Mixer      06/23/2020

The height of the sink in the bathroom from the floor. At what height to install the bath from the floor: standard and tolerances Optimum installation height of the bath

Installing a bathtub is a rather responsible matter that requires a clear understanding of the installation process and possible nuances. The installation height of the bathtub from the floor is determined by technical templates and requirements. It's not about some ossified and irrelevant stereotypes, but about the real determination of the optimal height for the comfortable operation of a plumbing fixture.

The main criterion that you should pay close attention to during the installation of a device of any kind is standard height bath installations. This indicator is very important, because it is associated not only with the functionality of the product, but also with your immediate safety.

Rules and regulations for installing a bath

So at what height is the bathtub installed?

Reference: The optimal standard height from the edge of the sanitary ware to the floor is strictly 0.6 m. In this case, the size of the equipment itself does not play any role. Based on your taste preferences and technical features premises, you can install both domestic products and imported ones.

The installation height of your bathtub also does not depend on the intended installation location of the equipment. In typical apartments, as a rule, the dimensions of bathrooms are very small. In some cases, the bathroom may be combined. Then there are very few installation options left, the equipment is simply mounted to the wall so that it does not take up much space. But in the case of large bathrooms, they can be installed in the center of the room. However, for ease of movement, the minimum distance from the bath to the surrounding space should be at least a meter.

The height of the bathroom installation above the floor and its location are not all the only indicators that should be considered during installation.

Universal installation rules

The range of sanitary products manufactured by different manufacturers is very diverse. Everyone can make a choice based only on aesthetic preferences, as well as financial capabilities. Most often there is a technique made of cast iron, steel or acrylic.

Each of them has its own individual characteristics, this affects the installation of the equipment.

  • Enamelled steel products they look very aesthetically pleasing, however, due to their insignificant weight, they should be installed close to the walls, and preferably by three. Only then can the operation of the equipment be safe.
  • Cast iron plumbing stable. Mostly it is installed on cast legs due to the very large weight.
  • Acrylic bathtubs - elegant and practical option. They are installed in the same way as metal ones, only the legs are mounted directly to the bottom.

But, despite the differences in installation options, the installation height of the bathtub is the main and determining factor in the safety of use.

The height of the installed bath and possible deviations from the standards

In any case, the standards are not unconditional, so there may be some exceptions. For example, the optimal bathtub height from the floor in medical institutions is 50 cm.

So at what height to put the bathroom at home? In this matter, it is best to be guided by a sense of comfort, because the standard of 0.6 m is just an indicator that professionals have identified as the most favorable. The fact is that it is easy for the average person to raise his leg to such a height. But after all, it is you who will use your bathroom, and not the average person, at what height to install the bath, try not to go beyond 0.5-0.7 m.

Keep in mind that not only entering, but also leaving the bath should be comfortable. To get an idea of ​​how high to put the bath, just test it by getting in and out of it several times.

How to raise a bath?

There are basic ways to explain how to raise the bath higher:

  1. How to increase the height of the bath if it is less than 0.5 m? If you purchased acrylic or metal plumbing, you can set its height using special screws on the support. Their length varies over a wide range, so that the height installed bath will be adjusted without problems;
  2. How to raise the bath above the floor if it is cast iron? This option is not easy, but those who know how to work with gas welding may like it. Cast iron is a heavy material. Therefore, products from it are installed on cast unregulated supports, for the manufacture of which you will need:
    • steel corners;
    • grinder with a disk for metal;
    • gas welding machine.

You can see a photo of metal frames for bathtubs below. The resulting structure must be strong and stable. Before starting work, determine at what height the bathroom is placed. And only then start welding the cut off the right size steel corners.

  1. How to make a bath taller if it has beautiful designer legs? In no case should a beautiful designer font be hidden in brickwork or metal frames. The ideal solution problems will be the design of the pedestal. It will also be relevant if the question arises, what to do if the bath is high. Mounting the font on a podium with small steps will bring novelty and creativity to the interior of any room.

