Mixer      06/20/2020

Insulation of the end walls of panel houses from the outside. How to insulate the walls of the facade of a panel house from the outside. What to do when it's cold in the apartment

Panel houses were considered chic during the Khrushchev era. Insulation of the facade of a panel house - a fast and cheap technology has made it possible to put into operation a huge number of square meters with which residents are still suffering. In the barren buildings with thin walls, it is sometimes too humid and cold. The inner surfaces of the walls are infected with a fungus, and mold can even start in the bathroom.

Figure 1. External insulation of the entire house.

The best option for all residents can be insulation of the facade of a panel house. Not only Khrushchevs suffer from such "diseases". Panel housing technology is still popular and far from perfect. Therefore, the method should be adopted by all residents of the "panels".

Any building structure can be insulated inside and out. In any case, we will get a cake that will consist of structural material and insulation. Insulation is a material with low thermal conductivity, the main task of which is to prevent loss heat from the apartment.

If you insulate the house from the inside, then there is a high probability of condensation on the inner layer of the wall behind the insulation. This is due to the fact that the air flow gradually heats up to temperature inside the building passing layer by layer of the pie from the building envelope. At some point, the temperature of the air flow reaches the dew point and condensation occurs. This is useful for the indoor climate, since less heat will be spent on heating dry air, but for structural materials such a shower threatens with huge problems.

If insulation is made from the outside, then the dew point will shift into the thickness of the insulation, which ideally should not harm. Benefits of outdoor insulation:

  1. Dew point offset.
  2. Protection of the enclosing structure from getting wet.
  3. Does not occupy the interior space of the apartment.
  4. Does not require high-quality and expensive vapor barrier.

Any heat engineer, if possible, will choose external insulation, this is also confirmed building codes and regulations. Usage internal insulation This is always a last resort or unprofessional.

Materials for wall insulation of panel houses from the outside

Today's market for thermal insulation materials is huge, but there are products that are deservedly considered classics. thermal insulation of a panel house from the outside.

Among these materials are:

  • mineral wool;
  • sandwich panels;
  • Styrofoam.

Figure 2. Expanded polystyrene for facade insulation.

We will analyze each of the options separately in order to understand what advantages this or that type of insulation brings.

Mineral wool

Mineral or stone wool commonly referred to as insulation based on extruded stone chips. The point of using stone is that a foamy slab with stable walls is obtained. The interior space is plates 90% filled with air. Today, air is the material with the lowest thermal conductivity. Therefore, all heaters include air.

In total, there are three types of mineral wool:

  1. Basalt mineral wool on a synthetic binder. This is the most popular option. If you hear someone talking about mineral wool, then most likely this type of insulation is meant. Mats made of this material are loved by all heating engineers for ease of installation, low cost and good thermal insulation performance. However, basalt wool is rarely used to insulate facade houses, since its installation requires a frame that needs to be thermally insulated separately so that cold bridges do not appear.
  2. Glass wool. Used everywhere for insulation in the last century. Now it is completely unsuitable as a heater: it constantly crumbles, quickly falls off and is extremely dangerous in installation. When installing basalt mineral wool slabs enough to use a respirator. To install glass wool blocks, you will have to protect the whole body. In addition, the thermal insulation characteristics of the material are very mediocre.
  3. Mineral wool based on cellulose. The name speaks for itself. This is a flammable insulation made from foamed paper residues. The main advantage that manufacturers are trying to cling to is environmental friendliness. But the insulation copes with its task poorly, and therefore there is no particular point in using it.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are primarily used due to the possibility quick installation. By itself, the panel is a heater sandwiched between two layers of structural material. Acts as a heater:

  1. Foamed polyurethane. High-quality, but expensive material. It is unprofitable to use it to insulate the facade of an apartment building. But a sandwich panel with such a heater is perfect for a private house.
  2. Mineral wool. This insulation has already been mentioned earlier, all its properties are transferred here completely. The use of sandwich panels protects the mineral wool board from precipitation, facilitating installation.
  3. Styrofoam. These are the most popular sandwich panels. The insulation used makes them light and quite effective.


Styrofoam- this is the most popular material in Russia for the insulation of building facades. The undoubted advantage of this insulation is that it is absolutely not affected by moisture, when the basalt mineral wool slab turns into tatters over time. As a rule, the service life of such a heater does not exceed 10 years. Styrofoam manufacturers guarantee 30 to 50 years of service.

Figure 3. Insulation of the facade with foam.

Styrofoam is attached to the facade with dowels or special glue. And most often both methods are combined to create a reliable fastening.

Ways of external insulation of facades

In total, there are two mounting method insulation on the facade of the building:

  1. Dry method or ventilated facade.
  2. wet method.

Each of the technologies has its own advantages, so we will consider each option separately.

Facade insulation ventilated facade

The dry method does not involve the use of mixtures with the addition of water. In order to create heat-insulating layer by this method, a thermal shield is made of heaters, which are covered with shield materials. The materials already considered by us are used as heaters. A ventilated facade is called because a small air gap is left between the shield material and the insulation to ventilate the insulation.

Wet facade insulation

This method involves warming facade surface with specialized blends water based. These mixtures may have a different composition. IN Lately cellulose-based foam insulation is increasingly being used. The main advantage of this method: filling all the cracks and holes. The wet method does not leave cold bridges through which heat can flow out of the room.

Warming technology

Regardless of the used insulation installation technology, procedure wall preparation required. All materials are purchased before installation. Buying additional consumables in the process is a poor calculation of materials, which can lead to poor-quality installation of insulation.

