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How to make a beautiful gazebo. Aesthetic gazebo made of natural wood with your own hands: features of installation and choice of style. The frame of a country gazebo - on a wooden platform

We come to the dacha not to sit within four walls summer house. Only bad weather or extreme heat can force a citizen to hide under a roof.

Is it possible to make sure that you stay under the roof and still breathe fresh air?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - you can if you build a light gazebo. This building will not only decorate the landscape suburban area, but will also become a favorite place for relaxation and communication.

Today there are many ready-made options light country shelters, but build your own gazebo home master much more interesting.

The family budget will only benefit from such a decision, because the cost makeshift construction on average 40-50% lower than the purchase of a finished structure.

Design and material options

Wood has been and remains the traditional material for country arbors. It is easy to process, extremely decorative, and with high-quality antiseptic impregnation and varnishing, it is very durable. Price wooden structure is minimal, and the time for its construction, even with unhurried work, does not exceed 2-3 days.

Another popular material for light shelters is metal. If the frame is made of steel angle or profile pipe, then your gazebo will be used not only by grandchildren, but also by great-grandchildren.

There are an incredible variety of options for country shelters. We will not cover the immensity, but we will answer one question in detail - how to build the simplest gazebo quickly and inexpensively.

To do this, you can sacrifice a wooden floor and a supporting frame made of timber, which is placed under it. Concrete screed is a cheap and easy-to-implement base option for a gazebo.

Before starting work, you need to do detailed drawing, then choose a suitable place for construction on suburban area. Then we will have to cut the vegetation layer to a depth of 10-15 cm, while leveling the area for concreting.

Important point! We will not use metal for the frame. Our simple gazebo will be wooden. The roof of the building will be supported by four timber posts.

As practice shows, the isolation of a wooden pole with roofing felt or bitumen in direct contact with concrete is ineffective. After 3-5 years, the base still rots, and the gazebo can turn over from a strong wind. Therefore, during construction, it is necessary to immediately cut off the wood from the concrete.

For this, at the stage of concreting foundation slab it is necessary to strictly vertically dig into the ground segments of a round or square pipe of a suitable size so that 20-30 cm of metal comes out of the concrete. Having drilled four holes in them for self-tapping screws, we will get “eternal supports” for wooden posts, on which the roof will rest.

A light country gazebo does not require the construction of brick fences to protect it from strong winds. The simplest fence made of eurolining 80-90 cm high, fixed on two longitudinal bars, will protect your back from blowing and burning sun rays. Such a fence is fixed to wooden posts with ordinary wood screws.

Instead of lining for fencing, you can also use cellular polycarbonate. It transmits light well, is easily attached to the bars, and is not afraid of moisture and heat.

For the roof, we use a wooden beam with a section of 50x50 mm. A gable tent frame is assembled from it, which is mounted on a horizontal strapping beam. You can cover the roof with any sheet material(metal tile, polycarbonate, ondulin or wavy slate).

When drawing a gazebo, calculate its dimensions and make the width of the roof such that the roofing material does not have to be cut. To do this, freeze dimensions of the sheet used and allow a slight overlap for the end and side eaves of the roof.

For example, for 8-wave asbestos-cement slate, the length of the gazebo should be a multiple of 1 meter, and the length of the ramp should be 1.75 meters. If several sheets of slate are laid along the slope, then the length of each is reduced by 10-15 cm to ensure overlap.

Considering other options for materials for the construction of light shelters, polycarbonate should be especially noted. From it you can make not only a fence, but also a roof. This lightweight and impact-resistant plastic is optimally combined with a metal profile.

The result is an openwork translucent structure, especially appropriate in the shade of trees. Here you should not use slate and other opaque materials. A translucent roof and dense foliage will create a pleasant partial shade.

It should be noted that this also applies to simple designs. All that is needed for it is several tens of meters of a steel corner with a section of 50x50 mm, a steel strip, one standard polycarbonate sheet 2.1x6 meters and several planed boards for making a table and benches.

Having concreted 4 corner posts in the foundation, they need to be scalded with a corner with a section of 25x25 mm. Two corner belts are welded or screwed on with self-tapping screws in the middle part of the racks and one is allowed along the top to create the supporting part of the roof.

Polycarbonate bends perfectly, so you can make a beautiful arched roof for a gazebo without any problems. To do this, you need to weld two steel strips 50 mm wide bent in the form of an arch to the racks and attach three longitudinal strips of metal to them for attaching a polycarbonate sheet.

An interesting version of a wooden gazebo with a polycarbonate roof

The roof that covers summer gazebo for giving, can be made of shingles. In this case, you will have to buy several sheets of OSB, which will become the basis for this material.

Wood-oriented board, even with a thickness of 10-12 mm, is very strong and rigid. Therefore, it does not have to make a spatial frame of wood for it. It is enough just to attach it well to the strapping bar of the racks, and on the ridge to one of the sheets below, attach a bar with a section of 5x5 cm to fix the end of the second OSB sheet.

