Mixer      11/16/2021

Help someone who is in a difficult situation. Help people in difficult situations. Drug, tobacco, alcohol addiction. Help for people in difficult situations

Voronezh regional charity

public organization "RASSVET"

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"Crisis center for people in difficult life situations"

The Russian homeless is not just a person without a home. Almost all social and medical assistance provided by the state in Russia is associated with the presence of a person's registration at the place of residence ("propiska"). If for any reason (family circumstances, fraud in a housing transaction, inability to restore lost documents, etc.) a person is deprived of registration, he actually turns out to be excluded from society: he cannot get a legal job, free medical care, apply to the court, register a marriage, educate children ... Obtaining registration in case of its loss often turns out to be problematic due to the practical impossibility for the majority of the population to acquire housing in property, on the one hand, and the poorly developed legal rental housing market, on the other.

Homelessness in Russia is a state (social status) of a person associated with his lack of rights to a specific residential area that he could use for living or staying, and in which he could register at the place of residence or at the place of stay.

The problem of homelessness is not only the broken lives of millions of people, but also a problem that has Negative influence for the development of the state as a whole. We are talking about about three percent of the population of Russia, and about people, a significant part of whom are of working age. Unable to legally find a job and, accordingly, pay taxes, they inevitably find themselves included in the sphere of the shadow economy. Not being able to start a family, they do nothing to improve the demographic situation. Exclusion from prevention and health care schemes in early stage diseases leads to an increase in the financial burden on the state system of social protection and health care. Tying the whole complex of medical and social guarantees to the place of registration creates problems not only for people who do not have registration, but also for those who have registration in another region. Such a system significantly reduces the mobility of labor resources, does not allow, without losing social guarantees, to move from regions where there is a problem with jobs to those where the need for labor is acutely felt. Thus, serious obstacles are created for the development of the country's economy and solving the problems of crisis regions.

Reasons for homelessness

The main primary reasons include family circumstances, the consequences of fraud (including in housing transactions), deprivation of housing or documents in connection with serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, eviction, sale of housing. Survey results show that personal choice is an extremely rare cause of homelessness. Often cited in connection with homelessness, the problems of alcohol and drug addiction are undoubtedly an important component of the problem, but it can be difficult to determine to what extent these addictions were the cause of homelessness, and to what extent they were the result of the need to survive in conditions of life on the street.

Secondary reasons include, first of all, the lack of mechanisms enabling people who have lost their registration to remain in the legal field - to have legal access to basic social and medical services, legal employment, etc., as well as the lack of comprehensive programs for the resocialization of those who already has street life experience.

Suggested Approaches to Addressing the Problem of Homelessness

The problem of homelessness has two main aspects that must be kept in mind when developing social support measures and programs for the resocialization of the homeless.

1. Social- lack of housing and a set of problems associated with this - the lack of minimum conditions for maintaining their life, health and sanitary conditions (the ability to wash and wash clothes, use bedding, a toilet, access to hot food and drinking water, etc.). d.). Prolonged stay in such conditions leads to the loss of social skills: labor skills, skills in caring for clothes, body care, skills to maintain one's own appearance, cooking, etc.

2. Legal- lack of registration and the possibility of obtaining it (due to the lack of the right to housing) and a number of problems associated with this - a significant defeat in civil rights (limitation of access to employment, medical and social services, restrictions in many areas of life associated with the lack of registration and often passports).

Solving homelessness

Addressing homelessness involves working on three fronts :

1) homelessness prevention- activities aimed at reducing the number of new homeless (working with the reasons why people become homeless: fraud in real estate transactions, failure to provide housing for graduates of orphanages, separation from family and the inability to live together, loss of social ties and housing while staying in places imprisonment, etc.);

2) prevention of "street" homelessness- social and legal measures aimed at solving the problems associated with the lack of registration, helping to ensure that the hidden form of homelessness does not turn into a “street” one:

Creation of mechanisms for people without registration to access at least basic social and medical services and opportunities to improve their life situation (providing medical assistance in the amount of mandatory medical insurance, assistance in obtaining pensions and benefits, employment, etc.);

Providing support for people who are temporarily in a difficult life situation (psychological and legal assistance, providing opportunities for temporary residence, social support for those released from places of deprivation of liberty, etc.);

3) social support and measures for the resocialization of people who are forced to live outside their living quarters- improving access to hot meals, drinking water, sanitary and hygienic services (washing, laundry), places to sleep (night stays, heating points in cold weather), development of rehabilitation programs and psychological support programs for the homeless.

