Mixer      06/29/2020

An open appeal to Russian scientists. Scientists and academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences wrote an open letter to Putin complaining about the reform of the academy

The Kommersant newspaper was signed by 400 scientists, including 68 academicians, 112 corresponding members, 19 professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences and about 200 doctors of science. Among the signatories are Abel Aganbegyan, Yevgeny Aleksandrov, Abdusalam Huseynov, Nikolai Kazansky, Alexander Moldovan, Alexander Nekipelov, Sergey Stishov, Svetlana Tolstaya, Vsevolod Bagno, Mikhail Andreev, Fyodor Uspensky, Natalia Kornienko and others. Academician Andrey Zaliznyak managed to sign this appeal before his death . Scientists urged the head of state to urgently change "the status of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the status of scientific institutes" and return the institutes under the leadership of the Academy of Sciences. Otherwise, in their opinion, the president elected in March 2018 "will take over a country with a decapitated, dying fundamental science, unable to meet the challenges of the modern world." According to scientists, now in Russia "a cumbersome and inoperative system of science management" has been created. The text of the statement is reproduced below in full.

Open letter to the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin

"... to appoint persons who are completely ignorant in science or art as judges over scientists, giving them the power to deal with the latter at their discretion - these are such innovations that can destroy the state"
Galileo Galilei, Dialogues

Mr. President! In July 2016, over 200 prominent Russian scientists wrote you an open letter (“Letter-200”) about the critical situation in Russian science and the need for urgent action by the country’s top leadership (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3046956 ). No official response to this letter has been received, and all of its theses remain relevant. Moreover, over the past time the situation has only worsened: funding for RAS institutes has been declining; the senseless restructuring of many institutions continues, the absurd bureaucratization of science management by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO) is intensifying; there is an increase in scientific emigration from Russia of the young generation of scientists.

In September of this year, elections were held for a new President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a new Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All candidates for the RAS Presidents became members of the renewed Presidium. In their election programs, the candidates are academicians E.N. Kablov, G.Ya. Krasnikov and R.I. Nigmatulin was supported by most of the theses of "Letters-200" and his main proposal - the re-subordination of the Federal Agency of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the assignment of economic issues and property management of institutions to FASO. All scientific institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences should be an integral part of the Russian Academy of Sciences and conduct research under its leadership. President-elect of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician A.M. Sergeev in his program also outlined a strategic goal - joint management of the institutes by the Russian Academy of Sciences and FASO, and as a priority he pointed out the need to give the Russian Academy of Sciences a special state status.

Most of the problems of interaction between the Institutes and FASO arise precisely as a result of the inadequate legal status of scientific institutions and the Academy itself. Attempts are being made to apply to scientific organizations the rules of ordinary practice that are obviously inapplicable to them. budget institutions, completely ignoring the creative and exploratory nature of the work of researchers. Scientists must “plan” how many discoveries they will make, how many and in which journals they will publish articles in the next few years. Such planning is impossible in principle, and the corresponding requirements lead only to fraud and deceit. The same applies to the ridiculous calculation of standard hours for the production of scientific products, which boils down to feverish adjustment to the required indicators. The number of meaningless reports and plans has multiplied. The latest innovations of FASO link the planned increase in funding for RAS institutes in subsequent years with the absurd requirement for a proportional increase in the number of publications. In reality, a cumbersome and non-working system of science management has been created. The entire style and methods of FASO work are objectively aimed at the destruction of science as such, not to mention the creative atmosphere necessary for scientific activity.

There is only one way out of this catastrophic situation: an urgent change in the status of the RAS and the status of scientific institutes, and the return of the institutes under the leadership of the RAS. In the future, it is necessary to take a number of serious steps, such as: a significant increase in funding for academic science and a radical revision of the structure of this funding; re-creation of scientific postgraduate studies in the system of the Russian Academy of Sciences; complete withdrawal of academic science from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science. These steps require time and significant financial costs. At the same time, the solution of the main problem - the return of scientific institutes to the RAS - requires only your political will.

If urgent measures are not taken to correct the described tragic situation, then in March 2018 the elected President of Russia will take over a country with a decapitated, dying fundamental science, unable to meet the challenges of the modern world. Nevertheless, I would like to believe that this will not happen, and that the country's leadership will correct the situation by creating conditions for the development of science in Russian institutes by free-lance scientists.

