Mixer      06.09.2020

Thirteenth zodiac constellation. How to determine if you are an Ophiuchus by your zodiac sign. Characteristics of people born under the zodiac sign Ophiuchus

IN lately increasingly, the main news in all media is a scientific discovery in astrology - the 13th zodiac sign “Ophiuchus”. A message about this discovery appeared on the NASA Space Place scientific portal. The authors stated that in the 3000 years since the founding of the calendar, planet Earth has changed its position in relation to the zodiac constellations. And in general, in their opinion, the system of Zodiac signs, numbering only 12 constellations, has long outlived its usefulness, since it was invented in ancient times in Babylon, when there were no such technical capabilities as now to reliably state anything. However, as historians are convinced, the ancient Babylonians knew about the existence of the constellation “Ophiuchus”, they simply did not give it a separate place in the table of zodiac signs for the reason that it is multidimensional and is associated with the constellations “Scorpio” and “Sagittarius”. In addition, the inclusion of the sign “Ophiuchus” in the horoscope would disrupt the entire harmony of the sequence of constellations corresponding to the 12 months of the year.

Let us note that this attempt by American scientists to introduce “Ophiuchus” as the 13th sign of the zodiac is not the first. In 2011, they also spoke about the need to revise the modern zodiac system, but to no avail. Despite this, astrologers have been studying in detail for 5 years the question of the likelihood of introducing a new zodiac sign, and it must be said that opinions among them are divided. There is a group of scientists who are categorically against any changes. They explain their point of view by the fact that “Ophiuchus” is an invisible constellation that cannot be identified as a separate sign, it can only be taken into account when compiling horoscopes as the 13th house in which the Sun is located for two weeks covering the last week of November and the first week December. Therefore, the role of the constellation Ophiuchus in astrology can be considered controversial. But in case it is indeed officially recognized as a new zodiac sign, we will tell you about its meaning and characteristics.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: meaning and dates

The constellation Ophiuchus is depicted on the star chart as a man entwined with a snake. According to ancient legends, this man is the god of healing Asclepius, who healed people from deadly diseases with snake venom. It can be found between two zodiac signs - Scorpio and Sagittarius. Consequently, the dates of the standard bearer fall on some dates in November and December, namely the period from November 30 to December 17 (14 days in total). In accordance with these changes, the dates of other zodiacs have changed slightly:

Constellation Capricorn from January 19 to February 15;
Aquarius - from February 16 to March 11;
Pisces - from March 12 to April 18;
Aries - from April 19 to May 13;
Taurus - from May 14 to June 19;
Gemini - from June 20 to July 20;
Rakov - from July 21 to August 9;
Lviv – from August 10 to September 15;
Virgo – from September 16 to October 30;
Libra - from October 31 to November 22;
Scorpios - from November 23 to November 29;
Ophiuchus - from November 30 to December 17;
Sagittarius - from December 18 to January 18.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign “Ophiuchus”

Since the constellation Ophiuchus is special, people born in the days of its patronage are endowed with a special mission. Astrologers say that life is not easy for owners of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign, because they often have to sacrifice themselves and their interests for the benefit of other people. It is among Ophiuchus people that one should look for psychics and healers. It is easy to recognize superpowers in such people, since they have a special mark on their body (usually on the back, stomach or lower back) - moles arranged in the shape of the letter “Y”. These moles are the same size and are not red or raised. In appearance they resemble ordinary small spots on the skin.

In fact, Ophiuchus are “servants of people.” That is why it is believed that those born on the dates of Ophiuchus (from November 30 to December 17) are the lucky ones, for whom, after leaving for another world, the Gates to Paradise are guaranteed to be opened. In addition, the characteristics of Ophiuchus, as the 13th sign of the zodiac, include dedication and talent. Ophiuchus people are the makers of great deeds on planet Earth and fighters who throughout their lives fight with their dark and light sides. And the side that wins as a result of this struggle will be the kind of person Ophiuchus will be. That is why when communicating with Ophiuchus you need to be extremely careful. You have to conduct a conversation either with the embodiment of the greatest evil, or with a heavenly angel. By connecting your destiny with a person born on the dates of Ophiuchus, you risk either ruining it, or vice versa. This is the peculiarity of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign - it brings happiness to some, and pain and disappointment to others.

Those who are Ophiuchus according to the horoscope are constantly on the move and do not live in one place for a long time. Throughout their lives they meet a lot of people of different statuses. With each of them, Ophiuchus manages to build relationships - either friendly, or hostile, or romantic. Of course, you shouldn’t make an enemy in the person of Ophiuchus, because those who are Ophiuchus according to the horoscope are very vindictive. If you hurt them, they will hurt you for the rest of their lives.

Ophiuchus people are fearless and risk-taking people. They can be considered people born with a shirt on, because from all life-threatening situations, Ophiuchus people manage to get out without a single scratch. In addition, people born on Ophiuchus dates are lovers of entertainment and pleasure. They know how to relax well and enjoy life. Astrologers claim that the 13th zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, is also special because only love can conquer it. If a person who was born under the auspices of Ophiuchus fell in love while being evil, he can be reincarnated as good and bright, or vice versa.

Ophiuchus women have special characteristics. Astrologers claim that they are very cunning by nature and vindictive. They have highly developed intuition, they are characterized by excessive suspicion, they constantly look for lies and always find them, so it is impossible to deceive them. However, Ophiuchus women have one important positive feature. They are faithful in relationships, and can become a true friend to their loved one.

