Shower      04/18/2019

Growing tarragon is fun. Properties of tarragon, its cultivation and use

Tarragon, also known as tarragon, is a perennial essential oil herb belonging to the genus Wormwood. Unlike other representatives of this species, the plant is not bitter at all, but on the contrary, has a fresh, spicy taste and delicate aroma. Many housewives use it in cooking and canning, and folk healers use it medicinal properties herbs for cleansing the blood, restoring appetite and for vitamin deficiencies. Growing this spicy crop is possible in any area and climatic conditions, since the plant is quite unpretentious and requires minimal care.

Tarragon easily takes root in our latitudes, but like any crop, it has certain preferences. To grow a good aromatic herb, you need to consider the following points:

  • the areas where it is planned to plant spices should be well illuminated by the sun - the growth of greenery and the intensity of the aroma depend on this, however, the crop is quite capable of developing in the shade, but in this case the taste and aroma of the greenery will be less pronounced;
  • Tarragon prefers light and fertile soils with good drainage properties, and grows best in sandy loam soil - if the soil is heavy it needs to be diluted with sand and peat;
  • the crop does not tolerate acidic soil - you can bring the soil to normal acidity by adding chalk, lime, oven ash or dolomite flour;
  • lush and aromatic grass is easier to grow on fertile soil, rich in mineral salts and organic substances - manure, humus, and superphosphate are added to the soil when digging the bed in the autumn;
  • the plant does not tolerate excessive soil moisture well - when choosing a place to plant spices, you should abandon low-lying areas and give preference to a bed on a hill;
  • when sowing and replanting tarragon, the distance between the rows (holes) should be at least 30 cm, since some types of plants have quite developed foliage and can grow to a height of 1.5 m;
  • tarragon – perennial crop, but due to the fact that its cultivation takes place in one place for many years in a row, the greenery becomes rough and loses its taste qualities, therefore, beds with spices must be renewed every 5-7 years;

Planting of spices can be done either from seedlings or by sowing seeds directly in open ground. Growing through seedlings is preferable, since this method allows you to plant already grown plants in the garden, and thereby speed up the harvest. To sow tarragon for seedlings, you need to prepare a container and soil. The best soil mixture for seedlings is one consisting of equal parts of turf, humus and sand.

Seeds are sown in moist soil in mid-March. Planting material is distributed evenly over the surface and embedded to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. To grow strong and healthy seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the correct temperature at all times. From the moment of sowing until the sprouts appear, it should be 22-24 °C, then the temperature should be reduced to 17-20 °C.

With the right temperature conditions the first shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of timely watering (the soil should be moderately moist), light loosening, periodic hardening of the plants and picking when 3-4 leaves appear.

Seedlings are planted in the garden at the end of May, when the threat of night frosts has passed. The area where the spice will be grown must be prepared in the fall: dig up the soil, clear it of stones and weeds, and fertilize it with humus at the rate of 4 kg/sq. m, and also add potassium salt 20 g/sq.m. m and superphosphate 40 g, respectively. You can sow seeds directly into the ground no earlier than the last ten days of May.

Video “Properties of tarragon”

Informational video from around necessary information about the plant, as well as its beneficial properties.


Tarragon can be propagated in several ways: by sowing seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and rhizomes. Growing from seeds is the easiest, but not the most in a successful way in terms of grass quality. The fact is that planting tarragon from your own seeds over time leads to degeneration of the crop - a decrease in the concentration of esters, and, consequently, a decrease in the intensity of the aroma. For this reason experienced gardeners They try to propagate tarragon vegetatively: from cuttings, or by dividing the bush.

The division of the bush allows you to save the varietal characteristics of the culture, but at the same time the plant experiences a certain stress, since individual parts from an already formed bush take root for a long time. The bush should be divided and replanted in spring or early autumn. The plant should be carefully dug up, divided into two parts (no longer desirable), then each of them should be placed for some time in a solution that stimulates growth, after which the roots can be dug in pre-prepared holes and watered abundantly.

