Well      04/06/2019

Planting pineapple at home: basic methods and useful tips. Homemade pineapple in a pot from the top - your own personal mini-tropics

Today, tropical fruit crops are of increasing interest to exotic lovers. But if it is easy to grow lemon or pomegranate from a seed, then certain difficulties arise when growing pineapple.

Seeds of this plant are not easy to obtain.

There is a way to get a pineapple from the top of a fruit bought in a store.. At the same time, a full-fledged pineapple grows, which, with proper care in apartment conditions, can even bear fruit.

In this article you will learn how to properly plant and grow a pineapple at home from the top.

Types of pineapple for growing at home and description of the plant

Pineapple - perennial evergreen Bromeliad family. It grows wild in the tropical regions of South America. In many countries it is cultivated as a fruit crop in open ground and in greenhouses.

The stem of the pineapple is greatly shortened. The plant forms a powerful rosette of leaves. Its height can reach 1 m, and its diameter up to 2 m. When flowering, a long peduncle with many flowers collected in an inflorescence is formed from the center of the rosette. At the top of the inflorescence a small rosette of flowering leaves is formed.

Let's consider whether it is possible to grow pineapple at home.

There are 8 types of pineapple. All types of it can be used for indoor cultivation, but usually amateur gardeners encounter 3 varieties:

  • Pineapple large-tufted;
  • Pineapple bract;
  • Pineapple pineapple-shaped.

Pineapple large-tufted- the most common type for growing indoors. This is a large plant that, growing, occupies a large area.

Suitable for keeping in apartments only at a young age. Adult pineapples are used for landscaping large rooms and greenhouses.

Pineapple bract has long, up to 90 cm, dark green leaves with a pink tint and a light border. Its fruits are reddish in color. It bears fruit extremely rarely in an apartment.

Pineapple pineapple in appearance it is practically no different from the large-tufted pineapple. In indoor culture, its compact dwarf form is common, specially bred for landscaping small spaces. Dwarf pineapple leaves do not exceed 30 cm in length.

Pineapple selection

A ripe fruit with a green top is suitable for growing in an apartment. It should not be green or overripe. Its surface should be golden in color and undamaged.

Spots or rotten areas on the fruit and leaves are unacceptable. The leaves at the top should be firm and without blemishes.

It is better to buy fruit for planting in early autumn so that it does not end up frozen. Pineapples sold in winter often have leaves damaged by frost. Such a top will not grow and will disappear.


From a ripe pineapple fruit, you need to cut off the top with leaves with a sharp knife.

Before this, it is better to remove 1-2 rows of lower leaves to expose the trunk, and then cut off the resulting stump near the fruit itself.

There should be no pulp left on the pineapple trunk after pruning.. The cut is rubbed with activated carbon. After this, it is advisable to dry the seedling for several days, but no more than a week.

Rooting the top

The dried cuttings can be immediately planted in a separate pot filled with soil. But when rooting in the ground, there is always a risk of the cutting rotting. Those cuttings that already have roots when planted in the ground take root better.

It is recommended to first root the pineapple seedling in water. To do this, place it in a glass jar so that the lower cut of the cutting is in water at a depth of 4 cm.

It is best to use boiled water for rooting. The cuttings in water are placed in a place protected from light, the water is changed every 2 days.

Soon roots appear on the underside of the seedling. Now it can be planted in the ground.

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Plant pot

A regular flower pot is suitable for planting a pineapple cutting.

The material it is made of does not matter; you can take a ceramic or plastic container.

The pineapple pot doesn't have to be very big.: to begin with, its diameter should be about 15 cm.

In the future, when the root system of the plant grows, the pineapple needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

It should also not be too tall or very wide. Choose a container with a diameter that is approximately equal to its height.

Soil for pineapple

A mixture of peat, humus and coarse sand in equal parts is suitable as soil for planting pineapple cuttings. You can also use store-bought soil mixtures.

IN flower shops you can buy soil for plants of the bromeliad family. This mixture is ideal for growing pineapple, as this plant belongs to the same family.

