Mixer      03/04/2020

Sizes of brushes. Paint brushes: review, features, types and recommendations. Prices for paint brushes

What is the best brush to paint a wall? Natural, synthetic or mixed bristles? Round, flat, with a long handle? The right brush will make your painting work much easier.

Advice: If you plan to continue painting the next day, then use a brush or paint roller At night you can wrap it in plastic wrap.

Paint rollers are typically made from foam, velor or sheepskin and can be used to paint walls and other large surfaces. In addition, there are rollers with a telescopic handle, which is convenient when painting ceilings.

Application area: For painting large areas such as walls and ceilings.

If regular sanding or regular trimming before painting a wall or other surface is not enough, then old paint needs to be etched. A brush suitable for this purpose should have a plastic handle and thick nylon bristles. This brush will withstand even the strongest etching agents.

Application area: Used for etching.

This brush has a round handle ending in a cone. The quality of the brush depends on the type of bristles and its length. The cork disc in the paint receptacle and the nylon winding are signs of high quality and guarantee good paint absorption. A layer of paint lies evenly when applied to a wall or other surface if the brush is given a slight rotational movement.

Application area: For painting pipes, windows and corners.

A flat or varnish brush has a wide, flat or beaver-tail shaped handle. The bristles of such a brush are clamped in a wide tin frame; it is used mainly for varnishing work. There are flat brushes different sizes. The thicker, the higher the quality. A quality brush should absorb and release paint well.

Application area: For big ones flat surfaces, for example, a flat surface interior doors, walls.

The window brush has an oblique cut, ensuring precise lines on window frames and doors.

Application area: For painting doors and windows.

Repair is a long and very troublesome task, and also costly. Today the choice of materials in construction stores is huge, which means that the scope for imagination has no limits. Despite this, the paint never loses its relevance. Radiator batteries and pipes, Wall panels- all this requires annual updating. Therefore, you will have to spend a little time as a painter as well. To get the job done quickly and efficiently, you need good paint brushes. And, of course, you need to decide on the material. It can be varnish or enamel.

Products for painters

It may be difficult for the average person to imagine how many there really are. Paint brushes differ not only in size. And if until now you have used just one to perform all types of work, then after reading the material everything will change. So:

  • Flight feathers (CM) are huge and fluffy, made of natural fiber with the addition of synthetics. I have a round shape and are widely used on large surfaces and for whitewashing. The diameter is approximately 60 cm, and the length of the hairs reaches 180 mm. They tolerate contact with any solvents, withstand temperature changes well and are not afraid of hot water.
  • Paint brushes (KMA) - they are often used to make These are wide, rectangular paint brushes based on natural horsehair and nylon. This allows the coating layer to be applied evenly. The length of the hairs is 100 mm, used for applying adhesive or casein material.
  • Handbrake (KR). Small and round, they are great for covering windows or pipes. Consist of pure bristles and horsehair. The middle is empty to allow paint to accumulate.
  • Filet brushes are very reminiscent of paint brushes that we used in childhood in art lessons. Diameter 6-8 mm, they are used to outline contours.
  • Radiator.
  • Painting flute (CF) - wide and flat, made of nylon and badger hair, it is used to eliminate smudges.
  • Synthetic flat (KP) - artificial. Inexpensive and functional, it is perfect as a repair assistant. They are ideal for applying compounds diluted with water. Universal option, to paint any surface, and the sizes can be selected.

Using different piles

Synthetics, at first glance, are perfect option. It is cheap, works great on any surface, and is wear-resistant. In fact, painters know that quite a lot depends on the material chosen. Stubble from natural materials absorbs the composition well and distributes it evenly over the surface. It feels a little rough to the touch. But on some surfaces it will leave lint, and the brush will wear out quickly.

Synthetic painting tools consist of polymers and are thin. They are great for applying water-resistant paints because the hairs do not absorb the material. This is also justified from an economic point of view.

What do you need to know?

High-quality brushes have a number of properties, but the main functional element is the bristles. The longer its length, the more composition the instrument will absorb. Therefore, the less often you will need to dip it into the jar. The hairs are not always straight, which allows for even better absorption and even treatment of the surface.