Project Description

"Crisis center for people in difficult life situations"

Project Goals

Strengthening civil society and local authorities and increasing their cooperation and participation in decision-making to ensure and promote the possibility of exercising the rights of homeless and other socially marginalized groups Russian Federation.

Improving the quality of life of homeless people who are forced to live in the "street" by providing them with assistance in the form of free hot meals, first medical aid, provision of sanitary and hygienic services (showers) and places to sleep.

Attracting young people to volunteer social activities.

3. Department of Health of the Voronezh Region

List of services of the Crisis Center

Crisis Center - an institution designed for temporary stay of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, during which they are assisted in restoring documents, obtaining medical assistance, finding a job, for the disabled - assistance in registering disability, admission to boarding schools.

Medical examination and first aid

Sanitary treatment (treatment of the body with disinfectant solutions for pediculosis)

Individual lockers in which shelter residents can store their personal belongings, outerwear,

Nightstands in the living room,

Washing and drying machines,


Bed linen, underwear,

Cleaning tools and supplies,

Fuels and lubricants for the car

3. Funds for the maintenance of the shelter building and the surrounding area:

4. Food and disposable tableware.

5. Ford Transit car, Sable

Materials used in the preparation of the project

Project "Strengthening civil society and local authorities in the European part of the Russian Federation" - The problem of homelessness and ways to solve it

Order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation No. 10 of 01.01.2001

Marina Perminova "Why do we need a Day Center for the Homeless"

Materials of the institution of the ONP "Bomzh"

Materials of RBOO "Nochlezhka"

No matter how reliable his position may seem to a person - he is financially secure, successful, everything is going fine - at one moment trouble may strike. Holy Bible often warns that earthly goods are temporary and do not provide protection from problems. Whom to ask for help in a difficult situation? Pray to God first. What prayers are better, who else can read them - you will learn from this article.

Prayer for help in a hopeless situation to the Lord God

The Bible contains many examples of how even the best of people were sometimes attacked. evil spirits. Why does the Lord allow this? And He just waits for a person to trust Him implicitly. Then He will begin to destroy the enemy's plans one by one.

God is not an automaton with miracles, but even one has to go up to an automaton and throw a coin, and a person must express his desire to receive protection. To do this is simple - read a prayer for help in a difficult situation.

“In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my body and soul, my movements. My entrance and exit, my faith and dwelling, the course and death of my belly, the day and hour of my exhalation, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. But you, O Most Merciful God, the whole world with sins, insurmountable Goodness, gentle, Lord, me, more than all sinners, accept in your hand your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse a lot of my iniquities, grant correction to my evil and accursed life and from of the coming sinful falls, always delight me, but in nothing when I anger Your philanthropy, even cover my infirmity from demons, passions and evil people. Forbid the visible and invisible enemy, guiding me on the saved path, bring me to Thee, my refuge and my desires. Grant me a Christian end, shameless, peaceful, keep from the air spirits of malice, at Your Terrible Judgment be merciful to Your servant and count me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them to You, my Creator, I glorify forever. Amen."

Quite often it happens that a person's desire does not coincide with what God has prepared for him. Many see prayer as an opportunity to "persuade" the Creator to do things his way. Only such a plan is unlikely to work - it can only cause the wrath of God, Who will cease to heed the voice of the rebellious. It happens that people still act in their own way, but it ends sadly. So is it worth it to insist and strive for what the omnipotent ruler of heaven considers unnecessary for you?

It is important before prayer to set the soul to humility, acceptance of the inevitable. After all, there are situations that cannot be avoided. And asking for magic to happen is not worth it - it will not happen. It is better to ask for wisdom, patience and strength. To do this, it is good to use such a well-known biblical book as the Psalter. In it you can find prayers for help in any situation, no matter how difficult it is.