Preparation of materials

As a rule, workers have an overall plan of the building. So the required amount material can always be calculated. This is the area of ​​the walls minus the area of ​​the windows. The resulting area of ​​\u200b\u200binsulation must be increased by 20 percent. Based on the consumption per area of ​​​​insulation, fasteners are calculated, the required tools are pretended to be. Approximate consumption of fasteners per sq.m. insulation is contained on the websites of manufacturers.

All styrofoam sheets or mineral wool boards must be unpacked on the ground, laid out and molded. As a rule, any insulation is easily cut with a saw or a special knife.

Necessary materials and tools

In addition to insulation, you will have to purchase a sealant for seam sealing. Different heaters require different consumables. In the case of using foam, you need to buy a reinforcing mesh, plaster, glue and dowels.

For mineral wool, self-tapping screws and iron slats will be required. Self-tapping screws and glue - needed for mounting sandwich panels.

Here is a sample list of surface insulation tools building:

  1. scaffolding for work at height;
  2. a set of spatulas for sealing joints, preparing walls and applying glue;
  3. drill;
  4. insurance.

After all the tools are ready, and the materials are molded, you can begin the installation of insulation.

Wall preparation

First of all, the old coating is removed: plaster and cracked paint are peeled off the surface wall panel Houses. Without fail, it is necessary to coat all joints with putty and seal all cracks in the panels with plaster or mortar. Installation of insulation is carried out only on the most clean, even wall. If the wall is sloping, this must be taken into account during installation. How exactly - we will tell a little later.

Figure 4. Insulation of the facade of a multi-storey building.

After the walls are prepared, you can begin the installation of insulation. In detail, we will describe only the installation of foam, as the most popular and effective material.

Insulation installation

On the wall glue is applied one after the other, foam plates are attached from the bottom up.

Important! If the wall is uneven, then glue can level it, but not more than 2 cm. For large distortions, you will have to come up with a more expensive method.

After all the plates are glued, you need to additionally attach the foam with dowels. To do this, a hole is drilled through the plate, which should reach the wall in length. After that, an expansion umbrella is inserted and the dowel is clogged. The umbrella should be on the same surface with the rest of the insulation plane, for this it needs to be drowned a little. This is necessary for subsequent reinforcement. Nothing complicated in installation of foam no, this is a fairly fast and reliable way to provide thermal protection for a building.

Insulation of interpanel seams

When preparing the walls, it is necessary to make sealing of interpanel seams. For this you need:

  1. open joint.
  2. Clean the seam from old putty, sealant and dirt.
  3. The next step is to prepare the substrate for the new insulation. To do this, the seam is filled with mounting foam.
  4. A heat-insulating tube is sunk into the foam that has not yet hardened.
  5. The tube is foaming at the top. After hardening, the excess foam is cut off.
  6. The entire joint is sealed with sealant.

When installing the insulation, it is impossible that its joints coincide with the joints of the panels. It is better to do everything with an overlap.


Styrofoam does not need shield materials, like mineral wool. However, this is a fragile material, so it is covered with plaster. To do this, the insulation is reinforced, after which the iron mesh is attached to the surface with dowels.

Figure 5. External wall insulation.

For multi-storey buildings, reinforcement is done end-to-end. The overlapping process can lead to delamination of the plaster layer. As preparation for reinforcement dowel holes are created. After the mesh is stretched, pins are driven into these holes.


The reinforced surface must be primed before puttying. It is better to apply the primer in 3 layers, and plaster immediately after drying.


Plastering and painting, allows you to hide the foam under beautiful facade. Not a single person will notice the joints between the panels of the house or sheets of insulation. At the same time, the house will look updated, as if after a major overhaul.


Paint the plaster with waterproof paints. If the insulation budget is large enough, then you can use insulation paint to fix the material. However, this pleasure is not cheap, so you should think twice about such expenses.

Particularly difficult sections of the walls

Corners and windows are considered especially difficult areas. To insulate corners without fail sealant is used. You will have to put a high-quality double-glazed window in the window openings, and still close the end parts with foam plastic, followed by reinforcement and plaster. Do not forget that after the final finishing, the facade of the building should look like a single whole.

Living in a panel house is not always comfortable, because in winter the facade can freeze, moisture can accumulate on it, and mold can form. This leads to peeling of the wallpaper and an uncomfortable microclimate in the room - the temperature in the room is below a comfortable level. This is due to the properties of the walls of the panel structure, which are not characterized by resistance to changes in temperature and high humidity. To solve this problem, you will have to insulate the walls, and this must be done from the outside.

Photo of the insulated facade of a panel house

Insulation options

Insulation of a panel house from the outside allows you to stop the outflow of heat through the concrete. An additional layer of thermal insulation will protect against the damaging effects of external factors. On the market today you can find many that can be used for insulation inside or out.

Warming inside

For a panel house, insulation from the inside will only make the situation worse. This is due to the movement of the dew point, which will move closer to the inside of the wall. In practice, this means that moisture will accumulate in the walls with even greater force - both the wall and the insulation will get wet, so the life of the facade will be significantly reduced. To avoid such a situation, and at the same time reduce the usable area of ​​​​the apartment and destroy the design, it is worth giving preference to the insulation of a panel house.

Warming outside

The difficulty lies in the fact that the insulation of a panel house with a large number of floors is possible only with the help of climbing equipment. It is clear that it is almost impossible to get money to pay specialists and purchase building materials from public utilities. Moreover, an attempt to insulate the house at the expense of the residents also does not always meet with understanding among all project participants. Therefore, you can take the path of least resistance and insulate a separate apartment.

The main advantages of external insulation:

  • No need to break interior decoration premises;
  • The internal usable area of ​​the apartment is preserved;
  • Fortified supporting structure"panels", that is, the building is strengthened, which has a positive effect on the service life;
  • The insulation is an additional sound insulator;
  • The temperature inside the room rises at the same heating costs, since the walls are protected from freezing - heat losses through the panel box are reduced.