For the construction of a frame pedestal, you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • construction drill;
  • hammer;
  • level (both laser and hydraulic levels can be used);
  • plywood;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fixing metal corners;
  • beam.

First, to answer the main question of how to increase the height of the bathroom, use the level to mark the top edge of the podium. Then you need to lay the plywood on the floor and securely attach it to the floor using dowels with nails.

According to the drawing, the bars should be prepared according to the required dimensions. After that going wooden frame fastened with screws. All joints of the frame must be fixed with metal corners. Next, install the supports for the legs of the product. For this, blocks with cement mortar or wooden beams.

The structure is sheathed with plywood or waterproof drywall, which is also fixed with self-tapping screws. In the end, the surface of the podium must be decorated, according to the previously selected project.

In order for the use of the bathroom to be comfortable and convenient, it is important to adhere to a number of requirements regarding the installation of the product. It is not only about the choice of material, but also about the right height of the bathroom relative to the floor. At the same time, they are guided not only by building codes and regulations, but also by other features.

Prescribed standards

In this case, there is a special provision in SNiP, which indicates the exact height of the bathtub from the floor. After all, ease of use and, more importantly, safety, directly depend on the choice of the optimal height of the plumbing fixture. The height depends on the depth of the bowl and the height of the legs or supports. Depending on the models, the depth of the bowl can vary from 50 to 60 cm.

If we talk about the standards prescribed in SNiP, then they are as follows:

  1. The height of the bath from the floor surface should be exactly 60 cm. This is the best option for an adult. This distance guarantees safety when immersing and exiting the bath, as well as the convenience of its operation.
  2. If the bath is not mounted close to the wall, then the distance from the plumbing fixture to the wall must be at least 70 cm. So a person can easily pass to the equipment.
  3. Regardless of the size of the bowl, the bottom of a conventional bath during installation must be raised above the floor by at least 15 cm. This is done to install and connect the siphon located at the bottom of the product.
  4. As for the installation of the bathroom itself in its place, it does not need to be installed at an angle. It is enough to install it strictly horizontally. The required slope to the drain hole in it has already been made in advance at the factory.

It turns out that the standards speak of an optimal height of 60 cm. But, I would like to note that this is not a law, but a recommendation. For example, if we talk about children's or health facilities, then there the height of the bath can be reduced to 50 cm.

True, there are other allowable deviations that are important to consider.

Possible deviations

Let's say right away that the height of the bathroom at 60 cm was not taken by chance. It was calculated as the best option for the average height of a person and the standard depth of the bowl. Nevertheless, when installing this equipment, the issue is resolved individually, depending on the wishes of the owners and the size of the bathroom. In addition to the standards prescribed in SNiP, an acceptable height range is distinguished. It is in the range from 50 to 70 cm, by which the bath can be raised above the floor level.

Below is a list of factors that affect the optimal height of the bathroom above the floor:

  1. Average height of family members. There is a pattern here that the smaller the height of the user of the bathroom, the lower it needs to be installed. It is logical that with a height of 150 cm, throwing a leg higher than 70 cm will be quite difficult. But if a person is tall, then it will be convenient for him to use a bathtub located at a level of 65–70 cm so that he does not lean too low.
  2. Whether children or elderly family members live in the premises. It is logical that the elderly and children will not be able to comfortably enter the bath, the height of which is 65–70 cm from the floor. They are limited in movement. Therefore, it is better to install plumbing equipment at a height of 50 cm. Tall family members will suffer, and water for children and older people will be an ideal option.
  3. The depth of the bowl also affects the choice of height. If it is equal, for example, to 50 cm, then taking into account the allocated 15 cm for the installation of the siphon, minimum size, to which you can raise the bath, will be equal to 65 cm. Accordingly, if you need to make a smaller distance, then the depth of the bowl is chosen smaller.

These tips must be followed so that all family members are satisfied with the operation of the bathroom. Before you start installing a bathroom, you should ask yourself who will be using it and what is the average height of family members. In addition, it is important to think about the elderly and children. Another nuance is the choice of finishes. But what about the decoration? The fact is, the same tiles that are used in the bathroom have their own size. To make the finish look beautiful, you should start laying it immediately at the level of the edge of the bath.