Academician G.A. Abakumov
Academician A.G. Aganbegyan
Academician E.B. Alexandrov
Academician A.E. Anikin
Academician Yu.D. Apresyan
Academician P.Ya. Baklanov
Academician V.I. Berdyshev
Academician A.A. Berlin
Academician A.A. Borovkov
Academician A.P. Buzhilova
Academician V.V. Brazhkin
Academician D.A. Varshalovich
Academician V.A. deaf
Academician S.G. Godunov
Academician E.I. Gordeev
Academician A.A. Huseynov
Academician M.V. Danilov
Academician E.M. Dianov
Academician V.V. Dmitriev
Academician V.A. Dybo
Academician Yu.L. Ershov
Academician A.A. Zaliznyak
Academician V.E. Zakharov
Academician Yu.A. Zolotov
Academician S.G. Inge-Vechtomov
Academician N.N. Kazansky
Academician A.A. Kaplyansky
Academician S.P. Karpov
Academician V.L. Kozhevnikov
Academician S.V. Konyagin
Academician V.M. Kotlyakov
Academician E.A. Kuznetsov
Academician M.I. Kuzmin
Academician I.V. Kukushkin
Academician G.A. Kumanev
Academician V.A. Levin
Academician S.V. Matveev
Academician Yu.V. Matiyasevich
Academician S.V. Medvedev
Academician V.P. Meshalkin
Academician P.A. Minakir
Academician S.V. Mikheev
Academician A.M. Moldovan
Academician Yu.N. Moline
Academician N.F. Myasoedov
Academician A.D. Nekipelov
Academician L.P. Ovchinnikov
Academician V.A. Plungyan
Academician V.M. Polterovich
Academician A.K. Rebrov
Academician M.V. Sadovsky
Academician A.A. Sarkisov
Academician V.I. Sergienko
Academician A.V. Sobolev
Academician N.V. Sobolev
Academician S.M. Stishov
Academician S.T. Surzhikov
Academician R.A. Suris
Academician V.B. Timofeev
Academician S.M. thick
Academician A.K. Tulokhonov
Academician G.A. Filippov
Academician A.I. Holkin
Academician A.V. Chaplik
Academician M.F. Churbanov
Academician V.Ya. Shevchenko
Academician M.S. Yunusov
Academician M.I. Yalandin

