Toilet      03/27/2019

Effective ways to sharpen ceramic knives. How and how you can sharpen a ceramic knife at home

Knives made from hard ceramics, due to their sharpness and ease of use, are gaining more and more popularity and are increasingly used at home. Every owner of a ceramic knife sooner or later asks the question: is it possible to sharpen them, and how to do it without contacting a specialist?

Features of ceramic knives

The main difference between ceramic knives is their special sharpness, absence of rust and long-lasting sharpness. At the same time, there is a certain disadvantage - the cutting surface is quite fragile and, if handled improperly, easily breaks; restore the broken one ceramic knife impossible. It is for this reason that when using it in the kitchen it is not recommended to chop bones, ice, frozen meat and fish and other fairly hard foods. A ceramic blade does not withstand bending well, therefore, bending the knife or letting it fall is not worth it. It also cannot be used to open tin cans and shredding on glass cutting boards.

Depending on the intensity of use of a ceramic knife, it is sharpened 1-2 times a year. In exceptional cases, if treated with care, such knives can remain sharp for up to two years without requiring sharpening.

Most often, the material for such cutting products is the zircon mineral; due to its unique structure, it requires special sharpening, which is produced in specialized centers, often owned by large manufacturers of ceramic knives. But the owner of such a product cannot always afford to visit specialists. But it is possible to return the knife to its original sharpness at home.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

To sharpen ceramic knives, experts advise using diamond-coated tools whose surface hardness corresponds to the characteristics of the product, which will restore sharpness.

The following tools can be used at home:

  • special sharpeners for ceramic knives (mechanical or electric);
  • diamond paste;
  • electric sanders with a special sharpening blade.

The Japanese company Kyocera, a major global manufacturer of ceramic products, also specializes in the production of devices for sharpening ceramic knives, thanks to its vast production experience offering optimal solutions for household use.

When choosing special sharpeners, you need to pay attention to their specifications, including the type of knives being sharpened and the sharpening angle. Electrical devices Sharpening cutting products is more expensive than manual sharpening, but the former are often much easier to handle and require less experience and skill in operation.

When using electric sanders, it is necessary to choose diamond-coated abrasive wheels with a grain size not exceeding 40 microns. If diamond paste is used to sharpen a ceramic knife, its grain size should not exceed 5 microns.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

As we have already noted, the most convenient for sharpening ceramic knives at home are special electric sharpeners. The sharpening process in this case is very simple, the knife is fixed at a certain angle inside the device, then the sharpening mode is turned on. Some models of sharpeners do not provide for fastening the sharpeners, but require consistent movements of the blade in the grooves of the device.

A manual sharpener also does not require special skills; the sharpening process is approximately similar to sharpening an ordinary knife, but requires more careful work and time.

When using an electric sander, it is necessary to set the speed at a low speed, maintain minimal runout, and turn the Special attention to the sharpening angle. You cannot press the blade too hard against the moving wheel; the edge to be sharpened must be rounded, and the angle must be maintained as accurately as possible.

Ceramic knives have long ceased to be a novelty. Today, many housewives prefer them after comparing them with traditional steel kitchen tools. One of the arguments in favor of a ceramic knife is precisely that it needs to be sharpened less often than a regular one. However, over time, the blade becomes dull, and sooner or later it will have to be sharpened. Conventional tools are not suitable for this. We will tell you in our article how and with what to sharpen a ceramic knife at home without damaging it.

The difference between ceramic knives and steel knives

Ceramic knives look beautiful and elegant, but they do not scratch, do not become dull for a long time and have high cutting properties. A ceramic knife can easily cut into even, thin slices such inconvenient cutting foods as tomatoes, eggs or cheese. It does not leave a metallic taste on food, does not corrode, and is practically weightless.

However, a ceramic knife requires careful use. For example, they should never try to chop bones or frozen foods; in this case, you risk getting a chip on the cutting surface, or even breaking the knife. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use a knife on ceramic surfaces.

Dropping a ceramic knife onto a tiled floor or metal surface and is completely contraindicated.