Growing tarragon from cuttings is quite simple. The cuttings are planted in the ground in early May, and the branches for germination need to be cut a few days before the expected planting date. Cuttings 10-15 cm long should be placed in a solution of “Kornevin” (a biostimulator that accelerates root formation) or another growth stimulator for a day, then buried in damp sand and covered with film.

It is necessary to ensure that the sand is always slightly damp, but not wet. If the care was correct, then within a month the roots will sprout and the vegetative process begins. At this time, the cuttings are planted in the garden bed where they will take place. further cultivation. It is convenient to resort to cuttings if you need to grow a large number of tarragon, since 60-80 cuttings can be obtained from one adult plant.

Care and cultivation

Crop care includes standard measures, consisting of watering, weed removal and timely fertilizing. How perennial, tarragon only develops in the first year of life, and blooms and bears fruit in the second year, and even then, in cold climates, this can be waited longer. Therefore, growing and caring for tarragon to a certain extent depends on this feature:

  • watering is carried out systematically, but as needed (you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out or be overly wet) - in the first year, while the plants are forming, watering should be done frequently, mature plant It is enough to water 3-5 times/season and only during dry periods;
  • cuttings require more careful care: until the roots grow, the soil should always be moist, the cover should be periodically removed for ventilation, and cuttings that do not develop should also be removed;

  • weed removal is carried out as necessary simultaneously with loosening the row spacing;
  • if tarragon was initially grown in a garden bed, then with the appearance of the first 2 leaves, the seedlings must be thinned out so that the distance between them is at least 10 cm;
  • It is impossible to grow lush greenery with excellent taste without organic and mineral fertilizers - fertilizers are used starting from the second year: in early spring, mineral mixtures with a minimum nitrogen content are added, since this element negatively affects the taste of the grass, after each cutting the bushes are fed with liquid mullein, droppings or fermented grass (1:10);
  • It will be easier to grow young plants if you tie them to small supports, since the stems of the seedlings are very thin and break easily;

  • the last cutting of greenery is carried out in August - it is not recommended to collect tarragon later, since this deprives the plant of the opportunity to accumulate the nutrients necessary for wintering;
  • in September, when the leaves turn yellow and dry, the bush is trimmed at a level of 6-10 cm from the soil surface, a layer of compost is placed on the remaining stumps, humus is scattered around, and the whole thing is covered with any organic mulch: sawdust, fallen pine needles, or dry leaves;
  • some types of tarragon grow using underground shoots - to prevent the plants from moving to the neighboring bed, they must be fenced off using pieces of slate buried in the ground.

Collection and storage

As everybody spices, tarragon must be collected before flowering. In the first year, it is not recommended to cut the plant, since it is just forming, and the grass needs to be fully grown to harvest. In addition, young greens have a less intense aroma and taste.

Starting from the second year, you can cut off young shoots 20-30 cm long. Tarragon grows quickly - 3-4 harvests of young greenery can be harvested per season. Woody branches are also used as an aromatic additive in canning and pickling vegetables.

To prepare tarragon for future use, they resort to drying or, less often, freezing. The difficulty with freezing is that it is not advisable to cut the greens - the leaves and young twigs must be separated from the stems by hand, washed, dried, put in a bag and placed in a freezer. The grass is dried easily and quickly, since its shoots contain only 5% moisture. For drying, tarragon is collected in small bundles, which are hung by the ends under a canopy in a dry place. When the bundles are completely dry, the leaves are separated from the stems by hand, crushed, and placed in jars for further storage. Dry tarragon can be stored in hermetically sealed containers for 1-2 years.

Video “About cultivation and care”

Informational video about the tarragon plant and its cultivation.

As soon as a person learned to cook his own food on fire, he began to improve its taste with the help of various herbs. Since ancient times, tarragon has been used as a spice and medicine in the Middle East, Asia, India, and China. Later it became widely used in Russia and Europe. The plant cannot boast of a luxurious look, but thanks to its unique aroma, it remains a favorite and always in demand seasoning on our table.

Description of tarragon

In the wild, tarragon (tarragon) is found almost everywhere in Europe and Asia. In America it grows from Alaska to Mexico. In addition to the familiar aromatic one, false tarragon is also known. It has no characteristic odor and nutritional value has no idea.