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Azatyan
Corresponding member RAS V.M. Alpatov
Corresponding member RAS M.L. Andreev
Corresponding member RAS S.I. Anisimov
Corresponding member RAS L.Ya. Aranovich
Corresponding member RAS P.I. Arseev
Corresponding member RAS S.A. Arutyunov
Corresponding member RAS V.E. Bagno
Corresponding member RAS V.G. Bamburov
Corresponding member RAS V.M. Batenin
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Belavin
Corresponding member RAS E.L. Berezovich
Corresponding member RAS V.V. rich
Corresponding member RAS D.M. Bondarenko
Corresponding member RAS A.B. Borisov
Corresponding member RAS L.I. Borodkin
Corresponding member RAS I.A. Buffets
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Vasin
Corresponding member RAS E.V. Vinogradov
Corresponding member RAS B.A. Ravens
Corresponding member RAS N.V. Gavrilov
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Gippius
Corresponding member RAS M.M. Glazov
Corresponding member RAS B.N. Goshchitsky
Corresponding member RAS V.M. Grigoriev
Corresponding member RAS V.L. Gurevich
Corresponding member RAS A.N. Guryanov
Corresponding member RAS G.V. Danilyan
Corresponding member RAS V.E. Dementiev
Corresponding member RAS A.N. Didenko
Corresponding member RAS V.N. Dubinin
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Dybo
Corresponding member RAS A.S. Zapesotsky
Corresponding member RAS Yu.A. Zakharov
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Ivanchik
Corresponding member RAS A.I. Ivanchik
Corresponding member RAS E.L. Ivchenko
Corresponding member RAS V.A. Ilyin
Corresponding member RAS G.I. Canel
Corresponding member RAS I.T. Kasavin
Corresponding member RAS S.M. chestnuts
Corresponding member RAS R.I. Kapelyushnikov
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Queder
Corresponding member RAS V.P. Coverda
Corresponding member RAS N.V. Kornienko
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Kotov
Corresponding member RAS O.I. Koifman
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Kuznetsov
Corresponding member RAS V.G. Kulichikhin
Corresponding member RAS A.R. Kurchikov
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Kuchin
Corresponding member RAS V.N. Lazhentsev
Corresponding member RAS V.N. Lykosov
Corresponding member RAS V.D. Mazurov
Corresponding member RAS A.L. Maksimov
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Maslov
Corresponding member RAS O.E. Miller
Corresponding member RAS V.L. Mironov
Corresponding member RAS V.F. Mironov
Corresponding member RAS G.A. Mikhailov
Corresponding member RAS S.A. Myznikov
Corresponding member RAS I.G. Unknown
Corresponding member RAS V.Ya. neyland
Corresponding member RAS I.A. Nekrasov
Corresponding member RAS A.I. Nikolaev
Corresponding member RAS S.I. Nikolaev
Corresponding member INJURED. Nosov
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Osipov
Corresponding member RAS B.G. Pokusaev
Corresponding member RAS S.A. Ponomarenko
Corresponding member RAS A.P. Potekhin
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Pukhnachev
Corresponding member RAS V.N. Puchkov
Corresponding member RAS V.I. Rachkov
Corresponding member RAS L.P. Repin
Corresponding member RAS A.B. Rinkevich
Corresponding member RAS V.I. Ritus
Corresponding member RAS N.N. Rozanov
Corresponding member RAS V.G. Romanov
Corresponding member RAS V.S. Rukavishnikov
Corresponding member RAS V.V. Sagaradze
Corresponding member RAS N.N. Salashchenko
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Saranin
Corresponding member RAS V.G. Sakhno
Corresponding member RAS N.N. Sibeldin
Corresponding member RAS E.V. Sklyarov
Corresponding member RAS R.L. Smelyansky
Corresponding member RAS O.N. Solomina
Corresponding member RAS N.G. Solomon
Corresponding member RAS A.P. Sorokin
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Stepanov
Corresponding member RAS N. N. Subbotina
Corresponding member RAS V.I. Suslov
Corresponding member RAS A.F. Titov
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Tishkov
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Tolstonogov
Corresponding member RAS A.V. Turlapov
Corresponding member RAS F. B. Uspensky
Corresponding member RAS V.N. Ushakov
Corresponding member RAS V.S. Fadin
Corresponding member RAS D.V. Frolov
Corresponding member RAS A.G. Chentsov
Corresponding member RAS S.V. Cherkasov
Corresponding member RAS A.A. Chernov
Corresponding member INJURED. Chernykh
Corresponding member RAS E.M. Churazov
Corresponding member RAS Yu.B. Shapovalov
Corresponding member RAS V.S. Shatsky
Corresponding member RAS I.V. Shkredov
Corresponding member RAS V.G. Shpak
Corresponding member RAS B.M. Shustov
Corresponding member RAS Yu.A. Shchipunov
Corresponding member RAS D.G. Yakovlev

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.B. Arbuzov
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.N. Beshentsev
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.A. Burlak
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.I. Wexler
RAS Professor E.S. Danilko
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.S. Desnitsky
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.N. Zilfikarov
RAS Professor I.M. Indrupsky
RAS Professor V.V. Kazakovskaya
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.L. Karchevsky
RAS Professor E.F. Letnikova
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.V. Metelkin
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Naumov
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Peskov
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.I. Fake
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.V. Samsonov
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.S. Sokolovsky
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.V. Streltsov
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Shiryaev

The full list of signatories can be seen

They write that because of the reform of the academy, a cumbersome and inoperative system of science management has appeared in the country. Scientists should plan how many discoveries they will make and in which journals they will publish articles in the next few years.

This planning is impossible in principle, such requirements lead only to fraud and deceit. The same applies to the ridiculous calculation of "standard hours for the production of scientific products," the authors of the appeal write.

Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin

Mr. President!

In July 2016, over 200 prominent Russian scientists wrote you an open letter (“Letter-200”) about the critical situation in Russian science and the need for urgent action by the country’s top leadership (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3046956 ). No official response to this letter has been received, and all of its theses remain relevant. Moreover, over the past time the situation has only worsened: funding for RAS institutes has been declining; the senseless restructuring of many institutions continues, the absurd bureaucratization of science management by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO) is intensifying; there is an increase in scientific emigration from Russia of the young generation of scientists.

In September of this year, elections were held for a new President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a new Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All candidates for the RAS Presidents became members of the renewed presidium. In their election programs, candidates - academicians E.N. Kablov, G.Ya. Krasnikov and R.I. Nigmatulin was supported by most of the theses of "Letters-200" and his main proposal - the re-subordination of the Federal Agency of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the assignment of economic issues and property management of institutions to FASO. All scientific institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences should be an integral part of the Russian Academy of Sciences and conduct research under its leadership. President-elect of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician A.M. Sergeev in his program also outlined the strategic goal - the joint management of the institutes by the RAS and FASO, and as a priority he pointed out the need to endow the RAS with a special state status.

