Shower      08/11/2021

Training of company employees “on their own. How to organize staff training on your own How to properly organize staff management training

Staff training- this is a systematic process of formation of the theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills necessary for the performance of work among the employees of the enterprise.

Professional training of personnel in market conditions should be of a continuous nature and be carried out throughout the entire working life.

The increasing importance of continuous training of personnel of enterprises is determined by the following factors:

The introduction of new equipment, technology, the production of modern goods, the growth of communication opportunities, create conditions for the elimination or change of certain types of work. As a result, the necessary qualifications cannot be guaranteed by basic education;

High level of competition between countries. Countries with a modern system of continuous education are leading in this competition. They have the opportunity to quickly respond to any “challenge” by increasing labor productivity;

Changes in all areas of life. Continuous and rapid changes in technology and informatics require continuous staff training;

For an enterprise, it is more efficient and economical to increase the return on existing personnel based on their continuous training than to attract new employees.

Thus, since the 1970s, most American corporate executives began to consider training costs as profitable investments, and personnel development departments and in-house training centers as units involved in creating profits.

A comparative analysis of traditional and integrated training of enterprise personnel is presented in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6. Comparative analysis of traditional and integrated training of enterprise personnel

Options Traditional in-company training Learning connected

organizational development

An object Separate leader Groups, intergroup relations, leader and group
Content Fundamentals of managerial knowledge and skills Communication skills, problem solving skills
Employees studying Lower and middle level managers All leaders
Educational process Based on information and rationalization Based on information, rationalization, communication and emotions
Learning style Out of the subjects and characteristics of teachers It is obtained from the characteristics of the participants, their experience, problems, relations and skills of consultants
Learning objectives Rationality and efficiency Adaptation, change, informing
Conduct form Seminars, courses Free choice of shapes according to need and situation
Responsibility for conducting Teachers, organizers Members
Program stability stable Flexible program adapted to the situation
Learning concept Adaptation of managers to the shortcomings of the enterprise Simultaneously change the leaders and the enterprise
Participation in the preparation of training and other programs Participants are not included in the curriculum development process Managers are involved in the development of enterprise change programs
Orientation Focus on knowledge that may be needed in the future Focus on specific change
Member activity Usually inactive Usually very active

In a simplified version, the participants in the learning process are:

Top management of the enterprise;

Middle level managers;

lower level managers;

Ordinary employees of the enterprise.

It should be noted that top management cannot be directly responsible for staff training - its task is to determine the strategic direction.

Middle managers work directly only with line managers, so they do not know the real situation in the field of personnel qualification. They do not have a full understanding of the existing discrepancy between real and required qualifications.

Thus, only line managers can be directly responsible for the process of employee training. Firstly, they know everything about the work, their subordinates do, and secondly, they can really assess the qualifications and competence.

The staff is led by a direct supervisor. Accordingly, he is also responsible for the training of employees.

As for the role of the personnel management unit in the learning process, it is determined, as in other areas of human resource management, by the high level of special knowledge, experience, and information possessed by the employees of these units.

Professional training of the company's personnel provides:

1. Primary vocational training of employees (acquisition of vocational education by persons who previously did not have a working profession or specialty, which ensures the appropriate level of professional qualifications necessary for productive labor activity at the enterprise).

2. Retraining (vocational or higher education aimed at mastering another profession (specialty) by workers or specialists with higher education who have already received primary vocational training in vocational or higher educational institutions). So, in the process of scientific, technical and social progress, the basic education received by a specialist in certain cases requires a change. Relevant educational institutions carry out retraining of managers and specialists in order to master a new specialty.

3. Advanced training (training aimed at developing and improving knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific type of special activity, due to the constant change in the content of labor, improvement of equipment, technology, organization of production and job relocations). It is usually carried out with a break from work of up to three weeks or with a partial break from work of up to six months. The recommended number of students in groups is up to 30 people. Curricula and programs for short-term training are developed by enterprises or educational institutions that organize this type of training for managers and specialists. Studying in groups ends with passing exams or defending term papers.

Nikolai Sheiko, editor-in-chief of the Galician Contracts Publishing House and the Kontrakty weekly, noted: “The biggest problem in the business press market is personnel. The process of transitions, constant migration of personnel is natural. There are different reasons. career ladder, as the positions are filled.The second reason for layoffs is the publication, appearing offer conditions much better than we can offer.In such a situation, it makes sense to train the staff ourselves.We taught many of our journalists from the first steps.

The model of organization of the learning process at the enterprise consists of three stages (Fig. 10.3).

Assessment of the need for personnel training is a key link in the organization of training. The quality of the analysis of the need for training depends on the cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of the subsequent activities of employees.

The basis for the training needs analysis is usually a business plan. On its basis, it is possible to analyze what is really needed for effective work enterprises. For example, if an enterprise plans to enter new markets or launch new products, it is important to understand whether the staff has the necessary contacts, technical experience, knowledge of the new markets? Are the resources of the sales department adequate for the task of selling the new product?

On this stage it is also necessary to determine the general directions in which training should be carried out.

The collection and analysis of information in the following areas will help to specify the tasks for each of the areas:

Human resource management;

Organizational analysis, analysis of work operations;

Analysis of staff turnover;

Analysis of the loss of working time (illness, iron, unacceptable absence)

management information;

Sales volume analysis;

Analysis of the volume of products; analysis of the quality of products and services; deviation analysis; analysis of financial indicators;

Analysis of feedback from customers and buyers;

Information about the activities of employees;

Analysis of employee performance;

Analysis of the competence of employees.

To do this, it is necessary to collect, process and analyze certain information. The areas for analysis can be divided into three levels:

Enterprise level. Training necessary to improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. For example, changing the value system, changing the ideology and methods of working with the customer;

Group level. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of groups. For example, changes in accounting, changes in labor safety requirements, changes in production technology or the opening of a unique order;

Individual level. Improving the efficiency of individual employees. For example, the use of new equipment, increasing competence in the field of management, mastering special skills or mastering management technologies.

After the areas of possible improvements have been identified, it is necessary to specify the goals and objectives for each specific area. To do this, it is necessary to express the desired learning outcomes in the form of a description of the necessary reality for the enterprise or a particular employee and give them a certain numerical value (for example, reduce the number of customer complaints by 6%). Sometimes learning objectives are quite difficult to express in quantitative units, and if this is really impossible, one should do detailed description how the process will look like, improves upon completion of the training (for example, clearly follow all stages of the sales process, will be confirmed by filling out the appropriate forms). As a result of this work, you will receive:

The basis for the development of the curriculum and the choice of teaching method;

Criteria for the subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of training;

Criteria for selecting training participants.

The goals of training from the point of view of the employer and the employee himself are significantly different.

So, from the position of the employer, the goals of lifelong learning are:

Organization and formation of management personnel;

Mastering the ability to identify, understand and solve problems;

Reproduction of personnel;

Staff integration;

Flexible formation of personnel;


Implementation of innovations.

From the perspective of an employee, the goals of lifelong learning are:

Maintaining an appropriate level and improving professional qualifications; obtaining professional knowledge outside the sphere of professional activity;

Obtaining professional knowledge about suppliers and consumers of products, banks and other organizations that affect the work of the enterprise;

Development of abilities in the field of planning and organization of activities.

At TNT International Express Ukraine, the planning process internal system staff training started from the sales department. The director of the company noted: “When we had a question about who and how will organize and conduct training in the sales department, we defined three functions of management and organization of training: training coordinator, manager-trainer, mentor. initial stage The director of sales and marketing took over the function of training coordinator in the sales division. Coordination of training activities is to find out the training needs of employees, plan and organize training events, and analyze the results of sales staff training. A professional in his field is selected for the role of a manager-trainer. It is important that the candidate for this role be able to transfer knowledge to others, and also enjoy authority among colleagues. Mentors in our case are employees who assist newcomers in the first two months of their work in the company. In the sales department, it is planned to assign the role of a mentor to an experienced salesperson who works in the same area with a novice. In the training of employees of the sales department, it is planned to use interactive methods, because people who work in the field of sales and marketing have an inherent "adaptive" type of training. They tend to gain skills through experimentation, direct involvement in a particular situation. Therefore, we are developing role-playing games and cases for training sales managers and employees of the customer service department."

The motivation for continuous learning in American companies is the relationship between the results of the production activities of each employee and providing him with an opportunity for learning: the value of an employee of the company determines the amount of funds allocated to improve his skills.

Vocational training of the personnel of the enterprise can be carried out both directly at the workplace and outside the workplace (Table 10.7).

Table 10.7. Methods of professional training of the enterprise personnel

On-the-job training Learning outside the workplace
Adaptation of new employees; analysis of work activities and procedures;Instruction at the workplace;Mentoring;Expansion of the scope of duties;Delegation of powers (delegation)Demonstration of work methods;Transfer of experience;Rotation;Alternation of work operations;Method of complicated tasks;Training substitution;Special set of tasks;Preparation and development of the work team ;Consulting Lecture; Discussions and discussions; Distance learning; Acquaintance with the experience of other enterprises; Consideration of practical situations (cases) Business games; Modeling of situations; Seminars, exhibitions, symposiums; Trainings; training programs;Participation in projects

Thus, on-the-job training is characterized by the direct interaction of the student (listener) with work in a normal production situation. A characteristic feature of such training is that it is organized specifically for a given enterprise and only for its personnel.

Vocational training in the workplace is advisable to apply:

To form the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform current production tasks, when the content of training can be adapted to the needs of the enterprise;

When an enterprise has a sufficient number of employees with the same training needs;

When the enterprise has a sufficient number of qualified teachers or instructors for industrial training.

However, on-the-job training in many cases is ineffective for the formation of new knowledge, since it does not allow the employee to abstract from the current situation at the workplace and change his work behavior in a certain way.

In addition, training outside the workplace can be carried out on educational methodological support, which is not available at the enterprise, by highly qualified teachers who are only in an educational institution. Under such conditions, forms of training outside the workplace are more suitable.

In addition, the choice of training methods should depend on the specific situation and capabilities of the enterprise. The main general rule: teaching methods should correspond to the goals and objectives of training.

The choice of teaching methods depends on the following factors:

Goals and objectives of training;

Direct and indirect cost of education;

Urgency (time allotted for training)

Composition of participants (their qualifications, motivation, preliminary training)

Qualification and competence of teachers.

IN general view You can evaluate the effectiveness of training by comparing the actual learning outcomes with the goals that were set for training using established criteria.

Determining and evaluating the effectiveness of investments in training is an urgent and very complex problem. It's obvious that:

The development of personnel management development programs should be based on a clear definition of the practical needs of real customers (enterprises and program participants);

Return estimates may differ for different participants and clients depending on their individual and corporate goals.

Ideally, these goals should be the same in terms of meeting needs.

For business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs, these goals will be:

Increasing productivity, efficiency and profits;

Obtaining common competitive advantages; increase in the market share and assets of the enterprise.

For senior managers, the learning objectives are:

Improving the efficiency of enterprise management and labor productivity, the implementation of changes and new projects;

Improving teamwork and processes;

Development of new means to achieve corporate goals.

For business managers, the learning objectives are:

New career prospects;

New opportunities to improve the work of your sector;

New methods for solving problems;

Increasing the number of customers and better satisfying their needs.

For employees of enterprises, the objectives of training are:

Improving working conditions;

More active participation in decision-making processes;

More efficient use of personal potential;

More enjoyment at work.

For society, the objectives of staff training are:

Contribution to the economic well-being of the country; increase in budget revenues;

New ways of solving social, regional and other problems.

The effectiveness of training could be determined by the formula:

The difficulty, however, lies in the fact that the goals of the participants in the learning process are significantly different, and the price that each of them is willing to pay is also different.

Therefore, when analyzing the effectiveness of training, with the exception of simple and obvious cases (for example, an increase in typing speed as a result of training), an integrated approach should be used.

One of the options for evaluating the effectiveness of training can be based on the theory of human capital, according to which the knowledge and qualifications of employees are considered as capital that belongs to them and generates income, and the time and money spent on acquiring this knowledge and skills is an investment in it.

The following characteristics of fixed capital can be distinguished:

Purchase price;

replacement cost;

Book value.

The acquisition price is the sum of the costs of recruiting a workforce, familiarizing it with production and initial training.

The replacement cost is set for each group of employees and expresses the cost of recruiting and training an employee of each professional group in current prices.

The balance sheet value of the WU is calculated using the formula:

where r is the estimated period of employment; p is the number of years worked; C is the replacement cost.

The balance sheet shows the total amount of investments in labor resources at the beginning of the planning period (recruitment and training costs), indicates the volume of investments made during the reporting period, calculates the amount of losses due to layoffs, obsolete knowledge and qualifications, and displays the cost at the end of the period under review.

Researchers argue that now there is a higher economic effect from investments in the development of personnel than from investments in means of production.

Thus, to ensure the effectiveness of the personnel training system, it is necessary to:

Analyze the current situation;

Formulate learning goals and assess the prospects for their achievement;

Predict changes, prepare projects for changes;

Determine the timing and cost of training.

What are the forms and types of work with the personnel reserve? Where to order training and development of personnel in the organization? What are the methods for identifying staff training needs?

Hi all! Today I, Alla Prosyukova, propose to talk about staff training.

The rapid development of technology makes employers take care of the constant improvement of the level of staff through its training. Professional staff increase the competitiveness of the company and its profits.

Upgrading the skills is beneficial for the employees themselves. They perform better on tasks, which leads to higher salaries and career advancement. But in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know the main points of organizing staff training. This is what will be discussed in my new article.

Those who have read to the end will receive a bonus - useful tips on the topic of the article and interesting video material.

1. What is staff training and why is it carried out?

We hear it all the time: “staff training, staff training”. But what this process actually is, not many can clearly explain.

So let's start with a basic definition.

Training is the development of professional skills, abilities and knowledge of employees in accordance with the goals and strategy of the company.

As I wrote above, employee training is important not only for the employer, but also for the employees themselves.

Benefits for the employer:

  • highly professional personnel capable of solving the most complex tasks;
  • reduction in staff turnover;
  • formation of a personnel reserve;
  • reducing recruitment costs;
  • increasing the motivation of employees.

Benefits for the employee:

  • acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills;
  • salary increase;
  • promotion;
  • confidence in the future;
  • lack of fear of losing a job;
  • growth of respect and appreciation;
  • increasing labor motivation.

2. What are the types of staff training - TOP-3 main types

Personnel training is classified according to different criteria. By type, it is divided into training, retraining and.

Here I will introduce you to them in more detail.

Type 1. Personnel training

The purpose of employee training is to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform certain tasks.


Dasha graduated from high school this spring and tried to enter the university. However, she didn't score. The girl decided not to go to the paid department, but to prepare and try again next year. In the meantime, you have to go to work! Of course, she had no profession.

Based on the situation, Dasha chose the nearest supermarket for her employment. Convenient schedule, "live" work close to home, plus education and training of staff right at the workplace. And you master the profession, and the salary goes.

Type 2. Retraining of personnel

From the name of this type of training it becomes clear that retraining- this is the acquisition of knowledge by employees in connection with a change in profession, or changes in the requirements for it.


Natalia Kozina had a higher economic education and 4 years of experience as an accountant. On duty, she closely interacted with the planning and economic service. Therefore, when the position of an economist was vacated in the company, the management decided to offer it to Kozina.

But Natalia did not have the necessary knowledge. The management decided to send her for a short-term retraining in their own training center.

Type 3. Professional development

This type involves obtaining additional knowledge by employees in connection with a change in qualification requirements for a particular position, specialty, etc.

Such training will help the employee adapt to new conditions without loss and continue to perform their duties at the proper level.

Sometimes upgrading your skills is the only way to keep your job.

3. Basic methods of training personnel in the workplace - 6 main methods

For staff training are used various methods. Their choice depends on the method of obtaining knowledge: on-the-job training or off-the-job training.

We will consider methods related to both methods. Let's start by looking at 6 methods used in training staff in the workplace.

Method 1: Copy

Everything is very clear here. The new employee observes the actions of a more experienced employee, repeats all his movements, as if reading them.

The more accurately he repeats them, the faster the beginner will develop the necessary professional skill.

Method 2. Production briefing

You probably remember how, when you were hired, you were given a production briefing.

Production briefing - generalized information about the upcoming functionality, which makes it easier to enter a new position and soften getting used to a new workplace.

Method 3: Mentoring

This method has its roots in the distant years at the dawn of the young Soviet republic.

Mentoring- training of a young specialist by an experienced employee, who is assigned to a newcomer for a certain period, takes patronage over him.

A distinctive feature of this method is that training is carried out directly at the workplace during working hours, under the supervision of a mentor and with his constant support.

Mentoring in its development goes through 5 stages.

It is especially important where the role of practical skills is great. For example, in the banking sector.

Method 4. Rotation

Rotation is the temporary movement of an employee to another workplace in order to acquire new skills, knowledge, and experience.

Rotation Benefits:

  • increases motivation;
  • helps to overcome stress from the monotony of work;
  • expands the circle of communication.

This method is especially in demand in companies where full interchangeability of employees is necessary.


In most commercial banks, the development of new areas of work takes place just with the help of rotation.

So, for example, an operations officer serving individuals is temporarily transferred to serve legal entities. After some time, he becomes a universal employee of the bank's operations department. The bank did not incur any costs for training, but the benefits are obvious!

Very often rotation is combined with mentoring.


The chief specialist of the operational department, Marina Lapteva, was going on her next vacation for 2 weeks. Olga, a leading specialist of the same department, will replace her.

In order for Olga to be able to fully fulfill her duties in a new place, she was transferred to this site for 2 weeks ahead of time, where the girl, under the guidance of an experienced Marina, mastered the main points of the duties of a chief specialist.

When the time came, and Lapteva went on vacation, Olga, taking over her duties, worked these 14 days without any problems.

Method 5. Delegation

Delegation is the transfer of authority in decision-making on a specific problem.


The manager of the operational office, Petr Vasilyevich, left on a business trip in 2 months. The replacement was assigned to Svetlana Ivanovna Kolosova, the head of the operations department, a competent specialist with extensive work experience.

However, she has never been in the office manager role yet! In order for the replacement to be successful, Pyotr Vasilyevich began to entrust (delegate) Svetlana Ivanovna the solution of various issues every day.

Yesterday, Kolosova single-handedly went to Mechta LLC to present the possibilities of a salary project. Today, Svetlana Ivanovna independently deals with the office's utility bills issued by suppliers. Tomorrow, according to Pyotr Vasilyevich's plan, she will interview a candidate for the position of a loan officer instead of him.

So in a fairly short time, Svetlana Ivanovna will master the main powers of the office manager without stress and problems.

Method 6 Increasing task method

With this method, the student is given more and more complex and voluminous tasks from time to time.


When a new bank employee is on probation, they load him, as a rule, gradually.

First, he gets acquainted with the main internal documents necessary for him to fulfill his official duties.

Then he works out the skill of opening the trading day. Then he is entrusted with servicing 1-2 client accounts. So every day the employee comprehends all the subtleties of the profession.

4. The main methods of training personnel outside the workplace - 7 main methods

Now let's get acquainted with the methods of training outside the workplace.

I have chosen to review the 7 most famous methods.

Method 1. Lectures

Lecture is a way of obtaining theoretical knowledge. Lecturers are experts in a particular field.

The lecture method has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of the lecture method:

Method 2. Seminars and conferences

The conference allows participants to find solutions to problems in the process of active collective discussion.

At the seminars, the listened lecture material is fixed, its assimilation is checked. Usually the seminar takes the form of an active discussion of the topic, which allows you to consider it from all sides, to analyze complex issues using the practical experience of not only the teacher, but also the students themselves.

Unlike lectures, seminars are held in relatively small groups (10-15 people).

Method 3. Business games

A real professional situation is played out in which the participants in the game (students) try to solve the problem set by the condition.

This technique allows you to learn while playing.

Method 4. Training

In trainings, the theoretical block is reduced to a minimum. Most of it is situational practical tasks, during which participants work out the necessary professional skills.

This method is based on active forms of learning using role playing and group discussions.

Method 5. Simulation

When training staff through simulations, real work situations are recreated.


When training "creditors" of one of the commercial banks in Kazan, the firm "Aktiv" widely uses the modeling method.

During the lesson, a real situation is created, for example, the initial consultation of an individual client regarding obtaining a car loan. Group members are divided into clients and consultants.

Such immersion in real conditions helps to consolidate skills, delve deeper into the situation, overcome the fear of communication, and learn how to work with client objections.

Method 6. Quality Circles and Working Groups

Quality circles are voluntary groups for effective solution tasks set by joint efforts.

The benefits of learning:

  • increase self-esteem of employees;
  • removal of "clamps" from workers;
  • the opportunity to learn to adequately perceive positive criticism and make collective decisions.

Cons of the method:

  • unsuitable for accepting complex tasks and problems;
  • a specially trained leader is needed to guide discussions to make the best decision;
  • spontaneity - there is no discussion algorithm.

Method 7. Self-study

Workers without any help study the necessary material.

Self-study has a number of advantages:

  • learning at your own pace;
  • anywhere at a convenient time;
  • saving time and money.

But there are also a number of negative points in self-study:

  • the inability to ask questions and discuss difficult points during the study of the material;
  • decreased motivation;
  • lack of control.

In the age of high technology and the Internet selfeducation is very diverse with the use of video, audio, special programs.

Self-study with the help of video lessons is especially popular. “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember" - Confucius rightly remarked.

Video lessons allow the student to visualize the situation, in detail and in motion.

5. How to organize staff training - step by step instructions

If you are not a professional in the field of personnel training or you have not had to act as an organizer of training programs, then my step-by-step instructions will be useful for you.

Read and put into practice.

Step 1. Determine the purpose of the training

First of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the proposed training.

Decide what you need:

  • improving the quality and productivity of employees;
  • creation of a personnel reserve;
  • training of personnel for a new direction of the enterprise;
  • increasing the motivation of the staff.

Step 2. We choose and approve the training format

Often the format of training directly affects its effectiveness. How to choose it correctly?

If you have a large company, its divisions are scattered throughout the country, and your employees are good at computers, choose distance learning.

If the company is small, then perhaps a more acceptable form is training with an instructor. Direct contact contributes to better digestibility of the material.

Make the right choice, and then learning will be not only useful, but also enjoyable.

Step 3. Create or select training courses

Companies that have their own training centers usually develop their own training programs.

Such programs fully meet the needs of the company. But only if they are done professionally. Otherwise, it is better to choose courses offered by specialized developers.

Step 4. Finding and training trainers

Staff training is carried out by both full-time trainers and invited ones. If the company has its own mentors who can teach, do not forget to check their level of training, regularly send them for advanced training. After all, they are the same employees, and the relevance of existing knowledge is also important to them!

The option of training with invited trainers is quite common. Carefully select such specialists: collect feedback, request documentation confirming the level of their professionalism, check licenses.

Step 5. We train employees of the enterprise

Review and approve the training schedule and its program. Create the conditions for it to pass.

Some companies run courses on weekends. Then they compensate for these days by adding them to the next vacation.

When training employees, do not withdraw from the control of this process. Knowing that you keep your finger on the pulse, employees will be more responsible, and trainers will not relax.

Step 6. Consolidate and evaluate the material covered

Consolidate the material covered with the help of situational tasks. This method will allow you to identify gaps in training and correct them in time.

The best way to test knowledge is testing: the answers are rigidly fixed, any disagreement with the results is easy to refute.

Step 7. Analyze learning outcomes and summarize

Any training ends with a debriefing. I recommend that all those who have completed the training be offered to fill out a questionnaire that will determine the level of staff satisfaction with the course, find out the needs for further training, and identify the “bottlenecks” of the course.

Based on the results, personnel changes are made, wages change, some of the employees are credited to the personnel reserve, etc.

Only in this case, employees will be motivated to further training and improve their skills.

6. Professional assistance in staff training - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

If your company does not have staff training specialists, the task should be entrusted to professional specialized companies.

I decided to make it easier for you to choose and selected 3 highly professional training companies. Meet! Choose!

1) Triumph

Triumph Recruitment Center has been engaged in personnel projects since 1997. The agency provides services of the highest quality. Evidence is the company's client base, which includes Gazprom and RBC, Raiffeisenbank and Otkritie Bank, Khiminvest and Gedeon Richter, as well as many other well-known firms.

Main activities:

  • selection, adaptation of personnel;
  • development of corporate standards;
  • development of motivation and incentive systems;
  • consulting support in resolving conflict situations;
  • personel assessment.

All specialists of the personnel center have a large practical experience and the required educational level, which they constantly keep up to date.

2) Granite Consulting

The company has been providing legal and consulting services throughout Russia from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok for more than 7 years.

13822 legal entities have already become regular customers Granite Consulting.

Company Services:

  • certification;
  • non-state expertise;
  • accounting services;
  • legal services;
  • Preparation,
  • personnel services.

This is only a partial list. Visit the company's website for more details. There you can also find useful publications, customer reviews and a lot of other necessary information.

3) MegaPeople

"MegaPeople" is a training center engaged in training and development of personnel, develops effective trainings and. Visit the company website.

There you will find:

  • detailed information about the company and its employees;
  • schedule of open trainings;
  • training programs in a large number of areas;
  • useful publications;
  • feedback form.

On the site, the company offers its visitors a free trial online sales training. Test your strength, but also make an opinion about the training courses.

7. How to choose a provider and training program - 4 simple tips

Making a choice is always difficult. Good advice in such a situation will come in handy.

To help you, I have prepared a few small tips that will allow you to correctly navigate the personnel training market.

Tip 1. Pay attention to the visual aids that accompany the process

"Better to see once than hear a hundred times"- this catchphrase perfectly conveys the importance of visual aids in learning.

It has been scientifically proven that in the world about 60% of the total population are visuals - people who perceive the world around them with the help of vision.

Layouts, posters, slides, presentations, films are all visual aids used to accompany the learning process. Such tools make learning visual and "alive".

  • What are the goals of employee training?
  • What types and concepts of learning are practiced.
  • What is special about staff training in and out of the workplace.
  • How to evaluate the result of employee training.

The training of the company's personnel is the only way to always be ahead. Success in the market and making a profit depend only on how well your employees know how to create, present and sell a product. In this article, we will consider the main methods of staff training.

Personnel training in the organization

The market environment brings new conditions for business promotion, and success often depends on how well you train and develop your staff.

Goals and importance of staff training

The importance of continuous employee training for modern enterprise hard to overestimate. Just take a look at the following factors:

  • New equipment is constantly being introduced, the production of new goods has been introduced, new infocommunication technologies are emerging.
  • The world is becoming a market, and competition between countries is constantly growing. The better the system of continuous education and work of workers is established in the country, the more likely it is to become one of the market leaders.
  • The continuous process of training of personnel who already work in the company and know the features of production and sales of products is ultimately more efficient and economical than hiring new employees.

At the same time, views on the issue of staff training from the point of view of the employee and the employer can differ markedly. From the point of view of most employers, the main objectives of training are:

  • Reproduction and integration of personnel.
  • Adaptation of workers.
  • Implementation innovative technologies and other innovations.
  • More flexible staffing.
  • Acquisition of skills in identifying, understanding and solving emerging problems.

The worker has more practical goals:

  • Maintaining professional skills and qualifications at a sufficiently high level.
  • Acquisition of additional professional knowledge outside the main field of activity.
  • Acquisition of additional knowledge about everything that affects the work of the company - suppliers, customers, banks, etc.
  • Acquisition of knowledge in the field of organization and planning of production.

How to identify the need for staff training

The training of employees at the enterprise is primarily aimed at developing their professional knowledge and skills. Ideally, this is part of the company's strategy, and should be planned: with technical re-equipment, modernization of production, expanding the scope of activities, etc.

There are also additional reasons - a sharp decline in the production or financial performance of a company or specific departments, changes in existing legislation, etc.

In medium-sized companies, the program and rules for staff training are developed by employees of the HR department. Large enterprises have a special training department, which is responsible for the development of professional knowledge and skills.

For competent organization employee training must first find out how necessary it is. For this, standard methods are used:

  • Audit of personal files of employees of the enterprise. The process specifies how long ago the employee received basic or additional education, whether after that he took retraining courses. Some professions require advanced training on average once every 3-5 years.
  • Probation. At the end, a decision is made to conclude an agreement with subsequent advanced training, or to refuse employment.
  • Collection of applications. Sometimes requests for staff training in an organization come from below - from the workers themselves. Sometimes the heads of structural divisions act as initiators. Sometimes the process of training employees is initiated by the administration of the enterprise.
  • Employee certification. It happens regular, unscheduled, can be carried out after a probationary period or during a transfer from service. After certification, a special commission develops individual recommendations for training, self-training and skills development for each employee.

Types and concepts of personnel training

Depending on the needs of a particular enterprise, the results attestations etc. a decision is made on what type of staff training should be used in this case.

  • Employee training. There is specific work to be done. For example, new equipment has arrived. Employees must acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities, which should be enough to master new realities and perform work efficiently and on time.
  • Retraining of employees. If an employee changes his profession, as well as with a significant change in the requirements for the profession itself, a radical retraining of employees is required, obtaining completely different knowledge and skills than those that he had initially.
  • Training. The employee remains in his profession, in his place, and receives additional knowledge and skills that will help him in doing his job, moving up the career ladder, etc.

In accordance with these types of employee training, domestic and foreign specialists have developed 3 concepts for educating qualified personnel of the enterprise:

  • Specialized Education. It has a limited event horizon and is limited to either the present moment or the near future, as well as an unchanging workplace. It is not very effective in the long term, but it is popular among employees as a way to strengthen self-esteem and maintain their place in the moment.
  • Multidisciplinary training. More efficient from the economic side and directed to the future, increases the mobility of the employee. This creates some risk for the enterprise: a mobile worker has the opportunity to choose, and in comparison with specialized employees is less tied to his workplace.
  • Personal development-oriented training. Each person has a certain set of qualities, both innate and acquired. This concept provides for their development and direction for specific activities.

How to save money on employee training

What to do if the worsening financial situation of the company forces you to cut the budget for employee training? Embrace a culture of self-learning. In this way, you will reduce the cost of staff development and be able to quickly respond to market changes.

Learn more about how to do this in the article of the e-zine "CEO".

Choice of the form of staff training

Professional development of employees can be organized as on their own enterprises, and give it to outsourcing. Let's take a closer look.

Internal option. It is possible if the company has a personnel development department. It is also possible if the state has a sufficient number of authoritative and experienced mentors who are able to train less experienced workers, supervise their work, and draw conclusions. The main advantage of the internal approach is the inseparability from production, the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice. In addition, there is a binding to the needs of a particular department and company.

External approach. If the enterprise does not have an appropriate department and there are no reputable specialists, employees can be sent to specialized courses. You can also invite teachers from outside. Sometimes this approach is more costly than organizing training within the company, sometimes less. It all depends on the number of trainees, the specifics of the company, etc. Another nuance is that with an external approach, training is more general, without being tied to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

The choice of a certain form, or a combination of them, depends on the strategy of the enterprise, its plans, goals and means. For example, a company is going to enter the international market, in connection with which some employees need to improve their level of proficiency foreign language. The certification showed that the level of proficiency among employees is at a different level: some need to master it from scratch, others need to refine their professional vocabulary, and others need to improve their speech. In the first case, the training of employees of the organization within the company is implemented, in the second, third-party courses are suitable. In the third - multidisciplinary work, as well as self-education.

Employee training on the job

Each form of education has its own set of methods. Some forms are possible only at a particular enterprise - for example, coaching for work that is rarely required in the production process, and there is no need to take additional courses to perform them. The company also employs such methods as rotation, coaching.

Let's consider the main methods of personnel training on the job.


If the company has experienced employees, they can be attached to newcomers. They will give assignments, check the level of preparation of the student and the quality of the work, give advice.

Personnel rotation

Rotation is a change of activity, temporary or permanent. In this case, with a very specific goal - to acquire new experience, knowledge, skills, professional qualifications. Depending on the needs of the company and the employee, the degree of training, etc. a person can spend in a new place for himself from several days to several months.

Increasingly difficult tasks

At first, the beginner is given the simplest task - for example, to carve a bolt or write a small part of the source code of the program. If he succeeds, the next task is given. And so, gradually complicating the tasks, they make a professional out of him. After some time, he will perform new work at a qualitatively different level.

Production briefing

The student receives minimal information about innovations, gets acquainted with the working environment, new equipment, and adapts to new conditions. If further training is required after this, any of the approaches described can be used.


Methods of personnel training in practice. This method is used in companies that oversee colleges and universities, recruiting among graduates. Graduate students are given the opportunity to spend some time next to a specialist, watching him work in real conditions. Thus, a beginner gains a little experience of real work, and those who do not like such work are automatically eliminated.

Employee training outside the workplace

In production, practical training and coaching for specific operations is possible. Any theoretical program remains either on the conscience of the employee for further self-study, or is conducted at special courses outside the workplace.

Consider the main methods of training employees outside the enterprise.


On the one hand, this is one of the most popular ways to improve the skills of employees. On the other hand, it is one of the most difficult. To achieve maximum efficiency, the lecturer must not only know the subject thoroughly, but also be able to work with the audience, manage the attention of the audience.

Another nuance - the lecture accustoms to the automatic acceptance of someone else's opinion. Most listeners take notes after the lecturer, without further checking the facts and figures.


A classic seminar is a discussion with a predetermined topic. Students exchange opinions on this topic, ask each other questions, argue. The lecturer acts as a moderator. The seminar is most often held after the lecture to consolidate the material.

Depending on the subject, the discussion can be alternated with business games, group assignments, etc. This allows you to better master the topic under discussion, to work out specific issues. Unlike a lecture, where the number of listeners is quite large, the seminar is intended for a limited audience - no more than 20-25 people.


Training is similar to a seminar, but with an emphasis on practice. At the seminar, they talk about a specific problem or issue (for example, about cold sales), at the training they apply the acquired knowledge in practice - for example, they make a call to a real client of the company. In this way, both newcomers and old-timers of the company are trained.

Distance learning

Most large companies practice distance learning, or eLearning. According to the most conservative forecasts, the global e-Learning market will reach $240 billion in a few years.

Distance education looks like this. The company opens an online educational website and upload everything necessary materials: books, presentations, video tutorials, regulations, electronic courses. Each employee of the enterprise receives his own login and password. At any time, he can access the site from any gadget - computer, smartphone, tablet - under his credentials, study the proposed material, and then pass the test. Reports are sent to the manager's desk, in which he can see how much time employees spend on lessons and tests, which courses they are interested in, in which they make mistakes.

The main advantage of the remote approach to personnel training is the ability to train employees from several branches. All data is stored in one place, and every employee gets access to it. The disadvantage is that you will have to expand the staff a little. To create and maintain the site and develop e-learning courses, you will need separate specialists.

business games

Another method of training personnel outside the enterprise is to conduct business games. Training is carried out in conditions as close to real as possible. Based on real practice. For example, employees in real time must decide specific task- sell a product, present a new product, reassure an inadequate client. It all depends on their professional orientation.

As a result, employees learn how to behave in a variety of production and other situations, negotiate, and justify their point of view.

Blended approach to employee training

In the traditional wording, a combination of a remote approach with a face-to-face approach is called mixed. For example, a face-to-face lesson is held, after which employees study electronic materials and take the course online. All materials are available to employees, they can be studied at any time. In another approach, workers first thoroughly study the whole theory, after which they go through a face-to-face master class, during which the trainer does not touch on the methodology and focuses exclusively on practice.

There are other combined methods that combine several methods. Among the main ones can be listed:

  • Demonstration and practical implementation of any operations under supervision. The teacher shows the student how to do it. After that, the worker performs the same operation, but under supervision.
  • Programmed learning. The worker studies independently, with the help of a book or machine, and periodically performs tasks or answers questions that come up along the way.
  • secondment. An employee can gain additional experience not only in his office, but also in another organization. For example, company managers go to some charitable foundation to learn from experience. Interestingly, in Russia this method is used much less frequently than in European countries.

The training of qualified employees can be considered effective if the costs associated with it in the future turn out to be lower than the costs of improving work efficiency due to other factors and the costs associated with insufficiently qualified personnel.

Personnel development system

The personnel development system, that is, the set of methods, resources and processes that are necessary to effectively solve production problems and meet the current needs of employees, will help to understand the whole variety of training methods and use them depending on the specific situation.

The functions of the personnel development system include:

  • Analysis and assessment of the professional level of employees.
  • Analysis of the personal level of employees.
  • Determining the need for training activities.
  • Motivation of staff to study.
  • The choice of specific forms and methods of training and control.
  • Organization of training events, sending employees to take courses, etc.
  • Organization of control measures, checking the assimilation of new materials.
  • Analysis of the results and conclusions for further work with personnel.

How to evaluate the results of staff training

Improving professional skills affects several important factors at once. The employee receives a guarantee that he will remain at his workplace, receive the prospect of promotion and additional opportunities for self-realization. The organization will receive additional income, customers, and will be able to conduct more efficient activities.

In order to properly evaluate the results of training activities, several factors must be taken into account:

  • Benefit from learning is expressed not only in effective work.
  • Costs It is relatively easy to assess the wrong approach to personnel training: it is enough to calculate the cost of marriage, damaged materials, customer complaints, and evaluate the work required to correct errors.
  • Expenses, which will be needed to increase the qualifications of an employee off-duty, is easier to estimate than the costs of organizing the process of training personnel at an enterprise on the job.

Now it is no longer required to prove the need for training and advanced training of employees. Highly qualified personnel significantly affects the survival and profitability of the enterprise.

Factors affecting employee training:
- to improve the quality of work of managers, replacing the old inefficient management methods;
- on the level of qualification in professional activity;
— to increase the volume of production activities;
- to develop communication skills and others.

Is it worth it to spend money on external training and training centers to constantly maintain the professional level of employees?

Perhaps you can implement internal staff training on your own, because there is nothing prohibitively complicated in this. It's just worth getting started.

How to organize staff training on your own

The process of organizing internal staff training should be implemented in stages.

1. Tasks and goal setting for staff training.
2. Approval of training formats.
3. Identification of the need for staff training.
4. Creation of training courses.
5. Search and preparation of training trainers (mentors).
6. Training of employees of the enterprise.
7. Consolidation and evaluation of the material covered.
8. Analysis of learning outcomes.

Let's look at some of the steps.

Identification of the need for staff training.

When identifying the need of employees for training, it is necessary to identify exactly the gap in the qualifications of employees, which reduces the effectiveness of its work.

It is determined in the process:
— analysis of personnel performance results;
— certification of employees;
- at the request of managers and employees.

The head of the department should take the leading role here, identify the need for training and propose topics for training programs.
However, employees themselves must analyze the effectiveness of their own work. And, if necessary, contact the HR department or the manager with an application for thematic training.

Staff training format.

The ideal option is to organize in the company its own center for training and advanced training of employees. In this connection, it is required to equip the educational process with technical means, information systems and educational materials.

In addition to equipped classrooms, conference rooms, with a distributed structure of the organization, there may be a need for distance learning. In this case, it is necessary to introduce a distance learning system, webinar rooms, and develop electronic learning materials.

In this case, serious financial costs will be required, but it is possible to start implementing staff training by simple means.

Small companies can build an easy-to-manage and implement learning process that requires minimal cost, with the proper quality of education, without the creation of special infrastructure and classrooms.

1. Organization network storage educational and methodical materials, reference books, instructions (folder on a shared network drive).
2. Introduction.

With any method (face-to-face or distance) of training, it will be necessary to create an interactive training course containing:
– theoretical course of lectures (text material, presentations);
– video material with lecturer’s, trainer’s, specialist’s recordings;
— practical tasks, cases, simulators;
- trainings;
- control test.

The Internet has accumulated a huge amount of educational material on various professional topics, use them.

At the initial stage, the training manager can put together a training course from training materials that are freely available.

Build a training course from materials from the websites of digital libraries, professional communities, free educational projects, etc. Educational or thematic videos from YouTube channels, etc.

You can arrange testing for the completed course in free program or in an online testing service, of which there are also a large number.
Collect all this in one folder with the topic of training and instructions with links to taking the course or in an electronic course in .

Welcome and encourage a form of employee self-learning. It is enough to conduct public, ongoing conferences, and other events. The HR manager needs to regularly monitor events on the Internet and announce them to the staff, in any convenient form for your organization.

Search and preparation of training trainers (mentors)

The stage of training own trainers and mentors is carried out for each unit. Heads of departments should assign employees to analyze the work and determine the current training objectives. At the stage of training of trainers, the enterprise may involve the personnel of third-party organizations (outsourcing).

Often, the most qualified employees of the enterprise become mentors in production, experienced craftsmen. When choosing a trainer, however, one should take into account not only the level of skill, but also the ability of the employee to teach.

Human Resources employees should use the following criteria:

- high level of professionalism;
— a consistently high assessment of performance indicators;
— the ability to train employees;
— loyalty to the company;
- Excellent communication skills.

Implementation of internal training and staff development(albeit the most primitive and simple) will give impetus to the self-development of staff, increase productivity and efficiency of employees.

Having acquired new knowledge and skills, each employee who has undergone training begins to gradually introduce them into daily work. Gradually systematizing the approach to the organization of the workflow, the employee can very soon be convinced of the effectiveness of the training. The quality of work is noticeably improved.

Of course, the introduction of new knowledge and their application in practice is a matter of time. Not every employee is able to immediately implement the acquired knowledge into actions, as he is used to working from his own experience. But knowledge is present, and over time, the approach to organizing work and applying new knowledge and skills begins to change.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • Staff training methods
  • Relationship between staff training and motivation
  • Examples of staff training from our practice

To train employees means to develop their professional knowledge, skills and abilities that will help the company achieve its goals.

Why waste time, effort and money on staff training if universities are already producing trained employees?

The knowledge gained by a person even in a narrowly focused educational institution often does not allow him to perform quality work in an organization due to lack of experience. Especially if the company is engaged in the provision of specific services that require in-depth study of the topic. If an organization thinks about its well-being and prosperity, it is ready to invest in training and management of personnel development.

The experience of Eastern companies, where they prefer to "grow" an employee for themselves, shows that such a strategy brings excellent results. An employee is considered more valuable the longer he works at one enterprise. Today, Russia is also coming to understand the importance of continuous employee training.

Increasing the level of knowledge, working out the mechanism of action in emergency situations or training in teamwork ultimately brings only advantages to both the employer and employees. Training of personnel in a crisis allows you to increase work efficiency and reduce the costs of the work process. It is easier to manage a well-trained team, while the employee increases his competitiveness both within the company itself and in the labor market as a whole.

Types and forms of personnel training

Do you need people to complete their tasks more efficiently than before? In this case, you need to decide what type of courses you need. Whether it will be the training of newly hired employees (or maybe job seekers in general) or the retraining of an employee to work in a new direction, it all depends on your goals.

So, the main types of staff training:

  1. staff training,
  2. staff retraining,
  3. Staff development.

We decide on the form of employee training: short-term or long-term, group or individual.

The short-term form has its advantages - cost and time savings. However, at the same time, the result may not always be impressive.

Long-term employee training is much more labor-intensive, but often more rewarding.

Individual training allows you to focus on each employee personally and convey maximum information, focusing on personal needs.

Group training provides an opportunity to practice teamwork.

Staff training methods

Today, there are many ways to train staff. They can be divided into active and passive.

Passive teaching methods include lectures and seminars. They do not imply a response from the student, so the perception of information largely depends on the desire and motivation of the employee himself.

At the same time, the active method of staff training presupposes the active participation of each respondent. Business game, brainstorming require maximum concentration. However, there is no strict division, since some teaching methods are transitional options that combine independent perception of the material with subsequent active use in the group.

Different methodologies suggest the possibility of part-time or on-the-job training, on-the-job or off-the-job. These forms are not mutually exclusive. For example, the process can be organized in a separate office of the company with a break from production. However, today the most popular distance learning for employees is on-the-job training.

On-the-job training most often helps to consolidate the material in practice. Classes outside the office allow you to go beyond thinking and teach you how to act in non-standard situations.

Consider the most common teaching methods

Lecture- the most optimal way to convey a large amount of information in a short time and at the same time reach a large number of people at once. However, it should be taken into account that there is no “feedback” from the audience, it is difficult to make any adjustments during the lesson if the material is not mastered. For the employer, the advantages of the lecture method of teaching employees are also in the financial component.

Students are more active seminar. The dialogue allows you to find out whether the theoretical material is fixed. The effectiveness of employee training in this case largely depends on what kind of environment the teacher will create, whether he will be able to encourage his listeners to think. However, seminars limit the number of participants, if thousands of people can listen to a lecture, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully communicate with such a huge audience.

A more modern method of teaching are considered video lessons. They are very simple and profitable to use for training staff in the organization. This method most often does not require the search for a teacher or a special room. Employees can study at a convenient time and in any place convenient for them. Scientists have long proved that human vision and visual memory always prevail in a person's perception of the surrounding world. That is why visual aids and video tutorials give a very good effect. However, they have a number of disadvantages. They do not allow taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, and also make it impossible to discuss the details with the compiler of the lesson.

IN Lately is very popular distance learning. It involves the use of the Internet, through which the student receives material for study and assignment. The level of assimilation of information is then determined by control and tests. A whole group can work together, in the office or at home, at any convenient time. However, for this form of training, the employee must have a high level of self-organization.

For effective staff training, you can use case study. It consists in considering practical situations (cases) in which a group of employees analyzes and discusses a real or possible situation related to their direct activities. This approach allows you to push people to alternative, non-standard thinking. Each participant here has the right to express their own opinion and correlate it with the opinion of others. However, in this case, a very highly qualified teacher is needed, which makes training more expensive.

Often used as on-the-job training production briefing. Coming to a new place of work, or getting acquainted with innovations, employees receive general information about upcoming work.

Helpful for staff temporary rotation One employee replaces another. So he gets an idea of ​​the versatility of the company's activities, in some cases, understanding one process gives impetus to improve their own activities.

Some companies use mentoring method where a more experienced employee monitors the progress of the work. The sense of responsibility of the "senior" for the "junior" and practical advice make such a partnership very effective.

Much attention is paid to the practical development of the material during the trainings. High-quality corporate training, developed taking into account the needs of the organization, can give significant results. At the same time, you should not expect serious results in one session. The only way to consolidate the acquired knowledge is through constant practice and repetition.

business games it is a learning method in which employees gain new information by “acting out” certain situations. In such conditions, knowledge is assimilated as quickly as possible, skills are developed, which are then applied in real conditions. Usually, after the direct conduct of the game, a “debriefing” takes place, which helps to identify and correct the mistakes made.

Collect as many as possible different ideas helps brainstorm. One of its main principles is how more options offer in a short time. Under stress, the brain, as a rule, begins to frantically generate ideas, although not in all, but many ideas can contain a rational kernel. The method helps to liberate even the most indecisive employees, to teach people to listen to other people's opinions.

Great for onboarding new employees storytelling(from the English. Story Telling - "storytelling"). With the help of stories, the employee is introduced to the traditions and atmosphere of the company. One of the most popular and effective ways training of managers without interruption from daily work has become the technology of learning by action - "action learning". The basis of this action is a group of key employees of the company. Participants do not work with exercises and simulated situations, but with real tasks.

Staff training and motivation

With the right approach, training can motivate employees, keep them from moving to another company and attract new employees. At the same time, the enterprise solves the problem of insufficient staff literacy. Today, everyone understands that each employee has his own "market value", which depends on his education, knowledge and skills. And the desire to raise your own price at the expense of the organization can be an excellent non-material motivation for an employee.

You can read more about staff motivation in the article "".

Staff training assessment system

After training, the stage of performance evaluation will become a quite logical stage. Experts recommend carrying out this procedure in several stages.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the reaction of the trainees immediately after the completion of the training program (the quality of the organization of training, compliance with the needs of the company). The second stage will be the assessment of the level of qualification of the staff before the start of training and after the completion of the course. Then, after some time, it is recommended to pay attention to the change in the behavior of the employee. Has the employee begun to put into practice the acquired knowledge. And finally, you can sum up and evaluate the results by adding up all the indicators obtained and observing the situation for two to three months, at least.

A positive assessment of the training only by the participants cannot serve as a sufficient basis for recognizing it as successful, because there is no guarantee that the new knowledge will be applicable in practice, even if the teacher was a very charismatic person.

I would like to note once again that the development of any organization depends on the qualifications of the staff, so you should not save money, but the main thing is to teach people how to learn!

Staff training examples

As examples of using distance learning for staff based on our platform, we chose 3 large and different companies that solve a different set of tasks using Teachbase tools.

Teachbase and Invitro

For 20 years on the medical services market, INVITRO has gone from a small private laboratory to a large network. Today the company is represented by 700 medical laboratories in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus. The enterprise employs more than 5,000 specialists, and eLearning has been used for their training for five years. INVITRO's experience in online learning is interesting, diverse and presented in almost all possible formats. The head of the Higher Medical School, Irina Koroleva, shared with us the intricacies of distance learning in one of Russia's largest network of medical institutions.

We strive to ensure that each member of our team of many thousands shares the values ​​of our company, to act in accordance with our ideology. For us, the personality of the employee comes first, and INVITRO is a company that consists of a variety of personalities united by a single idea.

True professionals work in our selection service, who, using special methods and projective questions, clearly select people who correspond to the value level of the company at the entrance. For us, the principle is relevant: there are no bad or good employees, there are suitable or unsuitable for us. And we try to make the right choices, and then our work with them begins in all areas: trainings, games, conferences, other events - both professional and personal growth of a person is important to us.

The values ​​of the company are based on the principle “We value and respect people”. Each person is valuable to us, whether he is a client, a partner of the company or an employee. In working with personnel, we try to find the strengths of each, to help unlock their potential. It turns out mutually beneficial cooperation: for the employee - professional development, INVITRO - the result. And we see that this approach allows us to increase the involvement of the staff, its efficiency, and conscientious attitude to work.

Today we have more than 700 medical offices in different parts of our country, as well as Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The growth rates are very high, and of course, in order to maintain and improve the high level of service and quality of services, we need a staff training system and effective tools to train employees of geographically disparate medical offices in a single standard.

We make high demands on ourselves first of all, and therefore every new medical worker undergoes mandatory training in the standards of work in the company, and in a short time, employees are forced to learn a large amount of knowledge. To do this, in each of the large regions where there are INVITRO technological complexes, training specialists work.

For hard-to-reach regions, we actively use online training, and Teachbase is our faithful assistant in this, we have been working since 2010. And first of all, eLearning is relevant for us for personnel assessment.

Also [we use] two areas: webinars and ready-made online courses.

We connect webinars when you need to convey general information to a large number of people. For example, when a new loyalty program has appeared, a promotion starts or a new test has been released, etc. Who can watch online, the rest use the recordings of webinars.

We also use online courses, although we have not fully mastered this option, and we still have to finalize it - the process of creating courses is laborious. Now we are integrating video materials into courses - presentations, recorded webinars - and assigning a course to specific employees, after which we test them and check how knowledge is learned.

Teachbase and Siberian Health

Sibirskoye Zdorovye sells its goods using the network marketing method, and staff training is an urgent daily necessity for the company. For more than a year the company has been working on the Teachbase platform, on the "Advanced" tariff. Department head remote control"Siberian Health" Larisa Soboleva spoke about the successes and difficulties in eLearning and gave practical advice on its effective implementation.

I represent not the network part of the business, but the corporate part: I am responsible for training and maintaining a high level of service in our service centers. And for more than a year now, we have been training our full-time managers remotely. Ultimately, the goal of such training is to improve the quality of our service.

Now full-time employees - managers of service centers, 3 logistics centers and the production itself - about 1,000 people. Representatives who are engaged in direct sales, around the world, there are already hundreds of thousands of people.

Administered by two: me and my assistant. About 400 students are registered, while about 250 people are active users: those who regularly use electronic courses and tests every month.

We started with a much-needed introduction course for beginners. Siberian Health service centers are scattered all over the world: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok plus foreign centers. Keeping a special coach who travels and teaches is costly and inefficient, given our object of training - technical nuances. The existing mentoring system also does not always work; it is not always possible to send a mentor on request to the right place.

The electronic introductory course has become a convenient and economical alternative. With its help, an employee quickly and in a simple way gains knowledge about the specifics of a new company for him, he forms the right expectations from our cooperation, etc. The distance course provides answers to many questions, and at the same time does not expose the beginner to stress and heavy workload.

[As a result] people began to adapt more quickly, to become more deeply imbued with the spirit of the company, to share corporate values. We measure the engagement of our employees every year, and since the beginning of e-learning, this indicator has grown significantly, which is proved by the results of internal corporate research, measurements, etc.

The duration of the presence of people in the company began to lengthen, the cost of mentors has significantly decreased, and even as a result, the number of positive reviews from customers has increased - we also monitor feedback very carefully. That is, the initial goal - to increase the level of service, we have definitely achieved.

Teachbase and Mascotte

Shoe brand Mascotte is one of the most mysterious on Russian market: there is little open business information about him. The company has been successfully operating for the second decade, and a large network of its own and franchised salons requires intensive training of employees who are involved in sales.

We learned from Irina Praksina, Mascotte business coach, how the company uses eLearning in its corporate training, and what she sees the pros and cons of this format of work.

The quality of service for us is one of the first places. The competition is tough, and now, in times of crisis, this is especially true. I can confidently say that Mascotte salespeople are friendly and tactful. In our store, you will always be approached to say hello, tell you about the product, present new collections, etc. The company pays great attention to staff training.

We don't have many training managers who do direct training. And there was a need for global training, in which absolutely all employees can be involved. Initially, we created a training product for our own regional retail, but since there is an opportunity to connect franchising to this, we took advantage of it.