A set of ceramic knives for the kitchen requires sharpening no more than twice a year

The blade of ceramic knives is made of zirconium dioxide, which is shaped and calcined in furnaces at temperatures above 1500° C. The result is a very strong material, second only to diamond in hardness. Despite all the indisputable advantages of the knife due to this property, it also has disadvantages. One of them is the labor-intensive selection of materials for sharpening. Obviously, something very hard can only be sanded with something even harder. This is why most devices designed for sharpening metal knives become unsuitable for ceramic products.

Even the highest quality knife gradually deteriorates its cutting ability and needs to be sharpened. In addition, during use, the blade may become covered with small chips, which can be removed by sharpening.

If an ordinary metal knife has to be sharpened several times a month, then a ceramic knife, even with active use This procedure will be required no more than 1–2 times a year.

A metal knife is sharpened often. Moreover, additional sharpening does not in any way affect the service life of the product. With its ceramic brother the situation is completely different. During the entire period of operation, a ceramic knife can be sharpened only a few times! Delicate material wears out and crumbles, so in those moments when you sharpen it, try to do everything as correctly as possible.

When using an electric emery, only diamond-coated discs are suitable for a ceramic knife. During the grinding process, the knife blade is not tightly pressed against the wheel, which means the whole process will take you longer than if you were sharpening a metal knife.

How to sharpen correctly

Despite the fact that a ceramic knife is made of very hard material, it is nevertheless quite fragile. That is why sharpening such a knife at home is a risky business. Therefore, if you are not confident in your manual dexterity, you may want to use the services of a specialized workshop. If you are not afraid of difficulties and want to save money, try one of the methods for sharpening ceramic knives at home. However, keep in mind that you still cannot do without special devices, which also cost some money.

Single-sided and double-sided sharpening

Before you start sharpening, take a close look at the knife blade and determine the type of blade. The traditional ceramic knife, originally from Japan, is designed to create an especially thin and precise cut. This knife has a flat blade, sharpened on one side only. Today, ceramic knives addressed to European consumers are often equipped with the familiar blade with lens-shaped (wedge-shaped) slopes. This blade is sharpened on both sides. A knife with a double-sided sharpening is more universal: it can be used by both right-handers and left-handers, and it will be more functional in the kitchen.

Ceramic knives with different types blades

When purchasing a specialized sharpener for ceramic knives, pay attention to what type of blade it is intended for. A number of expensive models from Japanese manufacturers are designed for both single-sided and double-sided sharpening.

Never try to sharpen a knife with one-sided sharpening on both sides!

When sharpening on one side, the side protruding with a wedge is first ground down until a uniform burr is formed on the cutting edge. Then the blade is turned over to the other side to grind off the resulting burr.

Ceramic knives with single-sided sharpening

When sharpening on both sides, using a coarse-grained stone, first grind down one surface of the blade until a burr appears, after which the knife is turned over and sharpened symmetrically for the same time. A fine-grained stone is used at the end to give the blade its final sharpness.

Sharpening methods

Electric sharpening machine

To sharpen a ceramic knife using a machine, you need to purchase two diamond-coated grinding wheels: 80 microns for preliminary sharpening and 40 microns for final grinding of the blade.

A ceramic knife is sharpened using a diamond disc

Conditions for proper sharpening:

Important: be sure to maintain the sharpening angle with which the knife was made during the grinding process.

Electric sharpener

Manufacturers of ceramic knives have made sure that they can be sharpened at professional level at home. Electric and manual sharpeners for ceramic knives are produced in Japan and the USA, and the cost of such devices starts from 3,500 rubles. Chinese analogues are much cheaper, but there will be no one to ask about quality.

Using an electric sharpener does not require any effort from you

The electric sharpener is equipped with two diamond-coated discs, which are powered by a battery or batteries. It often automatically adjusts to the thickness of the ceramic blade, sets the required sharpening angle and performs it quickly and efficiently. All you need to do is insert the knife into the sharpener according to the instructions. In addition to the main function, this sharpener also eliminates small chips. Some models are equipped with a cleaning device work surface from crumbs and dust. Of course, purchasing such a device is advisable in cases where the knife is of great value. Reputable brands: ChefsChoice (USA), Kyocera (Japan).