How to choose a heater

When choosing a heater for outdoor work, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • The climate of the region in which the panel house is located
  • Wind rose and precipitation
  • Available budget
  • Local features, for example, the design project of the facade of the building.

For the calculation of the estimate and the creation of the project, you must contact the management company or the HOA, while the team of industrial climbers will directly deal with the insulation

Thermal conductivity scheme for building insulation

Types of insulation for panel houses

The following materials can be used for thermal insulation of a panel house:

· mineral wool

It is one of the most popular outdoor heaters. This is due to good performance characteristics, in particular, low thermal conductivity. At the same time, mineral wool is hygroscopic, so it is important to isolate it from moisture. Otherwise thermal insulation properties are leveled. For this purpose, it is necessary to lay a vapor-permeable membrane under the insulation layer - it will protect the mineral wool from moisture. It is also possible to equip an air gap in a ventilated facade - in this case, a membrane is not needed.

Extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene

And extruded polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, penoplex also have low thermal conductivity, so they can be used as heaters for a panel house. Moreover, if you choose from these materials, then most often foam is used as a heat insulator.

This material attracts with its lightness, moreover, such plates are easily attached to the wall. In addition to thermal insulation, they provide additional insulation from sounds from the street. At the same time, when choosing a material, it is important to note the marking - it should be G1 foam, which means “does not support independent combustion. If the foam is flammable, then it cannot be used. It is worth considering that the labeling does not always correspond to the real state of affairs. Therefore, when buying a heat-insulating material, it is necessary to request a certificate for the product - it must comply with GOST 30244-94.

External insulation

Carrying out work on the insulation of the facade of a multi-storey building

Insulation of the facade of a panel house is carried out in the following steps:

Preparatory stage

Surface preparation of the facade is necessary - the end walls of the panel house are leveled, the plates are cleaned of plaque. It is also important to seal voids, cracks, and panel joints are sealed. If necessary, it is worth laying a sealant between the joints, while a special mastic is used to seal the cracks. Roughness of the surface of the walls within two centimeters is allowed - such a deviation can not be closed. When all materials are dry, the wall is impregnated with a universal primer, which is applied using a sprayer or roller.

Insulation installation

Since in the vast majority of cases for thermal insulation panel houses it is foam plastic that is used, it is worth considering the installation technology of this insulation. You can fix the foam by the following methods: put the plates on glue, fix or connect these two options, it is the most reliable choice. The direction of gluing is from bottom to top. In this case, pasting begins with the installation of the starting bar.

After that, we begin to apply glue to the surface of the panel house - the technologies used directly depend on the quality of the walls. If they are even, then you can apply glue with a comb. If, as is often the case, the walls are uneven, then the glue simply pounces onto the surface. It is important to carefully fill the seams with glue. All this allows you to get rid of voids under the heat insulator. It is not necessary to apply glue to the foam.

Installation of foam on the wall

The option when the glue is applied to the foam, and not to the house, is not suitable in this case, since the voids under the insulation will become natural cold bridges, which will reduce the effectiveness of the entire event as a whole.

Styrofoam is applied to the glue layer and pressed well. After gluing all the plates, you need to leave them alone for a few days. During this period, the adhesive solution will dry and shrink, after which it will be possible to perform the next stage of work. As for fixing the plates with dowels, you can choose plastic fungi. This is due to the lightness and low strength of the foam - such fasteners will save the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

It is worth paying attention to the gaps - they must be filled with mounting foam, cutting off the excess after the material hardens.

As for the dowel caps, they must be covered with an adhesive mixture. All the irregularities remaining after the glue has dried can be removed with ordinary sandpaper.

Reinforcement preparation

The fragility of the foam is a serious drawback, so the insulation needs to be reinforced - it is enough to glue a thin mesh. Such protection should prevent the destruction of the foam due to atmospheric phenomena and other adverse factors.

Preparation for reinforcement is as follows: first, the corners are pasted over, after which you can proceed to pasting the walls themselves. To simplify the process, grids with ready-made corners are used, which minimizes time. If there are no such grids, then you will have to make corners from a regular grid. It is enough to cut off a long strip 30 centimeters wide and bend it at an angle - this design is pressed against the corner of the house smeared with glue. In general, cutting the mesh into fragments greatly simplifies the installation itself, which makes it possible to successively cover the areas smeared with glue with fragments. At the same time, the mesh should overlap at the junction.

Is internal insulation effective - pros and cons. How not to make a mistake in the choice of material?

How to safely insulate your home from the inside

Internal insulation is recognized as irrational, but it is much easier to insulate an apartment from the inside than from the outside, especially on high floors apartment building.

This does not require additional equipment and no need to resort to the help of high-altitude specialists.

That's just the choice of insulation must be approached responsibly, because inside the apartment there must be absolutely environmentally friendly material.

When wall insulation is not possible from the outside

External insulation has many advantages, but it is not always possible to use it. Cases when insulation from the street is unacceptable:

  • facade work on buildings that are of historical value, as architectural monuments, is prohibited;
  • when the design of the building does not allow making changes to the facade;
  • if the wall is located near the expansion joint;
  • if the building houses a shop, bank, government agency or other services.

In such cases, the room will have to be insulated from the inside.

Is it possible to insulate indoors

When the inner surface is insulated, an amazing fact occurs - the wall not only does not become warmer, it even begins to freeze. This is because the outer side of the wall is not heated by room air due to the insulation.

Condensation from warm air accumulates on the inner surface of the wall, destroying it and the finishing layer. In this case, thermal insulation is disturbed and heat loss increases, therefore, for internal insulation, it is necessary to choose a material with minimal moisture absorption.