It is necessary to lay drainage for pineapple, as this plant does not tolerate stagnation of water in the ground and quickly rots.

River pebbles, expanded clay or brick chips are used as drainage for pineapple.

Planting a pineapple

Before planting a pineapple at home, 2 days before planting the cuttings in the ground, a drainage layer 3 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pot, and the soil mixture is poured on top. After this, the soil is disinfected: you can pour boiling water or a pink solution of potassium permanganate over it.

2 days after disinfecting the pot, begin planting the cuttings. It is taken out of the water, and the lower part, along with the roots, is buried in a pot so that the cutting is immersed in the ground right up to the leaves.

If a pineapple cutting is planted without roots, it is simply stuck into the ground up to the lower leaves.

Both rooted and unrooted cuttings should be placed under polyethylene or under glass jars to create a stable, humid atmosphere for them.

Cuttings that already have roots can be kept under film for 1-2 weeks until they take root and their roots begin to grow.

Unrooted cuttings are kept under film until they take root. This usually happens 1-1.5 months after planting.

During the process of rooting pineapple cuttings, you need to keep the soil moist., however, you should not fill it. The cuttings under the film should be in a bright place without direct sun. The temperature for rooting pineapple is maintained within 22-25ºС.

Plant care

The rooted tops of pineapples are gradually accustomed to humidity room air. First they are opened for 2-3 hours a day, then for more long time. After 1-2 weeks, the film is removed.

Water young plants moderately. You need to make sure that the soil in the pots is not very wet, but only moist.

It should be remembered that any stagnation of water is detrimental to this plant.

Feed the pineapple every 2 months with complex liquid fertilizers.

A year after planting, the young pineapple needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

Pineapple loves high humidity , so the air needs to be humidified using a sprayer near the plant. In winter, when the heating is on, the plant must be removed from the radiators and sprayed regularly.

Pineapple blossom

When grown in open ground, pineapple blooms at 4 years of age. Moreover, the length of its leaves is at least 60 cm. In greenhouse and indoor culture, flowering occurs much later. Often in apartment conditions the plant does not bloom at all.

Under favorable growing conditions, the pineapple shoots a powerful peduncle about 60 cm long from the middle of the leaf rosette.

At its end an inflorescence of many red-violet flowers is formed. Flowering lasts up to 2 weeks. Artificial pollination of flowers is not required. Fruit ripening lasts up to 200 days.

Very often it is not possible to achieve natural flowering of indoor pineapple. But you can try to stimulate this process with acetylene water.

To make it, you need to dissolve a small piece of calcium carbide in 1 liter of water. room temperature. In this case, acetylene gas is actively released. After the end of its separation, the water must be filtered. It can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight jar for 2 days.

To stimulate flowering, 50 g of acetylene water at room temperature is poured into the center of the plant’s leaf rosette. This is done within a week. After stimulation, the pineapple blooms in 1.5-2 months.

Features of cultivation

  • Each pineapple fruit has a tuft of flowering leaves on top. This is a vegetative shoot from which it is very easy to get a young plant. This plant is also propagated by root shoots. But for this you need to have an adult and already fruit-bearing plant.
  • Slightly acidic soil is suitable for the plant; an alkaline environment is unacceptable. Therefore, in no case should you add ash or ashes to the soil mixture, and ready soil acidity needs to be checked.
  • The soil for planting pineapple is spilled with boiling water for disinfection. It is also recommended to steam it under foil at a temperature of 80-90ºС. Steaming kills most pathogenic bacteria, fungi and pests.
  • The pineapple pot should be wide and shallow. Its ideal shape is when the height is equal to the diameter. When planting, it is necessary to lay a thick drainage layer on the bottom. Its thickness should be equal to 1/3 of the height of the pot. This is done to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.
  • After rooting the tuft and planting it, the pineapple hardly grows for the first month. But its root system is greatly expanding. At this time, it must be sprayed daily with warm water.
  • IN optimal conditions A pineapple grown from a tuft can bloom as early as 3 years of age. If there is enough mature plant, but flowering does not occur, it is stimulated with acetylene water.
  • The resulting fruit ripens for quite a long time. It is cut when it acquires an intense yellow color. If it becomes overripe and begins to darken, it loses its taste.

