Mixer      07.03.2020

Scandinavian style in the living room - ideas for design. Scandinavian style in the interior of the apartment and house Scandinavian style living room design

Formed under cloudy skies in a cold climate, the Scandinavian style is specially designed to make a person's home light, warm and cozy. Comfort and a sense of happiness are additional bonuses for those who choose this design for their home. The authors even single out hygge as a separate direction - the interior for happy life. This is what a simple, bright and spacious living room looks like in scandinavian style.

For Scandinavia, a hall is a place where both one and a large family should be comfortable. Therefore, there should be a lot of free space and at the same time cozy details for everyone. This style is also in demand in Russia, a large territory of which is located in the zone of the same harsh climate as the Scandinavian countries.

The first thing that catches your eye is the white color of literally all rooms decorated in this style. The Scandinavian interior of the living room is really painted in the color of snow, so that the room is always light, because the number of sunny days on the northern peninsula, alas, is not encouraging. In addition, it is white that contributes to the visual expansion of space, therefore it remains the most relevant for the design of small rooms.

There are other features that, in general combination, form the Scandinavian style:

  • There can be no synthetics in this direction: all ideas are realized only with the use of natural materials. Accordingly, the decoration in such a living room will be natural - to create favorable climate. The most popular is solid wood, which retains heat better than other surfaces.

  • All lovers of bizarre natural forms will love this design.- along with a simple modern furniture in a Scandinavian living room you can see an ordinary stump instead of a stool or pouffe, and instead of coat hooks - natural driftwood.
  • The requirement for the formation of a warm interior is realized with the help of a large amount of textiles. These are not only blankets, bedspreads, but also napkins, tablecloths, carpets.

  • There will never be dark and thick curtains so that they do not hide the slightest rays of the sun or white trim, which is designed to keep maximum light.

  • The interior necessarily includes a lot of storage space - both hidden and open. In this living room, it is the open shelves that become the decor, because there should be no extra things in the composition, and things that are pleasant to the heart and household items are the best decoration.

This is how a simple and functional, and most importantly, a calm and free interior is formed, in which a person should feel good.

It will not take long to talk about the palette in the interior composition of the Scandinavian style - white color dominates here, which complements the natural texture of wood and halftones. Such a room can be both monochrome and quite colorful, given all the nuances - blankets, books, personal items.

Details look great on a snow-white background:

  • Scandinavian style in the interior of the living room is not complete without gray notes. It can be a sofa, a carpet, a knitted ottoman, a hand-knitted blanket. Such halftones do not take up free space, they play the role of a shadow, so they look natural.

  • All shades of wood - from whitish, more relevant for such an environment, to rich dark. As a rule, the array is used in flooring and furniture. IN Lately natural types of wood are exchanged for their affordable substitutes - laminate, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, and the difference is not visible at first glance. But they will not affect the indoor climate as much as natural wood does.

  • Terracotta - rare, but present in a spacious living room. Most often, of course, it is painted white, but it has the right to become one of the accents in the composition.

Other shades, of course, may be present in different details, but usually these are nuances - the color of the pattern in carpets and runners, book covers on an open shelf, a pattern on rugs or a picture on the wall.

Floor, ceiling and walls of the Scandinavian-style living room: decoration materials

When choosing materials for finishing both a typical apartment and a living room in particular, and a country cottage, you should not look for special coatings - in the Scandinavian style everything is ingenious and simple, and most importantly - natural. It does not matter whether you are looking for solutions for a small room or a spacious one or a bedroom.

Living room design in Scandinavian style requires compliance simple rules in the design and finishing of surfaces:

  • Wooden flooring- the natural and most favorable solution for a warm and cozy climate. Most often it is a board, parquet, less often - a laminate. Ceramic tile is also applicable, but it requires heating, and visually does not add heat. Usually the color of the coating is kept natural, but the wood can also be painted white or light gray.

  • The walls in such a living room are most often painted or plastered, less often wallpaper is chosen, which in the Scandinavian style should also be white. Let's say a slight pattern, for example, a gray tint. The textured pattern will have the same effect, since a slight shadow will appear from it, as if someone outlined the relief in gray.

  • - it is simpler and more practical than other coatings. Even a small Scandinavian-style living room with a perfectly white matte or glossy canvas will seem lighter and larger. Multi-level structures, which are equipped with such material quickly and efficiently, are used in rooms different area, especially if necessary, visually increase the height of the room, zone it, focus on the main details.

