Mixer      03/04/2020

Painting wallpaper with water-based paint by hand. How to paint wallpaper with water-based paint? Let's learn to do this step by step. Technological features of painting modern wall and ceiling coverings

One of the options for changing the interior is painting wallpaper. Manufacturers offer smooth and structured coatings from different materials. Knowing basic painting techniques will help you achieve amazing results.

What types of wallpaper can be painted?

Paintable wallpaper is available white. They are also longer and wider than regular rolls. Manufacturers offer several types of coatings that can be painted:

  • Non-woven. Non-woven wallpaper is ideal for painting. The coating looks stylish and masks wall defects. Non-woven fabrics can withstand repeated repainting, but the relief will become less noticeable. They can also be painted with wrong side, and then glue it.
  • Glass wallpaper. Essentially this is anti-vandal wallpaper, made of durable material and resistant to mechanical damage. On the wall, glass wallpaper looks like a seamless fabric and hides surface unevenness. The coating is durable and can be painted many times. Before painting, the canvases are treated with a primer.
  • Paper. These are fabrics treated with a special composition, smooth or embossed. They are able to withstand 2-3 repaintings without losing their original appearance. The dye is applied in a thin layer; there is no need to soak the canvas. If bald spots and stains are detected, you need to paint with a second layer.
  • Linkrusta. Wallpaper is produced in a neutral color, then dyeing or artistic painting occurs. It is recommended to paint a day after pasting, or wait 2-3 days. The second layer is applied after 4-5 hours if necessary. Features of linkrusta are original patterns, they can be distinguished from the general background.
  • Washable. The wallpaper is treated with a special water-repellent compound to protect the coating from exposure to steam and moisture. After painting, the wallpaper loses its protective properties, so varnish is applied over the paint. From the category of washable coatings, they can be painted vinyl wallpapers. Most often, washable wallpaper is used in the kitchen interior.
  • Liquid. In fact, it is an analogue of plaster. Liquid wallpaper is sold in the form of a ready-made mixture or a dry substance (diluted in water before use). Often applied to liquid wallpaper acrylic lacquer- it provides the coating with durability and resistance to cleaning. The coating itself looks original and feels pleasant to the touch. After painting, all effects disappear. You can change the color when applying the mixture to the wall by adding color to the mixture.

What wallpaper cannot be painted?

It is important to consider that not all wallpaper can be painted.

  • Single layer paper wallpaper- quickly get wet and slide off the wall;
  • paper-based vinyl;
  • textile;
  • washable wallpaper based on acrylic - the paint dries poorly and leaves streaks and stains;
  • flat vinyl;
  • photo wallpaper.

DIY Painting Tools

Painting equipment will be required for painting.

  • The first and most main tool - paint roller. The final result depends on it. Tips for choosing can be found in the corresponding section.
  • For the roller you will need tray with squeezing mesh.
  • You can dilute the paint in pallet or any other container.
  • You will need a small brush to paint corners, areas along the ceiling and baseboards.
  • To cover the floor, windows, window sill you need film.
  • Skirting boards and small elements are sealed masking tape.
  • Useful rag or sponge to remove splashes.
  • For work you will need telescopic handle for bolster, stepladder or stool.

DIY painting technology

Painting wall coverings is no different from other painting jobs. The main thing is to choose the right paint, prepare the room and other equipment

Preparation before painting

Before work, you need to prepare the room and walls for painting. Things to consider:

  • You need to paint the wallpaper after the glue has completely dried.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper is pre-treated with a primer.
  • Remove traces of glue from non-woven wallpaper, otherwise defects will appear after painting.
  • Paints tend to dry quickly. It is recommended to pour a little into the tray, and keep the jar closed.
  • The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Mix thoroughly before use until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • If you are not satisfied with the tone, you can add color. The composition is prepared immediately for the whole room, otherwise different shades will turn out.
  • Glass fiber must be painted in at least 2 layers. An interval of 10-12 hours is required between work.
  • The optimum temperature for painting is 17-25°.
  • You cannot paint wallpaper with the windows open - the sheets may fall off due to a draft.

Painting process

When the equipment and walls are ready, you can start painting.

Step by step guide

Video instructions

Many people are overcome by doubts before work, especially if the person is not a painter. An explanatory video will help you understand the technology of painting wall coverings.