What zodiac signs are Ophiuchus compatible with?

Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces have the most chances to build a happy relationship with Ophiuchus. Scorpios have less chances. Astrologers claim that there may be a marriage of convenience between Ophiuchus and Scorpio. The rest of the zodiac signs with Ophiuchus will either be bored or scared.

Stones that suit Ophiuchus

  1. Jet is a stone that will save Ophiuchus from doubts about anything and nightmares;
  2. Zircon gives Ophiuchus physical and spiritual strength;
  3. Beryl is the best amulet for people born under the constellation Ophiuchus;
  4. Almandine - heals their soul and body;
  5. Turquoise helps to achieve your goals as quickly as possible;
  6. Sapphire gives Ophiuchus wisdom and foresight;
  7. The serpentine is the amulet of all those born on the dates of Ophiuchus.

Famous people who are Ophiuchus according to their horoscope

If you count the calendar according to 13 zodiac constellations, then you can calculate which of the celebrities of history and modern times were born under the constellation Ophiuchus. Knowing their names and the main characteristics of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus, we can already determine whether these people have fulfilled the mission that Ophiuchus has given them.

Among the celebrities who are Ophiuchus according to the horoscope:

  • Soichiro Honda – born November 17th. He founded the company of the same name and is a famous Japanese engineer and industrialist.
  • Danny DeVito - also born on November 17, became one of the popular American film actors.
  • Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre - born November 18th. Considered one of the founders of photography.
  • Eldar Ryazanov - born on November 18. He entered the history of Russian cinema as a talented film director, screenwriter, playwright and poet.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov - born on November 19. Everyone knows his name from school. He went down in history as a Russian natural scientist of world significance.
  • Indira Gandhi was born on November 19. She made a significant contribution to the political development of India as Prime Minister of this country at the end of the twentieth century.
  • Calvin Klein - born November 19 - is a famous American fashion trendsetter. His name has become a world famous brand.
  • Maya Plisetskaya – born on November 20. Outstanding prima ballet of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR.
  • Voltaire - born November 21 - classic of French literature.
  • Vladimir Dal - born on November 22. He is the author of the famous " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language."
  • Dale Carnegie - born November 24th. Famous American psychologist.
  • Alexander Maslyakov - born on November 24. Famous Russian TV presenter of KVN.
  • Bruce Lee - born November 27th. Popular film actor and reformer in the field of Chinese martial arts.
  • Boris Grebenshchikov - born on November 27. Famous Russian musician.
  • Yulia Tymoshenko was born on November 27. Famous Ukrainian politician.

From this small list we see that all the people represented in it are talented artists or politicians who have already fulfilled their main purpose, if we assume that they are, after all, Ophiuchus according to the horoscope.

Anastasia Gridina

Hello! What is this new sign? What happened to the horoscope? Sagittarius was especially puzzled by this question, because its dates coincide with the dates of birth of Sagittarius. Let's find out what the thirteenth sign of the zodiac "Ophiuchus" is, its characteristics, positive and negative sides.

Is Sagittarius Ophiuchus?

As soon as they started talking about the appearance of an additional sign, many lovers of horoscopes became worried. After all, the newly appeared symbol changes a lot in people’s minds. Yes, and experts do not all agree with the emergence of an unfamiliar newcomer in the zodiac system.

The birth date of Ophiuchus is between November 29 and December 17. If you look at the usual horoscope, this is Sagittarius. They are born between November 22 and December 21.

What about the new horoscope? If another symbol is added, then those born between November 22 and November 28, or between December 18 and December 21, can be Libra / Scorpio, and according to the new horoscope also Sagittarius.

Have the signs moved because of Ophiuchus? Those astrologers who recognize the appearance of this symbol, say that he made a significant rearrangement in the zodiac system. Having been added between Scorpio and Sagittarius, he shifted all birth dates.

Now many people have turned out to be completely different zodiac signs. It turns out that in November there are three symbols: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Shocking sensation

Appearing as if from nowhere, Ophiuchus turned the entire worldview upside down. Many astronomers, astrologers and other specialists have worked with the same zodiac signs all their lives. And people knew their symbol, they knew their characteristics. And suddenly - chaos came!

Outdated Zodiac Chart

American astronomers decided that the zodiac map compiled by the priests of Ancient Babylon was outdated a long time ago. That is, the celestial bodies today are located in a completely different way, not like in ancient times.

Most astronomers believe that the Babylonian priests created such an accurate system of zodiac signs that it can still be trusted today.

But American scientists are trying to prove that the priests simply missed the 13th Constellation. However, this does not mean that the map was made with errors. It’s just that in those days the constellation of Ophiuchus was not so clearly visible, so all the days that belonged to it moved to the constellation of Scorpio.

The True Meaning of Ophiuchus

Will there be a shift in signs and how will the characteristics change, and in the end, our destinies? After all, it turns out that we were all mistaken about our personality! To accept or not to accept new map, time will tell.

Sign designation

  • Element: water
  • Symbol: man carrying a snake
  • Main features: peace-loving, dreamy, wise, constantly in search of novelty and knowledge
  • Lucky, purposeful
  • Enjoys the location of influential people
  • Loves family and children
  • Excellent Architect or Builder

Characteristics of the sign

Knowing about the presence of a new Constellation, everyone is interested in knowing what characteristic Ophiuchus has? Like all signs, he has positive and negative traits.