The height of this perennial plant is 0.4–1.5 m. The bush consists of numerous stems with narrow leaves. The flowers are pale yellow or white, collected in paniculate inflorescences. The rhizome is creeping, woody. Blooms in late summer. The plant is cold-resistant, in autumn the aerial part dies off, and the root winters well - it tolerates severe frosts, even if there is little snow.

Tarragon sprouts emerge from the ground in spring as soon as the soil thaws.

Use in medicine and cooking

The leaves contain a large amount ascorbic acid(vitamin C), carotene, rutin, essential oils and a number of trace elements useful for humans. IN folk medicine tarragon has long been used as a diuretic, antiscorbutic and sedative, and in oriental medicine also as an anti-tuberculosis agent. Tarragon normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands, improves appetite, increases potency. Tarragon should not be used for stomach ulcers and gastritis, pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in case of individual intolerance.

In cooking, this herb is used as a seasoning for pickling and fermenting vegetables, when cooking various dishes from fish, rice, meat, for flavoring soft drinks, wines and liqueurs. Tarragon is added to salads, sauces and mayonnaise. In France, tarragon is added to special vinegar to season salted fish. In Germany, fresh grass used to be placed on pieces of meat to protect against flies.

You can cut the grass from the beginning of summer until flowering, before the leaves and shoots become rough. Dry in a shady place protected from the wind. Frequent pruning - up to 3-5 times per season - makes the bush more fluffy.

The most famous varieties

There are many varieties of this spicy herb, the most famous are the following:

  • Aztec is a highly branched bush up to 1.5 m tall with dense foliage. Pleasant aroma with a predominance of anise notes. It can grow in one place for up to 7 years. The first cutting of greenery is a month after regrowth (in the 2nd year). In cooking it is used as a seasoning for pickling and pickling vegetables, in the preparation of various dishes and drinks;
  • Valkovsky - has matte leaves and a weak aroma. Essential oils of small pale flowers are used in perfumery, leaves - in cooking. From the moment the seedlings are planted in the garden bed until the first cutting, 25–30 days pass. The variety is cold-resistant and disease-resistant;
  • Gribovsky - leaves are dark green, fragrant. The variety is frost-resistant. It can grow in one place for up to 15 years. It is used in cooking in the preparation of dishes and drinks, as well as in folk medicine. From germination to cutting (from the second year) it takes about a month, the second cutting - after 2.5 months;
  • Dobrynya - greens contain a large amount of vitamin C and carotene. The height of the plant is about a meter. The variety is frost-resistant and can withstand dry periods. Used in cooking and folk medicine in fresh and dried form. The first cutting is 25–30 days after regrowth (from the second year). The second - in three months;
  • Zhulebinsky Semko is a frost-resistant plant. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m, the flowers are yellowish. It has a spicy characteristic aroma and a sweetish taste. This allows you to add it to baked goods and drinks. The first cutting of greenery (from the second year) - 30 days after regrowth, the second - after 30 days;
  • King of herbs - the scent is dominated by anise notes. The plant is cold-resistant and tolerates short-term drought. It is used in cooking and folk medicine, both fresh and dried. The first cutting is a month after regrowth, then after 2.5–3 months;
  • Goodwin - plant height up to 1 m. Strong pleasant taste with a hint of bitterness. It grows quickly; already in the second year after planting you can get up to 0.5 kg of green mass. Used in cooking and folk medicine. It grows well in open ground and in an apartment;
  • Monarch - bush up to 1.5 m tall with a characteristic aroma. Leaves are emerald green. Used in cooking and folk medicine. The variety is frost-resistant. The first cutting is 25–30 days after germination (from the second year), then again after three months. Can be grown on a window in an apartment;
  • Smaragd is a low plant up to 80 cm, the flowers are small and yellowish. The aroma is pleasant, refreshing. The variety is cold-resistant. Used in cooking and folk medicine. Looks good in joint decorative plantings;
  • French - very aromatic variety. On the background dark leaves Small white flowers are clearly visible. The variety is cold-resistant. During the season you can get from 500 to 700 g of greens. Used in cooking and landscape design.

