Toilet      03.03.2020

Timber railings. Log fence - construction features. Construction of supporting structures

Not only residential capital cottages are being built from cylindering, country houses, baths, but also other objects. Adjoining territory also can equip with this material. It can be made from garden furniture and even a fence.

Types of railings from cylindering

A variant familiar from the history books Ancient Rus', - palisade. It was not made from calibrated material, however, the planed log corresponded in shape. For lovers of antiquity, perhaps, this option is suitable: to enclose own house a palisade, like a hillfort, is an interesting design technique.

The following types:

  • Combined fence. The combination of wood and stone is very popular. Racks are made of brick or concrete, a palisade is installed between them or cylindering is laid like walls.
  • Figured. The fence of the house is made of rounded logs of different heights, forming even semicircles. The tips can be omitted - so the fence will look cozy and not threatening.
  • Through. The bottom is arranged from horizontally laid logs, while the top is mounted from beautiful shields made of timber. through holes correct form create the impression of a curly lattice.
  • Half. The cylindering is sawn lengthwise and installed between wooden or brick pillars. The wood is fastened to a beam mounted in racks or chains passing inside each log. Such a fence is a truly decorative subject of landscape design.

Not everyone can afford to install a round fence - this is a costly material. In addition, wood is the most capricious construction raw material that exists: it rots and requires constant maintenance. Before erecting such a fence, one should think, although in beauty this material will not yield to any other.

Fencing installation

Solid fence - the easiest option for self-assembly. If, nevertheless, the desire to protect your own “fortress” with an appropriate fence does not disappear, choose the option you like and proceed as follows:

It is important to leave the finished fence to shrink, the log has it more than any other lumber. Its term is from three months to six months. Then the fence is leveled: during the period of shrinkage, the level of the palisade may change.


Of course, no one will use pigment paints: it is important to preserve the color. To do this, use all kinds of varnishes, impregnations, stains. The result of firing is interesting when they act carefully blowtorch, creating a deliberate antiquity.

It must be remembered that before painting, the logs should again be protected by subjecting them to chemical treatment. You can use effective heavy chemicals, remembering to protect yourself with respirators and protective clothing. Within a week, the harmful components will disappear, and the log fence will no longer be threatened.

It is not recommended to varnish, burn or cover the finished fence with any composition in hot weather. It is ideal to choose early autumn for these works with air temperatures from +5 ⁰ to 10⁰. No expected rain otherwise protective compounds just wash away. Palisade fencing requires regular cracking and biological damage prevention at least once every 3 years.

Actually, the fence is ready. It remains to hang the doors, make a forged lock with hinges, and the fortress in the spirit of the Russian principality will be used in modern times.

Any country fence must meet the following qualities: its installation should be as simple as possible, it is good if it is relatively inexpensive in price and easily transported to its destination. Among other things, the fence should be an impregnable barrier for scammers and beautiful design in terms of design. And today we will find out how to make a palisade for a summer residence.

Features and advantages of the palisade

Nowadays, there are quite a few different design proposals for arranging a fence on your site, but to this day the palisade remains a traditional type of fence, giving at the same time a unique flavor and spectacular appearance territory. The palisade can act as the main component of the fence, or it can be only part of the fence.

The main advantages of a palisade over other types of fences are as follows:

  1. If there is a forest near the cottage, you can build a palisade of dry trees, and it will look like in the old days.
  2. Such a structure will look pretty good against the background of other fences and stand out for its originality. Palisades look harmonious in areas where many buildings are built of wood and logs, and the house is built of a log house.
  3. A picket fence looks great if it is made from a combination of materials such as wood and metal. Today, many summer residents choose a tandem of a white corrugated fence and sections painted in dark color palisade.
  4. The palisade is a strong and high structure that does not allow unwanted guests to climb over it. Usually now such fences are made up to two meters high. The stakes at the top will not allow any boy to get into your garden. In addition, a high fence will hide your site from prying eyes.
  5. The paling perfectly copes with various weather conditions and other possible troubles, for example, shocks and mechanical damage.
  6. The rather low cost and wide availability of material for the construction of a palisade makes it possible for many summer residents to build such fences.
  7. Among other things, a palisade fence can be an excellent support for various climbing plants, liana, berry bushes, vegetables.
  8. Environmental friendliness can also be an advantage. Does not come from a wooden palisade harmful secretions. To be completely fair, fences made of concrete, corrugated board or cast iron are also considered environmentally friendly. The only difference is that when installing fences using cement materials, the area of ​​pollution increases.

Possible disadvantages of the palisade are as follows:

  • If we compare this fence with concrete or cast-iron fences, then the palisade has less durability. In addition, it is necessary permanent care behind a tree in order to protect the material from various temperature changes and rains.
  • With a wooden fence, you can do everything in the absence of protection (saw through, cut through).
  • The palisade, erected in traditional motifs of antiquity, gives a large shade, this can harm the plants growing next to it. But still, if your country house is a place to relax, and not to grow vegetables, then this will be a big plus.

