Shower      05/20/2019

How to paint solid pine. How to treat a table made of pine board? Procedure for working with varnish

At first glance, painting the stairs is not difficult at all - just pick up a brush and paint. But in order for the structure to serve as an interior decoration and remain beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the coating wisely and apply it correctly. Therefore, next we want to tell you how to paint a pine staircase in a house, and how to do it correctly.

All existing paints that can be used for stairs are divided into two types:

  1. Covering- cover the wood with an opaque film of a certain color, as a result of which its natural pattern is hidden;

  1. Toning- these coatings preserve the grain of the wood, but at the same time give the wood specific color.

It must be said that absolutely transparent coatings are also used, i.e. varnishes. Of course, our task is to paint the stairs, not varnish them. But, varnishes are often applied over paint, which helps protect it from external influences and give it a deeper color.

Note! In some cases, the use of varnish is simply necessary, for example, if the stairs are covered with stain.

Selecting covering paints based on composition

First of all, we note that pine does not have any features that greatly distinguish it from other types of wood. Therefore, when choosing what to paint a pine staircase with, you can consider all existing wood paints as an option.

The most common and suitable for our purposes are the following compositions:

  • Alkyd and alkyd-urethane;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Water-dispersed;
  • Oily.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane

These paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins. Alkyd-urethane coatings also contain polyurethane resins, which, according to manufacturers of paints and varnishes (hereinafter referred to as paintwork materials), improve the basic qualities of paint.

True, in practice, the properties of the coating depend more on the quality of the alkyd paint, and not on the presence or absence of polyurethane resins in its composition. In other words, if you buy a good, expensive alkyd paint from a reputable manufacturer, it will be better than a cheap alkyd-urethane paint.

Note! All alkyd paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, as a result of which they have a pungent and toxic odor. Of course, after drying, this smell disappears.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these compositions:

  • They fit well on the surface and form an even glossy or matte film;
  • They have a rich color;
  • Resistant to moisture, detergents and abrasion. Therefore, they can be used for painting steps and landings.

One of the disadvantages is that over time, these compounds fade in the sun and begin to crack. But, as we have already said, a lot depends on the quality of the coating. Therefore, if you do not save, the coating will last a long time.

In general, we can say that most often pine stairs are painted with these paints. Therefore, if you do not have any special requirements for paintwork materials, for example, preserving the pattern of a tree, then you can stop there.


If you are looking for something to paint the staircase in a pine house so that you can forget about this procedure for many years, use polyurethane paint. It is a two-component paintwork material, therefore it is classified as a professional coating.

Among the advantages of polyurethane paints, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress, including abrasion;
  • UV resistance;
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Durability;
  • Fits well on the surface, forming an even film;
  • Has a rich color.

The disadvantages include the rather high price. In addition, as we have already said, the coating is two-component, i.e. Before use, the paint components must be mixed in certain proportions, so it is not as convenient to use as ready-made one-component compositions.


These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of acrylate resins and their modifications. The most important feature of these coatings is that they do not contain organic solvents, unlike all of the above analogues. These coatings are an aqueous dispersion.

In other words, undissolved polymer particles form a suspension in water. After paint is applied to the surface, the water evaporates and the acrylate resins polymerize and form a film on the surface, which can be either water-soluble or water-resistant, depending on the type of paint.

Advice! For the stairs, it is necessary to use waterproof paint, since the structure will often be subjected to wet cleaning.

The following points can be highlighted from the features of these coatings:

  • They form a thin film on the surface, as a result of which they can preserve the texture of the wood, even if it is poorly expressed, not to mention brushing;
  • Dries quickly. As soon as the water evaporates, the coating immediately polymerizes;
  • Has no smell.

Water-dispersion coatings also have disadvantages:

  1. Instability to abrasion;
  2. High cost, especially for high-quality waterproof paints.

Therefore, water-dispersed compositions are not very suitable for painting steps and landings. Of course, you can paint with them, but you will have to renew the coating somewhat more often than when using other analogues described above.