Photo gallery: the most popular varieties of tarragon

The Valkovsky tarragon variety has a weak aroma. The taste of the Goodwin tarragon variety is with a hint of bitterness. The Smaragd tarragon variety can also be used as ornamental plant The tarragon variety Dobrynya contains a lot of vitamin C and carotene. The height of the tarragon bush of the Zhulebinsky Semko variety is up to 1.5 m. The tarragon variety King of Herbs has an aniseed smell. The Monarch tarragon variety is distinguished by the emerald color of its leaves. The French tarragon variety is very productive. Aztec tarragon variety grows in one place for up to 7 years Tarragon variety Gribovsky - frost-resistant

Planting and caring for the plant

Tarragon is quite unpretentious. It can grow in one place for 8 to 15 years, but as a green crop it is better to cultivate it for no more than 4–5 years, and then replant it. It feels good both in the sun and in the shade, but in the latter case the aroma will be significantly lower. The plant is not suitable for acidic soils or those with high humidity. Loves soil moderately seasoned with organic matter. If the soil is light and loose, then the water will not stagnate and harm the roots. To improve heavy clay soil, add sand with rotted sawdust or peat. If you add unrotted sawdust, the soil will become poor in nitrogen, which will impair the growth of greenery in tarragon. The plant is planted with seeds and seedlings. When planting seeds, they are never covered with soil, as this will greatly reduce germination. When planting seedlings, maintain a distance of 70 cm between rows and 70 cm between plants, since tarragon bushes grow up to 1.5 m tall.

When planting tarragon in the beds, maintain a distance of at least 70 cm so that the overgrown bushes have enough sun, moisture and nutrients.

Once every two weeks, water the tarragon so that the soil is saturated to a depth of at least 40 cm. If the weather is humid and not hot, then the plant will have enough atmospheric moisture. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil. Weeds must be removed in the first year after planting. Starting from the second year, tarragon copes with weeds on its own, since it has a creeping rhizome and quickly displaces nearby plants. To prevent this, the bed is limited by digging in pieces of slate. You can take a bucket without a bottom, dig it into the soil and plant tarragon in it.

Feeding begins from the second year of life. In the spring, before the greenery grows, add 25 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium salt per square meter. Fertilizers should be scattered and carefully embedded in the ground, being careful not to damage the sprouts.

Tarragon can withstand severe frosts. Only first-year plantings need shelter. late autumn shoots are cut to ground level, the roots are covered with leaves, sawdust, peat or spruce branches. Subsequently, shelter will no longer be required.

Secrets of planting and caring for a plant - video

Growing tarragon in an apartment

If you don't have suburban area, then growing tarragon in an apartment will not be difficult. Plant a cutting 10–15 cm long in early spring or August in a box with a mixture of turf soil and sand (3:1) or buy it in a store ready soil for seedlings. The cuttings are planted at a distance of 6 cm, watered abundantly and covered with film. The room temperature should be 16–18 °C. A week and a half later, after the sprouts have rooted, tarragon is planted on permanent place. Tarragon can be grown in an apartment for up to 4 years, then a new plant can be planted. Greens are cut as they grow and stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

In summer the plant will feel good on the balcony; in winter it is better to place it on the windowsill. Shading is required from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves may be burned. For normal growth, tarragon needs long daylight hours (10–12 hours). In winter, this problem will be solved by additional lighting using a phytolamp.

Even in winter, tarragon grows well on the windowsill

Tarragon propagation

Get planting material Can:

From one tarragon bush at the age of 3–4 years you can get up to 40 to 80 cuttings or about 100 root shoots. When dividing a bush - up to 80 branches.

If long time If tarragon is propagated vegetatively, the plant loses its ability to bloom, while retaining its excellent taste and wonderful aroma.

Diseases and pests

Tarragon is practically not affected by diseases. In rare cases, brown spots may appear on the leaves. This fungal disease called rust. It appears and spreads rapidly in heavily dense plantings. Another cause of rust is excess nitrogen in the soil when applied excessively. organic fertilizers. Remove and burn the affected plants, thin out. In the fall, remove all the above-ground part of the tarragon from the garden bed and treat the soil with Bordeaux mixture.