In addition, when carrying out work on internal thermal insulation, the following rules are observed:

  • it is necessary to design the process of warming with the minimum amount seams or their complete absence, so that condensate does not penetrate into the space between the wall and the insulation;
  • install additional ventilation to avoid high humidity.

If you do not create conditions for additional ventilation, fungus and mold colonies can form on the walls.

Another important fact is that internal insulation "steals" the area near the room.

Efficient Materials

At the moment there is no universal insulation, each has positive and negative qualities.

For internal insulation, a thermal insulator is chosen, which has low vapor permeability and water absorption, and a structure with minimal fibrousness.

mineral wool

Rocks or metallurgical slags are used as raw materials for the production of mineral wool.

Cotton wool obtained from slag is no different good quality, it is short-lived, therefore it is suitable for thermal insulation of temporary structures. Mineral wool obtained from rocks is used for thermal insulation of capital buildings.

Properties of mineral wool:

  • fire and heat resistance - at high temperatures it does not deform and does not lose its properties;
  • chemical and biological resistance - immune to chemicals, the appearance of mold and insects;
  • durability - service life - about 80 years;
  • during installation, the insulation is easy to give the desired shape.

The most demanded material, the general name of mineral heaters: slag wool, basalt and fiberglass.


The manufacturing technology of this material is constantly being improved, so components harmful to humans have been removed from it, and the insulation itself has become more environmentally friendly.

Expanded polystyrene is roll insulation, a type of gas-foamed foam, an extruded, non-pressed polymer is used for insulation. It has such positive qualities:

  • excellent thermal insulator;
  • not subject to deformation;
  • vapor-resistant, waterproof;
  • withstands a temperature range from +70 to -50 degrees;
  • convenient for installation.

Provides good thermal protection with a layer thickness of 2 cm.


  • when heated to more than 80 degrees of heat, it begins to release toxic substances;
  • does not have flexibility, under the influence of force begins to crumble;
  • flammable, when burned, gas is released, which is a mortal danger to humans.

Expanded polystyrene cannot be used to insulate walls in baths, steam rooms and saunas.

polyurethane foam

Refers to a type of plastic. It contains a high content of gaseous substances, which provides good thermal protection. Technological characteristics depend on the method of processing the initial raw materials, the best material is considered to be two-component and sprayed.

With its performance, polyurethane is much superior to similar heat insulators, in addition, new technologies are being invented that allow even better results to be achieved.


This is a type of expanded polystyrene, which is produced using a special extrusion technology. Penoplex - a finely porous material, consists of the smallest, isolated from each other, air grains.

Penoplex properties:

  • low level of vapor absorption;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • resistant to alkalis and saline solutions.

Solvents, acetone, gasoline, formaldehyde have a negative effect on penoplex.

Liquid ceramics and foil insulation

Liquid insulation is just beginning to take over the market. This is the thinnest insulation, but it provides the same thermal protection as mineral wool, with a layer of 50 mm.

In appearance, it resembles ordinary paint, but its structure, consisting of the smallest vacuum particles, turns the material into thermal paint.

Warm plaster is an energy-saving insulator that has noise, thermal and waterproofing properties.

Foil insulation prevents heat from escaping from the room due to the reflective surface. They serve not as the main heat insulator, but as an addition to the main type of insulation.

Electric floor heating

An electric mat is attached to the wall, which serves as a heater. Then it is covered with a layer of another insulator - mineral wool, foam plastic or other material. Due to heating, moisture will not accumulate inside the wall.

How to properly insulate the corner apartment of an apartment building

The corner apartment has a big minus - its walls freeze harder and the room is always damp and cold. Condensation collects in the corners, which contributes to the appearance of fungus, so the corner room requires more insulation than another room.

Of course, it is better to insulate it from the outside, but this is not always possible.

In such an apartment, 2 walls at once are subject to atmospheric influence, and their joining point must be especially carefully insulated.

Before starting the laying of the insulator, the walls are treated antifungal drugs, give it a good soak, after which they proceed to the main work. The material is chosen with a vapor barrier film so that condensation does not accumulate in the corner.

Wall cladding with the heat insulators discussed above or taking additional measures to conserve heat will help reduce heat loss:

  • flush the radiators and thereby increase the degree of heating;
  • add heating sections to batteries;
  • reinstall batteries closer to a cold corner.

In the corner room, it is necessary to install heat-retaining windows or stick an energy-saving film on them.

Is it possible to insulate with outdoor materials

Materials that are intended for external work cannot be used for internal thermal insulation, they can be hazardous to human and animal health.

Under the influence of temperature, they release toxic substances that accumulate in the human body and cause chronic diseases. For example, being in a room insulated with foam plastic, people began to have headaches and spasms.

In addition, some outdoor materials are flammable.

Thermal insulation methods

Depending on the selected materials, the following methods of thermal insulation are used:

  • wall insulation with sheet or roll insulators;
  • liquid heaters– a thin layer of solution provides reliable energy protection;
  • ecowool - a loose thermal insulator, it is soaked before use;
  • liquid ceramic - applied with a sprayer or manually with a roller.

Mask an energy-saving wall with wallpaper, decorative trim or tiles.

How to insulate the walls of the house from the inside so that they are not cold: the progress of work

To avoid mistakes when performing internal thermal insulation, work is performed in the following sequence:

  • wall preparation - clean the walls to plaster;
  • waterproofing - polymers or plastic wrap are applied to the walls, the edges are fastened with construction tape;
  • mounted metal or wooden crate, the tree is treated with an antiseptic and anti-flammable agent;
  • insulation is applied to the space between the crate;
  • a vapor barrier film is mounted, the place of its joints is treated with a sealant.