These colors are Lately are rarely used, since their properties are significantly inferior to more modern coatings, which we have already talked about. Visually they resemble alkyd paints, however, they are inferior in durability.

Their main advantage is their low cost. Therefore, if you want to restore the staircase with your own hands minimal costs, for example, at the dacha, you can use oil paint.

Choosing tinting paints

Tinting paints can be divided into two types:

  1. Impregnations;
  2. Azure.


Impregnations include stains and other compounds that, unlike paints, do not form a film on the surface, but are absorbed into the structure of the wood, coloring the fibers.

According to the method of application of impregnation, it can be divided into two types:

  • Finishing- do not require additional coverage. These include all kinds of formulations based on wax and oil;
  • Requiring additional coverage- a transparent varnish is usually applied on top of such impregnations. These compositions include stains.

Separately, it should be said about modern stains, which allow you to reliably imitate various types of wood. With their help, you can turn pine into mahogany or, for example, bleached oak.


Lazuli, or glaze paints, are a composition based on varnish and pigments. In other words, these are translucent paints.

Since these coatings have the same composition as covering paints, they also have the same properties. Therefore, there is nothing more to say about them.


As for the choice of transparent coatings, the optimal solution is parquet varnish. It is resistant to abrasion and is not afraid of washing and exposure to sunlight.

You can also use yacht varnish. Unlike parquet, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In other words, the varnish tolerates weather conditions and low temperatures well. Therefore, for processing stairs in country houses that are visited seasonally or from time to time, it is even more preferable than its parquet counterpart.

Painting technology

So, we figured out the types of paintwork materials. Now let's look at how to properly paint a pine staircase. After all, if you carry out this procedure in violation of technology, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will not give the desired result.

As we have already said, pine does not have any special features in terms of applying paint and varnish. Therefore, the work is carried out in the same way as painting a staircase made of larch, spruce, oak or any other species.

It includes several stages:

  • Preparation of work equipment;
  • Preparing the stairs;
  • Painting.

Preparation of work equipment

In addition to the paint itself, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Wood putty;
  • Masking tape;
  • Plastic film or newspapers;
  • Wash.

Note! If you have a hair dryer, you won't need to wash it off.

You will also need some tools:

  • Paint brush and roller;
  • Roller tray;
  • Putty knife;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Sander;
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Preparing the stairs

Before you paint a pine staircase, you need to prepare it. Please note that the quality of painting depends on preparation, so be careful at this stage responsibly.

Preparation involves doing the following:

Illustrations Actions

Cover the floor around the stairs with film or paper.

Seal the places where the stairs meet the wall with masking tape so as not to stain the walls during work.

If you are going to paint a staircase that has already been used, it is probably covered with old varnish or paint. It is advisable to remove this coating completely.

Erasing it with sandpaper is very difficult and takes a long time, so it’s better to use:

  • construction hairdryer;
  • sander;
  • wash.

A hairdryer allows you to heat the coating and then easily remove it with a spatula.

The remover is applied to the surface for a while and dissolves the old paint, after which it is also removed with a spatula.

Note! The remover is a toxic acid, so take precautions when working with it.

If you are sure that old paint holds securely on the base and will not begin to peel off in the near future, just rub it with sandpaper until a matte surface appears.

All cracks on the surface of the product, as well as gaps between parts and chips must be filled with putty. Apply the composition with a narrow spatula and level the surface.

After the putty has hardened, do not forget to clean it with the same spatula or sandpaper with fine abrasive.

Advice! If you plan to paint the stairs with a translucent composition, match the putty to the color of the paint. Otherwise, the putty area will be obvious.

Finishing preparatory work be sure to vacuum all surfaces of the stairs, as dust and small debris can undo all the work done.

Advice! Upon completion of the preparatory work, try to immediately begin painting so that the surface does not have time to become covered with dust.


