Mixer      04/25/2019

How to glue wallpaper of two types. Accent wall in the interior: "cautious madness

In a spacious and wide room with high ceilings, designers recommend using any combination of wallpaper.

IN small rooms it is worth combining plain wallpaper without patterns with coatings that will act as a bright accent on one of the walls. Keep in mind that a small pattern makes the wall visually smaller, and a large one makes it larger.

Living room

  • There are many ideas for decorating this room. Drawing and material are selected based on the style of the interior.
  • If the hall is wide and has corner sofa, you can make an accent recreation area.
  • The richness of colors and the originality of the pattern can visually indicate a place for relaxation.
  • For this room original version will be the creation of a geometric combination of wallpaper or inserts for plain wallpaper. The color of the walls of the living room can be any. The main thing is that the wallpaper does not contrast strongly with each other.


  • Here you can combine juicy and bright patterns.
  • Take a look at the patchwork technique.
  • One wall with photo wallpaper or wallpaper with a children's pattern on the background of monochrome wallpaper will look very nice.
  • In the nursery, with the help of wallpaper, you can designate a recreation area and active games. In the part of the room where the baby will play, the combination of wallpaper can have the most original forms- from horizontal combinations to creating geometric patterns on the walls.
  • As an insert for the play area, you can use wallpaper with a pattern of a magic castle or the edge of a forest.
  • For a place of rest, it is better to choose wallpaper in soothing colors and stick them in a horizontal combination.


Usually, soothing shades are used for interior decoration. Harmony in the room will bring calm colors of the wallpaper.

  • They can be combined with plant-themed photo wallpapers pasted by the bed.
  • A popular design solution is animal print wallpaper that focuses on one of the walls.
  • For a bedroom with a minimal set of furniture, you should choose a vertical combination of wallpaper with different textures.
  • But the traditional option for combining wallpaper is still considered horizontal. With this design, you should purchase plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a pattern.
  • To visually enlarge the room, it is best to opt for peach wallpaper in combination with patterned ones.
  • Those who want to add red shades to the bedroom should combine this color with monochrome tones. A combination of white and beige shades will add tranquility to the atmosphere of the bedroom.
  • Chocolate tones in combination with beige will bring a touch of rigor and nobility to the interior of the room.


The most practical solution is the combination of wallpaper with tiles in working area. Shades can overlap with each other or be completely contrasting.


To make narrow and elongated corridors visually more spacious, pasting the side walls with light wallpaper, and the end walls darker, will help. If there are irregularities on the wall, they can be hidden by interspersed wallpaper with large curls and ornaments.

Successful wallpaper combination solutions

Playing with textures

Combining wallpapers of different textures of the same color in a room, you will create an imitation of various architectural elements, such as columns and niches. Also, this solution can be used to decorate corners, door and window arches.

The effect of gluing different types of wallpaper

  • zoning of the room - in a large room a combination various wallpapers will allow you to divide the space into zones without resorting to the help of partitions. In the kitchen, you can glue a “brick-like” canvas and other wallpapers to divide it into a cooking area and a dining area;
  • masking the lack of walls - on flat wall it is worth sticking bright pastel canvases of dense wallpaper, for example, non-woven, to divert attention from defects;
  • visual adjustment - you can visually expand an oblong room both in color and in a horizontal pattern.

Patchwork technique

When using the patchwork technique, you need to choose pieces of wallpaper of any shape to create the perfect mural near the home theater area or in the nursery. Moldings are suitable as a frame.

Combination with stripes

This method requires a competent combination of bands:

  • the border of the top and bottom is formed by a border located below the middle of the wall (less than 1 meter);
  • if the ceilings are low, vertical strips are glued to make the room taller;
  • "Raise" the ceiling will allow a light and voluminous ornament in the upper part of the wall.