Most important stage staining, but exist simple methods For beautiful design walls with your own hands.

For underlining individual elements on wallpaper or to give volume to the pattern, the technique of textural highlighting is practiced. Without waiting for the wallpaper to dry completely, gently blot the area of ​​the pattern with a damp cloth or sponge, removing the dye. After the surface has completely dried, the desired shade is given to the pattern.

There is non-woven wallpaper that can be painted on the reverse side. To highlight the textured element, the selected pattern is painted in the desired color or remains in a natural (usually white) tone.

Combination of 2 or more colors

To highlight individual zones, a combination of colors is practiced. There are several options: a combination of related shades, a gradient (using the same color with smooth transition from a light shade to a dark one, or vice versa) and a combination of two contrasting colors.

Knowledge of the rules of coloring will not interfere here. Otherwise, it is not recommended to use more than two colors to avoid bad taste.

The combination is possible in any direction:

  • horizontally,
  • verticals,
  • diagonals.

Drawing a picture on the wallpaper with your own hands

A popular way to decorate wallpaper after painting is to apply a pattern. Modern instruments will help even inexperienced craftsmen cope with the task. There are many options for drawing, consider some of them.

Painting wallpaper has its own tricks. To achieve an ideal result without drips, it is worth considering the recommendations of experienced painters:

  • You need to paint a dry and clean wall.
  • Use rollers with natural bristles.
  • If old paint is used, test it first on scrap sheets - it is unknown how it will behave.
  • Apply the paint in a thin layer and distribute it well on the surface.
  • Paint hard-to-reach places with a brush.
  • It is good to saturate the roller with dye.
  • If possible, use a spray bottle or spray gun.

What paint is better to paint?

When purchasing a dye, you need to take into account the coating material and the purpose of the room (apartment, office, etc.).

Basic rules for choosing paint

What to consider when choosing paint:

  • For rooms on the sunny side it is recommended latex paint- it does not fade with regular exposure to sunlight.
  • For the kitchen and bathroom, the right solution is latex or acrylic paint. They are resistant to moisture and steam.
  • Matte paint masks surface defects and dims bright lighting.
  • Satin paint is durable and recommended for bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Glossy paint compensates for the lack of lighting in darkened rooms.
  • Water-based paint washes off quickly. Not suitable if it is planned in the future frequent washing walls
  • A water-dispersion composition is suitable for painting bathrooms and kitchens - it is not afraid of water and cleaning.

Which roller is best for painting?

For anyone planning to paint wallpaper by hand, it is best to use a paint roller. There are several types of tools, the difference is in the length of the pile and the width of the device.

  • Velor roller with short pile it is good to paint smooth wallpaper. It will also help to lightly roll the design, for example, when highlighting an element with texture.
  • Deep relief is better to paint fur long-hair roller. Villi are able to penetrate the entire depth of the texture, painting the most hard to reach places.
  • Smooth fabrics can be painted foam roller. But it leaves bubbles on the wallpaper, reducing the quality of work.

Features of painting the ceiling

Wallpapering the ceiling is popular when decorating rooms. The algorithm for painting the ceiling is the same, but there are nuances that are important to consider:

  • Cover the floor, window sills, and remove furniture with film if possible.
  • Paint the ceiling plinth the same color as the ceiling. To protect the wallpaper, apply masking tape along the edge of the baseboard.
  • It is better to work during daylight hours to evaluate the results in daylight and electric light.
  • If primer treatment is required, it must have the same base as the paint. You can start painting the ceiling after the primer has completely dried.
  • After applying the first layer, turn on the light and inspect the ceiling. If there are gaps, paint over them.
  • The ceiling is painted in 2 layers. The first is distributed parallel to the window, the second - perpendicular.
  • New wallpaper on the ceiling cannot be painted for 1-3 days until the glue dries.

Paint consumption calculator

Dye consumption is calculated based on the area to be painted. Usually the manufacturer indicates on the can the amount of work expected. To avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses for painting, you can use the provided paint consumption calculator.

Coloring helps change appearance decorative covering walls without extra effort. A person doing repairs with his own hands, the question arises as to whether it is possible to paint water-based paint paper wallpaper. It is allowed to paint such coatings, but a number of rules must be observed.

On the left - paper, on the right - vinyl white wallpaper with a texture for painting.