Most of the problems of interaction between the Institutes and FASO arise precisely as a result of the inadequate legal status of scientific institutions and the Academy itself. Attempts are being made to apply rules that are obviously inapplicable to them from ordinary budgetary institutions to scientific organizations, completely ignoring the creative and exploratory nature of the work of researchers. Scientists must "plan" - how many discoveries they will make, how many and in which journals they will publish articles in the next few years. Such planning is impossible in principle, and the corresponding requirements lead only to fraud and deceit. The same applies to the ridiculous calculation of standard hours for the production of scientific products, which boils down to feverish adjustment to the required indicators. The number of meaningless reports and plans has multiplied. The latest innovations of FASO link the planned increase in funding for RAS institutes in subsequent years with the absurd requirement for a proportional increase in the number of publications. In reality, a cumbersome and non-working system of science management has been created. The entire style and methods of FANO's work are objectively aimed at destroying science as such, not to mention the creative atmosphere necessary for scientific activity.

There is only one way out of this catastrophic situation: an urgent change in the status of the RAS and the status of scientific institutes, and the return of the institutes under the leadership of the RAS. In the future, it is necessary to take a number of serious steps, such as: a significant increase in funding for academic science and a radical revision of the structure of this funding; re-creation of scientific postgraduate studies in the system of the Russian Academy of Sciences; complete withdrawal of academic science from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science. These steps require time and significant financial costs. At the same time, the solution of the main problem - the return of scientific institutes to the RAS - requires only your political will.

If urgent measures are not taken to correct the described tragic situation, then in March 2018 the elected President of Russia will take over a country with a decapitated, dying fundamental science, unable to meet the challenges of the modern world. Nevertheless, I would like to believe that this will not happen, and that the country's leadership will correct the situation by creating conditions for the development of science in Russian institutes by free-lance scientists.