If there are additional functional areas, and also pay attention to such nuances as:

  • The need for zoning. A common technique for dividing zones finishing materials in this case is not always appropriate. A podium can be called more suitable - then the dining room will be on a raised platform, and the living room below. If the room is combined with the bedroom, then you can remove the place for night sleep and rest on the podium, but you should also choose other methods. With the same effect are used multi-level ceilings, but they are less noticeable, which many people find more comfortable.

  • In a Scandinavian-style living room, a hearth with live fire is often used; it also needs to be worked on. Not acceptable here simple solutions- paint and especially wood, so you can protect the finish from overheating with the help of ceramic tiles, refractory brick or stone. All this can be white or dyed.

  • Windows in this style are never hung with thick curtains, so you need to find comfortable solutions. Usually these are rolled canvases that rise during the day and fall in the evening to hide the interior from all prying eyes. In the daytime, it is considered absolutely normal to leave the openings open, because such a room needs a lot of light.

Among the extraordinary solutions - combining a Scandinavian-style living room with personal space - the bedroom can become part of a large free space. Such an association needs zoning even more than a merger, because a place to sleep must be protected.

In this case, you can find a lot of options for a comfortable and original separation of zones:

  • A sleeping place can be hidden in the podium, if the height of the room allows. The retractable bed is easily removed under a specially organized elevation, on which there can be a sofa with a TV, and a dining room. It is only important to leave space for a pull-out mattress in front of the podium.
  • The bed can be hidden from view behind an openwork partition for the length of the bed. This can be a curtain, which can be assembled if desired, and a rack with books, flowers, lamps, personal items.

  • In a spacious room, you can place a sofa in the living room with its back to the sleeping area. Then neither guests nor you yourself will see a place to relax when you spend time in front of the TV or fireplace.

  • The partition between the zones can be disguised as a closet. When it becomes necessary to separate parts of the room, the doors simply move, and when you need a lot of light and space, they move apart.

Traditional methods also work here, but they are less effective in hiding the sleeping area from prying eyes, which should still be individual.

Scandinavian style furniture

The Scandinavian living room is a simple room that does not use voluminous and unnecessary decor, because it visually takes up space and creates excess shadows. Of course, the interior uses old things that the owners like, but there are usually not many of them.

The basis is traditional products - a low sofa in a discreet palette, wooden furniture V natural color or painted white or grey. If the area allows, there may be the same wooden cabinet- V natural shade wood or in the tone in which all cabinet items are painted.

Beautiful Scandinavian-style living room furniture is even the simplest open ones, on the open shelves of which you can put wicker baskets for storing a variety of things. This option looks stylish and neat, unlike randomly folded objects of various sizes.

Scandinavian-style living room lighting, decor and textiles

It is perhaps difficult to find other, more important interior elements than lighting and textiles - the Scandinavian-style living room in the photo demonstrates their significance.

There cannot be much light even in a white room if it is cloudy or raining outside the window. Therefore, artificial sources are necessary, and in in large numbers. Textiles are of the same importance - they create an atmosphere of comfort, allow you to warm up in any weather, feel protected, even if the windows are not covered with curtains, and curtains are practically not used in a Scandinavian living room.

As a decor in this style, a series of photographs are often used, which are hung on one or opposite it, above the fireplace. Fixtures original form can also serve as room decoration. It can be a group of lamps or a floor lamp by the sofa.

They decorate the room with the same textile details - primarily blankets, which can be of different colors - to match the carpets, pillows on the sofa, and other details. You can put vases and live plants on the shelves, which will enliven a monochrome interior a little, if it still lacks your individuality.

Entering the stage as an ethnic, Scandinavian design eventually became a real classic, in which the national flavor is reflected not in patterns or folk art, but in the general mood of the interior, the combination of its main components.


The Scandinavian style in the interior of the house reflects the features of its inhabitants. Common features of the northern peoples are solidity, slowness, restraint, love for nature and their home, as well as thrift, which helps to save natural resources. scandinavian house- the embodiment of these folk traits. Its design is characterized by simplicity, calmness, conciseness - and at the same time it has a special charm and expressiveness.

Typical room interior in scandinavian style e - bright, free space, solid, reliable pieces of furniture, cozy textiles and discreet decor.