Video: how to sharpen a ceramic knife using an electric sharpener

Hand sharpener

Manual sharpeners operate in much the same way as electric ones, only the disks are driven by your actions. The sharpening angle in it has already been adjusted. This sharpener is cheaper, but will require patience and some skill when doing the job. The blade must be placed in the blade slot on the sharpener and the knife must be moved along the discs with smooth movements.

Manual sharpener for ceramic knife

Diamond-coated whetstones are also available for manual sharpening of ceramic knives. They come in the form of a file and require you to independently determine the angle for sharpening. Recommended only to professionals with experience and skill.

A diamond-coated file for manual sharpening will require maximum dexterity and precision from you.

Diamond paste

Diamond paste with an abrasive of no more than 5 microns is used to grind and sharpen the cutting surface of the knife during the final finishing process, after the main part of the process is completed. To do this, the paste is applied to flat surface(cardboard, leather) and with measured movements, grind the blade along the layer of paste. This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the result will please you.

Video: how to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

The ceramic knife is pleasant to use. With proper care and careful handling it will last for many years. Several times during this time you will have to resort to sharpening the product. Purchasing special tools for this is justified if your knives are expensive and you have several of them. Otherwise, it is better to seek the services of a specialist. However, if you decide to sharpen ceramics at home, our advice will come in handy. Remember that sharpening a ceramic knife will require a lot of time, care and attention.

Unlike metal products, sharpening of ceramic knives is required only in exceptional cases, since such blades long time remain sharp. To avoid unnecessary troubles, it is recommended that ceramic knives be sharpened by craftsmen. But if this is not possible or a sharp blade is urgently required for cooking, it is possible to sharpen a ceramic knife at home.

Diamond sharpeners

Currently, there are manual and electric ceramic sharpeners on the market. Both devices have a diamond coating. Certain models are suitable for sharpening steel knives.

Using an electric sharpener eliminates the possibility of poor-quality sharpening or damage to the blade. Using the tool does not require compliance with rules or special skills. The device itself takes care of all this.

Dignity hand tools is the most acceptable price for most consumers. However, sharpening a ceramic knife at home in this case will take a significant amount of time.

If we talk about electrical devices, then with their help you can get the job done as efficiently and quickly as possible, with virtually no effort.

To choose a suitable sharpening, you should focus on the type of blade of the ceramic product. As a rule, Japanese knives need to be sharpened on one side. The sharpening angle of ceramic knives of Asian origin is usually about 15 degrees. In European knives the angle is slightly increased and equals 20 degrees.

Diamond surface wheels

The fastest and effective sharpening ceramic knives turns out to be in case of use grinding machine, where there is a circle with a special diamond coating. To avoid damage to the blade, the ceramic knife sharpening machine should operate at low speed.

When performing work, you should apply moderate pressure on the blade to the circle. A decrease in the sharpening angle when using a sharpening machine affects the fragility of the blade.

You should start sharpening on a wheel from the handle area, gradually moving towards the tip area. To give the knife blade sharp enough to work in the kitchen, you just need to repeat this sequence of actions several times. The more carefully the sharpening is performed, the higher its quality will be, and the blade will not be damaged.

  1. The use of a sharpening machine requires increased care and attention.
  2. If desired, both single-sided and double-sided sharpening of ceramic knives can be carried out. The choice of sharpening side is relevant depending on whether the product is used by a right-handed or left-handed person. Be that as it may, it is better to stop at the universal double-sided option.
  3. Since ceramics is a fragile material, convex surfaces on the blade are allowed after sharpening.
  4. The easiest option for sharpening a blade is to take the ceramic knife to a workshop. In addition to high-quality work, you can get a guarantee of long service life of the product. The cost of the service is low, and completing the task takes a specialist no more than half an hour.

Operating rules

To ensure that sharpening of ceramic knives is required only in exceptional cases, it is enough to follow several operating rules. Under no circumstances should you use a ceramic blade to cut hard objects, such as frozen meat or bones. You should also avoid using ceramic or glass cutting boards.