Does the material of the bath play a role?

The modern market is full of various models of bathtubs that can be installed in the bathroom. The range is really wide. But most often, users prefer to use such types of products:

  • steel baths protected by enamel;
  • cast iron baths;
  • acrylic products.

All of them differ in the material of manufacture. Is there a difference at what height to install one or another option? First, let's look at the features of each type.

The heaviest and most dimensional can be called cast iron bath. The material itself is strong and durable, however, quite heavy. Such baths were widely used in the Soviet Union and are still popular today. It has cast iron legs attached to the body. Thanks to its properties, it can be installed anywhere, in the center of the bathroom, in a corner or near a wall. The main feature of the bath is not its weight, but the ability to keep the heat of the water inside for a long time. This is ideal for those who like to soak in a hot bath for a long time. The only caveat is to accurately choose the distance from the floor to the edge, since after installation it will be very difficult to correct something. Cast iron bath installation option:

Note! The size of such products is standard, as is the shape, which is rectangular.

Acrylic products - more modern version. Their advantages are light weight, easy installation and modern, beautiful design. There are equipments of the most different sizes and forms. If we talk about the minuses, then they are low strength. If there are people with a lot of weight in the family, then the bath may be deformed or cracked. In addition, it is important to properly care for it in order to extend the operational life. It will be problematic to repair and restore the product. However, the bathroom itself is warm and perfectly retains heat inside. The legs are fixed at the bottom. It is better to install the structure near the walls, since in the center it will not be so stable. Here is an example of installing an acrylic bath:

Important! The range of acrylic bathtubs is truly amazing. Due to the simplicity of production, it becomes possible to create equipment of various configurations and sizes, depending on the needs of the consumer.

Steel products are somewhere in between the weight of cast iron and acrylic options. It looks good, however, the metal makes a lot of noise during operation. Retains heat weakly, but quickly heats up and cools down. Perfect option For busy people who do not need to lie in the bath for a long time. It is recommended to install in a corner. An example of a steel bath installation:

When you have decided on the height, chosen the type of bath, you can proceed with its installation.

Installation options

There are 3 types of bath installation that you can choose for your case. At the same time, in the work it is required not to forget that from the floor to the bath bowl you need to leave a distance of 15 cm for the siphon. How can you install the product in its place, taking into account the selected height?

As they say experienced craftsmen, the standard height of the bathroom from the floor is achieved by sliding legs on the screws. Due to this design, you can easily set the height of the bath, and if it does not fit, then reduce it or, conversely, increase it. The supports are mounted on the bottom, after which the bath is installed in its place. By adjusting the height of the legs, you can achieve the ideal height.


To make using the bathroom a breeze, it's important to follow these tips and building codes. Then the procedure will be safe and comfortable. In addition, it is necessary to take into account own features to bring this size to the ideal.

Convenience in the bathroom is an important component for a favorable stay in a private house or apartment. All items should be located so that they have free access. For the convenience of further use, it is important not only to choose quality bath, but also to make a competent installation at the right height.

Standards and norms

The correct height of the bath ensures safety, ease of use, comfort during water procedures. It is easy to climb into it, if necessary, you can bathe children, use it for other household needs.

The SNiP (Building Norms and Rules) spelled out the basic requirements for the location of the bath:

  • the height from the floor with legs should be 60 cm. Installing the product at this height allows you to safely get into the bath and easily get out of it;
  • the minimum height from the floor to the bottom of the bath should be 15 cm. This distance allows you to freely install and connect the siphon;
  • if the bath is placed loosely against the wall, then the distance from it to the wall is at least 70 cm. Then the person will be able to freely approach the bathing place.

The plumbing product must be installed horizontally, without a slope (it is provided by the manufacturer). The position must be stable so that the bath does not stagger, does not fall to one side.