  • Joyful with positive attitude.
  • The personality is endowed with an excellent sense of humor, so he easily finds mutual language with people of different elements.
  • Truthful, honest, smart.
  • He does not waste time on lies that could complicate his life. Possesses natural intelligence.
    Doesn't accept routine.
  • As a representative of the water element, he is able to adapt to any changes. Does not tolerate stagnant periods. He is always looking for something exciting and new, especially if it concerns changes in life. Always strives to achieve success.
  • Doesn't like to sit still, must constantly move.
  • Intuitive and creative.
  • Most often he listens to his heart, which gives him satisfaction. The nature is very creative, endowed with a rich imagination.
  • Charismatic.

Thanks to the combination of intelligence, wit and creativity, the personality of Ophiuchus does not remain in the shadows, but will definitely be noticed by others. Loves praise and prefers to be the center of attention. At the same time, these are secretive individuals who do not like to share their secrets.

He also has negative traits

  • Polygamous, but jealous. Despite the fact that he is polygamous, he himself is terribly jealous! This is another contradiction of his. Will not tolerate cheating from a partner.
  • Critical but irresponsible. If you seriously hurt his feelings, then there is no escape from criticism. Possessing a rich creative imagination, they are not able to take into account what is happening around them. He really likes to put things off until later. Even creative ideas may not see the light of day because they remain unfinished.
  • Temperamental. Often suffers from attacks of anger, especially when he is offended. But he is quick-witted and anger does not last long.

Which zodiac signs can create an alliance with?

Ophiuchus has a harmonious relationship with Ophiuchus. Only they can understand each other well. Both partners love to take on challenges and love to travel. Stagnation is harmful to them, so together they will strive for new heights.

  • Good compatibility with Capricorn(according to the new horoscope). Capricorn is a workaholic and career-oriented. At the same time, he is very loyal to his partners. Both are intellectuals, so they will have intelligent conversations.
  • Ophiuchus - Fish- the most successful union, since both have a lot in common. Both are creative personalities, love to dream, and easily adapt to any environment. Their best qualities will be able to compensate for all the negative ones.
  • Ophiuchus - Cancer– also good character compatibility. A little jealousy will add a lot of passion and love to their union.
  • Ophiuchus - Scales- good compatibility both in marriage and in business. Libra, like Ophiuchus, does not like to sit in one place. Both love to discover new things. Both look to other experiences for inspiration.

Disharmonious unions

For the 13th sign in the horoscope, it is difficult to establish relationships with people who belong to the elements of fire and air.

  • Ophiuchus - Sagittarius- will try to outdo each other.
  • Ophiuchus - Aquarius. Aquarius will spoil your nerves.
  • Ophiuchus - Aries. They will be harmed by the impatience and aggressiveness of both partners.
  • Ophiuchus - Taurus. Taurus loves to be at home, so contradictions will immediately begin.
  • Ophiuchus - Twins. Gemini will play on the jealousy of the new sign.
  • Ophiuchus - A lion. They will compete, but will not be able to give each other what each wants.
  • Ophiuchus - Virgo. Virgos are too meticulous, and the new sign will not like this.
  • Ophiuchus - Scorpion. Both are tormented with jealousy.

Horoscope of man and woman

What is the difference between a man and a woman of the 13th sign? You should look at their horoscope.

The male half is a persistent and hardy people. But in terms of mood changes they are no different from women’s.

In a relationship, a man will not tolerate restrictions on freedom because he will become bored. Then he will not be bored when a woman remains a mysterious and unidentified planet for him. Moreover, she should not keep him near her so that he does not get bored.

A man will search so carefully for his mysterious soul mate that he may remain single for a long time. Going for the pleasures of an ideal woman, he will consider each new passion ideal until she begins to limit his freedom. By adulthood, Ophiuchus may have more than one marriage.

There can be ups and downs in a career. A man knows how to take risks and also knows how to attract money. However, even with a lot of money, he can suddenly lose it. Having lost, he begins to build a career again.

He does not like to be subordinate, because he does not tolerate being commanded. He himself is an excellent organizer. But he doesn’t like to admit mistakes, so he often changes jobs.

Woman's horoscope

The Ophiuchus woman is a charming, intelligent person. It's hard to convince her. She believes that a woman is always right. She is not able to put up with the shortcomings of others and does not forgive insults.

She also loves freedom, so she’s in no hurry to get married. But if a man earns her trust, then she will accept his care. If she breaks up, then don’t expect a return.

In business, this independent woman will not shift her worries to others. If things don’t work out here, she will start something else, moving on to a new stage of life.

Pavel Globa about Ophiuchus

Globa notes that this is a dual sign that has a strange character. On the one hand - ice, lifelessness, on the other hand - alive, cheerful, loving. Representatives of this sign are like a lone hero or a black crow in a flock of black crows.

Changed horoscope

Here is a new horoscope by which we will have to live, as some scientists assure us.

  • Capricorn: new January 20-February 16 (old - December 22-January 20);
  • Aquarius: new February 16-March 11 (old - January 21-February 19);
  • Fish: March 11-April 18 (February 20-March 20);
  • Aries: April 18-May 13 (March 21-April 20);
  • Calf: May 13 - June 21 (April 21-May 21);
  • Twins: June 21 - July 20 (May 22 - June 21);
  • Cancer: July 20-August 10 (June 22-July 22);
  • A lion: August 10-September 16 (July 23-August 23);
  • Virgo: September 16-October 30 (August 24-September 22);
  • Scales: October 30-November 23 (September 23-October 22);
  • Scorpion: November 23-November 29 (October 23-November 21);
  • Ophiuchus: November 29-December 17;
  • Sagittarius: December 17-January 20 (November 22-December 21).

