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Effective ways to sharpen ceramic knives. Can ceramic knives be sharpened?

From the very beginning of civilization, a person has been accompanied by a very important tool - a knife. It was made from different materials. Over the past centuries, unconditional leadership for metal products. But at the end of the 20th century, the Japanese began to produce a new product that immediately conquered the market. These are ceramic knives.

Properties and features of ceramic knives

In the early eighties, Japanese technologists turned their attention to amazing properties zirconia, which is derived from the mineral zircon.

The main feature of zirconia products is high hardness. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of diamond is 10. The hardness of zirconium dioxide ranges from 8.2 to 8.5. At the same time, for hardened steel, this figure is 6.2.

Another attractive property of this mineral is that it is chemically neutral.

These knives are called ceramic, first of all, according to the manufacturing technology. They are made from zirconium dioxide powder by pressing in special forms and then baking in an oven at temperatures above 1500 degrees.

Advantages of ceramic knives

  1. Due to the high hardness of the material from which they are made, these knives long time maintain the sharpness of the cutting edge;
  2. With such knives it is easy to cut products, even the softest ones, which conventional tool crumple;
  3. They are chemically neutral, therefore they do not absorb themselves and do not leave foreign odors on the products, moreover, they do not destroy the useful vitamins present in the butchered food;
  4. Ceramic knives do not corrode and do not oxidize cut fruits and vegetables;
  5. The weight of these products is much less than that of metal counterparts.

Disadvantages of ceramic knives

  1. Despite the high hardness, under certain conditions ceramic knife may be fragile. They should not cut frozen foods and bones, as well as make chopping movements, because the cutting edge may crumble or the blade may break altogether;
  2. Such a knife is not universal, it is good only in the kitchen, and its cost is higher than that of most metal knives;
  3. Sharpening a ceramic knife is a rather complicated process. A person who does not have the skills may not be able to cope with this and will be forced to look for a special workshop.

Types of ceramic knives

Having decided to buy a new ceramic knife, you need to know what types of these products exist and how they differ from each other.

First of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. The undoubted leaders in this segment are Japanese masters. When buying a Chinese product, it must be borne in mind that the knife may be more fragile and short-lived.

Knives made from different starting materials differ significantly. Knives made of black ceramics have greater hardness and durability than products with a light shade.

Given the high hardness of the material from which ceramic knives are made, it is necessary to use grinding wheels and diamond-coated stones to sharpen and polish them. It is useless to use ordinary grinding materials, they will not leave any mark on the surface of the knife.

The second condition that must be observed is to perform sharpening in three stages. First, the sharp edge is processed with a coarser material, for a whetstone it will be 3000 grit. Then grinding is done with a tool with a grit of 5000 and this work is finished by polishing with a stone with a grit of 6000.

If you do not do the final grinding and polishing with fine-grained stones, then the cutting blade of a ceramic knife can crumble after a few days of using it in the kitchen.

The easiest way to sharpen a ceramic knife- is to use a special electric sharpener, which is sold in the same place as knives. At the same time, you need to know what kind of sharpening for a particular knife is required - one-sided or two-sided. In accordance with the required method, you must select the mode. In such devices, all the angles necessary for the processing of knife blades are adjusted.

Quickly enough you can sharpen a ceramic knife on grinder with a circle coated with diamond grit with a grain size of not more than 40 microns. For such a fragile material as ceramics, some rules must be observed:

  • the spindle on which the circle rotates should not be loose, there should not be any beating of the grinding wheel;
  • sharpening is required to be done in low speed mode;
  • during sharpening, to press the knife blade against the spinning disk, minimal efforts must be made, and during the entire process they must be the same;
  • sharpening angle for kitchen knives is adopted in the range of 18 - 25 degrees;
  • sharpening the blade is required from the handle to the tip, and the movement is slow without jerks;
  • after processing on grinding machine the surface to be sharpened should be polished;
  • before starting work, you need to make sure that the blade of the ceramic knife will be processed on one or both sides.

