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Ceramic knife - is it worth buying? Ceramic knives Ceramic knives what fakes look like

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On Russian market Ceramic knives appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity, despite their relatively high cost and fragility. Ceramic knife made, as the name implies, from hard ceramics, usually based on zirconium dioxide by dry pressing and long-term firing. Ceramics for the production of knives can be used either white or black. In both cases there are certain features. For example, knives made from black ceramics have better strength and are more wear-resistant than knives made from white ceramics. This is explained by the fact that when black dyes are added to ceramics, products made from this composition take longer to fire than knives made from white ceramics. Accordingly, their strength increases (however, the cost also increases due to higher energy consumption).

The main material for the production of ceramic knives is the mineral zircon, which is quite rare. Colorless zircon is mined in Australia, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, India, and the USA. Zircon, intended for the manufacture of both Japanese and European ceramic knives, is sent to Chinese factories, where it is used to produce white powder - zirconium dioxide. In knife factories, finely dispersed zirconia powder is pressed into blade-shaped plates under pressure of about 300 tons. The resulting blanks are fired in a kiln at a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees Celsius for 48 hours (two days is the minimum period). At the exit of the furnace, the fragile plates are transformed into light and durable ceramics, which in terms of hardness can be compared with and even surpass the hardest steel. Thus, the hardness of Damascus steel is 6.3 points on the Mohs scale, and the hardness of ceramic blades is in the range of 8.2-8.5 points. On last stage Ceramic knives are sharpened. Expensive products produced in factories in Japan and Switzerland are sharpened by hand on a diamond-coated wheel. This is a very lengthy and expensive process. It is obvious that the quality and high performance characteristics of ceramic knives depend, first of all, on the composition used and careful adherence to production technology.

Zirconium dioxide knives have a super-sharp blade that does not require additional sharpening for a long time; resistance to external physical influences (they are very difficult to scratch); chemical neutrality when used (do not enter into chemical reaction with acids). In addition, they are easy to use and do not require special care. However, ceramics is still a fairly fragile material that is contraindicated from impacts, bending of the blade, and falls from great heights. A ceramic knife should not be used to cut hard, tough or very dense foods. It is not recommended to use them for slicing fruits and vegetables with hard and durable skins (watermelon, melon, cabbage, etc.). It is not suitable for chopping or cutting on hard surfaces as these can damage the blade.

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Today, the largest and most famous manufacturers of zirconium dioxide knives are Japan and China. In these countries of the eastern region there are hundreds, if not thousands of different industries - from semi-handicraft to the largest factories. The most popular in the entire market are two Japanese brands - Samura and Kyocera. Ceramic knives are produced in much smaller quantities in Switzerland and Germany. However, “produced” is not quite the right word in this case. Even well-known European companies that own the brands Franc Muller, Bergner, Kelli, locate their production in China people's republic, which is famous for its cheap labor. At the same time, European managers exercise strict control over the quality of products. It is in Chinese factories that almost all orders under third-party brands are fulfilled for domestic markets around the world.

What is the difference between Japanese and Chinese made knives? Leading Japanese companies are constantly working to improve the quality of their products and their operational properties, experiment with materials and improve the technology used. However, due to the high cost modern equipment for the production, as well as the use of various innovative materials, the retail cost of Japanese products turns out to be an order of magnitude higher than the market average. If previously the high cost of ceramic knives was explained by their novelty and small selection, then as competitors appeared (primarily from China) and prices for ceramic knives dropped, products from Japanese brands ceased to be very popular. Chinese manufacturers focus primarily on the mass buyer. Of course, a reduction in price inevitably leads to some deterioration in quality. Blades of Chinese-made products require more frequent sharpening than their Japanese counterparts. In addition, it does not have a reliable handle fastening. And despite all this, affordable prices and compliance with quality standards have ensured that ceramic knives from China are highly popular among Russian consumers.

