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Dark doors in the interior of the nursery. The combination of a light floor with light doors: beautiful examples in the interior. The combination of light doors with a dark floor

Interior doors perfectly combine two important functions in interior design: functional and decorative. Door structures provide thematic zoning of the apartment, eliminate unnecessary sounds and play an important aesthetic role. Now available in stores wide choose a variety of doors, differing in color, shape, style and texture of the material.

Light doors in the interior of a country house or apartment look very original, they have both advantages and disadvantages of use. The main thing is to choose the right model for a particular room. In this article, we will consider what should be considered when choosing light interior doors, what shades to give preference to, depending on this or that design decision.

Advantages and disadvantages of light doors

A few years ago, in the production of interior doors, standard designs of door structures were used. The color range of models was also limited - find non-standard combinations bright colors was practically impossible. White doors were a ubiquitous phenomenon in Soviet times. Over time, the situation on the market changed in the opposite direction - faceless white canvases replaced dark, laconic designs.

Today, bright doors in the interior of the apartment are back in fashion. They do not look trite or somehow faceless. Beige, light brown, gray designs visually expand the space of the room, give the design a logical completeness. Few people know what advantages such designs have, but one thing is true - they look spectacular with any stylistic decision.

One of the features of light doors is their versatility. Designers claim that white is combined with all other colors, which cannot be said about dark doors.

White is a neutral color that can take on a certain tone, depending on color palette walls, floors and furniture. This shade also perfectly captures natural light. You do not have to spend money on additional decor of the door leaf, because even without it, the door structure will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room, bedroom or children's room.

The interior with light doors meets modern criteria for the functionality of residential premises. Install this kind door leaf it is possible in rooms with laminate, carpet, parquet and other types floor covering. We also note such an important fact as the optimal combination similar models with white interior items (window frames, furniture, decorative partitions).

Another distinguishing feature of light doors in the interior of the apartment is their lightness, airiness of the design.

Most apartments in Russian high-rise buildings cannot boast of a large area, and the only right option in this case is to use light colors in decoration. They do not burden the situation and contribute to a more competent distribution of free space.

Light doors are also characterized by practicality. Many people will rush to challenge this statement, because white or beige interior items require permanent care. However, this is not quite true. On door panels white color dust accumulations are not as noticeable as on dark ones.


Light doors visually make even a small room more spacious.


The disadvantages of light-colored door structures include their soiledness, which is why you have to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the canvas. But modern household products allow you to quickly and inexpensively get rid of a variety of contaminants.

Some consider white to be unnecessarily simple and banal, especially for the design of residential premises. Here it is worth considering the personal preferences of the residents and their interests regarding interior design. We only note that the unimpressive white door can be ennobled with the help of platbands of bright colors and intricate shapes.

Popular door colors in light colors

A wide variety color solutions can confuse buyers. When choosing, you should rely on personal preferences, the overall color scheme and the dimensions of the room. This also applies to light doors, photos of which will be presented later. We will consider the most common types of design - white, gray, beige and green shades interior doors. If you decide on one of these examples, then know that they can easily be decorated with glass or stained glass inserts.


As we have already said, white is a universal color for decorating residential premises. It matches perfectly with various materials: with wooden, plastic and metal parts. This neutral color will look great in the newborn room, bedroom and hallway.

IN Lately the combination of a white floor and white doors in the design of hallways, kitchens and spacious living rooms is especially popular.

When choosing an interior door, pay special attention to the quality of the base material. The most durable and practical models are made of solid white ash or bleached oak. However, they are high cost. This design will decorate a country house or a respectable office, made in the style of hi-tech or minimalism.

The photo shows a white ash door.


If you want to choose the most versatile interior design option, then, without hesitation, buy gray interior doors. Such models look stylish and give strict conciseness to the entire design of the room. This is the closest option to the classic dark doors.

However, such doors have a number of limitations:

  • Gray color visually reduces the space - it is not recommended to use it in small rooms.
  • Against the background of dark walls, this kind of door looks boring (it is better if bright colors prevail in the design of the room).
  • Compositions of gray, brown and black colors can cause negative emotions.
Gray doors are best combined with brighter colors.

shades of brown

The shade of wood looks appropriate in the most different styles and creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. Brown doors look natural and environmentally friendly, but, depending on the undertone, they differ in their aesthetic properties. This group includes light brown, beige and golden shades. Please note that this option is suitable for both interior and exterior doors.