Selection of material for the palisade

The main material for the construction of the palisade are logs, boards and slabs. Such materials are cheaper, and therefore affordable. If you have a chainsaw, you can make blanks for a palisade yourself in the forest. The most ordinary dry tree is suitable for making fences. And in the forest it is in abundance.

But still, it would be better if you buy ready-made boards or logs for the fence, because they are already fitted to the same size and are ready for immediate installation. Their cost will not be very large for almost the entire population.

In addition to wood, in order to fix all parts of the fence, you will need fasteners - galvanized nails. They, unlike ordinary ones, do not corrode and therefore do not harm the tree. There is no need to save on such nails. In this case, rusty smudges do not form on the front surface of the palisade.

Fence dimensions

When choosing the dimensions of the palisade and the parameters of the logs for its manufacture, follow our recommendations:

  1. When determining the size of the palisade, take into account that the height of such a fence and the length of the logs are not the same thing. It is known that for the stability of logs, it is customary to dig them into the soil by 1/3 of the length. Therefore, to determine the desired length of logs, it is necessary to increase the height of the fence by 1/3.
  2. The height of the palisade will depend entirely on its purpose. For example, in order to protect your garden from domestic animals, you need to build a fence at least 50 cm high. But if you want to build a normal full-fledged fence, it must be up to two meters high so that a petty thief cannot climb into you.
  3. In its purest form, the palisade consists of logs pointed at the top at an angle of 40 degrees. Such a turned log is very similar to a sharpened pencil, only large sizes. If you have a desire to be true to tradition and build a high palisade, you need to sharpen the top of the logs with a hatchet.
  4. So, we will follow the path of our great-grandfathers and assemble a fence-palisade from logs cylindrical shape the same diameter. Since in our time there is no need to hide behind a powerful palisade from the attack of enemies, the diameter of the logs can be up to 15 cm.
  5. In the cross section of the logs there should not be any protrusions and recesses. To determine the number of logs you need, you should divide the length of the proposed fence by the diameter of the log. Remember that you need to be extremely careful, since on sale their size is usually indicated in millimeters.

Log processing procedure

The processing of the material is carried out in the following sequence:

The erection of a palisade on the site

To install a palisade with your own hands on your site, there is no need to get any special tools, and the work itself is simple if you listen to our recommendations:

  1. Today's fence installation technology has changed a lot compared to the technology of the past, when there was only one type of fence. The simplest method involves the use of metal pipes various sections. They are fairly easy to install and are durable even if unpainted. Part of such pipes, located in the ground, is much less susceptible to corrosion than wooden stakes to decay.
  2. First, we mark the entire fence that will stand on your site. The distance between the power supports should be 2.5 meters. This size is standard for one span.
  3. After you have decided on the place where the supports will be installed, checked the correctness of the marked distances between them, you need to start concreting these supports.
  4. If you still stop at the old fashioned way installation, that is, the supports will be wooden, process part wooden poles that will be in the ground, special means protecting the log from moisture. This, accordingly, will affect the cost of the entire palisade. Therefore, we recommend using supports that are made of metal.
  5. The next step is to create a quality foundation that allows you to use the palisade for a long time without repair. You can also install a fence on a stone or concrete foundation to make it look aesthetically pleasing.
  6. In the absence of decorative stones for the foundation, ordinary large stones can be used, linking them together with a special mortar - clay or cement.
  7. The next stage in the construction of the fence is the arrangement between the supports of the horizontal bars. For this purpose, a bar with a small cross section is taken. From below, the horizontal support should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom of the palisade. Top bar the palisade should be 30 cm lower from the pointed end. The use of two crossbars at the top and bottom gives the palisade increased strength.
  8. Next, we proceed to the main process: we nail the logs of the palisade in such a way that there is a gap between them, which prevents its deformation when the wood swells.
  9. Once upon a time, the fence was made of logs with very tiny gaps between them so that when swelling there were no cracks and it was impossible to see what was happening behind the fence. Nowadays, slabs are often stuffed on top of the palisade logs to add color to the fence.
  10. All parts of the palisade are nailed separately and always on several nails. We recommend driving three nails into one log, that is, two from above, one from below. Act in a checkerboard pattern with the transition to the next log.
  11. You can do it differently. We carry out the markup for the future fence and tear out the moat according to the markup required depth. We fill the bottom of the trench with rubble, depending on the soil. The layer should reach a thickness of 15 cm - for sandy soil, a size of 30 cm - for clay soil. On the surface of crushed stone, we install logs in the form of stakes - close and without gaps. Next, we backfill with earth and intensively ram. Sprinkle with water if necessary
  12. The ancient way looks different. After sharpening the lower part of the stake, it is stuck into the soil, then pulled out and water is poured into the resulting hole from the stake. After that, they again stick a stake into the hole, screwing it in until it firmly enters the ground. In some cases, a fairly heavy hammer is used to better hammer wood stakes.
  13. After the full installation of the palisade, you proceed to its processing. Every host country house the fence treats the surface in its own way. For these purposes, you can simply use paint, stain with varnish, or soak with an antiseptic and drying oil. You can come up with your own version.

