Well      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself car tire tracks. How to easily make a track from old tires with your own hands. Do-it-yourself track creation technology

Summer residents are well aware of how inconvenient it is to work and just walk around the summer cottage, where there are no good garden paths. And when it rains, things get really bad. Everywhere there is only dirt, which you also carry with you on your shoes. So it’s quite easy to get injured when your feet go on a slippery path. Therefore, it is recommended to definitely make a path - including between the beds. So the dirt from the garden will not rush into the house, so you will have to clean up much less.

Fortunately, it is possible to pave a garden path from a wide variety of materials - stone, tiles, paving stones, saw cuts of wood, but these are not cheap materials. At the same time, we have more a budget option at low cost - in the form car tires. Therefore, we propose to make tracks from car tires. All you need to do is cut the side of the cord with a knife and cut in the middle, which will make the finished track. She fits on wooden slats and nailed down.

For the manufacture of garden paths at low cost, you need to take materials:
car tires;
wooden planks;
nails or screws.

List necessary tools:
sharp shoe or other knife;
hammer or screwdriver.

Step-by-step description - creating a garden path from car tires

You need to take an old car tire, and cut off the side with a knife.

The result is this.

It should be cut on one side, after which you get a track in the form of a strip. Then another track is taken and nailed with nails or fixed with screws on a wooden plank. To prolong the life of the plank, treat it using used oil or bituminous mastic.

The next step is to lay the track in the required places on your suburban area. It is especially recommended to place paths between the beds.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, while the garden path comes out budgetary and practical.

Ideas for using car tires for garden paths

Ladder path in the garden or on a steep slope of car tires.

Rectangular rubber tile track (tiles can be made from car tires)

The summer cottage is a great place to bring extraordinary ideas to life.

hosts country houses they try to ennoble their territory and use unnecessary things to create compositions, which, after restoration, become a decoration of the site.

This and kitchenware and antique furniture colorful lids. Bring flair to landscape design car tires help.

Craftsmen are much more inventive, so flower baskets, swings, pools and sandboxes for children are made from tires.

An example of using tires - a homemade pond

If you dream up a little, then on a site made of old tires you can easily equip a garden path with your own hands.

Pros and cons of using tires in track construction

The pluses include:

  1. The main advantage of rubber high quality. Despite the service life, the tire remains resistant to temperature extremes, it perfectly tolerates any precipitation. Doesn't worsen it appearance and from an increase or decrease in temperature. Therefore, in the arrangement of the garden path, the main place is occupied by tires. The equipped path will not crack under the influence of frost, will not get wet under heavy rains and will retain its shape in the hot summer.
  2. Behind the tracks easy to care for. It is only necessary to sweep away the debris and from time to time pour water from the hose.
  3. Tire track - safe way site arrangement. Even after a heavy downpour, the rubber dries quickly, and it is almost impossible to slip on it.
  4. Easy DIY, perhaps, is the main advantage of a garden path made of tires.

The only disadvantage of this material is that it is required a large number of. But this is not a problem either, because you can contact the service station for unnecessary tires.

Ways to use tires

To create tracks in a summer cottage, you can use 2 options:

  • arrangement with car tires;
  • the use of rubber tiles, which is obtained in the process of processing rubber tires.

Walkway made of car tires

The ladder path is suitable for arranging uneven areas.

For example, along such a path it will be convenient to go down to the pond located in the background of the site.

Depending on the functional load of the stairs, you can lay out the track in 2 rows.

It does not take much time to make an original staircase, and this is perhaps the most budget option.

Manufacturing process

Tires are laid out flat on the ground, starting from the low part of the site and rising up. In order for the tires to be stable, they should be sunk a little into the ground and soil should be poured into the holes.

Advice! IN rainy weather such a path can become slippery, so it is recommended to sprinkle it with gravel.

The track-ladder absorbs well. Walking on it is much more pleasant than on asphalt or concrete steps. During movement, the load on the joints is small, so fatigue in the legs will not be felt.

We build in the country, using our advice and step by step instructions. More details in the article.