Maybe We will have to live for a long time under the influence of two zodiac signs at once until astrologers come to a common opinion.

Dear friends, if you are the thirteenth sign of the zodiac “Ophiuchus,” then act according to your characteristics, because you also have a specific mission on Earth.

In the first millennium BC. The inhabitants of ancient Babylon identified constellations in the sky that resembled animals and called them the Zodiac. At that time people lived lunar calendar, and this meant only one thing - there are only 12 months in a year. Ancient astrologers considered it necessary to tie the Zodiac to the months so that they would patronize them. It’s a pity that there were 13 constellations, but the shamans of that time were not very upset; they simply excluded the extra one, Ophiuchus.

In September 2016, the media was shocked by amazing news - there are 13 zodiac signs in the horoscope. It was said that this theory was confirmed by NASA and panic immediately began among the masses, because now there would be a shift in the horoscope and real astrological forecasts could be considered invalid. Approximately 68% of people, when the thirteenth sign appears in the horoscope, will receive a different zodiac sign.

What really happened? In fact, NASA has never stated that a 13th constellation needs to be added to astrological forecasts. They believe that everything that astrology suggests is fundamentally wrong. After all, the constellations have long changed their position, and, accordingly, the dates. In addition, the Babylonians gave each sign an equal duration of action in the year, although to be precise, current zodiac determined by the position of the Sun in the constellation. And it stays there for a relatively uneven amount of time. For example, the Sun is in Scorpio for 7 days, while in the constellation Virgo it is for 45 days.

All the rumors and misunderstandings arose from the fact that NASA released a children's encyclopedia, where they indicated that 3000 years ago ancient people discovered 13 constellations and listed them, indicating new dates for the Zodiac:

Zodiac sign

What date will it take effect?

Capricorn 20.01 – 16.02
Aquarius 16.02 – 11.03
Fish 11.03 – 18.04
Aries 18.04 – 13.05
Taurus 13.05 – 21.06
Twins 21.06 – 20.07
Cancer 20.07 – 10.08
a lion 10.08 – 16.09
Virgo 16.09 – 30.10
Scales 30.10 – 23.11
Scorpion 23.11 – 29.11
Ophiuchus 29.11 – 17.12
Sagittarius 17.12 – 20.01

The materials presented in the table show not only the time when Ophiuchus comes into force, but also the dates of the constellation’s activity according to how long the Sun is in them. Thus, the NASA table can be considered a reliable source of information about from what date this or that sign is valid. And if everything is generally known about other constellations in the horoscope, then many people do not even know about the existence of Ophiuchus.

Who is he - the mysterious Ophiuchus?

Ophiuchus (Ophiuchus from Greek, “carrying a snake in his hands”) is the 13th sign of the zodiac, which is not an established rule in the astrological teachings of the West. Astronomers say this constellation cannot be ignored, but astrologers insist that the absence or presence of Ophiuchus has no effect on making predictions. After all, the zodiac is nothing more than a 30-degree sector of the ecliptic, which is in no way connected with the constellations. As mentioned earlier, the Earth does not stand still, but constantly spins around its axis, and over 3000 years the signs of the zodiac have shifted by 24 degrees.

In the 1920s, as part of the summit of the International Astronomical Union, a complete list of constellations was compiled with a boundary established between them. Then it was noticed that the ecliptic line affects a small area of ​​the celestial sphere, which can be attributed to the constellation Ophiuchus. Somewhat later, astrologers began to notice the presence of this sign within the boundaries of the ecliptic, but they had no compelling reason to include it in the horoscope.

True, some astrologers say that since a sign falls within the ecliptic, it means there are good reasons to calculate the horoscope for its bearers. It is believed that people born between November 29 and December 17 are marked with the sign of Ophiuchus.

Perhaps Ophiuchus is the only constellation whose prototype was a real-life person - the healer Imhotep. This was the first famous history a doctor who healed the sick with snake venom.

Ophiuchus does not have its own place in the zodiac circle. And those few days when Ophiuchus influences the destinies of people are called the “burnt path.”

There is even a legend that says that Phaeton, while driving a heavenly chariot, could not cope with the horses. They carried him across the sky. Phaeton was frightened by Scorpio and threw down the reins. The horses rushed to the Earth and began to destroy and burn everything. Then Gaia asked Zeus to destroy the fiery chariot. He struck with lightning, and the chariot scattered into small fragments around the constellation Scorpio.

And those born during this period follow in the footsteps of the heavenly chariot. They burn bridges behind them, or simply destroy everything, and then are reborn from the ashes.

Characteristics of those born under this sign

Ophiuchus are wanderers; they often move, meet new people and can find their own approach to everyone. Their life is a series of endless ups and downs. The description of the thirteenth constellation is a man with a serpent in his hands. In one hand he holds a golden snake, and in the other a silver one. This duality means that Ophiuchus embodies the flame of life and the cold of death.

Ophiuchus people look at the world carefree and enjoy life, although on the other hand they have a cold mind and are confident that there is nothing interesting in life.

For Ophiuchus, his life is a battlefield where there is only him and his problems, and everything depends only on his decision.

Another interesting fact(it is unknown whether it is true or not) but Pavel Globa assures that Ophiuchus can be not only someone who was born at a certain moment, but any other zodiac sign that has two planets at the end of the sign Scorpio and at the beginning of the sign Sagittarius that are in 8 and 9th house. Then the fate of such a person will be similar to the fate of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is also distinguished by the fact that when everything in their life is smooth and goes as usual, at one moment everything collapses.