Fence-palisade for flower beds

After the house is fenced with a picket fence, it is necessary to put the site in order as well. Sites, flower beds and paths can be fenced for beauty and aesthetics with a small palisade, which to some extent will resemble the main fence.

To make a palisade for flower beds, you need the following materials and tools:

  • trunks of branches or trees with a diameter of up to 5 cm;
  • red clay;
  • polyethylene;
  • concrete;
  • saw on wood;
  • drying oil.

To increase the aesthetics of the appearance of a summer cottage, a wattle fence is often equipped, as in the photo of a fence from a palisade:

  • In order to make such a fence, you can use next material: branches of willow, hazel, vine, as well as pine and oak.
  • Material preparation is usually carried out in the fall. This is due to the stoppage of growth and movement of juice in plants. For work, it is considered best when the thickness of the branches is from 1 to 3 cm.
  • To equip a wicker fence, you need to mark up your territory. Next, we dig a trench along the line you have outlined and then fill it with a layer of sand. The sand "cushion" obtained in this way will prevent the parts of the stakes in the ground from rotting and provide drainage.
  • After that, we drive stakes into the ground at a distance of half a meter between each other. With this you have prepared the basis. You can start weaving.
  • In order for the branches to be much more flexible, they can be soaked in warm water for a few days. Branches and stakes are also treated with an antiseptic to increase their service life.
  • Usually weaving starts from the bottom. The technology itself is not complicated: the rods are brought in from opposite sides of the stakes and pulled through the entire length. If necessary, shorten the long rods, and lengthen the short ones.
  • The type of fence will depend on the density of weaving. It can be deaf, through which nothing is visible, or translucent. Such a wicker fence as a fence will last more than 5 years.

Thus, the palisade is a convenient, simple and at the same time unusual fence. It looks great both in private houses and in the country, as well as in various combinations with other types of fences. To make such a fence with your own hands, you will have to spend quite a bit.

A fence-tyn is a palisade of logs or a fence of vertically mounted poles. In this article, we will talk in detail about such structures. First, we describe the types of fences.

Varieties of tyns and their scope

The classic tyn is a palisade fence erected from thick logs that fit snugly against each other.

Usually palisades are made solid and high. Such structures are used as the main fences.

Tyny can also be through and low. They are used in decorative purposes and zoning areas.

Fences made of poles are also popular with lovers of ethnic design trends.

There are more modern varieties tynov. Here, for example, a palisade mounted on a strip foundation.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of tynov.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of tynov fences

  • Only a high solid fence-palisade erected from thick logs can reliably protect the site from intruders. Other types of tyns cannot be called safe. For example, a chainsaw can pass between the logs in a through fence, and the poles break easily. In the worst case, attackers can set fire to the fence of them.
  • Materials for a pole fence can be easily found outside the city, and logs for a high and reliable palisade will have to be bought. Moreover, in order for the fence to look harmonious, they should be approximately the same diameter.
  • Durability also varies. A reliable picket fence made of thick logs will last for decades and, with regular maintenance, will look beautiful throughout its entire service life. A fence made of poles will lose its attractiveness and functionality after a few seasons.
  • With the installation of a fence of poles or a low decorative palisade, 1 person will cope. With high fences made of thick logs, everything is much more complicated - installation takes a lot of time and effort, a team of craftsmen will be needed.
  • All wooden fences require regular care. Protective coatings must be applied annually.

Technologies for installing fences

Installation of a fence-tyna from poles is very simple. Installation includes three stages.

  1. Fence posts.
  2. Lag fastening.
  3. Fixing the poles to the joists.

In addition to the basic materials for the fence (poles, logs and poles), installation will require crushed stone, a shovel, nails, a hammer and bitumen-based impregnation.

Various technologies are used for the construction of fences made of thick logs.

The ancient method of installing fences-palisades from thick logs

In ancient times, palisades were built like this:

  • the log was sharpened on both sides;
  • dug a hole;
  • they inserted a log into it;
  • moistened the earth with water;
  • a heavy hammer hammered a log into the ground until it stops (about 1/3 of its length).

Choose this method of building a fence if you want to pay tribute to traditions. Do not forget that before driving in the logs, their lower parts must be treated with a bitumen-based impregnation.

Installing a trench in a trench

This method of installing palisades requires less labor.