Coniferous tree larch: planting and care, as well as tree propagation. on the requirements of larch to the composition of the soil and other nuances of cultivation.

Garden path made of rubber modules

This track is convenient and practical to use. It lays out like a puzzle.

At any time, rubber modules can be shifted to another place or their slope can be changed. Thus, a new design will be obtained.

Footpath made of rubber square tiles

To create such decorative path you will need to buy rubber tiles.

Of course, making a track will hit your pocket a little, but it looks much better and more original than a strip from a tire.

Laying rubber tiles

The manufacturing process does not take much time. You can simply lay out the rubber tiles in a checkerboard pattern right on the grass. Squares anywhere can be pressed with decorative stones.

Over time, the tiles will adhere to the ground, and the beautifully protruding grass will be in harmony with overall design. The video below explains how to cut the tire.

Walkway made of rubber rectangular tiles on a concrete base

From rectangular tiles, you can arrange a path near the pool or around the fountain.

In the production of "rubber mats" all the same car tires are used. Operational properties tiles are no different from tires, they also serve for a long time, do not slip.

And most importantly, with their help you can diversify the design and create a unique composition.

There is nothing complicated during installation. It is fastened with special locks or bushings. When constructing a track from rubber tiles, you need to take into account one nuance: the thickness of the material.

Tiles with a thickness of less than 20 mm should be fixed to a solid base: cement screed, wooden decking or asphalt pavement.

At the very beginning, it is required to level the base, fill in all the recesses and remove the bulges, cover up the chips and cracks, the appearance of which was facilitated by external factors.

To process the base, acetone and polyurethane glue are mixed, taken in equal quantities. Well, then, only your imagination.

When making a track, proportionality should be taken into account. Between the tiles should be the same distance. The space can be filled with crumbs. It will look beautiful if the track is made in the same style.

But not less interesting option will be if you fill the space between the tiles with multi-colored pebbles.

Do-it-yourself track creation technology

Every summer resident dreams of beautifully decorating the paths between the beds, or the approach to the parking lot, so that it is convenient to walk along them even in rainy weather.

It is inconvenient to walk on the boards, and they look ugly, on linoleum it is slippery, and the slate can crack.

Therefore, to create a track, you need to choose a specialized rubber that will last longer than all these devices.

Tools and materials for work

You will need:

  • car tires of the same size;
  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • oil or soap solution;
  • wooden block, mount or adjustable wrench.

Dacha is a place where you want to relax after the bustle of the city. Therefore, it must have everything necessary for comfort, including paths on the site, on which not only ease of movement, but also safety depends.

Today, for the manufacture of paths in the garden, you can use various materials. Someone prefers paving slabs, or gravel, but someone goes a more radical way, and makes tracks from old tires.

Indeed, car tires are very suitable material for these purposes. In addition to worthy physical and mechanical properties, the tires have a tread that will make driving on homemade tracks as convenient and safe as possible.

How to make tracks from old tires? What tires are best for this purpose? Read about it in a construction magazine.

Original and beautiful tracks from old car tires are not just a budget option. This approach to arrangement garden plot will embellish it and distinguish it from many.

It is also noteworthy that for the manufacture of such garden paths with your own hands, you will need a minimum of time and tools. By the way, a grinder will be needed from the tool, but better fit jigsaw with a saw blade for metal. If electric jigsaw No, you can also use a sharp knife. However, the work on the manufacture of tracks, in this case, will be seriously delayed.

First of all, you will need to cut the sidewalls on the tires so that you get rings. As mentioned above, for work it is best to use an electric jigsaw with a metal blade. After the sidewalls are cut out, it will be necessary to cut the tires in half so that separate strips are obtained.

To align the strips, it will be necessary to make small cuts on them from each edge, up to 5 cm. Thus, when laying garden paths from tires, there will be no difficulty in leveling them.

For the manufacture of tracks, you can use various tires, ranging from R13 and larger. Some masters, at all, take D20 tires from DT. However, in this case, there may be some difficulty in cutting the side of the tires. And the high tread height can become an obstacle to comfortable movement on homemade tracks.