  • Psalms can be read in Russian.
  • You can read any number of psalms, even for days on end.
  • You can sit while reading the Psalter.

All psalms are addressed to God, some of them are laudatory, others are prophetic, but you can choose any one that corresponds to the inner state of the soul. She will surely be healed by the Word of God.

Prayer in difficult times to the Mother of God

According to Orthodox tradition, the Mother of God walks the earth every day, helping the unfortunate, sick, orphans. Anyone who needs help in life can turn to the Mother of God. There is a huge number (several hundreds) of icons to which various properties are attributed.

  • "" - pray for the strengthening of faith, for protection from enemies, for the prosperity of Russia.
  • "" - she is asked to get rid of cancer.
  • "" - pray in the presence of problems with hearing and vision.
  • "" - gives spiritual joy, teaches you to love your neighbors.
  • "" - blesses those entering into marriage, helps in difficult times (for any problems).
  • "" - it is customary to hang in the house to protect it from fire.

My Tsaritsa Preblagaya, My Hope, Mother of God, Shelter for orphans and wanderers Defender, grieving Joy, offended Patron! You see my trouble, you see my grief; help me as a weak one, guide me as a wanderer. You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will. For I have no other help than You, no other Defender, no good Comforter - only You, O Mother of God: save me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

The earthly life of the Ever-Virgin was full of ordinary worldly sorrows. When she was still a very young girl, her parents died - after all, they were very old when the Lord gave them the joy of motherhood. The Virgin Mary was glad to live at the Jerusalem temple, but one fine day they decided to marry her. Marriage was a formality and was done so that a young innocent girl had a roof over her head.

And she humbly accepted the will of God, although she did not want to leave the monastery, where she could study the Scriptures and pray. For her, the time has come for ordinary earthly worries. And when the Baby appeared, she was destined to walk next to Him along the way of the cross and watch the Son die on the cross, without any guilt. How much patience, humility and love lives in the heart of the Mother of God? She will never ignore the petitions of the disadvantaged, everyone can count on her support.

Prayers to the saints for help

In any situation, even if it seems hopeless, you can go to the temple, venerate shrines, order a prayer service, your soul will feel better. You can also turn to the saints of God, who are known for their holy lives and miracles. To whom to pray?

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow. His relics rest in the Danilov Monastery in the center of Moscow. It especially helps with housing problems that many have today. Some believers acquired their own apartments after fervent prayers to the saint. Helps build relationships with superiors, protect against unfair attacks. Provides patronage in all Christian life.

The most famous Russian saint. Through it, you can get help from God - get rid of various physical ailments, prayer also helps those who cannot cope with their studies, mastering new specialties for themselves. Of course, in case of doubt, the desire to transgress one of the commandments, one should also turn to this saint.

He is known as a great teacher of Christianity, although he did not leave written works, but he lived like the ancient biblical prophets. He spent all his days in work, prayer, caring for others.

An ancient saint revered in all Christian churches. His relics are preserved incorruptible. Born in Greece, he was an ordinary shepherd. He became famous for the gift of miracles during his lifetime. It is believed that he still walks the earth, helping the suffering - every year he wears shoes with worn soles.

Helps to lead entrepreneurial activity, conduct real estate transactions, the unemployed pray to him for a decent job.

In any situation, you can also go to the saint whose name you took at baptism. The text that will be pronounced is not so important. You can turn to heaven in your own words. How to make any prayer strong? This, of course, requires faith that the Lord can and wants to help you. After all, he is a loving Father for all people.

Also, one should not demand, put forward ultimatums. We must try to understand the reasons for what happened, ask for forgiveness for all the mistakes made (we all have them). And then ask for help - assistance, consolation, understanding of what needs to be done.

We must always remember that for those who love God, everything is given for the benefit, even trials.

For certain categories of citizens, the state provides material assistance. There are a lot of programs for which support is provided. They are implemented by both social protection authorities and employers.