More time and effort will be spent if the decision is made to straighten the knife blade with whetstones or whetstones. In this case, the requirement for the tool is the same. Bars are used only with diamond coating. The grain size of the bars should be from coarse - for primary processing, to fine - for subsequent grinding and polishing of the surface. For the convenience of work, bars with a length of at least fifteen centimeters are selected.

  • During sharpening, do not apply large lateral forces to the knife blade. The pressure should be gentle and even.
  • First, a blade is applied to the bar at the handle and then there is a slow movement to the knife edge. Movement is made in one direction only.
  • Sharpening angle for kitchen knife is 18 - 25 degrees.
  • If the sharpening was one-sided, then, after its completion, by turning the blade over to the other side, the resulting burr is removed on the bar in one motion.
  • It is necessary to sharpen the knife on a wet bar, for this it is recommended to lower it first into the water for 10 minutes.

Despite certain difficulties in sharpening ceramic knives and the need to be careful when using them, this tool is rightfully called the invention of the 21st century. Their absolute environmental friendliness, lightness and high sharpness make ceramic knives indispensable in the kitchen. best result achieved by housewives and professional chefs, who use both ceramic and traditional steel knives in their work. Each tool is used for a specific type of work. With this attitude, ceramic knives serve for many years without requiring additional care.

Video: how to quickly sharpen a ceramic knife

It takes ~2 minutes to read

The knife is indispensable tool in the kitchen, and today they are made from different materials. IN Lately ceramic knives have gained popularity, they have an attractive appearance and a sharp blade. It is much easier to cut food with such a device, but, like a steel one, it requires sharpening. Sharpening of ceramic knives can be carried out at home, but first we will consider their properties and features.

Properties and features of ceramic knives

The main feature of ceramic knives is that they are both sharp and brittle. At correct operation it will last for many years.

Advantages of ceramics:

  • Sharpness. The ceramic blade is made of zirconium dioxide, which is the third most durable material after diamond and corundum. At correct use the blade stays sharp for a long time and may not need sharpening for up to three years.
  • Neutrality. Such a kitchen appliance, unlike a metal one, does not affect the taste of food at all. It is environmentally friendly, therefore it is recommended for use in cooking for children.
  • Ease. The ceramic knife is lightweight, which allows you to cut a lot of food quickly and without feeling tired in your hand.
  • Resistant to chemical degradation. Metal blades can become stained and rust over time, this will not happen with ceramics. They can be washed with any detergent, they are not afraid of contact with hot water.
  • Scratch resistant. The device retains its original appearance for several years, it is almost impossible to scratch it.

Disadvantages of ceramics:

  • Fragility. A metal blade can cut bones or other hard foods. Even if you try to bend it in your hand, it is extremely difficult to break it. Ceramics is a rather fragile material, it is enough to bend it with your hands, and it will break. When cutting bones or trying to open a jar with such a blade, pieces may break off from it.
  • Price. Ceramics are noticeably more expensive than metal, so a ceramic device will cost much more than a metal one.
  • Not versatility. Such a device is useful in the kitchen, convenient for cutting vegetables, fruits, meat, but you need to be careful with it. In addition, it is not suitable for hiking, such a device cannot be taken on the road.
  • Difficult sharpening. Some people think that ceramic blades cannot be sharpened, or they can, but only at the factory. In fact, this can be done even at home, but adhering to some rules.

Ways to sharpen a ceramic knife

A ceramic knife does not require frequent sharpening, but after a while it loses its sharpness. Many do not know how to sharpen a ceramic knife at home, and, in general, is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives. In fact, you can sharpen your blade at home in several ways.