In order for a knife to serve faithfully for decades, it should be used exclusively for its intended purpose. Do not use the tip of the blade as a screwdriver, open bottles with the flat of the blade, or open metal caps.

If you follow these simple tips, you will always have a sharp, effective and convenient tool for cutting food at hand.

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Dull knives in the kitchen are a disaster for the housewife. Cooking turns into a struggle with food. People say: like the knife, like the owner. And even if you bought the newfangled and sharpest ceramic tools, sooner or later the day will come when they will require sharpening. In this material from the site we will talk about how to sharpen a ceramic knife at home. What can be used for this difficult work and is it even worth taking on it yourself?

A ceramic knife is a convenient and practical kitchen tool. It remains sharp for a long time thanks to a special manufacturing technology

For thousands of years, the metal blade had no competition. Durable, strong, sharp, it served man faithfully in battle and everyday life. At the end of the last century, the inventive Japanese proposed Alternative option– knives made of ceramics. At first they were perceived as something exotic. But the quality of these products was so liked by ordinary people that now such instruments can be found in every home.

This kitchen tool is made from zirconium dioxide, a synthetic material. Zirconium powder is pressed and subjected to long-term high-temperature firing. The result is a sharp blade with excellent characteristics:

  • immunity to corrosion;
  • high hygiene;
  • ability to cut any food;
  • lightness, which allows you to work with the knife for a long time;
  • no need for constant sharpening.

In a word, such a tool will be very useful in the kitchen. But it should be handled very carefully. Ceramic knives are quite fragile, they break and break. If you apply too much force or hit a bone, the blade will break off.

Before you begin this work, carefully study how you can sharpen ceramic knives at home.

Basic rules for sharpening ceramic knives at home

If the ceramic blade begins to act up and is no longer so confident in cutting vegetables and bread, it’s time to think about sharpening. You can, of course, contact a specialized workshop to an experienced master. His services will not be cheap, be prepared for this. It is for this reason that many are interested in how they can sharpen a ceramic knife with their own hands at home. It must be remembered that not every sharpening tool is suitable for ceramics. A regular metal knife sharpener is not suitable for fragile zirconium. It is best to think about straightening the blades at the time of purchase and purchase special devices in the same store.

And now about what and how you can sharpen a ceramic knife:

How to properly sharpen a ceramic knife at home: on one or both sides

Start by carefully inspecting the knife. First of all, you need to determine how the blade was originally made: sharpened on one or both sides? Single-sided sharpening is more common in Japanese and Korean-made products. European manufacturers usually use a wedge shape.

Important! If you are purchasing a special sharpener for ceramics, find out in advance what type of blade your tool has. Sharpening mechanisms also have differences, it is important to choose them correctly.

If you start sharpening a blade with a one-way bevel on both sides, you will hopelessly ruin it. You should carefully grind off the desired side until you get a burr on the edge, and then carefully remove it with a couple of strokes along the abrasive.

How you can sharpen a ceramic knife at home: tool options

Not every tool can handle the incredibly hard surface of hardened ceramic. To process such material, diamond spraying will be required; a conventional grinding tool will be useless. The work is divided into three steps:

  • rough blade processing;
  • thorough grinding;
  • polishing

How to sharpen ceramic knives at home using a specialized grinder

Musat – handy tool for straightening knives. It allows you to quickly straighten the cutting edge. To use it, you need a certain skill: the tip of the musat is placed on the table on a napkin and then drawn along its surface with a knife at a certain angle, changing sides every 4 strokes.

Video: how to sharpen a knife at home

Stones and whetstones: which ones to choose

Using musat requires skill. It is much easier to work with a sharpening stone or whetstone. But even here you need to remember that the grain on the stone can be different, and it interacts with ceramics in different ways too:

  • large – forms an edge;
  • medium – smooths out scratches;
  • fine - polishes.
Advice! It is better for a novice master to use the apexoid to set the sharpening angle. Only after you get the hang of it can you act without it.