Instructions for painting stairs are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Work should begin with the preparation of paintwork materials. Paint that is too thick must be diluted with a solvent, which is selected individually for the type of paint, for example, water-dispersed paints are diluted with clean water.

Then the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

To give the coating a certain color or shade, add color to it. Keep in mind that not all paints can be tinted. Manufacturers usually report this possibility on the packaging.

The color, like the solvent, is selected individually.

Pour a small amount of the finished paint into a flat container.

Preparing the varnish is done in exactly the same way.

Start painting with the fences. Most often, clear varnish is used for railings.

Apply it with a brush in a thin, even layer. Then wait until it dries completely and repeat the procedure again.

Once the railings are painted, proceed to the remaining surfaces of the stairs. Paint the structure from top to bottom.

Start by painting large areas using a roller. Dip the tool into the paint and squeeze lightly so that the paint does not drip. Then roll the roller over the surface.

Treat hard-to-reach areas paint brush. Paint the entire staircase in this manner. After the coating has hardened, repeat the procedure at least one more time.

If you are using water-based paint, it is advisable to apply it in three layers.

It must be said that the technique of applying impregnation is somewhat different from conventional painting, since the composition is not just applied, but rubbed into the surface. Therefore, when applying it, you need to make multiple circular and longitudinal movements. When painting normally, you should try, on the contrary, not to run the tool twice over the painted surface.


That's all we wanted to tell you about how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands, and how to do it correctly so that the result, as they say, is “pleasant to the eye.” Finally, be sure to watch the video in this article and thereby consolidate the information received.

Good afternoon, dear Shareholders!

I am asking you for help - how to treat a table made of pine shield? We have a table. which we made ourselves for our son’s birthday.

Now it is untreated and over time, of course, stains of dirt and so on will appear on it. I want to treat the table, but the question is with what. Additionally, my son is allergic, so I’m afraid of varnishes.

I want something natural, but at the same time durable and able to withstand at least a small amount of water when my son paints. And, of course, so that you can erase traces of a felt-tip pen and pencil. And, one more thing, I want the tree not to turn yellow, but to have an ashen tint or just to make the tree lighter, but be sure to avoid yellowness.
I read about oils with wax, but the price is steep. Although if I don’t find a worthy substitute, I’ll splurge on it.

Then I read that you can make oil and wax yourself. But my friend treated her homemade cribs this way and we were dissatisfied with the result. Firstly, after several wipes with a rag in problem areas, this composition began to peel off, and secondly, the wood turned yellow.

Maybe try varnish on water based, but it still needs to air out for a few days, right?

We don't have much choice in stores - stains and varnishes, we've never even heard of any oils or waxes.
I would like to hear the opinions of those who have encountered this. Maybe someone can recommend a brand. Most likely we will go to the regional center, but I would like to go for something specific, and not just at random.
Thanks in advance everyone!

The main advantages of pine furniture are its pleasant texture, reasonable cost and long term operation. It was these factors that became main reason its popularity among consumers. However, in most cases, wooden products are not tinted or painted, but only coated with transparent varnish.

Pine furniture is durable, beautiful in appearance and relatively low in cost.

There are several good reasons for this:

  • buyers without unnecessary problems can create a furniture set to their taste, regardless of the manufacturer, since the final finishing is colorless varnish wooden products made of pine will be the same for everyone;
  • In terms of its structure, pine is a loose wood species. And when painting mixtures are applied to the surface, the distribution of the pigment is not entirely uniform, which can somewhat spoil the appearance of the wooden set;
  • the presence of knots in the wood, even with proper drying of the material, does not guarantee the absence of traces of plant resins. And this has a significant impact on the color of the wood during operation;
  • Since solid pine furniture is in the segment of inexpensive sets, its subsequent processing will lead to an increase in the cost of the final product.

But what to do when you want to have an exclusive collection of wooden furniture?