Horizontal wallpaper combination

This combination of wallpaper is suitable for any type of room. The width of the wallpaper strips will depend on the height of the ceiling. For a horizontal combination, the alternation of wallpaper with different textures is perfect, for example, bright voluminous and smooth without a pattern. When pasting walls in this way, it may be difficult to keep the wallpaper strips parallel to the floor and ceiling. The resulting irregularities can be smoothed out with skirting boards or slats.

Vertical view of wallpaper combination

Vertical wallpaper combinations are somewhat easier to create than horizontal ones. In addition, this option of wall decor allows the owner of the home to show all his imagination, for example, to stick wallpaper not strictly vertically, but in the form of a zigzag. For vertical combination, it is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern and plain. If the drawing has smooth transition, when pasting the walls there will be no noticeable joints and seams.

geometric combination

This combination of wallpaper is a collection of geometric shapes that are harmoniously located around the entire perimeter of the walls and have one common direction. This combination requires certain design skills and abilities.

Create wallpaper inserts

This option is good for plain walls. Various wallpaper inserts will give the interior its zest and unique style. The already bored atmosphere of such a room will again sparkle with bright colors.

Bright accents

  • Unusual textured inserts can act as an accent if the rest of the wall is plain. Moldings allow to enhance the effect.
  • The most practical is the combination of photo wallpapers with standard canvases. So without special costs time, effort can be created original interior even with your own hands.
  • Designers recommend making one wall bright and original, and decorating the other three in neutral shades. The most advantageous solution is to highlight the wall opposite the door.

Making transitions when combining wallpapers

  1. Without transitions - a simple solution when the sheets are glued joint to joint. An ideal result can be achieved if the walls are perfectly even. This method is suitable for highlighting a wall and is used, for example, when gluing photo wallpapers.
  2. wallpaper border- it is glued along the upper edge or in the center. Thanks to this detail, the interior looks complete. The most harmonious borders look in the nursery, bedroom and living room.
  3. Moldings - graceful and stylish elements decor. Visually, they look like panels. Thanks to this decor, you can decorate one or more walls in an original way.

Combining wallpaper and wall color (or wallpaper understudy) - photo

Combining wallpaper is a design technique that will give you the opportunity to refresh the interior and create a unique atmosphere. Harmonious combinations of wallpaper and painted walls will allow you to beat the advantages of the room and hide the flaws.

In this article, we will talk about the purpose for which wallpapers of different colors are combined in one room and how to perform this combination correctly. Combination Theme finishing materials different color is not new. This method of decoration is widely used in the design of residential premises, as well as public buildings.

But, before we talk about the main ways to combine different colors of finishes, let's find out for what purpose these combinations are used.

Reasons for combining different colors and textures in the interior

The correct use of color in the design of the interior space of the room allows you to visually increase or decrease it. A similar effect is achieved with an effective combination of textures of decorative finishing materials. Therefore, the interior of the room with different wallpapers designers use in cases where the proportions of the room provide for the need for visual adjustment.

In addition to the fact that this method allows you to hide flaws and demonstrate the merits of the situation, combinations of wallpapers of different colors can be used to delimit the space into different functional areas.

There are a number of other reasons why a room with different wallpapers is the best design solution. Let's talk about why combine different wallpapers in the interior in more detail.

Visual correction of the room

Using different wallpapers in the room, you can emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. For example, by pasting a wall with your own hands with coatings that differ from the materials used in finishing other walls, you will be able to draw attention to this particular part of the room, while the rest of the walls will serve as a background.

Thus, it is possible to divert attention from a littered wall or from other surfaces with a seemingly noticeable flaw and direct it to that part of the room where there are no complaints about the quality of the finish.

Zoning of living space

In the photo - an example of zoning combined rooms

It often happens that the same room combines the functions of several rooms at once. For example, often the living room is used as a study, lounge and even a bedroom.

Of course, all these functions require different finishes. In the office, the color scheme of the finishing material should set you in a working mood, cheer you up, while in the rest room or in the bedroom, the wall decoration on the contrary should calm and rejuvenate.

