Well      06/15/2019

Air thermal curtains kev. Thermal curtains Why is it better to buy Teplomash curtains from us

To date, air thermal curtains do not allow the intrusion of cold air from the street through windows or doors into warm heated buildings for industrial or office purposes. Such an invention makes it possible to significantly save money on heating rooms in which, in connection with professional activities, the doors are constantly thrown open.

Installation of thermal curtains, as a rule, is carried out directly above the door or window opening. There are also vertical systems installation of thermal curtains, the principle of operation of which is the same. The choice of one or another installation system is carried out solely on the basis of ease of installation or personal preferences.

Thermal curtains It is not only expedient to use KEV in the cold period to avoid the intrusion of cold air, their use is also justified in the heat. The presented mechanism prevents the occurrence of drafts, prevents the penetration of insects, as well as unpleasant odors from the street.

principle of operation and design of the KEV air curtain

Working structure thermal device is not complex. The "box" of the device is a structure made of polymer-coated sheet steel, inside which there are heaters, a fan, and a nozzle. The fan draws air from the space, the heating device raises its temperature and outputs it at an angle or directly through a special channel with an air flow into the opening space.

The main condition is the span of the jet, which must be no less than the space along which the thermal curtain is fixed.
In some situations, you may need more advanced thermal protection. In such cases, several thermal devices are installed in a row, which makes it possible to create an efficient system.

To date, air heaters are electric, water or gas. Typically, electric curtains are used to protect small spaces from the cold, and in large industrial workshops, it is advisable to use gas or water heaters.

Thermal curtains KEV - obvious savings

Water and gas sources thermal energy, as a rule, are more expensive than similar devices powered by electricity. However, with subsequent use, the savings will be noticeable, especially when using a water source of heat as heating.

The domestic market offers a wide range of KEV air curtains, both local and foreign. Before making your choice, you should consult with a specialist. In order to choose the most suitable device among the wide variety of thermal curtains, it is important to have experience and knowledge in this field.

Appointment of curtains

Air curtains for openings are an energy-saving element of heating and ventilation systems for buildings of all types and purposes. Teplomash KEV-12P604E are curtains of the "mixing" type, they do not create resistance to the rushing cold air, they simply dilute the cold stream with warm jets, raising its temperature to the required one.

Curtain device

Curtain Teplomash KEV-12P604E has a body made of sheet steel with a high-quality polymer coating. Inside the case there is an air heater, a fan, a nozzle for the jet exit. The fan sucks in air from the room, the air flow is heated in the air heater and is ejected through the nozzle in the form of a jet in the opening plane or at an angle to it.

As a rule, the jet flowing out of the curtain should have a span equal to the width or height of the opening. Therefore, the most important of overall dimensions veil is its length. If the size of the side of the opening, along which the curtain is installed, is greater than the length of the curtain, then several adjacent curtains are arranged in a row, overlapping the side of the opening with a total length.

Curtain fans

Teplomash KEV-12P604E air curtains use cross-flow-fan fans. The long impeller of such a fan is located along the air curtain body. This makes it possible to organize air suction and its supply to the nozzle, which is uniform along the length of the curtain, which contributes to the correct formation of a barrage jet flowing from the curtain.

The blades of the impellers are directed not along the generatrix of the cylinder, but at a slight angle to it. This softens the "shock" interaction of the blades with the tongue of the fan during rotation of the wheel and reduces the noise level.

Thermal protection of curtains

Curtains with an electric heat source are equipped with a device for emergency shutdown of heating elements in case of overheating of the body. Overheating can occur for the following reasons:

  • the entrance and exit windows of the air curtain are cluttered with foreign objects (or heavily soiled)
  • the fan has failed
  • the thermal power of the air curtain greatly exceeds the heat loss of the room in which it operates (for example, in a small vestibule)
In addition, all electric curtains are equipped with an automatic fan shutdown delay when the curtain is turned off via the control panel. The fan continues blowing until the temperature of the heating elements drops to the set value (1-2 minutes). This allows you to increase the service life of the heating elements.
Curtain painting
The body parts of Teplomash KEV-12P604E air curtains are protected from the outside and from the inside with a high-quality polymer coating. Thermal resistance of the coating is 180°C.
Operating conditions for curtains with an electric heat source and curtains without a heat source:
  • ambient air temperature - +20...+40°C
  • relative humidity air at a temperature of 20°С no more than 80%
  • the content of dust and other impurities in the air is not more than 10 g/m3
  • the presence of drop moisture in the air, substances aggressive to carbon steels (acids, alkalis), sticky and combustible substances, as well as fibrous materials (resins, technical fibers) are not allowed


Zavod Teplomash - host Russian manufacturer air-thermal curtains KEV. Teplomash produces air curtains with thermal power from 1.5 to 130 kW.

You can buy a thermal curtain in several ways:

Air curtains of mixing type heat up cold air at the entrances of clinics, hospitals, schools, hotels, shops, cafes, restaurants, theaters, recreation centers, business centers, sports complexes. In summer time air curtain with sliding protection protects the air-conditioned room from the penetration of warm outside air.

