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How to set the table. Festive table setting

A nice addition to preparing for welcoming guests will be proper table setting.

Of course, the strict rules that are followed when setting tables at official receptions or in fashionable restaurants can be simplified a little, but certain generally accepted canons Still, it will need to be observed at home.

1. They start setting the table from the tablecloth. A linen tablecloth in pastel colors is best suited. The length of the tablecloth should not be short, but not too long. Optimal size so that the height of the tablecloth hangs 25 cm on all sides of the table.

2. The table setting set must be selected according to the menu of the festive feast. All items from the serving set must be identical. They should definitely be washed again. warm water, even if they were clean, and wipe dry with a towel.

3. Decorative serving plate will serve as a serving center for one guest.

4. Devices must be placed so that they cannot be did not fall under the rim of a large plate. This will create inconvenience for guests.

5. According to the rule: each drink has its own glass, you need to serve drinking vessels such as drinks for which are provided in the menu. Glasses are placed on top to the right of the serving plate.

Correct arrangement of items when setting the table

6. Every guest must have it on their plate. there should be a napkin. The napkin must be folded beautifully, but it must not be wrinkled.

7. The highlight festive table should become decor. These can be fresh flowers, original compositions, selected in style for the occasion of the celebration. The main rule for decorating a table is that there should not be too much of it, and it should not interfere, but complement the festive table.

8. All dishes on the table must be placed so that it was convenient for every guest to get every treat. Salt, pepper, bread are placed in several places at once. Appetizers alternate: vegetable, meat, fish. All salads must have spoons. The most important dish takes pride of place in the middle of the table. It is advisable that all dishes are already cut into portions before serving.

These rules will be enough to give your holiday table a sophisticated and attractive look, while at the same time delighting your guests with its subtle aesthetics.

Any woman wants surprise your friends culinary delights at a festive dinner. However, in order to create a stunning effect, you need to understand how properly setting the home table. Most correct location cutlery and dishes can create a cozy atmosphere. This article will describe what you need to know about proper serving, how prepare qualitatively dinner table for a meal or holiday.

Table setting rules according to etiquette

Table setting is usually called the correct arrangement of all cutlery and its colorful design. Optimal choice details for decoration and utensils depend on the purpose of the meal.

However, they always remain the same following rules serving etiquette:

  1. The banquet room must be bright, well ventilated and large enough to accommodate all the invited people.
  2. Cutlery and dishes must be polished and well washed. It is worth making sure that there are no water stains on them.
  3. The festive table can be chosen in any shape, but its dimensions are selected based on the total number of people. Experts advise that there should be about 80 centimeters of length per guest.
  4. The festive tablecloth must be completely clean, high-quality ironed and consistent with the dimensions of the table. It is necessary that the edges of the tablecloth hang down no more than 35 centimeters, and the corners slightly hide the legs.
  5. Forks, knives, spoons and glasses must be placed in the correct order near the plates.
  6. In addition to cutlery for personal use, additional utensils that are intended for serving food from large dishes should also be laid out on the table.
  7. All cutlery for the table and their arrangement must be absolutely identical. You cannot use different sets, unsharpened knives, or cutlery with flaws or chipped corners.

In order to cover the surface with a tablecloth with your own hands, first of all, you need to place the folded product on the table, and then, lifting it by the edges, quite sharply lower your hands. After these steps, the tablecloth will fit perfectly.

How to properly set a table

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a holiday or a regular meal, according to all the rules of etiquette, you need to set the table in the following order:

  • a large table is covered with a clean tablecloth;
  • plates are placed opposite the chairs;
  • the necessary cutlery is located;
  • put glasses, goblets and shot glasses;
  • then you should arrange all the dishes;
  • place napkin holders;
  • containers with salt and sets of seasonings are located;
  • the table is decorated with various flowers, unique compositions or candles.

At first it seems to many that following all the rules for arranging cutlery on the holiday table is quite difficult. However, these rules are quite simple and were invented only for human convenience. Cutlery should be arranged according to the order in which it will be used. The extreme ones are necessary for hot dishes. The plates must be placed in the center of each seat 3 centimeters from the edge of the table surface. When many dishes are expected to be served for any holiday, it is customary to place large dishes on smaller ones. Plates for bread or pies are placed at a distance of about 10 centimeters on the left hand.