Is it possible to make one room meet all these requirements? It turns out this is quite possible. Indeed, within the same room, you can combine wallpaper not only in different colors, but also in different shades.

Important: Zoning through different color versions excellent performance in finishing large kitchens, where the cooking zone and the dining area are used separately.

visual effect

As already mentioned, by coloring the finishing materials, you can visually change the parameters of the room. To make the price of this effect more affordable, you can apply wallpaper.

For example, you can visually expand a rectangular room by sticking light wallpaper on long walls, and dark - on short. In this case, a rectangular room will appear more square.

A square room, in turn, will look more elongated if one wall is darkened compared to the other three walls. room with small area can be visually expanded by applying coatings of sand or light peach color.

Practical tips for combining different decorative coatings

In the photo - an accent wall against the background of a floral ornament

Most often, in one room, designers use one accent wall, which focuses on the main attention. But, if necessary, two adjacent walls can be accentuated.

Important: Accent is achieved through a more saturated color or thanks to more.

  • Correctly apply the focus point and thus accentuate one or another part of the wall. The focal point does not occupy the entire wall, but is located on one or another part of it. Wallpaper of a different shade can be successfully used to isolate the fireplace area, antique chest of drawers, gallery, paintings, etc.
  • A separate recommendation concerns the use of wallpaper as decorative element . For example, nothing prevents you from placing a piece of wallpaper in a frame or decorating it with decorative moldings.

By hanging this design on the wall, you can create a unique wall decor.

Basic combination methods

In the photo - a professional combination of finishing materials in a children's room

When choosing combinations of wallpaper combinations, we take into account similar elements, which can be used as different shades of the same color, similar styles or similar geometry of the ornament, the same texture of multi-colored wallpapers.

We do it like this:

  • To form discreet minimalist interiors, we use plain wallpaper, made in different shades one color. As a result of this approach to finishing work one wall is made more saturated than the rest of the walls.

This approach to decorating living spaces is most effective when using shades of gray (light gray and slate gray), beige (ivory, sand and ecru) and blue (pervanche and sky blue).

  • If it is planned to use a large patterned and bright panel in the interior decoration, it should be balanced with a combination of patterned or plain wallpaper.
  • In rooms with wood trim, you can use a combination of wallpaper with stripes and floral patterns. If the wallpaper is not striped, but decorated with complex geometric shapes, it is expedient to combine them with abstractions.
  • By combining coatings of different colors, we combine shades of active colors with neutral shades. As a result, the finish is balanced and balanced. Such an instruction has proven itself excellently in the design of classic and modern interiors.

If space zoning is planned, it is advisable to use contrasting combinations.

  • Combining wallpapers of different colors, you can apply the division of space along the horizon.

Despite the fact that the traditional “patterns - border - stripe” scheme has become a little fed up over the years of use, it still has the right to exist. The use of the border is also relevant in more original and modern methods. For example, place dark coatings at the bottom, and light ones at the top of the wall.

You can distinguish between two types of finishes by applying a border of a neutral color and a medium saturation of the shade.

  • The main problem when pasting walls using coatings of different colors is the joining of two different panels in the corners. No matter how modern your apartment is and how well it is built, the corners, both external and internal, can be uneven.

Therefore, by combining with your own hands colorful wallpaper with docking in the corners, we glue them on the problem area not end-to-end, as along the entire wall, but overlapping. As a result, due to the curvature of the corner, one of the adjacent panels can be slightly shifted without compromising the overall impression of the finish.

  • If you nevertheless decide to glue the panels end-to-end, we lay them in the corner with an overlap, apply a wide spatula along the future joint line and cut it off with a sharp knife. After the wallpaper is cut, we remove all excess along the cut line. However, this method is applicable only on corners that do not have rounding.
  • Using a combination of coatings on a paper and non-woven substrate, we apply. Such glue will not only hold both coatings at the joints, but also ensure the durability of the finished finish.