Now you know how to plant and grow a pineapple at home from the top.

Beloved by many, pineapple is a plant that can live in conditions of lack of moisture. It satisfies the need for liquid in a unique way - its thick leaves form a natural bowl into which dew flows and then penetrates into the plant. When thinking about how to plant a pineapple at home, you can use this property. It is enough to root the top, and after some time such a plant, unusual for Russian latitudes, will grow at home.

Since pineapple can only grow in the tropics, such a plant can be grown in the climatic conditions of Russia:

  • V winter garden or greenhouse;
  • in a heated greenhouse;
  • in the apartment.

And before you start growing pineapples, you need to choose the right planting material.

Selection of planting material

Since it can take several years from planting the top to receiving a new fruit, it is necessary to carefully examine the donor plant before deciding what planting material to take from it.

  1. We choose only ripe pineapple.
  2. The fruit must be healthy, without spots or distortions on the skin.
  3. Pineapples that have been exposed to low temperatures should not be planted.
  4. The selected specimen should have thick, rich leaves Green colour. Dried or wrinkled ones indicate illness or staleness of the fruit.
  5. The fruit should have a pleasant aroma. If there is a sharp sour or putrid odor, then it is better to immediately refuse to purchase such fruit.

Advice! It is best to buy fruit for propagation in late summer or early autumn, because this is when fully ripe pineapples come to market.

Preparing the top of a pineapple for rooting

A lot depends on how you plant the top of a pineapple so that the plant takes root. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the “tuft” of leaves.

There are two ways to remove the top from the fruit itself:

  • it can be unscrewed from the pineapple by tightly grasping a bunch of leaves;
  • You can also cut off a few centimeters of pulp from the fruit along with the leaves, and then trim off the excess with a knife.

If you use the first method, it will immediately be clear whether the fetus is ready for transplantation. Did you manage to unscrew the bunch of leaves along with the base? You can safely plant it.

Advice! To speed up root germination, the pineapple can be hung so that the cut part faces up.

Then water is poured into a glass container and the bundle is placed in it with the cut side down.

  • The jar should be wrapped in a dark cloth so that light does not reach the roots.
  • Plants are placed in a warm place without drafts.
  • It is best to place the pineapple under a phytolamp.
  • Water must be refreshed every other day.

Soil preparation and selection of planting containers

The pot in which the fruit will grow should be no more than 0.5 - 0.7 liters in volume. You also need to make good drainage holes in it.

Soil for pineapple is made according to the following recipe:

  • peat – 1/4 part;
  • leaf humus - 1/4 part;
  • fine-grained sand – 1/4 part;
  • perlite – 1 tablespoon;
  • rotted cow manure - 1/4 part.

Or you can buy a special mixture for bromeliads in the store.

It is important to remember that any soil must first be disinfected if it spills with biofungicides.

How to plant in the ground correctly

Before a pineapple that has already taken root is planted in the ground, you need to dip the roots in a solution of biofungicides, and then keep them for several hours in a solution of growth stimulants. Then the roots are slightly dried in a dark place for an hour.

  1. Next, a thick layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot.
  2. A thin layer of soil is poured onto the drainage from above.
  3. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle.
  4. The pineapple is placed in the middle of the pot.
  5. Soil is carefully poured around and compacted, but so that the young roots are not damaged.
  6. After this, a small groove is made around the future trunk and the plant is carefully watered.
  7. The groove must be filled with dry soil and the pot must be moved to permanent place residence.
  8. For better rooting, you can build a mini-greenhouse for the plant, covering it with a glass cap, or make a case from a special covering material.

After planting, the pineapple must be given the brightest and warmest place.

You can also grow pineapple from a seed, but to do this you need to buy the fruit in early autumn so that it is definitely ripe, with seeds saturated with strength. But in addition to how to obtain seed material yourself, you can buy it at any store that serves gardeners.

