Mixer      02/14/2019

Who carries out testing of pressure vessels. Technical examination of vessels, boilers, cylinders

  • 5. Security, security systems
  • 6. Classification of hazardous and harmful production factors
  • 7. Organization and functions of the labor protection service at enterprises
  • 8. Training of managers and specialists in labor safety requirements
  • 9. Supervision and control of compliance with labor protection legislation
  • 10. State supervision and control over compliance with labor protection legislation
  • 11. Types of briefings, procedures for conducting them and registration
  • 12. Industrial injuries and occupational diseases. Classification of accidents.
  • 13. Causes of industrial injuries
  • 14. Methods for studying the causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.
  • 15. Indicators of industrial injuries
  • 16. Investigation and recording of industrial accidents
  • 17. Pressure vessels. Causes of accidents
  • 18. Procedure for designing vessels. Basic instrumentation and safety devices.
  • 19. Installation and registration of pressure vessels
  • 20. Technical examination of pressure vessels
  • 21. Hydraulic and pneumatic testing of pressure vessels
  • 22. Maintenance and servicing of pressure vessels. Emergency stop and repair of vessels.
  • 23. General provisions for the safe operation of boilers. Basic instrumentation and safety devices.
  • 24. Organization of safe operation of boilers. Emergency stop and repair organization.
  • 25. Registration procedure and installation of boilers
  • 26. Technical examination and permission to operate boilers.
  • 27. Rules for the design and installation of pipelines. Basic control and safety devices
  • 30. Types of PTM. The main dangers arising during the operation of PTM
  • 31. Basic instruments and safety devices on the PTM
  • 32. Installation and registration of lifting and transport mechanisms
  • 33. Technical examination of PTM
  • 34. Testing of lifting and transport mechanisms and load-handling mechanisms
  • 35. Supervision and maintenance of medical equipment. Crane repair
  • 36. Danger zone when operating PTM
  • 37. Stability of cranes
  • 39. Physiological effects of electric current on the human body
  • 40. Types of lesions that occur due to the action of electric current on the human body
  • 41. Factors influencing the outcome of electric shock to the human body
  • Registration. The following are not subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities: - vessels operating at a wall temperature not exceeding 200 °C, in which the pressure does not exceed 0.05 MPa; - air separation units located inside the heat-insulating casing (regenerators, columns, heat exchangers); - barrels for transportation of liquefied gases, cylinders with a capacity of up to 100 liters. Registration is carried out on the basis of a written application from the management of the organization that owns the vessel. To register a vessel, the following must be presented: - vessel passport; - certificate of completion of installation; - circuit diagram of the vessel; - passport safety valve. The Rostekhnadzor body will review it within 5 days. submitted documentation. If the documentation for the vessel matches the vessel's passport, a registration stamp is placed and the documents are sealed. In case refusal decree reasons with reference to relevant documents.

    20. Technical examination of pressure vessels

    During technical inspection of vessels, it is allowed to use all non-destructive testing methods. Primary and secondary wire. Inspector of Rostechnadzor. The wire. Ext. And internal Inspections. Also wire. Pneumatic And a hydraulic test - check the strength of the vessel elements and the tightness of the connections. Vessels working with harmful substances Hazard classes 1 and 2 must be thoroughly processed before work begins. An extraordinary examination of vessels is carried out: - if the vessel has not been used for more than 12 months; - if the vessel has been dismantled and installed in a new location; - after repair; - after the design service life of the vessel has been completed; - after a vessel accident; - at the request of the inspector. The results of the technical examination are entered into the vessel’s passport and signed by members of the commission.

    21. Hydraulic and pneumatic testing of pressure vessels

    Hydraulic test All vessels are subject to inspection after their manufacture. Vessels, the manufacture of which is completed at the installation site, and transported to the installation site in parts, are subjected to hydraulic testing at the installation site. Vessels having a protective coating or insulation are subjected to hydraulic testing before coating is applied. Hydraulic testing of vessels, with the exception of cast ones, must be carried out by test pressure. Appl. water with a temperature not lower than 5 °C and not higher than 40 °C. The test pressure should be monitored by two pressure gauges. After holding under test pressure, the pressure is reduced to the design pressure, at which the outer surface of the vessel and all its detachable and welded connections are inspected. The vessel is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if the following is not detected: - leaks, cracks, tears, sweating in welded joints and on the base metal; - leaks in detachable connections; - visible residual deformations, pressure drop on the pressure gauge. A hydraulic test may be replaced by a pneumatic test, provided that this test is controlled by the acoustic emission method. Pneumatic tests must be carried out according to instructions using compressed air or inert gas. The holding time of the vessel under test pressure is set by the project developer, but must be at least 5 minutes. Then the pressure in the test vessel must be reduced to the design pressure and the vessel must be inspected. The test results are entered into the vessel passport.