  • A trench is dug along the perimeter of the future tyne. Depth - 1/3 of the length of the logs.
  • A crushed stone pillow is laid at the bottom of the pit. Layer thickness - 15 cm.
  • Prepared and processed logs are placed in a trench close to each other in a vertical position.
  • The ditch is evenly covered with earth and carefully rammed.
  • Horizontal crossbars are nailed to the inside of the resulting fence along its entire length (top and bottom).

Note! The above methods are among the least reliable and economically unjustified. Wood will sooner or later begin to rot and lose its attractiveness. If the fence warps, it will have to be completely restored. We recommend that you consider more modern and reliable ways to install poles, we will talk about such technologies below.

Installing a tyna on a strip foundation

Includes the following main steps:

  1. erection strip foundation with concreting supports;
  2. lag installation;
  3. fixing logs.

This method of erecting a tyna is the most expensive.

Installation of a fence-palisade on supports

It goes according to the following scheme:

  1. spot concreting of supports;
  2. fastening lag;
  3. log installation.

This method of building a fence-tyna combines high reliability, reasonable cost and ease of operation. Installed logs will not be in contact with the ground. Each element of the palisade can be easily replaced if necessary.

We will tell you how to install such a fence with your own hands.

Preparing for the construction of a fence-tyna on supports with your own hands

Choice of wood for logs

Wood is best for building a palisade conifers(cedar, spruce, pine, etc.), because it contains a large number of resin that protects the material from moisture and decay. In addition, these breeds are widespread and inexpensive.

For the construction of a fence-palisade on supports, logs of small diameter are excellent, optimally - 15 cm. solid construction won't look bulky.

Purchase of materials

At the construction base, buy:

  • logs;
  • metal supports and logs of large section;
  • crushed stone;
  • fittings;
  • cement;
  • universal impregnation to protect wood from moisture, insects, mold and decay.

When calculating materials, be guided by the dimensions of standard raw materials. The length of typical logs is 6 m. If you are going to build a two-meter fence, then from one log you will get 3 stakes for the future fence.

When calculating the number of lags and supports, consider the following. The optimal distance between adjacent supports is 2.1 m. 13 logs will fit in one section. The supports will be buried in the ground by 1.5 m.

Required Tools

To build a fence-tyna on supports, you will need:

Do-it-yourself fence installation. Step-by-step instruction

Do-it-yourself fence-tyna installation takes place in 6 stages.

Stage 1. Log processing

Cut logs into pieces desired length. Using a planer, clean the future stakes from the bark and smooth out significant irregularities. With an ax, sharpen the logs on one side at an angle of 30 or 40 degrees.

Note! If you also sand the surfaces, the stakes will get the most attractive look.

Stage 2. Marking the site

Mark the area with string and stakes. Drive them into the mounting points of the poles.

Stage 3. Installation of pillars

When installing each support, proceed as follows.

  • Drill a hole 1.7 m deep.
  • Pour a mixture of sand and gravel to the bottom. Layer thickness - 20 cm.
  • Build a reinforcement cage.
  • Place it and the post in the hole.
  • Fix the support in a vertical position.
  • Concrete the hole.

Stage 4. Fixing the lag

Weld the crossbars to the posts. Fix the lower logs at a height of 20 cm from the ground, and the upper ones at a distance of 30 cm to the top of the supports.

Stage 5. Fixing stakes

You can attach stakes to the lags different ways. We recommend using large staples, self-tapping screws, nuts and bolts. With their help, you can fix the stakes as securely as possible so that the fasteners will not be visible from the outside of the fence. If necessary, the stakes can be easily removed from the log.

Stage 6. Finishing

Treat all stakes with an all-purpose compound to protect against moisture, mold, insects and rot.

Tyna decoration

It is not necessary to paint the tyn immediately after installation. The fence will look very impressive anyway. It is worth thinking about painting only when the wood is old.

You can decorate a fence-palisade in different ways. The choice depends only on your imagination. Many fenced homeowners turn stakes into colored pencils.

Perhaps you will like this decor option.

At all times they were famous for their popularity. This was largely due to its relatively inexpensive price and ease of installation. But today the situation has changed a little, and now not just fences are made of wood, but real masterpieces.

Let's consider everything in detail.

Making a wooden fence on your own. Step-by-step procedure

erection wooden fence can be divided into several stages, namely:

  1. Installation support pillars;
  2. Installation of crossbars;
  3. Sheathing of the installed frame.

Each stage in the construction must be completed in full.

Installation of support poles

The installation of support pillars is carried out by backfilling. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

It is important to know! Sand with crushed stone will lie down more densely if the mixture is wetted with water.

Installation of transverse logs

Transverse logs, which are made of wood, are best installed using brackets.

The installation algorithm is as follows:

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the distance between the transverse lags can be reduced. However, in this case, the design may reduce its strength. The support itself must necessarily be at least 10 centimeters higher than the skin, and the bottom must be at a distance from the ground at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters.