Therefore, it is recommended to take tires not too large sizes, and exclusively from cars. It will also be just fine if at least some tread remains on the tires. Then the garden paths will not be as slippery as those for the manufacture of which a mine belt for conveyors (conveyor) was taken.

In order for tire tracks to last for a long time, you should follow the basic rules associated with their installation. For these purposes, you will first have to mark the territory and prepare the site for the tracks.

Therefore, armed with a length of rope or fishing line, as well as several wooden pegs, you should mark the boundaries where the tracks from the tires will pass with your own hands. Then you can prepare the base for their laying.

If there is vegetation in the place where garden paths are laid, then in any case it is necessary to get rid of it. Then, using a shovel, you should carefully level the soil under the paths (the place should be flat, without depressions and protrusions).

The last step will be the laying of tracks from car tires. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is that the home-made paths fit well to the surface of the ground and do not fidget on it.

In some cases, under the tracks you have to build something like a crate, but this usually happens only in a heavily swampy area.

There are many options for decorating the yard.

Various compositions are created from what would have been thrown away before - things and objects that have served their time.

If you have accumulated old tires, then do not rush to throw them away - you can make a path out of them in the garden, in the garden or in the country.

If you approach this process creatively, you can not only beautifully decorate the territory, but also secure it.

There are several popular ways to equip your site, and they will be discussed further.

It is possible to lay paths on the territory of the garden plot only with the help of those materials that do not deteriorate in adverse weather conditions and are environmentally friendly.

Summer residents often use the remnants of linoleum, but during rain, such a path becomes too slippery and dries for a long time.

Rubber tiles are suitable, but they are not cheap, and for summer cottages you can get by in more budgetary ways.

It takes some effort to cut through several tapes from the tire. To make the blade slide more easily over rubber, it should be lubricated in advance in soapy water.

Worn wheels are great for creating garden paths.

This is much cheaper than buying and installing special materials.

There are a number of other benefits:

  1. Car tires stronger and more durable than other improvised materials.
  2. Tires have high wear resistance, well tolerated different temperature, practically do not deteriorate due to the effects of precipitation.
  3. Behind paths made of rubber just care. It is only necessary to periodically wash off dirt from them with plain water and sweep away debris. This is all that is required to make the track look normal.
  4. After washing off the dirt with water, as well as after rain, rubber dries quickly. It does not slip, so the risk of injury is minimal.

To get tires, it is enough to walk through the car enthusiasts you know - for sure someone has a set of used tires. You can go to the nearest service station and buy them there (for free or very cheap).

But there are a number of downsides:

  1. The coating laid on the ground does not have vapor permeability. The earth begins to tremble. Fishermen will certainly like it - it will be easy to collect earthworms.
  2. Tire bands are waterproof. This leads to the appearance of puddles in the recesses after rain.

Manufacturing methods

There are several ways to create tracks, which one to choose depends on your skills, availability of tools and preferences.

Made from rubber bands

The easiest way is to make a track from cut strips of tires. It is not difficult to do this, the main thing is to cut the rubber evenly and take measurements correctly.

It is made as follows:

  1. You need to cut a few long strips from tires with protectors. You need to cut along the edge so that the rubber straightens easily. Then the tire must be cut to make a long ribbon.
  2. Strips are nailed to a small plank and lay down on the ground. There must be a small gap between them - water will go inside it.
  3. Ribbons are laid along the path. It is better to first fill the area with a layer of gravel, which is needed as a drainage and pillow. It is advisable to make small indentations in those areas where the bars are laid, otherwise the path will ride up.

It is better to take "winter" tires, as they are designed for use at low temperatures and high humidity.

This method is effective if you want to make small paths between rows of beds or trees.

From whole tires

If the site has an elevation, you can make a semblance of steps, instead of the usual strips, you can build a ladder out of tires. To do this, you can use whole tires stuffed with earth or sand.

Main - they must be securely anchored in the ground otherwise the risk of injury increases.

If there are a lot of tires, you can lay the stairs in two rows. Or use tires from trucks.