The final moment - the lining is installed: plasterboard sheets, wooden lining, plasterboard or other finishing materials.

In order for the house to always be warm, comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to minimize heat loss due to additional wall decoration. Insulation will be of high quality if you choose the right material and follow the instructions for installing a thermal insulator.

Useful video

Options for insulating the walls of panel houses

Modern technologies present two options for insulating the surfaces of the walls of an apartment building: from the inside and outside. Both options will solve the problem of low room temperature and rapid heat loss. More were installed in panel houses cast iron radiators with excellent heating qualities, but due to the thinness of the walls and their direct contact with frosty air, the efficiency of radiators is significantly reduced.

Both options are suitable for this, but their implementation is radically different, so you need to determine a simpler and more economical one that you can do yourself.

External insulation

Insulation of the facade of a panel house is carried out in the following steps:

Preparatory stage

Surface preparation of the facade is necessary - the end walls of the panel house are leveled, the plates are cleaned of plaque

It is also important to seal voids, cracks, and panel joints are sealed. If necessary, it is worth laying a sealant between the joints, while a special mastic is used to seal the cracks

Roughness of the surface of the walls within two centimeters is allowed - such a deviation can not be closed. When all materials are dry, the wall is impregnated with a universal primer, which is applied using a sprayer or roller.

Insulation installation

Since in the vast majority of cases it is foam plastic that is used for thermal insulation of panel houses, it is worth considering the installation technology of this insulation. You can fix the foam using the following methods: put the plates on glue, fasten with dowels, or connect these two options, this is the most reliable choice. The direction of gluing is from bottom to top. In this case, pasting begins with the installation of the starting bar.

After that, we begin to apply glue to the surface of the panel house - the technologies used directly depend on the quality of the walls. If they are even, then you can apply glue with a comb. If, as is often the case, the walls are uneven, then the glue simply pounces onto the surface.

It is important to carefully fill the seams with glue. All this allows you to get rid of voids under the heat insulator

It is not necessary to apply glue to the foam.

The option when the glue is applied to the foam, and not to the house, is not suitable in this case, since the voids under the insulation will become natural cold bridges, which will reduce the effectiveness of the entire event as a whole.

Styrofoam is applied to the glue layer and pressed well. After gluing all the plates, you need to leave them alone for a few days. During this period, the adhesive solution will dry and shrink, after which it will be possible to perform the next stage of work. As for fixing the plates with dowels, you can choose plastic fungi. This is due to the lightness and low strength of the foam - such fasteners will save the facade from unnecessary heat loss.

As for the dowel caps, they must be covered with an adhesive mixture. All the irregularities remaining after the glue has dried can be removed with ordinary sandpaper.

Reinforcement preparation

The fragility of the foam is a serious drawback, so the insulation needs to be reinforced - it is enough to glue a thin mesh. Such protection should prevent the destruction of the foam due to atmospheric phenomena and other adverse factors.

Preparation for reinforcement is as follows: first, the corners are pasted over, after which you can proceed to pasting the walls themselves. To simplify the process, grids with ready-made corners are used, which minimizes time. If there are no such grids, then you will have to make corners from a regular grid. It is enough to cut off a long strip 30 centimeters wide and bend it at an angle - this design is pressed against the corner of the house smeared with glue. In general, cutting the mesh into fragments greatly simplifies the installation itself, which makes it possible to successively cover the areas smeared with glue with fragments. At the same time, the mesh should overlap at the junction.

After gluing the mesh, it is necessary to wait for the glue to dry, after which it remains to clean the excess solution with a plastic grater and remove irregularities.


Before finishing, a leveling layer is applied to the entire treated facade. After that, it is necessary to apply a primer and a layer of plaster. The final step is to paint the wall, preferably in a color that will not stand out too much against the background of the main color of a multi-storey panel house.


The modern construction market offers a frighteningly large selection of thermal insulation materials. The "ordinary" man in the street, not familiar with the specifics of the work, the head is spinning from such a variety. This is what unscrupulous sellers use, instilling the idea "the more expensive, the better." Today we will not consider all options for insulating the exterior walls of a house, but we will talk about the most inexpensive, high-quality and proven materials over the years.


Among the most popular heaters, foam plastic occupies a special place. This inexpensive material that properly performs its intended function. It is perfect for outdoor insulation, as it provides 100% thermal insulation, regardless of air humidity and temperature changes.

This material is non-toxic and fireproof, however, a reservation should be made here. The foam itself does not burn, but melts and at the same time emits black acrid smoke, which is hazardous to health. But if you follow the safety measures, it will last a long time and faithfully. In confirmation of the words about non-toxicity and harmlessness to health, the fact that even children's goods and food products are packed in polystyrene foam.

Polyfoam is not affected by mold, fungi and insects. It does not deteriorate, does not swell and does not shrink, retaining its original shape. The service life of the material is from 20 to 50 years, depending on the quality.

External insulation of the walls of the house with foam allows not only to protect interior from the vagaries of the weather, but also transforms the house from the outside. The material creates a very convenient surface for finishing, ranging from relief plaster, ending with siding or slabs.

Working with foam plastic is quick and easy, it is enough to have basic skills and equipment.

Stages of insulation of the outer walls of the house with foam:

  1. Prepare the walls by removing dust and dirt with a construction brush. If there are cracks and chips, repair them with plaster so that the foam sticks well.
  2. Glue the foam plastic with a special compound on a pre-primed wall. You need to glue the sheets in a checkerboard pattern, tightly pressing against each other. To keep the material well, additionally fix it with plastic dowels.
  3. Install fiberglass mesh over the boards. To do this, apply a thick layer of glue of 5 mm to the sheets and “drown” the mesh in it.
  4. It remains only to plaster the surface, cover it with facade paint or perform any other finish.