You will find that this material comes in quite a wide range. Stones are different and have different origins. Here are their main characteristics:

Stone typeImagePeculiarities
Natural stones
ArkansasThe mineral novaculite, which is mined in Arkansas, consists of almost 100% silicon oxide. It has a grain size of 1 to 6 microns and a special crystal structure that allows the stone to last for a very long time.
WashitaSoft whetstone of American origin. It has excellent characteristics, but is not durable due to its soft structure.
Japanese waterThis sharpener is considered a professional tool and is very popular among craftsmen. Water stone sharpens knives like razors. Lately It is not easy to buy such an instrument - mineral deposits are depleted by active mining, and Japan has introduced restrictions on its sale.
Artificial stones (bars)
Artificial waterMade from chromium oxide, silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. They work almost like natural water stone and have excellent abrasive properties. Before starting work, they require soaking for a few minutes.
DiamondThis material is available in different grains and is made from diamond chips. The sharp edges of diamond powder work well with a ceramic blade. Real bars are practically eternal - they do not become dull.
CeramicExcellent material for straightening and polishing blades. Does not require wetting. Using a ceramic whetstone you can sharpen not only knives, but also needles and fishing hooks.
Advice! If the block becomes difficult to sharpen, it needs to be washed warm water with soap and a brush and dry. It is recommended to do this after each sharpening.

Mechanical sharpeners for ceramic knives

Any manual sharpening requires time, perseverance and patience. To speed up the process, many housewives use various kinds mechanical devices. Conveniently, the angle of the blade does not need to be selected manually - it is fixed by the device. Usually the knife is inserted vertically.

Cheap kitchen sharpeners are not suitable for ceramics. Use them a couple of times and feel free to throw away the knife. For such fine workmanship you will have to look for a diamond-coated product.

Electric sharpening tool

Electric models are not cheap, but thanks to their complex design guarantee quality sharpening. You can buy such a tool in specialized stores at a price of 4,000 rubles.

The device does its job quickly and efficiently, you do not risk accidentally cutting yourself. In a word, this is the ideal of all the options listed above.

Diamond paste: long, but perfect

Grinding a blade with diamond paste is a very time-consuming process. The paste is applied to the leather belt and the surface is sanded for a very long time until the desired result is achieved.

Grinding machines: is it worth using them for sharpening ceramics?

If you are confident using a grinding wheel, you can try sharpening a ceramic knife on it, using attachments with different grits. But this is not an easy task, and the beating of the abrasive will most likely ruin the blade.

How to properly use and care for a ceramic blade

  1. Do not use this knife to cut meat with bones, frozen foods, or hard cheese.
  2. Do not drop the knife on the tiles; carefully place it in the sink.
  3. Keep the blade away from the fire as it may become so hot that it will melt the handle.
  4. Do not use these knives for crushing garlic or opening jars.
  5. To work with ceramic tool buy plastic or wooden cutting board. Do not use boards made of glass, stone, metal or ceramic.
  6. Don't try to bend the blade - it will break.
  7. Do not load ceramic tools into dishwasher. It should only be washed by hand with a mild detergent.
  8. If the knife is slightly yellowed, wash it in mild bleach.

To summarize: how to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

So, in principle, it is possible to sharpen ceramics with your own hands. Choose one of the listed methods and carefully get to work. Remember that haste can work against you. Remember to maintain the correct angle when sharpening. Do not repeat the procedure on your ceramic tool too often: with high-quality sharpening, this should only be done once or twice a year.

If you have similar experience and advice for our readers, write about it in the comments!

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Ceramic knives are becoming increasingly popular among modern housewives. This is due to a number of advantages of this type of product, in particular the fact that they become dull more slowly.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home correctly? Is it possible to do this? What kind of sharpener should you use to keep your blade sharp? And why do modern housewives choose this particular type of product?

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic products

Ceramic knives have a number of advantages, which include the following parameters:

  • no need for constant sharpening (retains sharpness for a long time);
  • safety and convenience (the cutting part has a rounded end, and the knife is quite light);
  • the blade does not oxidize (due to the presence of zirconium oxide).