The wood of birch, larch, beech and cherry has a light brown tint. Doors made in this color will perfectly fit into the classic or folk interior of the living room, hallway and even the bedroom. At correct design they will be a good addition to modern design, but for this you will have to work with the decor.

They say that for real comfort in the living room, interior doors of light brown color are needed. Golden, ashy, milky, beige - such products will bring comfort and warmth to your home.


Beige interior doors have similar external and functional characteristics with gray models. They should not be combined with black or dark brown furniture. If a beige door is the only right decision for you, then we advise you to balance the composition with bright baseboards and trims to match one of the interior elements. In rooms with green walls, this kind of design will look especially advantageous.

The photo below shows an example of an interior with beige doors. An excellent addition to the canvases of such a warm shade will be light gray or white.


Bright gold interior doors are an integral part of modern and historical design (classic, baroque, country). They give the room a majestic appearance and amaze the imagination of the guests of the house. In a composition with walls of a similar shade, this door structure merges into a single whole, which makes exterior finish especially deep and harmonious.

This design approach is typical for the design of rooms with a lack of natural light. As is known, yellow has a positive effect on nervous system and brings small pleasures of life into everyday life.

shades of green

The combination of colored walls and unusual doors is a new trend in interior design. However, in order to design doorways however, it is advised to use more neutral shades, such as green, gray and light blue. If you are going to use this idea, then make sure that all the colors in the room do not “compete” with each other.

Green interior doors in composition with red walls have long become classics. The reception is great for rooms with low ceilings and multiple doors spaced evenly apart.

Due to the sharp color contrasts, the space visually increases, as can be seen in the example below.

On video: five simple tips when buying an interior door.

Light doors in different styles

Today, there are many of the most different options door fittings and panels affordable prices. The material of manufacture, design and color are important when choosing doors in finished interior, since it is necessary to take into account the features of a particular style of decoration.

Do not forget about the compatibility of colors - so, decorating the interior in a modern style or Provence style, forget about multi-colored decor, bright shades and unusual shapes. In order not to miscalculate with the design, opt for white doors. They harmoniously look in different styles and directions, do not distort the unity of the internal space.

Related article: Apartment number on the front door: types of products and methods of fastening (+45 photos)

Scandinavian style

The main component of the Scandinavian style is white, as well as small size premises. For spatial expansion, doors of light shades are used, which give lightness and airiness to housing. Scandinavian style close to natural, but has one distinctive feature - clear lines in design, a minimum of furniture and high level illumination. It is characterized by a combination of white with metal, glass and other mirror details.


This style is distinguished by the real arrangement of objects in the room, the use of bright lighting and minimum quantity decorative elements. The conciseness of light doors fits perfectly into such an interior and adds a special flavor to it.

White color in the style of minimalism allows you to create a general impression of free space without any artificial restrictions (partitions, dark color spots). That is why, even when installing brown and black doorways, look at the white skirting boards and trim or ceiling friezes.


A desirable element of the classic design of residential premises are bright doors. They favorably set off the elegance and majesty of classicism, bring uniqueness to the vintage style. If you look at historical images of palace interiors from past centuries, you are unlikely to find dark doors there. Light in times past door structures decorated with golden fittings, stucco and carvings. Now these elements are also used in the creation of some models.

Color combinations

What is the best way to combine dark and light colors in the interior? White and beige interior doors go well with most wall and floor color options. However, it is worth noting that when decorating a room completely in white, you should abandon the use of dark door structures.

In order not to violate the unity of the composition, canvases of a similar shade are selected (milky, ivory, gray, light brown).

Light doors fit perfectly into interiors of contrasting colors. In such cases, beige or white doors are chosen - they visually make doorway lighter and more airy, emphasize the saturation of bright colors, the depth of purple, green, blue.

If you wish, you can recreate a classic Mediterranean design in your living room - this is facilitated by good location blue and white color combination.

It is not necessary to complement the dark wooden floor with doors similar in color and texture. Such an interior will sparkle with new colors if you decide to install a white door leaf and various decorative elements.

Self-decoration of the interior of a living space requires special knowledge and skills in working with colors and textures. Light doors are a universal design option for a room, but even here a lot depends on the right shade. No element should stand out from the composition and destroy the unity of style.