Sharpening methods:

  • Electric grinder;
  • Electric sharpener;
  • Manual sharpener;
  • Diamond paste;
  • Bar;
  • Musat;

Electric grinder

You can sharpen a knife in the workshop, in Moscow the price of this service is 200-250 rubles. If you have sharpening skills, then get an electric grinder and two diamond-coated grinding wheels, one 80 microns, the other 40 microns. The machine should work at low speed, the blade cannot be pressed against the circle, the sharpening angle should be 20-25 degrees. If you make the angle smaller, the blade will become more fragile. This method should be used only if you have the appropriate skills, otherwise, there is a high chance of damaging the device.

electric sharpener

The electric sharpener has two diamond-coated discs. You just need to insert the blade into the hole according to the instructions. The sharpener is powered by a battery or batteries, it independently adjusts to the thickness of the blade. Sharpening takes place quickly and professionally, and such devices are also able to remove small chips.

Manual sharpener

A manual sharpener for metal-ceramic knives works on the same principle as an electric one. The sharpening angle is already adjusted in it, but it is necessary to insert the blade into the hole and sharpen with smooth movements. This is one of the economical, simple and at the same time effective ways.

Diamond paste, bar and circle

Diamond paste includes inclusions of diamond dust, it is not difficult to use. You need to apply it to the cardboard and start wiping the blade, this method takes time and patience, but the result is worth it.

For manual sharpening You can also purchase a diamond-coated bar. It is made in the form of a nail file. The knife must be placed on a stand, and then sharpened across the blade with a bar. The angle must be determined by yourself, so this method is recommended for those who have sharpening experience.


This method allows you to sharpen a blade that is not very dull: the musat does not sharpen, but simply maintains the sharpness of the blade. In one hand you need to take a knife, in the other musat. It must be held vertically. Sharpening movements should be smooth, without strong pressure, otherwise the blade may be damaged.

Rules, following which, you can extend the life of a ceramic knife

In order not to wonder how to sharpen a ceramic knife after a year of use, and not break it, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not cut frozen meat or bones, as well as hard vegetables.
  2. Do not throw the knife on hard surfaces, do not throw it in the sink.
  3. Use it only on a wooden or plastic board.
  4. Do not wash it in the dishwasher. It is advisable to wash warm water With detergent, you can use bleaching detergents.
  5. Do not bend it by hand, it is very fragile.
  6. Do not hold the blade over an open flame, as this can ruin the handle, because ceramics allow heat to pass through.
  7. Don't use it to open cans crushing garlic or peeling walnuts.
  8. It must be stored separately from metal appliances, it is advisable to use a special holder.
  9. You need to cut the products smoothly, do not beat the blade hard on the plank.

Ceramic knives cannot be called universal, and in some situations you still have to turn to a regular metal knife. But, despite this, ceramics have many advantages, so such devices are still popular. Such a knife is useful for those who cook a lot, because it is light and convenient. Its fragility will not become a problem if you follow all the rules of operation and know how to sharpen a ceramic knife at home.

Video: rules for caring for kitchen knives

Every family has knives and whole sets of knives in the kitchen. Most often these are products with a metal, plastic or wooden handle. They are easy to use, but the sharpness of their blades is short-lived: they must be sharpened periodically. Modern technologies contributed to the appearance in many kitchens of ceramic knives, sharper and more wear resistant than traditional metal. Age of ceramic cutting tools— about thirty years.

The raw material for production is zirconium dioxide. From plastic mass high pressure the press stamps the blades, then they are sent for high-temperature firing. The firing temperature is 1500 degrees, the duration is two days. These parameters determine the high cost of the product.

The advantage of ceramics is aesthetic appearance, hygiene and extraordinary sharpness. Ceramic knives do not dull 3 times longer than metal cutting objects. Do ceramic knives need to be sharpened? Absolutely all materials are subject to wear, ceramics are no exception, and the time comes when the further operation of the cutting object becomes impossible, and it will need to be sharpened. If there are no problems with sharpening metal blades, then questions still arise with ceramics: this topic has not yet been mastered at the household level.

So is it possible to restore the cutting properties of a ceramic blade? Of course, it can be done - nothing is impossible, the only question is how difficult it will be to do it. First you need to understand the reasons why a ceramic blade becomes dull. Ceramics itself is brittle material, this property is also possessed by a ceramic blade; if handled carelessly, it can be broken. And in this case, the product cannot be restored, it remains only to throw it away.