Of the insect pests, aphids and wireworms are the most annoying. The wireworm is the larva of the click beetle. It develops in the soil for 3–4 years, is omnivorous and very voracious. It feeds on plant roots and causes significant damage to garden crops. To get rid of the wireworm, try to loosen the ground more often. Another way is to sprinkle the beds with lime in the fall. In the spring, with melt water, lime gets deep into the soil, which the larvae really don’t like; they leave this place. You can also get rid of wireworms by planting green manure on your site. The roots of white mustard release substances into the soil that repel both beetles and their larvae. In addition, this plant is an excellent fertilizer and makes the soil more loose.

The larva of the click beetle - wireworm - feeds on plant roots and is very harmful to tarragon

You can fight aphids with folk remedies(infusion of onion peels, garlic or tobacco dust). It is not advisable to use chemicals, since greens are constantly used for food. IN as a last resort you can use the drugs Bazudin or Pochin (according to the instructions). Plants treated with chemicals can be used after 7–10 days, unless otherwise specified in the instructions for using the drug. A good remedy To repel aphids, plant marigolds or nasturtiums next to tarragon.

Marigolds planted next to vegetables and green crops repel aphids

Tarragon - spicy perennial grass, which came to us from Eastern Siberia and therefore winters well in conditions middle zone. It is widely used in canning vegetables, in marinades, it is added to cabbage when fermenting and is used in folk medicine. Tarragon is valued for the presence of mineral salts, essential oils, ascorbic acid and vitamins A and B in its leaves. Tarragon also has another name that is more familiar to us - tarragon.

Tarragon growing from seeds

Tarragon is a perennial plant that can grow in one place for about 5 years, so it is advisable to clear the area for planting tarragon of weeds. Tarragon-tarragon loves fertile soils, however, excess nitrogen leads to the growth of large green mass and reduces the amount of essential oil in the leaves, and, accordingly, the taste of the plant. I dig up the soil in the garden bed in the fall; on poor soils, add humus or compost at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 sq. m. m and one and a half glasses of wood ash. In the spring you can make full mineral fertilizers with moderate nitrogen content.

Tarragon can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively - by root suckers, cuttings, and so on.

Tarragon planting and care

Sow tarragon seeds in spring. Its seeds are very small: 1 g contains up to 5 thousand seeds. Tarragon can be sown in the nursery at the end of April - beginning of May in rows that are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Seeds are sown evenly on the moistened surface of small furrows - no more than 0.5 cm deep and lightly sprinkled with earth. Before the tarragon seedlings appear, the soil in the nursery should be kept moist all the time.

Seedlings appear 12-14 days after planting. In the phase of the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 10-15 cm between plants. After which, caring for the seedlings consists of loosening the soil, removing weeds and regular watering. The plants overwinter in the nursery, and in the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

You can sow tarragon immediately in a permanent place. Only the distance between the rows is maintained within 50-70 cm, because tarragon is a rather tall plant. Otherwise, the technology is the same: the seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, the soil is regularly sprayed before germination, and in the phase of the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 15-20 cm between plants.

Tarragon: planting and care

Tarragon can be propagated vegetatively. In the spring, an adult bush is dug up and divided into several parts with 3-5 shoots, which are planted in a new place. You can divide the rhizome of the bush into several cuttings 5 ​​cm long and plant them in a cutting box.

Caring for an adult plant is usually quite simple. This includes regular watering, weeding and loosening. Weeding and loosening are carried out as necessary to ensure that the row spacing is always clean. As for feeding, tarragon is not fed in the first year after planting. In the first year, the plant develops a stem, in the second year the tarragon blooms, and from that moment on it is fed with mineral fertilizers every spring, adding 10 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m. to the soil. m landings.

You can harvest the first harvest in the fall of the year of planting, but you should not overdo it with pruning leaves so as not to weaken the plant. If tarragon has grown less than 25 cm in the first growing season, then it is better to postpone harvesting until next year. From the second year, tarragon leaves can be cut throughout the summer.

It should be noted that 4 years after sowing tarragon seeds, the plants begin to lose their taste, and bitterness appears in the leaves. Experts advise further rejuvenating the plant, that is, propagating tarragon vegetatively.

