Well      04.03.2020

Do-it-yourself punt drawings. Homemade plywood boats: it's easy to do! Homemade wooden boats: manufacturing features

Before you start building a wooden boat, you need to prepare the main part of such a structure - the sides. To do this, you need to take the most even, long, enough wide boards which are made of spruce or pine.

Look at the photos of homemade boats and you will see that there are no boards on its sides that have knots - this is very important. The boards for this part of the boat should be in a dry place under slight pressure for at least one year.

Choice of boards for work

Before you start production, you need to make sure once again that the boards are absolutely suitable for the job. Next, for each board, you need to measure desired length and carefully cut them at an angle of 45 degrees. These boards will go to the bow of the boat.

After that, it is necessary to plan them and check that the boards connected to each other have no gaps. Then treat the ends with an antiseptic.

The next step is to prepare the bow of the boat, and a triangular bar serves them. It should be one and a half times longer than the width of the sides. The beam is also planed and covered with a layer of antiseptic.

Further instructions for making a boat with your own hands is to choose suitable board for the stern of the boat. Do not neglect the stock, because it is better to cut off the excess later than to look for and start all over again.

Boat assembly

When the elements of the wooden boat are assembled, you need to start assembling the product. You should start with the bow. Both sides and a triangular bar must be connected to each other using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to immediately cut off the protrusions from above and below so that they do not interfere in the future.

The next step is very important and responsible, as it is necessary to give the future boat a shape. It is necessary to determine the width of the boat and put a spacer in the middle. Choose a spacer board the size of the height of the boat, so your sides will not burst.

When the strut is properly installed, you can begin to shape the boat, call a few people for help or stock up on ropes to hold the structure.

Use the drawings and adjust the dimensions of the stern for the manufacture of the boat so that when connected rear wall and there were no gaps and cracks left on the sides.

When the backdrop is installed, cut off the excess part from the bottom, and on top you can make an element in the form of a triangle. Next, we deal with the struts that will constantly maintain the shape of the boat, as well as the seats that are installed on top of the struts. You can determine the number, as well as the location of these elements yourself, so it can be one, two or more places.

We align everything on the lower part in one plane and treat the entire surface with a protective layer. When the glue dries, start making the bottom of the boat.

The best option for the bottom will be a galvanized sheet of metal. Try to find one that matches the size of the boat.

How to make the bottom of the boat with your own hands

Put the future boat on a sheet of metal and circle its borders with a marker, do not forget to grab a margin of a few centimeters just in case, you can always trim the excess.

The next step is to cover the connection of the boat with its bottom with a special silicone sealant along the entire length in one line. On top of the sealant, until it dries, a cord is laid in several rows - all this is necessary so that the bottom of the boat is airtight and does not let water in.

When this process is completed, we proceed to the connection of the bottom with the frame. Carefully lay the bottom of the boat over the bottom of the boat. Use nails or screws to connect.

Start connecting from the middle and move to the edges of the boat. Do the work as slowly and carefully as possible, as this part is very important.

We cut off excess metal that sticks out more than 5 mm from the edge of the boat, and bend the rest with a hammer. It is also important to protect the bow of the boat from external factors using the same metal. Cut out a rectangle of tin according to the size of the boat.

Everywhere where wood and metal are connected, it is necessary to walk with sealant and lace. By this time, before you start "wrapping" the nose with metal, you need to treat the entire boat with an antiseptic.

Be sure to make a mount on the bow for the chain. This will help if someone wants to steal a brand new boat, as it will attract Special attention due to its novelty.

Before you build a boat, think through and review all the ideas of what you can make a boat out of. Perhaps you will choose for yourself a special material with which it will be more convenient for you to work, or maybe you need special protection or massiveness.

Don't forget to cover the bottom with reverse side special paint, since galvanized metal is destroyed over time upon contact with water. And the wooden parts of the boat must be covered with several layers of special impregnation and, as a result, the boat should be left to dry in the shade.

For convenience, a wooden flooring can be laid out inside the boat at its bottom. So the bottom will not rattle when you move along it.