A fairly wide range of people who find themselves in a difficult situation can apply for help, so it’s best to contact social security before you start collecting documents and clarify which program you can apply for in 2019. Below we describe the most popular community outreach programs.

Target contracts

At the end of 2012, changes were made to the laws on social assistance. Appeared the new kind support - the conclusion of contracts with the population. In 2018-2019, these amendments remain relevant. On the part of the state, under the terms of this agreement, social assistance (including financial assistance) is issued, and the citizen undertakes to undergo an adaptation program and fulfill one of the conditions:

  • job search;
  • undergoing training in a particular profession;
  • passing training programs;
  • opening your own small business;
  • housekeeping.

First of all, the opportunity to receive this type of support is available to needy families who are in a difficult situation. According to the data for the regions in which the project was implemented as a pilot, 50% of families were able to get out of a difficult life situation, and their incomes more than doubled. At present, the program operates throughout Russia. In 2019, its implementation is being carried out with the help of social protection specialists and the Employment Center.

How to get help for large families

Families with many children can also become applicants for state assistance in 2019. They are supported in several ways - in the form of benefits, allowances and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, before September 1, families with many children are transferred funds for collecting children for school. A prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

The federal law provides for subsidies to large families in the form of a reduction in monthly utility bills, child benefits, payments to mothers (they are equated to working people and can receive 1 minimum wage until they fulfill themselves younger child 16 years). Also, families in which 3 or more children can receive on preferential terms land plot for farming or building a country house.

Regional payments are more diverse. First of all, for the 3rd or 4th child, a regional maternal capital(about 100,000 rubles, which can be spent on the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that offset the cost of buying baby supplies, groceries and clothes.

For the exact list of benefits you may qualify for, contact your local Social Security office. Increasingly, with the advent of the 3rd and subsequent children, the income of family members is not enough to provide everyone with a decent standard of living. In this case, pay attention to payments to the poor.

Financial support program for the poor

The calculation of the amount of money per family member is based on income data of all able-bodied adults in it. It is necessary to submit certificates for the last three months to the social security authorities. The amounts of income are added together, and then divided among all family members. If the amount received is below the subsistence minimum established in the region, then the family receives a special status. She becomes poor.

The subsistence minimum is indexed annually; in 2019, each region has its own value. You can find it in the administration of your district or in the department of social protection. Its average value in Russia this year is 8200 rubles.

In some cases, no assistance is provided. For example, if the family has one or more able-bodied members, but they do not want to work. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property for reasons beyond the control of applicants;
  • maternity leave;
  • inability to return to work due to a serious illness.

However, more and more often, assistance is provided only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered for unemployment or are employed (earnings may be minimal). At the same time, the composition of the family can be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents and grandchildren.

In 2019, in addition to benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance to the poor is also provided. For example, the following list of support measures is available to a child:

  1. Meals twice a day in the canteen for school students.
  2. Providing a place in the lists of beneficiaries.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase or free issuance of school and sports uniforms.
  4. Free medicines are prescribed for children under 6 years of age in case of illness.
  5. Once a year, compensation of 50% of the cost of travel for treatment in a sanatorium (applies to one accompanying person).

It became possible for parents in such families to receive:

  1. Favorable working conditions.
  2. Beginning entrepreneurs do not need to pay a fee for opening an IP.
  3. Reducing the retirement age.
  4. Receipt garden plot out of turn.
  5. Lower requirements and interest on mortgage lending.
  6. Tickets for visiting exhibitions and museum expositions (no more than once a month).
  7. Payment by the state for babysitting services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and you can find out more about it only at the social security department at the place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay material assistance in the form of benefits or one-time transfers, which is regulated by regional laws.

Other types of state support in 2019

In need of WWII veterans can receive in 2019 one-time targeted assistance up to 15,000 rubles for the purchase of necessary household appliances, replacement of plumbing equipment or dental prosthetics.

To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write an application and prove the need to purchase equipment or prosthetics. Money to pay for the services of a dentist is the easiest to give - for this, it is enough to bring the relevant certificates and an extract from the outpatient card to the social security.