  • Carrying out hydraulic testing. Order of conduct. Test pressure .

    Hydraulic testing to check the tightness and strength of equipment under pressure, as well as all welded and other connections, is carried out:

    a) after installation (additional production) at the installation site of equipment transported to the installation site (additional production) in separate parts, elements or blocks;

    b) after reconstruction (modernization), repair of equipment using welding of elements operating under pressure;

    c) during technical examinations and technical diagnostics in cases established by these FNP.

    Hydraulic testing of individual parts, elements or units of equipment at the site of installation (pre-production) is not mandatory if they have passed a hydraulic test at the site of their manufacture or have been subjected to 100% control by ultrasound or other equivalent non-destructive flaw detection method.

    It is allowed to carry out hydraulic testing of individual and prefabricated elements together with the equipment if, under installation (pre-manufacturing) conditions, testing them separately from the equipment is impossible.

    Hydraulic testing of equipment and its elements is carried out after all types of control, as well as after eliminating detected defects.

    The minimum value of test pressure P pr. during hydraulic testing for steam and hot water boilers, steam superheaters, economizers, as well as for pipelines within the boiler limit is accepted:

    a) at a working pressure of no more than 0.5 MPa - 1.5 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa;

    b) at a working pressure above 0.5 MPa - 1.25 working pressure, but not less than the working pressure plus 0.3 MPa.

    172. The value of test pressure during hydraulic testing of metal vessels (except for cast ones), as well as electric boilers, is determined by the formula:

    , (1)

    where P is the design pressure in case of additional production at the site of operation, in other cases - operating pressure, MPa ;

    , - permissible stresses for the vessel material(electric boiler) or its elements, respectively, at 20 °C and design temperature, MPa.

    The ratio of materials of assembly units (elements) of a vessel (electric boiler) operating under pressure is taken according to the material used for the elements (shells, bottoms, flanges, pipes, etc.) of the vessel for which it is the smallest, with the exception of bolts (studs), as well as heat exchange pipes of shell-and-tube heat exchangers.

    The test pressure when testing a vessel designed by zones should be determined taking into account the zone whose design pressure or design temperature is lower.

    The test pressure for testing a vessel intended to operate in several modes with different design parameters (pressures and temperatures) should be taken equal to the maximum of certain values test pressures for each mode.

    The test pressure value during hydraulic testing of cast and forged vessels is determined by the formula

    . (2)

    Testing of castings is allowed to be carried out after assembly and welding in an assembled unit or finished vessel with the test pressure adopted for vessels, subject to 100% control of castings by non-destructive methods.

    Water should be used to hydraulically test pressure equipment. The water temperature must be no lower than 5 °C and no higher than 40 °C, unless the technical documentation of the equipment manufacturer indicates a specific temperature value acceptable under the conditions for preventing brittle fracture.

    The water used for hydraulic testing must not contaminate the equipment or cause severe corrosion.

    The temperature difference between the metal and the surrounding air during the hydraulic test should not lead to moisture condensation on the surface of the equipment walls.

    In technically justified cases provided by the manufacturer, when conducting hydraulic testing during operation of vessels, it is allowed to use another liquid.

    180. When filling equipment with water, air must be completely removed from it.

    The pressure in the equipment under test should be increased smoothly and evenly. The total time for pressure rise (to the test value) must be indicated in the technological documentation. Water pressure during hydraulic testing should be monitored with at least two pressure gauges. Both pressure gauges choose the same type, measurement limit, the same accuracy classes (not lower than 1.5) and division prices.

    The use of compressed air or other gas to increase pressure in equipment filled with water is not permitted.

    Holding time under test pressure of steam and hot water boilers, including electric boilers, steam pipelines and hot water, as well as vessels delivered to the installation site assembled, is specified by the manufacturer in the instruction manual and must be at least 10 minutes.

    The holding time under test pressure of element-by-element block supply vessels, completed during installation at the site of operation, must be no less than:

    a) 30 min. with a vessel wall thickness of up to 50 mm;

    b) 60 min. when the vessel wall thickness is over 50 to 100 mm;

    c) 120 min. when the vessel wall thickness is over 100 mm.

    LLC "CDKNHO" carries out technical inspection (initial, periodic and extraordinary) of equipment and audit of pipelines registered with Rostechnadzor.