This will complete the boat. Read more articles on how to make the best homemade boats with descriptions to find out some other nuances that may be useful to you in future buildings.

DIY boat photo

For a long time I wanted to create a record with a mark of the main points in the manufacture of the boat, but it still did not work out! Dad is getting older every year, and there is still no cheat sheet, although we have made more than one pair of boats with him ... And this year there was a need to expand our fleet, because the kids are growing up and boats are needed more stable and lifting, for reliability movement. I myself used to swim out, but with my sons this must be warned! It's time to take out the previously stocked boards, trimmed, planed, prepared nails, and, one weekend, got down to business! (It is better to use spruce boards, without knots, but there is not always what you need)

First of all, Dad sketched a small drawing with dimensions, based on the requirements and previous construction projects

Then they laid out the boards for the bottom, drew a contour on them according to the dimensions, cut out the main one with a jigsaw, left only along the edges, this can be seen in the photographs.

When fitting the boards to one another, we leave gaps in the stern and in the bow, but in the middle we adjust more or less tightly

When all the details are prepared, we begin to assemble the bottom, first, having tightly assembled the boards, we sew them with nails in the middle of the crossbar, then with the help of a rope and two crowbars we tighten the stern, we sew it with nails, we do the same with the bow

Due to the fact that the crossbars are rounded, and gaps were left between the boards in the bow and stern, during screeding and assembly, the bottom turns out to be a little sphere both across and along. In the future, this gives the stability of the boat on the water. It is not necessary to adjust and tighten the bottom boards to microns, small cracks are quite acceptable, this will facilitate bottom caulking.

When the bottom is assembled, we cut out the edges according to the intended dimensions and markings so that the edges are smooth, otherwise it will not work to bend the side boards clearly

The most interesting thing is ahead, you need to bend the sides at the same time on both sides, if bending in turn can warp and the boat will turn out to be skewed. We attach the side board to the bow on one side, sew it on, then the same on the second side, then one presses it by bending the boards, the second pierces it with nails towards the stern.

The boards were pulled together as well as the bottom - with a rope. As a result, some form was drawn, further it is easier. In the same way, we bend the second row of side boards. We do not beat a lot of nails when stitching, because it will still be necessary to caulk! Next, we saw off the extra ends of the boards, both side and bow with the stern. Then you adjust the front nose board.

After the end of the assembly, you work as a planer, where you need to round, level, go through the entire longboat, cut out the frames beautifully. After restoring beauty, we caulk, add nails in places, fasten the oarlocks, tar the bottom, nail the flashings to the bottom, tar them, then paint. We also make seats for whom we paint them as conveniently as possible. Our oars are transferable, we change boats, but the oars are the same. Oarlocks on all our boats are the same, so that without problems.

In principle, I tried to take into account all the stages and subtleties in the photograph, so that it was clear. Two boats have now been put together, one for the opening, the second quite recently. The boats were made identical, one was tested, the second was at the stage of completion.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! True, questions usually arise during self-production, suddenly someone will take it and make a piece of wood. For those who live near the lake, a piece of wood is indispensable!

Thank you for your attention!

Drawings and photos

Buying a boat is a costly business. That is why many are wondering how to make their own small and reliable vessel. The process of creating a boat is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. However, it is quite laborious and requires a lot of attention to detail.

The first and most important step is to determine what the vessel will be made of. There are not many options, let's look at them:

  • Rubber based fabric. The end result is an inflatable boat.
  • Plastic.
  • Steel.
  • Tree.
  • Plywood.

Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are immediately evident. But now we will talk about a boat made of wood.

Having decided on the material, you can proceed to the next stages of planning and preparation.