Basic principles of Scandinavian design

  • Color. The interior is usually designed in light, cool colors - white, light gray, sky blue. Tones of natural wood, stone, sand and brown shades are used as additional ones in the design. Accent colors are deep blue, turquoise, yellow, red, black.
  • Materials. Natural materials or their high-quality imitations are used: stone, wood, ceramics, plaster. Textiles for interior design - natural: linen, cotton, jute.
  • Furniture. Wooden, simple-shaped furniture should be durable and solid even in appearance. Natural materials are used as upholstery - cotton, linen, leather, suede.
  • Decor. Can be used simple elements bright colors, or objects of complex shape, but calm tones, for example, a plaster white deer head with antlers above the fireplace is a decoration often found in interiors.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style kitchen-living room with an original brick bar counter. Project :« Swedish apartment interior 42 sq. m.

Living room: interior in Scandinavian style

The living room is the "face" of the house, showing the character of its inhabitants. In the design of the living room, items that do not fulfill a functional role, but serve as decoration, are acceptable. At the same time, the basic design rules remain the same: natural materials, light colors, traditional color combinations.

Tip: Since natural light is scarce in the Nordic countries, much attention is paid to artificial lighting. Floor lamps, sconces are welcome in the living room, desk lamp, candles - any device that increases illumination.

The photo shows a small living room in white. Project: Scandinavian apartment design in Sweden.

The main color of the style - white - is the best suited for the kitchen, as it creates a feeling of cleanliness and increases illumination, which is important for the room in which food is prepared. In kitchen design, as a rule, they try not to use blue tones, as they are believed to suppress appetite and affect the sensitivity of taste buds.

IN brick house part of the kitchen walls can not be covered with plaster, but only painted white. Often this is done in the area where it is located working surface, Then brickwork acts as an apron. Scandinavian kitchen design implies that the floor will be used natural wood, it is also desirable to make furniture and countertops out of wood.

The photo shows a Scandinavian kitchen with an island layout. Project: "Interior design in white: apartment 59 sq. m. in Gothenburg.

The main criterion for the design of the room is simplicity. Nothing should distract from the rest. The main decorative element is the wall near the head of the bed, but it should not be bright either. For example, a wall can be finished with wood if the rest are covered with plaster, while choosing the same color for both coatings - white or a light pastel shade of beige. The design of the bedroom will be complemented by textiles in deep colors or with national ornaments, as well as a carpet near the bed.

Pictured is a Scandinavian-style bedroom with a balcony. Project: "Swedish interior design apartment 71 sq. m.

In the design of the children's room, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the child for a variety of experiences that contribute to his development. The light background of the walls makes it possible to demonstrate bright details, emphasizing their significance.

As an accent on a white wall, you can place a black board with a coating that allows you to draw on it with colored crayons - children are happy to paint the walls, and their drawings will play the role of color spots in the interior.

White walls can be decorated with bright vinyl stickers depicting fairy-tale characters - for the smallest, letters of the native alphabet - for first-graders, or favorite artists - for teenagers. Simple pieces of furniture can also be decorated with stickers or even painted in bright colors. Colorful patterns on textiles will also help to enliven the design and add individuality to it.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style children's room. Project: "Swedish style in the interior of a three-room apartment."

In the bathroom, cool "Northern" designs are very appropriate, giving a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. As an addition to white, which, as a rule, is the main color in sanitary facilities, deep blue is used. Bath textiles in accent colors complete the interior.

As in general for all style rooms, they try to use wood in the bathroom. The Scandinavian bathroom is also characterized by the use of wood. It is used to make sink underframes, bath screens, mirror frames, cabinets.

Used in surface finishing colored tiles, with its help they zone the space - for example, part of the walls - in a wet area or near the toilet - are laid out with an ornament of colored tiles or tiles with Scandinavian patterns. The design with wide ornamental stripes running from the floor to the walls and even to the ceiling looks fresh and original.

Design own house in Scandinavia provides big windows to increase the illumination of interiors and walls with good heat-insulating properties. Houses are mainly built of wood, stone houses are finished with wooden materials.

Scandinavian style in the interior country house continues in its exterior - the forms are simple, concise, perhaps even rough, giving the impression of solidity and reliability. My house is my fortress: this is said about the houses of the northern peoples.

Photo interiors in the Scandinavian style

Below are photographs that reflect the main features of Scandinavian design in rooms for various purposes.

Photo 1. The main color in the interior of the Scandinavian kitchen-living room is white. It is complemented by light wood on the floor. The role of a decorative accent is assigned to textile elements.

Photo 2. In laconic design in a white Scandinavian bedroom, the accent wall at the headboard is highlighted with white boards.

Photo 3. Dark gray furniture creates a contrast with the light floor, enlivening the interior.

Photo 4. The bright bedroom does not have an exquisite design, but it looks very original due to bright color additions and non-standard lamps.

