Shower      04/15/2019

What is better - a well or a borehole? Water supply at home. Water supply for a private house: well or borehole, which is better?

The well was invented in ancient times. Almost everyone has used it and still uses it. In addition, it is much cheaper in design and construction than deep wells. Over time, it was actively modernized, changed its appearance and design, became safer and more comfortable, special pumps and a hose system for pumping out water appeared. Although a well is a very effective structure, you should not count on high-quality water in wetlands or from subsurface water horizons.

You need to understand that most wells take water from groundwater, which is located quite close to the surface of the earth, so they collect almost all the washed away water. mineral fertilizers, sewage, chemicals and other harmful substances. It is rare that it is possible to reach the spring (through a great depth of location).

If they lie relatively deep, then such water will meet many sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, and it will be suitable. However, building a deep well is quite an expensive business; you need special equipment and specialists, deep equipment, so it is often cheaper to make a well than to dig a well.

Advantages of a well over a well:
1. The well will last for half a century, and cleaning it will not require much time and effort. You can do it yourself, you just need insurance from the surface. You can't service a well that easily.
2. Such a well is very easy to maintain and keep clean.
3. There is no need for expensive deep-sea equipment for pumping water; a conventional water pump is sufficient, which will provide the necessary water pressure in the main.
4. You can dig a well with your own hands, without spending money on the services of special organizations; you do not need to draw up any documents for the use of underground water horizons.
5. There will be a supply of water even in the absence of electricity, because most wells are equipped with means of lifting water in buckets.
6. With the right choice of location for the well and its depth, it will become a constant source of water supply, the water from which will be universal (you can drink and wash in it).

But the disadvantages of the well are also obvious:
Considering the shallow depth of the well bottom, water at such depths is still very different in quality from water from deep horizons (the so-called artesian horizons).
The deeper the well, the more expensive its construction will be.
It is almost impossible to protect a well from external pollution. The reason here lies in the obligatory direct access to the well by a person for water collection or maintenance. As a result, mosquito larvae and amphibians can get there. And algae can also get into the well along with mosses. As a result, the water will no longer be of high quality and will only be suitable for household use.
The well is dug exclusively by hand, observing all safety regulations. In addition, there is a possibility of getting into a gas pocket, which can be fraught with tragic consequences for builders.
The well should only be on right place. If it is dug in the sand, it will have to long time look for a groundwater horizon, but on clay the water will be of very poor quality, because the horizons lie shallow and collect all the dirt.

IN apartment buildings water supply is carried out using centralized system, but the owners country house or dachas have to resolve the issue on our own, and the choice here is small - a well or a well. What is the difference between these two systems, and what are their pros and cons?

Water for drinking, domestic use and irrigation is taken from the ground, but not everyone knows at what depth it lies and what its properties are. All aquifers can be divided into:

  1. Verkhovodka

Verkhovodka is the most upper layer, which consists of precipitation, which is why its level and fullness directly depends on the weather - during the rainy season there is plenty of water, but during drought it simply disappears. In addition, this horizon collects the most polluted water, which has absorbed fertilizers, chemical substances and waste decomposition products, it is not recommended to drink it, it is only suitable for watering.

  1. Groundwater

Groundwater - an aquifer located between two waterproof layers, contains purified, filtered water, its depth ranges from 10 to 40 meters.

  1. Artesian waters

Artesian waters are deep layers of water-saturated soils, which, due to the pressure of overlying rocks, are under pressure and can gush out when drilled. The water in them is reliably protected from contamination by layers of soil, which makes it ideal for drinking. But such horizons lie at a depth of more than 40 meters, which complicates drilling.

Types of structures

To obtain water, you can use the following structures:


Well - made mainly from ready-made concrete rings, connected to each other by sealed rubber gaskets. There are two ways to make a well. In the first, a small hole is dug into which three rings are laid one on top of the other, after which a person climbs into the middle and begins to gradually dig up the soil from under the lower edges so that the structure gradually lowers, thus, several more rings are laid on top to obtain enough water depth.

The second option involves digging a large pit into which a structure of the desired depth is immediately placed, and the remaining space is filled with crushed stone or other filter materials.

Needle or well Abyssinian well

Needle or well Abyssinian well is a shallow thin well, its depth does not exceed 12 meters. The design received its name “needle” due to an unusual construction method - the hole for the well is made using a thin pipe with a needle-sharp end. The water in it is protected from high water and debris, but a pump is required for use. A similar design can be made indoors - a barn, a cellar.