Conclusion: ceramics should be handled carefully, do not try to chop meat, bones, ice with a ceramic knife - this can lead to a partial or complete break of the blade. The same result is possible when trying to bend a ceramic blade.

You can not cut food with ceramics on stone and glass surfaces, open canned food. These actions will contribute to rapid wear, and even breakage of the blade.

With careful use, a ceramic knife can last several years without sharpening.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

How to sharpen ceramics

To sharpen a hard blade, an even harder material is required. The metal blade lends itself well to being processed with an emery stone, the basis of which is corundum, its hardness is second only to diamond. Zirconium ceramics, from which knives are made, is comparable in hardness to corundum, hence it becomes clear how a ceramic blade can be sharpened. This diamond coated products:

  • sharpeners various designs for ceramic knives;
  • electric grinding devices and accessories;
  • diamond paste and diamond coated plates.

From the list of products for sharpening ceramics, it can be understood that when choosing a sharpening method, preference will be on the side specialized workshop, the work will be done professionally, under right angle and will not damage the blade. Of course, this will take time and money, but the safety of the product and its properties is guaranteed. At home, sharpening ceramic knives is problematic, but possible.

Sharpening ceramic knives at home

First of all, it is recommended to purchase special equipment - a sharpener for ceramic knives, which, in addition to restoring the sharpness of the blade, will allow you to fix the angle of its sharpening and smooth out small chips. The disadvantage of this method is obvious - you will have to spend some money on the purchase of a sharpener, which will not pay off soon, and perhaps not pay off at all.

More affordable home method- for those who already have a regular emery machine. To sharpen a ceramic knife on it, it is enough to purchase a diamond-coated wheel, which is much cheaper than buying a special sharpener. At self-fulfillment sharpening work, care must be taken, not forgetting the extreme fragility of ceramics. Therefore, the speed of the machine should be minimal, the blade should be sharpened carefully, slightly pressing it against the diamond wheel. In this case, the canvas must be in full contact with the plane of the circle, without breaking away from it.

It must be remembered that ceramics are hard and require more time to sharpen than a metal knife. Sharpening order- from the base of the blade at the handle, move towards the tip, make at least five such passes on each side.

You can also adjust the blade with a special rod with a handle - musat of round section or in the form of a bar and diamond-coated. This sharpening option is the most inexpensive of all considered. Working with a sharpening tool does not require special skills - it is similar to sharpening metal knives, but requires more accuracy and caution. Important condition: when sharpening, it is desirable to moisten the surface of the sharpener-bar in order to have a better effect on the ceramic sheet.

You can sharpen a ceramic knife using diamond paste.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic knives

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of modern ceramic cutting products? TO benefits include:

  • very sharp blade, you can cut soft foods beautifully without much effort;
  • due to high hardness blade does not dull O cutting boards and other bases for cutting;
  • super wear resistance determines a long service life without sharpening - several years, and it is not threatened by rust;
  • the presence of zirconium oxide in the composition does not allow the surface of the product to oxidize - products do not oxidize either;
  • product is very light, looks beautiful and can be used to teach kids cooking;
  • can be used directly for dining table, since the appearance of ceramics does not cause a sense of danger.

Some of the advantages of ceramics are and shortcomings:

The aesthetic appearance of a ceramic knife is not all that housewives love it for. This device easily cuts any products, having a lot of advantages compared to metal devices.

One of key benefits is that the ceramic blade after purchase remains sharp for a long time.

But you will have to sharpen such a device, albeit not immediately. From cutting hard foods, the blade will begin to lose its sharpness.

Important! It is possible and necessary to sharpen ceramic products. But it will not be possible to do this in the usual ways.

For sharpening, there are special devices that are suitable only for such a blade.

The difference between ceramic knives and metal

Ceramic blades are made from zirconia. The alloy is carried out at a temperature of 1500 degrees, which makes it durable. Such a blade will have to be sharpened much less often than a metal one.