Doors in different colors (70 photos)

03.09.2016 94362

More often in rooms decorated in baroque and modern styles. Although, according to designers, they are combined with any interior. Such door leafs are not exposed to severe pollution. In addition, black and Brown color but practical.

Not the last role is played by the choice of material from which the door leaf is made. Expensive wood species are better suited: walnut, teak, ash.

Doors made of natural wood look noble and expensive.

Out of habit, many lay a dark floor in, although modern designers use other solutions, including:

  • a combination of a dark-colored door leaf and a clarified flooring;
  • doors and floor are dark;
  • doors and floor - light;
  • lightened door leaf in combination with dark flooring.

Dark doors combined with a light floor

Focusing on the color scheme of furniture, walls, details in the interior, but the effect of luxury is achieved through the contrast of colors. Therefore, many put dark-colored doors in the presence of a clarified floor. To emphasize the color contrast, skirting boards and platbands are chosen in the color of the door leaf. The interior designed in this way looks strict, but not devoid of elegance.

The combination of "light floor and dark doors» is bold and suitable for large spaces. The emphasis is on the darkened surface of the door array and the light color of the rest of the room. If the color scheme of the room is too diverse, and the colors of individual parts are very bright, then the desired contrast effect will not be achieved properly. The interior will become disharmonious and too colorful.

A special case of the combination of "dark doors and a light floor" is black doors in a light interior. This choice will add sophistication to the room and create a unique style. Desired effect perception is achieved in combination with interior details. A light floor looks good, when the overall color scheme is the same, the floor should be only a few tones lighter than the door leaf. Walls must also be lightened. So the space will visually become larger, and the colors will complement each other in the best way.

The versatility of black makes it possible to use details of different shades when creating a room design.

Dark colored doors and flooring

This combination is already familiar and the most common. Since, when evaluating the interior, we look from top to bottom, the distribution of colors from light to dark shades from top to bottom is preferable. It is better when the door array is a couple of tones lighter than the floor finishing material, so that the transition between the ceiling and the floor is smooth.

It is not recommended to use this combination in small rooms. An overabundance of black, brown and gray flowers makes the room visually smaller, as well as gloomy. It is better that the windows are large and the ceilings are high. So you can compensate for the predominance of cold color with good lighting. Moreover, artificial lighting should not be scarce.

If the room does not allow you to create a combination of darkish shades, then it is better to refuse this option. Darkened rooms with subdued light are more suitable for nightclubs than as living rooms.

Clarified door array

Illuminated doors are very common. Cold light shades visually expand the space, relax, soothe and give a sense of peace. Cold colors are suitable for rooms with south-facing windows, illuminated. But if there is little light in the room, then cold shades have a depressing effect and give the room some gloom.

If the windows face the north side, then the room should be designed in warm light colors: yellow,. Warm colors create a cozy atmosphere and improve mood.

The best option is when the door is a couple of tones different from the floor. To maintain the unity of style, the door leaf is chosen as carefully as finishing walls and flooring.

Dark floor and light doors - a combination of contrast and spectacular. If dark parquet is laid on the floor, then it is better to choose a door array from natural bleached wood, and not from plastic or painted in an unnatural shade.

Doors look better if the skirting board is the same color. So the contrast can be smoothed out a little, and the door will not look like something separate from the interior. Finish coat walls should be slightly darker than the door lining. This achieves the effect of the depth of the room, and the space visually increases.

The dark red and brown shades of the laminate are perfectly combined with the cream-beige color scheme of the door leaf.

If both the flooring and the door array are clarified, then visually one continues the other. With a monochrome color scheme, you need to properly illuminate the room, use colorful details (for example, carpets).

What floor color is best?

Someone claims that light floors are in trend, and darkened floors are already in the distant past. Others call the dark brown floor a classic and also find it more practical. In both cases, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of lightened flooring

  • They are popular in those interiors where black, gray and brown floors do not fit at all.

Examples of such styles: minimal, contemporary, ethno, country. Light floors in the interior are "shabby chic" coating, which is now in trend.

  • An interior with a light floor looks more illuminated. If the room is small and the windows face north, then using light warm colors to the maximum becomes a necessity.
  • The light floor in the interior makes the room light and airy. The color does not have to be white, the coating can be cream, pink, beige. In combination with wicker furniture, transparent curtains, the interior will become flying.
  • Increasing space.