Not only the length, but also the elasticity of the hairs is important. If they are not flexible enough, then a large number of the material will remain on the pile. Another rule is that the larger the surface area, the larger the brush. For ceilings and walls you need wide, rectangular specimens, and for tables and windows - small ones, with a variety of handles.

So same and different

At first glance, it is very difficult to choose the best paint brushes. We have listed what they are, but that doesn’t make it any easier. But a professional consultant will definitely help. Today there is a special tool for each type of work. There are kits for working with varnish based on synthetic resins, for painting with liquid wax or working with water-based compositions.

The main recommendations regarding the choice of brush are as follows. You need to be attached to the material with which you will work. Only then, among the varieties with the desired pile, you will select those that are suitable in size. If you plan to do varnishing, it is better to purchase a tool with natural rather than synthetic hairs. It will be ideal for formulations that include a solvent. The secret is that these hairs have a porous structure and can absorb much more composition.

If you have to work with compositions on water based, then natural pile, on the contrary, is not recommended. It will lose its shape after the first use. Synthetics absorb less paint, but manufacturers are doing everything to bring its functionality closer to natural.

How to clean a brush from paint?

Once you have finished the job, you need to take care of the tools you used. Some people think that all that remains is to throw them away. But this is too wasteful an option. It is much better to wash and store them. To do this, thoroughly dry the brush on a paper or cloth towel. The more composition you can remove, the better the laundering process will be.

The second step is to use a solvent. Do not forget that the choice should be made in accordance with the characteristics of the composition used.

  • Brushes for watercolors and latex, that is, all that are water-based, can be easily washed with plain water. The only rule is that they must not be allowed to dry out.
  • White spirit allows you to cope with oil compositions.
  • suitable for shellac.

The third step is to rinse again in water and pat dry with a towel.

For interior decoration and as a hobby

They are not always used only to cover the panel with an even layer. If you want to decorate your room with a vibrant image, then you need to choose the right paint brushes. The nylon tool is the best solution for artists who prefer acrylic. It is synthetic and comes in a huge number of different shapes and sizes. The main advantages are:

  • Elasticity - the material from which the bristles are made does not break and is very flexible. This allows you to apply smooth and precise strokes. It is very convenient and perfect even for a beginner.
  • Durability - if you take a natural bristle brush, you will quickly understand what the problem is. Painting and covering surfaces with acrylic requires immersing the tool in water. Therefore, the pile deteriorates and falls out. But the artificial one continues to serve.
  • Easy to clean - nylon tools are very easy to clean from acrylic, which dries out and crumbles. But a brush with natural bristles has a porous structure and is much more difficult to clean.

Wide choice

Here are the brushes for acrylic paints choose for specific work, you will have to decide directly on the spot. Flat, synthetic tools allow for wide strokes thanks to the thick, long bristles. Round - used for drawing and painting. Oval synthetic ones are more often used in painting. They are close to flat in functionality, but it is easier to change the thickness of the line. Contour brushes are flat, with short bristles. They are needed for application small parts and drawings.

Oil paint brushes

The main requirement for them is increased rigidity, which is due to the specifics of working with oil. A tool with kolinsky bristles is considered best choice. The cost of kolinsky brushes is the highest of all, but the costs are offset by high operational properties. It is made from natural materials and pile. As a result, the brushes work well; with their help you can not only apply an even layer, but also create a pattern or design. Unfortunately, the kolinka product is very delicate. Even portrait painters note that it cannot be used on all canvases. Linen, for example, will very quickly erase its delicate fibers. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, most often combined brushes made of natural and synthetic bristles are used for oil paint.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the choice is not as simple as it might seem. You will have to take into account the nature of the work that needs to be done, its scale, as well as the coverage that needs updating. The material chosen as a coating will also play an important role. Therefore, think through all the details first, and then go to the store. Then you will definitely be guaranteed success in this difficult task.

A paint brush is used to work with paints and varnishes. Before starting work, the bristles on the brush must be softened by soaking it in soapy water. To give the instrument durability, flax oil is applied to the fibers.