Sand well

Sandy well - performed on sandy soils, has a depth of up to 30 meters, which reduces the cost of drilling, but the service life does not exceed 10-15 years even with ideal care.

Artesian well

The artesian well has a depth of more than 30 meters, which increases the price of its production, but the water in it is clean and always available, and creating a structure for 2-3 neighboring dachas will help reduce costs.

Well or well: comparison by parameters

To objectively evaluate the pros and cons of these structures and determine whether a well or a well is more suitable for use, it is worth considering their features according to several criteria:


It differs little, since accounting is carried out for linear meter structures, although an artesian well will be much more expensive.

Time to make

In general, few people care about this factor, but sometimes it is simply necessary to urgently supply water to a site, and then it is better to choose a well, because the labor costs when creating a well and a well are disproportionate. For example, to create a well 10 meters deep you will need at least 5 days of painstaking work, while a well of similar depth can be drilled in just a few hours.

Preparatory stage

Before building a well, you should conduct a thorough hydrogeological survey, study maps and determine the optimal location, because if you don’t know, you can end up on a sandy, rocky or swampy layer, and then it will be impossible to dig a hole without the use of special equipment. In the case of a well, everything is much simpler - different drills and drilling rigs are used for different soils.

Soil and climate type

Soil type - a well can be dug only in relatively soft soils - clay, loam, sandy loam, but if crystalline rocks are found in the thickness, then making a well becomes impossible. But a well can be drilled in any rock, they just use harder drills and reinforced installations. Yes, and in a sandy area there will be problems with a well - this type of soil floats, it is difficult to dig and go deeper, but drilling does not cause problems.

Type of climate - in a temperate climate with normal moisture there is no difference whether to drill a well or a well - there will be water in both. But in arid areas, water can leave the well, drying up, but in the well it will, at least little by little, be collected from a large area, accumulating in quantities sufficient for the needs of the residents. Therefore, in areas with a dry climate, a well is much better.

Constant availability of water

In this case, none of the designs can be better - it is a matter of luck. Water can remain in this horizon for centuries, or it can leave in a month due to a well drilled nearby, construction, or soil shifts.

Siltation and care

Both wells and boreholes become clogged; they are cleaned in approximately the same way - using a machine with powerful pump, she's pumping dirty water and pumps in a clean one until the source is completely cleansed. In the case of a well, the cleaning process can be carried out independently by scooping up the water with buckets, replacing the filter layer of crushed stone and sand, then you can save on ordering equipment. But if you can’t do the procedure yourself, then hiring a person to do it this work, will be many times more expensive than using a pump.

Care - the well must be carefully monitored, the filter layer must be cleaned, disinfected twice a year, the walls must be cleaned and washed, which takes a lot of time and effort. But otherwise, it may silt up, the water will lose quality or disappear altogether. In contrast, a well with a filter may not be touched at all for many years.


Both designs can operate in either manual or automatic mode. Let's look at it separately. You can get water from a well in the old fashioned way - tie a bucket to a chain of sufficient length, lower the container on it to the bottom, collect water and pull it up using a rotating shaft, then pour the water into another container and repeat the process again. Or you can drill a hole in the well rings and insert a pipe there to connect submersible pump or pumping station, creating a system automatic feeding water upward, and, if desired, to any point in the house and yard.

The well can be used in manual mode using a manual device - such devices were installed in all cities in Soviet times. It is enough just to press the lever with a little effort - and water will flow from the tap; the pumping speed is many times greater than when removing a bucket from a well. And in automatic mode, it is enough to connect a pump or station to the well hole to quickly supply water to the kitchen, bath at home, or for watering the garden. So in this regard, a well is undoubtedly better.


It is simply impossible to build a well on the territory of the house; it must be placed in free space. But you can drill a well and later build a garage, cellar, shed or utility corners of the house on top, which allows you to always have water at hand and not think about the need to insulate the structure. And the delivery of water to the required areas of the building is greatly facilitated; the need for an insulated trench disappears by itself.

On the other hand, a well can be dug in any corner of the site, and for drilling it is necessary to install equipment measuring 6 by 6 meters above the future well, which is sometimes simply impossible due to the built-up area.

If the well has a depth of less than 4-5 meters, then there can be no talk about the purity of the water - this is a continuous high water into which all the filth from the neighbors' drainage pits will flow, because they are only slightly shallower. But even if the depth is quite decent, this is not a guarantee of safety from penetration harmful substances from the soil surface. After all, water from the high water moves to the sides and, meeting the structure, involuntarily seeps down the walls, getting into the underlying layers, and if, in addition, the well was dug using pit technology and surrounded by crushed stone, then this significantly increases the chances of contamination.

