, any malfunction, including burst pipes, will be on your conscience, therefore, you will have to pay.

You should know about all this before installation.

DIY water meter installation

Follow the guidelines below for installation.

Step One: Check the Meter

Certificate of conformity

Immediately after purchasing a water meter, check it at the housing office's control and inspection department or at any private company with a license. You will hand in the meter along with your technical passport, in which, after verification, you will fill in all the necessary fields and put a stamp. The exact date of filling will also be indicated there.

Note! Try not to damage the instrumentation seal, otherwise the water utility will not accept the meter. It is typical that if the factory seal is damaged, the device can still be accepted by the instrumentation.

Step two: choose a location for installation

You should install the water meter as close as possible to the point where the main line enters the premises. It is unlikely that anything specific can be recommended here, because in different buildings these points are located differently. An inspector sent by the company will inspect everything, but you can do this even before him. Often in city apartments the meter is placed next to the toilet. But if the pipeline runs under the toilet floor, then you will not be able to hide traces of your activities, so in such cases it is better to install the meter in the bathroom.

In private houses, everything is different, take at least the more stringent inspection requirements. The water meter must be installed no further than 20 cm from the main outlet. If there is a well on the site, then only a permanent one and always with a closing lid (which is also sealed). Only a representative of the management company can remove the seal, with the exception of emergency situations - for example, an accident in the highway or putting out a fire.

Step Three: Take Care of Everything You Need

If you install the water meter in accordance with all requirements, then there should be no problems. But first you must take care of all the components and also understand their purpose.

  1. Cleaning filter equipped with a metal mesh to retain large particles. There are two types - oblique and straight - and require regular cleaning.
  2. The shut-off valve is the vanguard of the water supply main. For this purpose, brass ball valves are usually used, but if the pipeline is plastic, then the valve can be made of the same material. It must be of high quality, because if it malfunctions, you can flood your neighbors below. Before installing the meter, inspect the faucet for cracks and other damage, but it is better to buy a new one.

Note! The tap cannot be half-closed - only fully closed or open. Otherwise it will quickly break. To partially shut off the water, use a valve.

  1. Check valve. In the event of a sudden cessation of water supply, it will prevent the water meter from rewinding. This happens when the tap is open - it sucks in air.
  2. Water meter.

Stage four: meter installation procedure

After purchasing everything you need, read the instructions for each component. Thus, the technical passport for the water meter must indicate the length of the flat section of the main line before and after the device. Then proceed directly to the installation.

Step one. To begin, arrange all the elements in a row - this will prevent confusion during installation. This must be done in the following order: first the shut-off valve, then the filter, the water meter and finally the check valve. Follow the arrows that are on each element. These arrows must point in the same direction.

Step two. Then connect the parts “dry” to correctly determine the required number of turns. Screw the filter to the faucet, counting the number of turns along the way - often there are no more than five. Look at which of them the sump of the device “looks” down. Let's say on the fourth. Next, unwind everything and wrap sealing material around the filter (regular flax tow is suitable for this).

Note! Instead of tow, you can use Unipak sealing paste or a special Tangit Unilock thread.

If you use flax tow, follow these procedures:

  • take a strand of tow, straighten it and roll it into a cord no thicker than one millimeter;
  • wind it onto the threads, completely covering the grooves;
  • Apply plumbing paste and tighten the tap (do this carefully so as not to strip the thread).

Step three. In most cases, water meters are equipped with O-rings and “American” seals.

Note! “American” is a pipe with nuts that is used to connect pipes.

The “American” one from the set will do, but buy different rings. If the meter is intended for cold water, then ordinary rubber gaskets are suitable, but for hot water it is advisable to purchase paronite gaskets. Screw the “American” onto the filter, having previously wound the same flax tow. Connect the second pipe to the valve.

Attach all this to the counter. You should get the following:

  • the impeller should “look” down;
  • settling tank on the filter – up;
  • water meter dial too;
  • shut-off valve switch - similar to the previous two.

Step four. After connecting all the elements, cut them into the main line, remembering to first turn off the water.

Note! In an apartment building, it is forbidden to turn off the water yourself - only water utility employees are allowed to do this.

Step five. Attach the structure to the eyeliner. In doing so, you may encounter problems. So, if the line is metal, then you will have to cut a thread, but the main thing in this case is the accuracy of the measurements, because metal, unlike plastic, will not bend. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the entire section plastic pipes using special adapter fittings.

Step Five: Check the System

After installation is complete, you should check the functionality of the system. Turn on the water and slowly (we repeat, slowly) unscrew the shut-off valve. See if the water is flowing. If everything works fine and the water meter measures correctly, all that remains is to call a water utility worker. He will examine the results of your work, seal the device and make the appropriate notes in the technical passport.

Sometimes an additional seal is placed on the filter, but this is not a necessity, but rather an auxiliary measure. As a result, you will have a technical passport and a certificate that the seal has been installed and the device has been put into operation. From this day on, you will pay for water supply services only according to water meter readings.


As it turned out, DIY water meter installationis not a labor-intensive process. The most difficult thing in this case is the bureaucratic red tape, signing of all necessary documents, obtaining permits, etc. Don’t also forget that from time to time you need to take your water meter to check the correctness of its readings.

If the device is for hot water, then it must be checked every five years, and if, on the contrary, for cold water, then every four years.

Video - Installing a water meter