Today you can often hear advertisements for high-quality and reliable foam insulation, which is why many believe that this is the name of the material. In fact, the material is called extruded polystyrene foam, and it is produced under the Penoplex brand.

Extruded polystyrene foam is used for internal and external insulation of houses of any type. Today it is one of the most popular materials, and this is due to its excellent performance.

Penoplex advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high density;
  • retains heat better than foam;
  • high strength;
  • high density;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • absolute fire safety (ignition temperature 500C, which is unrealistic at home);
  • durability;
  • ease of work with the material;
  • relatively low cost, which quickly pays off.

Unfortunately, ideal building materials do not yet exist, therefore, even with such a large list of advantages, penoplex also has disadvantages. The most obvious is poor adhesion. Since the material is very dense, it does not absorb adhesives well, so it is difficult to stick it to a vertical surface. To do this, additional fixation is made with dowels, however, most builders recommend using penoplex for internal insulation.

External insulation of the walls of the house with foam plastic is best done in the basement area, since even additional fixation of the material will not insure it from damage. In other words, it very quickly begins to fall off and spoils appearance building. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plinths, you can make a ventilation space or use an outer layer of waterproofing to prevent wetting and destruction of the adhesive layer.

Wall insulation from the inside in a corner apartment

If you have dealt with buying or selling apartments, then you have noticed that buyers are not very fond of corner apartments or rooms. What is it connected with? Although in summer such an apartment is much easier to ventilate, the view from the windows opens on two or even three sides.

But there is one significant downside. Very often, with the advent of frost, residents of corner apartments suffer from insufficient heat. If the outside temperature is around zero, and heating season has not yet begun, uncomfortable conditions are created inside such an apartment. Dampness appears in the corners, the windows fog up, the floor becomes cold, and the bed is damp.

The main reason for this is the presence of three walls that have an exit to the outside, and therefore are most affected by low temperatures. In winter, even with central heating, the situation only gets worse.

The walls can freeze completely, especially in the corners, the interior decoration will begin to fall off, mold and fungus will appear. Being in such an apartment will not only be uncomfortable, but also not safe, especially for children. After all, they are most susceptible to the appearance of diseases, the cause of which is high humidity air.

What to do in such a situation? Many try to install additional heating radiators, but this, most often, does not solve the problem or solves it, but not completely. Dampness is displaced under the ceiling, forming places where mold accumulates.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation? The best solution is that you need to try to insulate the walls. How can I do that? How to carry out internal insulation? We'll try to figure it out now. What is the best way to insulate the walls of the apartment from the inside? First, let's look at what insulation materials exist.

Types of insulation

The choice of what material is better to insulate the walls from the outside is influenced by:

  • location of the panel house in a certain climatic region,
  • rainfall, wind strength and speed,
  • allocated budget for the insulation of a panel house,
  • other individual factors.

The estimate and project for the work is usually Management Company or HOA. And the team of industrial climbers directly performs the process of warming from the outside.

For panel houses, two types of insulation are mainly used:

Mineral wool

For outdoor work, it is convenient to work with mineral wool slabs, which are produced by various manufacturers. She has good performance in terms of basic characteristics, including thermal conductivity. However, care must be taken to ensure that mineral wool does not get wet, otherwise it will lose its thermal insulation properties. To do this, a vapor-permeable membrane is laid under the insulation layer, which will protect it from vapors.

When finishing with a ventilated facade, condensate from the walls of the house will be removed due to the air gap and the membrane can be omitted.


Differs in ease, simplicity when laying plates on a wall. It also has good parameters for heat and sound insulation.

For outdoor work, it is important to use a material that does not support self-combustion. Manufacturers mark it with the G1 marking, however, the results of many tests confirm that the foam is flammable, and this name does not meet the requirements of GOST 30244-94

When buying a heater, be sure to ask the seller for product certificates.

The insulation of a panel house from the outside is limited by the thickness of the insulating material. The maximum foam thickness for walls is calculated using special formulas, taking into account average temperatures in a certain climatic region and the purpose of the building (residential, public, industrial).

Insulation options

Insulation of a panel house from the outside allows you to stop the outflow of heat through the concrete. An additional layer of thermal insulation will protect against the damaging effects of external factors. On the market today you can find many materials that can be used for insulation inside or outside.

Warming inside

For a panel house, insulation from the inside will only make the situation worse. This is due to the movement of the dew point, which will move closer to the inside of the wall. In practice, this means that moisture will accumulate in the walls with even greater force - both the wall and the insulation will get wet, so the life of the facade will be significantly reduced. To avoid such a situation, and at the same time reduce the usable area of ​​​​the apartment and destroy the design, it is worth giving preference to the insulation of the panel house from the outside.

Warming outside

The difficulty lies in the fact that the insulation of a panel house with a large number of floors is possible only with the help of climbing equipment. It is clear that it is almost impossible to get money to pay specialists and purchase building materials from public utilities. Moreover, an attempt to insulate the house at the expense of the residents also does not always meet with understanding among all project participants. Therefore, you can take the path of least resistance and insulate a separate apartment.

The main advantages of external insulation:

  • There is no need to violate the interior decoration of the premises;
  • The internal usable area of ​​the apartment is preserved;
  • The supporting structure of the “panel” is strengthened, that is, the building is strengthened, which has a positive effect on the service life;
  • The insulation is an additional sound insulator;
  • The temperature inside the room rises at the same heating costs, since the walls are protected from freezing - heat losses through the panel box are reduced.