Paint brushes come in different types and sizes

  1. Small brushes, in which the bristles are attached to a short handle with a metal rim, are called handbrake brushes. If the pile is too long and inconvenient to work with, then it is tied with a rope. Such brushes have a round appearance, their diameter can be 26-54 millimeters, their bristles are of natural origin. The handbrake brush is used for painting pipes, windows or other products with hard-to-reach places.
  2. A trim brush is used to create a rough structure on the painted surface. The brush should always be clean, so while working, it should be moistened and cleaned. Fresh paint is applied with a brush; it must be held perpendicular to the surface.
  3. The brush can be round or rectangular, the diameter of the first is up to 170 millimeters, and the width of the second is 200. The bristles can consist of half natural and artificial bristles. This type of brush allows you to work with various types paints, adhesive or water based.
  4. The fly brush is also round and has thick bristles, which can be half natural or synthetic. The circumference of such a brush is up to 65 millimeters, and the bristles have a length of 180. This tool is used for priming, whitewashing, blurring, and painting large areas. The brushes are resistant to different temperatures and aggressive substances. If the surface to be treated is located too high, then you can additionally attach a stick to the brush.
  5. The panel type brush has small size, comfortable handle, and coarse pile. The diameter of such an instrument is up to 18 millimeters. The brush is used to apply straight lines and paint hard-to-reach places when decorating rooms.
  6. A radiator brush is used to paint hard-to-reach areas. Thanks to its design, the pile can penetrate into various bends of radiators and paint them completely.
  7. A flute-type brush is flat and wide, its size can be 25-100 millimeters. The pile of this instrument consists of badger hair. This brush is used to remove smudges from other tools.
  8. Brush flat look, which has artificial bristles. The bristles of such a brush are able to maintain their shape throughout the entire work. This tool is used for water-based paints.

How to properly care for paint brushes?

Brushes that have not been used for a long time or that are new should be washed. warm water with soap. You can soak the tool in soapy water for a while to remove broken lint and dust. Then the brush is wrung out and dried.

Before you start painting, the brush is soaked, while the bristles soften and become voluminous, this allows the material to lie more evenly on the surface.

Before the main painting, the brush is developed, a little material is smeared and carried over the rough base, while the fibers become correct form. When working with a brush round type, it is sometimes scrolled so that the pile is erased evenly. If there are short breaks in work, the tool is placed in paint or a special solution so that the bristles do not dry out. To prevent the bristles from breaking and losing their shape, the brush is not completely dipped into the solution.

In order to wash the brush, you need to use kerosene and then soapy water, after which the tool is dried and wrapped in paper for long-term storage.

How to paint with brushes?

Natural bristle brushes are used for oil and alkyd paints, and artificial pile - for acrylic materials.

Immerse the brush in the container with paint not completely, but half the length of the bristles, then lightly tap the handle on the can so that the excess material drains off. If the bristles are smeared on the edges of the container, the paint will not apply evenly to the bristles, which complicates the work process.

The wood is painted along the grain, and when working with the ceiling, start from the dark side, heading towards the window.

After finishing the work, the paint is removed from the brush, the bristles are thoroughly washed in a special solution, then in water and dried.

What are the sizes of paint brushes?

  • The paint brush must be selected correctly in size; not only the ease of use, but also the quality of the coated surface depends on this. With an unsuitable brush, after the surface dries, streaks, smudges or unnecessary protrusions beyond the required boundary may remain. In order to get a high-quality painted surface, you need to know what size brush is suitable for the selected material. Brushes can be of the following sizes: 25, 38, 50, 63, 75, 100 millimeters.
  • Millimeters refer to the width of the bristles or stroke that remains after paint is applied. Brushes with the lowest rating are used for painting hard-to-reach areas. A wide pile is used for painting large areas.
  • Brushes also differ in their pile; it can be made of natural or artificial fiber; the handle is made of wood or plastic material. Brushes of the Maklovitsa and radiator types can be used for using water-based materials.
  • A brush with 25 millimeter bristles is used for painting narrow surfaces that are no more than 10 centimeters wide. That is, you can paint thin glazing beads, rods or other thin products.
  • Brushes with a bristle width of 38 millimeters are used for round surfaces that have a circumference of up to 32 millimeters; such products can be baseboards or cornices, as well as various pipes.
  • 50mm brushes are used for standard painting as well as items such as skirting boards, window frames, railings or steps.
  • Brushes with bristles of 63 and 75 millimeters can be used for wide wood or metal products, painting walls, and other flat surfaces. Such brushes can be used for painting various utility structures, for example, greenhouses, fences, benches and benches.
  • A brush with the widest bristles of 100 millimeters can be used for painting door leaf, material for roofing, flooring and other flat surfaces.
  • Before you start work, you need to correctly decide on the choice of tool, taking into account the type of surface being processed and the type of paint used. For example, a brush with synthetic bristles is suitable for water-based formulations, as their bristles have the ability to repel moisture. Round brushes are suitable for painting small areas, while flat brushes are suitable for a flat surface. With the right tool selected, the painting material will lie evenly and be distributed over the entire surface, without leaving bubbles or smudges, and without protruding beyond the required boundaries.