The characteristics of the date of birth of Ophiuchus are quite simple - this is a dual person who, on one side of the scale, has a devil-may-care attitude towards life, and on the other, a desire to live to the fullest.

Horoscope Ophiuchus. Man/woman – basic characteristics and compatibility.

The lucky number of this sign is 12, the color is purple, and the element is water. Regarding the question of which stones are suitable, the undoubted leader is apatite.

The main character traits that these signs possess:

  • Wisdom.
  • Peacefulness.
  • Luck.
  • Daydreaming.
  • Determination.

He is trusted, loves his family and prefers bright colors in his clothes. Often has musical abilities and always strives for something new.

Positive aspects of personality:

  • Positive. Regardless of the contradictions that arise, Ophiuchus remains positive, possessing a subtle sense of humor.
  • Honest. Ophiuchus people do not like to waste time, so they do not waste time on lies.
  • Intellectual. It's quite rare for a zodiac to be smart and creative at the same time, but exceptions do happen.
  • Not prone to routine. Ophiuchus easily gets used to changes, they do not like when life is stagnant, but they prefer to accept the challenges of fate.
  • Well developed intuition. In any life situations they act as their heart tells them.
  • Charisma. Ophiuchus is charismatic and always strives to attract everyone's attention.
  • People with a rich imagination. Spurred by a competitive spirit, they willingly demonstrate their creativity.
  • Loves to win. Always strive for success in everything.
  • Stealth. Although Ophiuchus prefers to experience the world through feelings, they do not like to share these feelings with others

Negative aspects of personality:

  • Polygamy. This cannot be taken away from Ophiuchus. Actually, this is the main problem of finding a partner; no one will tolerate such an attitude.
  • Jealousy. As already mentioned, Ophiuchus is a paradoxical person, he is as jealous as he is polygamous.
  • Critical. Particularly if they try to hurt their feelings.
  • Irresponsible. For a rich imagination you have to pay, often with irresponsibility in some areas of life. It is much easier for Ophiuchus to create their own illusory world and not pay attention to what is happening around them.
  • Restlessness. Standing in one place for too long is not for him.
  • "After". Ophiuchus people dream with pleasure, but they can make their dreams come true later. By the way, this notorious “later” very often turns into “never”.
  • They leave near them only what is useful. In general, a good skill, but this also applies to connections with other people. If Ophiuchus does not need a friend who has been with him for a long time, he will leave him without regrets.

Compatibility with other signs is quite difficult to determine. Since Ophiuchus is “new” among the Zodiacs, compatibility can only be seen in general terms.

Another Ophiuchus may be compatible with Ophiuchus. They understand each other very well, and even accept and understand their shortcomings. An alliance with Capricorn will be harmonious. Capricorns are loyal, focused on career growth, have a developed intellect, and they will have something to talk about with Ophiuchus.

The most compatible with Ophiuchus are Pisces. No matter how strange it may sound, these signs have a lot in common. They are creative people who love to indulge in dreams, are adaptable and place great importance on their emotions. Relationships with Cancer and Libra will also develop harmoniously.

But Ophiuchus and Sagittarius will be out of luck, who will try to surpass the representatives of the new sign. Aquarians change their mood too often, which gets on the nerves of Ophiuchus. As for Aries, he, like Ophiuchus, is too impatient to achieve what he wants and resorts to aggression, while the “carrier of the snake” suppresses his impatience with an emotional “explosion”.

Taurus is too stable for the changeable Ophiuchus, so they will never be able to find a common language. Gemini is perhaps the only sign that can hurt Ophiuchus without doing anything special. Since the Lions and Ophiuchus want the same thing, but in different forms, they will never reach a compromise. Virgos are too scrupulous, and Scorpios will simply strangle the monogamous Ophiuchus with their jealousy and sense of ownership.

Appearing on the zodiac circle, Ophiuchus shifts all the signs by months, however, as recent studies show, this does not really affect astrological forecasts. Firstly, a representative of any zodiac sign can be born with the qualities of Ophiuchus, it all depends on the location of the planets. And secondly, the signs of the zodiac have long moved in orbit, but astrologers still calculate the future, paying attention only to the 30-degree sector of one of the twelve parts of the ecliptic zone. Whether Ophiuchus will be present in astrological forecasts or not is not so important, the main thing is to know that such a Zodiac exists and remember that it can extend its influence to any person.

From November 27 to December 17, the Sun is in the constellation Ophiuchus. Although Ophiuchus is not officially included in the number of zodiac constellations, many experts in the field of astrology recognize the special mystical significance of this constellation. They note that those born under the 13th sign of the zodiac often become people of exceptional destiny. Among them are many bright personalities - military leaders, scientists, spiritual teachers, healers.

According to the Greek mythological tradition, the constellation Ophiuchus depicts Asclepius, the god of healing, in the sky. Although Asclepius's father was the god Apollo, Asclepius himself was a mortal by birth. He became such a skilled healer that he could bring the dead back to life. However, the resurrection of the dead violated the order of things established by the gods in the universe, so Zeus killed Asclepius by striking him with lightning. But then, both at the request of Apollo, and paying tribute to the genius of Asclepius, Zeus granted immortality to the famous healer. The staff entwined with snakes is the most famous attribute of Asclepius.