If the flooring is several tones lighter than the walls, then the room will be visually increased in height! To get the effect of expanding the room, you need to make the walls and floor approximately the same.

  • Versatility.

For example, clarified parquet goes well with the same walls. If the room is made in a range of light shades, then furniture and a door in wenge color will look very impressive (they look better due to color contrast).

Disadvantages of a light floor

  • Not respectable enough.

Whitewashed flooring is trendy, but it looks cheaper than brownish wood, even if it is made of expensive wood.

When you want a cozy atmosphere, you lean more towards classics than fashion trends.

  • The flooring takes on an undesirable shade in the room when the lighting is incorrect or when it is combined with other shades of walls, furniture, and a door array.

For example, to get rid of the yellow tint, the flooring should be slightly grayish, and the lighting should be daylight.

  • Markie. On brown and gray coatings, any dirt and stains are not so visible, so the clarified floors need to be washed very often.

Benefits of dark flooring

  • Used in rooms decorated in styles: baroque, antique, rococo.

As a floor covering, materials from valuable species of wood are used.

  • Clearly describe the area of ​​the room.
  • Dark floors create an atmosphere of luxury.
  • Suitable for almost any design, as they are combined with many colors.

Disadvantages of blackout flooring

  • An interior with a dark floor requires increased lighting.
  • The dark floor in the interior visually reduces the space of the room.
  • On such finishing material the slightest pollution is visible, especially on a glossy surface.
  • All damage, even light scratches, are immediately evident.

The floor in the interior plays a huge role. Your mood, the visual volume of the room will depend on how the combination of the color of the doors and the floor in the interior is chosen. It depends on the color whether the room will be decorated according to the latest fashion or will amaze with a luxurious design that speaks of the tastes of the owner.

If you want your home to look expensive and cozy, then choose chocolate-colored flooring. To add style and modernity to the room, it is better to give preference to black parquet. A dark gray shade will create a feeling of coolness and detachment.

The combination of floor and doors must be respected not only when choosing colors, but also when choosing materials.

For example, a door lined with natural wood or made of solid wood will be combined with parquet or laminate. Can be used ceramic tiles under the tree. If the floor is finished with wood, then it goes well with a glass door, but at a cost of glass, it will come out more expensive. Artificial flooring can look good with plastic doors.

When choosing colors, follow these rules:

  1. Light colors of cold shades visually increase the space, and dark colors reduce it. This is worth considering if the size of the room is small.
  2. Warm shades give a feeling of coziness and comfort, cold shades give a feeling of peace and tranquility. If the windows face south, then cold tones should be preferred, and if they face north, then warm.
  3. The choice of a single color scheme for the floor and door leaf is considered a classic solution.
  4. If the door array is darkish, and the flooring is clarified, then the dark-colored walls look more spectacular. If the doors are light and the floor is dark, then it is better to make the walls a couple of tones darker than the door leaf.
  5. The use of contrasts is a fashion trend.
  6. If the door is much darker than the floor, then it is better to choose a plinth in the color of the door array.
  7. It is better to stick to three shades.
  8. If a black laminate is laid, then the walls, door and furniture should be cold shades.

There are many interior design options: both classic and modern. There are plenty of design options too. But, despite the variety of interior design tips, you first need to listen to yourself, because the mood every day will depend on the chosen color scheme.

Dark doors are common - they are universal. They can fit into classic, modern styles, combined with any materials and most other colors. You can make a bright accent of them, or you can use them so that they will not be striking.

But, no matter how attractive the idea may seem, you need to carefully choose the color of the wood and carefully approach the combinations. Otherwise, the whole design will be ruined.

First of all, you need to consider what color scheme the interior will be made, and how the colors of the floor and doors will be combined in it. In fact, there are only two options:

  • classic interior - light floor, dark doors. The combination is contrasting and bright - the brighter and more contrast, the more tones separate the color of the door from the color of the floor. So, a black door in combination with a white floor will give maximum contrast;
  • a slightly less common dark floor with dark doors. Not a contrasting, but a related combination, it is appropriate in a room that already has enough accents and contrasts. Permissible only if the room is large and well lit. If you try, you can successfully combine even a dark floor, a dark ceiling and dark walls.