What wallpaper can be painted with water emulsion

Not every material is suitable for painting with compositions on water based. The corresponding wallpapers have special markings and a plain surface. Water-based paint can be applied to the following materials:

  1. Paper. Withstands the application of dye. The composition fits well on pasted walls, evenly covering them and impregnating the base. Surfaces retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time. The paint is applied to a dry base.
  2. Vinyl. It is recommended to choose non-woven material. A roller is also used to apply the water-based composition.
  3. Fiberglass. Adhere well to most paint products. Fiberglass fabric can be painted several times, adjusting the walls to the interior of the room.

When painting relief coatings, the coloring agent is applied in 3-4 layers.

How to prepare for work

Before starting repairs, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

When painting wallpaper with a roller, the use of a tray for rolling in the tool is mandatory.
  • roller with a velor nozzle with long pile;
  • foam cylinder for processing embossed wallpaper;
  • narrow flat brush;
  • tray for rolling in tools;
  • masking tape;
  • water-based coloring agent;
  • color.

The preparatory stage includes the following steps:

  1. Tinting paint. You can perform this action in hardware store. Large companies offer a computer shade selection service. The program calculates the amount of tint required to create the selected color. The information is stored in the computer's memory, so there are no problems with ordering additional paint.
  2. Cleaning wallpaper. It is necessary to free the coating from dust and contaminants that could deteriorate the applied decorative layer. The walls are wiped with a damp cloth. The paper surfaces are dried for 2-3 hours, after which painting begins.

How to paint different types of wallpaper

The paper coating is sensitive to moisture, so you need to work with it carefully. Regular wallpaper can be painted using a spray gun.

Before painting the wallpaper, you should remove the switches and the protruding socket housing.

The work order includes the following steps:

  1. Removing protruding elements.Sockets, baseboards and decorative items are removed. These parts can be sealed with masking tape, which will protect against paint.
  2. ABOUT treatment of hard-to-reach places. The joints of the walls and ceiling are painted with a narrow brush without any effort. Areas near the outlets are treated with a 5 cm wide strip of paint.
  3. Coloring smooth surfaces . There is no need to prime the wallpaper before painting. Water-based composition pour into the tray. A small amount of the product is captured with a roller. The tool is rolled along the ribbed side of the cuvette. Processing begins from the upper corner of the wall, moving to the opposite side. Manipulations are performed in 1 pass, preventing the paint from drying in adjacent areas. The stripes are applied overlapping. This way the composition will lie in an even layer.
  4. Applying a second layer. The surface is dried for 6-8 hours. When repainting, follow the same rules as when initially treating the wall.

How to paint interlining and vinyl

Non-woven materials are painted before gluing: the composition is applied with a roller or brush with reverse side. In this way, the base is impregnated, which absorbs moisture better, which makes it easier to obtain the desired shade on the front side. Glue the canvas to the wall after the paint has dried. The vinyl surface protects the non-woven base.

Moisture-resistant materials are used to decorate walls in the bathroom or kitchen. Foamed vinyl cannot be painted before gluing.

The first layer is applied in a simple way, distributing the composition velor roller, hard-to-reach places are treated with a brush. This allows the paint to penetrate into the embossing depressions.

A second coat may not be required, but if there are any imperfections, you need to apply the composition again. This can only be done after the previous coating has dried.

Fiberglass wallpaper

This base is best suited for painting. To form the relief, the coloring agent is applied several times. The base composition of the desired color is distributed over the wall twice. After the base has dried, use a soft nozzle to treat the protruding parts of the embossing with a different shade. The pattern can be made monochromatic, but contrasting colors look no less attractive.

Fiberglass wallpapers can be decorated up to 10 times. This reduces the time and cost of repairs. If necessary, only part of the wall can be processed. With a vinyl or acrylic coating, the paint adheres worse.

A popular type of wall decoration - painting wallpaper with water-based paint - has several undeniable advantages. But the work must be done in accordance with the rules, otherwise the effect of the repair may be unexpected.

What wallpaper can be painted with a water-based emulsion?

The choice of water-based paint for wallpaper is dictated primarily by its price. Mixtures based on latex or polyvinyl acetate are also suitable for paintable wallpaper, but are a little more expensive. Water-based dye has long been known to Russian residents, is familiar and relatively cheap. Among its other advantages:

  • possibility of tinting the white base in any shade;
  • resistance of the painted surface to fading and abrasion;
  • easy to clean (can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no pungent odor upon application.