Academician G.A. Abakumov

Academician A.G. Aganbegyan

Academician E.B. Alexandrov

Academician A.E. Anikin

Academician Yu.D. Apresyan

Academician P.Ya. Baklanov

Academician V.I. Berdyshev

Academician A.A. Berlin

Academician A.A. Borovkov

Academician A.P. Buzhilova

Academician V.V. Brazhkin

Academician D.A. Varshalovich

Academician V.A. deaf

Academician S.G. Godunov

Academician E.I. Gordeev

Academician A.A. Huseynov

Academician M.V. Danilov

Academician E.M. Dianov

Academician V.V. Dmitriev

Academician V.A. Dybo

Academician Yu.L. Ershov

Academician A.A. Zaliznyak

Academician V.E. Zakharov

Academician Yu.A. Zolotov

Academician S.G. Inge-Vechtomov

Academician N.N. Kazansky

Academician A.A. Kaplyansky

Academician S.P. Karpov

Academician V.L. Kozhevnikov

Academician S.V. Konyagin

Academician V.M. Kotlyakov

Academician E.A. Kuznetsov

Academician M.I. Kuzmin

Academician I.V. Kukushkin

Academician G.A. Kumanev

Academician V.A. Levin

Academician S.V. Matveev

Academician Yu.V. Matiyasevich

Academician S.V. Medvedev

Academician V.P. Meshalkin

Academician P.A. Minakir

Academician S.V. Mikheev

Academician A.M. Moldovan

Academician Yu.N. Moline

Academician N.F. Myasoedov

Academician A.D. Nekipelov

Academician L.P. Ovchinnikov

Academician V.A. Plungyan

Academician V.M. Polterovich

Academician A.K. Rebrov

Academician M.V. Sadovsky

Academician A.A. Sarkisov

Academician V.I. Sergienko

Academician A.V. Sobolev

Academician N.V. Sobolev

Academician S.M. Stishov

Academician S.T. Surzhikov

Academician R.A. Suris

Academician V.B. Timofeev

Academician S.M. thick

Academician A.K. Tulokhonov

Academician G.A. Filippov

Academician A.I. Holkin

Academician A.V. Chaplik

Academician M.F. Churbanov

Academician V.Ya. Shevchenko

Academician M.S. Yunusov

Academician M.I. Yalandin

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Azatyan

Corresponding member RAS V.M. Alpatov

Corresponding member RAS M.L. Andreev

Corresponding member RAS S.I. Anisimov

Corresponding member RAS L.Ya. Aranovich

Corresponding member RAS P.I. Arseev

Corresponding member RAS S.A. Arutyunov

Corresponding member RAS V.E. Bagno

Corresponding member RAS V.G. Bamburov

Corresponding member RAS V.M. Batenin

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Belavin

Corresponding member RAS E.L. Berezovich

Corresponding member RAS V.V. rich

Corresponding member RAS D.M. Bondarenko

Corresponding member RAS A.B. Borisov

Corresponding member RAS L.I. Borodkin

Corresponding member RAS I.A. Buffets

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Vasin

Corresponding member RAS E.V. Vinogradov

Corresponding member RAS B.A. Ravens

Corresponding member RAS N.V. Gavrilov

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Gippius

Corresponding member RAS M.M. Glazov

Corresponding member RAS B.N. Goshchitsky

Corresponding member RAS V.M. Grigoriev

Corresponding member RAS V.L. Gurevich

Corresponding member RAS A.N. Guryanov

Corresponding member RAS G.V. Danilyan

Corresponding member RAS V.E. Dementiev

Corresponding member RAS A.N. Didenko

Corresponding member RAS V.N. Dubinin

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Dybo

Corresponding member RAS A.S. Zapesotsky

Corresponding member RAS Yu.A. Zakharov

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Ivanchik

Corresponding member RAS A.I. Ivanchik

Corresponding member RAS E.L. Ivchenko

Corresponding member RAS V.A. Ilyin

Corresponding member RAS G.I. Canel

Corresponding member RAS I.T. Kasavin

Corresponding member RAS S.M. chestnuts

Corresponding member RAS R.I. Kapelyushnikov

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Queder

Corresponding member RAS V.P. Coverda

Corresponding member RAS N.V. Kornienko

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Kotov

Corresponding member RAS O.I. Koifman

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Kuznetsov

Corresponding member RAS V.G. Kulichikhin

Corresponding member RAS A.R. Kurchikov

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Kuchin

Corresponding member RAS V.N. Lazhentsev

Corresponding member RAS V.N. Lykosov

Corresponding member RAS V.D. Mazurov

Corresponding member RAS A.L. Maksimov

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Maslov

Corresponding member RAS O.E. Miller

Corresponding member RAS V.L. Mironov

Corresponding member RAS V.F. Mironov

Corresponding member RAS G.A. Mikhailov

Corresponding member RAS S.A. Myznikov

Corresponding member RAS I.G. Unknown

Corresponding member RAS V.Ya. neyland

Corresponding member RAS I.A. Nekrasov

Corresponding member RAS A.I. Nikolaev

Corresponding member RAS S.I. Nikolaev

Corresponding member INJURED. Nosov

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Osipov

Corresponding member RAS B.G. Pokusaev

Corresponding member RAS S.A. Ponomarenko

Corresponding member RAS A.P. Potekhin

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Pukhnachev

Corresponding member RAS V.N. Puchkov

Corresponding member RAS V.I. Rachkov

Corresponding member RAS L.P. Repin

Corresponding member RAS A.B. Rinkevich

Corresponding member RAS V.I. Ritus

Corresponding member RAS N.N. Rozanov

Corresponding member RAS V.G. Romanov

Corresponding member RAS V.S. Rukavishnikov

Corresponding member RAS V.V. Sagaradze

Corresponding member RAS N.N. Salashchenko

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Saranin

Corresponding member RAS V.G. Sakhno

Corresponding member RAS N.N. Sibeldin

Corresponding member RAS E.V. Sklyarov

Corresponding member RAS R.L. Smelyansky

Corresponding member RAS O.N. Solomina

Corresponding member RAS N.G. Solomon

Corresponding member RAS A.P. Sorokin

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Stepanov

Corresponding member RAS N. N. Subbotina

Corresponding member RAS V.I. Suslov

Corresponding member RAS A.F. Titov

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Tishkov

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Tolstonogov

Corresponding member RAS A.V. Turlapov

Corresponding member RAS F. B. Uspensky

Corresponding member RAS V.N. Ushakov

Corresponding member RAS V.S. Fadin

Corresponding member RAS D.V. Frolov

Corresponding member RAS A.G. Chentsov

Corresponding member RAS S.V. Cherkasov

Corresponding member RAS A.A. Chernov

Corresponding member INJURED. Chernykh

Corresponding member RAS E.M. Churazov