Moreover, some Russian manufacturing companies enter into agreements for the supply of ceramic knives jointly with Japanese manufacturers and at the same time place most of their orders in China. Such trilateral cooperation allows us to maintain product quality at a sufficiently high level. high level, adhere to global quality standards and at the same time maintain affordable prices. It is not profitable to set up the production of ceramic knives in Russia, since one equipment will cost several tens of millions. At the same time, the cost of one ceramic knife when manufactured in China in the simplest version is about 30-35 rubles per piece. The cost of more expensive models can be 10 times higher due to the use quality materials, manual labor when sharpening blades and energy costs for additional firing of workpieces. For example, a ceramic knife from one of the Japanese brands with a universal blade 5 inches long can be purchased from the manufacturer for 500-600 rubles in our money. The exact cost of one product depends on the volume of the purchased batch.

At the same time, the same knife will cost 900-1200 rubles from domestic wholesale companies. In retail stores, the same knife is sold at a price of at least 2,500 rubles and more. Thus, when working with Japanese knives, it is more profitable to purchase them in large quantities directly from the manufacturer and sell them in Russia through retail chains. To organize such a business you will need at least one million rubles. These funds will be used to register individual entrepreneurs, purchase the first batch of goods, customs clearance, obtain all necessary documents, and organize sales. When ordering ceramic knives from an unnamed Chinese factory, the wholesale price will be 30-150 rubles per product with a minimum batch of 300 units. You can also purchase them at retail (often even with free worldwide delivery) at a price of 300 rubles per piece (in a set it will be even cheaper - from 150 rubles per knife).

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Depending on the capital you have, you can either order the production of knives in China under your own brand, or purchase already finished products and register everything for her Required documents. The first option, of course, is more cost-effective and suitable for long-term work, since you can not only determine the volume of the purchased batch, assortment, etc., but also brand your products, giving them individuality and developing your own brand. The only drawback is high costs. You will need to register your own trademark, track changes in demand, collaborate with designers, organize sales, engage in pricing and perform many more functions. For efficient work you will need a whole staff of employees - from a purchasing manager to a marketing specialist. In fact, it will already be real production company, placing orders in China (as most domestic and Western enterprises do).

If you have a small amount, then it would be more expedient to purchase batches of knives from Chinese manufacturers and wholesale companies and sell them in Russia through our own and third-party online stores and retail chains. This option is no less promising, although the level of competition in this case will be much higher. It is best to focus on products of a low price category, for which you can set a large markup (it can reach up to 300%), and even in this case it will still cost much less than Japanese knives.

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There is a third option, which is less profitable, but attracts entrepreneurs low level competition. You can purchase ceramic knives made in Europe, made in China with the same European quality and from Japanese materials. They will cost 1.5-2 times more expensive chinese knives due to the presence of another link in the chain. You will have to pay extra for a well-known and resonant brand. In general, this segment is quite promising. But you will have to spend a lot of time and money promoting your products: domestic consumers associate ceramic knives with Japan, and you will have to convince them that European products are in no way inferior in quality and durability to Japanese ones.

Please note: although this direction still remains promising, the market is already close to saturation. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you need to carefully monitor the quality of your product, invest money in advertising and promotion, organize sales and plan further business development (creating a network of branded stores, expanding the product line, entering the federal level).

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Ceramic knife blades are made from zirconium powder, which is pressed, fired in special ovens and turned into ceramic material high strength. The knives turn out to be very sharp, their strength depends on how long they were fired in the oven - if you keep them for less than a day, they turn out to be fragile, which is how Chinese fakes differ. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the right knives, given the fact that real durable ceramic knives have a high cost.

It is very difficult to distinguish a fake from a real knife only by the blade: they look the same, they need to be checked for strength, which is often impossible when purchasing. But you can detect a fake in another way: in cheap knives, the blade is attached to the handle with ordinary superglue, which after a while stops working, causing the blade to pop out. Carefully consider the mounting method: if the blade is well welded to the handle, most likely it itself is also made according to the right technology. Don't be fooled by the "Made in China" labels: real knives are also made in China.

Evaluate the price of the product: good ceramic knives cannot be cheap. A set of knives from famous companies Frank Moller, Kelli, Bergner costs about 3-4 thousand rubles. Do not buy sets whose price is less than a thousand rubles. There are knives with black ones that cost significantly more. This is not only a matter of design, such blades are considered professional, they are sharper and more durable, but they also have a corresponding price. They are bought mainly for restaurants. This doesn't mean that white knives aren't good enough - they're great for the conditions.