As we have already noted, the simplest garden gazebo does not have a frame frame. The foundation and floor for it is concrete screed reinforced with steel mesh. You can safely put a brazier on such a surface, without fear that the floor will catch fire from the fallen coal. If the shelter is planned to be used in winter time, then it is better to make the floor wooden, and raise the foundation higher.

Columnar is inexpensive and easy to build. In order not to go beyond a modest budget, you can use ordinary red brick or natural flagstone. Having dug shallow (up to 40 cm) square holes along the perimeter, columns are placed in them on the solution. Anchor bolts 20 cm long with a thread at the free end must be laid in the masonry.

On the columns put the simplest supporting frame of wooden beam 50x100 mm. Laying on it an antiseptic floorboard, we will get a warm floor, which will be protected from snow by a high foundation. Three walls near the winter gazebo can be made of cellular polycarbonate.

Having made an open hearth inside with hood, we will get comfortable room for a picnic. You can stay in it even with a slight frost, without feeling discomfort.

Useful video

Any summer resident on his site wants to have a beautiful spacious gazebo. In it you can arrange tea parties, invite guests to summer barbecue, read your favorite book or just relax after a hard day, enjoying nature.

It is not difficult to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands on your own land, the main thing is to stock up on the necessary materials and strictly follow the technology.

Features and Benefits

Any gazebo is characterized by a number of utilitarian and decorative properties. The practical function of the canopy is to save from rain and scorching sunlight. Decorative qualities include attractive appearance, harmonious combination with landscape design and other buildings. It is worth building a wooden gazebo with your own hands, given all of the above.

Choosing construction material for the construction of an object, it is worth considering the positive and negative sides of a particular material. So, a tree and a gazebo from it have a number of advantages:

  1. simplicity of design and ease of processing allow you to build a canopy or a more complex object alone;
  2. you can choose different styles and designs;
  3. environmentally friendly material, safe for human health;
  4. compared to brick, wood is a budget and affordable material;
  5. lightweight construction does not require a reinforced foundation;
  6. at proper care behind the wood, the gazebo will last for many years;
  7. any building made of wood has an attractive appearance and fits perfectly into any landscape design, combined with other materials (brick, stone, iron).

But this material also has disadvantages. It is unlikely that their list can force you to abandon the construction of a wooden gazebo, but these features should be taken into account when building a building and caring for it:

  1. Wood rots easily and is often moldy, especially in humid climates. To avoid the destruction of the material, even before the start construction works every wooden element treated with antiseptics and special impregnations.
  2. This material is flammable and supports fire. When equipping an outdoor fireplace or barbecue next to the gazebo, it is important to follow the rules of technology fire safety on the site: do not leave open flames unattended, always extinguish the coals after cooking is completed, even at the construction stage, limit the possibility of sparks on the wood.


Can be distinguished different kinds pavilions. They differ in functionality and design. From a practical point of view, the gazebo can be endowed with various additional options, which will expand the functionality of the building.

A gazebo and a summer kitchen in one building is real, because a spacious shed can be equipped with a real kitchen.

A cutting table, an electric stove, a sink and a refrigerator are the attributes necessary for the arrangement. Directly for the feast you will need a dining group, which is better to choose from garden furniture options. Such a building will provide comfortable cooking in the fresh air, you can immediately gather a family at the table. This option is great for those who don't like to stand by the stove in the stuffy kitchen at home.

In advance, care should be taken to bring communications to the construction: light, water, drain for washing. Such an object is quite massive, so the construction of a reinforced foundation will be required.

Another option for comfortable outdoor cooking - shed with outdoor stove or fireplace. For those who like to have a barbecue in any weather, this option will come in handy. The hearth itself, of course, is laid out from refractory, heat-resistant bricks, but a canopy in the form of a gazebo can be made from a wooden structure. For this type of building, a common fortified foundation is desirable.

Gathering in the winter for a barbecue in nature - what could be more tempting? Insulated building with barbecue grill inside will help to carry out the idea in warmth and comfort, while remaining in the fresh air. Extensive glazing of the winter gazebo will help merge with nature. Typically, such buildings have a hexagonal or octagonal design, a brazier is erected in the center of bricks or stone, and an exhaust pipe is equipped in the roof. Guests sit around the hearth, fry meat, talk and warm themselves.

For such an object, a reinforced, insulated and waterproofed foundation is required. insulate mineral wool followed by walls with a roof. The gazebo is intended for use all year round. In the warm season, you can open the windows and enjoy nature. Mosquito net get rid of mosquitoes and flies.

Solarium is a semi-closed summer garden spaces. The most popular type of such arbors are pergolas. Such solariums first appeared in the south of France as supports for vines, thus they served as a kind of corridor on plantations for farmers. The shade from the abundant foliage created a pleasant coolness, and, thanks to the ease of construction, pergolas spread throughout the world.