Usually, if the door is not color-matched to the floor, it needs to be visually “linked” to something else. Most often, furniture is used for this: a white floor, light walls, a light ceiling, a black door and a black bed will give an adequate combination. Like the golden floor, warm white walls and ceiling, dark brown door and dark brown living room suite.

The floor can be covered with tiles, laminate, designer parquet - this is not so important. Color matching is more important than texture.

And you also need to remember about the role of the plinth:

  • light plinth visually hides irregularities. In a bright field, it visually merges with the surface and does not attract attention. With a dark field, on the contrary, it acts as a contrasting element that visually separates the floor from the walls and from the door;
  • a dark plinth with a light field emphasizes the door and visually cuts off the floor from the walls. But when dark, it merges with it and looks invisible.

When choosing a skirting board shade, you need to consider whether it is necessary to visually separate the door from the floor and whether another accent is needed in the interior. And on the basis of this information to draw conclusions and choice.

Dark shades of doors in the interior

Dark doors in the interior of the apartment can be made of different wood and, accordingly, have different shade. Technologies can also be different:

  • the door can be wooden, solid wood. Very durable, very prestigious, but expensive and heavy. It will be necessary to calculate whether the hinges will withstand such a load, and also figure out how to deliver the door from the store to the house so that it is not too tiring;
  • the door can be made of a frame sheathed with veneer. Classic variant, which is noticeably cheaper than an array. It has less strength, it will be damaged if struck between the rails of the array, where there is only filler under the veneer. But the door is light and can be embossed;
  • the door can simply be made of two layers of veneer with a layer of filler and a frame. Even cheaper, but also more vulnerable - upon impact, it will be damaged wherever it hits.

The door can be made of plywood (sawdust with resin), veneer ( thin sheets natural wood on a plywood backing), or natural wood. But in any case, the pattern will imitate the texture of real wood, if you do not look for a specially plain door.

The most famous of the wood species that are used in interior decoration. It is very common in Russia, cheaper than exotic breeds, like wenge, but more expensive than trivial ones, like cherries. The color varies from light golden to dark brown with gold, the pattern is pronounced, noticeable. Over time, the oak darkens a little, but otherwise it changes little - it does not rot, does not suffer from mechanical influences, and can serve for decades.

The hue can be both cold and warm.

The color of walnut wood reaches very dark, almost black tones. The wood itself is heavy, durable, well processed and polished. It is often carved - it is easy for craftsmen to work with such a tree. The annual layers and texture as a whole are clearly visible.

This is a very expensive and very valuable wood. It is used for parquet and for interior decoration. It is very dense, impregnated with oily and mineral substances that make processing difficult. Its color is different: from golden, which is not suitable for a dark door, to pure black, with noticeable black streaks.

The tree itself grows in the jungles of Africa, and this only increases its price - it includes not only processing and storage, but also delivery.

It was used in shipbuilding: the wood is rich essential oils and has a high density. A ship made from it could float for many years, and a door made from it could stand for several decades if nothing happened to the house before.

Teak has a dark brown color with a touch of yellow and a pronounced coarse texture. It looks interesting, it is very resistant to external influences: if someone runs into the door with a running start, he will suffer rather than the door itself.

This is an exotic wood species, characterized by great strength and hardness. It has a somewhat rough texture, which gives the door a special charm if made to order and not sanded. It is distinguished by a beautiful, unusual color, similar to the coloring of a zebra - the pattern is clearly visible on the treated zebrano wood: black stripes on a dark background.

Compared to other breeds, it looks relatively inexpensive.

How to beat dark doors in the interior

Just putting a dark door in the interior - an entrance or interior door - and admiring it - will not work. We need a complete idea, some idea that the designer is trying to convey.

You need to consider the color of the walls:

  • on light wallpaper, the dark door will stand out and will inevitably become an accent;
  • on dark ones, on the contrary, it will be completely lost and will be invisible.

In combination with bright colors, it will give a noticeable contrast, regardless of whether they are light or dark. And in combination with pastel, delicate colors, it will contrast even more - this can be used if you want to make a strong emphasis on the door.

You need to consider the color of the furniture:

  • with light furniture, a dark canvas will contrast - this is spectacular if you make the entire interior around it uniformly light or dark;
  • dark furniture will go well with the door.

You can combine the shade of furniture with the shade of the door not by color, but by its thermal characteristics. That is, if the door is a warm shade, then the door should be a warm shade. Otherwise, neither adequate contrast nor related combination will work.