Sheathing of the installed frame

Before you start installing the mounting boards themselves, you need to remember that there are several ways.

In one of the ways, the picket fence is installed on the logs before the latter are mounted in the supports, namely:

If we talk about the second method of installation, then it implies the direct installation of each board separately. In this case, it is necessary to prepare for a long and laborious process. After each installed board, it is necessary to measure the distance between them (if you need clearance between the boards) and check for a clear vertical.

It should be noted that any of the methods is popular with owners of private and country houses so it's impossible to say which one is better. Everyone chooses an option for themselves depending on the choice of wooden fence design.

What can be processed and painted a wooden fence

It must be understood that the installed wooden fence takes on a variable climate in all seasons. For this reason, it is mandatory necessary.

Important to remember! Before installation, all metal components of the fence must be primed and painted.

Do not forget that ultraviolet solar radiation harms a wooden fence for the reason that as a result of their exposure, internal moisture is lost from wood, thereby it loses its bearing capacity and appearance itself.

Such impregnation must be processed several times on a primer with the possibility of deep penetration. After that, you can use moisture-resistant paint and varnish to give the wooden fence an attractive look.

The price of pleasure

If we talk about the cost of the necessary building materials, the average price is indicated in the table:

Name of building material Volume Cost price
Board 1 m 3 About 3 thousand rubles
Cement 1 kg About 10 rubles
antiseptic 10 l. About 2 thousand rubles
self-tapping screws 500 pcs. 300 - 400 rubles
dye 3 l. About 400 rubles
Metallic profile 1 meter About 130 rubles
grinding wheel 1 PC. About 50 rubles
Edged board 1 m 3 About 4 thousand rubles

Design options

To date, there is still no such material besides wood, which was read as malleable for the implementation of various design solutions (while wood is very affordable in terms of price).

But in this way this fence has interior view. No one will say that the view has become worse.

In this version of the design solution, attention was paid to every little thing. You can see how the contours themselves are worked out, and the corners are smoothed out in full. In the photo you can see sliding gates from the same yard.

Agree, few of us know what techniques this or that designer uses to realize his fantasies. But they use: firing, create the effect of antiquity, successfully combine wood with various metal forged elements, and even tritely grind wood and paint it in various shades.

How do you feel about brutal style? Agree, the view is simply impressive.

To implement such a design solution, you only need a jigsaw, Sander and woodworking skills. If you have the tools and desire, you can achieve the effect of shabby wood.

And who how to relate to puzzles? If you wish, you can initially draw a drawing on the board, and then cut it out according to the template. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this work considered jewelry, because each board has its own clear size and bend.

At the same time, the most difficult process in the construction of such a wooden fence is its installation (not everyone is able to make such an arrangement).

For the construction, first of all, it is necessary to carefully consider the selection of the board. In no case should it be allowed that in any place of the board there is a different thickness or width. In this variant distinctive feature is his affordable price, but this is offset by the enormous amount of work that is required to create such a creation.

Despite the fact that a board up to 1.5 centimeters thick is not very suitable for fences, it can be used to create an excellent fence in the form of a lattice. Agree, the view is no worse than the previous options. And if you also decorate it with green spaces that will braid it, the view will be gorgeous.

Over the past few years, unedged board has increased in price by more than 15-20%, but this does not prevent it from staying in a low price range. At the same time, it is often used in the construction of a wooden fence in this style.

As you can see, this example clearly shows one of the options for design decisions when working with edged board. If desired, you can achieve any exclusive solution.

And how do you design solutions in the style of blinds? Agree, the view is just a bomb.

A selection of wooden fences

Beautiful wooden fences

With a little woodworking skills, you can create a beautiful fence in a short time.

This embodiment is popular with many owners of private houses, since its creation does not take much time and effort. Agree that the view is very attractive.

Standard fencing, which is suitable for both private houses and suburban areas. It does not require any special skills and abilities, but at the same time it has a beautiful appearance.

carved fences

To create carved fences with your own hands, you need to have wood carving skills.

It can take more than 3 months to create such a fence, since every little thing plays a big role. But it's worth it. This type of fence is suitable for any interior.

What about this cutting option? Surely, many people dream of such a fence, because it can not only emphasize the individual style, but also create the illusion of antiquity.

decorative fences

Decorative fences are often used to create rock gardens or simply in landscape design.

Small fences made of wood can emphasize the peculiarity of a particular plant, complement the interior of a personal plot.

If desired, you can create any decorative fence of one color or another. This does not require any skills and abilities.

Antique wood fences

Many people dream of creating a small fairy tale from their site and completely immersing themselves in antiquity.

This version of the effect of antiquity is great for areas where wooden houses. In combination with such a fence, you can create a real fairy tale for yourself.