Photo 5. The combination of two opposite colors - white and black - defines the rigid graphic design of the living room, the natural wood of the floor softens the interior, and the skin on the floor gives comfort.

Photo 6. Absolutely white kitchen decorated with a colored homespun rug, typical for northern interiors.

Photo 7

Photo 8. Interior design in the Scandinavian style in the child's room provides color accents standing out against a neutral background.

Photo 9. The style of a large bathroom with a laundry room is emphasized by a linen drawer made of natural wicker.

To some extent, the creation of the Scandinavian style is simplified thanks to the limited color palette. Pure white is usually used as the base color. To it are added gray, silver, duck egg blue and as single accents cherry red, cobalt blue or, for more traditional interiors, grass green. Or shades of all these colors are used.

Modern Scandinavian design features white walls, bold accessories and warm woods. At the same time, elaborate colors are not typical for him. wooden elements- doors, window frames and so on - can be both pure white and intentionally dark tones.

The easiest way to make an interior in a Scandinavian style is to take two traditional colors as a basis: blue and white or red and white. Or use a combination of shades of white - from ivory to snow white and icy bluish white. The easiest way to introduce bright colors is with textiles.

Scandinavian style captivates with its lightness, modesty and at the same time subtlety and beauty. In Scandinavia, they do not like luxury and wealth in the decoration of the premises.

It's not about scarcity at all, but about the love of practicality, when quality matters more than quantity.

A characteristic feature of this style is the combination of two opposites: beauty and simplicity.

The Scandinavian style has existed for more than a decade and still has not lost interest in itself. This direction is widely used in the organization of premises in our country.

Rest room decoration

The design of the living room in the Scandinavian style will appeal to lovers of airiness and lightness. After all, the predominant color in its design is white.

It is this color that reflects purity, freedom, sophistication and accuracy.

For small rooms - it's easy perfect option. And all because the white color, like no other shade, is able to visually expand cramped rooms and veil constructive flaws.

Of course, the combination of the main color with other pastel colors in a Scandinavian-style living room is possible and even welcome, otherwise the room will turn into one solid white spot.

A great solution would be to focus on one of the walls. For example, not just paint it in a different warm shade, but decorate it with stencil patterns.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Remember, the Scandinavian style does not tolerate defiant and flashy colors.

It would be appropriate to dilute the atmosphere with accessories in the form wall clock a moderate look, a soft panel, a floor lamp, a simple vase, a mirror. All this will help to revive the room and give it variety.

Scandinavian style color combination

Gray color does not give the room dullness at all. On the contrary, in combination with white, it acquires a rather festive mood.

Moreover, such a combination even becomes fashionable and in demand in many styles and directions.

The Scandinavian style in the interior of the living room also welcomes shades of gray. And it can be more than just color. accent wall or furniture, but also other details.

A soft smoky sofa will look great against the background of a wall that will be a couple of tones darker, and a carpet near the sofa in her tone will not interfere. And the white floor lamp standing next to it will make the picture complete and complete.

For experimenters and lovers of contrast, as an exception, you can try to bring a little black into the Scandinavian snow-white interior.

Such an inclusion will bring a little audacity to the style. But do not go too far.

The decor in this case can be stripes on a white or light gray carpet, a black and white panel on the wall, a floor lamp and a small bookcase.

In this combination, a Scandinavian-style living room will look quite bold. Photos will help visually evaluate such a solution.

Decoration options

Unlike other styles, which are characterized by pretentiousness and pomp, like rococo, baroque and classic, Scandinavian does not tolerate excesses in decors.

But this does not mean at all that this style is more boring and has no alternative. On the contrary, there is where to realize your imagination.

Simple patterns in the form of abstractions on the wall or carpet will give the snow-white living room originality and some playfulness.

Abundance in the choice of accent solutions give free rein to fantasies. It can be one large or several small niches in the wall with illumination, a huge two-tone panel, a fireplace, a wide arch, a dimensional mirror, brickwork painted white and many other options.

Combining the kitchen with the living room

By virtue of small rooms and cramped kitchens in apartments multi-storey buildings there was a tendency to combine these two premises.

This great option expand the space without imploring the functionality of both rooms. And the design of the kitchen-living room in the Scandinavian style will make the atmosphere even more spacious.

We have already talked about the properties white color visually expand small spaces. In addition, minimalism and modesty in the atmosphere, inherent in this direction, will come in handy.

You can separate the seating area from the kitchen using a sofa or shelving. The bar counter will also be appropriate in the way the room is divided into zones.

Photo of a Scandinavian-style living room