    Technical examination of vessels

    The scope, methods and frequency of technical inspections of vessels (with the exception of cylinders) must be determined by the manufacturer and specified in the operating manual (instructions). In the absence of such instructions, the frequency of technical examinations within the service life of the vessels must comply with the requirements specified in Appendix No. 4 Federal norms and rules in the field industrial safety"Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous production facilities, which use equipment operating under overpressure"(FNP).

    Primary, periodic and extraordinary technical examination of vessels subject to registration in the territorial body of Rostechnadzor is carried out by an authorized specialized organization, as well as by the person responsible for the implementation of production control over the operation of pressure vessels, together with the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation within the time limits, established in the operating manual (instructions) or in Appendix No. 4FNP .

    Primary, periodic and extraordinary technical inspection of vessels that are not subject to registration in the territorial body of Rostechnadzor is carried out by the person responsible for the implementation of production control over the operation of pressure vessels, together with the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation within the time limits established in the manual (instructions ) manual or in Appendix No. 4FNP .

    The minimum scope of initial technical examination of vessels includes:

    - P carrying out visual and measuring control from internal (if available) and outer surfaces vessel;

    - Tomonitoring the wall thickness of vessel elements operating under the pressure of corrosive media, if this is established in the operating manual (instructions) and (or) provided for in the design documentation of the hazardous production facility, taking into account the specifics of the technological process in which the vessels are used;

    checking compliance of installation, piping with process pipelines, equipment with instrumentation and safety devices of the vessel with the requirements of design and technical documentation;

    carrying out hydraulic tests.

    During the technical examination of vessels, it is permitted to use other non-destructive testing methods, including the acoustic emission method.

    During the initial technical examination, it is allowed not to carry out an inspection inner surface and hydraulic testing of a vessel supplied assembled, if this is established in the requirements of the operating manual (instructions) and the terms and conditions of preservation specified therein are not violated.

    The scope of an extraordinary technical examination is determined by the reasons that caused it to be carried out. When conducting an extraordinary survey, the vessel passport must indicate the reason that necessitated such a survey.

    Before carrying out inspection (visual and measuring control) of the internal surface of the vessel, other work inside the vessel and its hydraulic testing, the vessel must be stopped, cooled (warmed up), freed from the working environment filling it with ventilation (purging) and neutralization, degassing (if necessary ), disconnected from power supplies and all piping connecting the vessel to pressure sources or other vessels and process equipment.

    The procedure for carrying out the specified work, depending on the properties of the working environment, the design of the vessel, the features of its connection diagram and technological process and the requirements specified in this section of the FNP, must be established in the production instructions or in other documentation on the safe conduct of work (technological regulations, instructions) , approved by the operating and (or) authorized specialized organization carrying out the specified work.

    A vessel operating under pressure of air or inert gases is purged with air before starting work inside its body; a vessel operating under pressure of flammable gases is purged with inert gas and (or) air. The end of purging, if necessary, taking into account the properties of the working medium, is determined by the results of an analysis of the environment inside the vessel after purging.

    Vessels working with toxic substances must undergo thorough treatment (neutralization, degassing) before starting work inside, including before visual and measuring control.

    Disconnecting the vessel from all pipelines connecting it to pressure sources or other vessels and technological equipment is carried out by installing plugs in detachable connections or by directly disconnecting them from the inlet and outlet pipelines at the places of detachable connections with the installation of plugs on the flanges of the pipelines.

    Before inspection, the surfaces of vessels must be cleaned of deposits and dirt for visual and measuring inspection.

    At the request of the person conducting the survey, lining, insulation and other types of protection must be removed if there are signs indicating the possible presence of defects affecting the safety of use of the vessel (visually visible mechanical damage; deformation; violation of the integrity of the lining, insulation and protective shell of the vessel ; violation of the tightness of the vessel body or its protective shell according to instrument readings). If the design of the vessel and (or) the technological process does not provide for the possibility of removing insulation and other protective devices housing with subsequent restoration, then diagnosing the possible presence of defects in places inaccessible for inspection with removal protective coating or other methods must be carried out according to the methodology and technology of the project developer and (or) the vessel manufacturer, with the involvement, if necessary, of a specialized organization and (or) the vessel manufacturer to carry out the work.

    When conducting an extraordinary technical examination after repair using welding and heat treatment, it is allowed to remove the vessel for inspection and testing for strength and density external insulation partially only in a place that has been renovated.

    Hydraulic tests of the vessel must be carried out in accordance with approved diagrams and instructions for the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels, developed by the operating organization taking into account the requirements of the operating manual (instructions). When conducting a hydraulic test of a vessel, the relevant requirements of the subsection "Hydraulic (pneumatic) test" of Section III must be metFNP . The test pressure value is determined based on the permitted pressure for the vessel. The holding time of the vessel under test pressure (if there are no other instructions in the operating instructions) must be no less than:

    - 10 min. - with wall thickness up to 50 mm inclusive;
    - 20 minutes. - with wall thickness over 50 to 100 mm inclusive;
    - 30 min. - with wall thickness over 100 mm.