Now you have a general idea of ​​​​how to glue a room with different wallpapers. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first. Following the above recommendations and tips, you will surely cope with this simple job.

If decoration using such materials is performed for the first time, it is advisable to start with a combination of wallpapers that are similar in composition and layer thickness. More useful information you will find by watching the video in this article.

The process of combining wallpaper is currently considered a fashionable technique. With its help, you can put into practice artistic original ideas, to focus on the visual correction of minor problems, an expressive art object, the correction of problems that arose in the process of decorative finishing.

The main purpose of the combination

The use of several wallpaper options within the same room at once significantly increases the duration of the repair, complicates it.

At the same time, the positive aspects of such a combination cannot be ignored.

Designers identify many factors that confirm the originality of such an idea, its significance and relevance:

  • zoning of the premises;
  • emphasizing the features of the room;
  • hiding all the flaws of the room;
  • visual expansion of the room;
  • accent wall;
  • creating a focal point;
  • adaptation of the bedroom to the individual needs of its owner.

Correction options

  1. The room has a low ceiling. This problem is typical for a room that has a fairly significant area. To eliminate this problem, the ceiling is decorated in light colors, the walls are made dark, getting the visual illusion of high ceilings inside the room.
  2. Small area. Horizontal stripes of wallpaper, as well as light walls, can visually expand the space inside the room. When pasting one wall with wallpaper that has a large pattern, you can create the effect of a spacious room. Among the decoration options, one can note the use of photo wallpapers.
  3. The presence of too elongated room. The room will be as comfortable as possible, in it you can fully relax by pasting narrow walls with dark or rich wallpaper, and pasting wide walls with light wallpaper.
  4. Wallpaper combination rules

    If desired, you can make a training place, using a combination of wallpaper, you can perform effective zoning of the room. By mixing texture and pattern, you can highlight different functional purpose destination area. After delimiting separate zones inside the room, it is important to prevent separation into several separate parts, you need to maintain harmony in the room, make a smooth transition from one zone to another.

    1. Do you want to hide flaws, show the advantages of your room?

    There is a room has its own specific features, which cause problems for the owners, for example, the irrational location of the heating risers, the presence of numerous niches and protrusions, with the help of them it is impossible to hide, from the outside they will seem like defects. In the case of combining wallpaper of various patterns and colors, such a problem can be easily solved by diverting attention from problem areas.

    2. Do you dream of changing proportions and sizes?

    For those who have square and large rooms, there is no problem in the layout of the room, since this version of the room is similar to the "golden section". Unfortunately, in reality, such bedrooms and hallways do not exist, they are retracted or small, you have to combine wallpapers of various wallpapers and patterns, thereby visually adjusting the room, leading it into a convenient and comfortable “nest”.

    You do not like the monotonous interior?

    Do you want to make your room bright, individual, unique? In this case, he suggests making accents on one wall of the room, using wallpaper with a catchy pattern to decorate it. For example, the central part of your wall will be highlighted with wallpaper with large geometric or floral prints, you can use a different type of wallpaper on the sides, focusing all attention on the center of the room, for example. At correct selection wall material, you will get an amazing effect.

    The design of such a room as a bedroom makes it possible to show all the preferences of its owner. This room is intimate, it is not customary to receive guests.

    The main task of the bedroom is a comfortable and complete rest after a hard day's work. For selection color solution and style, you can use the advice of professional designers to get a truly cozy and comfortable room.

    As soon as it became necessary to combine several types of wallpaper in the bedroom, this is a signal that its owner is an extraordinary and creative person.

    Such people do not like everyday life, do not accept patterns, they want to always be in the know. fashion trends I have a great artistic imagination. If you wish, you can always select a specific object inside the room, for example, a dressing table, a bed, by choosing special wallpapers for this.