Pay attention to the handle of the knife. As a rule, they are made of plastic, but there are also wooden models. Plastic is easy to clean, but looks cheaper, although the quality is not inferior to wood. Wooden handles are less durable, the wood can crack, and bacteria can grow in it. But in general, this is a matter of taste and compliance with the interior of the kitchen.

Choose the size and shape of the knife according to your needs. Some products are intended for fruits and vegetables, others for bread, and others for meat. Remember that ceramic knives should not be used to cut hard foods such as bones, nor should they be used to open jars.

Last but not least, pay attention to the design of the knives. There are many options, blades can have different shades, the handles are different various forms and flowers. Often the set includes special vegetable cutters or pizza knives, but such sets are more expensive.

This article will be of interest to everyone who is partial to knives and their varieties. In it, John, the author of the YouTube channel "John Heisz - I Build It", will present to your attention the process of making a knife from ceramic floor tiles.

I’ll say right away that this is not a simple matter and greatly depends on the chosen ceramic tile. Even porcelain tiles come in very different grain sizes.

- A piece of ceramic tile of the required size
- Container with water

Tools used by the author.
- Belt sanding machine
- Bulgarian with diamond blade
- Diamond-coated needle file
- Marker.

Manufacturing process.
So, is it possible to make a knife out of tiles? John suggests that the short answer to this question is yes, you can make a knife out of floor tiles. However, it is very difficult to make it sharp enough to cut. But even if you manage to make it sharp enough, the edge of the knife will not hold up for long because the tiles are too fragile. Yet the author has been wanting to do this for quite some time, and today is the day.

So, he has a piece of tile from the set that he has in his kitchen. This type of tile is known as porcelain tile. It is more solid, whereas ceramic tile It is only hard on the outside, but on the inside it is soft.

And then the author began to cut the workpiece using an ordinary grinder with a diamond blade, which perfectly cuts stone, tiles and concrete. As you can see, the disc makes a rather rough cut; when turning, parts of the tile break off.

The disc easily removes the tile material from the side. This is the most quick way do the initial shaping of the knife's slopes, and here you can see that the author removes the slopes from both sides, trying to make them thin enough.

John tried sharpening the blade using a file and wetting it with water. Moreover, you cannot take one that is too narrow, because the edge will be cut off too easily and there will be unevenness. You can see that the author ended up with a pretty big chip, which could be a problem later, so he changes strategy.

John quickly ran out of patience with the needle file, especially since it was a bit worn out, although it is also used for tiles. The author will try to do the rest of the blade sharpening on his homemade belt grinding machine, with tape dimensions 2X72 inches. He has silicon carbide belts and they are used to grind glass or tile and the author has used this method before to make a stone ring and it worked really well.

But ceramics is much more complex. It took about twenty minutes just to straighten the edge of the blade, bevels and remove chips. As a result, the required sharpness of the blade edge was obtained, although the author was worried that chipping would start again.

This gave John the confidence to work on the rest of the knife. Therefore, he smoothes the spine of the knife, the back and belly of the handle. Also, by slightly tilting the edge of the butt and other parts towards the surface of the tape, I got rid of small chips.

Then the author decided that he would sharpen it in the fresh air with a diamond file and water. But as soon as he started doing this, the chips started instantly again. The tool is clearly not suitable for this.

Therefore, the author returned it back to the workshop, and chose another grinding machine for further processing of the blade. This is a smaller designer loom with a 1" x 30" ribbon. And there is a very thin diamond belt for it, which the author purchased to sharpen tungsten carbide cutters. As you can see, it works very well, the author is actually surprised that the blade can be sharpened.

The author's opinion is that it is indeed very difficult to work with ceramics using a needle file. Everything happens for one simple reason - you automatically work with it like a saw, and during the return movement you get chips. Perhaps you are not adjusting the pressure very well. But on a grinding machine, the belt moves in one direction, and the contact area with it is larger.