Installation of insulation on brick walls

How to insulate brick walls inside an apartment with your own hands? corner walls V brick house can be insulated using the same method as in the panel. Therefore, we will analyze the work of installing a material made of polystyrene.

Wall insulation in the apartment from the inside:

  • clean the walls down to the plaster. If it is missing, then it should be applied. After that, the walls must be leveled, cracks repaired and then treated with a primer;
  • you need to prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's recommendations and apply it to the walls that you will insulate. In the beginning, you can use a regular spatula. It is necessary to apply glue to them on the walls, then take a notched trowel and re-walk around the entire perimeter. This is done in order to create an uneven surface of the glue. This contributes to better bonding of the insulation;
  • how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside? Next, we take sheets of heat insulator and begin to install them on the walls. First of all, the bottom row is laid. We tightly apply the polystyrene sheet and push it through, you can not use dowels or other fastening materials. When installing, we use a level and carefully join the edges so that cracks do not form, if necessary, cut the sheets. The next row is set so that the junction of the two sheets falls in the middle of the bottom sheet. This will give great durability to the entire structure.

Watch the surface of the insulation so that bumps do not form, because during the final finishing this will bring additional difficulties.

after you have installed the thermal insulation, you can proceed to finishing work. If you plan to cover the walls with drywall, then no additional work on the insulation is required. If you plan to cover it with a layer of plaster, putty, wallpaper, painting, then you need to treat it with a primer, then install a reinforcing fiber mesh. After that, you can start applying layers of plaster or putty.

By following these steps, you can insulate a corner room from the inside.

The method of work on the insulation of walls from the inside

Glue-foam is best suited for gluing foam boards.

Heaters in the apartment on concrete walls are fastened from the inside under false plasterboard walls. If you took the path of least resistance and chose stone wool or, in extreme cases, foam plastic as thermal insulation, then there should not be any difficulties in the work. How to insulate a corner apartment in a panel house:

  • installation of structures made of metal profiles;
  • laying under the thermal insulation guides on glue - you need to create a monolithic screen, so there should be no gaps at the joints;
  • sheathing of a metal structure with plasterboard.

On drywall after it has been puttied, you can glue any finish: tiles, wallpaper, decorative stones, papier-mâché, or simply paint. There are situations when it blows strongly from the corners. In this case, the question arises of how to insulate the corners in a panel house? Alternatively, you can simply blow them out with mounting foam from the inside or cover the joints of the plates with sealant. This should help, but if capital measures are needed, then it is necessary to insulate the interpanel seams from the outside. There is a technique called "Warm Seam". It involves cleaning the seam from all contents, filling it with special polyurethane foam, Vilaterma gasket and sealing the seam with mastic.

Materials for wall insulation of panel houses from the outside

Today's market for thermal insulation materials is huge, but there are products that are deservedly considered classics. thermal insulation of a panel house from the outside

Among these materials are:

  • mineral wool;
  • sandwich panels;
  • Styrofoam.

We will analyze each of the options separately in order to understand what advantages this or that type of insulation brings.

Mineral wool

Mineral or stone wool
commonly referred to as insulation based on extruded stone chips. The point of using stone is that a foamy slab with stable walls is obtained. The interior space is plates
90% filled with air. Today, air is the material with the lowest thermal conductivity. Therefore, all heaters include air.

In total, there are three types of mineral wool:

  1. Basalt mineral wool on a synthetic binder. This is the most popular option. If you hear someone talking about mineral wool, then most likely this type of insulation is meant. Mats made of this material are loved by all heating engineers for ease of installation, low cost and good thermal insulation performance. However, basalt wool is rarely used to insulate facade houses, since its installation requires a frame that needs to be thermally insulated separately so that cold bridges do not appear.
  2. Glass wool. Used everywhere for insulation in the last century. Now it is completely unsuitable as a heater: it constantly crumbles, quickly falls off and is extremely dangerous in installation. When installing basalt mineral wool slabs
    enough to use a respirator. To install glass wool blocks, you will have to protect the whole body. In addition, the thermal insulation characteristics of the material are very mediocre.
  3. Mineral wool based on cellulose. The name speaks for itself. This is a flammable insulation made from foamed paper residues. The main advantage that manufacturers are trying to cling to is environmental friendliness. But the insulation copes with its task poorly, and therefore there is no particular point in using it.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are used primarily due to the possibility of quick installation. By itself, the panel is a heater sandwiched between two layers of structural material. Acts as a heater:

  1. Foamed polyurethane. High-quality, but expensive material. It is unprofitable to use it to insulate the facade of an apartment building. But a sandwich panel with such a heater is perfect for a private house.
  2. Mineral wool. This insulation has already been mentioned earlier, all its properties are transferred here completely. The use of sandwich panels protects the mineral wool board from precipitation, facilitating installation.
  3. Styrofoam. These are the most popular sandwich panels. The insulation used makes them light and quite effective.


- this is the most popular material in Russia for the insulation of building facades. The undoubted advantage of this insulation is that it is absolutely not affected by moisture, when the basalt mineral wool slab turns into tatters over time. As a rule, the service life of such a heater does not exceed 10 years. Styrofoam manufacturers guarantee 30 to 50 years of service.

Styrofoam is attached to the facade with dowels
or special glue. And most often both methods are combined to create a reliable fastening.

What you need to work on the insulation of a room in an apartment building

Insulation work will require due skill and attention, but it is easy to cope with this if you clearly follow the technology and have the necessary tools at hand. Here is a list of what you might need:

  • construction stapler;
  • mounting foam;
  • sealant gun;
  • screwdriver;
  • puncher or powerful drill;
  • construction knife;
  • stairs or goats;
  • hammer;
  • self-tapping screws for metal;
  • metal corners;
  • liquid level;
  • thread;
  • sickle;
  • putty knife;
  • liquid nails for outdoor work;
  • plastic fungi for fixing foam;
  • vapor barrier film.