There are other types of solariums.

Penumbra can be created by additional draperies made of fabric or with the help of climbing plants - roses, hops, parthenocissus, honeysuckle, clematis and others.

Gazebo swing- this is a small architectural form with a narrow functionality, but, one way or another, every guest, and the owners, will be pleased to swing on a home-made wooden attraction. The canopy will protect from direct sunlight and light rain, pillows and a mattress will give the gazebo-swing coziness and comfort.

Construction form

In addition to the functional variety of buildings, there are different types of arbors in style and shape. This includes objects made of wood, which was processed different ways, and the possibility of designing a roof or design features frame.

square and rectangular gazebos are the simplest forms. Such a building can be made as an elementary canopy, without railings and sheathing, and even without flooring - it is enough to dig in stable pillars, fill them with concrete, and build a roof. The structure looks almost transparent and weightless, but in the same way it saves from rain and sunlight.

It is better to build a spacious square or rectangular arbor in the classical view - on a foundation, with a floor and a railing. Then it will have a finished look, and also meet all the requirements from the practical side of the issue.

frame hexagonal or octagonal gazebos are more durable than the simplest forms, therefore they are able to withstand the thickness of snow and winter glazing. In addition, such a space is much more spacious. The gazebo looks easy and at ease. However a large number of the material goes to waste, so this type of construction will cost more.

Pergolas-rotundas round shape look luxurious, often unusual. Because of the device, the roofs have a rather complicated roofing technology. It is not easy to meet a real wooden gazebo in the shape of a circle in summer cottages, mainly craftsmen make hexagonal or octagonal canopies.

Wood is a versatile material to support any stylistic landscape design idea. Various ways wood processing and the possibility of using paint and varnish coatings will help to create an object on the site in a classic or any modern style, for example, hi-tech, minimalism, country or rustic. In addition, you can build an object with a different design of the roof frame - with shed roof, flat, gable, hip, dome, conical, tent or multi-gable.

Pergolas can be fully open or semi-open.

So, part of the walls or one wall of the canopy can be closed, and the rest left open. It is important to first trace the wind rose, and then install a blind partition exactly on the windward side. This way you can avoid drafts.


Many companies carry out their own production of wooden gazebos. The finished structure is installed by the company's employees in the country or on the site country house. But it is not difficult to make a wooden gazebo with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the technology step by step, without neglecting individual points. A considerable part of the important work falls on those stages that must be completed before the actual construction of the object.


As soon as the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding a gazebo appears, it is necessary to determine its type, functionality, style, place on the site. For such a recreation area, it is better to choose a picturesque corner of the garden in order to be able to enjoy nature. In this case, the building may have a free design style. However, if the object is in close proximity to residential building, then the buildings should be in harmony with each other, creating a single architectural ensemble.

The size of the gazebo is determined by its functionality. For a short rest in the shade, you can limit yourself to miniature forms, for example, 1x1.5 m. The interior can be equipped with a bench mounted on vertical supports, a small table. For feasts with family and friends, you should think about a spacious building of about 3x3 m. It is important that a dining group is placed under a canopy, and guests have the opportunity to freely leave the table without disturbing anyone.

Options with oven and kitchen should be even bigger. It is necessary to ensure safety - do not place a table and chairs too close to a red-hot stove, so as not to create a fire hazard, and also so that no one can get burned. A size of approximately 4x4 m and more will be optimal.

For buildings with increased functionality, all communications should be laid in advance. For any gazebo, you should consider organized option garden path. In the event that, according to the project, the object does not imply its own flooring, a continuation of the path can become its replacement.

This way you can create unity in the area.

Material selection

A wooden gazebo can be made in many ways. Each of them assumes various options wood processing. There are several types of processed wood from which gazebos can be built:

  • From a log house. This is a massive building made of thick and strong trunks of pine or birch. Chopped arbors look fundamental, can become the basis of a rustic or country style. Decorations in the form of carvings on the prichelina, valance, railings and lining of the lower part will add a Russian flavor. Best of all, such structures look in simple forms- square, rectangular.

  • Alcove from a bar built on frame technology. Such a building is much weightless, and also cheaper. Economy option - instead of ready-made boards, use unedged material for sheathing the lower part, which can be processed independently, or used in the original, as it is, as a stylistic device.

  • From trunks. An unusual alternative to arbors from a log house. The difference is that knots are specially left on the material, they do not seek to process the tree to the state of an ideal cylinder. Sometimes trunks are used without removing the tree bark from them, or a deliberately curved material is chosen. The forest style can be massive if you choose bulky trees for the construction of gazebo supports, but the building can be graceful and thin if made from young plants.


Before making calculations and starting construction, it is necessary to draw up a project in the form of a drawing of the future object. The schematic drawing should show the size future construction on a scale. On separate drawings, complex structural work should be shown in more detail, for example, the installation of roof supports. If the gazebo is with an outdoor fireplace, then the arrangement of the chimney, firebox, foundation is also depicted separately with careful drawing.