Industrial thermal curtains block the gates (shielding protection) with a height of 3 to 20 meters of warehouses with an air flow, industrial buildings, hangars, repair depots, garages.

Electric thermal curtain with IP54 is most often used to protect the gates of car washes. The most economical water thermal curtain. If gas is supplied to the gate, then the use of a gas thermal curtain Teplomash is relevant.


Each thermal curtain Teplomash is equipped with a thermostat and a wireless control panel.
In compact electric curtains 100 series, up to 805 mm long, brackets and controls are located on the body.
The control elements of the IP54 air curtain are selected by the designer separately.

Thermal curtains for the intended purpose

It is necessary to select the type of equipment in accordance with the specifics of the object. It can be commercial, industrial, interior curtains.

Installation of thermal curtains

  • Horizontal mounting. The thermal curtain is attached to the ceiling or wall using mounting rods or brackets. The design is located directly above the doorway. The closest location to front door provide better protection.
  • Vertical mounting. Mounted on the side of the opening (on one side or on both sides). All models from the 200 series can be mounted vertically. Air curtains series 600 Column are mounted only vertically.
  • Built-in curtains (ceiling curtains). Their design implies the presence of an air-thermal curtain module and a special decorative panel. The main element hides suspended ceiling, which provides an aesthetic appearance of the equipment.

Air curtains "Comfort" of mixing type KEV-9P3011E, hereinafter referred to as "curtains", are designed to protect an open opening (door) with a height of 2 to 2.5 meters from the penetration of cold outside air into the building by mixing cold air with a heated flow from the curtain.

Curtains are installed both horizontally above the opening and vertically on the side of the opening in vestibules and vestibules. Recommendations on the choice of the air curtain, its heat output and location in relation to the opening, depending on the outside temperature, the number of floors in the building (height of the building), the type of doors, the number of people passing through the doors per hour, should be given by a heating designer and ventilation.

The air curtains are not designed to protect openings in car washes and other premises where there is moisture or fog in the air. Curtains of execution E have an electric heat source and are designed for both intermittent and continuous operation. With a relatively rare opening of the door can be used as an additional source of heat in the premises.

Working conditions

Air curtains KEV-9P3011E of the Comfort 300 series

Application area

Thermal air curtains of the KEV-9P3011E series are designed to protect openings with a height of 2.0 m to 3.5 m in office, retail, warehouse premises, as well as in buildings for cultural and community purposes.


Thermal curtains KEV-9P3011E are controlled from a remote or remote control panel. Inside the remote control there is an ambient temperature sensor and a thermostat. Degree of protection of a cover of the portable panel – IP20.

The remote control is the receiver of the infrared signal from the remote control. The remote control contains: five buttons, five LEDs, an infrared signal receiver and an LCD display. The remote control has five buttons, an infrared signal transmitter, and a battery compartment.

What is a standard installation?

The standard installation of a wall-mounted split system includes the following features:

  1. The length of the route between the blocks of the split system is no more than 5 meters;
  2. Inter-unit communications indoors (from the indoor unit of the air conditioner to the hole in outer wall) are covered with a decorative plastic box (without chasing the tracks);
  3. The external unit of the air conditioner is installed under the window, using standard brackets;
  4. Electricity is supplied "to the outlet";
  5. Drainage is displayed on the street.

Installation is possible with free access to that section of the wall of the room where it is located indoor unit conditioner.

In addition, it is necessary to be able to fully open the window through which the installation of the outdoor unit is planned. At

set up outdoor unit from 5.5 kW of power at a height of three meters is only allowed

with the participation of an industrial climber, whose services are not included in the price of air conditioning installation.

With more detailed information about the cost installation work You can take a look.

Russian thermal curtains Teplomash appeared on the market a few years later than Tropic equipment, but at the same time they are in good demand due to reasonable pricing, thoughtful design and good...

Type: electric Purpose: household Installation: Thermal power(kW): 6 Consumed electric power(kW): 0.1 Voltage (V): 380

Thermal air curtain brand Teplomash 300 E KEV 6P-3050 E is designed for installation over openings, the height of which is within 2-3.5 m. The equipment shows efficiency when used in shops, offices, small warehouses, public and cultural facilities.

The device generates a dense airflow that prevents the penetration of outdoor cold, dust, maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside the facility. The use of curtains Teplomash 300 E KEV 6P-3050 E provides significant cost savings.

Functional features

  • electric heating element;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • universal installation - horizontally above the opening, vertically to the side of the door;
  • low noise level;
  • remote control with a monitor for displaying indicators. Several air curtains can be connected to one remote control for simultaneous control of power, fan speed, heating temperature of the blown air;
  • powerful fan;
  • mounting brackets included;
  • three modes of operation: on full power, by 50%, without heating, which allows using the curtain as a fan in the summer season.

Teplomash 300 E KEV 6P-3050 E has a solid body made of steel sheet with stainless properties, polymer coating that protects against corrosion. The device is reliable, equipped with protection against overheating, voltage problems. The air curtain minimizes heat loss in the winter season and maintains a comfortable microclimate in hot weather when operating as a fan.