Manufacturing features

There are really a lot of features, so let's look at them in detail:

  1. Woodwork. The first and main feature is the ability to work with wooden structures and with wood in particular. You need to understand which boards are best to choose, how to bend them correctly, what loads this or that material can withstand. Before starting work, it is best to prepare and read books on working with wood. Finding them is very easy, they are freely available on the Internet.
  2. The choice of materials for assembly. In addition to wood, you must immediately decide on other materials that will help hold the boat together and protect it from leaking. They must be suitable for the material that has been chosen and interact well with it.
  3. Place of assembly. For manufacturing, you will definitely need a lot of space, as well as time. For professionals, it can take from 4 to 10 days to manufacture and assemble, depending on the complexity. A beginner will need several times more time. That is why it is important to choose a dry and comfortable place.
  4. Tools. To facilitate and speed up the process, you will need whole line tools (which we will discuss later). In addition, it is desirable to have an additional pair of hands at some stages of the assembly.

These are the main features that you need to know, but as you work, it is likely that you will have to deal with others.

Drawing of a boat from boards for self-production

Deciding on sizes

One of milestones at the planning stage. The size depends on the capacity, load capacity and weight. It is very important to observe the correct dimensions so that the boat is stable on the water.

You can change them at your discretion, but within reason:

  • The length of the entire structure. The length can vary from two to four meters. If the vessel is designed for one, then the length should be 1.8 - 2.5 meters. Two people - about 3 meters. Three people - 3.5 - 4 meters. A boat with a length of 3 - 4 meters can easily withstand up to 5-6 people, the question here is more in comfort.
  • Width. Also one of the main criteria. The average width is 1 - 1.5 meters. The greater the width, the more stable wonderfully. On the other hand, the greater the width, the less maneuverability. You need to find a middle ground. It is different for everyone depending on the human body, the cargo that will be transported, as well as the length of the entire structure.
  • Board height. The average and recommended board height is 50 centimeters. Again, you can make it both higher and lower, depending on your desire.

It is based on these dimensions that it will be necessary to make all the details in the future. It is difficult to determine these dimensions by eye, so it is best to make a drawing for clarity.

Turning to the drawings, we must immediately say that it is not necessary to have a talent for drawing. IN this moment a drawing can be done without having similar skills online on the Internet. You can make a three-dimensional model that will meet all the requirements and desires.

In the drawing, in addition to the main dimensions, you must immediately determine the dimensions of other, smaller, but no less important details. It is best to make drawings for them separately, so that in the future you do not have to adjust them.

Reference planes required to build a theoretical drawing of the boat hull

Necessary materials and tools

Having dealt with all theoretical issues, we turn to practice. Collecting all the tools and materials and preparing them for work is the final part of the preparation, so this process must be treated with particular care.

Consider the list of tools and tools that will be needed during assembly:

This is the main list of what will come in handy during assembly. In addition, other tools may come in handy in the process. For example, a hacksaw, a hammer, clamps, etc.

Selection of boards for sheathing the bottom of a punt boat

Manufacturing process

We turn to the most interesting, the manufacturing process. We will present it in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

There is no place for haste and shortcomings, so we do everything very carefully and clearly:

Boat testing

After the creation and assembly of the vessel, we proceed to its testing.

You can test the boat in different ways, but it is best in how many stages:

  • The first waterproof test can be done in the yard. To do this, turn the boat over and install it on some kind of support (chairs, benches, table). Next pour on it a large number of water. To do this, it is best to use a hose and “water” for 5-10 minutes. After that, the boat can be turned over and checked if water got inside.
  • Now, knowing that the schooner does not let water through, you can go to the exit to the big water. More precisely, try it in action. It is strongly recommended not to swim out to great depths for the first half hour, because if something is done wrong and the boat starts to quickly take on water, it is much easier to get it aground.

Let's look at a few tips that may come in handy for a beginner in the difficult business of designing and building:

  • When assembling, do not spare materials. For example, when fastening the sides to the bottom of the boat, it is worth spending extra time, but tightly walking through all the joints with glue or resin. In the future, such errors will be very difficult to correct.
  • Do it with a margin. Extra parts of everything can be removed, for example, sawing off a block in the bow of the boat. This applies to all other details as well.
  • Before using large nails or screws, it is advisable to make holes for them with a drill. This will prevent cracking.
  • Don't skimp on materials. How better quality wood the longer and better it will serve in the future.