We can say that Asclepius - the greatest of healers - is the patron saint of those born under the sign of Ophiuchus. Not surprisingly, many of them have special gifts, and not only scientific or psychic. They may be distinguished by outstanding military, political and entrepreneurial talents.

The constellation Ophiuchus seems to be wedged between the zodiac constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius. This is reflected in the personality of those born under this sign. Duality can be called a fundamental character trait. These are extraordinary and contradictory personalities.

Ophiuchus are very perceptive, and it is difficult to deceive them. At the same time, they themselves are capable of very skillful pretense. A representative of this sign can, as they say, see right through people. However, they themselves are impenetrable. Even the people closest to them cannot say that they know them well.

Ophiuchus cannot be manipulated. Any attempts to subjugate them will be immediately stopped by them - up to a complete severance of relations. A representative of the 13th sign - neither a child nor an adult - cannot be put under pressure. Ophiuchus is characterized by an exclusively independent mindset, and they can only be accepted as they are: no one can re-educate them anyway. This is not a consequence of the fact that they are stubborn: no, they can be convinced, but only using rational and calm arguments. If Ophiuchus does not succumb to harsh pressure, this is also because he himself is a clearly dominant personality.

He always strives for perfection and demands a lot from himself and from others. Not all of his friends and relatives are able to withstand the rhythm of life and the demands that Ophiuchus, willingly or unwillingly, prescribes to those around him.

If he becomes someone's enemy, then this is always a very dangerous enemy. He goes to the end in everything, and he is capable of causing great trouble.

It also happens that Ophiuchus, unwittingly, brings misfortune and suffering even to those to whom he is attached. His attachment can become fatal!

A measured life weighs heavily on representatives of the 13th zodiac sign. They love adventure and risk. Without the slightest fear, Ophiuchus can get involved in an adventure, and often his adventures cost him nothing. dangerous consequences: He has the gift of easily getting out of trouble.

Easily and without any regret, Ophiuchus can at any moment break with the past, with family, with a seemingly established life. Like a Phoenix, or rather a snake, shedding its old skin, it is reborn and rebuilds its life.

Often among Ophiuchus there are people who have two or even three families at the same time. Ophiuchus can live several lives at once.

Those born under the sign of Ophiuchus easily find a common language with people and have acquaintances in a variety of areas. Ophiuchus easily adapts to the mood of those around him, but it is not easy for them to understand him due to his secrecy. They say about many Ophiuchus: “He is on his own.”

Ophiuchus people always rely only on themselves and do not need anyone. These are self-sufficient individuals, they do not depend on the opinions of others and go towards their intended goal in spite of everything. Struggle, battle, tireless striving forward - this is the natural environment for Ophiuchus. And the more obstacles, the more energetically Ophiuchus acts.

Ophiuchus people love to travel. He is always on the move and on the move - both literally and metaphorically.

Among those born under the 13th zodiac sign there are many people involved in social and political activities. At the same time, they are not attracted by fame and money: they sincerely strive to devote themselves to serving people. But it just so happens that almost everything that Ophiuchus does has a downside. So it is here: devoting themselves entirely to caring for the welfare of strangers, they often forget about their loved ones.

Both women and Ophiuchus men have great charm. It is impossible to resist her/him - this is about Ophiuchus! However, love victories for Ophiuchus are not an end in themselves; rather, they are attracted by the enjoyment of life itself in all its manifestations.

Ophiuchus in love will move mountains for the object of his love. If he loves you, you are absolutely happy! However, as soon as he notices the slightest cooling on your part, his feelings will begin to change. And if he suspects deception on your part, it is unlikely that he will be able to forgive it. Tears, tantrums and other means of emotional blackmail will only make him feel contempt. You can keep this zodiac sign only by regaining its trust. It must be remembered that those born from November 27 to December 17 are not among the people who can remain faithful and constancy no matter what.

Ophiuchus or Ophiuchus in Latin - equatorial, zodiac constellation. The brightest star in the constellation is Ras Alhague (magnitude 2.1). You can see the constellation with the naked eye only in June. You can view or take an excellent photo of Ophiuchus from any point on the territory of the former USSR.

Astrologers have repeatedly tried to correctly formulate the role and functions of the 13th sign in the horoscope. But so far nothing worthwhile has come of these attempts. Some, disappointed, declared that Ophiuchus is not a sign of the Zodiac at all, but simply a constellation that has nothing to do with real and ancient astrology. Others do not give up their attempts, but are cautious, referring the constellation Ophiuchus to the list of zodiac signs, but not introducing it into the horoscope. In a word, the functions and roles of this constellation are not completely clear; most astrologers agree that the introduction of this sign into the zodiac is unsafe for the astrological reputation, since in the future there will be problems with its identification and description. What is the element of Ophiuchus? Why, in fact, does the Sun in November, leaving the sign of Scorpio, pass into the power of a constellation that is still not zodiacal, etc.? All these are questions to which astrologers cannot give a definite answer.
Today we can only have general facts, ancient myths and the works of no less ancient researchers, for example Ptolemy.

Here's what we know:

The symbol of the Ophiuchus is the serpent; The Serpent is the only constellation in the sky consisting of two separate parts - the “Head of the Serpent” and the “Tail of the Serpent”; The 13th constellation of the zodiac is located inside the constellation Serpent, dividing it into the western and eastern parts. Dates of birth for Ophiuchus: December 27 - 17. People born during these 20 days can consider this constellation their zodiac sign.

There are also several myths known about this amazing constellation.