Consider, for example, drawing up a drawing for a 3x3 frame gazebo, and also make calculations required amount building material.

Such a building is budget option for a country house or summer cottage, while it looks simple and beautiful.

So the main technical features object:

  • size - 3 by 3 meters;
  • height - at least 2 meters, optimally 2.10–2.30 m;
  • lightweight columnar foundation on brick or concrete blocks;
  • for the frame it is used: as vertical corner supports - a bar 150x150 mm in the amount of 4 pieces, as central supports along the perimeter - a bar 150x100 mm in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • roof - hip hipped, laid on the rafters;
  • as a roof - soft tiles;
  • floor - wooden (27 boards of 6 meters, size - 25x150 mm), laid on logs, stairs can be installed;
  • for floor logs, rafters, railings and harnesses, you will need 25 boards of 6 meters 50 x 150 mm.

the expense column of the estimate should also include such construction attributes as self-tapping screws, nails, corners, antiseptic impregnations for wood, terrace oil, the cost of cement, sand, as well as the transportation of all materials.


Before proceeding with the direct construction of the object, it is worth preparing the necessary Building tools for wood processing:

  • circular electric saw, which will help cut the tree so that the cuts are even and beautiful;
  • a jigsaw and a hacksaw are useful for small cuts;
  • the miter box will help to cut the tree under right angle evenly and neatly (a circular saw only makes straight cuts);
  • electric drill and drills for it;

  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • construction tape measure and level, plumb;
  • pincers, nippers;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • stepladder or ladder.

Foundation construction

For spacious, heavy buildings, e.g. winter gazebos with insulation and glazing, a reinforced foundation is best suited. The most common type is tape. If the future gazebo will also be equipped with a stove or an outdoor barbecue fireplace, this type of base should be considered. For a lightweight gazebo using frame technology, a columnar foundation is more appropriate.

It is less expensive and easy to install, does not require the manufacture of formwork, allows you to produce easy repair floor covering.

The installation instructions contain the following important points:

  1. At the site of the future construction, marking is carried out according to the size of the object. To do this, you need to drive in 4 pegs and pull a thick thread between them.
  2. Along the perimeter, at an equal distance from each other, 8 holes are dug in the form of a square, and 1 hole is in the middle, to the depth of the shovel bayonet. In the center of each hole, except for the middle one, a long reinforcing bar is installed, which will link the frame of the building with the foundation.
  3. The pits fall asleep sand and gravel mix, moistened and well rammed.
  4. Next, brick pillars are laid out, the elements of which are fastened cement mortar and aligned with each other. It is important that the surfaces of the supports are laid out flush, regardless of the terrain of the site, because this is the only way to ensure that the flooring is even in the future.
  5. A sheet of roofing material for waterproofing is laid on each pillar.

The height of the columns depends on the topography of the soil at their summer cottage. Somewhere you will have to build a pillar of 4 bricks, and somewhere 2 elements may be enough. You should also take into account the desire and possibility of making ladders.

It is important not to neglect the arrangement of the sand and gravel cushion - it is this stage that will allow the building not to settle. Worst of all, if the settling occurs unevenly, which is why it is important to properly tamp the pillow.

Wood preparation

While the cement hardens, it is necessary to prepare the wood. By using circular saw and the miter box, according to the drawn scheme, we cut the wood according to the required dimensions. Next, it should be treated with special antiseptics that prevent the appearance of mold, and impregnations from decay.

If the building will have additional options in the form of an outdoor fireplace, you should not choose oil-based antiseptics - such a composition is more fire hazardous, but a solution with flame retardants will protect against fire. If the tree is damp, recently cut down, products containing alcohol are better suited. It should also be borne in mind that there are antiseptics with pigments that can change the color of the tree. The compositions, depending on the manufacturer, are applied with a brush, a sprayer, some elements may be soaked in a solution.

The impregnation is applied with a special brush according to the location of the wood fibers. It is important that at the time of application there is no strong wind, rain, scorching sun.

The weather should be moderate, then the solution will not dry prematurely and will not wash off.

Neglecting wood protection work, you can wait until the gazebo begins to rot, collapse, the tree may begin to swell, paint or varnish on the surface may chip and peel off. In order for the building to serve longer, it is better to take care of it in advance.

Bottom trim

It will take 3-4 days to harden the columnar foundation, another 1-2 days to dry the impregnations and antiseptics. After that, you can start creating bottom strapping.

For the lower strapping, four beams 150x150 mm three meters long are needed. At the end of each beam, a groove is cut, approximately 75 mm in size, for attaching the elements to each other in a “half-tree” type. The bars are stacked on top of each other around the perimeter and mounted on reinforcing bayonets, fastened with self-tapping screws or nails.