Methods for painting pine furniture

Tinting emphasizes the natural color of pine and hides various defects wood

Despite some peculiarities of pine wood tinting, consumer demand for painted furniture is constantly growing. Manufacturers are developing and launching production of sets tinted to resemble cherry, walnut, and oak. For this purpose, both expensive equipment and retraining of specialized specialists are being completely updated.

Expanding the range of products makes it possible to satisfy only a small part of buyers for painted furniture. By standardizing the process of changing the type of product in this way, the manufacturer will in any case not be able to offer a complete color scheme. For this reason, many consumers decide to take the risky step of painting solid pine furniture themselves.

Types of painting for pine wood furniture:

  • tinting;
  • full painting;
  • varnishing.

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Solid wood furniture tinting

Pine wood has a very beautiful natural color, golden-amber, which allows this furniture to fit into almost any type of interior.

Having given it the necessary shade using tinting, the wood structure remains as environmentally friendly and continues to “breathe”.

Furniture tinting is the process of changing the color of a surface with dyes while maintaining its visible structure. Dyeing is carried out to prepare the wood for a transparent finish.

It is best to paint pine furniture in several layers, sanding the previous layers with fine sandpaper.

Toning allows you to:

  • enhance the natural color of wood and highlight its texture;
  • even out the uneven color of product parts;
  • paint light wood in a darker tone, which makes it possible to perfectly hide some surface defects;
  • give pine furniture the appearance of a valuable species;
  • get a color unusual for wood: gray, green, blue.

To process pine furniture, artificial aniline dyes, aqueous solutions of tannins, acids and salts are used, which have light-resistant properties, are well absorbed by wood and easily dissolve in water.

When tinting pine wood, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The surface to be treated must be sanded very carefully. It is advisable to finish the finishing with sanding paper No. 180.
  2. Before tinting, pine must be treated with wood conditioner (special primer).
  3. The surface of the products should not contain dark spots, dye drips.
  4. After high-quality painting Pine furniture acquires a smooth surface with a slight gloss.

After the entire surface of the furniture has been treated with stain, it should dry well. Next, the wood is varnished or covered with translucent paint.

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Varnishing and painting of products

Before applying varnish, it is necessary to coat the surface of the furniture with a primer and allow it to dry.

If desired, pine furniture can be painted in a uniform matte color or varnished.

Painting pine furniture presents many difficulties that arise due to the characteristics of the wood. Such moments arise due to the presence of resinous substances on the surface being treated, which prevents the product from being evenly coated. Therefore, before painting the furniture, it will need to be deresined, which will be discussed below.

The technology for applying paint or varnish consists of:

  1. Clean furniture from old coverings. If there are knots and irregularities, remove them.
  2. Deresinate the wood.
  3. Fill cracks or chips with putty and allow to dry.
  4. Apply primer with a wide brush or roller.
  5. After the primer has dried, you can begin to paint the furniture. If there is a large amount of work to be done, then it is better to use an airbrush or roller. In other cases, you can get by with a small brush.
  6. It is better to cover the surface with a coloring composition in several layers. Immediately before application, sand the previous layer with fine sandpaper.

For high-quality application and stability of the coating, it is better to use the following materials:

Before you begin varnishing or painting, make sure there is no pine resin left on the surface.

  • varnishes. Can be made on a nitrocellulose or alcohol base. Regardless of the type chosen, they perfectly highlight natural color pine and dry quickly enough;
  • enamels. They completely hide the wood texture, and the furniture takes on the appearance of plastic or MDF. For high-quality application and stability of the coating, it is better to use high-strength polyurethane enamels. Before application, the paint mixture must be shaken thoroughly;
  • paints. The pigmented composition of paint mixtures hides minor defects. As for alkyd and urethane-alkyd, the former are well applied, and the latter are suitable for previously painted surfaces.

The internal staircase is a functional element and a noticeable accent in the interior of the house. Most often it is built from pine wood. The designer’s task is to ensure that the architectural component blends harmoniously into the environment and performs its tasks for as long as possible. To do this, pine stairs are treated with special means and painted in accordance with the overall design.