Types of bristles on paint brushes

  1. Natural bristles are well suited for painting work; they are able to hold the material and apply it evenly over the entire surface. Such bristles are rough, so unlike artificial look can absorb a lot of paint composition.
  2. Synthetic pile is made from polymer materials, usually its thickness is not large. These brushes have different hardnesses and can be used for different types of paints. For example, nylon polyester bristles are used for water-based paints, since the main polymer does not absorb moisture, and the bristles retain their original shape throughout the entire work. This brush can be used to paint wooden elements, it does not leave lint on them.
  3. The bristles can be made half of natural and artificial bristles, this allows the brush not to wear out so quickly. Synthetic pile, due to its even structure, prevents natural fiber from breaking and bending. With this tool you can paint any type of surface, and the material will lie evenly without creating streaks.

How to check a brush for quality?

When purchasing a brush for coloring, you need to check the elasticity of the bristles, that is, it must be bent and then released, it should immediately return to its original shape. If the pile is deformed, then the bristles are not of high quality.

All fibers should be arranged in a uniform order, not fall out, and the ends should not delaminate. If the bristles stick out, fall out, or look above the main bristles, then the brush is made poorly.

The handle must be securely fastened, not loosen, and not slip out of your hands; it can be made of plastic or wooden material. Brushes are also selected according to size, taking into account the surface to be covered and the type of painting material. Radiator brushes have unusual shape, and can be used for painting various hard-to-reach places.

Besides good quality, the brush needs to be prepared for the job. At correct use, cleaning and storing the tool, its service life will be long. In order for the paint material to be applied evenly, the brush must be pre-soaked; this action helps the bristles to soften, increase in volume, and clear of dirt.

Paint brush - indispensable tool(bristles of various types, shapes and sizes, secured with a bandage to a wooden or plastic handle) for application on various surfaces varnish, paint, primer, glue and whitewash. The convenience and efficiency of painting work depends on the correct choice of tool in each specific case. At Hector LLC you can buy the following types of brushes:

  • flat (flat) brushes - made of natural light bristles, secured with a metal bandage with an anti-corrosion coating to a comfortable wooden handle. A flat brush is used to apply all types of paint and varnish materials on various flat and profile surfaces, such as windows, doors, skirting boards, furniture, structural elements, wood products.
  • round brushes - suitable for working with water-based materials (not resistant to aggressive compounds), used for applying paint to U-shaped profiles, hard to reach places, as well as washing and whitewashing the ceiling. Made of natural light bristles, attached with a plastic bandage to a wooden handle. Not suitable for painting objects with an oval/round profile, such as pipes.
  • radiator paint brushes - made of natural bristles, which are firmly attached to an elongated wooden handle using a metal plate with an anti-corrosion coating. Suitable for application paint and varnish compositions all types of radiators of heating systems, metal structures, pipes and other hard-to-reach surfaces.
  • paint brush maklovitsa - made of natural or artificial with bristles split at the ends, attached to a wooden or plastic base rectangular or round in shape, which is connected to a wooden or plastic handle. Some models provide the ability to extend the handle. Such brushes are used when working on corrugated or flat surfaces large area: painting, priming, washing. Suitable for working with oil, lime, water-dispersion paints, various types of varnishes, adhesives and primers.
  • wash brush - made from natural raw materials plant origin(a product of processing linden bark), resistant to soaking in an aquatic environment. Used during construction and repair work: washing, whitewashing ceilings and walls with a water-based white solution, as well as soaking old wallpaper before removing it.
  1. To protect surfaces from paint, varnish and other materials during construction and repair work (mainly painting), use. With this product you can limit the area to be painted while maintaining perfectly straight lines.
  2. Before starting to work with oil paint, the wet brush must be thoroughly dried.
  3. Choose a paint brush based on the tasks you need to solve. The quality of painting, accuracy, speed of work and paint consumption depend on the correct choice of tool.
  4. When using a new paint brush quite often work surface you can notice the characteristic stripes left by hard, “fresh” bristles. Solving this problem is quite simple; just place the bristles of the brush in water for 1 hour before work - the hair will become soft and the brush will increase in volume. As a result, the application of paints and varnishes will be more uniform and of higher quality.
  5. If even after this, individually protruding brush hairs leave marks on the surface, first work with a brush soaked in water or paint on concrete, brick or any other rough material. This will smooth out any protruding bristles and make the paint go on smoother.