Frame and top rail

In the center of the base of the bars intended for the frame, holes for the reinforcing bar are made from the end with a drill and a thick drill. More massive bars (4 pieces) are installed in the corners, thinner ones (5 pieces) along the perimeter. WITH front side gazebos should consider the opening for the entrance. It is formed using two bars at a convenient distance from each other. Therefore, 5 pillars are allocated to the frame along the perimeter, and not 4.

Vertical frame members are aligned with building level and secured with wood scraps. This is a temporary measure, because the trim is removed after the installation of the upper harness. The latter is installed on top of the vertical supports "overlapped" from the bars 150x100 mm, by analogy with the bottom strapping. All elements are fastened with screws or nails.


To install the log, you will need bars 150 by 50 mm in the amount of 5 pieces. They are installed flush with the bottom strapping using special corners. Directly the floor surface is covered with boards 150 by 50 mm. It is important that small gaps of 2-3 mm in size remain between the elements for water to drain. At the junction of the floor with vertical supports, it is necessary to make cuts so that the surface becomes homogeneous.


For the roof, it is necessary to prepare a separate sketch that will help create a reliable, stable structure. The roof frame is a classic hip truss four-slope system. For rafters, it is necessary to prepare bars 150 by 50 mm.

The structure should be assembled in advance, on the ground, and only then lifted to the upper trim and secured. It is necessary to assemble the roof frame immediately after the stage of installation of the lower trim.

Due to the fact that the lower trim is identical to the upper one, it is possible to make the necessary cuts in the rafters, guided by the dimensions of the finished structure.

Four beams come together to form 4 triangles hip roof. Each triangle is divided into three parts from top to bottom by three additional boards that are needed for laying roofing material. In places where the rafters intersect with the strapping, slots are made to help seat the structure on the upper level of the strapping. The structure is mounted on top.

After fixing the roof frame, the triangles are sheathed with boards. For soft tiles sheathing must be made tightly, for lighter material significant gaps can be left, but it should be borne in mind that the roof must fit snugly against the rafters.

Next, you can cover the roof frame with a membrane material that will not allow moisture to seep into the object. You can attach it to the rafters furniture stapler. Installation of roofing material depends on its type. The tile is laid out from the bottom up, the joints are covered with spinal tiles.

decorative trim

The frame, roof and floor are ready. Such a canopy can already be used, but in order to complete the work and achieve the external attractiveness and completeness of the object, it is necessary to install railings, fences, possibly make a crate and stairs.

Railings are made from thin boards that can be planed to round or unusual shape, and are installed below the middle of the frame. Rails are also used as fences, which can be laid out according to classic patterns - a rectangle, a flower, a triangle, a pigtail. The railing can be tightly sewn up with clapboard or have a combined pattern.

If the gazebo is high, then the foundation should be hidden with boards, and a ladder should be attached to the entrance. Comfort will add garden furniture and textiles. Curtains, pillows and even a rug in dry weather will be a great addition to outdoor recreation in such a gazebo.

Beautiful examples for inspiration

Wooden pergola-type arbors look elegant and weightless. Textiles can be used to create shadows. Mediterranean style in the garden of a country house will evoke pleasant thoughts about the sea, give a feeling complete relaxation and bliss.

East style too exacting in terms of design. For example, a Chinese gazebo should stand in a garden that will fully comply with all Eastern traditions - these are rock gardens that will support the idea, and paths paved according to all the rules of the East, and the calming water surface of artificial reservoirs.

But you can give an oriental flavor to the European country estate: it is worth slightly modifying the structure of the roof and lifting the lower parts of the rafters up like a pagoda.

A forest-style gazebo appears as a kind of shelter for a real hunter. For such a construction, you can really use materials from the forest without buying ready-made bars or round timber. This building looks unusual and authentic.

Even decorating your site in a modern style, such as hi-tech or minimalism, you can use wood material. The main thing is to properly process the tree and find the necessary form of the future building.

- a task that requires some skills in construction. There are many construction options, but if you plan to do it on your own, then you should choose simple projects. Next, we will describe in detail the technology of how to make a gazebo with our own hands, photos will help us illustrate each stage of construction.

Preparatory activities - choose a project

There should be a gazebo on the site! Perhaps, then you can proceed to describe the construction process, and tell you step by step how to make a gazebo with your own hands. But …

First you need to decide on the project. Without a doubt, a small architectural form should be beautiful, practical, comfortable, reliable, functional, echo the general architectural ensemble and harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the site. Ideally, this should not be just an outbuilding for comfortable rest in the air, made "hai so", but also a real decoration of the garden plot.

Making a gazebo for a summer residence allows you to show imagination


And open: classic with a roof and a parapet, awnings, mini portable structures, collapsible tents with an awning roof and sometimes the same canopy-walls, gazebos-swings. And, of course, all sorts of original designs, the manufacture of two-story arbors is especially in demand, something like summer kitchen, sometimes the room is adapted for a garage, and on top - a viewing platform, a place for rest and gatherings.