Possible deviations from the norm

The height of the bathtub from the floor, taking into account the legs, was chosen to be 60 cm for a reason. It is derived by calculus and is aimed at a person with an average height. But for the optimal position of the product during installation, it is necessary to focus on individual indicators.

Note! If family members are short and there are children, the installation height may be reduced. Tall people can slightly increase the distance.

The residence of elderly or disabled family members is also the reason for reducing the standard figure to 50 cm. This will make it possible to simplify hygiene procedures and make them safe for these categories.

Given the fact that there are a huge number of different models, always take into account the depth of the bowl. The bath will have to be raised by 5 cm if there is not enough space for the siphon. At the same time, the maximum level of the sides above the floor level should not exceed 65 cm. When placed on the podium, you will have to make a step.

Bath installation options

There are three main installation methods:

  • using a frame
  • on legs;
  • on the podium.

A metal frame is necessary for acrylic bathtubs, sometimes steel ones. The frame is made of metal, it allows you to choose the right height, securely strengthen the entire structure, and prevent the walls from being pushed through.

With the help of legs, cast-iron or steel bathtubs are installed. The legs are adjustable in height or solid. The structure, located on legs, has a height of 15–20 cm from the bowl to the floor.

Individual models are mounted on a podium made of bricks, blocks or concrete. This allows you to protect the bath from deformation, makes the structure as stable as possible. With this method of installation, the height can be any.

Types of bathtubs, their installation

The modern market offers wide choose bathtubs from various materials. The most common steel, acrylic and cast iron products. Each model mounts differently.

Cast iron tubs are durable and will last a long time. It has a considerable weight, so you need to decide on the installation height before starting work. After installation, it will be quite difficult to adjust the position. This model has legs that are attached to the case, often with an exquisite shape, engraving or pattern. A cast-iron bathtub with designer legs will decorate the room. It should be placed at some distance from the wall or, if space permits, in the middle. The main feature of such a bath is that it retains heat well. An excellent choice for those who like to bask in the water for a long time.

The surface on which it is placed cast iron bath, must withstand a lot of weight and be even. If the floor is not very hard, you need to put metal pads under the legs. If the product will stand on a slippery surface, it is necessary to fix the supports with a special waterproof glue.

A steel bath is lighter than a cast iron bath. Looks good, but does not retain heat for long. When installing, it must be attached to the wall. most faithful and safe way fasteners - supports on which there are self-adhesive pads. They securely fix the body in the desired position. Also reliable are short legs with bolts for adjustment. Often the front edge of the bath is covered with a decorative screen.

Acrylic bath - the most modern option. Its advantages are low weight, the ability to create original design, ease of installation. Acrylic material is warm and retains temperature for a long time. Acrylic bathtubs are often equipped with metal frame. It has legs that allow you to adjust the height of the product.

Easy to use corner acrylic bathtubs. When installing them, you need to carefully approach the docking of the edges of the product with the wall. Silicone, curb tapes or plastic plinth. The rest of the installation is no different from other models.

Installing plumbing with incorrect calculations can lead to the fact that the mechanism does not fit in the space allotted to it. The same can happen with the installation of the bath.

The standard installation height and other parameters must be strictly adhered to.

In order to successfully carry out the installation of a plumbing structure, they first get acquainted with the instructions and building codes.

If the owners of the house decide that they need a larger or smaller bowl, then they can freely purchase it. In this case, the installation height of the bathtub from the floor is determined regardless of the standards.

To find out at what height from the floor the bath will stand, take into account personal needs and other nuances. This is true if the installation is carried out independently without the intervention of masters.

Installation rules and standards

Plumbing companies develop bath designs according to the standards and requirements provided by the research centers. The height of the bathtub from the floor is dictated by the SNiP standards. According to building codes, it is placed at a distance of 60 cm from the floor. With this installation, the side is comfortable in order to bring the leg over it.

The bowl itself also has dimensions designed in accordance with the research. For example, the parameters of a standard bathtub made in Russia are 150 × 70 cm.

Foreign manufacturers produce plumbing structures with standards of 180 × 80 cm. But it is worth noting that almost all models are equipped with legs, since they allow you to place the bowls at the right level.