What are the advantages of making stairs from pine

During the construction and finishing of budget wooden houses solid pine is used. This wood is not as durable as oak, cedar or larch, but it is quite wear-resistant, more common, cheap and accessible. Pine ate better, because it has a denser texture and much fewer knots, which reduce the strength of the lumber.

Pine products are distinguished by a pleasant light golden or almost white color and a unique pattern.

Pine has a pleasant light golden or almost white color

Features of pine wood

Working with pine is somewhat more difficult than working with cedar or oak. Soft wood requires fine sanding and careful selection of finishing agents.

The density of the material depends on the growing conditions of the tree:

  • During warm periods, intensively growing fibers form a loose mass. Cold years provide hard and dense wood.
  • Pine harvested in the mountains has a dense and uniform texture, while pine grown on sandy soils has a light, loose, fibrous texture.
  • Northern pine is of better quality than material mined in southern latitudes.

Therefore, most of the resulting lumber absorbs processing agents unevenly. Unsightly stains appear under the transparent coating, which is extremely unpleasant for aesthetic reasons. Resin (resin) contributes to the appearance of color spots on the surface of pine products. If the raw materials are harvested in winter, when the bulk of the resin is pumped by the tree into the root system, the fibers remain drier, cleaner and stronger. They absorb processing agents evenly. Stains and stains appear on wood cut down during the spring-summer sap flow. Brought into the warm dry room, it begins to push the resin out.

The steps of internal stairs are usually built from edged solid boards. But they often use glued boards, which have greater strength and wear resistance. The difference in the color of the lamellas from which such a board is assembled is especially noticeable. In addition, the lamellas begin to warp over time due to changes in humidity, and gaps form between them.

On glued boards the difference in the color of the lamellas is especially noticeable

If you want to leave the interfloor wooden staircase in its original natural color, you will have to use special means treatments: primer, mastic, wax, stain. A simpler option is to apply a decorative opaque coating to the pine staircase.

Why should you paint your home?

The statement that wood is beautiful and does not need painting is completely false. Wood does have an attractive appearance, but it is very vulnerable to insects, mold, hard shoe soles, dirt, and fire. The steps wear out especially quickly.

Stair treads wear out the fastest

Therefore, it is necessary to paint a pine staircase. If you want to see the natural grain of the wood, paint it with at least a clear varnish, but be sure to paint it!

Paint creates solid protective covering, which does not allow premature “wetting” of wood fibers. It is inedible for bugs and unsuitable for rot and mold. Impregnations greatly enhance protection and extend service life.

How to paint

To process pine stairs, the following are used:

To ensure a high-quality and durable coating, cover the wood only with high-quality materials purchased in specialized stores or from manufacturers.

Which painting material to choose: comparison table

Types of paints




Moisture-resistant, rich in color, creates a reliable protective film

They take a long time to dry, do not “breathe”, have a strong toxic odor, lose their shine in areas of wear, are afraid of alkalis, and can peel off over time

Moisture resistant, form the most durable and smooth surface, dry quickly, lie flat

They provide only a matte surface and are intended for interior use only.

Acrylic, acrylate

Water-repellent, breathable, water-soluble, quick-drying, low odor, lays flat

They only provide a matte surface.


Moisture-resistant, dry quickly, form a smooth surface with a polishing effect

For stairs, use matte or semi-gloss paints. Glossy steps and railings lose their shine over time due to constant use and look untidy. You won’t be able to quickly refresh the color; you’ll have to sand and repaint all surfaces.

Materials and tools

  • Primer
  • Solvent, paint cleaner
  • Paint, enamel, varnish
  • Wood putty
  • Sealant
  • Masking tape
  • Protective film
  • Putty knife
  • Napkins, rags, rags
  • Scraper
  • Sanding tool, sandpaper
  • Mini rolls, brushes
  • Protective equipment: gloves, respirator (“petal” or others).