When choosing a project, do not forget that the gazebo is a decoration of garden plots, and not the dominant of the architectural ensemble.


The dimensions of the gazebo directly depend on what functionality it will be endowed with, and what area of ​​​​the site you plan to allocate for construction. Here we will clarify only a few circumstances that are essential for choosing a size:

  • If household plot small and a gazebo is needed for recreation of 4-6 people, it is better to opt for the manufacture of a mini-design, their average dimensions are 1.6 by 2.0 m.
  • In a typical gazebo with dimensions of 2.5 * 3 m, 3 * 3 m, you can place a small barbecue, and workplace(kitchen), and make a table for gatherings for 6-10 people.
  • The buildings bigger size suitable for accommodating numerous companies, or for closed and combined structures.

It is not difficult to make a simple gazebo with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the installation technology of the main components

What to make

But before you make a gazebo with your own hands according to the drawings, it’s not enough to decide on the shape and size, you need to choose the material for making the building:

  • tree - log, timber, boards, tree trunks, driftwood;
  • brick, stone, monolithic concrete, blocks;
  • metal - welded structures made of rolled metal (corners, rectangular and round profiles), forged products;
  • glass and polycarbonate, a frame is usually made of other materials and sheathed with transparent sheets: a roof, walls that protect from wind and rain;
  • a metal profile with a PVC sheath, as a rule, these are ready-made structures, for which a special platform is made, and then assembled according to the type of designer.

Of course, the most popular materials for the manufacture of gazebos are metal and wood. They are quite easy to handle with the ability to hold tools in your hands.

Making a polycarbonate gazebo usually takes 1-3 days


Is there anything that can compare with the beauty of the texture of wood, with its warmth and special subtle aroma. Wooden country houses fit well into almost any landscape design. There is a recommendation that gazebos should be made in the same style as the main house, so that they do not stand out from the general design concept of the site. The tree is perfectly combined with any materials, even if the house is not chopped, but finished with siding, brick, stone, etc.

Advice: Before you make a gazebo in the country, the whole tree must be thoroughly impregnated with antiseptics, and covered with fire-fighting preparations for 2 layers.

It is not difficult to make a hexagonal gazebo, it is important to make a drawing correctly and accurately transfer it to the area

Most often, wooden gazebos are made with their own hands, since no additional equipment other than tools is required.

Pavilions made of wood turn out to be especially cozy, conducive to relaxation, they are equally comfortable both on a hot day and in a frost. We invite you to watch how to make a gazebo, a video that shows step by step how you can quickly make a small wooden building.


Arbors made of metal are reliable, durable, durable, this material has only one serious enemy - rust, but modern anti-corrosion impregnations, which should be used to process parts before building, allow you to forget about this problem.

Today, small forged structures, usually hexagonal in shape, are in demand. They are graceful, airy and create a feeling of lightness, such gazebos do not overload the space and are practically invisible on the site, especially if they are decorated with climbing plants.

Another popular way to do metal gazebo- is to make a welded frame and sheathe it with polycarbonate. Here it all depends on your requests, it can be a mini barrel gazebo, or a huge canopy.

For the manufacture of a forged gazebo, you can buy ready-made parts: patterns and lattices


As for the manufacture of the roof, then soft roofing is most often used as the roof of gazebos. shingles, polycarbonate, metal tiles, ondulin.

To decorate the building, elements with wood carvings, curly details - poles, balusters, a wooden lattice that you can make yourself, artistic forging, including individual decorative curlicues and finished sections, are used.

How to make a beautiful gazebo

We will make a garden flying wooden house, closed with a grate, 4.5 * 4.5 m, under a hip roof.

Making a gazebo with your own hands, like any other construction, begins with site preparation and foundation. We transfer the drawing to the area, make markings for the foundation. We drive pegs in the corners, pull the rope, check the geometry, the diagonals should be equal.

We make the foundation

Clearing the site and making markings for the foundation

We remove the top fertile layer of soil, dig holes. First, in the corners, then we divide the distance between them into equal parts, and we dig holes around the perimeter. Between the pits should be 1.2 -2.0 m, no more. Depth 0.5 - 0.7 m.

To make the foundation, you need to prepare a pillow

We fill the bottom with crushed stone 0.2 m, sandstone 0.2 m, thoroughly ram.

Pillars can be made independently or made from ready-made blocks

We install blocks on the prepared pillow.

It is better to make not only horizontal waterproofing, but also coat the stob with bitumen

We lay the waterproofing, you can coat the blocks with heated bituminous mastic or lay 2 layers of roofing material on them.

How to make a frame

For the manufacture of the lower strapping, we take a beam, preferably glued, with a cross section of 100 * 100, 100 * 150 mm.

The photos show how to make the bottom harness.

We cut the ends into half-logs, make recesses for fastening the middle bars. We lay it around the perimeter, fix it with self-tapping screws, additionally on metal corners.