Corresponding member RAS Yu.B. Shapovalov

Corresponding member RAS V.S. Shatsky

Corresponding member RAS I.V. Shkredov

Corresponding member RAS V.G. Shpak

Corresponding member RAS B.M. Shustov

Corresponding member RAS Yu.A. Shchipunov

Corresponding member RAS D.G. Yakovlev

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.B. Arbuzov

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.N. Beshentsev

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.A. Burlak

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.I. Wexler

RAS Professor E.S. Danilko

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.S. Desnitsky

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.N. Zilfikarov

RAS Professor I.M. Indrupsky

RAS Professor V.V. Kazakovskaya

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.L. Karchevsky

RAS Professor E.F. Letnikova

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.V. Metelkin

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Naumov

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Peskov

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.I. Fake

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.V. Samsonov

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.S. Sokolovsky

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.V. Streltsov

Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Shiryaev

Doctor of Chemical Sciences S.A. Avilov

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences O.V. Avchenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences P.E. Alaev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.P. Aldushin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A. Alexandrov

Doctor of Philology M.F. Albedil

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.E. Andreev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.D. Aponasenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.G. Arkhipkin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.F. Drums

Doctor of Biological Sciences N.K. Belishcheva

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.S. Belonosov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.N. White

Doctor of Technical Sciences B.A. Belyaev

Doctor historical sciences Yu.E. Berezkin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G.Sh. Boltachev

Doctor of Historical Sciences N.V. Braginskaya

Doctor of Philology L.P. Bykov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Byalko

Doctor of Chemical Sciences F.A. Valeev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.V. Valkov

Doctor of Economic Sciences A.E. Warsaw

Doctor of Chemical Sciences S.F. Vasilevsky

Doctor of Philology Ya.V. Vasilkov

Doctor of Historical Sciences A.S. Vashchuk

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A. Wentzel

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences N.V. Vladykin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.B. Volkov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.S. Volkov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.M. Volodin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.F. Ginzburg

Doctor of Geographical Sciences S.M. Govorushko

Doctor of Biological Sciences L.A. Golovlev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.V. Golub

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.P. Golubyatnikov

Doctor of Economic Sciences A.E. Gorodetsky

Doctor of Philology A.V. Gora

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.A. Gusev

Doctor of Geographical Sciences V.A. Dauwalter

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G.V. Demidenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.L. Demidov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A. Dykhta

Doctor of Chemical Sciences N.L. Egutkin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences K.N. Yeltsov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Eremin

Doctor of Medical Sciences N.V. Efimova

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.N. Efremov

Doctor of Biological Sciences P.M. Zhadan

Doctor of Historical Sciences V.I. Zavyalov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.B. Zalesny

Doctor of Chemical Sciences G.S. Zakharova

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.A. Zemnukhova

Doctor of Biological Sciences T.I. Zemskaya

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.Ya. Zyryanov

Doctor of Technical Sciences V.E. Zyubin

Doctor of Biological Sciences V.A. Ilyukha

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.Yu. Irkhin

Doctor of Biological Sciences N.N. Kavtsevich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences A.M. Kalinkin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.G. Kamensky

Doctor of Technical Sciences M.F. Loaf

Doctor of Technical Sciences A.M. Kasimov

Doctor of Biological Sciences L.N. Kasyanov

Doctor of Biological Sciences A.G. Kiseleva

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.G. Klochkova

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.V. Koloskov

Doctor of Technical Sciences A.V. Konovalov

Doctor of Biological Sciences Yu.M. Konstantinov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.N. Korobeinikov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences L.F. Queen

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.G. Kostov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A. Kotov

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences R.G. Kravtsova

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.M. Craines

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B.B. Crissinel

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.O. Krichak

Doctor of Philology L.P. Krysin

Doctor of Biological Sciences M.V. Kryukov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.A. Kuznetsov

Doctor of Biological Sciences V.V. Kuznetsov

Doctor of Technical Sciences O.P. Kuznetsov

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.V. fists

Doctor of Biological Sciences T.V. Kulakovskaya

Doctor of Economic Sciences E.S. Kuratova

Doctor of Philology L.V. Kurkina

Doctor of Philology G.I. Kustova

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.S. Kutateladze

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.Z. Kuchinsky

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Levichev

Doctor of Chemical Sciences T.V. Leshin

Doctor of Chemical Sciences O.D. Linnikov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.A. Lomov