Procedure for working with paint or enamel

All work with paints and solvents should be carried out in the warm season to ensure constant ventilation of the room.

Video: How to properly paint steps

Procedure for working with varnish

Preparing and covering stairs with stain + video

  1. Complete all preliminary work: protecting adjacent surfaces, cleaning, puttying, sealing, sanding.
  2. Using a paint brush, apply stain one step at a time. Leave for 2-3 minutes to absorb. Use a dry, lint-free cotton rag to thoroughly wipe off any excess substance, moving it only in a longitudinal direction.
  3. Treat all steps, balusters, and railings in the same way.
  4. If the color of the impregnation is uneven, repeat the treatment. To ensure that the stain applies more evenly, does not leave stains, and better emphasizes the texture of the wood, wet the surface with water before applying it. When working with stain, wear rubber gloves, since hand contact with soiled rags is inevitable.

Before staining the entire staircase, experiment with the tone on a small, inconspicuous area.

Finishing varnish (with video instructions)

  • For stairs, it is advisable to use matte and semi-gloss varnishes. They do not show signs of wear, and the slip coefficient of the matte surface is lower, which makes the stairs safer.

Wear on the glossy surface is especially unsightly

  • Combined coatingTo paint the interior stairs, you can use a combined method. For example, paint the vertical parts of the steps and balusters, and protect the more easily worn horizontal parts of the steps and railings with parquet varnish.

The best varnish for steps is polyurethane parquet. It is expensive, but extremely durable.

When working with a spray gun, the use of a respirator is mandatory.

Painting interior stairs does not pose any serious difficulties and is quite affordable home handyman. If you purchased high-quality materials and followed technology when working, your staircase will perform its tasks and look brilliant for a very long time.

From pine? Perhaps the question will make the reader smile: is it worth racking your brains over such a simple operation? However, practice shows that the service life and quality of the appearance of the coating are directly proportional to the time spent on surface preparation and its application. Let's try to do the job according to all the rules.

The photo shows an interfloor staircase. Material – pine.

Is wood any different from, say, metal in terms of applying paint and varnish coatings? Does pine stand out in any way compared to other types of wood?

  1. Unlike metal, wood is hygroscopic. Not worse than water its surface absorbs paints and solvents.
  2. Moistening or applying a layer of paint means the pile is raised: the wood fibers change their orientation, and the surface becomes rough.
  3. The wood texture itself is quite beautiful and can be used as a decorative element. Of course, in this case the final coating should be transparent or translucent.
  4. Pine is distinguished by a large amount of resin that impregnates the material. Not all paint will adhere to the tarred area; what is equally important is that the resin content is uneven. As a result, the coating itself may become uneven.

Let us clarify: resinity is a property not only of pine. All conifers have it to one degree or another.

Basic moments

Let's discuss a few questions that inevitably arise during construction wooden stairs with your own hands.

Choice of coverage

Is it necessary surface layer? Why are various oil- and wax-based impregnations worse than varnish or enamel? Can't you just cover the steps, bowstrings, balusters and handrails with stain?

Stain is definitely not enough. Any coating must create a barrier to moisture: fluctuations in atmospheric humidity, inevitable throughout the year, will quickly cause relatively loose pine to crack and warp. In addition, do not forget about rotting and woodworms.

Impregnation is quite capable of protecting the tree from most adverse factors. However, one trap awaits us here: oil and wax will not protect the surface of the steps from mechanical wear. Walking along the soaked stairs only barefoot or in soft slippers... are you sure that this is comfortable?

Conclusions? They are, I think, obvious.

  • For painting wooden stairs made of low-grade wood optimal choiceenamel. It will hide traces of putty on knots and cracks; more importantly, a dense surface layer will protect the surface from premature wear and minor mechanical damage. Finally, the enamel layer is easy to clean.
  • If the surface pine stairs free from significant defects, our choice is varnish. It will emphasize the beauty of the texture, ennobling it appearance. If the pine seems too light to you, you can either cover it with stain before varnishing, or add color to the varnish itself.