Locations of the bowl in the room:

  • the center of the room;
  • close to the wall.

Often the bathroom has small dimensions, so the bath is placed along the wall. This saves space and allows you to secure the process of its operation. If a person slips, he will be able to maintain balance by leaning against the wall.

In private houses, where more space is allocated for the bathroom, there are structures that are installed in the center of the room. But even in such a situation, the height of the bowl on the legs should be 60 centimeters from the floor. The distance to the nearest walls is not allowed less than one meter, since reducing this distance makes it difficult to move around the room.

The standard height of the bowl from the floor is calculated based on the average human height. Take into account the depth of the container.

During installation, they are guided by the wishes, but at the same time take into account that there is an allowable distance range. The height of the bath from the floor can be from 50 to 70 cm.

Bath selection

The bath must retain heat, be durable and wear-resistant. The best option This is a cast iron pot with an enamel finish. But their installation is complicated by the large weight of the structure.

Acrylic bathtubs look advantageous. Their weight is small, which facilitates installation.

It is important to consider that if such a bowl is placed on adjustable supports, then the cast-iron one is fixed on cast supports. The frame of the cast iron bath has a thickness of 5 mm and the legs are screw threaded. Therefore, the distance from the floor to the side can be changed as desired, if it is possible to screw on the long legs.

When designing a bathroom, the font is an important object. When choosing a suitable model, you need to take into account and know how to determine the dimensions of the bath, configuration, color, as well as the material from which it is made. The style and design of the room depends on these parameters.

Typical plumbing (width - 80 cm, length - 160 cm) does not always suit the owners big houses and apartments. After all, Soviet standards of sanitary equipment do not correspond to the modern level of comfort. The parameters of the fonts are varied, so everyone can choose for themselves the optimal size of the bath, in which it will be comfortable to take baths. water procedures.

About product sizes

The standard dimensions of the bath may not meet the needs of all consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to find out which bath size is best for specific situations.

Conditions for choosing the desired parameters:

  1. Overall dimensions depend on the spaciousness of the room where the font will be placed. In a modern bathroom, in addition to a bathtub, additional equipment is often installed in the form of washing machines, bath furniture, toilet bowls and sinks. Therefore, before choosing the size of the bath, it is worth deciding on the usable area that will need to be left for normal movement around the apartment;
  2. The depth of the font and its volume can differ significantly even if the parameters are visually the same. It is comfortable to perform water procedures only in a horizontal position, which allows the whole body to be immersed in water;
  3. A high bath may be safe for an adult, but not for a child. The optimal depth of the bath is 50-60 cm. This condition should be observed if you want your head to be above the water;
  4. The width of the font is determined in accordance with the complexion of the person. It is desirable that from the shoulders of the person who is inside the font to its walls there is a gap of several centimeters on both sides;
  5. Dimensions are often influenced by additional accessories, features of the room and the relative position of plumbing in space:
    • sinks above the font;
    • the presence of armrests;
    • the angle of inclination of the sides;
    • shelves and niches installed next to the plumbing.

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Parameters of steel products

Metal hardware is considered one of the most practical and available options. Therefore, a huge number of consumers stop at their steel products, because they have many advantages:

  • Minor weight. The wall thickness of the products does not exceed 3-4 mm;
  • The inner side of the font is covered with enamel, which significantly extends the life of plumbing.

But such models do not isolate sound very well and keep heat, therefore, when choosing a font, this one must be taken into account.

Typical dimensions of the bathroom are as follows:

  • bathtub height - up to 75 cm;
  • width - 80 cm;
  • bathtub length - 185 cm.

It is not advisable to sit on the sides of such a product, as they can bend. Also pay Special attention to the width of the font, if a person has a large build, he will not be particularly comfortable taking a bath.

The photo shows typical dimensions bathtubs made of metal, starting from the distance between the legs and ending with its height of plumbing.

acrylic products

Plumbing made of polymeric materials is now a success with consumers, thanks to the huge number of advantages of this type of device. At the same time, the selection of a bath by size in this category is very difficult, because the standards for acrylic products pretty flexible. What sizes are acrylic bathtubs?