  1. It doesn’t matter how the seeds were obtained, in any case, first they need to be soaked for 12 - 14 hours in a solution of biofungicides.
  2. Next, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator for 4 hours.
  3. Then they are germinated either in a special composition or on damp gauze. It is important that high humidity is maintained constantly and the stone is warm. The higher the temperature in the room where the seeds germinate, the faster they will hatch.
  4. The soil mixture should be exactly the same as for sprouting the top.
  5. The germinated seeds are buried 2 cm into it and covered with a greenhouse.
  6. The pot must be ventilated several times a day.

It is important to remember that germination of some seeds may take six months. And all this time you need to make sure that the soil remains moist and the environment is warm.

Planting a pineapple at home is quite simple, but it will only be possible to grow it if the grower follows the rules of caring for the plant.

  1. It is necessary to maintain constant humidity, but the roots must not rot.
  2. The leaf funnel must be filled with water as it dries.
  3. It is necessary to water the pineapple with warm, or even better, hot water.
  4. The leaves need to be washed periodically.
  5. The plant can be sprayed with warm water several times a day, but care must be taken to ensure there are no drafts.
  6. Temperature environment should be no lower than + 20ºС.
  7. Several times a month it is necessary to apply rotted cow manure by watering. Replace something so valuable organic fertilizer anything else is difficult, so you should prepare in advance.
  8. At the same time, mineral fertilizers are applied quite rarely, and during the winter dormant period they should not be added at all. During spring, summer and autumn, superphosphates and potassium salts are applied four times.

Advice! To stimulate pineapple during the flowering period, you can use regular apple. But it is important that it is natural, and not from a store shelf. The fruit must be cut in half and one part buried in the soil closer to the roots. The other half is located in the leaf rosette. Next, the pineapple is covered with a plastic cap for several weeks. The ethylene released by the apple will help the pineapple bloom.

Basic mistakes when planting pineapple

To the question: “Is it possible to plant a pineapple at home,” the answer is always yes. But growing such a complex plant is a completely different story. Therefore, you need to take into account mistakes that can completely negate all your efforts.

  • It would be worth repeating that pineapple loves warmth. Moreover, the humidity should also be high - it cannot tolerate dry air.
  • Short daylight hours will not allow the plant to develop, so it needs to be provided with full eight-hour natural light. This is best done with the help of a good phytolamp - it will provide the entire necessary spectrum of radiation.
  • There should be a gap between the pot and the drain pan, and water should not stagnate there.

Not every gardener has the patience to grow a pineapple at home, but if you still manage to achieve your cherished goal, then first the plant will give the owner beautiful flowering, and then it will give you the opportunity to enjoy delicious fruits, which were obtained, oh, how difficult it is!

Pineapple (lat. Anánas) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Bromeliaceae family, numbering nine species. The birthplace of pineapple is South America. Large tufted pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a popular fruit crop grown in the tropics throughout the planet. To grow it, it is not at all necessary to move to warm countries - from the article we will learn how to grow pineapple at home.

Ripening pineapple.

Pineapple is land plant, with spiny stems and leaves. It has many adventitious roots that grow in the leaf axils, absorbing the water retained in them. Pineapple leaves are quite wide and fleshy, covered with a special epidermal layer. The plant retains its moisture supply in them. The leaves can reach 140 centimeters in length.

After the leaf rosette is fully formed, it forms a long peduncle covered with many bisexual flowers. Based on the results of two weeks of flowering, the golden fruit grows brightly orange color, resembling a pine cone in shape.

Benefits of pineapples for the human body

The volume of ripe pineapples is approximately 85% water - which is why it is so juicy and thirst-quenching. Pulp yellow color very sweet and has a unique aroma.

Pineapple contains a large number of elements: acids, sugars, fats, proteins, alkaloids, various trace elements and important vitamins (A, E, PP, C and many B vitamins). The fruit is very tasty and healthy - an excellent tonic for people of all ages. The calorie content of pineapple is approximately fifty kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Experts identify in its composition such useful microelements as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and carotene. It is worth mentioning separately the content of bromelain, which burns fat, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with varicose veins and helps cleanse the body's blood vessels.