Due to the listed advantages, this type of product is in great demand, but there are also disadvantages. These include:

  • short blade length (up to 18 cm);
  • low resistance to mechanical stress (if dropped on the floor, the cutting part may break);
  • short service life due to the fragility of the material.

In addition, sharpening ceramic knives is only possible using special materials.

Do ceramic knives need to be sharpened?

Despite the fact that such products can go without sharpening for a long time, sooner or later the need for this will arise. The blade will not be as sharp as before, and the knife will be uncomfortable to use.

You should know that, unlike metal blades, a ceramic product requires a delicate approach, and the usual abrasive wheel should not be used in this case.

Is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives?

Sharpening ceramic knives yourself is a risky process, since ceramics are a fragile material. If you do not know how to sharpen ceramic knives at home, it is better to contact a professional.

If you are sure that you will not spoil anything, and do not want to spend money on the services of specialists, you can do it yourself, following the basic rules for sharpening blades of this type.

Sharpening ceramic knives: features of operation

When starting work, you need to consider the type of product: sharpening a ceramic knife can be single-sided or double-sided. How to sharpen a ceramic knife correctly?

When sharpening a product with a single-sided blade, you should first sharpen the side that acts as a wedge, and the burr on the cutting surface should be uniform. Then the blade must be turned over to the other side to “grind off” the resulting burr.

If the product is double-sided, then one side is sharpened first, and then the other. With strict observance of symmetry. At the end of the work, a fine-grained stone is used to give the cutting surface greater sharpness.

How to sharpen ceramic knives

You can sharpen a ceramic knife at home using the following tools:

  • diamond block;
  • Musat;
  • electric and mechanical sharpeners.

Each method has its own characteristics, which you must familiarize yourself with before starting work.

Whatever sharpening method you choose, you should strictly adhere to the operating rules. Otherwise, you risk damaging the product.

How to sharpen knives with a diamond stone

This method requires caution and thoroughness. To properly sharpen a ceramic product using a diamond stone, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • Before sharpening, place the block in cold water for half an hour.
  • While working, strictly observe the sharpening angle.
  • Follow one trajectory of movements (in accordance with the contours of the blade).
  • Completely sharpen one side first, and only then proceed to the other.
  • When sharpening a product with a single-sided blade, you can sharpen only the “sharp” side.

If after sharpening the cutting surface has regained its original sharpness, you acted correctly. In cases where manipulations did not bring desired effect, you should not experiment, it is better to contact a specialist.

How to sharpen a ceramic blade with musat

Sharpening with musat is effective only in cases where the knife is not too dull. If you haven’t sharpened it for a long time, then this method will not help. So, how to sharpen a ceramic knife using musat? You must act according to the following principle:

  • The device is positioned vertically.
  • It is necessary to sharpen the product with smooth movements and without strong pressure.
  • It is necessary to sharpen the knife until it acquires the desired sharpness.

When working with ceramic products, be careful; this material is fragile, and as a result of strong pressure when sharpening, the blade may become deformed or break.

How to sharpen ceramic blades with a sharpener

If you have little experience in sharpening blades, this method is the most optimal. The advantages of using a sharpener include:

  • safety (when using this device the risk of getting cut is minimal);
  • reliability (it is almost impossible to damage the blade when working with a sharpener);
  • automatic determination of the sharpening angle.

These devices can be electrical or mechanical. When choosing a sharpener, you need to consider the type of product: there are blades with single-sided and double-sided sharpening. Based on this, you should purchase a sharpening device.

Under no circumstances sharpen single-sided knives using a tool for double-sided knives, you will hopelessly damage the blade!

How to sharpen ceramic products at home using a machine and a diamond wheel

If you are a “jack of all trades” and are not afraid of ruining the product, you can sharpen it on a machine using diamond wheels with different grain sizes. You will need two of them: the first (harder) is needed to sharpen the product, and the second is used for grinding.

The work is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

At the end of the work, carefully examine the surface of the “cutting” section of the blade. If there is some bulge, you have done everything right.

By following these sharpening rules, you can keep ceramic knives in perfect condition throughout their entire service life.