Forks, spoons and knives are placed near the plate with the tip up, and the blade of the knife should be facing the plate. Forks should be placed on the left, and knives should be on the other side. When dessert is served, the soup spoon should be placed higher than the plate, and in other versions, it is located on the right side, near the knife. Before an important holiday, for example, a birthday, the list of cutlery must include an additional small fork for snacks, cutlery for fish or other dishes, and a knife.

There must be a distance of about one centimeter between the cutlery and the plate.. Drink glasses should be placed according to right hand person. When it is intended to serve water and wine at the same time, the closest drink is the one most suitable for the dish that is served first. The nearest glass or glass must be on a certain intersection line large plate and main knife. If the dishes have handles, they should be turned to the right. The total number of tableware for each person should not exceed more than three items. If people are confused about the rules for arranging cutlery on the table, then it is worth watching special training videos.

How to arrange spice sets and various napkins

Napkins are a must-have item when setting a holiday table. Experts distinguish napkins by type of material. Linen napkins are usually placed under deep plates or used for protection. Paper napkins are placed in a napkin holder at a distance of about 40 centimeters from the edge of the table. Napkins can also be folded into various interesting shapes, for example, envelopes, different flowers or ships.

When napkins are needed not only to make the table look elegant, then they need to be very easy to unfold. When setting the table, you should not forget about the spice set, which should contain pepper and salt. You don’t need to fill the containers completely; filling them halfway will be enough. When there are meat dishes on the menu, horseradish or mustard must be placed on the table.

How to properly set a table for different events

On all weekends, the family is usually at home as a whole, and the woman prepares wonderful dishes and all sorts of conversations are sure to take place during meals. This can be considered the best time to give your meal a special feeling with the help of high-quality table settings. home comfort. You can always create a festive atmosphere with your own hands. In cases where a family has children, this can serve as a good lesson in how to behave in a decent society. This requires different cutlery and skills on how to use them correctly.

How to set the table for breakfast

A good meal in the morning can set the mood for the whole day. In order to present dishes harmoniously, you need to remember some rules. First you should place plates for snacks, and then saucers with cups and small spoons. They are placed in the middle of the table so that any family member can reach them. When eggs are prepared for breakfast, they are usually served in a special stand with a high stem. It must stand on a small saucer on which an egg spoon rests. Any porridge is poured into a fairly deep plate, which is placed on top of the snack dishes.

Pies are usually served on a large dish, on which there should be jam, honey or butter. To conveniently take butter, every person needs a small knife. There must be a beautiful napkin holder with a lot of napkins on the table. It will be very beautiful when they are made in uniform style with tea insulation. And also don’t forget about sugar and salt.

Table setting for dinner

During the daytime, it is best to serve first course, main course and dessert. That is why, for the best quality table setting with your own hands, you need a much larger number of cutlery for lunch than for the morning meal. For main courses, additional forks, spoons and special spatulas are required. Cups for broth or large plates are usually placed on plates for appetizers, and dessert dishes are served later, after the main courses have been eaten and all the dishes have been cleared away. Don't forget about meat and fish knives. Meat products should only be served with forks.

How to set the table for dinner

Setting the table for dinner is almost no different from the previous preparation. As a rule, pies or pancakes are served colorfully on a large platter. Plates for dessert are placed immediately. On the right side they place spoons or forks for dessert. When you need to add a romantic atmosphere to the meal process, you should place candlesticks with candles on the table.

Proper table setting for the holiday

Before the holiday meal, you need to take care of everything in advance decorative elements. Not only the traditions and rules of table setting are very important here, but also good combination shades of all elements. These include:

  • tablecloth and napkins;
  • dishes and cutlery;
  • candles;
  • flowers;
  • unique compositions.

What napkins and tablecloth are needed?

The whole range of shades can be absolutely any, but it is quite important that the napkins harmonize well with the tablecloth. It is worth using classic white, bed shades of green, delicate lilac or blue. For a romantic dinner, delicate pink, burgundy or bright red colors are most suitable. These napkins should be given a unique shape or rolled into regular tubes and carefully tied with a beautiful ribbon.

What cutlery and dishes are needed?

The festive table will be well decorated with dishes in the form of unusual geometric shapes, cutlery with unique handles from famous designers. A set made of white porcelain will also look unusual. However, when napkins and tablecloth too white, then it is better to use a set of dishes with a beautiful border.

What kind of candles are needed?

This element is most suitable for a romantic date or wedding. When celebrating a birthday, you should make do with candles on the birthday cake. It is necessary to remember that a large role is given to the candlestick. They can be thin and large, or candles can float in beautiful bowls that are filled with water and petals of various colors.