High-quality material has good hiding power. You can apply just 1 layer of water-based emulsion and get an excellent result when painting wallpaper. But for an ideal effect, you should paint the wall twice, drying the first layer of coating for the time specified by the paint manufacturer.

Not all wallpapers are suitable for painting. Typically, materials to be painted have appropriate markings and a textured, monochromatic surface. But even in this case, to work with water-based (acrylic) compositions, it is better to understand in advance what kind of wallpaper can be painted:

  1. Paper ones withstand treatment with water-based emulsion quite satisfactorily. The paint covers their surface well, slightly impregnating the base. As a result, painted walls retain an attractive appearance for a long time. Apply paint to dry wallpaper with a paint roller.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper for painting with water-based emulsion should be chosen on a non-woven base. The coating is done in the same way - with a roller on a dry texture.
  3. Fiberglass varieties will also look ideal. This paintable wallpaper can hold water-based dye for a long time. Fiberglass fabric can be repainted if you need to change the color scheme in the room. The number of colors is indicated on the packaging.

When painting embossed varieties, the water-based emulsion must be applied in several layers.

How to prepare for work?

Before painting the wallpaper with water-based paint, you need to prepare everything necessary materials. To work you will need the following:

  • paint roller (long pile);
  • velor roller (for embossed wallpaper);
  • flat brush 6-7 cm wide;
  • roller cuvette;
  • masking tape;
  • water-based paint (white base);
  • color.

You can tint purchased white paint directly in the store. Large companies offer a computer shade selection service. The specialist will calculate the amount of dye needed to obtain suitable color. The information will be saved in the program’s memory: using the shade number, you can order an additional volume of the same color if repairs are required or there is not enough material.

If the wallpaper has already been pasted and is being repainted, then before starting work you should wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This will help remove dust and other contaminants that could leave streaks on the new coat of paint or prevent the paint from laying flat (grease stains). The cleaned surface must be dried for 1-2 hours, and then proceed to painting the walls.

How to paint different types of wallpaper?

New wallpaper must be thoroughly dried before painting. It usually takes 24-48 hours after sticking them on the walls. If the repairs were carried out more than 2-3 days ago, then painting can begin at any time.

The biggest concern is the paper covering. But if you work carefully with a roller, even this fragile material will not be damaged. When painting paper wallpaper, you can also use a non-contact method: using a paint sprayer.

The first stage is painting the corners of the room, where the walls meet the ceiling or baseboard. If it is possible to remove the baseboards, sockets, and decorative door trims, then it is better to do this before painting the walls. But in old buildings you will have to cover the edges of these interior parts with masking tape. This measure will protect the surfaces of parts from water-based paint, which is more difficult to wash off after drying.

To paint difficult areas you need a soft paint brush without trying to press it too hard. Walls near doorways, corners, rosettes and other protrusions should be painted by hand to a width of about 5 cm. Without waiting for the paint to dry, proceed to the next step:

  1. Pour a little coloring composition into the cuvette and roll it with a roller along the ribbed surface to thoroughly saturate the pile.
  2. Start painting from the middle of a small area in the upper corner of the wall. Move from the center to the edges, capturing part of the pre-painted stripes.
  3. When the paint on the roller has dried up, roll it several times over the water-based emulsion poured into the ditch. Continue working in the specified sequence.

You need to paint 1 wall in 1 step, not allowing the paint to dry on the edges of adjacent areas. When applying the emulsion to a new area, use a roller to cover 1-2 cm of the already painted surface. This way the paint will lay down in an even, continuous layer.

How to paint interlining and vinyl?

Non-woven wallpaper (with or without vinyl coating) can be painted before hanging on the wall. Coloring is done from the inside out. In this case, the paint will saturate the loose material, protruding on the front side.

This method of painting is good because the wallpaper can be wiped with a damp sponge without the risk of washing off the paint. A transparent vinyl layer on the surface will also protect the non-woven base. Wallpaper coated with vinyl is moisture resistant and can be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

The foam vinyl coating will not allow you to paint the wallpaper before gluing it. Embossed trellises can be painted in the usual way, using a long-pile roller. In this case, the paint will get into the depressions of the embossed design.