    The combination of wallpaper with different patterns

    Often people are afraid to combine Various types wallpaper, being unsure of the positive result of their actions. How to choose the right patterns, colors, textures, understand the variety of wallpapers that can be seen on the modern construction market? Don't want to learn from your mistakes? In that case, check out some simple rules offered by professional designers, so that after combining several wallpaper options, you can learn the desired positive result.

    Odd numbers are often used in modern design. The easiest way in the case of combining several wallpaper options in the bedroom is to choose three wallpaper models:

  • First wallpaper option should be a source of your joy and complete delight. Try to buy such wallpapers, from the look of which you experience real delight, pleasure, that you are not able to get bored with time. It is advisable to opt for wallpapers with a large pattern, or choose colorful photo wallpapers.
  • Second type of wallpaper should have a slight sourness, similarity in 1-2 colors with the first type of wallpaper.
  • Third a piece of wallpaper will be the base option, neutral (gray, white, beige) colors are suitable for it. You can use a slight neutral plain wallpaper, for example, with a relief texture.
  • Wallpaper selection features

    If you went to the store for new wallpapers, try to pay attention to some features:

  1. The degree of color intensity. Wallpaper can have color repeating shades, it is important that they are of the same intensity. If desired, you can choose a plain wallpaper, or with a bright and contrasting pattern. You do not like the variegation of bright and contrasting wallpapers? In this case, combine the wallpaper, diluting it with textured and plain wallpaper so that you can “fix your eyes” on light, unobtrusive wallpaper fragments.
  2. Graphic arts. When choosing, or combining white with other colors, you will correctly combine the space, make it cozy, comfortable for living.
  3. White color counts perfect color, thanks to which various textures and patterns are combined with each other. For bedrooms, you can use a combination of three at once different types wallpaper, or use two wallpaper options and modern home textiles.

    IN Lately many manufacturers home textile combine their work with wallpaper manufacturers, creating single original combinations for the hallway, bedroom. Among the negative characteristics of such collections, we note their high cost.

The building materials market offers a wide range of finishing materials, the use of which makes it possible to translate into reality an unlimited number of variations in the design of the walls of a room.

The leader among materials for wall decoration is still wallpaper, but their production technology does not stand still.

The new time demands a creative approach from manufacturers and the invention of new and original finishing methods. So not only new types of wallpaper appear, but also different ways their stickers.

Traditional methods are still used, but the method of combining wallpaper is rapidly becoming fashionable. Moreover, the process of combination occurs not only in color scheme, but also in terms of connecting wallpapers of various types and structures. Therefore, for example, now no one will be surprised by sticking wallpaper of two types in the living room or in the hall.

Why are we citing this particular room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main one in the house. She welcomes and receives guests. It is the living room that becomes a great platform for family holidays and gatherings with friends. Therefore, it is this room that everyone is trying to decorate as creatively as possible.

Options for sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

The very process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This or that interior looks very beautiful and creates the impression of ease in its creation. But in order to do something like this, you need to know how to stick two types of wallpaper in the hall, which rules form the basis of this process.

Without knowing the rules, you can make certain mistakes, then not only the appearance of the room will suffer from this, but also the degree of comfort, the perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should approach the combination of wallpaper with all seriousness and pay attention to the layout of coatings with different textures and patterns.

Design for wallpapering in the hall of two types, photo

Combination in the hall: defining goals

Before sticking two types of wallpaper in his hall, each of the inhabitants thinks about whether he needs such a solution, what combination fit better, what will be the result, etc.? Such questions are completely obvious. Let's try to answer them.

First, you need to realize that the main goal of such a decision is to obtain a certain decorative effect . And he will always be. It all depends on what is closer to your liking. For example, a more calm and discreet wallpaper will help create more interesting and bright accents, motifs indoors. And the dark ones not only steal space, but also quite often oppress, put pressure on morally, create a feeling of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of two types of wallpaper is a wonderful the possibility of zoning space. Having picked up the right shades, you can very easily divide the living area into sectors (zones). Traditionally, contrasting wallpapers are selected for such purposes. Companion wallpapers from the same collection are also often used.