And do not forget about the possibility of external debris entering through the top hole of the container - leaves, fruits and even animals can fall into the well if you do not constantly cover the structure with a lid. The well is completely protected from debris, and it is not afraid of high water - its small diameter is not an obstacle to the movement of surface water, so this option is again better for a country house.

By the way, according to sanitary standards It is necessary to check the quality of water regularly, regardless of the initial indicators, because the aquifer changes its properties, and various impurities and pollutants can penetrate into it. Therefore, the water in a country house well should be checked every three months, and in a well - only once a year.

Fillability and service life

With significant water consumption, the well can become empty, because its filling rarely exceeds 200 liters per hour, which is not enough for a large family to fully live and water the garden. It will take a good couple of hours for a new replenishment, and deep well, especially artesian water, there is always water, regardless of its use.

With proper construction, a well can last at most 20-30 years, and a high-quality well can last for more than half a century, which means that for a carefree future it is better to choose it when arranging a summer house or private house.

A well can be used without electricity using a good old bucket; water can be obtained from a well using hand-held devices, but this only applies to shallow structures. But an artesian well without electricity is simply useless, there is only one way left - to purchase the simplest generator for lighting the house and water supply, but this is an extra expense.

Having weighed all the described pros and cons, each owner of a private home must decide for himself which version of the device he needs. Both the well and the borehole have their undeniable advantages, but to summarize, a well is simpler, cheaper, more convenient and easier to maintain for water supply to a home, but on a site in arid regions you should definitely dig a traditional well - only it can guarantee the constant availability of water.

There are only two ways to organize water supply for a private house if there is no central water supply network connected to it, this is to build either a well or a borehole. Therefore, the question of which is better – a well or a borehole – worries many novice suburban developers. To understand the question posed, it is necessary to understand the structure of both structures, and what kind of water can be extracted from each.


This is a brilliant invention of mankind, which it has been using for thousands of years. They are usually dug out manually to the nearest aquifer-resistant dense layer, into which they are necessarily buried 0.5-2.0 m. Above the aquifer there is an aquifer, which becomes the source of consumed water.


Most often, wells are circular recesses with a diameter of 0.5-1.5 m; they are also found with a rectangular cross-section. The depth depends on the location of the aquifer, approximately no deeper than 15 m. The most important thing is to understand that the well is not a source of water, which is taken from the perched water. Because water from this layer cannot be used for drinking or for domestic needs. Verkhovodka is mainly used for watering green spaces.

The volume of water in the well directly depends on the amount of precipitation. Therefore, in summer and winter the level drops; if the well is not very deep, then there is a high probability that it dries up during this time. Previously, various containers were used to raise water; today, pumps are installed in wells.

Advantages and disadvantages of wells

The biggest advantage of wells is their ease of construction. Everything is done by hand using shovels. Of course, the walls of the wells must be lined so that the soil does not fall into the water. Previously, boards were used for this; today, more durable materials are used: stone, blocks, bricks, and so on. More zealous owners use ready-made reinforced concrete rings for this, which are installed on top of each other.

Well construction

Another advantage is versatility. Unfortunately, power outages in suburban villages are common, so wells simply do not work at such times. And the well can be used without problems.

If you approach the construction correctly, the well will faithfully serve for 50 years and even more if you take care of it. At the same time, water from the first water-bearing layer (not from the perched water) is always clean, without a metallic taste or rust.

As for the shortcomings, there are several of them.

  • The biggest one is the small volume of water. Most often, this figure does not exceed 150 l/hour. True, this amount is enough to provide water for a small country house, but it is no longer enough to water the plants. Especially if you need to fill the pool.
  • There is always a risk of water contamination. Usually, wells are covered only with decorative structures, which save them only from debris and precipitation. But unfavorable environmental conditions affect the aquifer located close to the ground. So the same sediments quickly penetrate into the formation, where they drag with them all substances harmful to humans. Therefore, it is very important that the well is constructed as a sealed structure. True, this does not always save.
  • Periodic cleaning. If water intake from a well is not constant, it quickly silts up. But even with constant water sampling, it must always be kept clean. And you will have to do this with your own hands, going down inside the structure, and using your hands, scoops and other devices to collect silt from the bottom, put it in a bucket or other container, and pull it to the surface. Not the most pleasant procedure, but you can’t do without it. The well must be cleaned at least once a year. The well should be cleaned once every three years.