What flowers are needed

To decorate the table with flowers, you need to choose the right vases. Large ones should be used for bouquets that were presented to a person on his birthday. When setting a table for a holiday, small vases that do not block people’s view are most suitable. Additionally, it is worth providing a moderate aroma of flowers, which must not mix with the smell of food or in any way interrupt it.

What unique compositions are needed?

Different fruit towers will look great on the holiday table. Depending on what time of year it is, it is possible to make products from rowan berries, sand, cones or branches. Such compositions can be combined with home furnishings. Handmade decorative items are now very popular.

For a holiday for children you need to choose plastic dishes or purchase safe devices without pointed ends. A festive tablecloth is most suitable in different colors, with characters from fairy tales or cartoons. Place small sweet gifts near the napkins, which need to be rolled into a unique shape. When it’s a little girl’s birthday, the table needs to be decorated with a variety of flowers. But don’t overdo it with them; it’s best to decorate the table with paper garlands or balloons. It is necessary to install special signs at each place at the table with the names of invited guests, which will help to avoid misunderstandings at the birthday party.

A beautifully and high-quality table set for a holiday can produce unforgettable emotions among guests at home. This is not a matter of etiquette rules at all. It will just always be nice if the apartment reigns full order and a cozy atmosphere. That is why it is always important that the hostess knows how to set the table with high quality, knows the rules of etiquette perfectly and adheres to them.

A beautifully decorated table is the housewife’s calling card. The first thing to consider when decorating a holiday table is, of course, the theme and purpose of the holiday. The festive table for a children's party will be slightly different than at an adult party; decoration New Year's table will be different from the decoration Easter table etc.

How to decorate and arrange a table for a holiday?

Decor and setting of the festive table

To make your holiday the best and most interesting, just delicious and varied dishes are not enough. You will also need to properly decorate the room, table, dishes, dishes, then dress up yourself... And the most important thing is to convey the feeling of celebration to your guests. And therefore, when they come to visit you, they should see the best, most beautiful and uniquely decorated table. Is it really possible to decorate a table without a snow-white tablecloth, intricately folded napkins, name cards, menus, candles, etc.

❧ Every housewife, when decorating a holiday party, tries to make it as good as possible. The main thing is not to overdo it: a huge number of different trinkets on the table will only irritate.

Before setting the table, decide in what style you want to do it. The choice of style depends only on the availability of dishes and tablecloths of this style. But the leading role still belongs to the dishes, since it is easier to match the tablecloth to the dishes than vice versa. For example, if you are the happy owner of a crystal set, then you should set the table with a “ceremonial” white starched tablecloth, starched napkins and beautiful, sophisticated bouquets in crystal vases. And if you have porcelain dishes, then you can imagine endlessly with it, since you can choose tablecloths of any shape and color, as well as a wide variety of accessories.

Table setting. Rules

Festive tablecloths and napkins

Interesting napkins, colored or snow-white, folded into original shapes will give the table a special solemnity. Therefore, when choosing accessories for a festive table, you must determine what color they will be: the same color as the tablecloth, or to shade and complement it. The main thing is not to forget that the tablecloth and dishes should go well with each other. If you have not yet purchased a suitable tablecloth for a table or tea set, then don’t rush - it can be made from ordinary plain fabric. This tablecloth will match any tableware, even plain colored ones. A bright “floral” service looks especially good on a plain tablecloth if the color of the tablecloth resonates with its design. If you wish, you can decorate a plain tablecloth with a silk ribbon. This will add originality to your table, especially if the color of the ribbon matches the color scheme of the service. But for a coffee service made with special elegance, a tablecloth and napkins decorated with simple lace are suitable. You can also give new life old tablecloth, placing beautiful tulle on top or transparent fabric with lurex.

Paper napkins decorated in a special way can add some spice to your table. There are several interesting ways folding paper napkins. Nowadays there are a wide variety of napkins on sale in various colors and with any pattern, so you can easily choose napkins for the theme of the celebration. There are special holders for paper napkins, which are usually included with large sets. If you find only white (or plain colored) napkins, then you can design them as follows: for example, roll them into shapes: rolls, triangles, “fans”, etc. For napkins decorated in this way, if there are no special holders , use a glass or crystal goblet.

Options for using napkins in table setting

More complex options folding napkins ( step by step diagrams folding napkins)

Simple, but no less original options using napkins.