Alternatively, and it will also be good, you can choose wallpapers that are similar in color. The “zest” will be made by different drawings depicted on the stripes.

Thirdly, the presence of two types of wallpaper in the living room is a good chance to hide flaws in the interior. The combination will help create a distracting design, “hide” a defect that is undesirable to see to the wrong eye. In such a situation, wallpaper with a relief structure will help.

Main - take into account the lighting and choose the right shade of wallpaper. In different lighting, each shade will behave differently. Therefore, to cope with the task, be sure to take into account these nuances.

Having become acquainted with the main goals, we understand that various options gluing wallpaper of two types in the hall carries a solution to a specific problem. That's why combined wallpaper for the hall - a very good option for decorating the walls.

How to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall: basic rules

Imagine that you have studied everything about sticking wallpaper of two types in the living room, consulted with experts, picked up desired material and made a pasting of the room, but you understand that something is wrong, as if you got a slightly different result than you expected.

The situation is not the best, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance and follow the basic rules for sticking wallpaper of two types:

Note! You have absolutely no skills in planning the design of a room, and expert advice does not help? The combination of selected shades is doubtful? Don't worry, there is a way out. Use wallpaper.

It is desirable that their color scheme of the selected photopanel includes a set of several shades that harmonize with each other.

Combining color and pattern

Is it easy to find a good two color wallpaper combination? Actually, it all depends on you. If you have a sense of taste, then it will not be difficult to do this. If you doubt that you are on the right track, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Since the combined wallpaper for the hall is designed to focus attention (make accents) on a certain surface or zone, it is worth considering in advance which zone you plan to highlight to attract attention. Give preference to wallpapers with bright colors background or catchy patterns.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

But, choosing a catchy wallpaper, remember that you still need to somehow dilute the overall environment in order to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright farce. The most optimal and easiest option is to choose a calm shade.

Note! We do not recommend using different elements on the walls of the hall. They should be similar. Something radically different will spoil general form, and the ideal combination of wall coverings cannot be achieved. Therefore, you can pick up patterns of the same or similar subjects, similar surface texture, close tones from the same range of shades.

Let's talk about thematic patterns in more detail. There are three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these types goes well with wallpaper of a single tone or with wallpaper in light shades with a barely noticeable stripe.

Wallpaper with a floral or floral composition is good to combine with wallpapers that imitate, for example, wood, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer wallpaper with a geometric pattern / ornament or stripes, then pair them with wallpaper with abstraction.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will look great if you alternate them with each other - wallpaper strip No. 1, wallpaper strip No. 2, wallpaper strip No. 1, etc. So you will not create an emphasis on a specific area, but will bring a kind of "zest" to the overall perception of the room.

For ledges and niches in the living room, a vertical combination of wallpapers of different colors is ideal. In addition to this option, landscape wallpapers are often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine wallpaper horizontally, then use a darker shade of wallpaper for the bottom part. Separation of wallpaper in this case is very often done using skirting boards or moldings.

To easily choose the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider following points: the layout of the living room and its area, the style of the room and the degree of illumination of the hall.

Soft shades will help create a warm atmosphere in the room: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or cyan, light purple or gray colors help you relax. Overflows, for example, in sand, blue or pink flowers will help emphasize the harmony and airy lightness of the room.

Given the above, it becomes clear that the design of wallpapering in the hall of two types will depend only on the choice of the owner of the home. But that's not all with regard to the combination of wallpaper in the living room. Next, we will talk about textured coatings.

We advise you to study the basic rules and see all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in rooms.

Read about photo wallpapers that expand the space in the interior, and see photos: original finish for stylish and modern rooms.

Combination and textured coatings

Recently, textured coatings that are intended for painting have become very popular. Such materials are widely used. Such wallpapers, for example, are very easy and convenient to use in work, not only for pasting walls, but also for ceilings. As a result, of course, we get the perfect combination.