Myth one: the name of the constellation (Ophiuchus) appeared along with the legend about the god of healing Asclepius, the son of Apollo. The mighty and wise centaur Chiron himself taught Asclepius the art of healing with the help of medicines and poisons. Asclepius' skills were so great that people simply stopped dying. This did not please the god of the underworld Hades, who complained to Zeus. Zeus struck Asclepius with lightning and then placed him in heaven, along with a snake, with the venom of which he healed people. Since then, the snake has been an emblem of healing, and one of the constellations in the sky began to be called the constellation Serpent.

Second myth explains that with the constellation Serpens, which Ophiuchus divides into two parts, Hera, the wife of Zeus, according to Greek mythology, immortalized the image of one of the snakes with which she tried to kill Hercules. By the way, in ancient Greece two parts of the modern constellation of the Serpent, were considered independent constellations: “Head of the Serpent” and “Tail of the Serpent” were included by Ptolemy in the catalog of the starry sky, as individual and independent constellations.

It is also interesting that the constellation Ophiuchus in Sanskrit teachings is represented in the form of Krishna. This deity is depicted holding the tail of a serpent in his hand, and standing naked on the head of the monster. The legend of the birth of Krishna is in many ways similar to the ancient Greek myths about the god Asclepius.

The arrangement of stars in the constellation Serpens is also unique. The brightest star in this cluster, Ras Alhage, is located in close proximity to another notable star, Ras Algethi. In addition, in its shape, the constellation (Ophiuchus) resembles a pentagon, stretching across the ecliptic and the equator, which is unique for star clusters. If we take a closer look at the structural structure of the constellation, we will notice that not only Ras Algeti is located not far from the brightest star, but also a small 9.7m star, the so-called Barnard’s flying star. This star got its name in honor of the American astronomer who discovered it to the scientific world.

Ophiuchus sign in the horoscope and zodiac.

However, the 13th sign, Ophiuchus, is interesting not so much for its astronomical location as for its astrological role. Astrologers, who have been studying the charts of the starry sky for more than a year, attach special importance to this constellation. The characteristic of the Ophiuchus sign is amazing: it is believed that a person born during this period is endowed with infernal and absolutely opposite character traits. This constellation, covering a vast region of the equatorial sky, influencing a person, makes him persistent, and at the same time weak, wise, and at the same time committing stupid and rash acts. It is not for nothing that the zodiac belt consists of constellations that have remained unchanged for more than 3000 years; perhaps precisely because of its unpredictability, the sign “Ophiuchus” is not one of the main zodiac constellations.
Astrologers say that for a long time magicians and astrologers hid from people the fact of the existence of the thirteenth sign of the zodiac. Also, according to the myths, the knowledge and characteristics of Ophiuchus were inherited by the Aryans, the predecessors of the current European peoples, from some mysterious and disappeared civilization.

The dates of Ophiuchus, the description of the sign and some other information about this zodiac constellation were also preserved by the Hindu and Zoroastrian priests, as well as in astrology, which flourished in a number of Slavic states. The Slavs, by the way, were one of the few who knew that the Ophiuchus sign dominated the horoscope for only 20 days. Also, our ancestors knew that part of the influence of this constellation falls at the end of the Scorpio cycle, and part at the beginning of the Sagittarius Cycle. In most of the ancient symbolic horoscopes, which consisted of 12 parts, the Ophiuchus sign is contained as a multidimensional zodiac sign that has an entrance to other worlds, namely, to the mental and astral. Also, the ancients believed that people born under the 13th sign of the zodiac are subject to a parallel effect of 2 zodiac constellations (either the Serpent and Scorpio, or the Serpent and Sagittarius).

Zodiac: Ophiuchus is a secret sign.

For unknown reasons, this zodiac constellation does not have its own clear, specific place in the zodiac. Graphically, Ophiuchus the Serpent (meaning the constellation Serpens) is a projection of the Milky Way onto the circle of the zodiac. The time period of the influence of the Serpent and Scorpio, the numbers of Ophiuchus, which coincide with the numbers of Scorpio, are sometimes called the “burnt road,” which is a symbol of the path on which the most difficult trials await people. According to ancient Greek legends, at this time (during the influence of the Serpent), the son of the Sun, Phaeton, passing over the Earth in his fiery chariot, burned all life on our planet, after which monsters crawled to the surface from the darkness of space. The ancient Aryans associated Ophiuchus in the Zodiac with the king of the universe, Zakhak, who was seduced by the forces of Darkness. Zahkak always had man-eating snakes on his shoulders. It is no wonder that this god-king Arius later became a symbol of misfortune, hunger and death. In many ancient cultures, it is believed that for almost three weeks, when Ophiuchus is in power, people can only rely on their own strength, the gods during this period are deaf to their pleas. The constellation Serpent, which was not included in the zodiac, for ancient people is a symbol of fear, a weapon of evil, everything that is most insidious and terrible, a lie.