Tarragon (popularly tarragon) is a spicy herb that is loved in different cuisines peace. In addition, having heard about tarragon, many of us remember the taste of the green, cooling carbonated drink “Tarragon”. For a family, it is enough to plant only 4-5 tarragon bushes.

By growing tarragon (tarragon) on your windowsill, you can fully enjoy the spicy, pungent taste of green leaves. This perennial crop will stay with you for a long time - the average lifespan of a plant is 10-12 years.

Did you know? Renew the planting periodically every 5-6 years. The height at home is 50 cm, and in open ground up to 1 meter.

If you follow some simple rules, you can easily grow tarragon on your windowsill.

You can grow tarragon from seeds by rooting shoots or dividing the root. Let's talk in more detail about growing tarragon from seeds.

Planting tarragon seeds in a pot

In the home, tarragon is best grown in pots or garden containers.

Tarragon rhizomes are compact, so you won't need to use large containers.

How to prepare tarragon seeds before planting

Tarragon has small seeds. For ease of sowing, it is recommended to mix the seeds with sand, this will allow them to be sown evenly.

Did you know? Only 0.5 g of seeds are needed per 10 m². 1 g contains about 5 thousand seeds.

How to plant seeds

We put drainage at the bottom of the pot or container for planting, fill it with soil - this mixture is even suitable for growing seedlings. You can prepare the soil yourself: a mixture of sand, humus and turf (1: 1: 1).

Important! With an excess of humus, plants actively increase green mass, while the taste and aroma of the leaves suffer.

Sandy loam is perfect for growing tarragon, but clay soil must be diluted and enriched: use sand, peat and humus.

Tarragon does not tolerate acidic soils. Add to this soil wood ash, ground chalk, fluff lime or dolomite flour. Vermiculite and perlite are good at absorbing excess moisture, and when there is not enough moisture, they return it to the plant.

Sow the seeds, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil, and moisten. You can make a home greenhouse by covering a pot or container with film or glass. But at the same time, do not forget about periodic watering. The first shoots will appear on the 20th day.

Temperature: 17-20 °C.

Location in the house and lighting

Tarragon will grow on any window, but the most suitable for it will be the south or east side. Lack of sun and lighting greatly affects growth, and in case of their deficiency, its taste changes. The greenery loses its color intensity and turns pale. Accordingly, additional lighting is necessary.

Caring for tarragon at home

Periodic watering and loosening of the soil, as well as providing sufficient lighting, especially in the autumn-winter period, are quite sufficient.

Important! Do not allow the plant to become overwatered - it will die.

Rules for watering tarragon grass

The first shoots need to be watered very carefully so as not to break the seedlings or erode the soil. The best way to do this is with a spray bottle.

For tarragon, it is important to ensure moderate watering. Spray a couple of times a day, water 1-2 times a month.

Top dressing

You can feed tarragon already in the second year. To do this, it will be enough to add a small amount of complex mineral fertilizers. Constantly loosen the soil in order to prevent the appearance of a crust.

How to make a tarragon drink at home

Many of us remember the Tarragon drink. Now many sources advise giving up carbonated drinks in order to maintain health. But what to do when you really want homemade lemonade? Make your own tarragon drink at home.

Homemade tarragon drink

There are many ways to make a homemade tarragon drink. Some people make syrup with tarragon, others squeeze the juice from tarragon leaves and add it to soda. You can cook it in different ways.


  • Tarragon
  • Lemon
  • Sugar
  • Carbonated water
To prepare the syrup, take 150 g of sugar and 200 ml of water, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. While the syrup is boiling, wash 70 g of tarragon (bunch) and chop. To do this, take a blender or chop finely with a knife. Add the green gruel to the syrup and leave for 30-60 minutes. Strain the mixture to get a clear infusion. Then add one and a half liters of soda to it, squeeze the juice from two lemons and two limes. We put our homemade tarragon drink in the refrigerator. Treat your friends and enjoy the healthy and refreshing Tarragon drink yourself.

Did you know? To make a homemade tarragon drink, only the leaves are needed. The stem is not used.