And if you add a little decor in the form of a thick rope? The view is simply spectacular. Surely the neighbors will come to the owner of such a fence with admiration.

Fences from a professional flooring under a tree

If for some reason there is no desire to work with wood, you can install a fence made of corrugated board. Thus, you can not only increase the service life, but also create the illusion of a wooden fence.

If desired, you can use corrugated board in light colors under the tree, which is perfect for any interior. The service life of such a fence is over 25 years.

Another option is to use corrugated board in darker tones, which allows you to create the illusion of varnished wood. Great for wooden houses, or buildings sheathed in plastic under a tree.

For a private house

Depending on the wishes of the owner of a private house, the fence itself can be made in any style.

High fences have always been popular with owners of private houses. Thanks to them, you can hide everything that happens on the site from prying eyes, make the fence beautiful and exclusive.

Another option is to install a fence with small gaps. This type of fencing is perfect for any private home, regardless of its size and style.

From a professional sheet under a tree

As a rule, the installation of this type of fence at its price is available to any resident of our country. Such fences are great for installation anywhere, regardless of whether it is a cottage or your own private home.

In this photo you can see that the profiled sheet can combine a combination of decorative stone and the tree itself. Looks great and has a long service life.

For those who love minimalism, the option of creating a fence from a profiled sheet under a tree is perfect. This variety belongs to the classical style and is perfect both for fulfilling a direct duty - protecting the site, and as a good element of decor.

Made of brick and wood

When creating a fence, brick and wood are combined just great. Designers often try to combine them when creating interiors in the room itself and outside it.

The fence is made in a classic style using ordinary bricks and boards. Thanks to the successfully selected combination of color palette, such a fence looks not only rich, but also very attractive.

This composition combines the curly elements of a wooden fence with a brick one. Well-chosen color palette allows you to use it in any meta.

From stone and wood

This combination building materials in most cases used in country houses and cottages.

It will be very difficult to recreate such a fence on your own, and you need not only to be able to handle this material, but also to know the intricacies of mixing a special solution. But you must admit that such fences can surprise even the most captious critic with their beauty.

Wooden fences combined with decorative stone create the illusion of an ancient fortress. Often used for installation in country cottages or in private firms.

Wood patterns on the fence

Now in the world of wooden fences, a trend towards the use of additional patterns has begun to appear. They allow you to create something special and unique of its kind from a simple fence.

As you can see, such a pattern is very difficult to make with your own hands, unless a person has sufficient skills in working with woodcarving.

You can order a Chinese-style composition from wood carving specialists, as shown in the photo. This option is considered quite common in our country.

Original wooden fences

Surely every owner of his site would like to install the original fence. But what are they?

Such original design wooden fences in our country is not common. This is largely due to expensive pleasure (the initial cost can be from 40-50 thousand rubles).

Such design solution allows you to not only make your neighbors look at the fence with envy, but also makes the site very rich and individual.

Wooden fences horizontal

When installing fences, many of our compatriots often ask themselves the question - which is better vertical or horizontal? In fact, the difference here is only in taste.

Speaking about such a vertical fence, we can say with confidence that everyone can make it on their own, while spending a short period of time and money. Classic style suitable for fencing any area.

The photo shows that vertical fence, made using complex design feature. It is very difficult to do this at home, and if you wish, you will have to seek help from specialists. But it's worth it.

Forging with a tree in the fence

At all times, they gave the fence strength and attractiveness. However, due to its considerable price, it is not very popular.

A wooden fence using forged metal spokes in the photo makes it original in its own way. Gives the site style and beauty. Moreover, forged elements make the design of the fence very rigid, which significantly increases the service life.

This option of combining wood, brick and, in fact, forged elements, makes the fence almost lifelong. It is not difficult climatic conditions, it is difficult to damage it, and most importantly - it is beautiful and stylish.

picket fences

Most of our citizens make picket fences. With this material you can make a very good fence. Just look at these photos.

Of course, if this fence is painted, and then varnished, it will turn out quite well, but even so it is quite attractive. What is characteristic - it can be done in the shortest possible time (the period of its construction is no more than 1 - 2 days).

In the presence of wild imagination and great desire of the owner of the site, you can give such a magnificent designer fence that will never cease to delight the eyes of everyone around.

wooden fence ladder

Fence ladder is not uncommon in Everyday life owners of private houses. Firstly, this variety allows you to save on the board, since small gaps can reduce the amount of material, and secondly, it turns out very well in the end.

The photo shows a ladder fence, which is still sheathed with corrugated board from the inside. Thanks to this, it looks very impressive from the outside, while the fence looks very neat inside the site.

This type of ladder is in most cases installed in suburban private houses. The small gaps between the boards allow you to see the beautiful green spaces that can be planted behind the fence.

How to make a fence inexpensively

The video below shows how to do cheap fence from wood.