The Greeks believed that those who were able to overcome fear would be a free person. Those less fortunate in the future will face an unenviable repetition of the fate of the mythological Phaeton - the temptation of lies, the complete collapse of all hopes and ultimately death alone. It’s not for nothing that the moment of transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius is called the point of liberation. The 13th sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, was known to astronomers and astrologers of antiquity along with Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, however, it was the influence of the Serpent that the ancients feared most. It is quite possible that this is another reason why Ophiuchus was not included in the zodiac.
But not only the ancient “stargazers” took into account the influence of the constellation Serpent on human life and destiny; their modern colleagues also do this. Here is a small characteristic for the zodiac sign Ophiuchus:

If you were born between November 27 and December 17, then you are not a pure Scorpio or a pure Sagittarius, your sign is the Serpent with Scorpio traits, or the Serpent with Sagittarius traits, and the regular horoscopes for Scorpio and Sagittarius are only partly suitable for you. The Ophiuchus man and the woman of this sign are people of incredible, often difficult, but always amazing fate. You can easily forget about losses and get used to changes in your life. You can disappear forever, without farewell words, and leaving no traces behind you. Plus, both the Ophiuchus woman and the representatives of the stronger sex of this constellation have the ability of complete rebirth. Like a phoenix, they are able to rise from the dust, forgetting about their defeats and past failures.

Zodiac, Ophiuchus brings happiness and joy to some people, and gives grief and endless failures to others. However, regardless of your impact on the environment, people follow you, they are drawn to you. Ophiuchus people are hostages of their fate. They have little effect on the events in their lives, and on the circumstances that form in their environment. Everything is going as planned. Such people often have to move, they most in their lives they are on the road, on a kind of journey. This is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, constant movement is a symbol of impermanence. On the other hand, in his travels, the Ophiuchus zodiac can learn a lot of new things, learn and develop as a person.

The smartest representatives of the sign are the darlings of fate. Often they manage to achieve material well-being. Some may live a double life, having several families in different cities, and simultaneously belonging to several social groups. Ophiuchus in the horoscope is a kind of Chameleon that easily changes its skin, its color and overall appearance. Such a person is not characterized by one specific manner of behavior. He can turn the past into nothing with one movement of his hand, and make the future his main goal in life.

According to the horoscope, Ophiuchus is extremely a dangerous person, with whom it is better not to quarrel. Know that if you harm a man or woman of this sign, then big troubles will await you in return. This happens not because Ophiuchus is an evil sign, but because representatives of the constellation cannot forgive others for their hostile attitude towards themselves. When such a person leaves his habitual place of residence, he burns all bridges behind him, breaks all ties, and at the same time rewards those around him for their actions. If you were kind to such a person, expect “bonuses”. If all you did was put a spoke in his wheels, then trouble will await you in the future. No matter how the circumstances develop, no matter what happens around, Ophiuchus, who finds himself in the zodiac, will survive and continue his journey.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus and its characteristics.

Even the ancient Roman astrologer Manilius wrote that Ophiuchus people, born at the moment of the rise of this constellation, are completely harmless and surprisingly good-natured. Yes, “evil things” are happening around them, but the people of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign themselves rarely have anything to do with them.

Such people are not used to returning evil for evil. In the lives of people of this sign there is always a contrast - good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, fall and rebirth. There is no third option; their life is built exclusively on two opposing entities. The characteristics of the 13th sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus, are not simple, and the people of this constellation themselves are not simple. They can delight in destroying what they previously created in order to create something incredibly new, at the same time they are able to cling to absolutely unnecessary and useless things in their lives, for example, habits. The zodiac sign Ophiuchus is not constant, however, people of this constellation often become slaves to their habits, including harmful ones. Smoking, alcohol and many other things that would be better to get rid of are often the only constant in the life of Snakes.
The thirteenth sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus is not only a regularly changing and wandering person, it is also a person seeking new adventures, seeking challenges in his life. They are one of the few representatives of the zodiac who are capable of both grieving over missed opportunities to become stronger and rejoicing that another obstacle in their path was destroyed by itself. Ophiuchus, a zodiac sign whose dates of birth coincide with Sagittarius or Scorpio, is capable of literally immersing itself in the world of pleasures and intense joys. The bad thing is that life rarely gives them the opportunity to stop and enjoy what they have achieved, the joys that happen around them. If any other person, at a moment of complete harmony and balance, stops and prospers, the horoscope sign Ophiuchus will continue to move forward, and not always successfully. For such people there is no turning back, no stops or pauses, only a lifelong journey.

This is probably the only one zodiac sign, for which stops, inaction and conservatism are absolutely contraindicated. If he stops his wandering, there will immediately be a collapse and complete collapse, which will force him to move again. The man of the zodiac sign Ophiuchus, and even the women of this constellation, are accustomed to living only in such difficult, essentially inhuman conditions. But for them these are the only acceptable conditions of existence. Their whole life is a field of battles and incessant war.

It is extremely difficult to be surrounded by people whose symbol is the zodiac sign Ophiuchus. Yes, it can be interesting, but at the same time it is always restless and unsafe. In their realities, dizzying, at first glance, unexpected events can occur, from which everyone will suffer except the Serpents themselves. It is unfortunate, but the fact remains that snakes bring bad luck to people, and this also applies to snake people. As soon as you begin to get used to them, when you think that you have fully known and studied them, something unexpected and unusual will happen that will change your idea of ​​​​the people of this zodiac constellation.

Besides, it’s difficult to communicate with these people; you just don’t know how to approach them or what to say. The snake gives the impression of duality and originality, even contradiction, characteristic of reptiles. The zodiac sign Ophiuchus is able to bestow good luck to people born during its influence, however, it will not be lenient towards those who are simply surrounded by it.

One could understand that Snakes are extremely complex people, they are those who have two planets in their horoscope, located on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius, there are several sides of influence, and several completely different models behavior. This is a complex sign of spiritual insight, a sign that unites people, and at the same time scares them away, inspiring fear. Every year, in the fall, nature dies in order to be reborn again, and Ophiuchus does this. You must understand this if you want to become a permanent part of his life.


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