You need to consider the color of the door itself:

  • black door in the interior. Great ground for contrasts. If you combine it with an all-white design, it will become the brightest accent, although the interior will look strict and even cold. To revive it, you can add bright colors in small accents - in paintings, in textiles, in photographs. If you combine it with a black floor and white decoration, the effect will be less pronounced, but close. If combined with a dark design, it will look gloomy. And if with bright colors - it is very impressive. This combination is good for modern styles, for a corridor or hallway, but bad for a bedroom or nursery;
  • dark grey. An absolutely neutral color that is completely dependent on the environment. You can enter anywhere, even make an accent on the door - it will look equally advantageous;
  • dark brown. May be cold or warm. It also looks neutral and can be paired with anything, but is especially good for classic styles.

You can add decorations to the door - carvings, moldings, colored architraves, glass inserts - or leave it in its original simplicity.

Common combinations with a dark door look like this:

  • black door plus white floor, white walls, ceiling, big window, black furniture. In such a monochrome interior, any room looks very good, except for the nursery. The main charm is given to the interior by bright accents, which you can’t do without: a picture on the wall, a bright bedspread on the sofa, a flower pot with a noticeable ornament, a bookcase with neatly selected books. Instead of a black door, you can take any other dark color, but it will not look so impressive;
  • dark brown door, floor of a similar shade, light (blue, for example) walls, light ceiling, bright color (or with bright accents) furniture. Allows you to create an interior in classical style- for example, Scandinavian can be decorated in just such colors, if you add handmade textiles and seascapes;
  • a black door plus a black floor, walls in a bright color (blue, for example) interspersed with other bright colors (decorated, for example, in the form of graffiti or paintings in the genre of modern art), a ceiling that is an extension of the walls in color, and black furniture. It is important that the room is very spacious and very light, otherwise the impression will be oppressive. It is also important that among the accents on the walls there are light shades. In these colors you can decorate a loft - just add leather sofa, bar counter and spotlights to complete the stylistic decision. The color of the door can be changed to gray, but not to dark brown;
  • dark brown door and golden floor matching the door, pastel-colored walls, light ceiling. Be sure to have a large window. In such colors it is good to decorate the kitchen so that it seems spacious. Paintings or graffiti can be added to the walls, depending on the style (required in bright colors). You can hang bright curtains or put a flower on the windowsill.

Before you start designing, you should draw a sketch on paper (or on a monitor screen) and evaluate how the colors fit together. Maybe what was in my head great solution, will actually be far from ideal.

Nevertheless, dark doors are appropriate in any apartment - even in Khrushchev after renovation, they usually look good.

Dark doors in the interior modern apartment occur quite frequently. When designing a room, it is important to take into account the color combinations of each of the elements, which is why there are often difficulties associated with combining dark-colored door panels with the objects surrounding them.

Dark doors are very popular in modern interiors.

more traditional and universal option are white doors, they look unobtrusive and easy in any case, it is not necessary that they are complemented by the same white objects of the environment. With dark shades, things are different, here you can not do without accompaniment. Let's take a closer look at which option to choose in a particular case.

Combination methods

Depending on the correct choice, interior doors in dark colors can effectively complement the interior of the apartment. If you make a mistake with the shade or create the wrong contrast, all the efforts associated with the repair can go down the drain.

There are several ways to combine:

  • Full merger. In this case, all the main objects in the room duplicate the shade of the door leaf, there are no sharp contrasts, and when creating the interior, they are limited to only a few colors.
  • Soft transition. This approach allows you to diversify the palette, while there are no sharp differences between the shades. Interior doors are combined with platbands, furniture, decoration and various trifles, however, their tonality can vary slightly.
  • achromatic contrast. The emphasis is on sharp differences. Using this technique, you can focus on the entrance to the room, while linking it to another element of the environment. All shades should be in harmony in the general plan, so neutral colors are used: white, gray, black.

Exceptions to the rules are allowed. At the same time, the situation must be considered individually, since such decisions are far from always justified in one case or another.