Chicken or egg

What should you do first – assemble the staircase or paint/varnish its parts?

This question is an eternal stumbling block on thematic forums. Strong arguments can be made for both points of view.

  • If as connecting elements self-tapping screws, bolts, studs or dowels are used, it is wiser to apply the final coating to the parts before assembly. In this case, those surfaces that will become inaccessible after assembling the stairs will be reliably protected from adverse influences.
  • In the case where adhesive joints are used, the finished staircase should be painted or varnished. Wood glue is unlikely to bond painted surfaces as reliably; in addition, any adhesive connection the stronger the thinner the adhesive layer between the parts.

Choice of paint and varnish

How to paint a pine staircase? Or, if your choice is a varnish coating, what to varnish it with?

It is worth separating the working surface of the steps and all other elements of the staircase: they have completely different modes of operation. The steps are subject to severe wear and tear; In addition, pine, as we remember, is a species with low wood density. Stilettos or hard heels may well leave marks on it if the strength of the protective layer is low.

On the other hand, handrails and accessories for stairs (bowstrings, balusters) and the back side of the steps are practically not exposed to loads. Any coating will perform for the most part decorative functions - of course, in addition to protection from rotting and moisture.

Hence the choice of materials:

  • For work surface alkyd-based floor enamels are used for steps – domestic PF-266 and imported analogues. Brand preferences are deeply subjective, so we will not name specific names in order to avoid accusations of hidden advertising.
  • The best varnish for pine stairs (more precisely, for the surface of the steps) - polyurethane parquet. Its price is quite high; but it forms an extremely durable and wear-resistant surface.

Advice: it is better to choose matte or semi-matte varnish rather than glossy. It shows less visible signs of wear, which will inevitably appear in the center of the steps, even after a long time.

  • For surfaces that are not subject to intense mechanical stress, we can again recommend alkyd enamels PF-115 for exterior use: They are weather resistant but are not intended for floor painting. With varnishes it’s even easier: inexpensive ones will fully satisfy our requirements. nitrocellulose varnishes of the NC series or alkyd PF-170.


So, we have decided how to cover a pine staircase. You can start working. Where to begin?


One of typical problems pine has already been mentioned: resin. The resin content of the fibers and, most importantly, the resin pockets. How to get rid of this scourge?

Acetone or turpentine can help. Both solvents are excellent at removing traces of resin and dissolving resin accumulations in pockets. For cleaning use ordinary rags.


The optimal choice in our case is acrylic wood putty. Irregularities, cavities from knots and resin will have to be puttied 2-3 times with intermediate sanding: the putty shrinks when it dries.

If painting is to be done, the color of the putty does not matter; but when varnishing it is better to match it to the tone of the wood. The exception is the case when the final coating is dark tinted varnish: white patches on a light background under its layer will not be noticeable.


A sander can be used on the planes, but the balusters, the surface of the steps between them and the handrails will have to be sanded by hand. For grinding you will have to stock up on several types sandpaper with different grits: trying to jump from 60 to 120 grit will only be a waste of time. There is no need to treat the stairs with zero polish: save it for interlayer grinding paint coating.


Painting a pine staircase is done with a brush: do not spray alkyd enamel or viscous varnish with a spray gun; the surface of the staircase has too complex a shape for a roller. Painting is carried out in at least three layers; polyurethane varnish can be applied on steps and in 6-7 layers: it performs not only decorative functions, but also provides reliable protection from mechanical damage.

After applying the first layer and drying it completely (regardless of whether we are talking about enamel or varnish), the entire surface is sanded with a zero polish. Enamel or varnish will inevitably raise the pile, but leaving the surface rough is not in our interests. Ideally, all layers except the final one are sanded.

Please note: before painting work you will have to spring-cleaning premises. Dust can disfigure any coating.