Pineapple juice normalizes liver and kidney function and stimulates intestinal function. Due to the abundance of vitamin C in it, it is recommended for use to prevent colds. Pineapple juice is also useful for hypertensive patients, because it cleanses the blood of cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

Growing at home using a crown

The crown of a pineapple is the top of the fruit.

To understand how to plant a pineapple at home, it’s enough to understand a few simple methods. The easiest way to do this is by planting the crown of the fruit.

Pineapple selection

All you have to do is walk to the grocery store to buy a pineapple. You need to carefully examine it - it must be ripe, and its top must be intact and not dry. It is not recommended to plant indoor pineapple in winter - as one might guess, during this period fruits can remain in the cold for quite a long time. A frozen rosette is not suitable for planting.

A fruit with an intact top and green, not dried out leaves is required. It is recommended to grow this pineapple at home in summer or early autumn.

Planting the crown

First, you will need to cut off the crown so as not to touch the core with the knife. It will need to be cleared of pulp - otherwise the planted pineapple will begin to rot after some time. For the same reason, it is necessary to remove the lower rows of leaves so that the trunk of the plant, about one centimeter high, is visible. After these procedures, you will have to postpone planting for several weeks - the crown must dry thoroughly.

Choosing a pot and soil

To completely guarantee the successful growth of pineapples, you need to take care in the right pot and the soil for them.

A pot slightly larger than the seedling will do. It is better to use a container with holes to drain excess moisture. The shards are placed in the pot, and a layer of pebbles (about two centimeters) is placed on top of them.

Cultivate and moisten the soil - only after this can the dried crown be planted. It should be in the ground at the level of the lower leaves. Pack the soil thoroughly.

After this, you will need to water and spray it abundantly, and also create an impromptu greenhouse (it is enough to cover the plant plastic bag or cap). The pot with pineapple should be in a warm and bright place. To avoid the greenhouse effect, do not place the pineapple in direct sunlight.

After the first four weeks, the crown will give its first roots - until then, do not water the plant, just spray the leaves daily.

Transplanting and watering

Rooting a pineapple.

When the plant takes root, transplant it into a large pot. It is better to use soil of the same composition. After transplanting, you need to cover the fruit with polyethylene - you can remove it in a couple of weeks.

When watering pineapples, only warm water should be used. Watering should be done when the soil is dry. Watering is rare but plentiful - the pineapple retains moisture in the leaves, which is used as feed for additional roots.

This plant loves sunlight, so in summer it can be left on the balcony, on the window, or displayed in a greenhouse along with cucumbers or tomatoes.

Care and feeding

To grow this tropical fruit, you need a temperature of about 25 degrees above zero.

During the growing season (late spring, summer), pineapple needs feeding. It should be fertilized no more than once every two weeks. Gardeners unanimously recognize mullein the best fertilizer for pineapple. You can use mineral fertilizers - their concentration should be half that for other plants. With the beginning of autumn, the pineapple needs to be returned to a warm room.

Stimulating pineapple flowering

Pineapple flower.

With proper care, pineapple usually begins to bloom two years after planting in a pot.

Delays in the onset of the flowering period are also possible. If the plant has been properly cared for, but it does not bloom, you will have to help it. To do this, you need to get ethylene. This is quite simple to do by mixing 0.5 liters of water and one teaspoon of calcium carbide. The resulting solution should sit for 24 hours, after which it should be poured into a new container so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the old one. The resulting liquid must be poured directly into the central part of the leaf rosette once a day for a whole week. This procedure ensures pineapple flowering for a period of up to several months.

Reproduction after fruiting

Because pineapple herbal plant, it dies after fruiting. Death usually occurs within a couple of years. The pineapple leaves behind many small shoots with which you can grow new fruits. After they produce the first roots, they can be safely separated and transplanted into separate containers. Such shoots will bloom much earlier than their mother plant, grown from a pineapple crown.

Planting using seeds

Pineapple seeds.

You can also plant pineapple seeds. You need a large, ripe fruit, from which you need to get the brown seeds. They are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried thoroughly.