Depth of wells and boreholes


It is necessary to start with the fact that there are two types of wells: sand and artesian. They differ from each other in the depth of drilling. Sandy ones are drilled up to 50 m, artesian ones up to 300 m. In this case, pipes with a diameter of 133-500 m are used as casing in the first case, and in the second or more. But it should also be noted that the depth aquifers It may not be very deep. For example, artesian water can be found at a depth of 10-15 m, and this is confirmed by springs gushing from underground. In such places, wells are usually deep with clean water.


As for the wells themselves, sand wells are usually completely dependent on precipitation, just like wells. True, their horizon can extend over long distances and occupy a large area, which provides it with a huge volume of water. In this regard, artesian ones are independent. They always have clean water in large quantities. But the costs of its construction are many times higher.

Such a well will have to be drilled only with the use of special equipment. These can be either stationary drilling rigs or vehicle-based ones. The depth of such a well in some cases can reach 150 m. This is a complex engineering structure that will require not only the use of additional equipment during construction, but also powerful deep well pumps. Other models, in particular surface models, are not suitable for raising water to such a height. Therefore, if you do not take into account the financial factor, organization is the best possible option.


If we consider the pros and cons of wells, then first of all it is necessary to note the serious volume of water in them. This is not comparable to the volume that is in the well. And this is a big plus. Secondly, it is clean water, which penetrates into the ground through several layers, which represent a natural filter.

At the same time, the well design itself is a casing pipe of small diameter, which maintains the hygiene of the structure’s use. The narrow trunk, which is closed at the top by a cap, is a serious obstacle to the entry of debris, soil or natural precipitation. Insects, worms, and small amphibians, which, once in the pipe, will die and begin to decompose there, will not get there either. And this is already serious pollution, which will require cleaning of the well and its disinfection.

Clean water from the depths of the earth

Ease of maintenance is also an advantage of wells. In principle, you don’t need to do anything with it. You just need to periodically observe the equipment to control it effective work. That is why, that is, constant water intake, guarantees its long-term operation, which often exceeds 50 years. Of course, this indicator is affected chemical composition well water, competently carried out drilling and construction, properly carried out technical inspection. But basically, a drilled well is operated without human intervention.


What can you say about the shortcomings? The most important of them is the drilling process and construction itself. And the deeper you have to drill, the more expensive the well costs the owner. For example, the sand option is cheaper than the artesian one, because its depth is much less. In this case, the drilling process can be carried out with your own hands using portable drilling rigs. And although they are expensive, rental services are currently offered, which significantly reduces the cost of constructing a sand well.

With artesian everything is much more complicated. You can’t do it without special drilling equipment, so you’ll have to forget about doing the work yourself. You will have to call specialists who will not only drill and equip the well, but also install everything necessary equipment, plus - they will give you a passport for the well.

Attention! Artesian water by law it is the property of the state because it is a natural resource. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a license to drill an artesian well. Such a well is registered in the state register.

To the costs of organizing water intake from a well, one must add the cost of casing pipes, pumping equipment and the price of the head.

Filtration of water from a well

And other disadvantages.

  • Often water from great depths is saturated with salts of various metals. At the same time, manganese and calcium salts create hardness, and iron increases the corrosive properties of water. Therefore, purification filters are installed for water from wells, with the help of which a normal concentration of metal impurities is achieved.
  • If low-quality casing pipes have been selected, then over time the well will produce water with a metallic taste, and sometimes with a rusty tint.

Final choice

So, the question of which is better - a well or a well in the countryside - has been posed. All the advantages and disadvantages of each water intake structure are analyzed. Now you need to make a choice. In principle, the question itself is posed incorrectly, because, as practice shows, the choice is made from two positions.

  • Construction costs.
  • Intensity of use.

If a water intake system is being installed for small dacha, which is visited periodically, and more often in the summer, then there is no point in installing a complex and expensive installation. You can dig a well, line it with stone, install a small submersible pump in it, for example, the Malysh brand, and you can use water all summer without problems.

Well or well

If a water supply system is being installed for a country house in which several people permanently live, then the well will not cope with the task assigned to it. It is too small, there is a small volume of water in it, so it is ideal to drill a well, preferably an artesian one. Of course, you will have to take care of the water treatment unit, where you need to install multi-stage filtration. But all the costs are worth it. Ultimately, the house and the people living in it receive an almost unlimited amount of pure water for a period of half a century or more.

Borehole or well?

We recently became the owners summer cottage. We just can’t decide on the water supply: should we dig a well or drill a well?