    Hydraulic tests of vessels should be carried out only with satisfactory results of visual and measuring control of the internal and external surfaces provided for in the manual (instructions) for the operation of non-destructive testing and research.

    When hydraulic testing vertically installed vessels, the test pressure should be controlled using a pressure gauge installed on top cover(bottom) of the vessel, and if it is structurally impossible to install such a pressure gauge, the value of the test pressure should be determined taking into account the hydrostatic pressure of water, depending on the level of installation of the pressure gauge.

    In cases where it is impossible to carry out a hydraulic test (large loads from the weight of water on the foundation, interfloor ceilings or on the vessel itself; difficulty in removing water, the presence of a lining inside the vessel), it is allowed to replace it with a pneumatic test in accordance with the requirements of the subsection "Hydraulic (pneumatic) test " Section IIIFNP .

    Vessels operating under pressure of media classified as group 1 according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 032/2013), before being put into operation after completion of technical examination and other work, must be subjected to a leak test by the operating organization with air or inert gas under pressure equal to the operating pressure, in accordance with the instructions approved by the operating organization.

    Technical inspection of pipelines

    Pipelines covered byFNP , when conducting a technical examination must be subject to:

    – external inspection and hydraulic testing - before the launch of a newly installed pipeline, after reconstruction and repair of the pipeline associated with welding and heat treatment, as well as before the launch of the pipeline after it has been in a state of conservation for more than two years;

    – external inspection - during operation in hot and cold conditions with the frequency established in the relevant section FNP .

    During technical inspection of pipelines, the use of non-destructive testing methods is also allowed.

    Steam transfer pipelines within turbines and steam extraction pipelines from the turbine to the valve are not subject to hydraulic testing, provided their condition is assessed using at least two non-destructive testing methods to the extent established in the operating manual (instructions).

    Primary, periodic and extraordinary technical inspection of steam and hot water pipelines subject to registration in the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor is carried out by an authorized specialized organization. Periodic inspection of pipelines is carried out at least once every three years, unless other terms are established in the operating manual (instructions).

    Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the equipment together with the person responsible for production control must inspect the pipeline before and after completion of scheduled repairs, but at least once every 12 months (unless there are other instructions on the timing in the operating manual), and also if the nature and scope of repairs do not require an extraordinary inspection.

    Technical inspection of pipelines that are not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor is carried out by a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pipelines.

    Technical inspection (initial, periodic, extraordinary) and inspection of process pipelines are carried out in accordance with the requirements of design and technological documentation, operating manuals (instructions).

    When conducting a technical inspection of pipelines, attention should be paid to areas operating in particularly difficult conditions, where maximum pipeline wear is most likely due to corrosion, erosion, vibration and other reasons. These include areas where the flow direction changes (elbows, tees, tie-ins, drainage devices, as well as sections of pipelines before and after the fittings) and where accumulation of moisture and substances that cause corrosion is possible (dead ends and temporarily inoperative areas).

    External inspection of pipelines laid open method or in through and semi-through channels, can be carried out without removing the insulation, however, if the person conducting the inspection has doubts regarding the condition of the walls or welds of the pipeline, the person conducting the inspection has the right to demand partial or complete removal of the insulation.

    External inspection of pipelines when laying in non-passage channels or when laying without channels is carried out by opening the soil of individual sections and removing insulation at least every two kilometers of the pipeline, unless otherwise provided in the design documentation and the manual (instructions) for the operation of the pipeline.

    When conducting a hydraulic test of the pipeline, the relevant requirements of subsection must be met"Hydraulic (pneumatic) test" of section III FNP .

    To test pipelines located at a height of over 3 meters, scaffolds or other devices must be installed to ensure the possibility of safe inspection of the pipeline.

    Hydraulic testing can be replaced by two types of control (radiographic and ultrasonic) in cases of quality control of the welded joint of a pipeline with an existing main pipeline, pipelines within a boiler or other process equipment (if there is only one shut-off valve between them), as well as when monitoring non-existent more than two permanent welded joints made during repairs.

    Pipelines operating under pressure of media classified as group 1 according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of equipment operating under excess pressure” must be additionally subjected to a leak test by the operating organization with air or inert gas under pressure equal to the operating pressure, in the order , established by the instructions, approved by the operating organization.