In general, this is the control paper cut that John achieved.

A modern kitchen is impossible without high-tech tools that can make the cooking process as efficient and safe as possible. A new kitchen tool that has appeared relatively recently is ceramic knives. They were first made in Japan back in 1985. The main raw material for their production is zirconium, from which zirconium dioxide is produced in powder form. It is pressed into molds and fired at a temperature of 1500 °C. The duration of thermal exposure is at least two days.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic knives

When thinking about buying a ceramic knife, we are first of all interested in how they differ from traditional steel ones, how practical they are to use, and what their pros and cons are.

Advantages of ceramic knives:

  • zirconium ceramics are absolutely harmless to human health;
  • knives are hygienic, do not absorb odor and do not stain;
  • The ceramic blade does not undergo oxidation, products do not acquire a characteristic metallic taste and are not stained. Therefore, a ceramic knife is a real find for anyone who adheres to the principles of a healthy diet;
  • the blade does not fade over time and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • it is possible to accurately cut soft fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and freshly baked bread;
  • a ceramic knife is much lighter than a steel one, which is important when using it professionally;
  • Periodic sharpening is required, but this should be done very rarely.

Disadvantages of ceramic knives:

  • the high cost of the tool due to the labor-intensive manufacturing process and manual sharpening. The average price range varies from $50 to $150;
  • knives made of zirconium ceramics cannot be used for cutting frozen and a number of other hard products;
  • Ceramic knives, despite their impressive blade, are very fragile, they are susceptible to blows and can break if dropped;
  • the knife cannot be washed in dishwasher, store with metal objects; contact with glass products is undesirable;
  • temperature changes, for example when washing hot water, can lead to cracks in the knife.

How to sharpen ceramic knives correctly?

Ceramic knives will not need frequent sharpening, but they still need periodic sharpening. If you do not have the opportunity to take the knife to a specialized workshop, which, by the way, is not available in all cities, then you can sharpen the tool at home. Conventional graters and emery sharpeners used for steel surfaces are not suitable for this.

To sharpen a ceramic knife, you need to use a material that is harder in its characteristics than the blade itself. For these purposes, special sharpeners for ceramic knives are used. They are sold in two types - mechanical and electrical.

An electric sharpener is a small device that has diamond-coated disks, and a knife blade is placed between them for sharpening. Using this device, you can not only align the cutting part of the blade, but also remove chips. This sharpener is easy to use, but is quite expensive.

Manual sharpeners are more suitable for minor corrections of ceramic surfaces. However experienced craftsmen claim that manual sharpening provides more control, and therefore more opportunities to sharpen the blade. But if you have never done such a thing, it is better to opt for an electric sharpener.

You can adjust the surface of the knife by sharpening machine at low speeds, and using a diamond wheel. You can sharpen a ceramic knife using the so-called musat.

Do not forget that the number of sharpening ceramic knives is limited. Therefore, it is not advisable to use such a tool for cutting bones and frozen foods. Also, avoid using knives on a glass cutting board.

How to choose a ceramic knife?

The range of knives offered on the Russian market is very diverse. Ceramic knives differ in shape, size, color, price, and are produced by different manufacturers.

Types of ceramic knives

The first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing is the shape and size of the knife. Manufacturers in the smallest details We thought through the handle, blade length, tool shape and center of gravity so that the product has the most effective ergonomic properties. Therefore, it is impossible to purchase one knife that is suitable for all occasions. One is good for cutting meat, another for peeling potatoes, the third is ideal for bread.

The length of the knives ranges from 75 mm to 150 mm. A universal knife suitable for cutting most vegetables and fruits is a knife with a blade length of 125 mm.

Common types of kitchen knives made of zirconium ceramics include knives with blades D-shape, hatchets with a raised or lowered tip. Special attention should be paid to the handle. It is made of rubberized plastic or wood.

Color matters

Ceramic knives come in black and white. Black ones are classified as professional tools and, accordingly, have a higher cost. A special dye is added to black knives. Black knives undergo longer agglomeration, as a result the blade acquires high durability and hardness. Such blades are more expensive than white ones and have higher wear resistance characteristics.