In this case, napkin rings are used, as well as flowers (real, artificial), ribbons, ribbons, snowflakes and other accessories.

Candles and candlesticks for a festive table setting

Burning candles on your table will add a special, romantic touch to the holiday atmosphere and will decorate any event. By the way, do not replace full-fledged lighting with candles: the festive table should be well and brightly lit. At poor lighting your guests may get bored, in which case the holiday will be ruined.

The color of the candles must match the rest of the table accessories (in the same color scheme as napkins, plates or wine glasses). White candles will add special solemnity to your holiday, and red ones in candlesticks decorated spruce branches, will decorate the New Year or Christmas table. At the same time, you can arrange the candles in different ways: put them in a flower arrangement, or install them in candlesticks between bouquets, arrange candles in small groups, and also screw them with wire to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets.

And you can arrange candles in various candlesticks, which can be made of a wide variety of materials: metal, glass, porcelain, ceramics, wood, etc.

❧ At the same time, remember: the candlestick must be combined with the dishes: do not place a ceramic candlestick served with crystal on a standing position.

If you don't like the way candlesticks look on your table, place the candles in low glasses where you can even pour water - this will look especially impressive. If you want to enhance this effect, then “serve” to the table a deep tray filled with water, on which a whole “sea” of candles can fit.

Candlesticks are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. They also come in different heights. According to etiquette, it is customary to place long candles in low candlesticks, and short candles in high ones.

And in order for the candles to stand evenly in the candlestick, they must be burned from the ends or placed in hot water, and then, when the ends of the candles become soft, place them in the socket of a candlestick or prick a metal needle onto it.

You can also make from candles beautiful composition. For example, by securing two, three or four candles of different sizes in a clay bowl, water is poured into the container, and the space around the candles is decorated with various fresh or dried flowers - and in front of you is an original “floating” floral arrangement, which is enlivened by the fire of the candles reflected in the water.

If you want to decorate the table in a special way, then place small candles in low candlesticks near each guest’s place setting, as well as boutonnieres and name cards that will fit well into the overall composition.

Typically, candles are lit before guests arrive and left to burn throughout the evening. However, you should not turn off the general lights (this can only be done at the end of the evening in order to pacify the guests after a fun celebration).

And finally to the owl t: in order for candles to burn longer, they should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours before the holiday.

Options for using candles in holiday table decor

Decorating with imagination

They will help create a special holiday atmosphere additional elements table decoration, they will also provide a topic for conversation and make the feast original. All sorts of things and objects can be used as such elements. For example, you can beautifully arrange large lettuce leaves on the table and scatter spices on them - this method of decoration will refresh the table and eliminate the need to put out salt and pepper shakers. The coffee table can be decorated with scattered coffee beans and chocolates laid out on carved paper saucers.

Silk ribbons look interesting, touching and cute on the table. They are selected depending on the color of the dishes or flower arrangement. Taking into account the space on the table, the ends of the ribbons can be made freely flowing or fastened with wire. Ribbons can be run from bouquets to devices, creating intricate lines and rings, but they should not touch the water in vases with flowers.

At parties, the festive table can be decorated with various silver figurines: as a rule, these are figurines in the form of birds, flowers, etc. Large figurines are placed next to flower bouquets or at the edges of the table, small ones - near each device.

You can make your own napkin rings that will match the color of your cutlery or table decorations.

For example, for each family member you can come up with a separate unusual ring: for dad - a smooth metal or woven wire, for mom - knitted, etc. For each holiday you can choose special rings: for a New Year's feast - rings made from an artificial branch spruce or silver tinsel; for a festive dinner - made of solid silver; for a romantic evening - from a tulle ribbon tied with a lush bow or from artificial pearls.

Serving for special occasions differs from regular serving only in the use of themed accessories, the use of more expensive tableware and a larger number of cutlery compared to regular serving.

How to conveniently and correctly set the table

Good manners suggest avoiding excess cutlery located near the plate. More accurate adherence to etiquette would be the use of additional serving tables and separate serving of additional cutlery for dishes. Special fish forks, two-pronged lemon forks, cheese knives and sherbet or crab tongs only clutter the table. Except if crab or specialty fish is the main dish.

If you find yourself in the middle of a dozen spoons and forks placed to the right and left of the plate, simply use them in pairs, starting from the edge to the center. An excessive number of devices can also mean a hint of the brevity of the event. The table setting rules also allow this option. But usually, frankly speaking, an overabundance of cutlery indicates a shortage of waiters or a low class of service.