Comparison table of ceramic and metal knives:

Interesting fact! Only diamond is harder than a ceramic knife blade. The remaining carbons and alloys are significantly inferior in hardness.

The aesthetic component is also important: ceramic appliances are painted in different colors, they look beautiful and harmoniously fit into the kitchen interior.

Important! Don't try to do ceramic product such manipulations as unscrewing screws, prying off a rolled up cover.

This may cause the blade to chip. It’s not worth chopping greens, chopping moss.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

Before starting the procedure for sharpening a ceramic blade at home, determine what kind of sharpening your product is.

There is one-sided and two-sided sharpening. Further manipulations are performed based on this factor.

Important! It is impossible to sharpen a one-sided product on both sides, this will lead to damage, chips will appear.

If the blade does not break during the sharpening process on the machine, then this will happen when the knife first hits a hard surface. Improper sharpening will make the blade brittle.

Types of sharpeners for ceramic blades:

  • Electric machine.
  • Manual sharpener.
  • Diamond paste with abrasive.

An electric machine must be equipped with two functions: sharpening and grinding.


  1. Set the equipment to a low number of rotations.
  2. Press the tip against the surface of the disc.
  3. Make smooth movements from the handle to the tip.
  4. If double-sided sharpening is necessary, process the second side of the product.

There are electric sharpeners that independently regulate the degree of pressure on the product. Along the way, they eliminate chips and mechanical damage, bringing the product to perfect condition.

The principle of operation of a manual sharpener is different in that the discs are not set in motion mechanically, but when certain actions are performed on your part.

The manual method is a little more complicated than the previous one, it takes time to learn how to work on such a machine. The blade is clamped in the walls of the slot.

Interesting fact! The simplest and cheapest device for ceramic knives is a diamond-coated bar.

But due to the fragility of the material of manufacture, only a professional can use it correctly.

For beginners, the probability of damaging or spoiling the product in this way of sharpening is close to one hundred percent.

Ceramics is a surprisingly brittle material, despite its strength. You can compare it with floor tiles.

Porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles of the 4th category of wear resistance are able to withstand enormous pressure, constant friction.

If you lightly tap on such a tile, it will break off. Ceramic devices are endowed with the same property.

They are ideal for cutting various products, but a simple fall on a tiled floor will be fatal for a knife.

Diamond paste is applied to the product after preliminary sharpening on a manual or electric machine. This The final stage that allows you to bring the knife to perfect condition.

Diamond paste is applied to a piece of leather or thick cardboard, and gently drawn over a sharpened blade, covering the entire length.

The effect of such sharpening is excellent. The knife looks better than new. The final stage will make the blade sharper, the effect will last for a long time.

Important! You should buy equipment for self-sharpening knives if you have a whole set of knives and you use them often.

It is justified to buy expensive devices in restaurants, where there are a lot of knives, they are constantly used.

Useful tips for owners of ceramic knives:

  1. Having there is only one device at home, you should not buy a sharpening machine, it will be cheaper to go to a workshop every six months, where the product is guaranteed to be brought into proper shape.
  2. By purchasing manual machine or bar, remember that the process takes time and care.
  3. get busy sharpening all alone, focusing on the process. So there are more chances for a successful outcome of the event.
  4. Preferred electric device, even a beginner can handle it.
  5. store knives in a special place, further from the edge of the table.
  6. Use for smooth cutting. Chopping food is better with a metal knife.
  7. store products away from small children, this is fraught with injury due to the sharpness of the blade.

    Metal blunt knives may not harm the baby, but ceramic ones will instantly cause injury.

  8. Having bought sharpening machine, read the manual carefully, watch the instructional video to understand its operation and precautions.

Useful video

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Ceramic knives are becoming more and more popular these days. Moreover, they are preferred not so much by housewives, who definitely need a sharp knife to work in the kitchen, but by owners who are too lazy to sharpen metal knives every week.

Ceramic knives are very durable and dull much more slowly than metal knives.