But if you are not a restaurant chef, then you can purchase a knife with a white blade. It is excellent for household use and also has fairly high strength characteristics.

Manufacturers of ceramic knives

Name brand knives have strict classic design, there is some mixing of styles among Chinese manufacturers. Ceramics good producers snow-white, even a little transparent. The Chinese counterparts have a gray-yellow or ivory blade. This is due to the fact that knives are made using accelerated technology: firing occurs for an insufficient amount of time. As a result, such knives are more fragile, quickly dull, cannot withstand even light blows and are susceptible to staining.

When purchasing a ceramic knife, pay attention to such popular brands represented on the Russian market as Swiss, Bergner and Kyocera.

And the last point - do not forget to purchase a special stand for it when purchasing a ceramic knife. This will protect the tool from accidental dropping and extend its service life.

Hi all! I have in Lately A kind of mania has formed - when I come to visit, I pay attention to what kind of knives the owners use. So, I noticed a trend that people are increasingly buying ceramic knives. You've probably seen such knives with a white or black blade in the store, or maybe you use one like this.

I wondered why people buy them? After all, if we discard all marketing slogans, they have only shortcomings. Therefore, I decided to conduct, let’s say, a little research on the topic: “Does it make sense to buy a ceramic knife?” Why did I go shopping, hold knives from different brands in my hands, look at the geometry, and I even managed to sharpen such a blade. True, it was already old, but that didn’t stop it from being ceramic.

But, let's take it in order. First, let's define what kind of animal this is.

What is a "ceramic knife"?

In a nutshell, this knife is really made of ceramics, but in order not to repeat myself, I will give an excerpt from Wikipedia

The raw material for the production of ceramic knives is the mineral zircon, from which zirconium dioxide is produced. The powder is pressed into molds, after which the workpiece is fired at a temperature of 1500C for a long time (at least 2 days). The blades of ceramic knives can be white or black. A special dye is added to knives with a black blade and they are baked for more long time therefore, they are more wear-resistant and expensive.

Just like that, they poured the powder into the mold and under the press. The handle was stuck on and sold. Now it’s clear, friends, what kind of product is this?

But still, because people use it, it means it has advantages. Let's look at them a little, and at the same time consider the disadvantages.


While looking at ceramic knives in the store, I also read the instructions for them. Let's follow these instructions. Here it is, by the way (sorry for the photo quality). So, the advantages...

Hygienic- a rather dubious advantage; in my opinion, any knife will be hygienic if it is washed and wiped dry on time. The only thing, to be fair, is that folding knives can be considered not entirely hygienic (dirt gets stuck in the gaps), but again you just need to periodically disassemble and wipe the folding knives. And besides, we don’t seem to use folding knives in the kitchen.

Chemically neutral- there’s no arguing that they are truly neutral, but this is true when it comes to highly acidic foods (lemons, limes, etc.) and a carbon steel knife.

Reference. Without going into the metallurgical jungle, a carbon steel knife is a knife whose blade is made of steel containing less than 13% chromium. It is the presence of at least 13% chromium in steel that allows it to be stainless.

Do you have a carbon knife in your kitchen? Oh, I doubt it, why do you need a knife in the kitchen, which needs to be washed and wiped dry after each (!) use, otherwise it will rust? Well, perhaps this is some rare copy left over from my grandfather. And so, almost everywhere in kitchens knives are used from of stainless steel. And stainless steel is no less neutral than ceramics.

By the way, I saw an experiment somewhere on the Internet: they cut an apple stainless steel knife and ceramic. So, an apple cut with a ceramic knife darkened fifteen minutes later. This is just for information.

Does not leave any foreign odors on the product- well, this is absolutely... Friends, you don’t need to cut apples with the same knife you just used to cut up the herring, then there won’t be any foreign odors.

Although this may mean that the smell of iron remains on the products, but this again comes from the use of carbon knives. Yes, indeed, there is a certain aftertaste from such knives, but this aftertaste is absolutely absent when using stainless steel knives.

Not subject to corrosion and rust- you can’t argue with that, they really aren’t susceptible. There is nothing in ceramic knives to rust, but let's be fair - what should you do with a stainless steel knife for it to start rusting?