The main ways to combine dark doors in the interior

You should also distinguish between ways to combine doors with specific elements in the interior of the apartment. The main cases can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Platbands. Usually they are matched to the color of the canvas or plinth, but they can also be contrasting, for example, dark doors and white trim.
  • Walls. Since we are talking about a dark palette, this method is more relevant in the case of using dark decorative inserts on the walls.
  • Floor. The basis is the shade of parquet, laminate or carpet.
  • Furniture. Enough good decision, especially if the furniture has a finish similar to the texture of the doors.
  • Window. Interroom doors and windows have something in common, which is especially advantageous when they are located on opposite walls.
  • Decor. You can link a dark door leaf with the interior, for example, by using paintings in the same frame and other little things.

black doors

The easiest option for the interior of an apartment with dark doors is a black canvas. You can achieve such a color in almost any way, from pasting with expensive coatings to banal painting. You can combine them with almost any color, just like white. However, they will look heavier and more massive.

An excellent solution for black doors are white and unobtrusive light colors with dark accents in the design. Beige and milky shades for decoration, as well as gray tones, are great here. You can beat any other color. For brightness, use a yellow scale, with red or orange. The blue palette, lavender and green shades will give the interior a serenity.

You can link all the elements together with the help of platbands, skirting boards, picture frames and furniture details. You can also use a combination of black and color in textiles and the design of walls and floors.

Black doors in the room - the simplest and most harmonious design option

A more common option for finishing the canvas is the use of a material that imitates wood. It can be either natural veneer or artificial materials. This category includes the following colors:

  • nut,
  • wenge,
  • smoky oak,
  • rosewood,
  • merbau,
  • ormosia,
  • paduk,
  • Red tree,
  • ebony,

The use of materials imitating wood for finishing will help to convey any shade.

Brown walnut doors are the most popular in the interior. Usually they are linked with flooring or some furniture details. This shade is light enough not to weigh down the space with its appearance.

Brown wenge doors in the interior are also among the leaders in popularity. Such models may contain a different pattern of wood structure, it should also be taken into account when choosing a canvas for furniture. Pay attention to the direction of the fibers, it is better if they look the same.

gray shades

Much less often, gray interior doors are used in the interior of apartments. Such solutions are more relevant for non-traditional styles, such as loft, country, high-tech, shabby chic and the like.

Here it is important to observe the ratio of tones. The gray palette is extremely huge, which makes it possible to unobtrusively combine several different environmental items together. Speaking specifically about dark shades, lighter shades of gray, as well as white trim or floor, can be a good combination for them.

If you combine gray with black, it may seem too rough in terms of visual solution, it is better to choose a muted shade of purple or blue. You can beat the room in a very original way if you add a little bright colors: crimson, yellow, green, turquoise.

In shabby style, you need to go towards a lighter palette. But for high-tech, rich gray will be the ideal solution, since such interior doors can be easily combined with the brilliance of aluminum and of stainless steel. For rustic romance, a touch of wear would be appropriate. An aged canvas can be advantageously combined with the same chest of drawers or a small cabinet. Just one detail can organically fit the product into the overall picture.

Gray interior doors fit well into the interior with country style

Color variations

It is not necessary to focus exclusively on dark interior doors. If you do not like the gloom and tranquility in the interior, then the best solution for you would be to add bright accents. Today, the door market is represented by a huge assortment and you can easily pick up colored canvases, the only caveat is that their shades will tend to the dark tones of the selected range. It can be both muted colors and deeper, more saturated ones.

Be sure to pay attention to the following colors:

  • emerald,
  • dark olive,
  • blue,
  • violet,
  • plum,
  • burgundy,
  • etc.

They are great for fusion or modern apartments. At the same time, this solution is ideal for spacious studios, as it allows you to saturate the atmosphere with colors. It is best to combine colored interior doors with surrounding furniture and textiles. To further highlight them against the general background and slightly dilute the palette, white inserts are used, for example, they can be floors, trim, wallpaper or upholstered furniture.

Colored doors in the interior will fill the house with warmth and colors

An excellent solution for such canvases is the use of a different lining for each side. This does not oblige you to maintain the overall style for the apartment as a whole and allows you to choose your own style and design for each room.

Dark colors can be diluted with lighter shades by adding a pattern to the canvas. A modern solution for such models is the application of a 3D ornament. The pattern can be combined with textiles using the same shades and decorative elements.

If you decide to purchase dark interior doors, try to think over the combinations for a particular model in advance. They can add coziness to the room, but at the same time they are able to visually hide the area and unnecessarily focus on themselves.