There are general rules for table setting

  1. Guests must have all the same utensils.
  2. Napkins are supplied with each appliance; there is an additional supply of napkins and towels, linen and paper.
  3. Bread plates are included with each appliance.
  4. A glass for water is required for each device and is located on the right in front of the plate.
  5. An overabundance of cutlery and crowding at the festive table is unacceptable. It's better to put extra tables.
  6. For desserts, special dishes, hot dishes, use additional serving tables.

Accommodation of guests

When organizing a celebration, the seating plan, decoration and menu should be thought out in advance and written down.

Each guest must have an invitation card with a number according to which he will take a place at the table. You can use business cards with the names of the guests, laid out on placemats or beautifully placed between the cutlery.

Using numbered spaces is more practical because finding a large written number that matches an invitation is easier than reading an intricately and beautifully written name. The comfort of guests is the main requirement for organizing special events.

Time to set the table

Many guides say that you should not set the table in advance. This does not mean that waiters should run around with cutlery, pushing guests aside. This means that you cannot start serving a few days in advance.

  1. Tables must be fully set half an hour before the appointed time for receiving guests. What does the concept of “set tables” include?
  2. Tables must be covered with tablecloths.
  3. The decor must be placed and secured. Shuttlecocks, decorative garlands, themed decorations, bouquets in vases - all these elements of the celebration should be placed before the guests arrive.
  4. Tables are numbered in a visible way.
  5. Salt shakers, pepper shakers, and vinegar are conveniently placed in special stands at the rate of at least 1 salt shaker for 4 guests.
  6. Bottles of water are placed. It is possible to place water next to each device.
  7. There should be stand plates opposite each seat. This creates the personal space of the guest. Arranging coaster plates will help avoid possible crowding. If it turns out that there are more guests than planned, the seating plan is changed and additional tables are placed.
  8. Cards with guest numbers or names must be placed in front of each appliance.
  9. After arranging the guest cards, cutlery is laid out.
  10. Table knives lie on the right, with the blade facing the guest, forks are located on the left. If soup is served, the spoon for it is located to the right of the knives.
  11. Arrange the glasses in advance. The optimal number of glasses is a glass for water, a glass for champagne or a wine glass, a glass for strong drinks. Glasses can be built in one line or in a semicircle.

These rules will help you avoid nervousness, fuss and enjoy the celebration to the fullest.

Plates of sliced ​​bread can be set out a few minutes before entertaining. Bottles of wine in napkins and champagne in ice buckets can be served after guests have taken their seats.

Where did the remark come from that it is not advisable to set tables in advance? Mainly from books on etiquette of the century before last. They prepared in advance for special events, especially weddings. Wedding dresses and tablecloths were sewn and embroidered several years before the event. Therefore, starting to decorate the wedding table immediately after the engagement announcement, months before the celebration, seemed completely natural for the young bride. Ceremonial plates became covered with dust, tablecloths faded, silver became tarnished and was stolen.

Let's not go to extremes and prepare everything in advance.


Arrangement of cold appetizers.

  • Cold appetizers can be placed a few minutes before guests arrive. At large quantities invited, the same dishes must be exactly repeated for each table.
  • A serving fork for sausages, cheese, rolls and other small snacks will be conveniently placed directly in the dish.
  • It is more convenient to provide canapés with caviar with skewers inserted in advance.
  • Stuffed eggs, baskets, conveniently equipped with tongs.

Proper table setting involves the use of serving tables.

Soups, desserts, and specialties are conveniently served from serving tables. Also, tables are indispensable when changing dishes.

A prudent manager will take care in advance of an additional serving table, standing to the side, on which a supply of bread in baskets, towels, napkins, a number of plates and clean glasses will be placed if urgent replacement is required.

Have a nice holiday!

Table setting is not only a tribute to tradition, but also the creation of a certain atmosphere during the meal. On the one hand, setting refers to preparing the table for eating, the correct arrangement of cutlery and utensils. On the other hand, table setting can refer to the items themselves:

  • tablecloth,
  • devices,
  • dishes,
  • glasses,
  • napkins,
  • accessories.

Despite the list of rules for table setting, it may differ and is selected individually for the event and the level of the event being organized. Such a variety of design options will allow you to move away from the strict rules of arranging items on the table and will not violate the norms of classic table setting. Depending on the time of day and the meal menu, serving can be full, selective or minimal. The main thing is that the following requirements are met:

  1. compliance with the level of service and menu,
  2. maintaining the overall composition of serving and maintaining the interior of the room,
  3. do not go beyond the theme of the evening or the national characteristics of the cuisine.

Correct order of table setting

  • choice of tablecloth,
  • arrangement of plates,
  • serving of cutlery,
  • selection of appropriate glasses, glasses and shot glasses,
  • design and decoration with napkins (fabric, paper),
  • putting spices on the table,
  • selection of flowers and vases.

Table setting can be done for:

  • breakfast,
  • lunch,
  • lunch,
  • a full dinner,
  • banquet,
  • buffet,
  • tea party

Stages of table setting

The correct selection of all serving elements will allow you to demonstrate not only your culture, but also your hospitality. With the right table setting, you can show your guests that the whole evening will be spent... top level and how important this event is for the organizers of the holiday. To properly decorate a table at home, you need to take turns understanding all the components of table setting.

Choosing the right tablecloth

Any table setting begins with this, so it is important to decide on the design of the tablecloth from the very beginning. Make sure that it does not go beyond the overall theme of the event and sets the right atmosphere for the table and interiors. For big and significant holidays, you should choose shiny fabrics. On a regular weekday, linen and thick tablecloths that are not overloaded with patterns or ornaments are suitable. When assembling a table in a narrow circle of close people, it is better to choose pastel shades that do not distract the attention of the guests.

Any tablecloth needs to be washed and ironed, otherwise it will be unpleasant for people to sit at a sloppy table, even if all the cutlery and beautiful dishes are polished to a shine. Avoid using oilcloth. The tablecloth should not be too long or short, so the optimal size for it is considered to be 25 cm from the base of the table and not lower than the seats.

Serving set

Depending on the chosen menu for the evening you need to look for possible options table setting. It is worth remembering that any guest must have at least 80 cm of table length at their disposal. Therefore, you need to alternate dishes, spices and napkins in the future based on this parameter. All devices in the set must be identical. Design, shape, sizes and colors are selected to match the interior and complement each other.

Selection of plates for serving

The first place on the table is a decorative serving plate. It should move at least 2 cm away from the edge of the table. Later, a soup plate and a plate for snacks are placed on it. If the menu includes clear soups and broths, then a cup is placed. Stepping back 8 cm from the serving area, place a pie plate (17 cm) at the top left for butter, croutons, bread and cakes. Saucers are suitable to replace this plate. Select a snack plate from the set (20 cm), which is also used for desserts.

The largest plate is considered to be a dinner plate (24–27 cm) for main courses. A snack plate is placed on it. It is customary to place one simple paper napkin between them so that the plates do not slip. This type of serving is convenient when you don’t need to replace plates. When the snack bar is cleared, the dinner plate is placed. You can simplify this serving by eliminating the dinner plate. It is necessary to prepare a utility table with a clean set of plates of all types in case there are more guests or someone drops the dishes. It should be covered with a napkin or towel in serving style.

Dishes can be made of any materials (glass, porcelain, ceramics) and have different shapes. All this is allowed in table setting. The main thing is to follow the sequence of plates and remember the distance of 50 cm between each individual plate. The owner will demonstrate his refined taste and create a more solemn atmosphere thanks to the proper arrangement of plates and other utensils. A set of glassware will be universal among most interiors and styles.

Devices for proper table setting

All utensils will be laid out around the serving plate (right, left and top). The forks from the set are laid out with the tines up, and the knife with the blade facing the plate should be placed on the right. The further the device is placed from the plate, the sooner the guest will need it. Along the edge there is a snack fork, then a fish utensil, if the menu includes corresponding dishes, and cutlery for everyone closer to the plate. They should be located at some distance from the serving plate and not go under it.

When the evening is supposed to be without dessert and with first courses, a tablespoon from the set is placed up. If dessert is on the menu, then the device is placed to the right of the outer knife. The rest of the dessert and fruit cutlery is placed on top. The size and types of cutlery must correspond to the dishes on the menu.

The length of the snack knife and fork should be equal to the diameter of the corresponding plate. The largest utensils are forks, knives and spoons. They are used to eat first and second courses, if they do not include fish in the composition. Fishing utensils differ in shape. The knife has a peak-shaped base that resembles a spatula. The fork has shorter tines and a thicker bottom. Often such sets are engraved with an image of a fish.