Tarragon cocktail for weight loss

Green smoothies are especially popular in dietary nutrition and among those who strive for an ideal figure. Kefir is used as a basis for such drinks and banana, kiwi and favorite herbs are added to taste. There are many recipes; you can use your imagination and create your own unique cocktail. We offer a recipe that will inspire you to your masterpiece.

- perennial plant, one of the types of wormwood.

Did you know?This is the only type of wormwood that does not have the characteristic bitterness characteristic of these plants.

It can grow up to one and a half meters in height, the leaves are narrow, and the inflorescences are yellowish-green, paniculate type, located at the ends of the branches. The tarragon plant is a well-known seasoning, and its cultivation is quite popular in garden culture.

This plant is also used in preserving vegetables and preparing marinades. Tarragon received its unusual spicy aroma thanks to essential oils found in the leaves and stems of this plant.

Did you know?It is this plant that serves as the basis for the popular Tarragon drink.

Planting and propagation of tarragon seeds

Planting tarragon seedsa more labor-intensive process than other methods, but if, due to various circumstances, other methods are not suitable for you, then let's figure out how to plant tarragon this way. Seeds can be planted in open ground directly to the garden bed, or you can pre-germinate it in seedlings. The second method is more complicated, but more reliable.

Planting tarragon for seedlings

Tarragon seeds are small, they will germinate for 2-3 weeks. There is no need to sprinkle with soil; sow in rows, with a distance between rows of approximately 10 cm. April-May - best time when you can plant tarragon for seedlings.

After a couple of weeks, the seeds germinate, seedlings need to be thinned out in a row by 10 cm. Further care includes watering, loosening, weeding. Plants remain in nurseries for one winter. In early spring they can be transplanted into open ground.

Planting tarragon seeds in open ground

No big difference where to plant tarragon, however, among the undesirable predecessors, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory and lettuce can be distinguished. If there is a choice, then growing tarragon from seeds is best done in places where legumes used to grow.

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn, under snow. Small seeds are sown in rows every 30 cm and covered with a small layer of earth, not forgetting to moisten the plantings. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks; over time, they need to be thinned out.

Other​ ​ways​ ​of propagation​ ​tarragon grass

There are other ways to propagate tarragon, but for this you need an adult plant.

Dividing the rhizome

The easiest way: adult plants are dug up and divided, then planted in new places. Each part must have its own rhizome and a pair of buds.


Propagation of tarragon cuttings is best suited if you need to get a large number of new plants. From one adult bush you can get 60-80 cuttings.

Cuttings are best carried out during active growth, so rooting will happen faster. For tarragon this is spring or early summer. Cuttings are cut 10-15 cm long, and then planted in a greenhouse with a soil mixture of humus and sand.

Important!The cuttings need to be deepened into the soil no more than 5 cm, and then covered and shaded.

After this, they must be regularly ventilated and watered; try to keep the temperature within 18 degrees. If everything is done correctly, the cuttings will be ready for planting in three weeks.

By layering

Not very popular, but effective way– propagation using segments of rhizomes. In early spring, the rhizomes are dug up and cut into pieces about 5 cm in length. Further, the scheme is exactly the same as when growing by cuttings.

How​ ​to care​ ​tarragon​ ​in your​ ​yard

The main care for tarragon consists of removing weeds, loosening the soil and timely watering, especially during drought. Young shoots must be tied to pegs, as strong winds can damage them.

It is advisable to feed the plant from the second year. It is best to do this in the spring, using complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 1 tablespoon per square meter.

Collecting​ ​and​ ​harvesting​ ​tarragon grass​ ​for​ ​winter

Tarragon is used in many recipes, both fresh and dried. It is also canned and frozen. Of course, everyone knows about the drink that has the same name. However, harvesting in winter is impossible, so it is necessary to prepare tarragon for the winter.

​Drying​ ​tarragon

For further drying, tarragon is cut at the very beginning of flowering. Its water content is low, so it won't take long to dry. It is necessary to hang the raw materials upside down in a dry, ventilated area. After complete drying, the herbs tarragon should be placed in airtight containers so that the aroma does not disappear.