Mount the track from whole tires as follows:

  1. tires dig into the ground. Start from the bottom of the descent, gradually moving up. It is required to carefully check whether each tire is securely installed.
  2. To give it stability, drown a little tires in the ground.
  3. Inside you can pour any material- pebbles, sand, earth. The tire should not be empty, otherwise it will sag under pressure.

Such steps look like this (see photo)

This track is pretty easy to do yourself.

The method does not require special skills and tools for cutting.

In addition, such a path is comfortable and looks much more natural and prettier than slopes made of concrete or asphalt, it looks more natural against the backdrop of nature.

Making borders

The sides are designed to decorate the edges of the track. There are several ways to make borders:

  1. Bury the tires in the ground, placing them vertically.
  2. Make separate ribbons and fasten them with nails.
  3. Cut the tire across, getting two equal parts.

Country paths from a rubber tile

This is a completely different level of country rubber coatings. With modular rubber tiles, the site looks expensive and well-groomed.

The coating is made from recycled old tires. The module consists of crumb rubber mixed with color pigment and polyurethane binder.

You can lay tiles with your own hands. Main - make the right preliminary measurements, paint the length and width of the planned track, and then decide on the location and necessary quantity tiles.

The thicker the tile, the more expensive it will cost to buy. However, dense elements can be laid directly on the ground. without backing.

The tile consists of two layers:

  1. depreciation- a thick bottom layer of unpainted coarse rubber crumb.
  2. Upper- a thin colored layer of crumb rubber.

Thinner tiles (with a thickness of up to 2 cm) are best laid out on a dense surface so that bumps do not form. For example, fill the area where the path is planned with cement, and collect elements on top of it.

If you have the tools, you can independently process unnecessary tires into crumbs. If you're wondering how to do it, read the article.

Roll coverings

You can also ennoble the site using recycled rubber, but already in the form of rolls that are easily rolled over the surface.

Such a track retains all the properties of rubber, while looking much sleeker. It is elastic and reliable material, which is pleasant to walk on in any weather.

Mount it under the following conditions:

  1. Need a base - concrete or asphalt.
  2. She is being covered special glue, after the roll is carefully unfolded along the path.

The coating method is convenient if the base is already badly damaged - in this case, the rubber track hides traces of damage.

There are many colors and sizes, so you can get confused when choosing.

This option is also more practical - laying is easier, the path looks aesthetically pleasing. But the cost of such rubber rolls will be higher.


If you have old tires, you can save a lot of money and make a path in the garden from ordinary rubber bands. It's cheap and reliable materials. Although rubber is a product of oil refining, and it is quite difficult to destroy it, the tire does not harm humans and plants.

If you are interested in a more aesthetic material, choose ready-made rubber coatings from tires.

In contact with

Recently, my aunt was introduced to her niece's blog, she, as a summer resident, was interested in the heading "Ideas for giving". Order received for good idea for garden paths. That's what I like cottage construction and repair, so it is a space for activity, and not only in the spatial sense, but also in terms of implementing the most unexpected ideas.

So, back to our sheep paths. Options - a great many, one more beautiful than the other. The tree for me will always be paramount if put before a choice. Still, a living material, breathable, warm.

Paths, consisting of different segments, connected together, also look very nice, especially when one of the segments is greenery in one form or another.

Mosaic of painted stones, sealed in concrete, refers, in my understanding, to artistic creativity. You create a canvas in an unusual technique.

And there is such a very simple and budget option, you put together puzzles from rubber modules, I like the fact that they can always be shifted, you never know, plans have changed, space will be required. Minute business. Although, of course, more like a temporary measure. In the end, all summer residents and owners of household plots go through a state of temporality, so it will come in handy on the farm.

On the site neumaticoadicto.blogspot.com.es, the author went further, he does rubber tracks from old tires, but what’s there tracks, toys, jewelry, furniture, shoes ... in general, when all country affairs are in openwork (if it’s real at all), you can equip yourself with a workshop and create there, even if only from old tires. Like this:

And from the sidewalls you can build just such a flower bed and walk around in flip flops with tire soles.

It no longer has anything to do with the paths, but completely with the dacha.

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