But, although these knives do not require frequent sharpening, due to a long period of operation or due to improper use, sooner or later the problem arises of how to sharpen a ceramic knife. To sharpen a metal blade, it is enough to have an ordinary blade at home. abrasive wheel, this tool is unsuitable for sharpening a ceramic blade.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife?

It has long been known that a hard material can only be machined with an even harder one. Since ceramic cutting products are second only to diamond in hardness, the following are used to sharpen them:

  • special sharpener with diamond coating;
  • grindstone;
  • special musat.

It is better to perform such work in a specialized workshop. In it, the blade will be sharpened correctly, and the excess will not be removed, thereby shortening its service life. But, having the right sharpener, you can sharpen it at home. It is better for such a case to purchase a special sharpener. On it, you can not only sharpen ceramics, but also adjust the sharpening angle, as well as get rid of small chips.

To sharpen a knife, you will need a musat, whetstone or sharpener with a diamond coating.

In addition, most of these tools have a function to automatically determine the optimal distance between the sharpening elements. This allows them to automatically adjust to the thickness, which fluctuates with a ceramic blade, albeit imperceptibly to the eye. This adjustment makes it possible to sharpen the cutting edge evenly and efficiently.

You can also sharpen a ceramic knife on a conventional grinding machine, replacing the abrasive wheel in it with a diamond-coated wheel. Manually, such work can be done on grindstones, and in order to correct the knife blade, you can use musat - a rod made of hard materials, inserted into the handle, but not ordinary, but special, with diamond coating.

Do-it-yourself knife sharpening features

Sharpening on a grinding machine must always be carried out at low speeds. If you do it at home, in no case should you press the blade with all your might against the surface of the circle. But you can't keep it too loose either. It is better and safer for the blade to hold it so that it is constantly pressed against working surface whetstone, and not bounced, breaking away and again in contact with it.

If you look closely at the edge of a ceramic knife, you will notice that in the cut it looks a little convex. And since you need to make a minimum of effort when pressing the sharpener, be prepared for the fact that the process itself will last much longer than with a metal blade.

The technique of sharpening a ceramic blade is somewhat different from working with a metal blade. Holding the handle in your hands, the blade near the handle should be slightly pressed against the rotating circle and slowly move it towards the tip of the point. One pass of the sharpener cannot be limited.

You need to walk on it with a blade at least 5-6 times. Then turn over to the other side and repeat all over again. Only in this case, you can be sure that the knife will acquire the desired sharpness, and there will be no chips or other damage on its blade.

Sharpening a ceramic knife can also be done manually. To do this, use special grinding stones with different grain sizes. If the ultimate goal is straightening and polishing the cutting edge, then it is performed on a grindstone with a grain size of at least 6000.

To get rid of small nicks, straighten the blade on a 3000-grit whetstone, and sharpen the cutting edge on a stone with at least 5000 grit. No matter how grit the whetstones have, they must be wet.

Therefore, immediately before starting work, they must be kept for 5-10 minutes in water, and during the work itself, periodically moistened with water. To sharpen the blade, they are slowly and smoothly driven over the grindstone, while the blade should rub against the surface of the stone all the time, but with minimal pressure.

You can sharpen a ceramic blade on one or both sides. Double-sided blades are more convenient, as they can be used by both right-handed and left-handed people. If a one-sided blade is being sharpened, then first you need to wedge the side that protrudes as a wedge until the cutting edge is taken with a uniform burr, and then grind off this burr by turning the blade over to the second side.

A double-sided blade is sharpened according to the same principle: first, one side is ground on a coarse-grained stone until it reaches the degree of a burr, and then the same amount of time is spent on the other side. The final sharpness of the blade is given by polishing the blade on a fine-grained stone.

When sharpening a blade, whether it be with a grinder or a whetstone, you need to carefully monitor that after the end of the work the original sharpening angle is preserved, otherwise the blade will not cut well, no matter how sharp it is.

A ceramic blade can only be sharpened a limited number of times.

In addition, despite all the hardness, it is very fragile, and if handled carelessly, it can easily break. Therefore, in order to extend its service life, you must carefully follow the instructions for use.