Also for painting work, our assortment includes various rollers and additional painting tools.

Construction technologies are developing, but in the field of painting the main tools are still rollers and brushes. We've covered rollers, and now let's talk about brushes, their variety and how to use them for various jobs.

The most common and popular option is fluted paint brushes (CF). They are well known to everyone who has in one way or another encountered painting walls, slopes, windows and other surfaces.

The flutes are flat, with a spatula, the bristles are securely secured with a metal cover. Typically the length of the bristles is 60 millimeters. Flat brushes are more convenient to use; they can be of different sizes, so you can buy several at once so that you can paint free space with a wide brush, and use thinner brushes to paint window bars or ceiling skirting boards, For example.

The handles of flute brushes can be plastic or wooden; they are also flat, ergonomic and fit well in the hand. Experts in painting work note that a flat brush can absorb a fairly large amount of paint, this allows you not to apply strokes too often and eliminates the appearance of smudges. The flute allows you to apply paint in any direction, with correct technique there will be no splashing. These brushes are used with all types of paint, varnish, drying oil, and enamels.

The opposite of flanges are panel tassels (KFK). They are round and small in diameter. They are not suitable for painting walls and other large surfaces; usually, panel brushes are used where delicate work is needed, for example, for applying stencil designs to already painted surfaces. In addition, panel brushes can be used to pull out panels and apply paint to hard-to-reach places where a thicker brush simply cannot reach.

Handbrake (KR). Round brushes that can have different diameters, usually from 30 to 50 millimeters. Paints surfaces smoothly and can be used for priming, painting tight spaces and small areas.

Wash brush. Traditionally used for whitewashing, washing walls, and washing out whitewash. Nowadays such brushes are usually made from linden bark, cleared of knots and soaked in a container where air does not penetrate. The fibers are separated into thin strips and wound into a tassel. Wash brushes hold water or solution well, but when working with them it will be very difficult to avoid splashing.

Oval brush. It is considered professional and is rarely used by novice painters. The oval shape allows you to apply strokes on both narrow and wide surfaces. Usually the ratio of the brush is 1:2, that is, by simply turning it sideways, you can get twice as wide or narrow bristles.

As for the bristles of paint brushes themselves, they can be natural or artificial. For example, for thin file brushes, soft bristles are usually used, which are made from kolinsky or squirrel hair. The best hard brushes are those made from half-ridge or spine bristles. They splatter paint less and pick up more paint. But such brushes made from natural ridge bristles are usually more expensive.

Brushes made from horsehair are cheaper, but their bristles quickly lose flexibility and fall off, and they do not last long. Synthetic fiber is a good option; if used correctly, this brush will last a long time. But artificial brushes hold less paint, it can drip onto the floor, and the consumption with them is slightly higher.

To check the quality of the bristles, you should bend it - it should quickly restore its original shape. The hairs should not bristle, they are located evenly and evenly. Split ends of the bristles and hair loss immediately after the first bend are unacceptable.