    Safety rules and regulations
    during hydraulic tests
    for strength and tightness

    RD 24.200.11-90


    Date of introduction 01.07.91

    This guidance document establishes the rules and safety standards when preparing and conducting hydraulic tests for strength and tightness of vessels and apparatus operating under pressure, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of OST 26-291, OST 26-01-1183, OST 26-01-900, OST 26-11-06, OST 26-18-6, OST 26-01-9, OST 26-01-221.

    Hydraulic tests of products and their elements for strength and tightness under hydrostatic pressure must be carried out on special hydraulic test benches (hereinafter referred to as hydraulic benches) or, in exceptional cases, on assembly benches using portable equipment.


    1.2. At each enterprise in accordance with this guiding document instructions for the safe conduct of hydraulic tests must be developed and approved by the chief engineer. The main provisions of the instructions, as well as the test diagram, must be posted at the workplace of each hydrotest site.


    2.1. Workers of the corresponding specialty in accordance with the “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), certified in in the prescribed manner with qualifications of at least 4th category.”

    The worker must be familiar with the features of this test equipment and undergo training.

    The organization of training and instruction on occupational safety must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004.

    2.3. Recheck knowledge of workers should be carried out at least once a year for workers and once every three years for engineers by a factory qualification commission appointed in the prescribed manner.

    2.5. Each hydraulic stand in each shift must be assigned to a separate performer by department order. The contractor is obliged to monitor the good condition of the hydraulic stand and keep it in proper order and cleanliness. Each hydraulic stand must have a sign posted indicating the name of the person responsible for the hydraulic stand.

    2.6. In preparation for hydraulic testing of each product of a new type, design, etc. The work manager must conduct unscheduled briefings for workers on the features of this product, point out possible sources of danger and precautions.

    2.7. To perform work on slinging and moving cargo, and controlling lifting mechanisms from the floor, testers must have the appropriate certificate.


    3.1. Requirements for the site and workplace when testing with portable equipment

    3.1.1. The site for hydraulic testing must comply with the requirements of current sanitary design standards industrial enterprises CH118, CH119, CH245, building codes and regulations SNiP2, SNiP8, SNiP9.

    hydraulic stand (or portable equipment when tested on an assembly stand);

    auxiliary equipment and accessories;

    of the tested product, taking into account the safe performance of work on its installation and inspection, while the free zone around the perimeter of the maximum possible size of the product must be at least 1 m.

    3.1.3. The area must have a non-slip floor covering with a slope and (or) holes for water drainage, as well as a protective fence that excludes the possibility of unauthorized persons accidentally appearing on the area and the penetration of working fluid outside the area (Appendix).

    There should be a light sign on the fence with the inscription “NO ENTRY. TESTS ARE IN PROGRESS” or a corresponding poster.

    3.1.4. The site must have general and local working lighting, emergency lighting, as well as portable lamps with a voltage of no more than 42 V. Lighting equipment must comply with the requirements "".

    The lighting should provide illumination on the surface of the product being tested:

    working - at least 300 lux with fluorescent or 200 lux with incandescent lighting;

    emergency - at least 10 from the working one.

    3.1.5. The hydrotesting site must have a circulating water supply system that ensures the volume of the tested products is filled or a technical water supply system with a drainage system into the sewer system.

    3.2. Requirements for equipment and fixtures

    3.2.1. The hydraulic stand must be equipped with:

    a container for working fluid with a circulation system;

    pump for filling and emptying the product;

    a pump to create pressure in the product;

    a receiver (buffer tank) or a pneumatic hydraulic accumulator;

    piping system;

    shut-off valves;

    instruments for measuring pressure and temperature of working fluid;

    safety devices or electrical contact pressure gauges (ECM);


    Pump electric motors must be enclosed, type IP44.

    It is allowed to use a pumping unit with pneumatic drive with an electromagnetic valve (electric valve) that shuts off the air supply to the pneumatic drive. The valve must be controlled by an electrical contact pressure gauge (ECM) installed in the line from the pump to the product.

    When using phosphors, preservatives or other chemicals in the working fluid, the hydraulic stand must be additionally equipped with special containers for preparing neutralizing solutions and neutralizing the working fluid and (or) a device for collecting these substances for the purpose of their further use.

    3.2.2. The location and layout of the equipment must meet the requirements of the current building codes and regulations SNiP9, SNiP10 and ensure the safety and ease of its operation and repair.

    The control panel of a hydraulic stand or portable equipment for hydrotesting, located in a hazardous area determined by the calculation according to the application, must be equipped with protection calculated according to the application.

    3.2.3. If the product being tested is located underground, a sliding or other mechanical roof must be provided above the buried room, and the area, taking into account the area occupied by the roof in the open position, must have a railing.