The palisade stands out among other types of fences with an unusual appearance. It is easy to use and easy to manufacture, looks great in summer cottages, estates, in combination with various types fences.

The basis of the traditional design is cylindrical logs with pointed tops. Currently, supports with horizontals are used to fasten the round timber. If the fence is needed for decorative purposes, its modifications are used - low hedges with or without a spike for flower beds, wickerwork, etc.

There are two types of palisade - regular and false palisade. The first one is standard design from the round. The second option involves refining the existing wooden fence. Usually a slab with a pointed end is attached to it. Outwardly, the fence resembles a traditional palisade, but its protective functions are weakened.

Installing a fence is no different from building any other wooden structure, the only difference is the large weight of the structural elements. To install logs you will need a large physical strength. Due to the heavy construction, the supports must be concreted.

The best wood for a fence is sawn timber from coniferous trees - pine, spruce, cedar, etc. The resin that is present in the composition of the wood helps to resist decay and destruction. In addition, such wood is inexpensive. If the fence is not going to be painted, use cedar logs. After coating with a transparent varnish, a natural pattern will look great on it. However, cedar beams are very expensive. If strength is considered the main selection criterion, then the palisade can be made of oak, alder, aspen, but it is better to make the racks of conifers, they are more durable.

The ideal material for this type of fence is dry logs with a diameter of at least 70 mm. You can cut the blanks yourself in the forest from the dead wood, but it is better to purchase them at the construction market, where they are sold fitted in size. In addition, lumber from the store in most cases is already impregnated with antiseptics.

Round timber should be without protrusions and recesses. It should be noted that a structure made of thin logs with a diameter of 70 mm looks more interesting than a 250 mm diameter, but in this case the fence loses its strength. Therefore, if it is intended not only for decoration, choose medium-sized round timber - 150 mm. In this case, the fence will not look too rough.

Advantages and disadvantages of the palisade

The picket fence has many advantages over other types of fences. Its advantages include the following qualities:
  • It is considered a reliable fence, which is difficult to climb over intruders. A picket fence or an ordinary wooden fence can hardly compete with it in this parameter. In the old days, the palisade was often used to defend settlements. In addition, it will hide the area from prying eyes.
  • The fence reliably protects the territory from wind, snow drifts, creates a shadow in hot weather.
  • The installation does not require a foundation.
  • The fence does not need to be painted.
  • It is able to withstand high mechanical loads and shocks.
  • The structure is made from natural materials. Therefore, there is no need to worry about your own health and the health of your relatives.
  • The cost of blanks for the hedge is low, the material can be found everywhere.
  • The fence will become a support for climbing plants.
  • The fencing installation technology is very simple and does not require special skills. The fence can be mounted in the shortest possible time.
  • The design will stand out against the background of standard hedges with its originality. She looks good next to wooden buildings. If the site is located next to the forest, you can use dry logs and make an old-style palisade.
  • It can be combined with other types of fences, for example, the fence looks good in combination with white corrugated board with sections of logs painted in dark color.
The owners should be aware of the shortcomings of the palisade:
  1. Compared to metal or concrete fence wooden palisade has a short service life. To protect against adverse factors, it must be periodically covered with special means.
  2. The fence is afraid of fire.
  3. It is easily damaged by cutting and stabbing blows.
  4. It is greatly affected by precipitation and temperature changes.
  5. Such a fence gives a large shade, so vegetables cannot be planted next to it.

Preparatory work

Before starting construction, you must perform the following operations:
  • If the logs were brought from the forest, peel them from the bark to kill insects.
  • Cut the tops on one side of the round logs at an angle of 30-40 degrees. At correct sharpening they should resemble the tip of a pencil.
  • Determine the height of the blanks for the palisade. The length of the logs is selected depending on the purpose of the fence. To protect the territory, round timber should protrude 2-2.5 m above the ground. If the territory of the site is delineated with a fence or it is used for decorative purposes, the protrusion is much smaller - up to 1 m. To this value should be added the underground part, which is usually 1 /3 of the total length of the workpiece. Such proportions ensure the stability of the fence. With a round timber length of 2.4 m, the height of the fence will be 1.6 m.
  • Before installation, the wood must be protected from decay and insects, which will increase its service life. The means used should not violate the structure of the tree and reduce its strength. In the old days, the lower part of the log and protruding 20-25 cm above the soil was charred for 30 minutes. A layer of ash of 15 cm creates reliable coverage around the circle. At present, the underground part is lowered into hot bitumen. Without a special coating, the logs will rot in 3 years and the fence will collapse.
  • In order not to overpay for excess material, determine the number of blanks in advance. To do this, divide the perimeter of the site by the diameter of the log.

Palisade installation technology

The fence can be erected in two ways - traditional and modern. The traditional method has been used for a long time reliable protection territory and requires great physical exertion during construction. Modern technology involves the manufacture of structures primarily with decorative functions. If you plan to build a fence with your own hands, use our recommendations.