The specified list may be wider depending on the installation method, but you can easily get by with what is listed. With everything you need, you can get to work. Remember that it is better to ventilate the room well, and carry out noisy work only at the permitted time of the day in order to avoid conflicts with neighbors.


By their own technical specifications work on the installation of a heat-saving coating in a panel house from the inside is carried out from the following common materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foil (reflective) thermal insulation;
  • insulation paint.

When installing a light insulating wall cladding without sewing on top with strong sheets of insulation slab (polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, stone basalt wool), they are simply hidden with a layer of plaster:

An important criterion for selection is the incombustibility of the material and environmental Safety as it is installed indoors.

You can compare the indicators that this or that thermal insulation has, according to the table:

Roll materials

It belongs to the popular options for insulation, because it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Easily cut into pieces of desired size.
  2. Repeats the shape of the surface (fitting density).
  3. It is vapor-permeable enough not to use additional membranes in the design.
  4. Does not burn, unlike polymers, does not form toxic smoke when heated.
  5. Resistant to the effects of microorganisms.

It is produced in the form of rolls, stitched mats and plates. Of all the types of this material, stone basalt wool is preferable.

Foil foamed polyethylene is used to reflect infrared radiation and create a barrier to water vapor. Heat rays practically do not penetrate to the surfaces hidden under the finishing cladding of sheet coatings, so it makes little sense to install reflective insulation in the walls.

It can be used as a protection of mineral wool from a damp wall, additional sound insulation, vibration damping.

Natural cork is used for high-quality internal insulation of small thickness on panel walls. This is the most environmentally friendly heat insulator. The performance characteristics include high strength, low thermal conductivity, low weight, durability, elasticity. For more information on which insulation is better, see this video:

foam boards

The technology for insulating the walls of a panel house from the inside with even rigid foamed polymer plates includes careful preparation of the mounting plane. Unresolved wall deflections will create voids in which condensate will accumulate.

The plates are laid out with a run-up on a layer of glue, the use of anchor umbrellas in this case is not recommended (through passages for cold). Each joint is sealed with sealant. Another method of fastening is to lay it between a T-profile fixed to the ceiling and to the floor.

The thickness of the material will depend on climate zone. In the calculation, you can use the following initial data:

Liquid formulations

Applying a layer of foamed polyurethane requires special equipment and frame installation. The work is carried out by specialists who have practical experience. The strength of the hardened foam is low and it is covered with a protective lining (GKL, plywood). For more details see this video:

Liquid types of insulation include the achievement of modern science - special paints. They are expensive and require careful application technology (thickness and sequence of layers, direction of brush movement). If the instructions are violated, the thermal resistance of such a coating is sharply reduced.

The thermal insulation properties of concrete panel houses leave much to be desired, since they are very hot in summer and cold in winter, which leads to an increase in energy consumption for heating. This problem can be solved by thermal insulation of the walls, however, this issue must be approached competently. Therefore, further I will tell you how to properly insulate a panel house.

Do-it-yourself installation

By following the steps in stages, you can achieve the perfect result. Begin:

Glue (liquid nails) is abundantly applied to the surface of the wall and the foam panel, and then they are tightly pressed against each other. We carry out such actions with each panel, placing the next one exactly in the groove with the previous end side. This also applies to the side segments and those on top. Penoplex is easily cut with a knife, so where the whole panel does not fit, it is carefully cut and inserted into the space

It is important to cut exactly to size in order to leave a minimum of gaps and lay them exactly in the end.
You can also fasten the panels with the help of wall anchors and plastic fungi, for this, holes are made in the walls and fasteners are driven into them right through the attached foam. This method is very noisy, so we recommend the first option.
All joints between panels, walls, floors and ceilings are coated with sealant

This is necessary to ensure maximum thermal insulation.
The tighter the foam is pressed against the wall surface, the better its insulating properties, so do not spare glue or anchors.
This installation option provides for the final finishing with plaster. After the sealant dries, the entire plane of the wall is covered with putty and leveled. If desired, further strengthen the layer - a special mesh (serpyanka) can be smeared into the plaster.
After the final leveling, the putty must be allowed to dry, and then primed, thereby preparing its surface for painting or wallpapering.

  1. A vapor barrier film must be stretched over the foam and guides to isolate the formation of moisture inside the wall. Its installation is carried out with the help of plastic fungi through the foam.
  2. We fix drywall to vertical and horizontal rails using self-tapping screws.
  3. Further, as in the previous instructions, he putty, leveling and priming the surface.

Installation is not at all difficult. The main thing is to stick to technology, then the work will be done quickly and efficiently. After finishing, you will immediately feel that the apartment has become much warmer and drier, even if it is an end one. This is because the insulation helped keep warm air from touching the surface of the cold walls. Therefore, if heating is not due to batteries, but to underfloor heating, they can be turned on less often, thereby saving on utility costs.

Method "Warm seam" for sealing interpanel joints.

Last time we dealt with different ways. Today we will tell you everything about the insulation of a panel house from the outside: what materials are used, what glue is better to fix them on, what methods are available. It has been repeatedly observed that a lot of offices do outright hack work, the results of which are deplorable. Either thermal insulation does not work, or it disappears altogether, especially on the upper floors, where wind gusts are very significant. Sometimes, even if everything is done according to technology, it’s just scary to look at the result - everything is crooked, ugly, not like people’s. Therefore, everything has to be controlled, to delve into the nuances, to ask questions. Yes, it irritates the workers, but that's their problem. The main thing is a high-quality result - without compromise.