Logs are best made from the same timber as the perimeter strapping

We lay the logs inside the structure. We impregnate them with an antiseptic and fire-fighting solution.

For the manufacture of supports, a beam with a section of 100 * 100 mm is suitable

We install the support stands, we attract them to the metal corners so as not to knock down the geometry, we prop them up with temporary jibs.

It is better to do the strapping first between the paired pillars, and then pull them together

We tighten on the heads, check the geometry, it will fit edged board with a section of 50 * 100 mm.

When making a frame, constantly check the level of the horizon and vertical on a plumb line

We install the middle supports, make a transverse upper trim. We lay the floor. For the manufacture of the floor, decking or grooved board is well suited.

How to make a roof

On the transverse strapping, in the center, we fasten 2 beams vertically, section 100 * 100 mm, length 0.9 m, connect them with a ridge beam, board 100 * 50 mm. It is better to make rafters and assemble a farm on the ground.

Photo example of how best to make and install a ridge beam

We make rafters for our building hanging type, should protrude beyond the building by at least 300 mm, 3 pcs., lift up, fasten to the ridge beam.

It is better to do rafters on a sled so that the roof slides a little with strong heaving of the soil

We strengthen rafter legs at the corners of the structure.

Good to know: truss system for outbuildings according to SNiP it is made from a board 50 * 150 mm, this is the maximum maximum.

For the manufacture of crates, you can use OSB or moisture-resistant plywood

We make a roof sheathing under the roof. In our case, this is a 60 * 20 mm rail.

Laying roofing material

How to make wall structures

At a height of 900 mm from the floor, we fix curly railings or ordinary timber, we sheathe the resulting frame inside with a thinner beam, 20 * 40 mm, we get a frame in a frame.

Parapet can be made from balusters

We fix it with a board diagonally. From above we sew the parapet with a rail.

You can make the grilles yourself, you can also close the sides with monolithic polycarbonate, or make full-fledged glazing

We decorate the upper part of the wall with a wooden lattice, it will protect from the sun and gusts of wind. In the corners of the racks we fix a curly corner, it does not carry any practical load, for beauty. We sew up the base with a mini-fence made from scraps. We paint the gazebo in the desired color. For convenience, we build a porch.

In the photo, how to make a country gazebo out of wood and decorate it is not expensive, but beautiful

And at the end, watch the video on how to make a gazebo with your own hands, from the video you will understand how simple this process is. I must say that this video will inspire many to make a place to relax in the country. Country homemade mini design, comfortable, beautiful, ergonomic, it can be done in one day without any help.

Do you want to make something with your own hands, so that it pleases you and your loved ones for a considerable amount of time?

A good choice would be a small design like a gazebo. Building a gazebo with your own hands will be the best option.

Just imagine how, with a proud look at a joint dinner at their summer cottage, you tell your friends and family how you yourself made this cozy corner.

How to make a gazebo with your own hands

For the first steps in this matter, you will need your imagination. Decide on the place where your creation will stand. Prepare it by clearing excess debris.

Find a photo of the desired gazebo or imagine it yourself and think it over to the smallest detail (arbor dimensions, shape, additional details, color, style). Well, if you have the opportunity to sketch your thought. This will help you concentrate on the product and not be sprayed on trifles. Significant savings in time and effort.

Also finish the scenery to make the finished gazebo better. Create more precise drawing with all measurements, gazebo project. Width, length, distance between supports. Choose the material from which you would like to see your gazebo.

After choosing the form, the foundation is laid and the frame of the building is erected. The final step will be decorating the structure.

Take your gazebo drawings and get down to business. This will simplify the entire assembly process of the building, as well as the availability of all necessary tools and details.

Wooden gazebos

This type of arbors is most often found on sites. Such structures are famous for their comfort in cold weather, in comparison with arbors for summer cottages made of metal or other material.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, which plays an important role if you take children with you to the country house.

for pests or fungal diseases you don’t have to worry, since the gazebo can be treated once with special preparations.

In the future, their presence evaporates, and only those against whom they are intended will feel them.

The tree implies the ease of construction of parts, as well as their fastening. With proper care of raw materials, it will serve you for a very long time. The nice and natural appearance of the gazebo will not leave absolutely anyone indifferent and will only emphasize your site from favorable angles.

For a long period of operation of the building, prepare the most durable frame and foundation. This will save the gazebo from subsidence on the ground and skewing it in all possible directions. Thoroughly treat the surface with an antiseptic. This will kill all unwanted germs and infections on it.

It is best if your gazebo design does not look pretentious against the background of the rest of the site. Minimalism in detail has never made things worse.

Roofed pergola

This type of structure will allow you to enjoy your vacation with your family at any time of the year in any weather.

A variety of summer buildings implies the absence of both a roof and a pair of walls, is limited only by partitions or is covered with an awning. It can also be supplemented with a grid against small insects if you plan to spend evenings in it.