Doctor of Biological Sciences L.A. Lomovatskaya

Doctor of Chemical Sciences P.A. Lukyanov

Doctor of Technical Sciences I.V. Lysenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.N. Magomedov

Doctor of Philology D.M. Magomedov

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.M. Mazukabzov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G.N. Makarov

Doctor of Biological Sciences L.E. Makarova

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences V.A. Makrygin

Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu.M. Maksimov

Doctor of Economic Sciences V.Yu. Malov

Doctor of Geographical Sciences A.N. Makhinov

Doctor of Philology A.E. Makhov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.S. Medvedev

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.I. Melnikov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B.M. Miller

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.S. Mingalev

Doctor of Geographical Sciences Z.G. Mirzekhanova

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Mirmelstein

Doctor of Biological Sciences T.A. Mikhailova

Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Michalsky

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.M. Mishin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Moiseev

Doctor of Chemical Sciences M.M. Monastery

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Morozov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences Yu.I. Murinov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Nazin

Doctor of Philology S.Yu. Neklyudov

Doctor of Philology M.R. Nenarokov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences V.L. Novikov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences O.D. Novikov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.G. Ovchinnikov

Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Orlov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.N. Ochkin

Doctor of Philology E.V. Paducheva

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Commemorative

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.V. Panchenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.A. Parkhomov

Doctor of Philology A.A. Pichkhadze

Doctor of Historical Sciences N.I. Platonov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.P. Pozhidaev

Doctor of Chemical Sciences E.V. Polyakov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences N.E. Polyakov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences A.T. Ponomarenko

Doctor of Economic Sciences L.A. Popova

Doctor of Medical Sciences N.K. Popova

Doctor of Economics G.I. Popodko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Potapov

Doctor of Historical Sciences I.V. Potkin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.A. Pustilnik

Doctor of Technical Sciences A.L. Reznik

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G.M. Reznik

Doctor of Biological Sciences T.A. Reshetilova

Doctor of Biological Sciences A.S. Romanenko

Doctor of Biological Sciences G.A. Romanov

Doctor of Geographical Sciences V.I. Roslikova

Doctor of Technical Sciences E.Ya. Rubinovich

Doctor of Philosophy A.Ya. Rubinstein

Doctor of Technical Sciences S.N. Rukin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.N. Ryzhov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.I. Rylov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. V. Ryazanov

Doctor of Economics S.L. Gardens

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.M. Sakerin

Doctor of Historical Sciences A.I. saxa

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.V. Sevastyanov

Doctor of Biological Sciences V.P. Seledets

Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu.I. Senkevich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.V. Fairy tale

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.A. Sorokin

Doctor of Technical Sciences G.Ya. Smolkov

Doctor of Economic Sciences S.A. Smolyak

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.M. Solar

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences F.I. Solovyov

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.I. Tararin

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences G.B. Teitelbaum

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.A. Tikhonov

Doctor of Historical Sciences G.A. Tkachev

Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V. Tyurnev

Doctor of Philology I.S. Ulukhanov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.N. Factory

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.I. Fadeev

Doctor of Economic Sciences V.V. fauser

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Fedorov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.A. Finogenko

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.N. Flerov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.D. Fomin

Doctor of Philology O.E. Frolova

Doctor of Historical Sciences D.A. Funk

Doctor of Historical Sciences N.V. Khvoshchinskaya

Doctor of Philology O.B. Khristoforova

Doctor of Chemical Sciences S.L. khursan

Doctor of Philology A.D. Cendina

Doctor of Philology T.V. Tsivyan

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences P.Yu. Chebotarev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.V. Chekalin

Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu.Ya. Chukreev

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.M. Churilov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.G. Shavrov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.V. Shvidevsky

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.P. Shestakov

Doctor of Biological Sciences S.D. Schlotthauer

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.I. Shumilov

Doctor of Geographical Sciences V.A. Shuper

Doctor of Historical Sciences V.E. Shchelinsky

Collection of signatures continues

Scientists, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences wrote an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, in which they expressed dissatisfaction with the course of the reform of the academy and complained about the style and methods of work of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. The text of the letter was published on Wednesday by the Kommersant newspaper.

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The authors of the letter, signed by about 400 people, complain about the legal status of scientific institutes and the academy itself. “Most of the problems of interaction between the Institutes and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO) arise precisely as a result of the inadequate legal status of scientific institutions and the academy itself. They are trying to apply rules that are obviously inapplicable to them from ordinary budgetary institutions to scientific organizations, completely ignoring the creative and exploratory nature of the work of researchers,” the text of the letter says.