Fiberglass wallpaper

They are best suited for dyeing. To highlight the relief, painting can be done in several layers:

  • apply 2 layers of base paint of the desired shade;
  • After drying the base, use a velor roller to highlight the protruding parts of the pattern with a different color.

Shades for this coloring are chosen according to taste. You can maintain the pattern in a single color scheme, but contrasting shades look no less impressive.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times. It does easy repair and economical. If you want to refresh the interior, you can quickly cope with the task by repainting part of the surface or highlighting one wall.

You can even paint ordinary non-woven and thick paper wallpapers that are not intended for this. But the paint will stick worse on vinyl film, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the labeling of the wallpaper.

Practical people, but rather indifferent to variety, are interested in how to paint wallpaper with water-based paint, pursuing several goals at once. Firstly, although gluing wallpaper is not too technologically difficult, it still requires dismantling (and therefore dirty and labor-intensive) work and takes considerable time.

Secondly, there are often situations when the coating has not come off the walls, has not hung in rags, but has faded and faded. That is, it requires replacement, although it is still quite functional.

Thirdly, you may simply want something new in your life, but you are reluctant to undertake a global renovation.

And fourthly, there is often a desire to simply express one’s creative inclinations. This is the main value of paintable wallpaper: stick it once and until it breaks, change the interior at least every year.

How to paint wallpaper with water-based paint, we will tell you in detail, but first we want to draw your attention to some subtleties.

A little about wallpaper and paints

Not all wallpaper can be painted with water-based emulsion, even if it is rated for painting. This is explained by the water-based paint, which can soften the coating itself or dissolve the glue that secures it. For example, paper wallpaper can only be painted acrylic paints.

In any case, non-woven ones are suitable for using water-based ones and, with reservations, vinyl ones. The latter should be two-layer: the water-based emulsion penetrates through one layer of material, albeit with some difficulty.

By the way, if you are going to use oil paint, then the surfaces cannot be covered with non-woven material - it is destroyed by the thinners included in it.

  • Don’t be upset if the wallpaper that was once pasted is slightly damaged. The possibility of painting them is determined only by the strength of their adherence to the walls. If they hold up well, you just need to do some restoration work before painting.
  • The remaining pieces of coating are carefully trimmed to fit tightly.
  • If necessary, the edge of the not torn but slightly peeled fabric is glued.
  • Detected defects in the base (pits, cracks, chips) are puttied and, after drying, sanded and primed.
After the above steps, the surface should be smooth, and the joints of the wallpaper and repaired defects should be invisible.

Preparing the Paint

Water-based emulsion is chosen by many not only because it is cheaper than acrylic. Its main advantage over other options is the ability to get any desired shade. White water-based paint is sold complete with toner - dry or liquid. It is added in the required quantity to the base until the required tone is achieved. There are several points to consider.

Wallpaper to be hung can have its own shade, which can affect the final color, especially if a soft pastel is chosen. If there are strict requirements for the tone of the design, initially you need to glue a white base.

It is advisable to paint the room in one go. Even if you don’t have time to do this in a day, you need to dilute the paint and toner immediately in a volume that is enough to cover the entire surface, and the next day mix it thoroughly. The second time you will not be able to accurately guess the required volume of dye, and the walls will be painted unevenly. To calculate how much paint you will need, check its consumption on the can and put it on top, especially if you paint with a brush rather than a roller - this method of application is less economical.

If the wallpaper has been painted before, you cannot use a color that is incompatible with the previous one, and the new shade should be a little darker.

Preparing the Paint

The paint preparation itself is simple. However, if the room to be painted is large enough, you will need a drill with an attachment to stir it, otherwise, due to the significant volume, it will not be possible to bring the tone to uniformity.

  • The white base is poured into the bucket.
  • Add water little by little, with constant stirring. Its volume is indicated on the can, but it is approximate: the paint may have thickened a little during storage. The working consistency is like milk.
  • Color is added. It is better if it is in liquid form, then it can be introduced little by little directly into a common bucket. Dry must first be diluted with a small amount of base, and then poured into a common container.
  • The resulting shade is constantly checked on an inconspicuous area.
  • When you have achieved the desired color, start painting.