    3.2.4. The electrical equipment of the hydraulic stand must comply with the requirements of the current industry “Rules for the construction of electrical installations”, “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations”, “Safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations”, as well as building codes and regulations Sn iP6.

    3.2.5. The hydraulic stand must be equipped with “STOP” buttons for emergency stop of the pump electric motor, painted red. The number of buttons and their locations should ensure the ability to quickly stop the electric motor.

    3.2.6. Rotating parts of the feed pump drive must be securely guarded. Working fluid must not come into contact with the drive.

    3.2.7. The pump pressure line must have a receiver to reduce pressure fluctuations in the product being tested caused by the pulsating supply of working fluid. The receiver must be designed for a pressure not lower than the maximum permissible for a given hydraulic stand.

    The receiver must be installed at the hydrotest site in a place that excludes the presence of people and ensures accessibility for its inspection, and has a protective fence designed in accordance with Appendix.

    It is allowed not to install a receiver and bypass on hydraulic stands if the pressure in the product being tested is achieved using a pump without an electric drive (manually).

    3.2.8. The location of the pipelines must provide easy access for inspection and monitoring of their condition.

    3.2.9. Pressure measurement must be carried out using two verified pressure gauges, one of which, the control one, must be installed on the product, and the second - on the hydraulic stand control panel.

    3.2.10. Pressure gauges for measuring pressure must have the same type, measurement limit, the same division value and accuracy class not lower than:

    2.5 at a design pressure of up to 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm 2);

    1.5 at a design pressure above 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm 2) and a scale on which the limit for measuring the design pressure is in the second third.

    3.2.11. The location of pressure gauges must provide a clear view of the pressure gauge scale, and the instrument scale must be in a vertical plane.

    The nominal diameter of the body of pressure gauges installed at a height of up to 2 m from the level of the observation platform must be at least 100 mm, at a height of 2 to 3 m - at least 160 mm. Installation of pressure gauges at a height of more than 3 m from the site level is not allowed.

    3.2.12. Pressure gauges must be protected from thermal radiation, freezing, and mechanical damage.

    3.2.13. It is prohibited to use pressure gauges when:

    absence of a seal or stamp with a mark on the verification carried out;

    overdue verification period;

    malfunction of the pressure gauge (when it is turned off, the needle does not return to the zero scale mark, the glass is broken or there are other damages that may affect the accuracy of the readings).

    The valves must be adjusted in accordance with GOST 12.2.085. The control medium for determining the moment of valve opening can be air or water, which must be clean, without mechanical or chemical impurities.

    3.2.15. The installation of safety valves must be carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” and in accordance with schematic diagram hydraulic stand equipment or a schematic diagram approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

    It is allowed to use electric contact pressure gauges (ECM) instead of safety valves, with one pressure gauge installed on the product and another in the line from the pump to the product. The pump is connected to the EKM pressure gauge through a buffer tank or damping device to protect the pressure gauge from pulsation of the working fluid in the pipeline.

    Pressure gauges must be set to test pressure and ensure that the pump is turned off when the test pressure is reached.

    3.2.16. Rubber, metal-rubber hoses and pipelines used for hydrotesting must have tags indicating their operating and test pressure and test period.

    The pressure values ​​on the hoses and pipelines must not be lower than the pressure for which this hydraulic stand is designed.

    Sleeves must meet current standards or technical specifications and have no mechanical or chemical damage.

    3.2.17. The shut-off valves of the hydraulic stand must be accessible for maintenance and located no higher than 1.5 m from the floor level. The fittings must be systematically lubricated and rotated, and the use of any levers is not allowed.

    It is not allowed to use fittings that do not have technical documentation (passport, certificate, etc.).

    3.2.18. Shut-off valves must be clearly marked:

    name of the manufacturer or its trademark;

    nominal diameter, mm;

    conditional pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2);

    direction of medium flow;

    brand of material.

    3.2.19. The marking of plugs used for hydrotests must indicate the plug number and the pressure for which it is designed.

    3.2.20. The tested product must have:

    valve or tap to control the lack of pressure in it before dismantling it. It is permissible to use a three-way valve installed on the product. The tap outlet must be directed to a safe location. If there are couplings for draining the liquid, it is permissible not to install a valve or tap.

    safety valves, the number and capacity of which must exclude the possibility of pressure in the product exceeding the test pressure. It is permissible to use safety valves with a burst disc designed for test pressure.

    It is permissible not to install safety valves on the product if they are provided in the line between the pump and the product being tested and are designed for test pressure.

    3.2.21. The working fluid leaving the safety valve must be diverted to a safe place. The installation of shut-off devices on discharge pipes, as well as between the product and the safety valve, is not permitted.