Igor Subbotin, Tver

There are several main options for water supply to a summer cottage (see table). The selection algorithm is simple. If there is a centralized water supply or local water supply network It’s better to connect to it - the water will most likely be clean and drinkable. Self-extraction of water does not guarantee this, which means you will have to deal with its purification and preparation, which is often very expensive.

According to current legislation (RF Law “On Subsoil”), an artesian well cannot be drilled without official permission (costing about 30,000 rubles) and its subsequent registration.

But central water supply Unfortunately, it is not available everywhere, so you often have to turn to other methods. The best choice— deep artesian well “for limestone.” The probability of obtaining high-quality drinking water this way is quite high. However, this is also the most expensive option. Shallow wells “in the sand” are the most problematic sources of water supply. They often fail, especially with irregular or insufficient water intake. Instead of such a well, it is more advisable to dig a traditional well, which, by the way, will be better from the point of view of radiation safety - compared to water from wells, well water contains less radon (important in radon-hazardous areas).

Options such as imported water, precipitation collection, and intake from surrounding reservoirs should be adopted only when other methods are not available, or used as additional or temporary sources.

All of the listed water supply systems (except for the collection and storage of rainwater) can be adapted for both summer and year-round operation.

Source of water supply Water quality
Central water supply Typically drinking
Local village water supply with water supply from an artesian well, reservoir or from a water reservoir. Suitability for drinking depends on the source of water supply
Individual tank for imported water Most often drinking
Rainwater collection tank Dirty, suitable for watering only
Deep individual artesian well “for limestone” May or may not be drinkable
Surface individual well “for sand” Not always suitable for drinking
Well Doesn't have to be drinkable: analysis required
A surface pond, a catch basin for collecting surface water, or a natural water reservoir Typically non-potable

Looking for professionals

How not to make a mistake when hiring contractors to build a well or borehole, so as not to become a victim of unprofessionals?

V. Agafonov, Obninsk

If possible, choose a contractor based on recommendations. Find out how the work was carried out in other areas, how stable the water supply system is, and whether warranty obligations are fulfilled. Unfortunately, in practice, a “stamped piece of paper” says little: if problems related to financial liability arise, an unscrupulous executor can simply change the legal entity.

Hot news

Recently, the State Duma, in the 3rd reading, adopted a bill exempting non-profit gardening organizations from paying state fees when obtaining a license to use subsoil plots for groundwater extraction. From January 1, 2020, you will have to pay 7,500 rubles for such a license, but until this time a duty-free preferential regime is in effect. If the depth of the well does not exceed 30 m, and the volume of pumped water does not exceed 100 m³/day, a license is not required at all.

So as not to freeze

Builders suggest that we make a well with a caisson, which significantly increases the price. Why is this necessary? Is it possible to drill a well first and then install a caisson, or should everything be done at once?

Olga Zhurbina, Kirov

A caisson is a sealed, insulated well with a depth below the winter freezing level of the soil. Wells, pipe outlets, etc. are placed in it to protect equipment from freezing, flooding with groundwater and vandalism. It is constructed from brick, concrete rings, metal or plastic. This is convenient, and sometimes even necessary: ​​for example, if the well is located far from the house, and you plan to use the water all year round.

Well drilling technology involves installing a caisson only after completion of drilling work, that is, it can and should be done separately.

5 phrases that should alert you

Unscrupulous, low-skilled or inexperienced performers may promise the following:

1. “We guarantee that the water will be at such and such a depth.” In practice, even if hydrogeological data is available, the depth of a well or well will only become definitively known during operation. It may turn out to be either larger or smaller than originally planned.

2. “The water will be drinkable.” This cannot be guaranteed; final conclusions are made only after completion of work and water analysis.

It is better to dig a well in late summer or early autumn, when groundwater are the lowest. But you can drill wells all year round, but experts do not advise doing this in spring or rainy autumn - the equipment will ruin the area.

3. An individual well “for sand” will work on the site for many years. When using water only on weekends in the summer, such a well usually quickly breaks down. Conscientious contractors recommend making collective wells “for sand” in order to increase constant water intake, or include warranty obligations in the contract.

4. “The flow rate (the amount of water that can be pumped out per unit of time. - Ed.) of the sand well will increase later, after pumping.” This characteristic primarily depends on the hydrogeological features of your area and the depth of the well.

5. “You can install a vibration-type pump (“Baby”, “Rucheyok”, “Oasis”, etc.) into a well or well.” In the case of a well “on sand”, vibration leads to shedding of the walls of the water lens, and in the well - to compaction of the soil and a slowdown in its filling with water.