Painting technology

Every person painted something - at least a fence, at least once in their life. Painting wallpaper is not much different from other surfaces. The general provisions are as follows.
  • First of all, the corner is painted, since the roller will not reach there, you will have to use a brush, and therefore, there will be excess paint, which must be distributed on the walls nearby.
  • If painting is supposed to be done in two layers, the first is applied horizontally, with the roller extending 5-10 centimeters onto the previous strip. If you are going to apply paint three times, the first time the movements should be vertical. The bottom line is that the last coloring must certainly be from top to bottom.
  • When passing vertically, the edge of the roller should not coincide with the joint of the wallpaper.
  • The next layer is applied perpendicularly and only after the previous one has dried. Most manufacturers allow 4 hours for this.
We remind you that when using water-based emulsion, drafts during drying are strictly contraindicated. By the way, the first, primer, layer can be applied without color, but then the final one will be a lighter shade than originally intended, so more dye needs to be added to it.

Designer delights

The use of water-based emulsion when painting wallpaper is interesting because it provides the opportunity to get patterns or designs on the walls. There are several ways to achieve what you want.
  • If textured wallpaper with bulges is pasted, first they are painted in one tone with a soft roller, which will apply paint to the depressions. Then take a hard roller, thanks to which paint of a different color (for example, golden) will lie only on the mounds.
  • The design can be applied to one part of the wall using a stencil. You can buy it at an interior design store, or you can make it yourself.
  • The same pattern can be made over the entire surface if you purchase a roller with a relief pattern. Then the second layer of paint will repeat the same element.
  • To create a sepia effect, use a round brush, which is not brushed onto the wall, but rather touched frequently.
You can come up with your own ways to paint wallpaper with water-based paint with different visual effects. For example, very interesting view they are acquired if the second layer is applied with a roller on which rags are randomly wound, or with the fragmentary use of tampons. Perhaps you can come up with your own original way, allowing you to paint as artistically as possible.

There are tasks in renovating an apartment that even a schoolchild can handle. Good example- painting wallpaper on the ceiling, but don’t let the simplicity of this process confuse you. It is better to aim for high quality and take a few professional recommendations into account.

Paint selection and tinting

Water-based paints are used to paint wallpaper. Among the types of binders for painting without tinting, alkyd-acrylate, polyvinyl acetate and latex are preferred, and for tinting it is better to purchase dispersion acrylic ones. For non-woven wallpaper, it is recommended to choose an acrylic base; for paper and fiberglass wallpaper, almost any paint is suitable. Experiment with applying enamels on pure alkyd or oil based strongly not recommended. Such paints are not as environmentally friendly as water-soluble ones, and there is a high probability of damaging the structure of the wallpaper itself.

The best coloring result is achieved by choosing white paint as a base and then tinting it to the desired color. Painting without dye is extremely rare, because even a small amount of color significantly reduces the staining of the ceiling, maintaining visual lightness.

The cost of paint directly correlates with its hiding power. Using cheap paint, you will be forced to repeat the coloring 3-4 or more times, while when using high-quality paint, applying two layers, and sometimes even one, is enough. Moreover, the more layers are applied, the lower the final surface quality. Also keep in mind that the darker the paint color, the higher quality its base should be.

You can mix the paint with the color either yourself or in a vibration chamber. The latter can be called the best option: if the store has this kind of equipment, then you don’t have to worry about the quality of paintwork materials, and besides, the final color will be as close as possible to the order. Self-mixing is recommended only in cases where the ceiling is painted small area, where one bucket is enough.

Manually tinting paint in two different containers and achieving the same tone is something out of fantasy. True, with a volume of 20 liters or more, the accuracy of color dosage can already be considered quite high, and a slight difference in color is allowed for different layers. In any case, tint the base in advance, at least two days in advance, and before painting, thoroughly stir the paint again.

Consumption, amount of paint

The consumption rate of water-soluble paints varies from 150 to 200 g/m2 or 5-8 m2/l. But here it is important to remember that this is the norm for one layer, which is usually not enough to obtain a deep and uniform color. Most best option- take a liter “sample” of the selected base and paint a small piece of plasterboard with the remains of wallpaper pasted on it.

To be sure, you can tint a shade or two darker than the selected colors. The task is simple: determine the number of layers at which the coloring is guaranteed to become uniform and base defects do not appear. If you paint the base with uneven spots before wallpapering, checking the coverage of the paint will be even better.