In addition, in specialized stores you can buy seeds and grow decorative inedible pineapple. Caring for a purchased plant is no different from the method described here.

Now you need to prepare the ground for sowing the seeds. Great option will become a mixture of leaf soil, sand and peat, taken in equal quantities. Sowing is done to a depth of no more than two centimeters, after which the seeds are watered generously with warm water and covered with a cap or plastic film. Containers with planted seeds should be placed in a warm and dry place. The higher the air temperature, the faster the first shoots will appear.

There is no exact period for seed germination - for some gardeners it takes only two months, for others it takes six months. We'll have to be patient.

The sprouts that appear must be regularly watered and sprayed. Young shoots need to be fed with chicken droppings or mineral fertilizers. Ventilation of young plants and their adaptation to dry climates is critical.

As soon as the pineapple leaves reach five centimeters in length, they will need to be transplanted into separate pots with loose soil. Fertilizing becomes similar to the previous method - the pineapple will need to be fertilized with mullein once every two weeks.

Growing pineapple at home both with seeds and with the help of the top is quite exciting activity. During flowering it smells nice, try grown with my own hands exotic fruit is an incomparable pleasure.

Pineapple is a popular tropical fruit, the cultivation of which at home is becoming increasingly widespread among residents of our country. But this crop is quite capricious and demanding of conditions, so in order to plant correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic information regarding not only the rules for its implementation, but also the selection and preparation of planting material,

Planting pineapple at home

There are two ways to plant a pineapple at home - with seeds and with the help of a top. To get the desired result, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for the planting method you have chosen.

Planting Pineapple Seeds

If you want to grow pineapple using seeds, it is advisable to purchase them at the store. The fact is that most fruits on sale either have no seeds at all, or they are small and unripe and therefore not suitable for planting. But it’s still worth paying attention to the seeds - the seeds that are in the fruit you bought, because they may turn out to be quite suitable for sowing.

Pineapple seeds suitable for sowing are flat, semicircular, reddish-brown in color and reach a length of 0.3–0.4 cm

In pineapple, the seeds are located in the pulp just under the skin. If they meet all the requirements and can be planted, then carefully remove them with a knife and rinse them in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 200 ml of water), then remove them, dry them on a paper napkin and begin pre-sowing activities.

  1. Soak. Place moistened material (cotton cloth or cotton pads) at the bottom of the container or on a plate. Place the bones on it and cover them on top with the same moistened material. Place the workpiece in a warm place for 18–24 hours. The seeds should swell slightly.
  2. Sowing in the ground. Fill the sowing container with a mixture of peat and purified sand (they should be taken in equal parts), moisten the soil and plant the seeds at a distance of 7–10 cm from each other, deepening them by 1–2 cm.
  3. After sowing, be sure to cover the container with film or glass and place it in a warm place.

The time for emergence of seedlings depends on the temperature: if it is +30°C - +32°C, then the seeds will germinate in 2–3 weeks; in colder conditions, sprouts will appear no earlier than in 30–45 days.

Further care of the plantings consists of timely moderate watering and regular ventilation (10 minutes 2 times a day). When the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, the shoots must be planted in separate pots. Since the seedlings are in a common container, it is more convenient to use the transplantation method.

Pineapple shoots must be pruned to ensure proper development.
  1. Water the soil well 2 hours before transplanting.
  2. Place drainage material (3–4 cm) at the bottom of individual containers with a volume of 0.5–0.7 l, and then fill with soil (peat (1 part) + humus (1 part) + sand (1 part) + garden soil (1 part)) and moisten it.
  3. Make a hole 2–3 cm deep in the center of each container.
  4. Carefully remove the sprout from the general container (for convenience, you can use a teaspoon) and place it in the hole, straightening the roots.
  5. Fill the hole with soil, compacting it, and water.
  6. Cover the plantings with a bag and place in a warm, bright place.

Planting the rosette (top) of a pineapple

If you want to grow pineapple this way, then be careful when purchasing the “mother” fruit. Try to choose fresh fruit without defects (bruises, rot, etc.). Also inspect the foliage rosette: it should be fresh, elastic, green in color and have a living, undamaged core.