A fishing boat is a small watercraft that allows you to fish in a quiet, cozy and remote place from the coast, store and transport fishing tackle and equipment, and, if necessary, transport cargo. Many fans of fishing business give preference to products from natural material, for example from a tree. They are bought in ready-made, order or do it yourself.

A brief instruction on how to make a wooden boat will help a fisherman who knows how to use carpentry tools to make it himself.

Boats made of wood have the following advantages:

  • production from environmentally friendly materials (often from softwood logs);
  • a light weight;
  • strength and reliability afloat;
  • maneuverability;
  • buoyancy;
  • noiselessness;
  • the ability to install an outboard or stationary motor, sails, use with oars;
  • long service life with proper storage;
  • low cost compared to other devices.

There are 2 types of wooden boats:

  • inert, or keel;
  • flat-bottomed.

Punts are in great demand among fans of fishing. They are convenient and comfortable, gear and accessories are located near the fisherman. The boats are highly stable and safe, turn freely on the water and do not capsize.

Inert boats with a keel bottom have better maneuverability in difficult places, they are distinguished by speed and practicality. In order not to scoop water over the side, you need to learn how to correctly distribute the center of gravity.

Buy or DIY

On domestic market wooden boats are rare. Most often they are made by craftsmen to order. Work is completed within 4-5 days, sometimes faster. Price vehicle will be determined depending on the length and width of the boat you want to see: it can be made single or multi-seater. Before ordering a vessel self made receive information about the artist, look at previous products, communicate with other customers.

If the manufacturing process of wooden boats is carried out on their own, there is an opportunity to reduce financial costs. In addition, you can get great pleasure from the work done.

Manufacturing process

The construction of a fishing vessel consists of 5 stages, these are:

  1. Structural design.
  2. Preparation necessary materials(boards, tools).
  3. Manufacturing and assembly.
  4. Silencing the boat or caulking.
  5. Testing.


Getting Started self-manufacturing, it is better to purchase special literature on how to build a wooden boat, study the main components, design diagrams and drawings. Experts recommend making patterns on sheets of paper or using 3D modeling programs. The design is divided into subassemblies and units. The details according to the drawings must be readable, the designations and dimensions are taken out, the scale is maintained.

According to the parameters of the main parts of the boat, the amount of material needed is calculated.

Materials and tools

For work, you will need to purchase wide and long spruce or pine boards. Cracks, scuffs, knots are not allowed.

Some craftsmen advise purchasing logs earlier, then laying them dry flat surface under pressure for a while to avoid deformation


List of required tools:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Square.
  4. Plane.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Fasteners (self-tapping screws, screws, nails or screws).
  7. Hammer.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Electric jigsaw.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Bulgarian.
  12. Clamping vise.

The list of materials that will be required for work:

  1. Putty.
  2. Oil paints.
  3. Oil varnish or drying oil.
  4. Antiseptic.
  5. Glue.

Do not forget about safety measures during the manufacture of the structure. For this purpose, protective plastic goggles, comfortable, well-fitting gloves are used.

Step by step instructions for making

The wooden boat consists of the following parts:

  1. Tailgate.

For the manufacture of the bow perform the following operations:

  1. They take boards without defects, measure the length according to the calculated dimensions.
  2. Saw off the edge at 45 ° and plan.
  3. Near the sawn edges, chamfer is removed. When pressing the boards, there should be no gap between them.
  4. The ends are covered with a protective antiseptic substance.
  5. The base of the bow is made of a triangular beam, while taking into account that the length should be 1.5 times the height of the vessel. The timber is planed and treated with an antiseptic.
  6. Collect 2 boards and a base, grease with carpentry glue and fasten with nails or screws.
  7. All excess protrusions are cut off.