    3.2.22. Working fluids used for hydraulic tests must be non-toxic, non-explosive, and non-flammable.

    At the request of the product developer, the use of other liquids is permitted with the obligatory observance of appropriate safety measures.

    3.2.23. The designs of service platforms and stairs to them (scaffolding) must comply with the current “Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Work” and “General Rules for Safety and Industrial Sanitation for Enterprises and Organizations of Mechanical Engineering.”

    3.2.24. Load-lifting cranes and mechanisms used in the hydrotesting area must comply with the requirements of the current “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes.”

    3.2.25. The hydraulic stand and all assembly units, assemblies and devices included in it must have certificates or passports. The use of technological equipment that does not have technical documentation and (or) with mechanical damage threaded, sealing, seating surfaces with signs of stretching are not allowed.

    3.2.28. The hydraulic stand must be registered with the metrological and technical service an enterprise that carries out scheduled preventive maintenance.

    Scheduled preventive maintenance must be carried out in strict accordance with the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise. After repair, the hydraulic stand must be subjected to a hydraulic pressure test in accordance with clause and certified in accordance with GOST 24555.

    3.2.30. Checking of pressure gauges with their sealing or branding must be carried out at least once a year in accordance with the established procedure.

    Additional verification of working pressure gauges by a control one should be carried out at least once every 6 months with the results recorded in a journal. For checking working pressure gauges, it is allowed to use a verified working pressure gauge that has the same scale and accuracy class as the one being verified. Regardless of the specified periods, pressure gauges must be calibrated if there is any doubt about the correctness of their readings.

    3.2.31. Safety valves must be checked at least once a year, at a time established by management enterprises. Checking, repairing and adjusting the safety valve must be documented in a document signed by the workshop mechanic, the repair and adjustment technician and the mechanic who carried out the work.

    A safety valve that has undergone repair and adjustment must be sealed along with a tag indicating the test pressure and provided with a number.

    Each safety valve must have a technical passport, along with which copies of passports for the valve and spring from the supplying factories must be stored, as well as copies of its verification, repair and adjustment reports.

    3.2.32. Rubber, metal-rubber hoses and pipelines must be inspected and tested at least once a year according to the preventive maintenance schedule. Tests must be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulatory and technical documents for these products and building codes and regulations.

    3.2.33. After each repair, shut-off valves must be tested for mechanical strength and tightness with hydraulic pressure that meets the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for this valve, but not lower than the maximum pressure for which the hydraulic stand is designed. Trial shut-off valves must be documented.

    Tests must be carried out after fitting and machining.


    4.1. Preparation for hydrotesting

    4.1.1. Products and their elements subject to hydrotesting must be accepted by the quality control service based on the results of external inspection and non-destructive testing.

    The test pressure value for the product should not exceed the maximum permissible pressure value for which the hydraulic stand is designed.

    4.1.2. Fasteners and seals used during hydrotesting must be made of materials specified in the working drawings for the product.

    4.1.3. Instrumentation, safety devices, fittings, plugs, fasteners, gaskets, etc. must be selected according to the marking for a pressure not lower than the test pressure.

    4.1.4. When installing the test product on a hydraulic stand on standard or technological supports, its stable position, free access for inspection and the location of drainage holes (“air vents”) must be ensured at its highest point.

    Hydrotest scheme, technological process and equipment must ensure complete removal of air when filling the test product with working fluid.

    4.1.5. Installation of communications, installation of the required fittings, instrumentation must be carried out in full accordance with the approved hydrotesting scheme.

    All free openings of the product under test must be plugged.

    Installation, equipment and inspection of the product at a height of more than 1.5 m should be carried out from special platforms (scaffolding).

    4.1.6. When installing flange connections, the threaded elements must be tightened evenly, alternately tightening diametrically opposite ones (“crosswise”), maintaining parallelism of the flanges.

    It is prohibited to use spanners nuts that do not match the size, non-standard and (or) with an extension of the handle, as well as a hammer or sledgehammer.

    4.1.7. When preparing a working fluid using phosphors, preservatives, as well as when applying indicator coatings to the controlled surfaces of the test product, a general supply and exhaust ventilation system must be turned on at the hydrotesting site.

    4.2. Conducting hydrotests

    4.2.1. A minimum number of people, but not less than two people, must be involved in conducting hydraulic tests.

    4.2.2. During hydrotesting it is prohibited:

    to be on the territory of the site for persons not participating in the test;

    be on the side of the plugs for persons participating in the test;

    carry out extraneous work on the territory of the hydrotesting site and work related to the elimination of detected defects on the product under pressure. Work to eliminate defects may only be carried out after the pressure has been relieved and, if necessary, the working fluid has been drained.

    transport (turn over) a product under pressure;

    transport loads over a product under pressure.