Besides appearance pineapple, you should pay attention to the time of its purchase. You will have the highest chances of growing pineapple if you purchase the fruit in late spring, summer or early autumn. You will have almost no opportunity to get a new plant from a pineapple bought in winter, since in this case the fruits are often exposed to cold air and their tops freeze.

The top suitable for planting must be fresh and have an intact core

Once you have chosen and purchased a suitable fruit, you can begin planting the top. There are two ways to carry out this procedure, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Method 1. Planting the top without rooting

1. Using a sharp, clean knife, carefully cut off the top, grabbing a section of the fruit 3 cm below. If the pineapple is ripe, you can remove the top by holding it with one hand and turning the fruit with the other. After you have removed the top, remove all the pulp, as it can cause the plant to rot. Also remove all the lower leaves to obtain a cylindrical cutting 2.5–3 cm long.

It is necessary to carefully remove the pulp to avoid rotting of the top

2. Disinfect the sections by sprinkling them with activated carbon (for this you need to crush 1-2 tablets) or placing them for 1 minute in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (to obtain it, dissolve the powder on the tip of a knife (1 g) in 200 ml of water). After soaking, do not forget to wipe the cutting with a paper napkin.

3. Place the top for 5–7 days in a dry, dark place, the air in it should be at room temperature. To avoid contact of the top with surfaces, it is advisable to hang it on twine or strong thread.

The top of the pineapple must be dried in an upright position.

4.Prepare a pot with a volume of 0.5 - 0.7 liters. If you want to use a smaller pot, then it is advisable to choose at least one whose diameter is slightly larger diameter tops. Make drainage holes in it, if there are none, and place it in a tray. Place a layer (2 cm) of drainage material (expanded clay, fine gravel) on the bottom. Fill the pot with soil (composition: sand (1 part) + peat (1 part) + turf soil (1 part) or peat (2 parts) + pine humus (1 part) + garden soil (1 part). If possible, prepare such a substrate no, then you can use cactus soil). 2 days before planting, pour boiling water over the soil.

Turf soil, sand and peat are essential components of the soil mixture for pineapple.

5. Moisten the soil, make a hole 2.5–3 cm deep in it and sprinkle the bottom with 0.5 tsp. crushed charcoal.

6. Carefully place the top into the hole, sprinkle it with soil up to the lower leaves, and then compact it well and water the soil.

7. Cover the planting with film, a plastic bag, or place it under glass and place it in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

To provide the pineapple with the most favorable conditions development, it needs to be placed in a “greenhouse”

As a rule, it takes 1.5–2 months to root the top. If the tip takes root, then at the end of this period several new leaves will appear in its center.

Method 2. Planting the top with rooting

1. Remove the top, remove the pulp and lower leaves from it so that a bare cylinder 2.5-3 cm thick remains.

2. Disinfect the sections using potassium permanganate or activated carbon.

3. Dry the top for 2–3 days in a dry, dark place at room temperature.

4. Take a glass, pour it into warm water and place the cleaned part of the top 3-5 cm into it. To fix it, you can use toothpicks or cut out a cardboard circle. Place the glass in a warm, bright place, perhaps on a windowsill. Roots usually appear within 2–3 weeks. During this time, the water in the glass needs to be changed once every 2-3 days. The top can be transplanted into the pot when the roots reach a length of 2 cm.

Rooting of the top usually takes 2-3 weeks

5. Prepare the pot and fill it with suitable soil.

6. Make a hole 2-3 cm deep in moist soil and carefully place the top in it, being careful not to injure the roots. Sprinkle soil up to the bottom leaves.

7. Compact and water the soil well again.

8. Cover the planting with a plastic bag and place it in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

Based on my experience, I can say that rooting plants is useful procedure, since it allows you to immediately see whether the planting material is viable or not (this applies not only to pineapple, but also to cuttings of various fruit crops, etc.), and you subsequently do not have to waste time caring for a damaged plant or taking up its place in a pot. When growing pineapple, I also recommend holding this event, especially for those people who have not dealt with it before and therefore could well have missed something during the preparatory work. If the top does not take root, then you will immediately have time to replace it with another one, without repeating previous mistakes, and get good plant. And in the future, when you learn to do everything correctly, you will be able to plant a pineapple or any other plant in the ground without prior rooting, without fear that it will not take root or will not germinate.