In the process of work, prepare sand, cement, wooden blocks, piles and nails. Tools such as hammer, planer, Sander and a saw will become your indispensable helpers.

It is better to divide all the work into a couple of stages. So you will approach the task more carefully and it will be easier to track what and how much you have left to do.

Location of gazebos

It is contraindicated to build gazebos in recesses. Since all the moisture will be absorbed into the raw material and after a while it will begin to rot.


The most reliable option is the foundation on the columns. Place the walls on the base of the foundation, not the floor.

The best solution for the location of the partitions will be when some are protected from the wind, and some are open. Avoid building blank walls, this will create an echo effect. Select the material for the roof in relation to the residential building.

DIY gazebo photo


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B a gazebo is an indispensable attribute of a private house, a country cottage and just a dwelling, in which there is a separate land plot. It will protect from the rays of the sun, rain and other adverse weather conditions. Under the roof of the gazebo, it is always comfortable to spend time with friends or settle down with your family during an evening tea party. However, not everyone knows how to make a gazebo with their own hands from wood step by step. Let's look at the rules for building a gazebo: what to make it from, what materials are needed, and, finally, the stages of its installation.

wooden gazebo

Arbor made of wood: what are the advantages?

To date, there are many materials from which you can make a gazebo. The most common of them are metal and wood. In this article, we will look at how to make do-it-yourself gazebos from wood step by step. Why wood? Because given material has a lot of advantages:

  • easy to install, as wood is a relatively light material;
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it will not be able to harm the environment;
  • Wood is a fairly durable material: it is immune to ultraviolet rays. To prevent the wood from rotting from exposure to moisture, it should be coated with a transparent varnish for wood;
  • Wood goes well with stone, concrete, metal and other materials. In terms of decor, it is universal;

  • Wood carving is also popular now. Exquisite relief drawings will become a kind of decor for the gazebo.

Despite the fact that wood as a material for gazebos has a number of disadvantages (for example, it rots when exposed to moisture, may not be durable enough, subject to the negative effects of termites), it is the best material for building gazebos, which has no alternative.

Related article:

Materials for building a gazebo made of wood

To build a gazebo, you need to stock up on such materials and tools:

  • Iron or wooden pegs pegs - will be needed to mark the area where the gazebo will be installed. Also, for convenience, a fishing line is used, which is pulled between pegs installed along the marked edges of the structure;

  • Auxiliary materials: saw, planer, nails of various calibers, etc.

Quantity necessary materials depends on the size of the planned gazebo.

Stages of building a gazebo made of wood

The choice of design and drawing of the gazebo

Before construction begins, you need to decide what kind of gazebo you want. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited. Designs can be rectangular, hexagonal, round, square, etc. Having decided on the form, you need to set the dimensions of the future building.

Below is a plan for the construction of an octagonal wooden gazebo. This design is very convenient because inside the gazebo it will be comfortable and convenient: up to 12 people can easily accommodate there. Its area may be different depending on the location and your desires. The height of the gazebo is 2.5 meters.

Construction stages


The site selected for construction is cleared, and in accordance with the above dimensions, iron pegs are installed in the corners. Line is stretched in the corners. Mark the place where the entrance will be located.

Foundation preparation

According to the marking, he digs holes, at the bottom of each of them we make a sandy base. It is highly desirable to compact the sand before laying the foundation to avoid excessive settlement. Installing on the bottom concrete blocks or a brick, we fall asleep with gravel, we tamp and fall asleep back with soil. All blocks must be set strictly according to the level.

Instead of blocks in each pit, formwork can be made and cement mortar can be poured.

Base device

After the foundation is ready, install wooden base in accordance with the drawing. This can be done in two ways. The first way: we expose the base of wooden bars using internal jumpers, sew up the floor and only after that we expose the wooden racks, attaching them to the floor with nails and metal plates.

The second method involves setting wooden racks directly on each foundation pillar between the foundation lintels.

The fastening of the bars is carried out using metal corners.

For the reliability of the structure, at the stage of erecting the foundation, it is possible to lay a metal rod in each pillar, onto which the base of the wooden rack will be inserted.

Strapping installation

Further along the edges of the gazebo (except for the place where the entrance to the structure is planned) we install a strapping made of a wooden beam, made in the form of some kind of pattern. We fix the bars with nails and screws. Leave the entrance open.

Roof device

Now we equip the roof of the gazebo. If you want to make a pitched roof, install 8 rafters on load-bearing poles, connect them with a horizontal crossbar. The end result is an "A" shape. If you prefer a single-sided gazebo made of wood with your own hands step by step, then we equip one continuous rafter on the pillars.

We lay the roof, and only after that we lay the tiles on its surface.

To understand how to make a wooden gazebo with your own hands, a step-by-step drawing is simply necessary. Having calculated and planned the entire structure from the very beginning, the installation process will be an easy and exciting experience.