The erection of a traditional palisade

A traditional palisade, in which part of the structure is buried 1/3 of its length, can be installed in two ways: ancient and modern.

The work on the installation of the fence in the old-fashioned way is carried out as follows:

  1. Draw a line around the perimeter of the site for the location of the fence.
  2. Dig a hole the diameter of the log.
  3. Pour water into it.
  4. Push the round timber with a pointed end into the hole with force and turn it several times.
  5. Remove the workpiece, pour water and repeat the operation. You can also hammer it with a heavy object. Place a plastic cap over the end to prevent damage.
  6. Repeat the procedure for all logs. Fasten all the elements of the fence together with wire by creating a loop. This installation option is suitable for summer cottages with seasonal accommodation. It will last 5-6 years.
  7. After the log has reached a predetermined depth, proceed to decorative trim. You can cover the lumber with clear varnish or wood stain, which will give the fence a juicy honey yellow or chocolate brown hue.
Modern picket assembly technology is as follows:
  • Dig a trench of a certain depth along the entire perimeter of the fenced area. Its size is affected by the length of the log and the size of the gravel pad.
  • Fill the bottom of the trench with 15 cm of gravel and compact it. If the soil is clayey, increase the layer thickness to 30 cm.
  • Install logs vertically in the pit. A prerequisite is that there should be no gaps between them.
  • Fill the hole with soil and carefully tamp it down.
  • WITH inside of the fence, nail horizontally the crossbars in 2 rows - at a distance of 20 cm from the top of the logs and also 20 cm above the ground.
  • Coat the fence with rot and insect repellant.

Do-it-yourself palisade on supports

A fence of this type involves digging racks into the ground with a step of 2.5 m, on which the structure will hold. This distance is considered standard for wooden fences. It is recommended that the supports be made of metal pipes. They are more durable than wooden stakes. Before digging in, the pipes must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound, and the stakes with a means to protect against decay.

Perform the following operations:

  1. Dig a hole at least 50 cm deep. If it is shallow, the earth will sag and the fence will tilt.
  2. Install the support in the pit and concrete it cement-sand mortar with the addition of gravel. Take the components in a ratio of 1:2:2.
  3. After the concrete has hardened, fasten horizontal crossbars to the supports, which are made of small diameter bars. The top board should be located at a distance of 30 cm from the edge of the fence, the bottom - at a distance of 20 cm from the soil or foundation. The vertical working surfaces of the slats should be located in one vertical plane. This design will evenly distribute the load on the crossbars and supports.
  4. Nail the logs to the crossbeams, controlling their verticality. Leave small gaps between adjacent elements to prevent the wood from deforming after swelling in rainy weather.
  5. To maintain the height of the fence in height, pull the cord in a horizontal plane at a given distance from the soil. Fasten the palisade with nails, 3 pcs. in one log - two from above and one from below.
Some tricks can extend the life of the fence. For example, before making a palisade, build a foundation and line it with decorative stone on top. To bond the foundation elements, use a cement or clay mortar.

Decorative palisade for a flower garden or flower beds

To fence very small areas and paths, you can build a low palisade that resembles the main structure. He looks good with decorative coating from tiles and stone. For work, you will need stakes with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Cut blanks from even branches 25-30 cm long.
  • Remove the bark that serves as a hiding place for insects. Sharpen or round the ends of the peg, all options look good.
  • Heat the drying oil and treat the hemp to protect it from moisture.
  • Dig a trench 15 cm deep around the perimeter of the flower bed.
  • Line the ditch with clay, line plastic wrap.
  • Install the stumps vertically into the ditch and fill with concrete.
  • Cover the top of the ditch with plastic wrap to form a bowl. Cut off the protruding parts of the film.
  • Fill the ditch to the top with soil.

To build a fence, cut thin, 1-3 cm in diameter, rods from willow, hazel, vines and thicker branches from oak and pine. It is better to harvest the material in the fall, when the movement of juice stops.

The sequence of work on the construction of a wicker palisade is as follows:

  1. Dig a trench 10-15 cm deep around the perimeter of the site.
  2. Fill the hole with sand, which will slow down the decay of the wood and act as drainage.
  3. Soak the rods in warm water for several days, which will increase their flexibility.
  4. Coat all branches and stakes with rot-proofing agent.
  5. Drive stakes into the ground in 0.5 m increments.
  6. Weave a fence. Work starts from the bottom. To do this, start the rods from opposite sides of the stakes and stretch them to the full length. Shorten the vine if necessary. The transparency of the fence depends on the density of the branches. It can last up to 5 years.
How to make a fence - look at the video:

A fence made of pointed logs has not lost its appeal to the owners, it has only changed its appearance. Modern designs no longer look rough, but represent the original and stylish product, which performs both protective and decorative functions.