Deep and long bathtubs make plumbing voluminous and roomy. Products fit perfectly into small spaces, due to the huge variety of configurations and dimensions of fonts.

Before determining the dimensions of the font suitable for your bathroom, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Anatomy;
  • Height. It is desirable that while taking a bath, a person can comfortably rest his head on a special headrest.

The length and width of the bath according to GOST made of polymeric materials are 120-180 cm and 70-160 cm, while the configuration of the product can be almost any.

The parameters of acrylic models are clearly presented in the diagram:

Cast iron models

What are the dimensions of cast iron bathtubs? To understand this, it is worth considering the main parameters of the products. Cast iron fonts are conditionally divided into four categories:

  • Small size products. They are suitable for rooms with small area. Thanks to such designs, you can save usable space in the bathroom. The height from the floor can vary considerably, but the width of the bathroom and its length, respectively, are 70 by 120 cm. Of course, you cannot call such a “crumb” comfortable. But if the premises do not allow the installation of larger plumbing, you will have to put up with it;
  • A different type of font is produced with the following parameters: bathroom length - 130 cm, width - 75 cm. For some reason, such products are not mass-produced, but these dimensions are considered the most optimal for small models;
  • According to the European standard, the height of the bathroom from the floor is 530-620 cm, and the length and width are 150 by 70 cm. Similar Models are in demand among consumers who have bathrooms of non-standard sizes;
  • Large tubs. In such models, the distance from the floor to the bath is 440 cm without legs, respectively, the length and width are 180 by 85 cm. However, such devices are not recommended for installation in multi-storey buildings, because the ceiling may not withstand a serious load.

A little above and to the right is a table standard parameters cast iron models.

Determination of optimal dimensions

How to choose a bathtub for height? There are a variety of ways to choose a product that is ideal for the complexion of the consumer. To begin with, you will have to measure all household members, after which it will be easier to determine what size the bath should be.

Tip: If the height of the tallest person in the family is approximately 175 cm, you should purchase a product of no less length. Otherwise, you will take a bath with your legs bent at the knees, which is not very convenient.

The height of the bathtub with legs should not exceed 0.7 m if small children live in the family. It will be inconvenient for them to step over the sides of the font. On the other hand, steps or a podium installed next to the plumbing can also solve this problem.

Before calculating the size of the bath, estimate its weight with and without water. If you live in an apartment and decide to purchase a large-sized cast iron product, you should take into account the permitted floor load (to find out, you can contact the housing office staff who can give you such information).

Bathroom parameters

What are the dimensions of the bathroom? This issue worries consumers who are eager to quickly acquire brand new plumbing. But first of all, you should evaluate the parameters of the room itself in order to understand whether the font you like will fit there or not. This will require:

  • measure the length of all sides of the room;
  • measure the distance between the corners of the bathroom diagonally;
  • draw a schematic layout of the future font;
  • model suitable option location of plumbing;
  • based on this, determine what sizes will be optimal.

Standard parameters of direct models

What are the dimensions of the rectangular bathtubs? In fact, few people are limited to the standard now, if you want only a rectangular font in your house, you can make it to order, then you definitely won’t worry about the question of how long the baths are. Indeed, in this case, the performer will select optimal parameters models for your bathroom.

A standard straight bath has a height of 62-65 cm, a length of 175 cm, a width of 80 cm. What height of the bath from the floor should rather depend on the individual needs of each individual family.


Now you know how to choose the right size bathtub for you. individual conditions premises. This parameter must be taken into account when buying a font, because the ease of use of plumbing depends on it.

The main difficulty lies in determining optimal dimensions models that will be suitable for all family members. If you buy plumbing too high, it will be difficult for children to climb into it. If you purchase a font with very low sides, it will be impossible for a fully grown adult to dive into the water.

But if you follow the rules listed above, you will be able to make a choice in favor of the best option plumbing that will delight you and your household for many years.