Algorithm of actions for the construction of the tailgate:

  1. Choose a board with a thickness of 5 cm.
  2. Board sides are made from the board. Above and below leave a margin for further processing.
  3. Do-it-yourself stiffeners are inserted between the structures according to the boat scheme. Their length is equal to the width of the craft, the height is similar to the height of the sides, otherwise the side elements will burst when bent.
  4. For bending the sides, 2 assistants are required. The edges of the side boards are attached to the stern, at which time the assistants carefully bend the side parts with a rope. Marks are made where you need to chamfer so that there are no gaps. Then the marks are chamfered, tried on and adjusted.
  5. The joints are treated with an antiseptic, connected with glue, screws or self-tapping screws.
  6. Excess material in the lower part of the stern is sawn off, the top is made out.
  7. In wooden boats with a motor on the rear side, the seats and permanent struts in the sides make holes with a drill. Then install jumpers and seats. The engine is attached after the assembly of the entire structure.

To create a bottom in a boat made of wood, a galvanized sheet fit better Total. A frame is installed on it upside down, circled with a pencil with a margin of 1.5 cm and cut out with a special tool. Then the craft is turned over, chamfered from the side parts and struts adjacent to the bottom, treated with an antiseptic.

After the impregnation dries, apply from below silicone sealant, stacked on it in 2 rows of tow or wire threads from leakage.

After leveling the metal blank, the bottom is attached with self-tapping screws to the press washer, you can use nails, moving from the center of the vessel to the edges. In areas with metal protrusions of more than 5 cm, the sheet is cut and folded to the sides, tapping with a hammer around the entire perimeter. Sheet metal is mounted to the bow to protect against corrosion.

A mooring beam is glued along the sides along the upper edge, which protects against damage when mooring to berths and other ships. The keel, which provides safety when turning, especially in devices with motors, is mounted to the bottom and is placed along the center line. It can be made from several rails.

After the structure is fully assembled, it must be tarred or caulked, then painted. Resin processing takes place only inside the vessel. This requires heated resin. To improve the viscosity, add a little machine oil. The resin is poured into all the cracks, previously cleaned of dirt, and left to dry for 12 hours. Then treated with drying oil. Staining is done after the product is completely dry.

Boat final testing

The final step is to carry out leak tests. Testing is carried out both at home and in the pond. If it is possible to install the boat on a support on the territory of a private house, it is turned over, poured with a large amount of water from the hose, then set to its original position and checked for leaks.

When testing on a river or pond for about 1 hour, you can not swim to a great depth. After a control check in the absence of water in the fishing vessel, it is ready for operation.

It so happened that in the country we always had three boats: a metal cauldron and two wooden punts. Kazanka on the water every year, and of the punts, one on the water, and the second for cleaning and painting. The next year is the opposite. About five years ago, during a fire, the boat that lay under the house along with the house burned down. Rebuilt after the fire.

And the only punt, which was now painted in the spring, and then rather, rather, launched into the water (because, you see, they really want to go fishing), began to gain physical wear and tear extremely quickly. The question arose about what should still be done the second. Dad and brother-in-law searched for a larch board for a long time right size and in the end they found a blank for boards of a smaller section at the sawmill, which they had not yet had time to dissolve. Buying waterproof plywood was already a matter of technology.

Two boards, trimmed slightly at an angle, 15 degrees (by eye), drilled holes in the edges and laced with wire (copper 2.5 sq. mm. But it doesn’t matter at all). Further, straining all the sphincters, they parted the middle and spread it with a bar.

I was not going to participate in the work, my father and brother-in-law built it, because the boat is a fishing boat, and I am not a fisherman at all. But when they work nearby, I could not resist, besides, I have more carpentry experience purely technically. In theory, only dad knew the technology. He and his grandfather twenty or thirty years ago built not one, and perhaps not two boats.

Gradually got into place struts.

The bow and stern (resting parts) have taken shape, all connections are planted on the sealant quite abundantly. Pretty hemorrhoid fit, for the first time, anyway, for sure.

The heat has gone. Plywood 12 mm.

The benches were made from used boards. Also larch, once framed door frame parents at home.

A rail is sewn along the perimeter at the junction of the side and the bottom, and is also planted on the sealant. A rail is also sewn along the sides from above along the edges - a bulwark.

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