    4.2.3. The tester is prohibited from:

    carry out tests on a hydraulic stand that is not assigned to him or his team by order of the workshop;

    leave the hydraulic stand control panel and the tested product connected to the water supply system unattended (even after releasing the pressure);

    assemble and disassemble products, equipment under pressure, repair hydraulic stand equipment, etc.;

    make unauthorized changes to the testing process, change the pressure or holding time under pressure, etc.

    4.2.4. Conducting hydraulic tests on an assembly stand using portable equipment is permitted in exceptional cases with the written permission of the chief engineer of the enterprise and compliance with the requirements of this guidance document.

    4.2.5. The product under test must be completely filled with working fluid, presence in communications and the product air cushions not allowed.

    The surface of the product must be dry.

    4.2.6. The pressure in the product should increase and decrease smoothly. The pressure increase should be carried out intermittently (for timely detection of possible defects). The value of the intermediate pressure is taken to be equal to half the test pressure. The rate of pressure rise should not exceed 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2) per minute.

    The maximum deviation of the test pressure should not exceed ± 5% of its value. The holding time of the product under test pressure is set by the project developer or indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation for the product.

    4.2.7. While the pressure is increasing to test pressure and the product is held under test pressure, it is prohibited to be near and/or inspect the product. The personnel participating in the test must be at the control panel at this time.

    Inspection of the product must be carried out after the pressure in the product has decreased to the design value.

    At the design pressure in the product, the following is allowed to be located at the hydraulic stand:


    flaw detectors;

    representatives of the technical control department (QCD);

    responsible for the safe performance of work - foreman, senior foreman, site manager;

    shop managers;

    employees of leading technical departments;

    customer representatives.

    These persons must undergo special training or appropriate instruction in accordance with GOST 12.0.004.

    4.2.8. When using flaw detection equipment with sources of ultraviolet radiation, irradiation of the eyes and skin workers are not allowed.

    4.2.9. The tester is obliged to interrupt the test, turn off the pumps that create pressure, or close the valves of the pipelines supplying pressure to the product (when using one pump for several workplaces) and open the pressure relief valves when:

    interruption in the supply of working pressure;

    reaching pressure in the product or pipelines higher than permitted despite compliance with all the requirements specified in the instructions;

    failure of pressure gauges or other indicating devices during pressure rise;

    activation of safety devices;

    the occurrence of water hammer in a pipeline or product, the appearance of vibration;

    detection of leaks, cracks, bulges or sweating in welds in the tested product, technological equipment, pipelines;

    leakage through the drain holes, which serves as a signal to stop the test;

    destruction of the tested product;

    fire, etc.

    4.2.10. After relieving the pressure in the system, before disassembling the flange connections, it is necessary to remove the working fluid from the product and system.

    4.2.11. When dismantling the equipment, the nuts of the bolted connections should be removed, gradually loosening the diametrically opposite ones (“crosswise”), and pay attention to the integrity sealing elements to prevent them from getting into the internal cavities of the product.

    4.2.12. Waste working fluid containing chemical substances, must be neutralized and (or) cleaned before being discharged into the sewer network.

    It is prohibited to discharge into the sewerage working fluids containing phosphors, preservatives, etc., which have not undergone neutralization and (or) purification.

    When working with a bleach solution at the hydrotest site, the general supply and exhaust ventilation system must be turned on. The exhaust pipe of the ventilation system should be located directly above the container with the bleach solution.

    Any bleach that gets on the floor should be washed down the drain with water.

    All work with bleach should be carried out wearing safety glasses, a tarpaulin suit, rubber boots and gloves, and a gas mask.

    4.2.13. Removal of fluorescein-based phosphors and its solutions (suspensions) from the skin must be done with soap and water or 1 - 3% aqueous ammonia solution.

    Upon completion of work with phosphors, personnel must thoroughly wash their hands with warm water and soap.

    ANNEX 1



    Design pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) ____________________________________________

    Permissible operating pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) __________________________________

    Design temperature, °C ___________________________________________________

    Characteristics of the working agent _____________________________________________

    (water, neutral liquids, etc.) _________________________________________________





    Document Number

    Name of produced works

    Signature of the person responsible for the stand

    5. list of replacement of components, fittings, MEASURING INSTRUMENTS





    Company ___________________

    Manufacturing workshop _______________

    Stand for hydraulic tests in accordance with drawing No. ___________________________ and TU _________________________ and accepted by the quality control department of workshop No. ________________

    Beginning manufacturing workshop _____________________________________________________ (stamp)