Note that in the case of using textured coatings, there will be fewer problems with their replacement than with ordinary wallpaper because their "life" is much longer. And repainting is easier than re-gluing.

To date, the most common textured wallpaper patterns are stripes of different thicknesses and orientations (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns, abstract strokes, floral and plant motifs.

Note! Well, in a duet with a textured coating, liquid wallpapers that match in color will look good. Use the "texture" to design various ledges and niches, columns.

Using textured wallpaper and liquid wallpaper is a good option, but remember that the most practical is a combination of ordinary wallpaper.

Sticking and types of materials

We ended the previous small section on what is best to use ordinary wallpapers for combining. But what about the combination of wallpaper different types? For example, wallpaper based on non-woven fabric, made of paper, vinyl or fabric coated.

Firstly, such a combination will require more attention from you. Secondly, sticking wallpaper of different types will take more time, because each type has its own characteristics when sticking, including the time of impregnation and drying.

Wallpaper sticker of two types in the hall, photo

As a result, we need glue for sticking different types of wallpaper. Can also be used universal type glue, but before making a final decision and buying such glue, consult with specialists. Universal things are not always so universal. Maybe it's worth buying a specialized glue?

The most difficult duet when sticking wallpaper of two types will be a pair: standard wallpaper + textile coatings. Joints with this combination cannot be hidden, so moldings, borders and skirting boards should be used.

Combining, we create harmony

The main task of combining two types of wallpaper, as well as any repair in general, is an excellent result. And this means that as a result we must create a harmonious environment. Achieving such a result will be a little more difficult, but it is real. Additional accessories and details will only help you complete your plan.

A small summary

Wallpaper combination - an exciting activity but there is something to think about. A different kinds wallpapers only fuel interest. Many have already convinced themselves of the originality, practicality and beauty of the interiors of the hall, decorated with the help of combined wall coverings. Make sure you too!

An end to our article will be put by a video that will demonstrate various options for combining two types of wallpaper. Watch carefully, maybe the video will tell you a suitable idea?

If the ideas from the video didn’t seem enough to you, there are 28 more photos in the gallery below with options for combined wallpapering in the hall:

In order to create a unique style of the room in accordance with current trends designers offer to combine wallpapers with each other. Thanks to this approach to gluing, it is possible to significantly change the perception of space. Using various combinations of patterns, colors and textures, it is possible to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in every room.

Combination features

Combining wallpaper with each other is a great way to decorate living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries or kitchens. It allows not only to create unique design, but also hide some wall errors, visually balance the parameters of the room and work on lighting. Its feature is to create visual effects. How to combine black and white colors with each other is shown in the photo:

If you combine wallpaper correctly, it has many advantages. Allows you to realize not only the plan, but also to correct some shortcomings. You can transform a room in various ways. For example, geometric zoning, all kinds of color combinations, etc. are often used. To divide a room into functional zones, they also use the approach of focusing attention on individual objects, elements.

Advice! To get a harmonious combination of different wallpapers, it is necessary to give preference to overlapping colors and shades.

The combination of wallpaper is characterized by such features:

Combination rules

To properly glue the walls, you can use various types of combined canvases. These can be items from collections or selected independently. Thanks to the wide variety of wallpapers, you can combine and glue different types together, while achieving excellent results.

The combination process is carried out in accordance with certain rules, namely:

Combining photo wallpaper

If you glue photo wallpapers - this makes it possible to visually expand the room. Combine them with ordinary wallpaper allows you to transform the room, giving them a unique charm.

To combine beautifully, you should follow certain rules so as not to violate the general concept. design solutions. The most important and basic requirement is the selection of colors and their correspondence to the room. Everything else is provided by fantasy within, of course, their financial capabilities. Pay attention to the photo:

In order for photo wallpapers to be harmoniously combined with wallpaper, you need to choose the right material. To do this, select a picture, link it by color, quality, and you also need to calculate the required size and volume.

When combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper, several approaches are used: vertical zoning, highlighting horizontal lines, ledges in the wall, inserts with patterns, as well as using flaps to create separate parts of the image, as, for example, in the photo:

Black and white wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper on the walls is a classic that has remained popular for many, many years. You can glue these colors both together and separately.

When choosing black wallpaper, many people are afraid to make a mistake, because the wrong accents and shades of color can make the interior gloomy and uncomfortable. But do not be afraid, pay attention to the photo below. How beautifully black and white wallpapers are combined, as well as photo wallpapers among themselves.

In order to correctly and harmoniously combine black and white wallpapers, you must adhere to certain selection principles. First of all, you need to decide which color will dominate, taking into account the purpose of the room and its dimensions. It is known that White color can visually enlarge the room, and black - vice versa. Dark color can give coziness and "warmth". Light - gives light, space with a slight sense of "coolness".

Correctly combining black and white wallpapers is easy. Rate on the photo:

According to psychologists, a black and white background is not suitable for faint hearted people. It will be unbearable for them. But the rest can fantasize and experiment on a wide scale.

Combination methods

In order to get an excellent result from gluing wallpapers of different colors to each other, you need to know a number important points. Combining wallpapers with each other is a certain process of selecting the most optimal combinations both in color and in texture itself.

Before gluing and combining, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with various methods. This will make it possible to dwell on a specific method, which will eliminate problems with a negative perception of the room in the future. Each specific approach has its own characteristics, which take into account both the area and the desired result.


The combination of wallpaper of two different textures. The combination of smooth and embossed materials has gained quite a lot of popularity. It is allowed to combine from two to three plain types of wallpaper, as well as with the presence of a pattern. This should be done very carefully as it may fundamental change style.

The functional division of the room into zones is carried out by combining wallpaper. With proper selection by color, it is possible to artificially divide the room into optimal parts. Bright colors in the photo:

Accents on the walls

The next method is to focus on individual objects. Often these are either adjacent or opposite sides. In such cases, wallpaper with bright patterns, rich color, large and conspicuous patterns is glued to the walls. Pay attention to how beautifully pasted the wallpaper in the bedroom:

Another trick to properly combine wallpaper with each other is focusing on individual parts of the wall. This is possible due to the special arrangement of furniture or playing around with part of the interior. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to make separate zones. For example, this could be the area of ​​a fireplace, table, bed, etc. To emphasize individual pieces of furniture, the method of changing patterns comes to the rescue. Wallpaper that can smoothly transition to the ceiling. So harmonious combination is very good option. good example on the picture:

As a decorating element, it is allowed to glue panels and panels. This approach is typical for the classical style.

To change the length of the room, there is some way to reduce it. This result can be achieved by decorating some doors with large drawings. This will visually bring the object closer.

In a situation where one of the walls does not imply the presence of furniture or decorative parts, then it would be correct to glue wallpaper with patterns on it. In the meantime, the rest are made in plain colors or with small flowers. Black wallpaper with a white pattern is shown in the photo:

You can achieve a reduction in the length of the wall by alternating stripes and a small pattern or plain wallpaper with large ornaments. The use of two shades of the same color allows you to bring dynamics to the interior.

The classical style differs from others in its horizontal reception. It consists in gluing on the wall on top of some, and below the other wallpaper. The connection points are hidden behind the curb strip. The use of certain wallpapers depends on the amount of furniture that is directly in the room. So with a small fullness of the room, tall cabinets will be perfectly combined with large patterns. One example is shown in the photo below.

Thus, any type of canvas can be combined, be it dark or light, with patterns or drawings, Scandinavian wallpaper or photo wallpaper, etc. If you combine different types, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics, properties and affiliation. It is recommended to avoid abrupt transitions between two types of wallpaper. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a comfortable and soft atmosphere.

How to combine wallpaper with each other is shown in the video: