Shower      06/20/2020

Homemade pipe cutter. Pipe cutter for steel pipes: types, tips for selecting a model and nuances of proper operation. Features of pipe cutting work can be seen here

A piece of pipe can be cut in many ways, be it a hacksaw or a grinder, but the cut may not be very even, and sometimes this is quite critical. For a more even cut, pipe cutters are used, which are very expensive if the diameters of the pipes you plan to cut with them are large enough, from 40 mm and above. But you can make such a tool yourself without spending a lot of money on it, since we will make a pipe cutter from a chain and a piece square pipe and a couple more parts that you probably have in abundance in your garage. You will only have to spend money on a cutting roller for a pipe cutter, this consumables therefore they are sold separately in stores. This pipe cutter can cut steel, copper, duralumin and pipes from PVC plastic. Plus, such a tool works quietly and does not require electricity to operate.

What is needed to create a pipe cutter:

  • Square steel profile;
  • A piece of chain from a motorcycle;
  • Cutting roller for factory pipe cutter;
  • Strips of sheet metal 5-7 mm thick;
  • Bolt with nut;
  • A section of steel pipe (sleeve).

How to make a pipe cutter from a chain and profile, manufacturing process:

First, we make holders for the cutting roller, for this we drill in strips sheet metal holes, I already had such fastenings ready-made.

We assemble the holder; to do this, we place the roller between the fasteners and tighten them with a bolt and nut.

Then you need to weld one end of the chain to the handle.

Now we will weld a piece of a pin to the second end of the chain.

Then you need to weld a piece of round sleeve to the end of the handle through which the pin should move freely.

That’s it, we select a nut for the stud and our DIY chain pipe cutter is ready!

Now all that remains is to test it; to do this, place the pin in the bushing and screw the nut onto it.

We clamp the pipe in a vice, put the pipe cutter on the pipe and tighten the nut, then simply twist the pipe cutter by the handle around the pipe, gradually tightening it with each turn wrench nut on the pipe cutter and then scroll the tool around the pipe until the piece of pipe is completely cut off.

If you install communications in the house yourself or plan to repair the pipeline yourself, then you cannot do without such an important tool as a pipe cutter. Why? This “device” provides an ideal cut - smooth, without burrs, and also protects the system from sawdust getting inside. Let's talk about how to choose a pipe cutter for steel pipes, and whether it is possible to make the tool yourself.

Cutting pipes is not as difficult as you might imagine

Tool classification

How to choose a pipe cutter for steel pipes so that it serves well for many years? First, you need to study what tools the market offers, how the models differ, and then decide which option will be the most suitable for the “front” work in your “nest.”

So, pipe cutters are divided into the following types.

  1. According to the mechanism of action:
  2. In accordance with the wall thickness of the pipes that will have to be cut:
    • for thin-walled structures, for which, in addition of stainless steel, can include metal-plastic, copper and brass products;
    • for thick-walled pipes (steel and cast iron, with a diameter of 12 inches or more) - pipe cutters equipped with special latches in the form of clamps.
  3. According to the product design:
    • roller (models with 1 or 3 rollers are produced);
    • rotary;
    • With ratchet mechanism;
    • incisal;
    • chain;
    • telescopic.

Worth paying attention! Not all pipe cutter models are universal. Sometimes, to cut pipes from different networks, for example, sewerage and water supply, you have to buy two pipe cutters. If you need a universal option, read the instructions carefully.

Meet some types of pipe cutters

Selection tips

The main element of a pipe cutter is a metal frame, which is often made of forged steel. And for other components, the models may differ. Let's talk in more detail about the most popular of them.

Manual pipe cutters

How to use manual pipe cutters for steel pipes? Everything is extremely simple: the “device” is put on the pipe and moved to the place where the structure will need to be cut. Fix the clamp so that the tool rotates around the pipe. Then the pipe cutter is rotated around its axis, first in one direction, then in the other.

Most often, cutter and roller models are used for work.

The cutting unit is equipped with a steel holder that encircles the structure with teeth made of high-strength steel. Their position is additionally adjustable. A pair or even one cutter is placed on a moving part, which is adjusted by a threaded rod (in cheap models, a handle with such a rod). Thanks to the “device” the cut is clean and even. A chisel pipe cutter can handle structures with a diameter not exceeding 10 cm.

Second common option manual pipe cutter– roller. There are models with either 1 or 3 rollers. Pipes large diameter(1.5-10 cm) can only be mastered using a “device” with 3 rollers. If the diameter of the structure does not exceed 0.5 cm, then a pipe cutter with 1 roller will do. This model is good in everything, except that hangnails remain after the operation. This problem can also be solved with the help of a countersink, but all this is troublesome.

Model with casters

Manual pipe cutters are a favorite of homeowners who want to do everything on their property with their own hands. Not only are the devices inexpensive, they are also easy to use—you don’t need any special experience or training to operate them. True, when using such “devices” you will have to work hard; the simplicity in this case is based on physical strength.

Electric models

If you have to work with pipes professionally, or you are building one house after another, it will not be superfluous to purchase an electric pipe cutter. This unit is more productive. You can literally work with it playfully, without making any effort.

True, you should be prepared to shell out a pretty penny, but if your budget is not too tight, then by all means purchase an automated unit. This tool will come in handy on the farm.

The only drawback of electric models is that they cannot be used in hard to reach places pipeline. But for such cases, you can purchase a simple manual “device”.

On sale you will find two types of power tools - detachable and one-piece. It is more convenient to use a split model, consisting of a body divided into 2 parts. Thanks to this device, the unit can even cut a finished - mounted pipeline. Therefore, this model is a “lifesaver” for those who like to make mistakes and those who intend to repair communications themselves.

The cutting element in an electric pipe cutter is cutters, of which there are at least 2 in the “device”. One of them is intended for cutting, the other for chamfering. The device is attached to the structure using cams, of which there are from 4 to 8. The standard model is “tough” for the product with a steel thickness of up to 1 inch. If the walls are thicker, you will have to look for a special type of incisors.

For which processes can the electrical model be used:

  • trimming;
  • chamfering (external, internal, and also with blunting).

This is what the electric model looks like

The procedure for working with an electrical device is as follows:

  1. The detachable parts of the unit are placed on the pipe. Then the wrapping elements are aligned strictly vertically. The quality of the cut depends on the accuracy of the installation. The incisors are placed at a distance of 2 mm from the intended cut. It is possible that such a process will require building level. To ensure correct installation, make a full rotation of the tool holders. It happens that the diameter of the selected model is too large for the pipe you need to cut. The way out of this situation is simple: purchase special cams and place them under the fastening mechanism.
  2. Cutting process. In electric models, virtually everything is automated. Follow the instructions and the cutter machine will do all the work for you.

This is important to know! To ensure that the tool serves you for a long time and the cuts are flawless, use a lubricant and cooling agent for the work.

All in all, an electric pipe cutter for steel pipes is a solution for homeowners who do not have the proper physical training, save time and want to live in unison with advanced technologies.

Video: how an electric unit works

DIY pipe cutter

Is it possible to make a manual pipe cutter for steel pipes with your own hands? Of course, this is the only secret your fathers and grandfathers most likely know. But now you too will learn a useful secret.

First prepare the components, namely:

  • square (size 1.5 by 1.5 cm) wire rod;
  • bolts M8, M6;
  • spring;
  • canvases;
  • steel bands(1.5 by 0.4 cm);
  • metal rivets with a diameter of 0.4 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a manual pipe cutter:

Step 1: Prepare workplace and tools.

Step 2: Sand the sharp edges of the pipe cutter parts.

Step 3. Process the tail fragment of the wire rod into a handle.

Step 4. Make a bend within 90-120 degrees.

Step 5: Attach the spring under the hold-down bolt.

Assemble the tool based on this drawing:

And now about how to use the device.

Fragments of canvas about 4 cm long, aiming for 3 mm fonts, clamp with a pair of M6 screws between the cheeks and the body. Make sure that the teeth of the blades are directed in the same direction. Place the homemade unit on the pipe, tighten it using the M8 bolt. Rotate the tool around the pipe and tighten the screw little by little. With each revolution, the teeth of the blades should plunge into the structure by about half a millimeter.

Experienced homeowners say that 3 pieces of blade is enough to cut several dozen half-inch pipes.

Using such a device you can even make washers. To do this, you need to use 2 times more canvases - that’s the whole secret. Just choose short fragments, since only the central part of each of them is involved in the process.

Worth paying attention! Didn't find any canvases in your household, but did you have a lot of files accumulated? Use them; such a replacement will not harm the quality of work.

Happy cutting to you!

Whether you buy or make a pipe cutter for steel pipes yourself is up to you.

Video: all about pipe cutters

Self-repair or installation of a new pipeline will require a variety of tools, including a pipe cutter.

The device cuts pipes smoothly, does not leave burrs, and sawdust does not get inside.

Do not forget about labor costs and the speed of the operation. Therefore, we do not consider a hacksaw for metal - it takes a long time, makes an uneven cut, and requires a lot of effort.

Buy or make it yourself

You can find it on the market a large number of models differ in operating principle, design, and ability to cut pipes with different wall thicknesses.

The burner flame is directed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The guiding element of the structure is the clamp.

To get started, you need to attach the device to the tubular product and start the cutting torch.

By adjusting the supply of gas mixture cuts pipes of any thickness.

The maximum possible diameter is limited by the length of the clamps. Manufacturers produce models capable of cutting pipes more than a meter in diameter.

There are no restrictions on wall thickness.

What thickness is established by GOST for a pipe (find out the dimensions of thick-walled and seamless pipes) for one purpose or another, this is what the thermal device will cut.

Russian standards for hot-deformed seamless pipes set a maximum thickness of 75 millimeters.

Thermal cutting machine will easily cut such a pipe product.

Let's look at the characteristics using the example of the domestic model Orbita BM:

  • two burners;
  • burner speed 100-120 millimeters per minute;
  • the deviation value is 1 millimeter per revolution for products with a diameter of up to 1000 millimeters;
  • acetylene or propane consumption – 0.4-0.55 cubic meters per hour, oxygen - up to 12 cubic meters;
  • trolley electric motor power – 110 watts;
  • dimensions: 34.4x51.8x47.7 centimeters;
  • total weight 105 kilograms.

The manufacturer has provided for the production of both electric and hand model devices.

The manual version weighs a little more, 30 kilograms, one burner is used, natural gas can be used.

Homemade instrument

To make a device with your own hands, the following materials are required:

Consistently, we perform the following steps:

  1. prepare the necessary tools;
  2. grind the edges of the elements that will make up the pipe cutter;
  3. we process the tail part of the wire rod in the form of a handle;
  4. make a bend at an angle of 90-120 degrees;
  5. secure the spring with a bolt.

To work with such a unit you need skill, which will appear after several cuts.

We take fragments of canvas 3-4 centimeters long and clamp them with two M6 bolts.

The teeth on the blades should point in the same direction.

The pipe cutter is put on the pipe and pressed with an M8 bolt.

As the device rotates, slightly tighten the bolt that presses the cutting edge.

Each turn should immerse the teeth of the blade 0.5 millimeters into the structure.


The choice of pipe cutter model depends, first of all, on the number and diameter of the pipes used.

Self-made device:

  • will not require large expenses,
  • easy to operate,
  • always at hand.

Buy a pipe cutter or make it yourself - only you decide. Before purchasing, carefully study the characteristics of the device.

Watch a video about a homemade chain pipe cutter, which was filmed while cutting a pipe during heating repairs in an apartment.

In the process of installing internal pipelines for any purpose, the plumber has to cut the pipes into pieces of a certain length.

This is done using a special tool - a pipe cutter.

For small amounts of work, some craftsmen make do with a hacksaw, while others make a pipe cutter with their own hands.

Pipe cutter does not belong to category universal tools– You won’t be able to cut steel and plastic pipes with one device.

There are, however, models designed for different materials, but this is rather an exception to general rule. Therefore, you should buy a device only after you have definitely decided on the choice of pipes.

In some cases, pipe cutters designed for cutting steel pipes cut more than soft materials, but the quality of the cut suffers. For example, copper pipe such a tool can be deformed.

Plastic pipes are cut with roller pipe cutters. Their productivity is low, but the cut is perfect. Propylene pipes can be cut with a cordless pipe cutter designed specifically for this material. It provides high speed operation, but the pipe size is limited to a diameter of 42 mm.

Thin plastic pipes can be cut with special scissors. They are inexpensive and easy to work with. But for large volumes, scissors are not suitable - your hands get tired quickly.

Wall thickness

Pipe cutters are designed for a specific range of pipe wall thicknesses. Depending on the this parameter they are divided into three groups:

  1. Heavy Duty: Used when cutting cast iron and steel pipes 12 inches or larger in diameter. Pipe cutters of this group are equipped with reliable latched clamps.
  2. For cutting workpieces from thin-walled pipes - metal-plastic, stainless, copper and brass.

Asbestos cement and ceramic sewer pipes cut using chain pipe cutters. They can cut pipes with a diameter of 50 to 150 mm. For pipes large diameters– up to 300 mm – a tool with an extended chain is used.

Design features

Structurally, pipe cutters differ according to the type of cutting unit:

  • rotary or rotary;
  • with ratchet mechanism;
  • telescopic;
  • chain;
  • with ratchet mechanism;
  • incisal;
  • roller

The latter are most often used for cutting steel pipes. There can be several cutting rollers - up to three. In addition, the design also includes guide rollers that hold the workpiece in the desired position. The more rollers, the larger the diameter of the pipe the pipe cutter can cut.

Roller pipe cutter

Single-roller models cope with diameters of 15-50 mm; for three-roller models this range expands to 100 mm.

A pipe cutter is a holder with one or two cutters attached to it. The movement of the working unit occurs under the influence of the threaded rod.

The action of chain pipe cutters is to gradually tighten a chain equipped with cutting rollers around the pipe.

A special machine called a pipe bender is used to bend water supply pipes. — views and drawings of the device, as well as manufacturing instructions.

Let's consider methods for connecting metal-plastic pipes.

Operating principle

Based on their operating principle, pipe cutters are classified as follows:

  • manual;
  • electrical;
  • with pneumatic drive;
  • with hydraulic drive.

Manual pipe cutters can be classified as household tools. They are inexpensive, easy to use, so no special skills are required from the worker.

Electrical are highly effective and do not require excessive physical effort. They cost more than manual ones, so it makes sense to buy them only in case of large-scale work.

Manual pipe cutters

To extend the life of the electric pipe cutter and obtain a high-quality cut, use cutting fluids.

DIY pipe cutter

Let's look at how to make a pipe cutter for steel and other types of pipes with your own hands. Homemade devices for cutting pipes - not uncommon. Craftsmen make pipe cutters from scrap materials that have been lying around uselessly in garages for years. And many people adapt a grinder for this purpose (a pipe cutter made from a grinder with their own hands), resulting in a kind of cutting machine.

Aerobatics - manufacturing a plasma pipe cutter. The basis for this design are flywheels from trucks, gears from Bendix and plasma cutters. But to make this monster you need metalworking machines, so it’s difficult to build it in a garage.

Homemade cutting machine

But there are also the simplest models of home-made pipe cutters, the production of which uses materials that are abundantly available in the home workshop of a thrifty owner.

A self-made pipe cutter serves quite well for preparing pipe sections in small volumes.

Required tools and materials

To make the device you will need a general purpose tool:

  • spanners;
  • yews;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • files and needle files;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer.

The starting materials are:

  • square wire rod 15x15 mm;
  • M8 bolt;
  • M6 screws;
  • hacksaw blades;
  • spring;
  • steel strips 15x4 mm.

Prepare metal rivets with a diameter of 4 mm.

Sequence of work

Start your work by preparing the tools and workplace. Once you have conveniently placed everything you need, proceed to perform basic operations.

Making the left part of the pipe cutter

Cut a piece of wire rod 135 mm long. Fill the lower end of the workpiece with a radius or remove the chamfers and round them with a file.

Then, at a distance of 90 mm from the straight end of the workpiece, drill a hole for the clamping bolt. Hole diameter – 8.2-8.5 mm.

The teeth of the blades on the right and left sides of the pipe cutter should be directed in the same direction.

From the side of the rounded end, drill a hole for the axle. It can be made from a rod with a diameter of 8 mm or you can find a suitable finished part.

Making the right side

You'll have to tinker with the right side a little longer. Firstly, its base, made of wire rod, has a complex shape: on the side of the working part, it is necessary to form two sections 40 mm long, making an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal and 90-120 degrees with each other (in the projection, the picture resembles the roof of a house) .

Tuck the remaining free shank under the handle.

Attach the part tightly to the bent sections, similar to the right side of the product.

In the body of the wire rod on the left side, mark the center of the threaded hole into which the clamping bolt will be screwed.

Secure a steel strip opposite the hole on the left side intended for installing the axle.

Its length should be such that the distance from the center of the axis to the nearest edge of the handle is 30 mm.

A hole for the axle is also drilled in the strip first.


Insert a clamping bolt into the hole on the left side of the pipe cutter and put a spring on it (it should be between the left and right parts of the device).

Reinstall the axle. Its ends can be riveted, only in this case you will get a permanent connection of the parts of the device.

The role of the axis can be played by a screw-nut pair. This design will allow you to disassemble the pipe cutter if necessary.

After installing the axle, screw the clamping bolt into the threaded hole located on the right side of the structure.

Video on the topic

In plumbing, when working with steel pipelines, it is often necessary to divide the original workpiece into fragments of a certain size. Of course, a universal hacksaw for metal can help out, but it is not always convenient to work with it, and the ends of the cut parts must be subsequently cleaned. A properly selected pipe cutter can handle such operations much better.

Types and classification of pipe cutters

The task of a pipe cutter of any design is not only to quickly cut the pipe, but also to properly fix the workpiece before processing. Especially when it comes to steel pipes, which require much more force to separate than copper or plastic products.

Pipe cutters for steel pipes are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

  1. According to the thickness of the pipe wall (there is a tool that is designed for cutting thick-walled pipes).
  2. According to the design of the clamping unit, pipe cutters are available with clamp, lever and screw clamps.
  3. According to the design of the cutting unit - roller, chain, cutter or ratchet (the latter is more often used for cutting low-plasticity materials, and chain pipe cutters are more useful when cutting metal-plastic pipes).
  4. By type of drive - manual, electric or hydraulic. In the professional production of tubular blanks, pipe cutters with a pneumatic drive are also used, however, although they cut pipes with a diameter of up to 120...130 mm, they are quite cumbersome and will require a compressor.

A pipe cutter for steel pipes must also have some unique features. For example, the blades of the working tool (regardless of the design) must have a hardness that is no less than 15...20 HRC greater than the hardness of the pipe material. In order to perform such an assessment, a well-known method is used to determine the approximate chemical composition of the steel pipe material using the “spark test” method. To do this, the end of the pipe is processed using an emery grinder. The approximate percentage of carbon will be determined most accurately, but in this way it is also possible to identify tungsten, molybdenum and manganese, and, therefore, establish the initial hardness and even the approximate grade of the steel pipe material:

  • For low-carbon non-alloy steel, the spark beam will be quite continuous and have a light yellow color;
  • For medium carbon non-alloy steel, while maintaining the same beam color, the number of branches and brighter flashes will increase;
  • For ordinary quality steel, the spark stream will be thinner and the branches will be shorter. There are practically no outbreaks;
  • For alloy steel, the color of the sparks will change to deep yellow, and at their ends, instead of flashes, arrows more elongated along the flow will be observed.

Knowing the approximate hardness of the listed steels, you can select the optimal hardness of the working blades.

Working principle of manual pipe cutters for steel pipes

The easiest way to cut material is with roller pipe cutters. The main unit of the tool is a rigid holder, in the moving part of which disk knives are installed (there can be one, two or three of them). The relative position of the knives can be adjusted depending on the outer diameter of the pipe (the limit for roller pipe cutters is considered to be a diameter of up to 100 mm). For long pipes, a tool is available that also includes guide rollers. They provide longitudinal stability of the workpiece when cutting it.
Before using a roller pipe cutter, perform the following preparatory steps:

  • Wet the separation surface: this cleans the outer perimeter and partially removes rust/scale;
  • Using a clamp, secure the pipe in the holder, focusing on the marked cutting line;

Next, using a rod, the cutting head is moved around the perimeter of the pipe, and, gradually increasing the feed, the cut is performed. With well-sharpened knives, the cut is clean, without burrs. In order to simplify the design, in roller pipe cutters designed for pipes of small diameters - up to 20...30 mm - the rod is combined with a handle, when moving it the cutting is carried out.

It is not recommended to use roller pipe cutters to separate pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm. Although the price of such a manual pipe cutter is small, the cut is not of sufficient quality, and the physical effort expended is quite large.

More simple design have chisel pipe cutters, which are widely used in living conditions for cutting steel pipes with a diameter of up to 10...15 mm. Instead of rotating circular knives during cutting, cutters are used here, which, with an ever-increasing feed rate, gradually bite into the thickness of the steel. It is advisable to use manual pipe cutters for cutting pipes made of plastic materials (up to steel grade 15kp inclusive, or for ordinary quality steel grades St.1 or St.2kp). In this case, the specific load on the cutters is minimal, and the tool does not require frequent sharpening, which requires a certain amount of skill. You can reduce the effort by using surface lubrication with low-viscosity industrial oil or any coolant.

For cutting pipes of especially large diameters (up to 150...200 mm), rotary pipe cutters with a telescopic mechanism for turning the rollers are used. Such designs are convenient in that they can be used in unfavorable working conditions (for example, in recesses or pits). The rollers are mounted here along the outer perimeter of the pipe, and then, using a special lever equipped with a mechanical amplifier, they are pressed against the surface of the pipe. Gradually increasing the feed, separation is performed. The cut is made not so much by force as by the torque developed.

Electric pipe cutters

For large volumes of this kind of work, it is advisable to use a tool with an external drive, although their price is noticeably higher. Particularly convenient (if you have a fixed network alternating current) electric pipe cutters.

Typical design Electrically driven pipe cutter for cutting ductile steel includes:

  1. Impact-resistant housing equipped with ventilation slots.
  2. Drive high-speed electric motor designed for voltage 220 V.
  3. Three thrust rollers provide the necessary cutting accuracy.
  4. A cutting cutter fixed in a tool holder on the motor shaft and protected from the thrust zone.
  5. Reduction gear.

The weight of electric pipe cutters does not exceed 1.5 kg, however, many designs provide for attaching the tool to mechanic's workbench. Lubricants working area not required during cutting.
The design of electric pipe cutters for cutting more durable metal products is characterized by the absence of a gearbox, and therefore the number of revolutions cutting tool reaches 3000...4000 per minute. In such conditions, supply of lubricant to the separation zone is mandatory. The working tool is made of hard alloy grades VK5 or VK8, and the disk itself is covered with a removable casing.

The design of a hydraulic pipe cutter includes a working cylinder, a rod and a piston, and the necessary pressure is created by a compact hydraulic pump, which is included in the package. The stroke of the cutter is regulated by changing the pressure of the working fluid - water. Hydraulic pipe cutters can be used in any conditions, but they are inferior in power to electrically driven models.

Features of the most popular models of hand-held pipe cutting tools

Actively promotes its products to specialized markets in the country trademark RIGID. Pipe cutters from this company are compact in size, and at the same time, they efficiently cut pipes of both alloy and non-alloy steel. In order to reduce the cutting effort, the feed unit is equipped with rolling bearings, which reduce friction losses. The cutting rollers are returned to their original position spring device. The roller mount itself is unified and quick-release, which makes servicing the tool easier. All parts of pipe cutters are made of stainless steel, so pipe cutting can be performed even in a damp environment (for example, under water). The disadvantage of RIGID pipe cutters is the design of the handle, which does not allow the development of high torque during operation.

The REED company produces chain pipe cutters that have proven themselves when performing repair work on cast iron pipelines. REED's SUPER line uses a roller cutting tool, and is more suitable for cutting steel pipes. Cutting discs made of high-resistant tool steels, which eliminates the appearance of burrs on the interface surface. Compared to conventional pipe cutters, the tool has a more convenient shape of the power handle, but is not intended for work in conditions high humidity. Preliminary setup of the tool and its adjustment during the operation are not required.

Rothenberger produces pipe cutters disk type, which are equipped with a convenient clamp-type clamping mechanism, which can be easily adjusted to cut steel pipes of a different diameter. The roller tool is characterized by increased strength and rigidity, and therefore can efficiently cut pipes with thick walls. In terms of cut quality, pipe cutters from Rothenberger are not inferior to those discussed above, but are equipped with an expanded set of cutting rollers, and therefore are also suitable for working with copper or cast iron pipes.