“Scientists must “plan” how many discoveries they will make, how many and in which journals they will publish articles in the next few years. Such planning is basically impossible,” the authors of the letter say.

Scientists also note that the innovations of FASO, created in 2013 during the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), “link the planned increase in funding for RAS institutes in subsequent years with an absurd requirement for a proportional increase in the number of publications.” “In reality, a cumbersome and non-working system of science management has been created. The entire style and methods of FASO work are objectively aimed at destroying science as such, not to mention the creative atmosphere necessary for scientific activity,” the letter says.

According to the authors of the letter, it is necessary to urgently change the status of the RAS and scientific institutes, as well as return them under the leadership of the academy. “In the future, it is necessary to take a number of more serious steps, such as: a significant increase in funding for academic science and a radical revision of the structure of this funding; re-creation of scientific postgraduate studies in the system of the Russian Academy of Sciences; complete withdrawal of academic science from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science,” the letter says.

If this does not happen, “in March 2018, the elected President of Russia will take over a country with a decapitated, dying fundamental science, unable to meet the challenges of the modern world,” the scientists add. “Nevertheless, I would like to believe that this will not happen, and that the country's leadership will correct the situation by creating conditions for the development of science in Russian institutions by free-lance scientists,” the authors of the letter hope.

The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations is a federal executive body that is the founder and owner of the federal property assigned to RAS organizations subordinate to it.

The department was established on September 27, 2013 during the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a result of the transformations, the RAS was merged with the academies of medical and agricultural sciences. The organizations included in the academies and their property were transferred to the management of a new federal authority - FASO of Russia. On January 8, 2014, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of 1007 scientific institutions transferred to the agency. In early June 2015, the government approved the rules for coordination between FASO and RAS.

A joint meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Coordinating Council under the FASO of Russia will be held today in Moscow: academicians and officials plan to discuss cooperation next year. At the same time, as it became known to Kommersant, a group of 400 scientists sent an open letter to President Vladimir Putin. The authors complain about the "inadequate legal status of scientific institutions and the academy itself" and argue that "the style and methods of work of FASO" interfere with scientific activity.

Source: Photo archive of Kommersant Publishing House

Director of the Institute of Physics high pressures Academician Vadim Brazhkin told Kommersant that the appeal to the President of the Russian Federation was caused by "dissatisfaction with the course of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is shared by the vast majority of the academic corps." He recalled that the reform began back in 2013, “and if earlier it was possible to refer that not everything was settled, now we clearly see that this step has mostly negative consequences.” Another reason for writing is that the academy's leadership was updated in the fall. “We waited until 100 days pass, the president and the presidium get up to speed,” he added.

The letter says that because of the reform in the country, "a cumbersome and inoperative system of science management" has been created, in which scientists are trying to impose "obviously inapplicable rules of ordinary budgetary institutions."

According to the authors, most of the problems of interaction between institutes and FASO arise "precisely as a result of the inadequate legal status of scientific institutions and the academy itself." Scientists are asking the president to show "political will" and change the legal status of the RAS, while returning to it the scientific institutes that are now subordinate to FASO.

If urgent measures are not taken to correct the described tragic situation, then in March 2018, the elected president of Russia will take over the country with a decapitated, dying fundamental science.

The document was signed by more than 400 academicians, corresponding members and scientists outside the RAS system. Shortly before his death, the linguist Academician Andrei Zaliznyak also signed the appeal (he died on December 24).

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FASO did not comment on the scientists' letter yesterday.

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev told Kommersant that his colleagues at the academy "are free to express their opinion, this is completely normal." At the same time, he does not agree with the thesis that changing the status of the RAS is only a matter of political will.

“Of course, the status of the FGBU is not enough for the academy to be able to implement the state scientific policy. And I, like the authors of the letter, believe that the issue of changing the status of the Russian Academy of Sciences is overdue,” said Mr. Sergeev. According to him, "the authorities have an understanding of this problem," however simple solution doesn't exist yet.

“We need to find a suitable legal form for the academy,” the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences explained. “We cannot and do not want to be a ministry or other federal executive body - there is a rigid vertical, the appointment of leadership, and so on. We need to remain a self-governing organization based on elections, but with the right of legislative initiative. There is simply no suitable legal form in the country.”

Alexander Chernykh