So, it’s no less dubious a virtue than all of the above, but we haven’t finished with the virtues yet... Let’s continue.

Do not magnetize and do not accumulate electric charges - cool dignity... We're talking about kitchen knife, which is used to cut onions and sausage, and not to change plugs on wires. Or do you polish your knives on a wool hat?

Lightweight and easy to use- Are steel knives difficult? Does a person have to have a degree to be able to cut bread? Some kind of nonsense, not dignity... Like the last of them.

Retains color and is pleasant appearance - this is just from the area of ​​“sucked out of thin air”. I don’t even see the point in commenting.

Acute- yes, there is nothing to say here. Indeed, ceramic knives are very sharp when new, but after long-term use... But I will talk about this in the disadvantages

Let's look at the disadvantages, the advantages seem to be over.


There are few disadvantages to a ceramic knife, but they are so huge that I don’t understand why people buy them. So

Fragility- this is ceramics, moreover, it is also pressed and thermally very highly processed, which, in my opinion, leads to the occurrence of internal stresses. After all, even ordinary ceramic plate falling on the floor it may not break, while a ceramic knife will surely break.

Storage in specially designated areas- this, in principle, also applies to steel knives, but for them it is not as critical as for ceramic ones. Try throwing a ceramic knife into a drawer with forks and spoons. I think after a while I will have to throw this knife away.

Price- the price tag for ceramic knives varies from 200 rubles and more. It all depends on the length of the knife. Although in the same price category you can buy a good steel knife that can be dropped and can be easily sharpened.

Difficulty sharpening- It is possible to sharpen a ceramic knife, but it is problematic. Yes, now there are special machines for sharpening ceramic knives, but what if there is no such machine and the knife has become dull?

Sharpening a ceramic knife

As part of this research, I borrowed a ceramic knife from my sister, not new, quite hackneyed and just so dull.

Arriving home, I began to carefully examine the knife. What I saw...

Firstly, the geometry of the blade is quite inconvenient - the spine is thick, the slopes start from the second third of the blade and the knife itself is somehow too light. Although lightness is rather subjective, I’m just not used to such knives. It was not convenient for me to cut bread with such a knife, and my wife was not delighted.

Secondly, the tip is well chipped, as if they tried to tighten the screws with a knife.

Thirdly, I looked at the cutting edge, wondering why he was so stupid... Dear Mom! How can this be - there are gouges along the entire (!) length of the cutting edge.

I ran my fingernail along the cutting edge (friends, if you don’t understand some knife terms, please read here) and I had the impression that I was not running along the edge of a knife, but along the edge of some kind of saw...

I can only explain this wear and tear by one reason: ceramics are very hard material and therefore the edge simply cannot curl up, like on a steel knife, and so it crumbles. But such gaps...

I think we should try to sharpen this blade, it’s interesting. There are rumors that ceramic knives don't sharpen, so I'll check...

In general, you can sharpen a ceramic knife, but you will need diamond stones and a lot of patience.


So, does it make sense to buy a ceramic knife? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. In my opinion, a fan of good steel knives, ceramic knives have no advantages other than sharpness. But all my knives are sharp and for me this is not an advantage.

By the way, I asked my sister why she uses a ceramic knife. Do you know what the answer was? It's spicy! That is, sharpness is the main advantage, but again, in my opinion, this only means (I don’t want to offend anyone, friends, but the fact remains) that people cannot or do not know how to properly sharpen simple steel knives and nothing more.

Here, everyone chooses friends for themselves. Let me give you another example. I recently watched the program “Culinary Duel” (I have a sin, I like to cook sometimes), you know, where a professional chef and some famous amateur compete. So, I noticed that professionals use only expensive steel knives, while amateurs use ceramic ones. Although maybe it was just a marketing ploy...

With all the shortcomings of a ceramic knife, I found him good use– such a knife would be a great housewarming gift! It’s been tested, I’ve already given away a dozen ceramic knives and everyone I gave it to was invariably satisfied...

With this I say goodbye and remember: The knife must be sharp! Good luck to all!