Rooting a pineapple

Apex transplantation

Like any other plant, as the pineapple grows, its root system develops, so you will have to replant. For it to be successful, before this time you need to provide your plant with proper care, which will improve his health and allow him to endure the “move” with less stress.

After you have planted the top in the ground, it must be kept under film for 1.5 - 2 months. During this period, the pineapple requires ventilation (2 times a day for 10 minutes) and spraying the leaves once a week, since the pineapple accumulates moisture in them. Watering is recommended moderately and only when the soil dries out. Those who have had experience growing pineapple from the top advise watering not only into the soil, but also into the outlet itself. Also, if possible, try to change the film or wipe the glass, since the condensation (drops) that appears is harmful to the leaves and, if it gets on them, can cause them to rot. In addition, do not neglect fertilizers. For this purpose, you can use complex mineral supplements (for example, diammofoska) at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. The top needs to be fed every 20 days. In the autumn-winter period, planting must be provided with a sufficient amount (at least 12 hours) of light, illuminating it with a fluorescent lamp.

The overseas fruit pineapple is herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family. This species is characterized by the fact that the plants are adapted to live in drought conditions and have fleshy leaves that form a funnel in the center. Morning dew flows into an improvised container and nourishes the plant from above. This ability to absorb moisture through the leaves at the top of the fruit, their connection with the heart of the plant, suggested a way to plant a pineapple. It is possible to root the top and get a new plant at home if you follow the propagation conditions.

Ways to grow pineapple

In average climates, pineapples can only be grown in greenhouse conditions, greenhouses or on a windowsill. One of the reasons is the long cultivation of pineapple until a mature fruit is obtained. Several years, up to 4, pass in anticipation of the formation of an inflorescence. And it takes six months for the fruit to fill and ripen. Later, the plant dies, leaving behind numerous shoots, which are used to propagate the plant on an industrial scale.

At home, fruiting occurs after 26 months of plant development. After the fruit is removed, the plant dies, leaving many offspring with which it is propagated. IN room conditions The plant blooms at a height of 25 cm and at the age of 16 months. Flowering will begin in two months and lasts two weeks. One flower blooms for 1 day. The fruit takes up to six months to form and ripen.

So, you can grow pineapple:

  • seeds obtained from a ripe fruit;
  • shoots from an adult or dead bush;
  • the top of a ripe pineapple.

The seed propagation method is rarely used, as this is associated with an extension of the growing season. For those who like to start from scratch, you need to know that you can collect seeds from ripe exotic fruit. At home, for cross-pollination you need two flowers blooming side by side at the same time. standing plants. Subsequently, the seeds are sown in light soil and after germination they are grown to 6 cm and planted in a permanent pot.

How to plant a pineapple from the top

The most common method is to obtain a pineapple seedling from the tuft on the top of the fruit. Select a pineapple from a recently received batch of fresh harvest. The sign will be a powerful bunch of leaves at the top of the pineapple cone. The leaves should be alive, not dried out and as little wrinkled as possible. The fruit must be mature in all respects.

How to plant a pineapple from the top is clear. It remains to wait for the rooting results. If the plant is established, young leaves will appear. And only then and subsequently should the young plant be watered from above, so that there is always water in the funnel of leaves.

How long to wait for rooting results depends on external conditions and on compliance with all conditions. The plant can take 6-8 weeks to take root. When rooting, the leaves will gradually dry out and the tips should be trimmed. At the same time, replacement greenery grows. Over time, the bush will lose its old hair completely. The plant needs to be watered once a week for up to a year. Transplant the flood into a larger pot in cactus soil.

In winter, pineapple will not grow leaves; this is a dormant period. This means that watering and fertilizing should be reduced.

How to plant pineapple at home - video