Preliminary paint tests are very important, especially if the base is chosen for the entire apartment. With due diligence, you can determine both the actual consumption and the final quality of the surface and the number of layers. It is much better to make a mistake in a test coloring than to purchase 20-30 liters of an expensive composition. Moreover, if the result is successful, the liter of base that was purchased for testing will not be in vain.

Painting tool

To paint ceilings, it is recommended to use special rollers with protective casing. The optimal type of roller is VM or VMP; the length of the pile should correspond to the texture of the wallpaper. The width of the roller should be at least 25 cm; the wider, the more uniform the coloring will be.

It is most convenient to paint the ceiling from the floor: the quality and uniformity of paint application is clearly visible on a real scale. To work from the floor, you will need an extension rod that is suitable in diameter to the roller handle, and preferably of a telescopic type. Naturally, you will need a tray and a couple of brushes for fine tracing of the perimeter and detailed painting complex elements ceiling.

Spray painting cannot be called a rational method. If this is a completely suitable technique for walls, then when spraying paint on the ceiling, the consumption increases by 20-30%. In addition, there may be furniture left in the room and the presence of fine particles in the air will definitely not benefit it.

In addition to painting tools, you will need a reliable stepladder and several pieces of clean fabric, preferably dark, so that traces of paint on it are clearly visible. For detailed painting of areas adjacent to the moldings, a wide spatula is useful. And, of course, don’t forget about a newspaper head cap - the main weapon of any painter.

Preparing the premises

Typically, painting ceilings is done at an early stage of renovation, when the floor covering has not yet been laid. If the floor is already ready or you are carrying out redecorating, it must be covered without fail.

Unfortunately, cheap covering film is not suitable for these purposes. It is too thin and will inevitably tear when moving the stepladder. At the same time, you must remain mobile and be ready to climb to the ceiling anywhere at any time to remove a stuck insect. A painting machine is optimal for such conditions. protective film density 30-40 g/m2 or higher.

Moldings, sockets and other elements that should not be painted are easiest to protect with masking tape. Before starting painting work, all these places must be pasted over, and the edge closest to the surface to be painted must be pressed well with a dry cloth. Windows, doors, furniture and other interior parts should be protected plastic film, for these purposes you can already use the cheapest one.

Uniform coloring technique

The first layer of wallpaper is applied either a special primer or paint diluted by a third clean water. At the same time, due to the high initial absorption, all wallpaper defects appear. It is necessary to record their location and paint the local areas well with undiluted paint after the first layer has completely dried.

It is not difficult to achieve uniform coloring, but to do this you need to know the number of layers in advance. Each of them is applied perpendicular to the previous one, and the stripes in each layer should overlap by about a third of the roller.

After applying the paint, there is no need to try to disperse it with a roller. different directions. Water-soluble paint begins to dry almost immediately after application, and any interaction with it 3-5 minutes after contact with the surface is fraught with a significant decrease in quality.

It is important to ensure that the last layer is applied along the direction in which natural light falls. Thus, the penultimate layer should lie across the light and so on.

Proper painting of the ceiling requires that each subsequent layer be placed on top of the completely dry previous one. The paint dries quickly and often when one coat is completed, the area where the work began is already dry. It would be a mistake to immediately return to it and proceed with the next application: the ceiling must dry completely, after which the quality of the result is checked and the room is ventilated.

Bypassing skirting boards, working at junctions

When painting the ceiling, leave untouched areas 5-7 cm from the walls and all kinds of parts that cannot be painted. After applying each coat, climb onto a stepladder and paint over these areas with a brush.

If you use masking tape, there are only two tricks. First, the edge must be pressed tightly so that paint does not flow under it. The second point is that when removing the tape, you need to act carefully so that the layer of paint on it does not pull the coating from the painted surface and form a torn edge. However, protecting with tape is far from a panacea; tracing objects of complex shape, such as stucco, requires special care.

The brush must be pressed to the surface at an angle of 30-45º so that the pile fits tightly to the ceiling, forming an even edge that smoothly passes into the plane to be painted. In this position, make circular movements with the brush in order to circle the obstacle tangentially, without lifting the bristles of the brush.

Straight moldings not protected with tape can simply be traced under a spatula. The recommended width is about 40-50 cm; it needs to be placed perpendicular to the ceiling and then pulled back a little so that the blade can bend, repeating the slightest irregularities.