Dessert cutlery is smaller than a snack bar and is laid out in order starting with a knife, then a fork and a spoon on top. Such forks have 3-4 teeth, and the knife has a narrower base and a sharp end. Dessert spoons are sometimes used to serve broths and in salad bowls. A more complete table setting may include cutlery for lemon, sprat, fruit and other dishes.

Selection of glasses

To begin with, the hosts of the table decide what drinks will be offered to the guests. For red wine, brandy and cognac, use large glasses. Smaller glasses are used for white wine. Champagne is bottled in tall and narrow glasses. Cocktail glasses are used for juice and water. All glasses from the set are placed on the right diagonally (45°). The water glass comes first, 1.5 cm from the knife. Then a glass for wine and a glass for vodka. Rub all glasses until shiny. Wine glasses are for juices, and glasses are for champagne and beer, and they can vary in shape. During serving coffee table Additionally, there are tulip-shaped glasses for cognac from the general set.

Serving with napkins

An individual napkin should be selected for each guest, which is usually beautifully folded onto a snack plate using one of the origami techniques. Napkins are included in the mandatory list of table setting items. However, you should not put napkins on the table under the plates. Their purpose is to protect clothing from accidental pieces of food. Plain linen napkins look impressive. Standard sizes napkins are 35x35 and 45x45 cm. Paper napkins are laid out in napkin holders, which should be accessible to everyone sitting at the table.

Additional accessories

Candlesticks, vases, ribbons, twigs, figurines can be an excellent decoration for a festive or romantic table. However, convenience should come before beauty and there is no point in filling the table with decorative details. They can interfere with serving and eating food. Flowers can liven up any table, but their length should not exceed the height of the glasses. The best solution would be a neat vase with flowers in the center of the table. When using flowers in table settings, it is worth remembering:

  • the bouquet should not have a sharp and strong smell,
  • Do not use fast-fading flowers,
  • there can be no more than 5 flowers in a vase,
  • flowers should not obscure snacks from guests or interfere with their eye contact,
  • You can include branches in bouquets, field plants, fruits, coniferous branches, cereals and other ornamental grasses.

Additional utensils and dishes

Mustard, sauces, salt and pepper are placed in the center. Bread bins stand on different ends table. Shared appetizers are arranged in a rotating pattern with individual spoons and forks. Bottled drinks are opened before dinner begins. Strong alcohol is poured into decanters, and soft drinks into jugs.

Serving order

First, appetizers and cold dishes are brought out, then the first, second and dessert come.

Festive table setting

For serving, it is better to choose simple and laconic porcelain in a set and highlight it with bright napkins, cutlery or tablecloth. Devices may be distorted in shape with curved handles. It is better to use glasses in the same style from the set and give preference to a high stem. If you plan to serve wine, then you should forget about hot and spicy appetizers. The more complex the taste and aroma of the wine, the simpler the appetizer table should be.

For a romantic evening there should not be an abundance of dishes and cutlery. It is enough to limit yourself to a fruit plate, light snacks and one main course. The color scheme should match the situation, so you can use red shades for cutlery, napkins, and a set of dishes, using a basic white tablecloth with lace trim. The main thing is that lovers are not distracted by the decor and table setting and are passionate about each other. For children's parties, table setting remains the same as for adults. The only thing that can be replaced with an expensive set of dishes is a beautiful set of disposable tableware.

Quick serving for breakfast

The color scheme should be calm. You can use floral patterns and designs on dishes and napkins. A flat plate for omelettes and sandwiches with common cutlery is placed in the middle of the table. Around there are plates from a set of bacon, cheese, vegetables and bowls with jam and preserves. Napkins are placed to the left of individual plates. Nearby there are pie plates with bread or fruit. Next, place cups for hot drinks and glasses for water, juice or milk. The cold drinks themselves are placed in carafes, and saucers are placed under the drinkware. It is customary for cutlery and cup handles to be on the right.

If a boiled egg is included in the breakfast menu, it is served on a special stand and placed on a snack plate along with a plastic spoon (metal utensils change the taste of the protein). The porridge is served in a deep plate, which is also placed on a snack plate. The teapot and coffee pot are placed in the center of the table or on the side. Don't forget about the butter dish, salt shaker, sugar bowl and napkin holder. Sometimes paper napkins are wrapped in the handle of the cup. Such nuances will add sophistication to the table.